Policy Booklet Helicopter

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Helicopter Insurance

Policy Booklet

Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE

Helicopter Insurance Policy Booklet

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Definitions ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Section 1: Aircraft Loss or Damage ....................................................................................................... 6
Section 2. Betterment .............................................................................................................................. 7
Section 3: War and Allied Perils ............................................................................................................. 7
Section 4: Road Transportation ........................................................................................................... 11
Section 5: Courtesy Aircraft ................................................................................................................. 11
Section 6: Third Party Legal Liability .................................................................................................. 12
Section 7: Passenger Legal Liability ................................................................................................... 12
Section 8: Crown Indemnity ................................................................................................................. 13
Section 9: Passenger Voluntary Settlement ....................................................................................... 13
Section 10: Airside Vehicle Liability .................................................................................................... 14
Section 11: Spares and Equipment ..................................................................................................... 15
Section 12: Flying Clothing and Effects .............................................................................................. 15
Section 13: Trip Interruption................................................................................................................. 16
Section 14: Personal Accident ............................................................................................................. 16
Section 15: No Claims Discount Protection ........................................................................................ 17
Section 16: Finance / Lease Contract .................................................................................................. 18
General Exclusions ............................................................................................................................... 19
General Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 23
General Clauses ..................................................................................................................................... 25
Other Important Information ................................................................................................................. 30

Thank you for insuring your aircraft through Visicover.
This Policy is underwritten by Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE who is authorised by the Bundesanstalt
für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin).
This Policy Booklet describes your contract of aviation insurance so please read it carefully along with your
current Policy Schedule and Certificate of Insurance. This Policy Booklet is structured as follows:
Definitions – These are terms which have specific meanings and are marked in bold in this Booklet.
Sections – These are the different cover options available, and each describes what the Section does and
does not cover, plus any special conditions or terms which apply to that Section. If You have selected a
Section it will be shown as ‘In Force’ in Your Policy Schedule.
General Exclusions – This defines circumstances which are not covered under any of the Sections such as
using the Aircraft for illegal purposes or outside the agreed Geographical Limits.
General Conditions – This describes various contractual obligations and rights which exist such as the
requirement to keep the Aircraft airworthy and to notify the Insurer of a potential claim.
General Clauses – These define the way in which the Policy operates and address issues such as how the
Policy can be cancelled and under which country’s laws it operates.
Privacy Notice – This provides information on your data, how it is stored and how it may be used.
Other Important Information – Details on how to modify your Policy or make a claim or complaint.

Headings throughout the Policy Booklet are included for ease of reference only and as such they should not be
regarded as part of this Policy.

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General Definitions
1) “Abandonment” means ceding the Policyholder’s rights over the property insured.

2) “Aircraft” means the aircraft specified in the Policy Schedule together with the engine(s) and standard
instruments and equipment (including any spare parts kit) usually installed in or on the aircraft whilst:
(a) installed in or on the aircraft;
(b) temporarily detached from the aircraft and not replaced;
(c) detached from the aircraft for replacement, until the Commencement of the Operation of Fitting
the replacement item, at which time the replacement item shall be considered part of the aircraft.

3) “Aviation Incident” means a sudden, unexpected, unusual, specific event which occurs at an identifiable
time and place during the Period of Insurance and arises whilst the Insured Person is in, on or boarding
the Aircraft for the purpose of flying therein or alighting therefrom following a Flight.

Aviation Incident shall also include:

(a) unavoidable exposure resulting from a mishap to the Aircraft.
(b) disappearance.

4) “Bodily Injury” means physical injury, disease or disability, including death at any time arising therefrom.
For the avoidance of doubt, physical injury shall include psychiatric injury.

5) “Commencement of the Operation of Fitting” means from the moment that the replacement item ceases
to be in contact with the ground or the trolley/stand on which it is located when the process of fitting it to the
Aircraft is commenced.

6) “Contract Party(ies)” means the financier(s), lessor(s) or lease servicer manager(s) named in the Policy

7) “Cover End Date” the date and time stated in the Policy Schedule at which the cover detailed within that
Policy Schedule ends.

8) “Cover Start Date” the date and time stated in the Policy Schedule at which the cover detailed within that
Policy Schedule starts.

9) “Deductible” means the amount that is to be paid by the Policyholder as specified in the Policy Schedule
and will be deducted from each claim. If a claim is less than the amount of the Deductible then the
Policyholder will bear the entire claim.

10) “Fair Presentation” means disclosing in a reasonably clear and accessible manner all material facts which
the Policyholder knows or ought to know following a reasonable search.

11) “Finance / Lease Contract(s)” means the contract between the Policyholder and the Contract Party(ies)
in relation to the Subject Matter, specified in the Policy Schedule.

12) “Finance / Lease Contract Premium” means the additional premium specified in the Policy Schedule,
receipt of which is acknowledged by the Insurer.

13) “Flight” The Aircraft shall be deemed to be in Flight when the rotors are in motion as a result of engine
power, the momentum generated thereby, or autorotation for any purpose other than Taxiing. However, for
the purpose of paragraph (f) of Section 3.1.1 only, the Aircraft is considered to be in Flight at any time from
the moment when all its external doors are closed following embarkation until the moment when any such
door is opened for disembarkation or when the Aircraft is in motion.

14) “Flying Clothing and Effects” means flying clothing, maps, navigating equipment and instruments,
headsets, safety equipment or similar equipment (not being fixtures in the Aircraft) and baggage (including

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contents) actually in or on the Aircraft being the property of the Policyholder or any pilot described in the
Policy Schedule, but excluding money, credit cards, securities, jewellery and furs of all kinds.

15) “Force Majeure” means unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond the control of the Policyholder
which could not have been avoided having taken all reasonable measures.

16) “Geographical Limits” means the area within which the Aircraft may be operated as specified in the Policy

17) “Ground” means whilst the Aircraft is not in Flight, Taxiing, or Moored and shall include cover for
maintenance/testing and engine running other than for the purpose of Flight by any person competent for
that purpose.

18) “Inception / Renewal Date” means the date and time from which any cover is first provided under this
Policy or the most recent date from which cover under this Policy has been renewed, whichever is the later.

19) “INDEM3.81/Form4a” is a Ministry of Defence (MOD) document which sets out the insurance requirements
for civilian aircraft using MOD airfields.

20) “Insured Person” means any crew member and / or passenger of the Aircraft.

21) "Insurer" means Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE.

22) “Limit of Liability" means the maximum limit of the Insurer's liability under the Policy for a specified type of
cover, as provided in the Policy Schedule, such limit to apply to each claim and in the aggregate.

23) “Loss of Limb” means permanent loss by physical separation of a hand at or above the wrist or of a foot at
or above the ankle and includes permanent total and irrecoverable loss of use of hand, arm or leg.

24) “Medical and Related Expenses” means necessary and reasonable medical, surgical, ambulance,
hospital, professional nursing, repatriation and funeral expenses.

25) “Mid-Term Amendment” means a change to the cover provided or risk protected by this Policy which takes
effect prior to the end of the Period of Insurance.

26) “Moored” means, in the case of Aircraft designed to land on water, whilst the Aircraft is afloat and is not
in Flight or Taxiing, and includes the risks of launching and hauling up.

27) “Occurrence” means an accident or a continuous or repeated exposure to conditions occurring during the
Period of Insurance which results in Bodily Injury and/or Property Damage which is neither expected nor
intended from the standpoint of the Policyholder. All Bodily Injury and/or Property Damage arising out of
such exposure to substantially the same general conditions shall be deemed to arise out of one Occurrence.

28) “Overhaul Cost” means the cost of labour and materials which are or would be incurred in overhaul or
replacement (whichever is necessary) at the end of the Overhaul Life of the damaged or a similar Unit.

29) “Overhaul Life” means the amount of use, or operational and/or calendar time which, according to the
aviation authority having jurisdiction over the Aircraft, determines when overhaul or replacement of a Unit
is required.

30) “Period of Assembly” means the moment from which construction commences on the Aircraft until the
moment a Certificate of Airworthiness (issued by the aviation authority having jurisdiction over the Aircraft)
is received by the Policyholder.

31) “Period of Insurance” means the period between the Cover Start Date and the Cover End Date (both as
specified in the Policy Schedule).

32) “Permanent Total Disablement” means disablement which entirely prevents the Insured Person from
attending to their usual business or occupation or, if the Insured Person has no business or occupation,
from attending to their usual duties, if any, and which lasts 12 months and at the end of that period is assessed
by appropriate medical professionals as having no prospect of improvement.

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33) “Physical Injury” means identifiable physical injury caused by an Aviation Incident which, solely and
independently of any other cause, occasions the death or disablement of the Insured Person.

However, death or disablement of the Insured Person caused by

(a) sickness or disease directly resulting from such injury, or
(b) medical or surgical treatment rendered necessary by such injury
shall also be covered.

All death or disablement must occur within 12 months from the date of the Aviation Incident.

34) “Policy” means this Policy Booklet as updated by any amendments to it that we have provided You with,
Your current Policy Schedule, and, if applicable, Your current Certificate of Insurance.

35) “Policy Schedule” means the document which identifies the Policyholder and sets out the specific details
of the cover provided by this Policy.

36) “Policyholder” means the person or organisation or group named in the Policy Schedule. For the purposes
of Section 6 (Third Party Legal Liability), Section 7 (Passenger Legal Liability) and Section 10 (Airside Vehicle
Liability) of this Policy, the term “Policyholder” shall also include servants, agents or employees of the
Policyholder and the crew of the Aircraft whilst acting within the scope of their duties on behalf of or where
permitted by the Policyholder. If the Policyholder is a group, for the purposes of Section 6 (Third Party
Legal Liability), Section 7 (Passenger Legal Liability) and Section 10 (Airside Vehicle Liability) of this Policy,
the term “Policyholder” shall also include all members of such group.

37) “Property Damage” means physical loss of or damage to or destruction of tangible property, including the
resultant loss of use of such property.

38) “Spares and Equipment” means spare engines, spare parts, components and equipment destined to be
fitted to or form part of the Aircraft, and shall include mechanics' tools and ground handling equipment for
use in connection with the Aircraft.

39) “Sum Insured” means the maximum level of insurance cover available under a specific section of this Policy.
The applicable Sum Insured for each applicable section of the Policy will be specified in the Policy

40) “Subject Matter” means the property which is the subject of the Finance / Lease Contracts.

