Design Report - RS36A

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Design Calculation for L-Shaped

Retaining Wall - RS 36A


Design of L-Type Retaining wall: Overall Height = 3.00m

1.1 Geometric details
Fill Depth = 0.40 m
Width of foundation Width of toe = 0.00 m
Width of heel = 3.43 m
Thickness of Stem at Top = 0.58 m
Thickness of Stem at base @ horizontal slope of = 0.58 m
Thickness of Heel = 0.40 m
Total width of foundation = 4.00 m
Height of Water Table (1/3 x ht. of retainment as per TAN) = 0.87 m

Distance between expansion joints = 17.27 m

Friction coefficient bet. soil and concrete (as per cl. no. 706.3.4 IRC: 78-2014) = 0.50
1.2 Details of wearing coat and backfill matterial
Angle of internal friction (f) = 32.00 degrees Angle of wall friction (d)
(Table 19 of GE Report) = 0.00 degrees
Slope of backfill soil (b) = 0.00 degrees Angle of earthside wall (a) = 0.00 degrees
Unit weight of soil = 19.00 kN/m3 Live Load Surcharge
(Table 19 of GE Report) = 20.00 kN/m2 (Cl. 5.2.7 of DBR)
Saturated Unit Weight of Soil = 22.00 kN/m3 (Table 21 of DBR) (Equivalent height) 1.05 m
Unit weight of Water = 10.00 kN/m3
1.3 Material details
1.3.1 Concrete details
Grade of concrete = C40
Unit weight of concrete = 25.00 kN/m3 (Table 20 of DBR) Coeff of thermal expansion 1.20E-05 /0C
Friction coefficient bet. soil and concrete (as per ) = tan( 32) (Table 19 of GE Report) m = 0.62

1.3.2 Reinforcing details

Grade of reinforcement Fe 500 Modulus of elasticity = 200000 MPa
Density of Steel = 78.50 kN/m3 (Table 20 of DBR)

1.4 Miscellaneous Details

Safe bearing capacity = 500.0 kN/m2 (TBC)
Thk of PCC below base slab = 0.050 m
Clear cover of base slab & Vertical wall earth = 45 mm Clear cover of others = 45 mm
face (As per AS 5100.5 table- & Cl- (As per AS 5100.5 table-
Design Life = 100 years Exposure classification = B2 (As per TAN)
Unit weight of Asphalt Pavement = 20.00 kN/m3
(Table 21 of DBR)

1.5 Sketch - Load & Geometry
Pedestrain Fence/Parapet

575 1400

0.00 Pavement = 0.00


1 Level 1


400 400 400


3425 575
Section of Retaining Wall
2.0 Load Calculation
2.1 Load Calculation of Retaining wall - per m width
Horz. Lever Moment Ver. Lever
Sl No Load Calculation Area(m2) Weight (kN) Moment (kN-m)
arm(m) (kN-m) arm(m)

Wt. of Retaining wall only

1 2.60x0.575 1.50 37.38 0.29 10.75 1.70 63.54
2 4x0.4 1.60 40.00 2.00 80.00 0.20 8.00
Wt. of Soil

3 3.425x (2.50-0.87) 5.59 106.29 2.29 243.14 1.70 180.69

4 0.5x0.00x3.43 0.00 0.00 2.86 0.00
5 3.425x 0.87 2.97 65.30 2.29 149.38
Wt. of Pavement
6 3.425x0.1 0.34 6.85 2.29 15.67 2.95 20.21
Live Load Surcharge
7 3.425x1.05263157894737 3.61 68.50 2.29 156.69 3.00 205.50
Pedestrian Fence / Parapet
8 1.4x0.575 0.81 20.13 0.29 5.79 3.29 66.16
Vertical load due to self wt of Retaining Wall 77.38 90.75 71.54
Vertical load due to earth fill 171.59 392.52 180.69
Vertical load due to Pavement 6.85 15.67 20.21
Vertical load due to Live load surcharge 68.50 156.69 205.50
Vertical load due to Crash Barrier 20.13 5.79 66.16

2.2 Earth Pressure Dry

2.2.1a Active earth Pressure on vertical wall at normal case ( Coulomb's Theory of Earth Pressure) 0.00 kN/m2

