Large Particle Effects in Chemicalbiochemical Heap Leach Processes - A Review

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Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1172–1184

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Large particle effects in chemical/biochemical heap leach processes – A review

Yousef Ghorbani ⇑, Megan Becker, Aubrey Mainza, Jean-Paul Franzidis, Jochen Petersen
Minerals to Metals Signature Theme, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X6, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The application of heap leach technology to recovery of economically important metals, notably copper,
Available online 27 April 2011 gold, silver, and uranium, is wide-spread in the mining industry. Unique to heap leaching is the relatively
coarse particle size, typically 12–25 mm top size for crushed and agglomerated ores and larger for run-of-
Keywords: mine dump leaching operations. Leaching from such large particles is commonly assumed to follow
Particles shrinking core type behaviour, although little evidence for the validity of this assumption exists. This
Heap leaching review investigates the current state of knowledge with respect to the understanding of the characteris-
tics and mineralogy of large particles and how these influence leaching in a heap context and the tools to
Leach modelling
characterize these. This includes the study of ore and particle properties, visualization techniques for ore
characterization, the connection between comminution and leaching behaviour, as well as particle mod-
els within heap leach modelling. We contend that the economics of heap leaching are strongly governed
by the trade-off between the slow rate and limited extent of leaching from large particles and the cost of
crushing finer. A sound understanding of the underlying large particle effects will therefore greatly
inform future technology choices in the area of heap leaching.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction work has been done towards the development of this understand-
ing on many different fronts. Heaps are finally coming to be under-
High-grade ore resources in the world are in decline and there- stood as complex but versatile unit operations, which can only be
fore increased attention is given to lower grade and more complex designed and operated to their full potential with the aid of sophis-
ores. Complex sulphide ores are in many cases difficult to treat ticated modelling tools (Dixon, 2003).
with conventional mineral processing methods, and the concen- Unique to heap leaching as compared to other extractive tech-
trates produced are often not clean enough, which renders these nologies is the relatively large particles size, typically 12–25 mm
ores difficult to commercialize (Sandström and Petersson, 1997). top size for crushed and agglomerated ores and larger for run-of-
With the typical ore grades declining and the economic and mine dump leaching operations (Fig. 1). Leaching from such large
environmental cost of energy increasing, less energy intensive me- particles is commonly assumed to follow shrinking core type
tal extraction techniques are becoming more attractive. One of behaviour. However, there are virtually no literature sources,
these methods is heap leaching, which from its first implementa- which offer any evidence for the validity of this assumption in
tion for the recovery of gold from low-grade ores by cyanidation the given context. Recent experimental evidence suggests that in
in the early 1970s, has, in conjunction with solvent extraction fact leaching from large particles occurs only at the surface and
and electrowinning, developed into a key hydrometallurgical tech- in subsurface regions, which are accessible from the surface by
nology for the recovery of base metals, primarily copper from both cracks and pores (Liddell, 2005; Malmström et al., 2008; Sracek
oxides and secondary sulphides. Currently heap leaching accounts et al., 2006; Strömberg and Banwart, 1999). This indirectly also re-
approximately for 20% of the worldwide copper production (Padilla lates leaching behaviour to the method by which the ore has been
et al., 2008; Sylwestrzak, 2010). It has been considered more re- crushed prior to leaching, and it is postulated that coarse crushing,
cently also for nickel, zinc and uranium (Brierley, 2008; Dixon, while obviating the need for energy-intensive fines comminution,
2003; Padilla et al., 2008). poses a number of challenges that contribute to the relatively slow
However, with each new development it becomes increasingly rates of leaching observed in heaps.
apparent that the successful application of heap leaching technol- This paper intends to give a comprehensive overview of the cur-
ogy will ultimately depend on our having an ever more complete rent understanding of the characteristics and mineralogy of large
understanding of the fundamental processes underlying it. Much particles and how these influence leaching in a heap context, as
well as modelling approaches taken. This overview touches on var-
⇑ Corresponding author. ious heap leach technologies in use with various minerals, but is
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Ghorbani). restricted to effects relating to the interaction of large particles