41) “Taxiing” means movement of the Aircraft under its own power excluding any time at which the Aircraft is
airborne. Taxiing shall not be deemed to cease merely by reason of the temporary halting of the Aircraft.

42) “Total Loss” means when

(a) the Aircraft is damaged to such an extent that it cannot be repaired; or
(b) the cost of repair is estimated to exceed the applicable Sum Insured; or
(c) the Aircraft is missing and not reported for a period of 30 days or more after
i. the commencement of Flight; or
ii. the date on which the theft was reported to the Insurer.

43) “Total Loss of Sight” means loss of sight which is certified as being entire and irrecoverable by a licensed

44) “Unit” means a part or an assembly of parts (including any sub-assemblies) which has been assigned an
Overhaul Life as a part or an assembly. Nevertheless, an engine complete with all parts normally attached
when removed for the purpose of overhaul or replacement shall together constitute a single Unit.

45) “You” or “Your” means the Policyholder.

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Use Related Definitions

(a) “Private, Pleasure and Business” means use of the aircraft for private, pleasure and business purposes
but NOT for any form of hire and reward, Ab Initio Instruction, Advanced Instruction, Aerial Survey, Air
Display, Commercial Aerial Photography/Filming, Commercial Cargo, Commercial Passenger,
Hazardous Activity, Medevac, Pipeline Patrol, Rental for Private, Pleasure and Business or Rental for
Extended Uses.

(b) “Ab Initio Instruction” means use of the Aircraft for flight training of a pilot for the purpose of their obtaining
a licence necessary to command the Aircraft.

(c) “Advanced Instruction” means use of the Aircraft for flight training of a pilot for a purpose other than their
obtaining a licence necessary to command the Aircraft.

(d) “Aerial Survey” means use of the Aircraft for the collection of information through photography, filming,
lidar or remote sensing equipment for hire and reward.

(e) “Air Display” means use of the Aircraft for any flying activity deliberately performed for the purpose of
providing an exhibition or entertainment at an advertised event open to the public but excluding Aerobatics
unless this use is also specified under the Permitted Uses in the Policy Schedule.

(f) “Commercial Aerial Photography/Filming” means use of the Aircraft for the taking of photographs or
filming for hire or reward.

(g) “Commercial Cargo” means use of the Aircraft for the carriage of cargo for hire or reward.

(h) “Commercial Passenger” means use of the Aircraft for the carriage of passengers and baggage
accompanying passengers for hire or reward.

(i) “Hazardous Use” means use of the Aircraft for hunting, patrol, fire-fighting, the intentional dropping,
spraying or release of anything, any form of experimental flying, any form of flying which requires the pilot to
hold a current mountain rating and any other use involving abnormal hazard.

(j) “Medevac” means use of the Aircraft for emergency medical evacuation of any injured person.

(k) “Pipeline Patrol” means use of the Aircraft for the collection of information through observation,
photography, filming or remote sensing equipment to identify leaks or other abnormal conditions along the
route of a pipeline.

(l) “Rental for Private, Pleasure and Business” means rental, lease, charter or hire of the Aircraft by the
Policyholder to any person, company or organisation for Private, Pleasure and Business uses only, where
the operation of the Aircraft is not under the control of the Policyholder. Rental for any other purpose is
NOT insured.

(m) “Rental for Extended Uses” means rental, lease, charter or hire of the Aircraft by the Policyholder to any
person, company or organisation for Private, Pleasure and Business, Ab Initio Instruction, Advanced
Instruction, Aerial Survey, Air Display, Commercial Aerial Photography/Filming, Commercial Cargo,
Commercial Passenger, Medevac or Pipeline Patrol uses only, where the operation of the Aircraft is not
under the control of the Policyholder. Rental for any other purpose is NOT insured.

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Section 1: Aircraft Loss or Damage

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.

1.1. What is covered under this Section

(a) The Insurer will at its option pay for, replace or repair, physical loss of or damage to the Aircraft occurring
during the Period of Insurance and arising from the risks covered, but not exceeding the applicable Sum
Insured less any applicable amount specified in Conditions 1.3 (b) and 1.3 (e) below.
(b) If the Aircraft is insured for the risks of Flight
i. the Insurer will, in addition, pay reasonable emergency expenses necessarily incurred by the
Policyholder for the immediate safety of the Aircraft consequent upon damage or forced landing,
up to 10% of the applicable Sum Insured.
ii. in the event of the Aircraft making a forced landing, including as a result of Force Majeure, in any
place where subsequent take-off cannot be made safely, the Insurer will pay all reasonable costs,
expenses or expenditure for the removal of the Aircraft to the nearest suitable take-off area even if
no damage has been sustained, provided always that the Insurer’s liability for such costs, expenses
or expenditure, and for any loss of or damage to the Aircraft, shall not exceed the lesser of the
applicable Sum Insured or €1,000,000 each and every loss.

1.2. What is not covered under this Section

The Insurer will not pay for
(a) wear and tear, deterioration, breakdown, defect or failure howsoever caused in any Unit of the Aircraft and
the consequences thereof within that Unit;
(b) damage to any Unit of the Aircraft by anything which has a progressive or cumulative effect, but damage
attributable to a single recorded event is covered. For a single recorded incident to be covered with respect
to an engine Unit the damage must be of such severity that it requires the engine Unit to be immediately
withdrawn from service upon first landing of the Aircraft to which it is attached.
HOWEVER, physical loss of or damage to the Aircraft consequent upon sub-paragraphs 1.2(a) or 1.2(b) above
is covered.
(c) theft of the Aircraft by a Policyholder or with their knowledge or consent.
(d) loss of or damage to the Aircraft occurring during the Period of Assembly of the Aircraft and caused by
negligence of the Policyholder or work incorrectly carried out by the Policyholder.
(e) losses arising as a result of practice autorotation on piston engined aircraft, unless the pilot is accompanied
by a suitably qualified flying instructor.

1.3 Conditions applicable to this Section

(a) If the Aircraft is damaged
i. no dismantling or repairs shall be commenced without the consent of the Insurer except whatever
is necessary in the interests of safety, or to prevent further damage, or to comply with orders issued
by the appropriate authority;
ii. the Insurer will pay only for repairs and transport of labour and materials by the most economical
method, unless the Insurer agrees otherwise with the Policyholder.
(b) If the Insurer settles a claim on the basis of a Total Loss, they will pay the applicable Sum Insured, less
any applicable Deductible. Following such payment, the Aircraft will no longer be insured under this Policy
and the Insurer may take the Aircraft (together with all documents of record, registration and title) as
(c) Unless the Insurer elects to take the Aircraft as salvage the Aircraft shall at all times remain the property
of the Policyholder who shall have no right of Abandonment to the Insurer.

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(d) In the event of theft of the Aircraft, the Policyholder shall report details to the police as soon as reasonably
practicable. If the Aircraft is found undamaged before the Insurer has paid any claim in relation to the theft,
the Insurer will pay the cost of returning the Aircraft to the Policyholder’s home airport or airfield by the
most economical means.
(e) If the Insurer settles a claim which is not on the basis of a Total Loss they will pay the cost of repairing the
Aircraft less
i. any applicable Deductible;
ii. such proportion of the Overhaul Cost of any Unit repaired or replaced as the used time bears to the
Overhaul Life of the Unit.

Section 2. Betterment
Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.

Condition 1.3 (e) of Section 1 (Aircraft Loss or Damage) is deleted and replaced with the following:

(e) Without prejudice to clause 1.3(a)(ii), if the Insurer settles a claim which is not on the basis of a Total Loss
they will pay the cost of repairing the Aircraft less
i. any applicable Deductible;
ii. for any damaged Unit repaired or replaced whose hours had exceeded, prior to the time the damage
to the Unit was sustained, the manufacturers original prescribed Overhaul Life (ignoring any life
extension agreed by the manufacturer or any relevant authority) the Overhaul Cost of the Unit.
iii. for any Unit repaired or replaced, other than a Unit to which 1.3(e)(ii) applies, which is damaged other
than as a result of an Occurrence, such proportion of the Overhaul Cost of the Unit as it bears to
the Overhaul Life of the Unit,
iv. it being understood that nothing in this clause shall oblige the Insurer to replace a damaged Unit with
a similar Unit of better condition if the repair or replacement of the damaged Unit can be achieved by
a more economical method.

Section 3: War and Allied Perils

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.
General Exclusion (b) will not apply to any claim made under this Section

3.1 What is covered under this Section

3.1.1 War, hi-jacking and other perils coverage
The Insurer will pay for physical loss of or damage to the Aircraft insured under Section 1 (Aircraft Loss or
Damage) against claims otherwise excluded from that Section as caused by
(a) War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion,
revolution, insurrection, martial law, military or usurped power or attempts at usurpation of power.
(b) Strikes, riots, civil commotions or labour disturbances.
(c) Any act of one or more persons, whether or not agents of a sovereign power, for political or terrorist purposes
and whether the loss or damage resulting therefrom is accidental or intentional.
(d) Any malicious act or act of sabotage.
(e) Confiscation, nationalisation, seizure, restraint, detention, appropriation, requisition for title or use by or under
the order of any government (whether civil, military or de facto) or public or local authority.

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(f) Hi-jacking or any unlawful seizure or wrongful exercise of control of the Aircraft or crew in Flight (including
any attempt at such seizure or control) made by any person or persons on board the Aircraft acting without
the consent of the Policyholder.

If Section 11 (Spares and Equipment) is shown to be In Force in the Policy Schedule, the Insurer will also pay
for physical loss of or damage to the Spares and Equipment insured under Section 11 (Spares and Equipment)
of this Policy against claims otherwise excluded from that Section as caused by sub-paragraphs 3.1.1 (b), 3.1.1
(c), 3.1.1 (d), 3.1.1 (e) and 3.1.1 (f) above.

Furthermore this Section covers claims excluded from Section 1 (Aircraft Loss or Damage) and Section 11
(Spares and Equipment) of this Policy, if in each case Section 1 and Section 11 are shown as In Force in the
Policy Schedule, from Occurrences whilst the Aircraft or Spares and Equipment are outside the control of
the Policyholder by reason of any of the above insured perils. The Aircraft shall be deemed to have been
restored to the control of the Policyholder on the safe return of the Aircraft to the Policyholder at an airfield
not excluded by the Geographical Limits as specified in the Policy Schedule, and entirely suitable for the
operation of the Aircraft (such safe return shall require that the Aircraft be parked with engines shut down and
under no duress).