Active earth pressure coefficient at Normal case Ka

= Cos2(f-a)
Note :- 16.93 kN/m2
a = Angle subtended by the earth side wall with the Active Earth pr. diagram
vertical on the earth side = 0.00 radians
f = Angle of internal friction of the earth fill = 0.56 radians
d = Angle of friction of the earth side wall with the earth=2f/3 = 0.00 radians
b = Inclination of the earth fill surface with horizontal = 0.00 radians
gs = Unit weight of Soil at normal case = 19.00 kN/m2
Live Load Surcharge = = 20.00 kN/m2
Active earth pressure coefficient at Normal case = Ka = 0.307
Passive earth pressure coefficient at Normal case = Kp = 3.255
Earth pressure = gs * height of wall * Ka
Horz. earth pr. at top of base slab = 0.307x(2.50)x19 = 14.59 kN/m2
Horz. earth pr. at bottom slab = 0.307x(2.50+0.40)x19 = 16.93 kN/m2
Earth pr. due to Live Load surcharge = 0.307x20 = 6.15 kN/m2
Earth pr. due to Compaction = = 12.00 kN/m2

(m) (kN/m2)
0 0 0
d1 0.19 12.00
d2 2.06 12.00
d 3.00 15.48

Horizontal Force = Area of earth Pr. diagram * Cos(d+a) With W.T

Active Earth pressure
Pr. at top Pr. at Bot. Force Lever arm Moment 0.0 kN/m2
Location Height (m)
(kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN) (m) (kN-m)
d1 0.19 0.0 12.00 1.16 2.47 2.88 12.00 kN/m2
At Level 1 1.73 12.00 12.00 19.64 1.69 33.10 12.00 kN/m2

d2 2.06 12.00 12.00 23.50 1.52 35.83 12.00 kN/m2

Wall above
2.60 12.00 14.01 30.58 1.23 37.71 14.01 kN/m2
base slab
At 2
3.00 14.01 15.48 36.48 1.07 38.87 15.48 kN/m
Hydrostatitc Pressure
Water Table
Pr. at top Pr. at Bot. Force Lever arm Moment 0.0 kN/m2
Location Height (m)
(kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN) (m) (kN-m)
Wall above
2.60 0.00 8.67 3.76 0.29 1.08 8.67 kN/m2
base slab
At 2
3.00 0.00 12.67 8.02 0.42 3.39
12.67 kN/m

Earth pressure due to Live Load Surcharge

Pr. at top Pr. at Bot. Force Lever arm Moment 6.15 kN/m
Location Height (m)
(kN/m2) (kN/m2) (kN) (m) (kN-m)
Wall above
2.60 6.15 6.15 15.98 1.30 20.77 kN/m2
base slab 6.15
3.00 6.15 6.15 18.44 1.50 27.65
foundation 6.15 kN/m2
Earth pr. Diagram for Live Load Surcharge

2.3 Load from Crash Barrier

For Medium Performance Barrier: (From Table 12.2.2 of AS 5100.2:2017)
Ultimate Transverse Load (FT) = 600.00 kN
Ultimate longitudinal Load (FL) = 200.00 kN
Ultimate Vertical Downward Load (FV) = 300.00 kN
Vehicle Contact length for transverse loads (LT) & Longitudinal Loads (LL) = 2.40 m
Vehicle Contact length for vertical load ( LV) = 12.00 m
Mininmum Effective Height (He) = 1.20 m
Ultimate Transverse outward load per unit length = 250.00 kN/m
Ultimate Longitudinal load per unit length = 83.33 kN/m
Ultimate vertical load per unit length = 25.00 kN/m

The transverse load is calculated at bottom of stitch for one precast barrier unit using Yield Line analysis
Transverse Load (FT) (Yield Line Analysis) = 444.00 kN/m
Moment due to transverse load = 124.00 kNm
Dispersed length at the bottom of stitch = 4.57 m

2.40 @ 250.0 kN/m

45o 45o
1.200 @ 97 kN/m Barrier


2.600 @ 62.0 kN/m Wall

0.400 Heel Slab

@ 58.7 kN/m
Barrier (Medium Performance) Load Edge of Retaining Wall
2.40 @ 250 kN/m

1.200 45o 45o

@ 97 kN/m Barrier

@ 45 kN/m Wall

0.400 9.765
Heel Slab

@ 42 kN/m
Barrier (Medium Performance) Load Mid of Retaining Wall
2.3 Summary of Loads
At bottom of slab Wall above base slab
Sl No. Type of loads
Load Force Moment Load Force Moment
1 Dead load of retaining wall & Barrier 97.50 0.00 96.53 57.50 0.00 16.53
2 Earth fill 171.59 0.00 392.52 0.00 0.00 0.00
3a Net earth Pr. (Active-Passive) 0.00 36.48 38.87 0.00 30.58 37.71
3b Compaction Pr. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3b Groud Water (Vertical) -50.67 0.00 -101.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ground Water 0.00 8.02 3.39 0.00 3.76 1.08
4 Pavement Load 6.85 0.00 15.67 6.85 0.00 15.67
5 Live load 68.50 0.00 156.69 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 Live Load Surcharge 0.00 18.44 27.65 0.00 15.98 20.77
Road Traffic Barrier Load /m (Edge) 25.00 58.69 192.47 25.00 61.97 178.42
Road Traffic Barrier Load /m (Mid) 25.00 42.03 137.81 25.00 45.47 130.92
7 Road Traffic Barrier Load (Edge) 300.00 600.00 2520.00
8 Road Traffic Barrier Load (Mid) 300.00 600.00 2520.00