0892-6875/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Ghorbani et al. / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1172–1184 1173

Smith, 2004). In the United States, approximately one-third of gold

and nearly 30% of total new copper production come from heap
leaching. Nearly all new copper and gold mines involve some ore
processing by heap leaching (Acevedo, 2002). Heap leaching has
been considered for zinc leaching (Petersen and Dixon, 2007b)
and also uranium is gaining renewed attention (Carlsson and
Büchel, 2005; Shakir et al., 1992).
Operated correctly, heap leaching offers economic recovery of
resources that would be too marginal for other process routes, such
as concentration followed by smelting or autoclaving (Petersen
and Dixon, 2007a). This method may therefore be particularly
Fig. 1. Particle size distribution in heap leaching process. Source: William (2010). attractive for remote and marginal mines.
Heap bioleaching has become a reasonably well established
within the heap environment. In-depth reviews of heap leaching technology for the extraction of low-grade secondary copper sulp-
technology and detailed discussion of the underlying leaching hides and the oxidation of refractory gold ores. At present, the
chemistry and mechanisms are given elsewhere (see for example: technology is being developed also for the recovery of primary cop-
Bartlett (1998), Logan et al. (2007), Petersen and Dixon (2007a), per sulphides using thermophilic microbes (Pradhan et al., 2008;
Watling (2006)) and do not form substantial part of the present Petersen and Dixon, 2007a).

2.2. Kinetic aspects in heap (bio)leaching

2. Heap leaching
Although the concept of heap bioleaching appears to be very
Heap leaching from low-grade ores has become a major contrib-
simple, the sub-processes taking place within the heap are rather
utor to the total global extraction of economically important met-
complex and their interactions not yet fully understood. Dixon
als, notably copper, gold, silver, and uranium (Padilla et al., 2008).
and Petersen (2003) distinguished between different processes
Crushed or run-of-mine ore (ROM) is piled on an impermeable pad
ranging from the macro- to the grain-scale, as is illustrated in
and leaching reagents are introduced by irrigation from the top.
Fig. 2. At the macro scale, kinetics are governed primarily by trans-
The desired mineral is extracted and the solution becomes increas-
port of mass and energy into, through, and out of the heap struc-
ingly loaded as it percolates through the pile. Leaching may be
ture. This involves the solution, heat and gas flows across the
facilitated by microorganisms resident within the ore bed. The
heap. Macro-scale processes are essentially the ‘‘flow’’ processes
pregnant leach solution (PLS) is collected by a drainage system at
in the heap, i.e. solution flow, gas flow and heat flow.
the base of the pile and channeled to the PLS pond. The PLS is then
At the aggregate scale, gas uptake into the liquid phase, intra-
pumped to the processing facility where the value metal is recov-
and inter-particle diffusion within the stagnant zones, and bacte-
ered. The ‘‘barren’’ leach solution is pumped to the barren solution
rial growth and oxidation are all contributing to the leaching kinet-
pond from where, after solution make-up, it is reapplied to the sur-
ics. Aggregate scale processes at the ‘meso’-scale occur at the level
face of the heap (Watling, 2006). Despite the current widespread
of a cluster of ore particles. The important processes at this level
use of heap leaching in industry, the process is still limited by
are oxygen uptake into solution from the air space, diffusion of dis-
low recoveries, long extraction times, and high operation costs,
solved chemical species through the inter-particle pores, and
especially in terms of acid consumption. Hence, there is a need
microbial processes.
to optimize heap operations in terms of extraction operating costs.
Oxygen is a key reactant in heap bioleaching, as the microbes
The knowledge that informs such optimization is derived from the
oxidize ferrous iron and reduced sulphur species only to the extent
investigation of the interactions between the physical, chemical
to which oxygen is available in the system. Oxygen uptake into
and biological processes that drive a heap (Acevedo, 2002; Drei-
solution across the gas–liquid interface is a temperature depen-
singer, 2006; Mellado et al., 2009).
dent mass transfer step. The mass transfer coefficient is subject
to measurement, and has been highlighted as an important param-
2.1. Heap leaching and conventional methods eter in heap leach modelling (Bouffard, 2003; Petersen, 2010).
The dissolved chemical species (reactants and reaction prod-
Heaps and dumps present a number of advantages and disad- ucts) must diffuse through the stagnant solution occupying the
vantages (Table 1) compared to conventional milling and flotation bed voidage in order to be recovered in the PLS, or to be delivered
of sulphide ores (Acevedo, 2002; Brierley, 2008). In the immediate to the site of chemical reactions within the ore particles. The extent
future, heap leaching is likely to be a major area of expansion, of the effect of this inter-particle pore diffusion on extraction rate
though new patented processes (Pradhan et al., 2008; Thiel and and mineral leaching depends on the length of the diffusion