3.1.2 Extortion coverage

The Insurer may, at it’s sole discretion, agree under this Section to indemnify the Policyholder in respect of
90% of any payment made by or on behalf of the Policyholder for the purpose of avoiding or otherwise
minimising threats against the safety of the Aircraft or its occupants or Spares and Equipment made during the
Period of Insurance up to the applicable Sum Insured, It is warranted that should the Insurer agree to provide
such indemnification the remaining 10% of any such payment shall remain uninsured.
For the avoidance of doubt, and without prejudice to the generality of the Insurer's discretion in the previous
paragraph, the Insurer shall not agree to any indemnification under this paragraph in the event that:
(a) such indemnification by Insurers, or the payment to which such indemnity relates, would be in contravention
of any applicable law or regulation of any jurisdiction, and The Policyholder is at all times responsible for
ensuring that no arrangements of any kind are made which are not permitted by the proper authorities.
(b) the Policyholder fails to request the Insurer's agreement to indemnification under this section in advance of
the payment, to which such request for indemnity relates, being made.
In the event that an indemnity is paid by Insurers pursuant to this clause 3.1.2 and the Aircraft subsequently
requires repairs or is declared a Total Loss as a result or in connection with the threat to which the indemnity
related, Insurers liability to pay for such repairs or to pay for a Total Loss shall not exceed the Sum Insured less
the amount of the indemnity paid pursuant to this clause.

3.1.3 Confiscation and hi-jacking expenses coverage

This Section will also indemnify the Policyholder up to the applicable Sum Insured, in respect of any extra
expenses necessarily incurred following:

(a) Confiscation and related perils, as detailed in paragraph 3.1.1 (e), of any Aircraft or Spares and Equipment
insured hereunder or

(b) Hi-jacking and related perils, as detailed in paragraph 3.1.1 (f), of any Aircraft insured hereunder.

In the event that expenses are paid by Insurers pursuant to this clause 3.1.3 and the Aircraft subsequently
requires repairs or is declared a Total Loss as a result or in connection with the confiscation or hi-jacking to which
the expenses related, Insurers liability to pay for such repairs or to pay for a Total Loss shall not exceed the Sum
Insured less the amount of the expenses paid.

3.2 What is not covered under this Section

The Insurer will not pay for loss, damage or expense caused by one or any combinations of any of the following:
(a) war (whether there be a declaration of war or not) between any of the following States: the United Kingdom,
the United States of America, France, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China; nevertheless

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if any Aircraft is in the air when an outbreak of such war occurs, this exclusion shall not apply in respect of
such Aircraft until the said Aircraft has completed its first landing thereafter;

(b) confiscation, nationalisation, seizure, restraint, detention, appropriation, requisition for title or use by or under
the authority of the government of the country in which the Aircraft is registered, or any public or local
authority under its jurisdiction;

(c) the emission, discharge, release or escape of any chemical, biological or biochemical materials or the threat
of same but this exclusion shall not apply:
i. if such materials are used or threatened to be used solely and directly in:
1. the Hi-jacking, unlawful seizure or wrongful exercise of control of the Aircraft in Flight and
then only in respect of loss of or damage to such Aircraft the subject of a valid claim under
paragraph 3.1.1 (f) above; or
2. any threat against the Aircraft or its occupants or Spares and Equipment and then only in
respect of payments as Insurers agree to indemnify under paragraph 3.1.2 above;
ii. other than as provided for in sub-paragraph 1 above, to loss of or damage to the Aircraft if the use
of such materials is hostile and originates solely and directly:
1. on board such Aircraft, whether it is on the ground or in the air; or
2. external to such Aircraft and causes physical damage to the Aircraft whilst the Aircraft’s
wheels are not in contact with the ground.
Any emission, discharge, release or escape originating external to the Aircraft that causes damage
to the Aircraft as a result of contamination without other physical damage to the Aircraft exterior is
not covered by this Section.

(d) any debt, failure to provide bond or security or any other financial cause under court order or otherwise;

(e) the repossession or attempted repossession of the Aircraft or Spares and Equipment either by any title
holder, or arising out of any contractual agreement to which any Policyholder protected under this Section
may be party;

(f) delay, loss of use, or except as specifically provided in paragraphs 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 above any other
consequential loss; whether following upon loss of or damage to the Aircraft or Spares and Equipment or

(g) any use, hostile or otherwise, of radioactive contamination or matter but this exclusion shall not apply to loss
of or damage to the Aircraft if such use is hostile and originates solely and directly:
i. on board such Aircraft, whether it is on the ground or in the air, or
ii. external to such Aircraft and causes physical damage to the Aircraft whilst the Aircraft’s wheels
are no longer in contact with the ground

Any such use originating external to the Aircraft that causes damage to the Aircraft as a result of
contamination without other physical damage to the Aircraft exterior is not covered by this Section;

(h) any use, hostile or otherwise, of an electromagnetic pulse but this exclusion shall not apply to loss of or
damage to the Aircraft if such use originates solely and directly on board such Aircraft, whether it is on the
ground or in the air;

(i) any detonation, hostile or otherwise, of any device employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other
like reaction, and notwithstanding (g) and (h) above, any radioactive contamination and electromagnetic
pulse resulting directly from such detonation is also excluded by this Section.

3.3 Conditions applicable to this Section

(a) This Section is subject to the same warranties, terms and conditions (except as regards the premium, the
obligations to investigate and defend, the renewal agreement (if any), the amount of deductible or self-

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insurance provision where applicable and except as otherwise provided herein) as are contained in or may
be added to Section 1 (Aircraft Loss or Damage) or Section 11 (Spares and Equipment).

(b) The Policyholder should use all reasonable efforts to ensure that he complies and continues to comply with
the laws (local or otherwise) of any country within whose jurisdiction the Aircraft or Spares and Equipment
may be, and to obtain all permits necessary for the lawful operation of the Aircraft.

3.4 Cancellation, revision and automatic termination of this Section

3.4.1 Amendment of terms or cancellation

The Insurer may give notice, effective on the expiry of 7 days from midnight UTC on the day on which notice is
issued, to review the rate of premium and/or Geographical Limits. In the event of the review of the rate of premium
and/or Geographical Limits not being accepted by the Policyholder then at the expiry of the said 7 days, this
Section shall become cancelled at that date. The Policyholder will receive a pro rata return of premium for this
Section from that date. However, no return of premium will be made if there has been notification of an event
likely to give rise to a claim under this Section.

3.4.2 Automatic review of terms or cancellation

Notwithstanding 3.4.1, this Section is subject to automatic review by the Insurer of the rate of premium and/or
conditions and/or Geographical Limits effective on the expiry of 7 days from the time of any hostile detonation of
any device including any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction
or radioactive force or matter where so ever or when so ever such detonation may occur and whether or not the
Aircraft or Spares and Equipment may be directly affected. In the event of the review of the rate of premium
and/or conditions and/or Geographical Limits not being accepted by the Policyholder then at the expiry of the
said 7 days, this Section shall become cancelled at that date. The Policyholder will receive a pro rata return of
premium for this Section from that date. However, no return of premium will be made if there has been notification
of an event likely to give rise to a claim under this Section.

3.4.3 Cancellation by notice

(a) This Section may be cancelled by the Policyholder or the Insurer giving notice not less than 7 days prior to
the end of each period of 3 months from inception. The Policyholder will receive a pro rata return of premium
for this Section up to the end of the relevant 3-month period. However, no return of premium will be made if
there has been notification of an event likely to give rise to a claim under this Section.
(b) A Policyholder wishing to cancel under this sub-paragraph 3.4.3 may do so by following the instructions in
the “Other Important Information” part of this document below.

3.4.4 Automatic cancellation

(a) Whether or not such notice of cancellation has been given paragraph 3.1.1 (a) only of this Section shall
terminate automatically upon the outbreak of war (whether there be a declaration of war or not) between any
of the following States: the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, the Russian Federation,
the People’s Republic of China.


If the Aircraft is in the air when such outbreak of war occurs then this Section, subject to its terms and
conditions and provided not otherwise cancelled, terminated or suspended, will be continued in respect of
such Aircraft until the said Aircraft has completed its first landing thereafter.

(b) In the event of the cancellation of Section 1 (Aircraft Loss or Damage) of this Policy, this Section will
automatically cancel at the same date.

3.4.5 Return of premium

In the event of cancellation or termination of this Section as specified in 3.4.4 (a), pro rata of the premium
applicable to this Section shall be returned to the Policyholder.

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3.5 Additional clauses applicable to this Section

3.5.1 Innocent operators coverage clause
This Policy is extended to cover physical damage to the Aircraft hereby insured arising from the action of any
government, government department, authority or agency by reason of actual or alleged infringement of customs,
quarantine or public health regulations. It is warranted that the Policyholder shall
(a) Not knowingly carry cargo incorrectly described or labelled;
(b) Take reasonable precautions to adhere to any customs, quarantine or public health regulations.

Section 4: Road Transportation

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.
Notwithstanding General Exclusion (a) vi of this Policy, the Insurer agrees to provide coverage during the Period
of Insurance for physical loss of or damage to the Aircraft occurring whilst the Aircraft is being transported at
any time by any suitable means of road conveyance, subject to all precautions being taken to ensure the safety
of the Aircraft during the period of transportation.
Provided always that the Insurer's liability shall not exceed the applicable Sum Insured, less any applicable

Section 5: Courtesy Aircraft

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.
If the Aircraft sustains physical loss or damage covered by Section 1 (Aircraft Loss or Damage) of this Policy,
the Insurer will pay reasonable expenses necessarily incurred by the Policyholder for the renting or leasing of
a temporary replacement aircraft of an equivalent type for the period of repair of the Aircraft. For the avoidance
of doubt, the Insurer shall not be responsible under this section for any expenses incurred by the Policyholder
relating to the crewing of the replacement aircraft, nor for any costs of insurance, storage, airport and handling
fees, fuel or maintenance or other costs incurred ancillary to the Insured's operation of the replacement aircraft.
This coverage does not apply to extra expense(s) incurred:
(a) unless the actual time required to repair the damaged Aircraft exceeds 30 days from the date of the loss or
(b) if another aircraft is available at no extra charge for its use;
(c) if the Policyholder acquires through ownership, lease, lease-purchase option, or otherwise, a permanent
replacement for the damaged Aircraft;
(d) if the Insurer has agreed to pay for a Total Loss of the Aircraft;
(e) whilst the temporary replacement aircraft is on standby;
(f) which would otherwise have been incurred had the Policyholder been able to operate the Aircraft;
(g) after completion of repair or after repair would have been completed but for work carried out which was not
necessary to the repair.
Provided always that the Insurer's liability shall not exceed the applicable Sum Insured.