3 Verification of equilibrium
Load Combination
* Load combinations are ae per AS 5100.2 table D3 LC1 Min Str & Stability
* Load factors are as per Cl-3.3.3 of AS 5100.3 LC 2 & 3 PE + Earth Pre from Traffic (with/without downward surcharge)
* Base pressure load factors are as per Cl-2.3.3 (d) of AS 5100.3 LC 4 & 5 PE + road traffic barrier load.
LC 6 & 7 Base Pressure (with/without downward surcharge)

LL Road Traffic Barrier

Load Case Permanent Load SIDL Earth fill Earth Pr. Compaction Pr. Live load
Water table
LC1 A1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
LC2 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
LC3 G2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
LC4 F1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
LC5 F2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
LC6 Base Pre. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
LC7 Base Pre. 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
LC8 Base Pre. 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1

Load combination at bottom of base slab for verification of equilibrium

Restoring Forces Overturning Forces
Load Case Vertical load Lateral force Moment (MR) Vertical load Lateral force Moment (MO)
(WR) (kN) (FR) (kN) (kN-m) (WO) (kN) (FO) (kN) (kN-m)
1 225.28 0.00 403.39 0.00 44.50 42.25
2 293.78 0.00 560.08 0.00 62.94 69.91
3 225.28 0.00 403.39 0.00 44.50 42.25
4 3889.39 0.00 6964.44 0.00 1368.33 3249.52 (PE+FT only ) FT considered EJ to EJ
5 4189.39 0.00 6964.44 0.00 768.33 729.52 (PE+FV only )
6 293.78 0.00 560.08 0.00 62.94 69.91
7 225.28 0.00 403.39 0.00 103.19 234.72 (PE+FT only ) FT over dispered length
8 225.28 0.00 403.39 0.00 103.19 234.72 (PE+FT only ) FT over dispered length
Total Base Width, B = 4.0m
Coefficient of Friction m = 0.62
Strength reduction factor g For Bearing = 0.4 (For bearing mid value of 0.4 is considered)
For Overturning = 0.5 (As per SWTC Clause (4e) Table B5.5.5) 0.65
For Sliding = 0.65 0.8
Ultimate SBC = 500 kN/m2
Output for the Stability Check :

Bearing Pressure
Overturning Sliding C.G of Pr. At stem
Load Case Eccentricity Pr. At Heel SBC F.O.S
((MR* g) / ( m WR / Vertical Load face
(e) 2 WR/B-6WRe/B SBC

Case 1 4.77 2.06

Case 2 4.01 1.90
Case 3 4.77 2.06 ( considered
Case 4 1.07 1.15 EJ to EJ)
Case 5 4.77 2.21
Case 6 1.67 0.33 109.96 36.93 200.00 1.82 ( considered over
Case 7 1.65 0.35 85.64 27.00 200.00 2.34 dispersed length)
Case 8 1.65 0.35 85.64 27.00 200.00 2.34 dispersed length)
Base pressure check from DRY CONDITION:
Maximum = 120.16 kN/m2 Dry Condition
Minimum = 24.20 kN/m2 Dry Condition

Stability Check for L-wall when Eccentric Barrier Load applied:

Over turning Forces F Eccentricity
F1 = 600.00 kN 13.48 m
F2 = 768.33 kN 8.6325 m
Total Moment one end of EJ line
Mo = 14722.1 kNm
Restoring Forces F Eccentricity
R1 = 1944.29 kN 8.6325 m
R2 = 133.45 kN 8.6325 m
From Passive resistance
Kp 3.25
30.92 kN/m2
Resisting Moment one end of EJ line
MR = 17936.1 kNm 500
F.O.S = 1.22

E.J line 1944.29 kN

17.27 m

768.33 kN
8.6325 m
13.48 m 600 kN

4.1 Retaining wall & Barrier - Self Weight Note:

Downward '+ve'
Heel side Upward '-ve'
3425 575

W= 97.50 kN M= 96.53 kNm M/W = 0.990 m

e= 1.01 m B= 4m
@ Start of Heel @ Face of Stem @ End of Heel
Wt.of base slab 10 kN/m2 10 kN/m2 10 kN/m2
Wt.of earth fill 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2
Base pressure 12.6 kN/m2 -50.7 kN/m2 -61.3 kN/m2
Total pr. 22.6 kN/m2 -40.7 kN/m2 -51.3 kN/m2
Moment 8.6 kN-m/m
Shear at dist d for toe and face of wall for heel -31.1 kN/m

