FHC Community Newsletter - December

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Warrior Beat December, 2023

The public is invited FRIDAY, DEC. 9th to a $5 Pancake Breakfast 7:15 – 9:00 and/or a $5
spaghetti lunch 11:30 – 1:00. All proceeds to https://www.jamieshawmemorialfund.com/

Principal’s Message Important Dates

This is an important time of year, with 11 days of classes
remaining before Final Exams and Assessments, and 2 weeks of Wed. Dec. 7 PLC day/Early Dismissal @ 1:00 p.m
holidays in the middle of that! The break does provide an Friday, Dec. 16 Last day of school 2022!
opportunity for students who have fallen behind to give one last
push for success – if your student is in that position, be sure to Tuesday, Jan. 3 First day of 2023!
connect with their teachers to ensure you have what’s needed!
Exciting times abound here at FHC. With the Jamie Shaw Tuesday, Jan 10 Tuesday , Jan. 17
Memorial Tournament occurring Dec. 8-9, incorporating Exam Week: See Schedule inside
Monday, Jan. 16 PD Day, No School
basketball, food, and school spirit activities, there is palpable Tuesday, Jan. 17 No regular classes; make-up
energy. Or maybe the energy is gearing up for the many exciting day for exams/projects
holiday activities occurring the following week, including our
Talent Show, Toy Bingo, and Sounds of the Season! Or maybe it Wed. Jan 18 First Day of Regular Classes,
results from the learning activities that have been occurring at Semester Two
Beringia, McBride, University rep visits, Career Expo at Yukon U,
Wed. Jan 25 PLC day/Early Dismissal @ 1:00 p.m
avalanche safety training, Health Sciences Discovery Day, bubble
soccer, and other field trips and experiential learning Wed. Feb 22 PLC day/Early Dismissal @ 1:00 p.m
I wish all of our FH families and community partners a Fri. Feb 24 No School – Heritage Day
healthy and cheerful holiday season, good memories as we
reflect upon a year that has passed, and energy and enthusiasm Wed Mar. 8 PLC day/Early Dismissal @ 1:00 p.m
as we gear up for a New Year!
Warrior Beat December, 2023
The Jamie Shaw Basketball Tournament started December 7 with an Alumni Game
in the evening, and the High school teams started playing on Thursday December 8th
with the tournament to end on Saturday December 10. We are going to have a TON
of stuff going on such as games, silent auction, merchandise sales, prizes, and so
much more!!! We have a ton of prizes to give away to the crowd! Come join us for
an experience like no other!

Jamie was the athletic director at FH Collins High School from 2007 to 2016, and
became the Vice Principal in 2016. His leadership had a profoundly positive impact
on both staff and students. He viewed being a teacher, administrator and coach as a
privilege and was able to give maximum effort to these pursuits even through the
daily challenges his cancer created. https://www.jamieshawmemorialfund.com/

"Sometimes in life things go wrong; it's how you deal with it. Sports give us the avenue to learn how to deal
with it." -Jamie Shaw
Special Event Schedule ‘Week Prior to Holidays’ (Monday Dec. 12 – Friday Dec. 16)
Monday, December 12 Music for a Winter’s Eve Concert  7 p.m. Yukon Art Centre
Tuesday, December 13 Music for a Winter’s Eve Concert  7 p.m. Yukon Art Centre
Wednesday December 14 FHC Talent Show  Period 4
Thursday, December 15 All Grade 8’s to CGC. See ‘FHC Grade 8’s to CGC Field Trip Form’ attached
A hard copy will be sent home with students, but if not received by Monday,
Dec. 12 please print, complete and have student return to period one teacher.
Friday, December 16 Toy Bingo for all Students 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Exam Schedule – See attached ‘Exam Schedule – January 2023’

Mon, Jan 16 -No Classes, PD Day, Tue, Jan 17 –Make-up Exam Day, no regular classes; Wed. Jan 18 1 st Day Semester 2

All Grade 8’s to the Canada Games Centre - Thursday, December 15

All grade 8's will depart from FHC shortly after 8:45 to travel by school bus to the Canada Games Centre for a
variety of activities: fun physical games, skating and hockey. Students will depart CGC approximately 2:30 to
travel by school bus back to FHC.
A Permission slip will be sent home Thursday, Dec 8. Please sign and have student return to their Period One
teacher. If for some reason your student does not have one, please print attached form ‘FHC Grade 8’s to CGC’
Cost $10 - includes transportation, skate rental (if required) and pizza lunch! Cash or cheques made out to 'FH
Collins' - submit to Period One teacher. If $$$ is a concern, no problem - all grade 8 students are welcome
regardless if they have paid or not.
PLEASE BRING: Runners, Skates, (and helmet and hockey stick if you wish to play hockey). NOTE: hockey
sticks are NOT allowed on the school bus - parents/guardians must make arrangements to get the stick to FHC -
FHC will then transport sticks to CGC. Parents/Guardians are strongly encouraged to put the student's name on
the hockey stick.
Questions and concerns: [email protected]
Warrior Beat December, 2023
Student Attendance

Studies show that

student attendance is
directly linked to
student success!

