Pathology Chapterwise Year Questions. 2nd Yr Bds

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SECTION I General Pathology and Basic Techniques

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Pathology

CHAPTER 2 Techniques for the Study of Pathology

CHAPTER 3 Cell Injury and Cellular Adaptations

1. Dystrophic calcification [2M] (Feb 2011) (Aug 2017) (Aug 2017)
2. Pathological calcification [5M] (Aug 2011) (Feb 2015) (Aug 2019)

3. Define necrosis. Classify necrosis [5M] (Feb 2012)

Define Necrosis. Classify with examples. [5M] (Aug 2012)
Define necrosis. Discuss types of necrosis [10M] (Aug 2015)
Types of Necrosis with examples [5M] (Feb 2020)

4.Differences between necrosis and apoptosis [5M] (Feb 2013)

5. Free radical mediated – cell-injury [5M] (Feb 2013)
6. Fatty Liver [5M] (Aug 2014)
Fatty change of Liver [5M] (Feb 2017)
7. Apoptosis[ 5M] (Aug 2016)
8. Dry Gangrene [5M] (Feb 2017)
9. Cytokinins [5M] (Aug 2017)
10. Types and etiological aspects of Gangrene [5M] (Aug 2018)
11. Give two examples for Physiological and Pathological atrophy
[2M] (Feb 2019)

CHAPTER 4 Immunopathology Including Amyloidosis

1. Define Amyloidosis. Describe the pathological changes in the
organs. Add a note on the special stains for Amyloid. [10M] (Aug
2. Special Stains for amyloidosis. [5M] (Aug 2015)
Give three special stains for Amyloidosis. [2M] (Aug 2019)
3. Type I Hypersensitivity [5M] (Feb 2015)

CHAPTER 5 Derangements of Homeostasis and Haemodynamics

1. Define Thrombosis. Discuss the factors favouring Thrombus
formation. Add a note on the fate of Thrombus. [10M] (Feb 2011)
Fate of Thrombus. [5M] (Feb 2018) [2M] (Feb 2020)
2. Differences between exudates and transudate [2M] (Feb 2011)
[2M] (Feb 2019)
3. Caisson’s Disease. [5M] (Aug 2012) (Aug 2016)
4. Define shock. Classify shock. Discuss in detail about pathogenesis
of septic shock and morphology of various organs in shock [10M]
(Feb 2013)
Define shock. What are the types of shock? Discuss the
pathogenesis of septic shock. [10M] (Aug 2017)
Define Shock. Write the classification of shock. Discuss the
etiopathogenesis and complication of septic shock. [10M] (Aug
5. Types of Oedema [5M] (Aug 2013) (Feb 2016)
6. Define edema. Discuss the etiology and pathogenesis of renal
edema [10M] (Feb 2014)
Define oedema. Write in detail about the pathogenesis of oedema.
[10M] (Aug 2019)

7. Hypovolemic shock [5M] (Aug 2014)

8. Organization of Thrombus [5M] (Feb 2015)
9. Renal Edema [5M] (Aug 2015)
10. Types of Infarcts [5M] (Feb 2017)
11. Virchows Triad [2M] (Aug 2018)
12. Brown Induration of Lungs. [5M] (Feb 2019)
13. Types of Embolism [5M] (Aug 2014)

CHAPTER 6 Inflammation and Healing

1.Fracture healing[5M] (Feb 2011) (Aug 2014)
2. Ghon complex[2M] (Feb 2011)
Primary complex [5M](Feb 2013) (Aug 2017)
3. Define inflammation. Mention chemical mediators. Write about
their role in inflammation [10M] (Feb 2012)
Define Inflammation. Discuss the chemical mediators of
Inflammation [10M] (Aug 2016)
4. Summary of chemical mediators in inflammation [5M] (Aug 2012)
6. Congenital Syphilis [5M] (Aug 2012) (Feb 2017) (Feb 2018)
7. Describe the types and mechanisms of wound healing. What are the
factors which affect wound healing? What are the complications of
wound healing? [10M] (Feb 2020)
Factors Influencing wound healing [5M] (Aug 2013) (Feb 2016)
8. Complications of Tertiary syphilis [5M] (Aug 2013) (Feb 2016)
9. Healing by second intention (secondary union) [5M] (Feb 2014)
10. Granuloma [5M] (Feb 2014) (Aug 2014) (Aug 2015)
Granuloma – Types and Mechanism of formation. [5M] (Feb
11. Arachidonic acid metabolites [5M] (Aug 2014)
Arachidonic acid metabolites in inflammation [5M] (Feb 2020)
12. Define repair. Describe Healing by first intention. (Primary union)
Discuss the factors influencing wound healing. [10M] (Feb 2015)
13. Chemotaxis [5M] (Feb 2015)
14. Define Inflammation. Discuss the cellular events of acute
inflammation. [10M] (Feb 2018)
15. Role of complements in Inflammation [5M] (Aug 2018)
16. Give two examples for Physiological and Pathological giant cells.
[2M] (Aug 2018)