4.2 Earth fill

W= 171.59 kN M= 392.52 kNm M/W = 2.288 m
e= -0.29 m B= 4m
Wt.of earth fill 47.5 kN/m2 47.5 kN/m2 0 kN/m2
Base pressure -61.4 kN/m2 -29.7 kN/m2 -24.4 kN/m2
Total pr. -13.9 kN/m2 17.8 kN/m2 -24.4 kN/m2
Moment -19.6 kN-m/m
Shear at dist d for toe and face of wall for heel 6.7 kN/m

4.3 Pavement
W= 6.85 kN M= 15.67 kNm M/W = 2.288 m
e= -0.29 m B= 4m
Wt.of earth fill 2 kN/m2 2 kN/m2 0 kN/m2
Base pressure -2.5 kN/m2 -1.2 kN/m2 -1.0 kN/m2
Total pr. -0.5 kN/m2 0.8 kN/m2 -1.0 kN/m2
Moment -0.2 kN-m/m
Shear at dist d for toe and face of wall for heel 0.6 kN/m

4.4 Ground Water ( Vertical)

W= -50.67 kN M= -101.33 kNm M/W = 2.000 m
e= 0.00 m B= 4m
Wt.of earth fill 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2
Base pressure 12.7 kN/m2 12.7 kN/m2 12.7 kN/m2
Total pr. 12.7 kN/m2 12.7 kN/m2 12.7 kN/m2
Moment 74.3 kN-m/m
Shear at dist d 43.4 kN/m

4.5 Earth Pressure at Normal case

W= 0.00 kN M= 38.87 kNm B= 4m
Wt.of earth fill 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2
Base pressure 14.6 kN/m2 -10.4 kN/m2 -14.6 kN/m2
Total pr. 14.6 kN/m2 -10.4 kN/m2 -14.6 kN/m2
Moment 36.7 kN-m/m
Shear at dist d 7.2 kN/m

4.6 Compaction Pressure at Normal case

W= 0.00 kN M= 0.00 kNm B= 4m
Wt.of earth fill 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2
Base pressure 0.0 kN/m2 0.0 kN/m2 0.0 kN/m2
Total pr. 0.0 kN/m2 0.0 kN/m2 0.0 kN/m2
Moment 0.0 kN-m/m
Shear at dist d 0.0 kN/m

4.7 Live load

W= 68.50 kN M= 156.69 kNm M/W = 2.288 m
e= -0.29 m B= 4m
Wt.of earth fill 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2
Base pressure -24.5 kN/m2 -11.9 kN/m2 -9.7 kN/m2
Total pr. -24.5 kN/m2 -11.9 kN/m2 -9.7 kN/m2
Moment -119.0 kN-m/m
Shear at dist d -62.3 kN/m

4.8 Live load surcharge at Normal case

W= 0.00 kN M= 27.65 kNm B= 4m
Wt. of LL surcharge 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2
Base pressure 10.4 kN/m2 -7.4 kN/m2 -10.4 kN/m2
Total pr. 10.4 kN/m2 -7.4 kN/m2 -10.4 kN/m2
Moment 26.1 kN-m/m
Shear at dist d 5.1 kN/m

4.9 Ground Water

W= 0.00 kN M= 3.39 kNm B= 4m
Wt.of earth fill 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2
Base pressure 1.3 kN/m2 -0.9 kN/m2 -1.3 kN/m2
Total pr. 1.3 kN/m2 -0.9 kN/m2 -1.3 kN/m2
Moment 3.2 kN-m/m
Shear at dist d 0.6 kN/m

4.10 Road Traffic Barrier Load (FV) Vertical

W= 25.00 kN M= 7.19 kNm M/W = 0.288 m
e= 1.71 m B= 4m
Wt.of earth fill 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2
Base pressure 9.8 kN/m2 -17.7 kN/m2 -22.3 kN/m2
Total pr. 9.8 kN/m2 -17.7 kN/m2 -22.3 kN/m2
Moment 3.8 kN-m/m
Shear at dist d -13.5 kN/m

4.10 Road Traffic Barrier Load (FT) Transverse

W= 0.00 kN M= 192.47 kNm B= 4m
Wt.of earth fill 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2 0 kN/m2
Base pressure 72.2 kN/m2 -51.4 kN/m2 -72.2 kN/m2
Total pr. 72.2 kN/m2 -51.4 kN/m2 -72.2 kN/m2
Moment 181.7 kN-m/m
Shear at dist d 35.5 kN/m