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Section 6: Third Party Legal Liability

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.

6.1. What is covered under this Section

The Insurer will pay on behalf of the Policyholder all sums which the Policyholder shall become legally liable
to pay as compensatory damages in respect of Bodily Injury and/or Property Damage to third parties caused
by an Occurrence arising from the use of the Aircraft by the Policyholder, but not exceeding the applicable
Limit of Liability.

6.2. What is not covered under this Section

The Insurer will not pay for
(a) Bodily Injury or Property Damage sustained by any director or employee of the Policyholder or partner
in the Policyholder’s business whilst acting in the course of their employment with or duties for the
(b) Bodily Injury or Property Damage sustained by any member of the flight, cabin or other crew whilst
engaged in the operation of the Aircraft;
(c) Bodily Injury or Property Damage sustained by any passenger whilst entering, on board, or alighting
from the Aircraft;
(d) Property Damage to any property belonging to or in the care, custody or control of the Policyholder.
However, this exclusion shall not apply to Property Damage to cargo of others in the care, custody or
control of the Policyholder if Commercial Cargo is included under the Permitted Uses in the Policy

Section 7: Passenger Legal Liability

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.

7.1. What is covered under this Section

The Insurer will pay on behalf of the Policyholder all sums which the Policyholder shall become legally liable
to pay as compensatory damages in respect of
(a) Bodily Injury to passengers whilst entering, on board, or alighting from the Aircraft and
(b) Property Damage to baggage and personal articles of passengers
caused by an Occurrence but not exceeding the applicable Limit of Liability.
Provided always that
i. before a passenger boards the Aircraft the Policyholder shall take such measures as are necessary to
exclude or limit liability for claims under paragraphs (a) and (b) above to the extent permitted by law, and
ii. if the measures referred to in proviso i. above include the issue of a passenger ticket/baggage check,
the same shall be delivered correctly completed to the passenger a reasonable time before the
passenger boards the Aircraft.

In the event of failure to comply with proviso i. or ii. the liability of the Insurer under this Section shall not exceed
the amount of liability, if any, that would have existed had the proviso been complied with.

7.2. What is not covered under this Section

The Insurer will not pay for
(a) Bodily Injury or Property Damage sustained by any director or employee of the Policyholder or partner in
the Policyholder’s business whilst acting in the course of their employment with or duties for the
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(b) Bodily Injury sustained by any member of the flight, cabin or other crew whilst engaged in the operation of
the Aircraft for which the Policyholder or any Company as his insurer may be held liable under workers
compensation, employers’ liability, unemployment compensation or disability benefits law or any similar law;
(c) Property Damage sustained by any member of the flight, cabin or other crew whilst engaged in the operation
of the Aircraft.

Section 8: Crown Indemnity

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.

8.1 What is covered under this Section

It is noted that the Policyholder(s) may wish to use, for civil aircraft purposes, United Kingdom Ministry of
Defence (MOD) airfields and be required to enter into an agreement with the Crown incorporating certain
conditions for the civil (flying) use of such airfields and to afford an indemnity to the Crown in the form of
The Insurer will indemnify the Policyholder for all sums which the Policyholder shall become legally liable to
pay to the Crown under such an agreement as compensatory damages in respect of Bodily Injury and/or
Property Damage caused by an Occurrence arising from the use of the Aircraft by the Policyholder of such
Provided always that the Insurer's liability shall not exceed the applicable Limit of Liability, and such Limit of
Liability shall not be in addition to nor in excess of any other Limit of Liability provided in this Policy.

8.2 Conditions applicable to this Section

If the Insurer is called upon to provide coverage to the Policyholder in compliance with INDEM3.81/Form4a
including the defence and legal costs associated therewith and if by reason of the terms conditions limitations
and exclusions of this Policy such coverage would not have been provided except for this Section then the
Policyholder will reimburse the Insurer for such payments made in providing coverage under

Section 9: Passenger Voluntary Settlement

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.

9.1 What is covered under this Section

The Insurer will at the request of and regardless of legal liability of the Policyholder offer settlement on the basis
of the benefits hereinafter specified in respect of Bodily Injury sustained by any passenger caused by an
Occurrence provided that at the time of such Occurrence causing such Bodily Injury Section 7 (Passenger
Legal Liability) of this Policy is effective in respect of such Occurrence.
(a) For death or for total Loss of two Limbs or Total Loss of Sight of two eyes or total Loss of one Limb and
Total Loss of Sight of one eye (or any combination thereof) the amount offered shall not exceed the
applicable Sum Insured per passenger; or
(b) For total Loss of one Limb or Total Loss of Sight of one eye the amount offered shall not exceed one half
of the applicable Sum Insured per passenger.
(c) For Permanent Total Disablement other than by Loss of Limbs or Total Loss of Sight the amount offered
shall not exceed the applicable Sum Insured per passenger.

9.2 What is not covered under this Section

The Insurer shall not be liable for
(a) any payment which may be used to satisfy that obligation for which the Policyholder or any Company as his
insurer may be held liable under workers’ compensation, employers’ liability, unemployment compensation
or disability benefits law or any similar law;

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(b) Bodily Injury to any passenger

i. caused by his suicide or attempted suicide or intentional self-injury or own criminal or felonious act
or by his own act whilst in a state of insanity or intoxication;
ii. caused by disease or natural causes, or medical or surgical treatment (except where such treatment
is rendered necessary by Bodily Injury caused by an Occurrence within the scope of this Section);
iii. carried for hire or reward;
(c) Bodily Injury to any member of the flight or cabin crew.

9.3 Conditions applicable to this Section

(a) The Policyholder shall furnish, as soon as practicable after each request from the Insurer, reasonably
obtainable information pertaining to Bodily Injury sustained by passengers. In the event of death immediate
notice must be sent to the Insurer, by following the instructions in the “Other Important Information” part of
this document below.
(b) In consideration of any settlement under the provisions of this Section and as a condition precedent thereto,
the Insurer shall be provided with a full legal release for all claims for damages against the Policyholder
and/or any other party(ies) protected by this Policy from the injured passenger and/or any person having a
cause of action for such Bodily Injury. If the injured passenger or any person claiming by, through or under
him shall fail to accept in writing within 30 days from the date of offering the voluntary settlement under the
provisions of this Section or to execute the necessary release then the Insurer may, at its option, withdraw
the offered voluntary settlement, without notice, in which circumstances the Insurer will no longer be bound
by the undertakings expressed in the preceding paragraphs. If subsequent to an offer of voluntary settlement
being made in respect of any passenger any claim suit or demand is made or prosecuted against the
Policyholder for damages on account of such Bodily Injury, such claim suit or demand shall be considered
as refusal to accept such voluntary settlement and the obligations of the Insurer as expressed in Section 7
(Passenger Legal Liability) of this Policy, shall be available as fully and completely as if this Section had not
been issued.

Section 10: Airside Vehicle Liability

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.

10.1 What is covered under this Section

The Insurer will pay on behalf of the Policyholder all sums which the Policyholder shall become legally liable
to pay as compensatory damages in respect of Bodily Injury and/or Property Damage caused by an
Occurrence arising out of the authorised use of any vehicle owned by or operated by the Policyholder or any
permitted pilot as specified in the Policy Schedule within the confines of any airport or airfield and in connection
with the Aircraft, but not exceeding the applicable Limit of Liability less any applicable Deductible.

10.2 What is not covered under this Section

The Insurer will not pay for

(a) Bodily Injury or Property Damage sustained by any director or employee of the Policyholder or
partner in the Policyholder’s business whilst acting in the course of their employment with or duties for
the Policyholder;
(b) Property Damage to any property belonging to or in the care, custody or control of the Policyholder.

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Section 11: Spares and Equipment

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.

11.1 What is covered under this Section

The Insurer will pay for physical loss of or damage to Spares and Equipment occurring during the Period of
Insurance, being the property of the Policyholder or the property of others for which the Policyholder is
responsible, whilst such property is in the care, custody or control of the Policyholder on the ground, or is being
carried as cargo, but not exceeding the applicable Sum Insured, less any applicable Deductible.

11.2 What is not covered under this Section

The Insurer will not pay for
(a) loss of or damage
i. to property occurring at any time after the Commencement of the Operation of Fitting it to the
Aircraft or placing it on board the Aircraft to which it is destined;
ii. caused by wear and tear, deterioration, breakdown, defect or failure howsoever caused and the
consequences thereof within any Unit;
iii. mechanical or electrical derangement;
iv. to an engine occurring during the running or testing thereof
v. caused by or resulting from neglect of the Policyholder to use reasonable means to save and
preserve the property at the time of and after any loss or damage;
vi. to property which has been detached from the Aircraft and which is intended to be refitted to the
Aircraft and not to be replaced by other property;
vii. to property which may be sustained whilst the same is under any process and directly resulting
viii. to property carried in the Aircraft as a spare parts kit;
ix. to property fitted to or forming part of the Aircraft;
x. to property of others carried or stored by the Policyholder for hire or reward.
(b) mysterious disappearance or unexplained loss or shortage disclosed upon taking inventory.
(c) theft of the Spares and Equipment by a Policyholder or with their knowledge or consent.

11.3 Conditions applicable to this Section

(a) The Policyholder shall keep a proper record of all items of property from time to time hereby insured and of
the value of each item.
(b) The Insurer will pay the lesser of the cost of repair or the cost of replacement or the applicable Sum Insured,
less any applicable Deductible.
(c) The Deductible shall not apply to claims for loss or damage caused by fire, wind, tornado or cyclone which
shall be paid in full.
(d) Unless the Insurer elects to take the Spares and Equipment as salvage the Spares and Equipment shall
at all times remain the property of the Policyholder who shall have no right of Abandonment to the Insurer.

Section 12: Flying Clothing and Effects

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.
The Insurer will cover physical loss of or damage to Flying Clothing and Effects by theft or fire (or physical
damage to Flying Clothing and Effects if the Aircraft itself is damaged).
Provided always that the Insurer's liability shall not exceed the applicable Sum Insured, less any applicable

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Section 13: Trip Interruption

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.
If the Aircraft becomes unairworthy as a result of physical loss or damage covered under Section 1 (Aircraft Loss
or Damage) of this Policy, the Insurer will reimburse the Policyholder for any reasonable expenses for food
and lodging of any Insured Person and reasonable travel expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Policyholder
to transport such Insured Person from the place where the Aircraft suffers such physical loss or damage to the
next scheduled stopping place of the Aircraft.
Provided always that the Insurer’s liability shall not exceed the applicable Sum Insured.