CHAPTER 7 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

1. Opportunistic infections [2M] (Feb 2019)

CHAPTER 8 Neoplasia
1. Define Neoplasm. Discuss the etiology and laboratory diagnosis of
Cancer. [10M] (Aug 2011)
2. Chemical carcinogens [5M] (Feb 2012)
Define Neoplasia. Discuss Chemical Carcinogenesis. [10M] (Feb
3. Pre-Neoplastic conditions [5M] (Aug 2012)
4. Classify Carcinogens. Explain the role of Oncogenic viruses in
human cancer. [10M] (Aug 2013)
Classify Carcinogens. Discuss the role of Oncogenic viruses in human
cancer. [10M] (Feb 2016)
5. Human oncogenic viruses [5M] (Feb 2014)
6. Define Neoplasia. Tabulate the differences between benign and
malignant neoplasms with examples [10M] (Aug 2014)
Differences between Benign and Malignant tumor. [5M] (Aug 2018)
7. Grading and staging of tumour [5M] (Aug 2016)
8. Define Neoplasia. Discuss the routes of spread of malignant
tumours [10M] (Feb 2017)
9. Define and discuss the process of Metastasis [5M] (Feb 2019)
10. Types of metastatic spread and one example of each. [2M] (Feb

CHAPTER 9 Environmental and Nutritional Diseases

1. Scurvy [5M] (Feb 2013) (Feb 2016) [2M] (Aug 2018)
2. Causes for Malnutrition [5M] (Aug 2013)
3. Vitamin D. deficiency [5M] (Feb 2014)
4. Radiation injury [5M] (Feb 2015)
5. Rickets [5M] (Feb 2020)

CHAPTER 10 Genetic and Paediatric Diseases

1.Trisomy 21[5M] (Feb 2019)
2. Albinism [2M] (Feb 2020)
CHAPTER 11 Basic Diagnostic Cytology
Section II
CHAPTER 12 Introduction to Haematopoietic System and
Disorders of Erythroid Series
1.Blood and bone marrow picture in megaloblastic anaemia[5M](Feb
Peripheral blood smear in and bone marrow picture in megaloblastic
anemia. [5M] (Feb 2012)
2. Laboratory findings in Iron Deficiency Anaemia. [5M] (Aug 2012)
Blood and Bone marrow picture of Iron deficiency anaemia. [5M]
(Aug 2015)
Peripheral blood picture and Clinical manifestations of Iron
deficiency anaemia. [5M] (Feb 2020)
3. Megaloblastic anaemia [5M] (Aug 2013) (Feb 2016)
4. Microcytic hypochromic anemia. [5M] (Feb 2015)
5. Pernicious Anemia [2M] (Aug 2018)

CHAPTER 13 Disorders of Platelets, Bleeding Disorders and

Basic Transfusion Medicine
1. Hemophilia A [5M] (Aug 2011)
2. Von Willie brandts disease [5M] (Feb 2012)
3. Haemophilia [5M] (Aug 2014) [2M] (Aug 2019)
4. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). [5M] (Aug 2016)
5. DIC [5M] (Feb 2018)
CHAPTER 14 Disorders of Leucocytes and Lymphoreticular
1.Types of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma [2M] (Feb 2011)
2. Peripheral blood smear and bone marrow pictures of chronic
myeloid leukemia [5M] (Aug 2011) (Feb 2013)
Blood and Bone marrow picture of Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia [5M]
(Feb 2017)
What are the stages you see in the peripheral smear of chronic
myeloid leukemia? [2M] (Aug 2019)
3. Agranulocytosis [5M] (Aug 2011)
4. Define and classify different types of Leukemia [5M] (Aug 2017)
5. Blood and Bone marrow picture of AML [5M] (Feb 2018)
6. Leukemoid reaction [2M] (Feb 2019)
CHAPTER 15 The Blood Vessels and Lymphatics
1. Etiopathogenesis of atherosclerosis. [5M] (Feb 2012)

CHAPTER 16 The Heart

CHAPTER 19 Benin and Malignant lesions of head and neck, The

Oral Cavity and Salivary Glands
1. Ameloblastoma [2M] (Feb 2011)
2. Precancerous lesions of oral cavity [5M] (Feb 2013)
Name 4 pre-malignant conditions of oral cavity cancer. [2M] (Feb
3.Rodent Ulcer. [5M] (Aug 2015)(note:from skin chapter)
4. Squamous cell Carcinoma [5M] (Aug 2017)
5. Name two benign Salivary Gland tumors. [2M] (Aug 2019)

CHAPTER 22 The Kidney and Lower Urinary Tract

1. Give three microscopic changes in Diabetic Kidney [2M] (Aug

CHAPTER 27 The Endocrine System

1. Kidney in diabetes [5M] (Aug 2011)
CHAPTER 28 The Musculoskeletal System

Miscellaneous questions
1. Systemic and oral manifestations of AIDS [5M] (Aug 2016)-
Chapter 4 and chapter 19
2. Barr body [2M] (Aug 2018) Ch-10&11
3. Opportunistic infections [2M] (Feb 2019)

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