Summary of Moment
LL Road Traffic Barrier
DL SIDL Earth fill Earth Pr. Compaction Pr. Live load Ground water
Surcharge Load
Wall above
0 0 0 37.71 0.00 0.0 20.77 1.08 178.42
base slab
At heel slab 8.6 -0.2 -19.6 36.7 0.0 -119.0 26.1 77.5 181.7
Summary of Shear
DL SIDL Earth fill EP Compaction Pr. Live load Ground water Impact
Wall above
0 0 0 30.58 0.00 0.0 15.98 3.76 61.97
base slab
At heel slab -31.1 0.6 6.7 7.2 0.0 -62.3 5.1 44.0 35.5
5.0 Designs
5.1 Load combination
5.1.1 Ultimate limit State * Load combinations are ae per AS 5100.2 table D3
Load Combination
LL Road Traffic Barrier Load Case Permanent Load SIDL Earth fill Earth Pr. Compaction Pr. Live load
Ground water
1 Reduces Safety 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.00
2 Incre. Safety 0.85 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.00
3 Reduces Safety 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.50 1.00
4 Incre. Safety 0.85 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.70 1.00
5 Reduces Safety 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 0 0.00 1.00
6 Incre. Safety 0.85 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0 0.00 1.00
7 Reduces Safety 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 0 0 1.00 1.00
8 Incre. Safety 0.85 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0 0 1.00 1.00
Basic Combination (UL1)
Wall above base slab At heel slab
Type of loads Moment Moment
Shear (kN) Shear (kN)
(kN-m) (kN-m)
1 57.65 49.63 113.28 28.36
2 27.48 25.16 96.67 27.79
3 88.80 73.59 -26.11 -57.42
4 42.02 36.35 31.62 -12.24
5 57.65 49.63 113.28 28.36
6 27.48 25.16 96.67 27.79
7 236.07 111.60 294.96 63.89
8 205.90 87.13 278.35 63.32
Maximum 236.07 111.60 294.96 63.89
Minimum 27.48 25.16 -26.11 -57.42
Maximum 424.39 143.13 419.66 67.04 DRY Condition Results
Minimum 26.44 21.63 -80.15 -89.23 DRY Condition Results
5.1.2 Serviceability limit state
Load Combination (As per AS 5100-2 : 2017)
1) Permanent Load + Earth Pr. + Water table effect
2) Permanent Load + Earth Pr. + Water table effect + Compaction Pr.
3) Permanent Load + Earth Pr. + Water table effect + Compaction Pr. + Live Load
4) Permanent Load + Earth Pr. + Compaction Pr. + Water table effect + Live Load (without downward surcharge)
Load Case Permanent Load SIDL Earth fill Earth Pr. Compaction Pr. Live load
Ground water Impact

1 1 1 1.2 1.2 1 0
2 1 1 1.2 1.2 1 1 1 0
3 1 1 1.2 1.2 1 1.00 0.00
4 1 1 1.2 1.2 1 0 1.00 1.00 0.00
Basic Combination (SL1)
Wall above base slab At heel slab
Type of loads
Moment(kN-m) Moment(kN-m)
1 46.33 106.49
2 67.10 13.56
3 46.33 106.49
4 67.10 132.59
Maximum 67.10 132.59
Maximum 66.09 73.87 DRY CONDITION

6.0 Wall Capacity Checks

Concrete Properties
Concrete Strength = 40 Mpa
fct,f = 3.79 Mpa
Table 3.1.2 Elastic Modulus = 32800 Mpa
Exposure Class = B2
Table Minimum Cover = 45 mm
AS5100.5 - 2017 Steel Reinforcement Properties
Es = 200 Gpa
Yield Strength fsy = 500 Mpa
εy = 0.0025 mm/mm
Dia of Shear links = 0 mm
Stem Section Properties Ht/ Th = 4.522
b= 1000 mm
D= 575 mm

Eq. Slab Reinforcement

2 2
AS5100.5 - 2017 Min Ast req. (for one layer), Ast >αb (D/d) *(f'ct.f/fsy)*bw*d = 968.83 mm /m
1> At Earth face

αb = 0.2
Rebar dia, db = 24 mm
spacing , s = 150 mm
No of layer = 1
Nbars / unit width = 6.7 bars
Area / Bar = 452.39 mm^2
Area of tensile reinf, Ast = 3015.93 mm /m Ok
Cl (ii) Min Ast req. Ast 500 mm /m
2> At Other face