Section 14: Personal Accident

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.

14.1 What is covered under this Section

If an Insured Person sustains Physical Injury caused by an Aviation Incident, the Insurer will pay to the
Policyholder, or to the Policyholder’s executors or administrators, according to the Schedule of Benefits shown
in paragraph 14.4 of this Section, after the total claim shall be substantiated under this Section.
Provided always that
(a) No benefit shall be payable to the Policyholder under more than one of the items of the Schedule of Benefits
in respect of the consequences of one Aviation Incident to any one Insured Person.
(b) The total sum payable under this Section to the Policyholder in respect of any one or more Aviation
Incident to any one Insured Person shall not exceed in all the largest benefit under any one of the items
contained in the Schedule of Benefits.
(c) If an Aviation Incident causes the death of the Insured Person within 12 months following the date of the
Aviation Incident and prior to the definite settlement of the benefit for disablement provided for under items
2 to 5 of the Schedule of Benefits, the Insurer shall pay only the benefit to the Policyholder.
The Insurer will, in addition, pay Medical and Related Expenses subject to the limit stated in item 6 of the
Schedule of Benefits shown in paragraph 14.4 of this Section.

14.2 What is not covered under this Section

The Insurer will not pay for death, disablement or Physical Injury in any way caused or contributed to by
(a) war, whether declared or not, hostilities or any act of war or civil war;
(b) radioactive contamination;
(c) the Insured Person’s suicide or attempted suicide or intentional self-injury or the Insured Person being in
a state of insanity;
(d) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), AIDS Related Complex (ARC), or Human Immuno-
deficiency Virus (HIV) howsoever these have been acquired or may be named;
(e) the Insured Person’s deliberate exposure to exceptional danger (except in an attempt to save human life);
(f) the Insured Person’s own criminal act;
(g) the Insured Person being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

14.3 Conditions applicable to this Section

(a) No benefit will be payable for any condition for which the Insured Person has sought advice, diagnosis,
treatment or counselling or of which the Insured Person was or should reasonably have been aware at the
Cover Start Date as specified in the Policy Schedule or for which the Insured Person has been treated at
any time prior to the Cover Start Date as specified in the Policy Schedule if later, unless declared to and
agreed by the Insurer.

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(b) Notice of an Aviation Incident likely to give rise to a claim under this Section shall be given as soon as
reasonably practicable to the Insurer, using the contact details included in the “Other Important Information”
part of this document below, and the Insured Person must as early as possible seek the attention of a duly
qualified medical practitioner.
(c) All medical records, notes and correspondence referring to the subject of a claim or a related pre-existing
condition shall be made available on request to any medical adviser appointed by or on behalf of the Insurer
and such medical adviser or advisors shall, for the purpose of reviewing the claim, be allowed so often as
may be deemed necessary to make examination of the Insured Person.
(d) If the Insured Person is not found within 12 months of disappearing as a result of an Aviation Incident, and
sufficient evidence is produced satisfactory to the Insurer that leads it inevitably to the conclusion that the
Insured Person has sustained Physical Injury and that such injury has caused the Insured Person’s death,
the Insurer shall pay any death benefit applicable under this Section provided that the person or persons to
whom such sum is paid shall sign an undertaking to refund such sum to the Insurer if the Insured Person
is subsequently found to be living

14.4 Schedule of Benefits

Percentage of the applicable Sum Insured,
being applicable separately to each Insured
1. Death 100%
2. Total Loss of Sight in one or both eyes 100%
3. Loss of Limb 100%
4. Total Loss of Sight of one or two eyes and Loss 100%
of Limb
5. Permanent Total Disablement (other than Total 100%
Loss of Sight of one or both eyes or Loss of
6. Medical and Related Expenses 10%

Section 15: No Claims Discount Protection

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.
If a single claim is made on this Policy that would otherwise impact your No Claims Discount entitlement it will
be disregarded for the purpose of calculating the level of No Claims Discount which will apply to this Policy at
renewal provided that the Policyholder was unaware at the time of effecting cover under this Section of the
event which gave rise to such claim.
If more than one claim is made on this Policy during the Period of Insurance the No Claims Discount applicable
to this Policy will be reduced to 0% at renewal.

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Section 16: Finance / Lease Contract

Please note this Section is only applicable if it is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule.
It is noted that the Contract Party(ies) has an interest or interests in respect of the Subject Matter under the
Finance / Lease Contract(s). Accordingly, with respect to losses occurring during the period from the Cover
Start Date as specified in the Policy Schedule until the expiry of this Policy, or until the expiry or agreed
termination of the Contract(s) or until the obligations under the Contract(s) are terminated by any action of the
Policyholder or the Contract Party(ies), whichever shall first occur, in respect of the said interest of the
Contract Party(ies) and in consideration of the Finance / Lease Contract Premium it is confirmed that the
Insurance afforded by the Policy is in full force and effect and it is further agreed that the following provisions
are specifically endorsed to the Policy:

16.1 Under Section 1 (Aircraft Loss or Damage) and Section 11 (Spares and Equipment)
(a) In respect of any claim on the Subject Matter that becomes payable on the basis of a Total Loss, settlement
(net of any relevant Deductible) shall be made to, or to the order of the Contract Party(ies). In respect of
any other claim, settlement (net of any relevant Deductible) shall be made with such party(ies) as may be
necessary to repair the Subject Matter unless otherwise agreed after consultation between the Insurer and
the Policyholder and, where necessary under the terms of the Finance / Lease Contract(s), the Contract
Such payments shall only be made provided they are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
(b) The Insurer shall be entitled to the benefit of salvage in respect of any property for which a claims settlement
has been made.

16.2 Under Section 6 (Third Party Legal Liability) and Section 7 (Passenger Legal Liability)
(a) Subject to the provisions of this Section, the Policy shall operate in all respects as if a separate Policy had
been issued covering each party insured hereunder, but this provision shall not operate to include any claim
howsoever arising in respect of loss or damage to the Subject Matter insured under the Aircraft or Spares
and Equipment insurance of the Policyholder. Notwithstanding the foregoing the total liability of the Insurer
in respect of any and all Policyholders shall not exceed the applicable Limits of Liability as specified in the
Policy Schedule.
(b) The insurance provided hereunder shall be primary and without right of contribution from any other insurance
which may be available to the Contract Party(ies).
(c) This Section does not provide coverage for any Contract Party with respect to claims arising out of its legal
liability as manufacturer of, or performer of maintenance, repairs or other operational activities on, the
Subject Matter.
(d) The coverage afforded by the Policy is amended by this Section to provide coverage in respect of the liability
of the Contract Party(ies) to the pilots and crew of the Subject Matter (excluding liability to those pilots and
crew employed by the Contract Party(ies)), on the basis that for the purposes of providing such coverage
under this Section, such pilots and crew shall be deemed to be passengers.

16.3 Under Section 1 (Aircraft Loss or Damage), Section 11 (Spares and Equipment), Section 6 (Third
Party Legal Liability) and Section 7 (Passenger Legal Liability)
(a) The Contract Party(ies) are included as an additional Policyholder.
(b) The cover afforded to each Contract Party by the Policy in accordance with this Section shall not be
invalidated by any act or omission (including misrepresentation and non-disclosure) of any other person or
party which results in a breach of any term, condition or warranty of the Policy PROVIDED THAT the
Contract Party so protected has not caused, contributed to or knowingly condoned the said act or omission.
(c) Nevertheless, no Contract Party shall be entitled to claim a loss by theft or alleged theft of the Subject
Matter under the Aircraft insurance by reason of the actual or alleged dispossession or refusal or failure to
redeliver the Subject Matter by the Policyholder or any other Contract Party, but this shall not exclude any

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claim by a Contract Party by reason of loss of or damage to the Subject Matter (other than loss by such
theft) during the period that this Section is in force.
(d) The provisions of this Section apply to each Contract Party solely in its capacity as financier, lessor or lease
servicer or manager under the Finance / Lease Contract(s) and not in any other capacity. Knowledge that
any Contract Party may have or acquire or actions that it may take or fail to take in that other capacity
(pursuant to any other contract or otherwise) shall not be considered as invalidating the cover afforded by
this Section. For this purpose “lease servicer or manager” means a Contract Party who is appointed by one
or more other Contract Party(ies) to provide services relating to the Subject Matter in connection with the
Finance / Lease Contract(s) (other than services of a kind specified in paragraph 16.2 (c) above).
(e) The Contract Party(ies) shall have no responsibility for premium, and the Insurer shall waive any right of
set-off or counterclaim against the Contract Party(ies) except in respect of outstanding premium in respect
of the Subject Matter.
(f) Upon payment of any loss or claim to or on behalf of any Contract Party(ies), the Insurer shall to the extent
and in respect of such payment be thereupon subrogated to all legal and equitable rights of the Contract
Party(ies) indemnified hereby (but not against any Contract Party). The Insurer shall not exercise such
rights without the consent of those indemnified, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. At the
expense of the Insurer such Contract Party(ies) shall do all things reasonably necessary to assist the
Insurer to exercise said rights.
(g) Except in respect of any provision for Cancellation or Automatic Termination specified in the Policy or any
endorsement thereof, cover provided by this Section may only be cancelled or materially altered in a manner
adverse to the Contract Party(ies) by the Insurer giving not less than 30 days’ notice in writing to the
Contract Party(ies). Notice shall be deemed to commence from the date such notice is given by the Insurer.
Such notice will NOT, however, be given at normal expiry date of the Policy or any endorsement.
Except as specifically varied or provided by the terms of this Section:-
i. The Contract Party(ies) are covered by the Policy subject to all terms, conditions, limitations, warranties,
exclusions and cancellation provisions thereof.
ii. The Policy shall not be varied by any provisions contained in the Finance / Lease Contract(s) which purport
to serve as an endorsement or amendment to this Policy.