If your child has to

miss school PLEASE
let us know at 667
8665 or [email protected]
(if possible, email is

These accurate records

help us so much as we
work to improve the
attendance of all of
our students.
Phys Ed isn’t what you remember…bubble action at FHC!

Sounds of the Season Concert Information

Sounds of the Season will take place at the Yukon Arts Center and feature musical acts from FH Collins, Porter Creek, and
St.Francis. All-City Junior/Senior Wind Ensembles, and Jazz Band all feature students and staff FH and will be featured
both nights, Monday December 12th, and Tuesday December 13th. The bands will showcase different repertoire on
both nights, so you are encouraged to attend both!

The FH Collins Grade 8 Band will play Monday night only. Tickets will be available
here: https://www.yukontickets.com/TheatreManager/1/online?event=0

Showtime is 7:00pm, students playing are expected to arrive at 6:00pm.

See you there!

Yukon Arts Centre | Upcoming Events

× Please note: this is a Live Stream/Online Event! This Live Stream Event is
available ON DEMAND until December 24th. To watch the perfomance login to
YukonTickets.com, click on "Tickets to Upcoming Events", select your
performance, click "Watch" and enjoy!

Warrior Beat December, 2023
Counsellor’s Corner Grad Class of 2023
FH Collins Guidance Counsellors will be Schulich Leader Scholarships are Canada’s
hosting a Course Selection Info Session! most coveted undergraduate STEM scholarships.

When: February 8th, 2023 @ 6:30pm One hundred are awarded to entrepreneurial-
minded high school graduates enrolling in a
Where: Room 111 at FH Collins Science, Technology, Engineering or Math
program at 20 partner universities across Canada.
Who is this for: This session is open to both Half are valued at $120,000 for engineering
parents and students. Students will have the scholarships and half are valued at $100,000* for
same presentations in their classes before science and math scholarships.
selecting their courses but this is a great way
to have the conversation before selections are Every high school in Canada can nominate one
made. graduating student each year to apply for the
Why: To get ready and plan ahead for the
2023/2024 school year! Please see a counsellor if you would like to be
Course Selection will happen in February.
There will be an email update in the next few
days to all grads and parents/guardians from
For up to date information regarding student
opportunities and more check out the the FH Collins Substance-free Graduation
counsellors’ website Society.

Math tutoring is available for ALL STUDENTS through YFNED after school, Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:15
– 4: 30, in the FH Collins Library. This is a FREE service is with a certified teacher.
Wood Street School Experiential Programs for 2023-24 School Year – See attached ‘WSC Experiential
Programs – Short Descriptions’ : http://woodstreetcentre.yukonschools.ca/programs.html
Program Applications are due on Friday, January 20 th

 applications can be emailed to: [email protected] mailed or hand-delivered to: 411 Wood
Street – Whitehorse, YT – Y1A 2E9

January 20th Applications Due

February 10th Interviews to be complete by
February 17th Program offer letters out (email)
February 23rd Students must accept or decline offer by
March 1st Information out to schools regarding who will be in WSC programs for 2023 – 2024
See next page
Warrior Beat December, 2023

Explore is an intensive French-immersion program that is offered during the spring and
summer. If you are interested in learning or improving French and travelling to a new part of
Canada, then Explore might be the perfect program for you.

Key reasons why people love to Explore

 Learning French
 Experiencing francophone culture and way of life
 Connecting with others from across Canada and making friends
 Traveling to another part of the country
 Opportunities to continue learning French in a professional context with the Languages at
Work program.
Exploring language and culture through social and travel experiences has never been this
rewarding. For some, it’s life-changing!

Deadline: Feb. 7 Official Languages Programs – Official Languages Programs (englishfrench.ca)

Family Literacy Day is on January 27!