Table 1
Advantages/disadvantages of heap leaching.

Advantages Disadvantages
Low capital and operating costs Lower recoveries than mill/float or mill/leach
Absence of milling step, may require crushing and agglomeration Long leach cycles and hold-up
Simplicity of atmospheric leach processes Lengthy pilot test programme
Can be used to treat low-grade ores, wastes and small deposits Large footprint
Absence of liquid–solid separation step allows countercurrent operation Environmental release of PLS
Metal tenor may be built up by recycling solution over heaps
Simplicity in equipment and operation
Shorter start-up times
Less intensive environmental regulatory concerns
1174 Y. Ghorbani et al. / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1172–1184

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of sub-processes in heap bioleaching. Source: Dixon and Petersen (2003).

pathway, which may be significant for systems with poor solution the size and porosity of the ore particle, the diffusion gradient,
distribution (Dixon and Petersen, 2003). and the diffusivity of the species.
At the particle scale, leaching is governed by the way in which Finally, at the grain scale, the chemical and electrochemical
mineral grains are distributed within a single particle – this is re- interactions at the grain surface determine the leaching kinetics
ferred to as the topological effect. Mineral grains may be present (Harneit et al., 2006). The key mineral leaching reaction in the
as anything from free grains to encapsulated local spots inside a bioleaching of a sulphide mineral is the oxidation of the metal sul-
particle (see Section 4.1.4). Their distribution and accessibility phide (MeS) by ferric ions (Ogbonna et al., 2006):
within particles directly determine the leachability of the target
mineral. Furthermore, in low-grade ores the mineralogy of the gan- MeS þ 2Fe3þ ! Me2þ þ 2Fe2þ þ S0 ð1Þ
gue matrix is also of some significance, as it can interfere with min-
eral leaching and biological phenomena (Park and Levenspiel, The chemical reactions are primarily a function of temperature
1977). (characterized by the activation energy), and concentration of reac-
Another important process at the particle level is the transport tants. Although the principal mechanisms of such reactions are
of reactants to, and reaction products from, reaction sites within understood, the exact values of critical parameters for each specific
the particle. This process is diffusion governed, and is limited by case are subject to measurement (Petersen and Dixon, 2007a).
Y. Ghorbani et al. / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1172–1184 1175