AS5100.5 - 2017 Rebar dia, db = 16 mm

spacing , s = 150 mm
No of layer = 1
Nbars / unit width = 6.7
Area / Bar = 201.06
Area of tensile reinf, Ast = 1340.41 mm /m OK

cover to center line of tensile rebar, d" = 73 mm

effective depth , d0 =D-d" = 518 mm

ULS Factored Loading Demands

Base of Stem
Maximum Shear , V* = 143 kN
Maximum Moment, M* = 424 kNm
Minimum Axial, N* = 0.00 kN

Moment Check
Nominal Moment Capacity
Eq. 8.1.3(1) α2 = 0.85
Eq. 8.1.3(2) γ = 0.77
AS5100.5 - 2017 T = 1507.96 kN
Cc = T = 1507.96 kN
a = 44.35 mm
Mn = 747.7 kNm
Reduction Factor Limits
Table 2.3.2 a= γkud
Table 2.3.2 ku = 0.11 < ku = 0.36 Ok
AS5100.5 - 2017 φm = 0.80
Factored Flexural Capacity
φmMn = 598.1 kNm
ULS Moment Capacity
M* = 424 kNm < φmMn ? Ok

Shear Check
Cl- Effective Shear Depth, dv = 495.8 mm Effective Shear Limits
AS5100.5 - 2017 0.72D = 414 mm
0.9*d = 466.2 mm
Cl- General Method for non-prestressed concrete
Eq.,a) M* = 424.4 kNm Note* No Axial Loading inculded
Eq. εx = 0.000828
εx - Adjusted = 0.000828 *Reinforced Concrete
Cl- θv = 34.8 deg
Eq. dg = 16 mm
Eq. kdg = 1.00
AS5100.5 - 2017 Kv = 0.155

Concrete Component of Shear Capacity

f'v = 6.32 Mpa <8 Ok
Vuc = 486 kN

Require Shear Reinforcement?

Table 2.3.2 φV = 0.7
φVVu = 340 kN
Cl. 0.5*φVVu = 170 kN
AS5100.5 - 2017 V* = 143.1 kN
Shear Reinforcement not Required
Shear Capacity
V* = 143.1 kN < φVVuc Ok

Cl. Minimum Required Shear Reinforcement:

Cl Spacing (Along Longi. Axis of member)= 250 mm < 0.5 D or 300mm
AS5100.5 - 2017 Spacing (perpendi. to axis of member) = 250 mm < D or 600mm
No of Legs in Trans. Dir) = 1 Nos2 2
Asv,min = 189.74 mm > 175 mm
Asv Provided = 0 mm / m Ok

Cl. Strength of beam with minimum Require Shear Reinforcement

AS5100.5 - 2017
i) Vuc+0.1sqrt(f'c) * bv * do = 813.8
ii) Vuc + 0.6* bv * do = 797.0
φV Vu, min = 569.66 kN

Limit Check
V* = 143.1 kN < φVVu,min Ok

Cl.8.2.7 Additional Longitudinal Reinforcement Check:

AS5100.5 - 2017 D Ftd = 0.5 * N + (V* - 0.5 Vus - Pv)* Cot qv
= 143.13 kN

Table 2.3.2 Additional reinforcement required j= 0.7

AS5100.5 - 2017 As fsy+ Ap fpy > DFtd / j
As provided = 3015.9 mm /m
Total tension force = (M* / do) + D Ftd
= 819 + 143.13
962.41 kN
Capacity of the provided reinforcement = As * fsy * j

= 1055.6 kN Ok

Cl. 11.7.2 Calculation for Secondary Reinforcement : (For wall)

AS 5100.5 -2017
Reinforcement in the secondary direction on each face = 968.83 mm /m/face
Reinforcement in the secondary direction on each face (near base) = 1375.00 mm /m/face
Min Ast req.
Adopt N16- 150 = 1340 OK
Adopt N16- 125 = 1608 OK

7.0 Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Check: For wall

Section Properties
Section Geometry
Width of beam; b = 1000 mm
Depth of beam; D = 575 mm
Tensile Reinforcement
Reinforcement bar diameter; dt = 24 mm
No. of bars; nt = 6.66666667 -
Distance from face to tensile reinforcement; d" = 57 mm
Side distance from face to long reinforcement; cs = 45 mm
d = D- d" = 518 mm
Area of tensile reinforcement; Ast = 3016 mm

Compressive Reinforcement

Reinforcement bar diameter; dc = 16 mm

Number of bars; nc = 6.66666667 -
Depth to compressive reinforcement; dsc = 57 mm
Area of compressive reinforcement; Asc = 1340 mm