General Exclusions
Unless stated otherwise the following exclusions apply to the whole of the Policy.
The following are not covered by this Policy:
(a) Claims arising whilst the Aircraft is:
i. Being used for any illegal purpose.
ii. Being used for hunting, patrol, fire-fighting, the intentional dropping, spraying or release of anything
(including parachutists, sky divers, agricultural pesticides or ordnance), any form of experimental
flying, any form of flying which requires the pilot to hold a current mountain rating and any other use
involving abnormal hazard (such as operating the Aircraft outside the manufacturer’s authorised
flight envelope), unless such use has been specifically agreed with the Insurer in writing.
iii. Being used for any purpose other than those specified under the Permitted Uses in the Policy
Schedule or within the ‘General Clauses’ Section.
iv. Outside the Geographical Limits as specified in the Policy Schedule, unless due to a forced landing
or as a result of Force Majeure.
v. Being piloted by any person other than as specified in the Policy Schedule or within the ‘General
Clauses’ Section except that the Aircraft may be operated on the Ground by any person competent
for that purpose.

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vi. Landing on or taking off or attempting to do so from a place which does not comply with the
recommendations laid down by the manufacturer of the Aircraft, unless due to a forced landing or
as a result of Force Majeure.
vii. Carrying a total number of crew / passengers which exceeds the total seats as specified in the Policy
viii. Being transported by any means except as the result of an event giving rise to a claim under Section
1 (Aircraft Loss or Damage) of this Policy. This exclusion shall not exclude claims arising under
Section 4 (Road Transportation) if such Section is shown as being In Force in the Policy Schedule.
(b) Claims caused by:
i. War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war,
rebellion, revolution, insurrection, martial law, military or usurped power or attempts at usurpation of
ii. Any hostile detonation of any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or
other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.
iii. Strikes, riots, civil commotions or labour disturbances.
iv. Any act of one or more persons, whether or not agents of a sovereign power, for political or terrorist
purposes and whether the loss or damage resulting therefrom is accidental or intentional.
v. Any malicious act or act of sabotage.
vi. Confiscation, nationalisation, seizure, restraint, detention, appropriation, requisition for title or use by
or under the order of any government (whether civil, military or de facto) or public or local authority.
vii. Hi-jacking or any unlawful seizure or wrongful exercise of control of the Aircraft or crew in Flight
(including any attempt at such seizure or control) made by any person or persons on board the
Aircraft acting without the consent of the Policyholder.
Furthermore this Policy does not cover claims arising whilst the Aircraft is outside the control of the
Policyholder by reason of any of the above perils. The Aircraft shall be deemed to have been restored to
the control of the Policyholder on the safe return of the Aircraft to the Policyholder at an airfield not
excluded by the Geographical Limits, and entirely suitable for the operation of the Aircraft (such safe return
shall require that the Aircraft be parked with engines shut down and under no duress).
This exclusion (b) does not apply to Section 3 (War and Allied Perils).
(c) Any claim, damage, injury, loss, cost, expense or liability (whether in contract, tort, negligence, product
liability, misrepresentation, fraud or otherwise) of any nature whatsoever arising from or occasioned by or in
consequence of (whether directly or indirectly and whether wholly or partly):
i. the failure or inability of any computer hardware, software, integrated circuit, chip or information
technology equipment or system (whether in the possession of the Policyholder or of any third party)
accurately or completely to process, exchange or transfer year, date or time data or information in
connection with any change of year, date or time; whether on or before or after such change of year,
date or time;
ii. any implemented or attempted change or modification of any computer hardware, software,
integrated circuit, chip or information technology equipment or system (whether in the possession of
the Policyholder or of any third party) in anticipation of or in response to any such change of year,
date or time, or any advice given or services performed in connection with any such change or
iii. any non-use or unavailability for use of any property or equipment of any kind whatsoever resulting
from any act, failure to act or decision of the Policyholder or of any third party related to any such
change of year, date or time;
and any provision in this Policy concerning any duty of the Insurer to investigate or defend claims shall not
apply to any claims so excluded.

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(d) Claims of any kind whatsoever directly or indirectly relating to, arising out of or in consequence of:
i. the actual, alleged or threatened presence of asbestos in any form whatsoever, or any material or
product containing, or alleged to contain, asbestos; or
ii. any obligation, request, demand, order, or statutory or regulatory requirement that any Policyholder
or others test for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat, neutralize, protect against or in any other
way respond to the actual, alleged or threatened presence of asbestos or any material or product
containing, or alleged to contain, asbestos.
However, this exclusion shall not apply to any claim caused by or resulting in a crash fire explosion or
collision or a recorded in-Flight emergency causing abnormal Aircraft operation.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Policy, the Insurer will have no duty to investigate, defend or
pay defence costs in respect of any claim excluded in whole or in part under paragraphs i. or ii. of this
This exclusion (d) applies only to Section 6 (Third Party Legal Liability), Section 7 (Passenger Legal Liability),
Section 8 (Crown Indemnity) and Section 10 (Airside Vehicle Liability).
(e) Claims for:
i. loss of or destruction of or damage to any property whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever
resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss
ii. any legal liability of whatsoever nature
directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from:
iii. the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly
or nuclear component thereof;
iv. the radioactive properties of, or a combination of radioactive properties with toxic, explosive or other
hazardous properties of, any other radioactive material in the course of carriage as cargo, including
storage or handling incidental thereto;
v. ionizing radiations or contamination by radioactivity from, or the toxic, explosive or other hazardous
properties of, any other radioactive source whatsoever.
It is understood and agreed that such radioactive material or other radioactive source in General Exclusion
e) iv) and v) above shall not include:
vi. depleted uranium and natural uranium in any form;
vii. radioisotopes which have reached the final stage of fabrication so as to be usable for any scientific,
medical, agricultural, commercial, educational or industrial purpose.
This Policy, however, does not cover loss of or destruction of or damage to any property or any consequential
loss or any legal liability of whatsoever nature with respect to which:
viii. the Policyholder under this Policy is also a Policyholder or an additional Policyholder under any
other insurance policy, including any nuclear energy liability policy; or
ix. any person or organization is required to maintain financial protection pursuant to legislation in any
country; or
x. the Policyholder under this Policy is, or had this Policy not been issued would be, entitled to
indemnification from any government or agency thereof.
Loss, destruction, damage, expense or legal liability in respect of the nuclear risks not excluded by reason
of General Exclusion e) vi) or vii) shall (subject to all other terms, conditions, limitations, warranties and
exclusions of this Policy) be covered, provided that:
xi. in the case of any claim in respect of radioactive material in the course of carriage as cargo,
including storage or handling incidental thereto, such carriage shall in all respects have complied
with the full International Civil Aviation Organization “Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport

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of Dangerous Goods by Air”, unless the carriage shall have been subject to any more restrictive
legislation, when it shall in all respects have complied with such legislation;
xii. this Policy shall only apply to an event happening during the Period of Insurance and where any
claim by the Policyholder against the Insurer or by any claimant against the Policyholder arising
out of such event shall have been made within three years after the date thereof;
xiii. in the case of any claim for the loss of or destruction of or damage to or loss of use of an Aircraft
caused by or contributed to by radioactive contamination, the level of such contamination shall have
exceeded the maximum permissible level set out in the following scale:
Emitter Maximum permissible level of non-fixed
radioactive surface contamination
(IAEA Health and Safety Regulations)
(Averaged over 300cm2)

Beta, gamma and low toxicity alpha emitters Not exceeding 4 Becquerels/cm2
(10 -4 microcuries/cm2)

All other emitters Not exceeding 0.4 Becquerels/cm2

(10 -5 microcuries/cm2)

xiv. the cover afforded hereby may be cancelled at any time by the Insurer giving seven days’ notice
of cancellation.
(f) Claims directly or indirectly occasioned by, happening through or in consequence of:
i. noise (whether audible to the human ear or not), vibration, sonic boom and any phenomena
associated therewith,
ii. pollution and contamination of any kind whatsoever,
iii. electrical and electromagnetic interference,
iv. interference with the use of property;
unless caused by or resulting in a crash fire explosion or collision or a recorded in-Flight emergency causing
abnormal Aircraft operation.
With respect to any provision in this Policy concerning any duty of the Insurer to investigate or defend claims,
such provision shall not apply and the Insurer shall not be required to defend
(a) claims excluded by clauses i. to iv. of this exclusion; or
(b) a claim or claims covered by this Policy when combined with any claims excluded by clauses i. to
iv. of this exclusion (referred to below as "Combined Claims").
In respect of any Combined Claims, the Insurer shall (subject to proof of loss and the limits of this Policy)
reimburse the Policyholder for that portion of the following items which may be allocated to the claims
covered by this Policy:
(a) damages awarded against the Policyholder and
(b) defence fees and expenses incurred by the Policyholder.
Nothing herein shall override any radioactive contamination or other exclusion clause attached to or forming
part of this Policy.
This exclusion (f) applies only to Section 6 (Third Party Legal Liability), Section 8 (Crown Indemnity) and
Section 10 (Airside Vehicle Liability).
(g) Claims which are payable under any other insurance except in respect of any excess beyond the amount
which would have been payable under such other insurance had this Policy not been effected.

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(h) Claims arising for liability assumed or rights waived by the Policyholder under any agreement (other than a
passenger ticket / baggage check issued under Section 7 (Passenger Legal Liability), except to the extent
that such liability would have attached to the Policyholder in the absence of such agreement.
This exclusion does not apply to Section 8 (Crown Indemnity).
(i) Should Medevac be included under the Permitted Uses specified in the Policy Schedule, claims:
i. arising from malpractice, error or mistake in respect of the treatment of any person, or the omission thereof,
by any physician, surgeon, nurse, stewardess or other attendant.
ii. for aggravation of existing illness or injury of patients or passengers being carried caused other than by an
Occurrence involving damage to the Aircraft.
iii. for any consequential loss arising out of the transport of blood and human organs.