3. Leaching rate during the heap processes pyrite, of reduced sulphur intermediates from other sulphide min-
erals and hydrolysis of ferric ion, but consumed by the ferrous iron
Metal extraction rates in copper sulphide heap leaching typically oxidation reaction (Eq. (2)).
show an initially fast leaching rate, reaching up to 50–60% extraction Excess acid may be neutralized in various acid-consuming reac-
over the first few months, followed by a slower constant rate period, tions such as the leaching of carbonates and some silicate minerals.
reaching up to 80–90% copper extraction over the following 12– As in all biochemical and chemical processes, the rates of leaching
24 months (Fig. 3). For oxide copper minerals whether alone or in reactions are also temperature dependent. Therefore, evaluation of
mixed sulphide/oxide ores, more than 90% extraction can be com- the temperature effects on the bacterial leaching is considered to
mon in the first 30 days. This is believed to represent the change in be particularly important. In terms of bioleaching the effects of
leaching from the readily accessible grains on the particle surface temperature and pH have largely been limited to conditions near
to the more inaccessible grains within particles (Watling, 2006). the optimum or to those used in tank bioleaching operations
Typical recovery in base metal sulphide heap leaching is about 60– (Ahonena and Tuovinen, 1995; Ojumu et al., 2006; Yin et al., 2008).
70% (Brierley, 2008; Dreisinger, 2006; Thiel and Smith, 2004) over The solid/liquid contact area, which in low-porosity rocks is
a 1–2 year period, after which operation is usually discontinued mainly a function of particle size of the material, is a major factor
due to the slow rates. Rapid leaching occurs in all size classes only in determining the kinetics of the leaching reactions. Typical to
initially, leading to near complete conversion in the smaller sizes, leaching processes is their selectivity with respect to certain min-
but only partial conversion in the larger sizes. After this initially ra- erals or groups of minerals. Leach solution is also able to penetrate
pid phase, leaching slows down dramatically. This was explained by into micro-fissures and micro-pores of the rock mass, thus reduc-
the fact that after depletion of easy-to-leach surface minerals, ferric ing the need for energy consuming crushing and grinding opera-
iron or acid have to migrate deeper into particles via a pore network, tions. The optimization of a leaching process thus requires
and the reduced ferrous form has to return to the surface to be re- quantitative information on the effect of grain size, as well as on
oxidised. Hence, it is likely that the grains near the surface will be the propagation of the leaching effect inside the mineral grains.
depleted much more rapidly, and a slower-leaching mineral at the Permeability is critical for the recovery rates from a heap (as
surface might dissolve preferentially over a fast-leaching mineral well as from dump and in situ operations). If the heap material is
deep inside a particle (Ogbonna et al., 2006). This could mean for too compact, the leaching operation time increases as the reagent
example the preferential dissolution of pyrite over chalcocite or of liquid will only slowly percolate through the heap. If permeability
gangue minerals over copper oxide. in the heap is uneven, the leaching solution might move through
In the bacterial leaching of sulphide minerals, ferric iron is the channels, leaving parts of the heap without immediate contact
key oxidizing agent and soluble iron species are the main determi- with the leach solution. Therefore, fine particles are often agglom-