Material Specification
Characteristic compressive strength (concrete); f'c = 40 MPa
Flexural tensile strength (concrete); f'cf = 0.6 √f'c = 3.8 MPa
Modulus of elasticity for concrete (@ 28 days); Ec = 32800 MPa

Yield strength of steel (reinforcement); fsy = 500 MPa

Modulus of elasticity for steel reinforcement; Es = 200 GPa

Load Inputs
Exposure classification = other Cl. 8.6.1 (c)
Moment due to serviceability combination
SLS bending moment; M*sl = 67 kNm

Strain/Stress Analysis in Flexure:

Modular ratio; n = (Es/Ec) = 6.1 -
Depth to bottom of cracked section; kd = 118 mm
Second moment of area for cracked section; Icr = 3.52.E+09 mm4
Compressive concrete strain; ec = 0.00007 - Note: -ve tension, +ve compression

Compressive steel strain; esc = 0.00004 -

Tensile steel strains; est = -0.00023 -
Curvature (Strain slope) = 0.00058 m-1
Compressive concrete stress; sc = 2.2 MPa
Compressive steel stress; ssc = 5.9 MPa
Tensile steel stress; fscr = -46.6 MPa

Max steel stress for flexure (based on dt); fscr max= -160 MPa Table 8.6.1(A)
Max steel stress for flexure (based on bs); fscr = -272 MPa Table 8.6.1(B)

Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Check (Absolute Steel Stress)

fscr = 47 MPa < fscr = 272 MPa Ok Cl. 8.6.1(e)

Maximum Bar Spacing Check

Bar spacing (centre to centre); bs = 161 mm Ok Cl. 8.6.1(b)

Max Side/Soffit Distance Check

Max. (d", cs) = 57 mm Ok Cl. 8.6.1(b)

8.0 Heel Slab Capacity Checks

Concrete Properties
Concrete Strength = 40 Mpa
fct,f = 3.79 Mpa
Table 3.1.2 Elastic Modulus = 32800 Mpa
Exposure Class = B2
Table Minimum Cover = 45 mm
AS5100.5 - 2017 Steel Reinforcement Properties
Es = 200 Gpa
Yield Strength fsy = 500 Mpa
εy = 0.0025 mm/mm
Dia of Shear links = 0 mm
Base Section Properties Ht/ Th = 6.50
b = 1000 mm
D = 400 mm

ULS Factored Loading Demands

At Face of Stem Earth Face Other Face
Maximum Shear = 67 89 kN
Maximum Moment = 420 80 kNm
Minimum Axial = 0.00 0 kN

Eq. Slab Reinforcement

2 2
AS5100.5 - 2017 Min Ast req. (for one layer), Ast >αb (D/d) *(f'ct.f/fsy)*bw*d = 712.21 mm /m
1> At Earth face

αb = 0.2
Rebar dia, db = 28 mm
spacing , s = 150 mm
No of layer = 1
Nbars / unit width = 6.67 bars
Area / Bar = 615.75 mm^2
Area of tensile reinf, Ast = 4105.01 mm^2 Ok
Cl (ii) Min Ast req. Ast 500 mm /m
2> At Other face

AS5100.5 - 2017 Rebar dia, db = 16 mm

spacing , s = 150 mm
No of layer = 1
Nbars / unit width = 6.7bars
Area / Bar = 201.06mm^2
Area of tensile reinf, Ast = 1340 mm /m OK

cover to center line of tensile rebar, d" = 59 mm

effective depth , d0 =D-d" = 341 mm

Moment Check
Nominal Moment Capacity
Eq. 8.1.3(1) α2 = 0.85
Eq. 8.1.3(2) γ = 0.77 0.77
AS5100.5 - 2017 T = 2052.51 670.21 kN
Cc = T = 2052.51 670.21 kN
a = 60.37 19.71 mm
Mn = 638.0 221.9 kNm
Reduction Factor Limits
Table 2.3.2 a= γkud
Table 2.3.2 ku = 0.23 0.08 < ku = 0.36 Ok
AS5100.5 - 2017 φm = 0.80 0.80
Factored Flexural Capacity
φmMn = 510.4 177.5 kNm
ULS Moment Capacity
M* = 420 80 kNm < φmMn ? Ok

Shear Checks
Cl- Effective Shear Depth = 310.8 mm Effective Shear Limits
AS5100.5 - 2017 0.72D = 288 mm
0.9*d = 306.9 mm
Cl- General Method for non-prestressed concrete
Eq.,a) M* = 419.7 kNm Note* No Axial Loading inculded
Eq. εx = 0.000863
εx - Adjusted = 0.000863 *Reinforced Concrete
Cl- θv = 35.0 deg
Eq. dg = 16 mm
Eq. kdg = 1.00
AS5100.5 - 2017 Kv = 0.173

Concrete Component of Shear Capacity

f'v = 6.32 Mpa <8 Ok
Vuc = 340 KN

Require Shear Reinforcement?