General Conditions
Unless stated otherwise the following conditions apply to the whole of the Policy.
1. The Policyholder shall at all times use due diligence and do and concur in doing everything reasonably
practicable to avoid or diminish any loss hereon.
2. The Policyholder shall comply with all air navigation and airworthiness orders and requirements issued by
the aviation authority having jurisdiction over the safe operation of the Aircraft and shall ensure that
i. the Aircraft is airworthy at the commencement of each Flight;
ii. all log books and other records in connection with the Aircraft which are required by any official
regulations in force from time to time shall be kept up to date and shall be produced to the Insurer
or its agents on request;
iii. the employees and agents of the Policyholder comply with such orders and requirements.
3. Notice of any event likely to give rise to a claim under this Policy shall be given as soon as reasonably
practicable to the Insurer, by following the instructions in the “Other Important Information” part of this
document below. In all cases the Policyholder shall
i. provide the Policy number and the Aircraft registration number;
ii. provide full particulars in writing of such event and forward notice of any claim with any letters or
documents relating thereto;
iii. give notice of any impending prosecution;
iv. provide such further information and assistance as the Insurer may reasonably require;
v. not act in any way to the detriment or prejudice of the interests of the Insurer.
4. The Policyholder shall not make any admission of liability or payment or offer or promise of payment without
the written consent of the Insurer.
5. In the event of any payment being made by the Insurer under this Policy, the Insurer shall be subrogated
to the rights and remedies of the Policyholder who shall co-operate with and do all things necessary to
assist the Insurer to exercise such rights and remedies.
6. This Policy may not be assigned in whole or part except with the prior written agreement of the Insurer.
7. In agreeing to insure the Policyholder, and in setting the Policy terms and premium, the Insurer has relied
on information given to them by the Policyholder about the risk. When applying for, amending or renewing
this Policy, the Policyholder must provide a Fair Presentation of the risk by ensuring all questions, including
questions that apply to any other person covered by this Policy, are answered accurately and completely.
i. If the Insurer establishes that the Policyholder has deliberately or recklessly failed to present the
risk fairly, the Insurer may treat this Policy as if it never existed and refuse to make any payment

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under it. The Policyholder must reimburse all payments already made by the Insurer and the
Insurer will be entitled to retain all premiums paid.
ii. If the Insurer establishes that the Policyholder has failed to present the risk fairly but that such
failure was not deliberate or reckless, the remedy available to the Insurer will depend on what they
would have done had the Policyholder made a Fair Presentation of the risk, as follows:
(a) if the Insurer would not have provided this Policy, the Insurer may treat it as if it never
existed and refuse to make any payment under it. The Policyholder must reimburse all
payments already made by the Insurer and the Insurer will refund any premiums the
Policyholder has paid;
(b) If the Insurer would have provided this Policy on different terms (other than as to premium),
the Insurer will treat it as if it had been provided on such different terms from the date the
Policyholder failed to present the risk fairly to the Insurer. This may result in the Insurer
making no payment for a particular claim or loss. The Policyholder must reimburse all
payments already made by the Insurer that the Insurer would not have paid if such terms
had been in effect;
(c) if the Insurer would have provided this Policy but charged a higher premium, the Insurer
may reduce the amount paid for any claim or loss in the proportion that the premium the
Policyholder has paid bears to the premium the Insurer would have charged if the
Policyholder had fairly presented the risk. This remedy may apply in addition to 7.ii.(b) above.
8. The Policy Schedule includes details of the information provided by the Policyholder for the purpose of
arranging or renewing this Policy. The Policyholder must tell the Insured as soon as possible about any
changes to this information by following the instructions in the “Other Important Information” part of this
document below. The Insurer may reassess the premium or cover provided by this Policy in the light of the
notification of such changes. If the Policyholder fails to inform the Insurer of such changes:
i. The Policy may be invalidated;
ii. A claim under the Policy be rejected or not paid in full.
9. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Policy the following shall apply:
i. If, by virtue of any law or regulation which is applicable to the Insurer at the inception of this Policy
or becomes applicable at any time thereafter, providing coverage to the Policyholder is or would be
unlawful because it breaches an embargo or sanction, the Insurer shall provide no coverage and
have no liability whatsoever nor provide any defence to the Policyholder or make any payment of
defence costs or provide any form of security on behalf of the Policyholder, to the extent that it
would be in breach of such law or regulation.
ii. In circumstances where it is lawful for the Insurer to provide coverage under the Policy, but the
payment of a valid and otherwise collectable claim may breach an embargo or sanction, then the
Insurer will take all reasonable measures to obtain the necessary authorisation to make such
iii. In the event of any law or regulation becoming applicable during the Period of Insurance which will
restrict the ability of the Insurer to provide coverage as specified in paragraph i. of this condition,
then both the Policyholder and the Insurer shall have the right to cancel its participation on this
Policy in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable to the Policy provided that in respect
of cancellation by the Insurer a minimum of 30 days’ notice in writing be given. In the event of
cancellation by either the Policyholder or the Insurer, the Insurer shall retain the pro rata proportion
of the premium for the period that the Policy has been in force. However, in the event that the
incurred claims at the effective date of cancellation exceed the earned or pro rata premium (as
applicable) due to the Insurer, and in the absence of a more specific provision in the Policy relating
to the return of premium, any return premium shall be subject to mutual agreement. Notice of
cancellation by the Insurer shall be effective even though the Insurer makes no payment or tender

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of return premium. A Policyholder wishing to cancel under the terms of this condition may do so by
following the instructions in the “Other Important Information” part of this document below.
iv. No claim shall be payable under any section of this Policy if other insurance which is payable in
consequence of loss or damage covered by that section has been or shall be effected by or on behalf
of the Policyholder without the knowledge or consent of the Insurers.

General Clauses
Unless stated otherwise the following clauses apply to the whole of the Policy.

1. No Claims Discount
The level of No Claims Discount will be determined based on the claims history of the Policyholder using the
following scale.

Claim free years allocated at the start of

No Claims Discount
the Period of Insurance
0 0%
1 12.5%
2 15%
3 or more 20%

If a claim is made on this Policy during the Period of Insurance the claim free years will be reduced to 0 at the
next renewal and the No Claims Discount will also be 0%. If a claim is made on this Policy after the renewal
premium has been calculated the No Claims Discount will be set to 0% and the renewal premium amended
accordingly. No Claims Discount cannot be transferred to anyone else.

2. Cancellation
(a) This Policy may be cancelled by the Policyholder within 14 days of the “Inception / Renewal Date”.
Following such cancellation, the Policyholder will receive a refund of any premium paid less a charge for
the cover provided and a cancelation charge of €30. However, no return of premium will be made if there
has been notification of an event likely to give rise to a claim under this Policy.
(b) Once this 14-day period has passed, the Policyholder may cancel this Policy at any time. Following such
cancellation, the Policyholder will receive a refund of any premium paid, calculated on a pro rata basis
from 30 days after the date of cancellation until the Cover End Date as specified in the Policy Schedule.
However, no return of premium will be made if there has been notification of an event likely to give rise to a
claim under this Policy.

(c) A Policyholder wishing to cancel under paragraphs (a) and (b) above may do so by following the
instructions in the “Other Important Information” part of this document below.
(d) The Insurer or anyone acting with their authorisation may cancel this Policy where there is a valid reason
to do so, by sending You 15 days’ notice in writing of such cancelation. Following such cancelation, the
Insurer will refund any Premium that You have already paid for the period from the date of cancellation to
the Cover End Date as specified in the Policy Schedule, unless there is an instance of fraud, or an event
has occurred which may result or has resulted in a claim being made on the Policy in the Period of
Insurance. Valid reasons for cancelation include but are not limited to:
i. You fail to pay the premium or a premium instalment by the required;
ii. You or anyone else covered by this insurance has failed to meet the terms and conditions of this
iii. A change in Your circumstances means that the Insurer can no longer provide cover;

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iv. The Insurer identifies misrepresentation or fraud or any attempt to gain an advantage under this
insurance to which You are not entitled,
v. The Insurer identifies Your involvement in or association with insurance fraud and/or financial
vi. You behave in a manner that makes it inappropriate for the Insurer to continue to provide Your
insurance, e.g. if You harass or show abusive or threatening behaviour towards staff.

3. Mid-Term Amendment
(a) The Policyholder may request a Mid-Term Amendment to the Policy at any time although the Insurer
reserves the right to accept or decline any such request.
(b) A Policyholder wishing to make a request for a Mid-Term Amendment may do so by following the
instructions in the “Other Important Information” part of this document below.
(c) A Mid-Term Amendment which increases the risk or cover provided by the Policy will usually result in a
premium increase calculated on a pro rata basis from the effective date of the Mid-Term Amendment.
(d) A Mid-Term Amendment which reduces the risk or cover provided by the Policy will take effect from the
effective date of the Mid-Term Amendment but the associated reduction in premium will be calculated as
though the effective date was 30 days later.

4. Law, Jurisdiction and Language

Unless You and the Insurer have agreed otherwise in writing, this Policy shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the law of Your country of residence and each party agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction
of the Courts of Your country of residence in any dispute arising hereunder.
The Insurer has supplied this Policy and other information to You in English and will continue to communicate
with You in English

5. Out of Notified Hours

The coverage provided by this Policy shall not be invalidated as a result of the use, by the Policyholder, of
airfields and/or airports out of the notified hours, subject to prior permission having been granted by the
appropriate owner and/or operator of such airfield and/or airport.

6. Deductible
In the event of an incident involving the application of more than one Deductible, only one Deductible shall
apply, being the highest Deductible applicable to the incident. This Deductible shall be applied as an aggregate
Deductible for all claims arising out of that incident.

7. Defence and Settlement

With respect to coverage afforded under Section 6 (Third Party Legal Liability), Section 7 (Passenger Legal
Liability), Section 8 (Crown Indemnity and Section 10 (Airside Vehicle Liability) of this Policy the Insurer shall:
a) Have the right to defend at their expense in the name of and on behalf of the Policyholder any civil claim or
legal proceedings brought against the Policyholder. However, the Insurer shall also have the right (but not
the obligation) to make any investigation, negotiation and settlement of any claim or legal proceedings as
they deem expedient. Furthermore, the Insurer shall pay all expenses incurred by the Policyholder with the
Insurer’s approval (other than the salaries of the Policyholder’s employees and the Policyholder’s normal
expenses) in respect of any such claim or legal proceedings brought against the Policyholder. These
expenses are payable in full by the Insurer in addition to the applicable Limit of Liability.
b) Pay all costs assessed against the Policyholder in any civil claim or legal proceedings and all interest
accruing after entry of judgment until the Insurer has paid, tendered or deposited in court that part of such
judgment as does not exceed the applicable Limit of Liability. All costs paid by the Insurer under this sub-
paragraph are included within and not in addition to the applicable Limit of Liability.

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However, with respect to any coverage under this Policy which is subject to an aggregate Limit of Liability, the
Insurer shall not be obligated to defend any civil claim or legal proceedings nor to pay any judgment, costs,
interest or expenses after the aggregate Limit of Liability has been exhausted and in this event the Policyholder
shall be obliged, upon the Insurer’s request to take over control of proceedings from the Insurer.