nants of redox potential. Active iron oxidizing bacteria, such as erated to ensure a better overall permeability.
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, main-
tain high Fe3+/Fe2+ ratios due to continued oxidation as part of their 3.1. Mechanism of leaching from large particles
respiratory process (Ahonena and Tuovinen, 1995). Precipitation of
iron hydroxide and jarosite phases in the leaching system may sup- It is worth emphasizing that when coupled sequential kinetic
press the metal solubilization by preventing the contact between phenomena are involved, the slowest step will control the overall
the leaching agent and the mineral. The solubility of iron species rate of the process, under given conditions. The shrinking core
is defined by their concentration in solution and pH (Malik et al., model implies the change in particle size has an inverse squared ef-
2004). fect on the effective leach rate. Any small increase in effective par-
It is generally accepted that the bioleaching of sulphide miner- ticle size can therefore have a significant effect on the overall
als involves three major sub-processes, viz., the acid ferric leaching diffusion leach rate. One of the challenges in understanding heap
of the sulphide mineral, microbial oxidation of the sulphur moiety leaching is to determine the actual effective particle size (of the
and the microbial oxidation of ferrous-iron to the ferric form. average agglomerate or particles in the heap bed) being leached
Although the stoichiometry of the overall reaction will vary (Miller et al., 2003). Due to larger ore particle sizes encountered
depending on the particular metal sulphide being bioleached, a in heap leaching, chemical diffusion within the solution filled rock
typical reaction for a metal sulphide (MeS) is according to Eq. (1) pores always affect extraction rates. However, mixed leaching
(Nemati et al., 1998; Ojumu et al., 2006). The ferrous-iron is then kinetics occur when slowly reacting mineral grains (e.g., chalcopy-
re-oxidized to the ferric form by microbial action: rite) or very large mineral grains are present within the ore. In
these cases the mineral dissolution rate must be considered along
4Fe2þ þ O2 þ 4Hþ ! Fe3þ þ 2H2 O ð2Þ with diffusion (Bartlett, 1992).
Leaching of minerals from whole ore particles, where the key
The bacterial leaching process requires acidic conditions, the reagent has to migrate from the particle surface, will result in a
acidity often being simultaneously produced by the oxidation of rim-leaching effect in larger particles. Ogbonna et al. (2006)
showed through modelling for an example of a mixed chalcocite/
pyrite ore that all minerals near the surface are depleted first be-
fore the leach front can migrate further into the particle. On the in-
side of the particle even the rate of chalcocite leaching, which is
intrinsically rapid, is controlled by the rate at which ferric iron dif-
fuses into the particle. Furthermore, both pyrite and secondary
covellite left in the outer rim will ‘scavenge’ ferric iron migrating
in from the surface before it can reach unreacted chalcocite deeper
in the particle, as shown in Fig. 4. In the smallest size class, this ef-
fect does not occur since the rate of ferric diffusion is not limiting
due to the much shorter diffusion distance. Hence, if there exists
competition for reagents between different mineral phases, then
this is likely to be skewed in favour of the slower-leaching mineral
Fig. 3. Metal extraction rate in heap leach process. once the fast-leaching mineral has been depleted from the surface,
1176 Y. Ghorbani et al. / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1172–1184