Table 2.3.2 φV = 0.7
φVVu = 238 KN
Cl. 0.5*φVVu = 119 KN
AS5100.5 - 2017 V* = 89.2 KN
Shear Reinforcement not Required
Shear Capacity
V* = 89.2 KN < φVVuc Ok

Cl. Minimum Required Shear Reinforcement:

AS5100.5 - 2017 Spacing (Along Longi. Axis of member)= 250 mm > 0.5 D or 300mm
Cl Spacing (perpendi. to axis of member) = 250 mm < D or 600mm
No of Legs in Trans. Dir) = 2 Nos2 2
Asv,min = 189.74 mm > 175 mm
Asv Provided = 0 mm / m Ok

Cl. Strength of beam with minimum Require Shear Reinforcement

AS5100.5 - 2017
i) Vuc+0.1sqrt(f'c) * bv * do = 555.5
ii) Vuc + 0.6* bv * do = 544.4
φV Vu, min = 388.85 kN

Limit Check
V* = 89.2 kN < φVVu,min Ok

Cl.8.2.7 Additional Longitudinal Reinforcement Check:

AS5100.5 - 2017 D Ftd = 0.5 * N + (V* - 0.5 Vus - Pv)* Cot qv
= 127.24 kN

Table 2.3.2 Additional reinforcement required

AS5100.5 - 2017 As fsy+ Ap fpy > DFtd / j j= 0.7
As provided = 4105 mm /m
Total tension force = (M* / do) + D Ftd
= 1231 + 127.24
1357.93 kN

Capacity of the provided reinforcement = As * fsy * j

= 1436.8 kN Ok

Cl. 11.7.2 Calculation for Secondary Reinforcement : (For slab)

AS 5100.5 -2017
Reinforcement in the secondary direction = 1232 mm /m/face

Adopt N16- 125 = 1608 OK


9.0 Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Check: for Heel Slab

Section Properties
Section Geometry
Width of beam; b = 1000 mm
Depth of beam; D = 400 mm
Tensile Reinforcement
Reinforcement bar diameter; dt = 28 mm
No. of bars; nt = 6.6666667 -
Distance from face to tensile reinforcement; d" = 59 mm
Side distance from face to long reinforcement; cs = 75 mm
d = D- d" = 341 mm
Area of tensile reinforcement; Ast = 4105 mm

Compressive Reinforcement
Reinforcement bar diameter; dc = 16 mm
Number of bars; nc = 6.67 -
Depth to compressive reinforcement; dsc = 59 mm
Area of compressive reinforcement; Asc = 1340 mm

Material Specification
Characteristic compressive strength (concrete); f'c = 40 MPa
Flexural tensile strength (concrete); f'cf = 0.6 √f'c = 3.8 MPa
Modulus of elasticity for concrete (@ 28 days); Ec = 32800 MPa

Yield strength of steel (reinforcement); fsy = 500 MPa

Modulus of elasticity for steel reinforcement; Es = 200 GPa

Load Inputs
Exposure classification = other B2 Cl. 8.6.1 (c)
Moment due to serviceability combination
SLS bending moment; M*sl = 133 kNm

Strain/Stress Analysis in Flexure:

Modular ratio; n = (Es/Ec) = 6.1 -
Depth to bottom of cracked section; kd = 106 mm
Second moment of area for cracked section; Icr = 1.79.E+09 mm4
Compressive concrete strain; ec = 0.00024 - Note: -ve tension, +ve compression

Compressive steel strain; esc = 0.00010 -

Tensile steel strains; est = -0.00053 -
Curvature (Strain slope) = 0.00225 m-1
Compressive concrete stress; sc = 7.8 MPa
Compressive steel stress; ssc = 17.5 MPa
Tensile steel stress; fscr = -106.1 MPa

Max steel stress for flexure (based on dt); fscr max= -140 MPa Table 8.6.1(A)
Max steel stress for flexure (based on bs); fscr = -280 MPa Table 8.6.1(B)

Serviceability Limit State (SLS) Check (Absolute Steel Stress)

fscr = 106 MPa < fscr = 280 MPa Ok Cl. 8.6.1(e)

Maximum Bar Spacing Check

Bar spacing (centre to centre); bs = 150 mm Ok Cl. 8.6.1(b)

Max Side/Soffit Distance Check

Max. (d", cs) = 75 mm Ok Cl. 8.6.1(b)

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