8. Supplementary Payments
If Section 1 (Aircraft Loss or Damage) is shown as In Force in the Policy Schedule and the Aircraft is insured
for the risks of Flight, the Insurer agrees to indemnify the Policyholder for:
(a) any reasonable expenses incurred for the purpose of search and rescue operations for the Aircraft
determined to be missing and unreported after the computed maximum endurance of the Flight has been
(b) any reasonable expenses incurred for the purpose of runway foaming to prevent or mitigate possible loss or
damage because of malfunction or suspected malfunction of the Aircraft;
(c) any reasonable expenses incurred for the purpose of attempted or actual raising, removal, disposal or
destruction of the wreck of the Aircraft and the contents thereof;
Provided that the Insurer's liability shall not exceed the limit for supplementary payments stated in the Policy
Schedule for any one event and in the aggregate during the Period of Insurance.

9. Training
This Policy includes Advanced Instruction of permitted pilots at which time any flying instructor is automatically
included as a permitted pilot hereon.
In addition:
(a) any flying instructor providing Ab Initio Instruction of permitted pilots is automatically included as a
permitted pilot hereon but only for the purpose and duration of such provision and subject to Ab Initio
Instruction being listed under the Permitted Uses in the Policy Schedule;
(b) notwithstanding exclusion 7.2 (b) of Section 7 (Passenger Legal Liability) and General Exclusion (a) v, in
the event of there being an instructor and a student pilot/second pilot on board the Aircraft, the instructor
shall be deemed to be the pilot and the student pilot/second pilot shall be deemed to be a passenger and
shall be covered under Section 7 (Passenger Legal Liability) if such cover is shown as In Force in the
Policy Schedule

10. Air Testing

It is understood and agreed that the coverage afforded by this Policy is extended to apply to flights in the Aircraft
undertaken by the following persons for the purposes stated below provided they hold the appropriate licence to
fly the Aircraft:
(a) any person qualified to maintain the Aircraft or repair the Aircraft if the flight is in connection with the
maintenance or repair
(b) any pilot or examiner, employed or approved by the aviation authority having jurisdiction over the safe
operation of the Aircraft, for test, pilot examination or Certificate of Airworthiness flights. In such
circumstances the aviation authority is included as an additional Policyholder under Section 6 (Third Party
Legal Liability) and Section 7 (Passenger Legal Liability) of this Policy for the flight.

11. Payment of Premiums

You must pay any premium required by its due date.
If the premium for this Policy is being paid in instalments and a premium instalment is not paid by its due date,
the Insurer shall have the right to take any or any combination of the following actions:
(a) terminate the Policy by giving You not less than 15 days’ notice in writing;
(b) withdraw the option for You to pay any outstanding premium for this Policy by instalments, in which case
the remaining premium shall become payable in full;

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(c) withhold the option for You to pay by instalments for any future renewal of this Policy;
(d) withhold or withdraw the option for You to pay by instalments for any other policy You may currently hold
with ourselves or arrange in future with ourselves.
If the premium for this Policy is being paid in instalments and there is a claim on the Policy, any outstanding
premium instalments shall become payable immediately.

12. Liability War and Allied Perils

With respect to coverage afforded under Section 6 (Third Party Legal Liability), Section 7 (Passenger Legal
Liability) and Section 10 (Airside Vehicle Liability) of this Policy:
(a) All sub-paragraphs of General Exclusion (b) other than sub paragraph ii are deleted subject to all terms and
conditions of this Clause.
(b) Cover extended in respect of the deletion of sub-paragraph i of General Exclusion (b) shall not include liability
for damage to any form of property on the ground situated outside Canada and the United States of America
unless caused by or arising out of the use of the Aircraft.
(c) The limit of the Insurer's liability in respect of the coverage provided by this Clause will be the applicable
Limit of Liability for any one Occurrence and in the aggregate (the “sub-limit”). This sub-limit shall apply
within the applicable Limit of Liability for Section 6 (Third Party Legal Liability), Section 7 (Passenger Legal
Liability) and Section 10 (Airside Vehicle Liability) and not in addition thereto.
To the extent coverage is afforded to a Policyholder under this Policy, this sub-limit shall not apply to such
Policyholder’s liability:
i. to the passengers (and for their baggage and personal effects) of any aircraft operator to whom this
Policy affords cover for liability to its passengers arising out of its operation of the Aircraft;
ii. for cargo and mail while it is on board the Aircraft of any aircraft operator to whom this Policy affords
cover for liability for such cargo and mail arising out of its operation of the Aircraft.
(d) To the extent provided below, cover extended by this Clause shall terminate automatically in the following
i. All cover shall terminate automatically upon the outbreak of war (whether there be a declaration of war
or not) between any two or more of the following States: the United Kingdom, the United States of
America, France, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China.
ii. Any cover extended in respect of the deletion of sub-paragraph i of General Exclusion (b) shall terminate
automatically upon the hostile detonation of any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission
and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter wherever or whenever such detonation
may occur and whether or not the Aircraft may be involved.
iii. All cover in respect of the Aircraft requisitioned for either title or use shall terminate automatically upon
such requisition.
Provided that if the Aircraft is in the air when i, ii or iii occurs, then the cover provided by this Clause (unless
otherwise cancelled or terminated) shall continue in respect of the Aircraft until completion of its first landing
thereafter and any passengers have disembarked.
(e) The Insurer may give written notice to review the premium and/or Geographical Limits - such notice to
become effective on the expiry of 7 days from 23.59 hours UTC on the day on which such notice is given.
(f) Following a hostile detonation as specified in (d) ii. above, the Insurer may give notice in writing of
cancellation of one or more parts of the cover provided by paragraph (a) of this Clause by reference to sub-
paragraphs iii, iv, v, vi and/ or vii of General Exclusion (b) - such notice to become effective on the expiry of
48 hours from 23.59 hours UTC on the day on which such notice is given.
(g) The cover provided by this Clause may be cancelled by either the Insurer or the Policyholder giving notice
in writing to become effective on the expiry of 7 days from 23.59 hours UTC on the day on which such notice
is given.

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13. Unauthorised Use

No claim under this Policy shall be rejected on the grounds that the Aircraft was used in a place or in a manner
or by a person not permitted under the terms of this Policy provided such use was a result of theft and that the
Policyholder had taken reasonable precautions to prevent such theft.

14. Two Way Cross Liability

Section 6 (Third Party Legal Liability), Section 7 (Passenger Legal Liability) and Section 10 (Airside Vehicle
Liability) of this Policy shall operate as if issued separately to each Policyholder insured hereunder but this
condition shall not apply to any claims for loss of or damage to Aircraft, Spares and Equipment insured under
this Policy.
However, in no event shall the total liability of the Insurer exceed the applicable Limit of Liability.

15. Exchange Rate Fluctuations

Provided that the Limit of Liability selected at the Inception / Renewal Date was not less than the limit required
at that date to comply with EC Regulation 785/2004, this Policy shall automatically provide the exact limit required
by EC785/2004 for the period that the required limit has increased above the applicable Limit of Liability due to
exchange rate fluctuations. At all other times the applicable Limit of Liability shall operate.

16. Date Recognition Limited Coverage Clause

Subject to all terms and provisions of this Clause, General Exclusion (c) shall not apply:
(a) to any accidental loss of or damage to the Aircraft;
(b) to any sums which the Policyholder shall become legally liable to pay, and (if so required by the
Policy) shall pay (including costs awarded against the Insured) in respect of:
i. accidental bodily injury, fatal or otherwise, to passengers caused by an accident to the Aircraft;
ii. loss of or damage to baggage and personal articles of passengers, mail and cargo caused by an
accident to the Aircraft; and/or
iii. accidental bodily injury, fatal or otherwise, and accidental damage to property caused by the Aircraft
or by any person or object falling therefrom.
Coverage provided pursuant to this Clause shall be subject to all terms, conditions, limitations, warranties,
exclusions and cancellation provisions of the Policy (except as specifically provided herein), and nothing in this
Clause extends coverage beyond that which is provided by the Policy.
Nothing in this Clause shall provide any coverage:
(a) in respect of grounding of any aircraft; and/or
(b) in respect of loss of use of any property unless it arises out of physical damage to or destruction of
property in the accident giving rise to a claim under the Policy.
The Policyholder agrees that it has an obligation to disclose in writing to the Insurers during the Policy period
any material facts relating to the Date Recognition Conformity of the Policyholder’s operations, equipment and

17. Maximum Take Off Weight Clause

No claim under the Policy shall be rejected on the grounds of any failure to comply with the Maximum Take Off
Weight limit of the Aircraft provided such failure to comply is not deemed to be a causal factor in such a claim.

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Other Important Information

1. How to update or cancel your policy, or make an enquiry.
If you visit our website at https://visicover.com and click ‘Help’ you will find extensive information on:
(a) How to manage your policy (e.g. how to make changes or cancel your cover)
(b) How to manage your payment details (e.g. how to change your payment card)
(c) How does the aircraft policy operate (e.g. What cover is available to fly abroad)
(d) What are the different cover options (e.g. What does NCD Protection cover)
(e) How to buy or renew cover (e.g. How long is a quote guaranteed)
(f) Managing your account (e.g. How to download copies of documents)
If you wish to update your cover or cancel your Policy, log in to the website and follow the instructions in the
‘Help’ menu.
If you have any other enquiry for which you cannot find any information within the ‘Help’ menu, please email
Visicover at [email protected], providing full details of your query, including your Policy number.

2. How To Make A Claim.

Should You wish to make a claim under this Policy, please call the 24-hour claims line shown on Your Policy
Schedule and Certificate of Insurance.
Important – Do not make any admission of liability without first receiving written authorisation from the
Insurer to do so.

3. Comments and Complaints.

At Visicover we believe you deserve a courteous, fair, prompt and efficient service, and this is what we work hard
to deliver. However, we know there is always more we can do to make our service better, so if you have any
comments on how we could improve, please send them to [email protected].
We also realise that things can occasionally go wrong, and you may feel we have not provided the service you
expect. If you feel this is the case with any aspect of our service, other than in relation to a claim, please send
full details of the problem to [email protected].
If your complaint relates to a claim under this Policy, or if you are not happy with the response you have received
to a concern raised with Visicover, please contact the Insurer with full details via one of the following routes:
Write to: Peter Hecht-Hansen, CEO Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE (Nordic), Pilestraede
58, Copenhagen, 1112, Denmark.
Email: [email protected]
If you wish to complain about an insurance policy purchased online you may be able to use the European
Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ECODR) platform, details of which can be found at
If you are not eligible to use the ECODR, and we are unable to reach agreement, you should seek professional
legal advice. Following this complaint procedure does not affect your right to take legal action.

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