3.2.1. Chemical aspects

Since all sulphide minerals were formed in the presence of an
oxygen-depleted fluid under conditions far removed from the oxy-
gen-rich atmosphere of the earth surface (Lefebvre et al., 2001),
they are unstable when exposed to an oxygenated environment.
In the presence of a contacting fluid phase, the relative stability
of sulphide minerals can generally be assessed with the aid of
pH-Eh diagrams, provided the persistence of metastable mineral
phases, either primary or formed during oxidation, is taken into
consideration (Sracek et al., 2006; Evans and Banwart, 2006). Since,
under acidic conditions, most metals tend to remain in solution as
dissolved ions, and a variety of processes (including microbial
mediation and electrochemical reactions) readily occur to acceler-
ate the oxidation of various sulphides, the ability of the associated
non-sulphide minerals to control the solution pH is perhaps the
Fig. 4. Schematic representation of ferric diffusion through rim leach. Source:
most important factor influencing the rate of oxidation of sulp-
Ogbonna et al. (2006). hides in a rock. In situ neutralization of the acid generated during
sulphide oxidation by reactions with the associated non-sulphide
minerals usually leads to the formation of secondary mineral coat-
ings on the reacting sulphides. Depending on the nature and thick-
rather than leaching more of the fast-leaching mineral deeper in- ness of the coatings thus formed, oxidation of the relevant
side the particle. The effect is exaggerated with increasing particle sulphide(s) occurs at a reduced rate or is totally arrested (Sracek
size. et al., 2006; Evans and Banwart, 2006).
The abundance of the target minerals near the surface is in fact Mineral–solution interaction involving rock-forming minerals,
quite critical in determining the overall rate of leaching and the especially non-silicates, in a sulphide containing rock also affect
likely economic extraction from an ore of a given particle size dis- the oxidation rate of the associated sulphides by modifying the
tribution. For lower porosities, the rate of release of minerals from composition and ionic strength of the solution concerned of Cl
within the ore particles would be even slower and may in fact re- and SO2 4 inhibited pyrite oxidation. Thus, dissolution of halite
strict feasible mineral leaching from the particle surface (or a shal- and gypsum in a sedimentary rock containing pyrite would impede
low surface layer). the oxidation of pyrite while the dissolution of carbonate would
enhance the process. While other iron sulphides are likely to be-
3.2. Chemical weathering have similarly as pyrite, the influence of different salt types and io-
nic strength on the rate of oxidation For example, upon
Oxidation of sulphides in a rock by chemical and biochemical investigating the mechanism of pyrite oxidation in aqueous mix-
leaching is a natural phenomenon; similar to the process that oc- tures, pyrite oxidation rates increased linearly with substrate con-
curs in heap leaching. Investigating mechanisms of weathering centrations of CaCO3 and NaHCO3, whereas solutions of other
could provide useful understanding of heap kinetics, especially metallic sulphides is not clear (Pérez-López et al., 2007; Lefebvre
for leaching from large particles. The intrinsic properties of the et al., 2001; Malmström et al., 2008).
sulphides (chemical composition, crystal structure, defect density
and distribution, etc.) largely control their rate of oxidation, but
3.2.2. Physical aspects
also varies with the ambient physio-chemical settings
The extent that a mineral assemblage can affect the chemistry
(Pérez-López et al., 2007; Gerke et al., 1998; Strömberg and Ban-
of an associated liquid phase (solution) is largely determined by
wart, 1999; Evans and Banwart, 2006). For example, marcasite
the duration of contact between the reacting minerals and the
and framboidal pyrite will oxidize quickly while crystalline pyrite
solution. The longer the contact time, the more closely the solution
will oxidize slowly (Malmström et al., 2008).
chemistry will be governed by the relevant mineral–solution equi-
Of particular importance is the presence of a fluid phase (e.g.
librium. Since the rate of heterogeneous reactions involving a gas–
oxygenated water) that facilitates the oxidation process by provid-
solid or solid–solid couple at ambient temperatures without the
ing for a variety of reactions to occur at the fluid–mineral interface
intervention of a liquid phase is extremely slow, the most intensive
as well as serving to remove oxidation products from the interface
sulphide weathering occurs under conditions transitional from
that may otherwise impede further reactions. The nature and ex-
unsaturated to saturated. This is reflected in the field by the super-
tent of reactions occurring at the sulphide-solution interface are
gene mineralization process occurring in response to a fluctuating
very much dependent on the composition of the solution, which
water table in sulphide-rich terrains. Above the saturated zone, ra-
in turn is influenced by the enclosing mineral assemblage (except
pid sulphide oxidation depends on the trapping of sufficient mois-
at very high flow rates). Therefore, rock-forming minerals that oc-
ture to facilitate and maintain the oxidation process. Temporary
cur together with a sulphide or an assemblage of sulphides also
depletion of moisture will lead to the formation of efflorescent
indirectly affect the rate of oxidation of the latter. Oxygen is an
minerals and arrest the sulphide oxidation (Gerke et al., 1998;
important chemical weathering agent, and there are many metals
Lefebvre et al., 2001; Evans and Banwart, 2006).
present in the rocks. When these metals react with the water
and oxygen, they form oxides. Common examples of such oxides
are hematite, limonite and goethite. The oxides are structurally 4. Effective parameters in heap leaching related to single ore
weaker and easily crumble away under the forces of nature. As a particles
result, bigger rock formations crumble into smaller rock particles.
To elucidate the oxidation of sulphide minerals in a rock, both During the leaching process, physical, chemical and biologic
the chemical and physical aspects of mineral–solution interaction reactions take place in the ore bed under irrigation, and natural
have to be considered (Pérez-López et al., 2007; Malmström subsidence, dissolution, deposition and solute transfer occur as a
et al., 2008): result. Hence the pore structure of the bed continues to evolve
Y. Ghorbani et al. / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1172–1184 1177