Family Literacy Day takes place every January

27th to raise awareness about the importance of
reading and engaging in other literacy-related
activities as a family. Since 1999, thousands of
schools, libraries, literacy organizations and other
community groups have taken part in the

The Family Literacy Day 2023 theme is Celebrate your heritage. Canada is a great diverse country full of
different cultures. Take time to explore and learn about your heritage. Celebrate what you’ve found and
share your culture with others. There’s no better way to learn about your family, than together as a family.

To access free resources, register an event or learn more about Family Literacy Day, visit
Warrior Beat December, 2023
Clubs and Activities…spread the word!

Student Council meets every Tuesday at lunch in room 211, all

students are welcome. The FHC Student Council has been hard at
work planning school spirit activities and advocating for making
FHC a great school for all students.
FHC Student Council is encouraging all Period 1 classes to spruce
up the classroom door as part of our Holiday Door Decorating
Event. There will be prizes and judging will take place on
Wednesday Dec 14th.
FHC has talent!! FHC will be having a talent show on Wednesday
December 14 during period 4. Our awesome students continue to
Contact [email protected]

GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance) Every Thursday in room 212 at lunch time. Feel free to contact Sarah
Taylor at [email protected] or Annie Pellicano at [email protected] for more information.
Dungeon and Dragons (DnD): Every Wednesday in room 122. On early dismissal days it is from 1-3pm and
on regular days it is from 3-5pm. Feel free to contact [email protected] or [email protected]
for more information.
The Creative Writing Club meets on Tuesdays at 3:30pm in the library. Any students interested in writing are
welcome to come join in some fun writing activities in a casual, no-stress environment. Contact Clare
McDowell for more information [email protected]

Lego Robotics club for grade 8 students! FH Collins Grade 8 Lego Robotics Club continues to build and
program robots every Wednesday from 3:30-5:00. We are still looking for new members interested in learning
how to program and build robots Every student in grade 8 is welcome to join. No prior robotics experience is
required! For more info contact [email protected]

See next page

Warrior Beat December, 2023
Social Justice Club meets every Wed. over the
lunch hour room 203. The club meets at 1:00
p.m. on PLC/early dismissal days. For any
student not yet involved in the Club, now is a
great time to start! [email protected] for
Clothing Drive - FH Collins student, Bruce
Porter organized a successful clothing drive!
Jackets, snow pants, toques, mitts and socks were
collected for people in need in our community! In
addition, with the help of bake sales and Grants,
Bruce successfully purchased 25 winter jackets
Ms. Sarin and Social Justice Club students at a bake sale to raise funds for from Changing Gear and 20 sweaters from
the clothing drive.
Yukon Built!
Film Screening Please join us for a special screening of
Our students enjoyed decorating the Thompson
THE TERRITORY, a film about supporting Indigenous
Land Defenders. Centre for the Festive Season!

Hosted by the FH Collins Social Justice Club, admission by donation. Food & Drinks will be available.

Thursday, December 15 @ 7 PM in the FH Collins Library

Synopsis: The Territory provides an immersive look at the tireless fight of the Indigenous Uru-eu-wau-wau people
against the encroaching deforestation brought by farmers and illegal settlers in the Brazilian Amazon. With awe-
inspiring cinematography showcasing the titular landscape and richly textured sound design, the film takes audiences
deep into the Uru-eu-wau-wau community and provides unprecedented access to the farmers and settlers illegally
burning and clearing the protected Indigenous land. Partially shot by the Uru-eu-wau-wau people, the film relies on
verité footage captured over three years as the community risks their lives to set up their own news media team in the
hopes of exposing the truth. Trailer: https://bit.ly/TheTerritory-Trailer Run-time: 83 mins

See next page

Warrior Beat December, 2023
Warriors in Action!

FHC Remembrance Day Ceremony – Lest We Forget – All Staff & Students in attendance, the first such assembly since COVID.

Bravo to those student and staff for being a part of our Remembrance Day Ceremony

See next page

Warrior Beat December, 2023

If you see these two superheroes rest easy…they are out there fighting for learning, everywhere, always…Warrior Pride

Social Justic Club students decorate the Thomspon Centre for the holidays – at -25! See next page 
Warrior Beat December, 2023

SJ Club members drop warm clothing collected for Blood 4 Ties Directions

Some amzing artwork produced by Ms. Thiesen’s art class students

See next page

Warrior Beat December, 2023

See next page

Warrior Beat December, 2023

FH Collins has some of the best players……………………….and fans in the territory! Warrior Pride!

FHC was happy to host the elementary schools for Arctic Games at the start of December.

FHC Senior Girls basketball team welcome St. Frances in the kick-off game of the Jamie Shaw Tournament.

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