and has temporal and spatial variability (Kirjavainen and Heiska- (4) Leach liquor characteristics.
nen, 2007). Bacterial and chemical leaching are influenced by envi- (5) Residue mineralogy.
ronmental, biological and physico-chemical factors, which affect
the yield of metal extraction (Table 2) (Ahonena and Tuovinen, The mineralogy of ores is a key factor in predicting their ex-
1995; Dwivedy, 1995; Malik et al., 2004; Prosser and Box, 1983; pected behaviour during subsequent processing (Pownceby et al.,
Pradhan et al., 2008; Sandström and Petersson, 1997). Correct 2007). Some of the parameters which are related to mineral and
chemical and physical conditions must exist for the percolation structural properties of ore particles are described in the next
leaching system to function: a suitable ore particle size, access of sections.
oxygen and humidity to the mineral surfaces, reduced acid con-
sumption, the presence of sulphides susceptible to bacterial oxida- 4.1.1. Crystallographic structure
tion, and minimal precipitated basic ferric salts, which might block It is well recognised that the surfaces of crystals are not atom-
the percolation channels (Deveci, 2004; Olubambi et al., 2007). ically smooth, even under ideal equilibrium conditions. They con-
Acid consumption by gangue minerals is a very important param- tain numerous microtopographical features. Some of the more
eter for heap leaching performance because the major rate-limiting important of these are presented schematically in Fig. 5, which
step is the lateral diffusion of acid, and a faster rate of acid gangue shows crystalline terraces (atomically flat regions), steps and kink
dissolution effectively lengthens the distance over which the acid sites. Arrows indicate the relative number of orthogonal directions
must diffuse, and makes it more difficult for acid to penetrate to in which atoms (ions) may move from the different surface sites in
the back of the pores. Sulphuric acid is usually a major processing order to become solvated. The height of the steps may vary from
cost. Although the sulphide heap leach reactions should be acid atomic to polyatomic size and mineral surfaces cleaved under care-
neutral or even acid generating. Maintenance of the pH in the pre- fully controlled conditions exhibit numerous steps varying in
ferred range between 1.0 and 2.0 for microbial iron and sulphur height from <5 nm to >100 nm. Consequently, milled minerals
oxidation is also important for ferric ion and acid regeneration by should exhibit a variety of micro-topographical patterns, com-
the microbial population (Helle et al., 2005). In addition, the geom- posed of steps of different heights separated by terraces of varying
etry of the heap (size, especially height) may also affect the biole- size and shape that are generated during fracture and abrasion of
aching process and rate of recovery. For these leaching systems to the mineral particles (Tromans and Meech, 1999, 2002).
function, the leach environment must be kept in such conditions Tromans and Meech (2002) have discussed surface-controlled
that the bacteria requirements are adequately met (Helle et al., mechanisms of mineral dissolution. They recognised the presence
2005; Kirjavainen and Heiskanen, 2007; Suzuki, 2001). of more reactive and less reactive surface sites and the enhanced
reactivity of edge (step) sites. Attention is confined to differences
4.1. Properties of heap leach ores between terrace and step sites only, because these are far more
numerous than kink sites and are likely to be more important in
Geotechnical properties (heap stability, ore compression, settle- determining overall mineral dissolution rates.
ment, ore durability); hydraulic properties (Percolation, flow ver-
sus ore load, drain-down moisture content), metallurgical testing 4.1.2. Mechanical imperfections
and impact of mineralogy, are the major ore properties could have The initial bacterial activity on the surfaces of the sulphide min-
effect on biochemical heap leach operation. The factors that are erals occurs mostly along former cracks, fractures, lineation, grain
influenced by the mineralogy of an ore are (Baláž et al., 1994; boundaries, and zone contacts, contacts between different genera-
Dai and Jeffrey, 2006; Senanayake, 2007): tions or compositions, etc. Mechanical imperfections are deviations
in the sulphide crystal structures. Such defects usually contain high
(1) The degree of comminution required for effective liberation amounts of strain energy. This energy is released with the strain in
of the desired mineral. the crystal, and can thus be of use the bacterial during the oxidiz-
(2) Applicability of physical beneficiation techniques for ing process. The rate of oxidation will therefore be higher at sites of
upgrading the ore. defects, containing strain energy (Chandraprabha et al., 2003; Dai
(3) The nature and quantity of lixiviant to be used. and Jeffrey, 2006; Tromans and Meech, 2002; Ubaldini et al., 1997).

Table 2
Factors and parameters influencing bacterial mineral oxidation and metal mobilization. Source: Pradhan et al. (2008), Kirjavainen and Heiskanen (2007).

Physical and chemical Biological parameters Properties of the minerals to be Processing

parameters leached
d Temperature d Microbial diversity d Mineral type d Leaching mode (in situ, heap, dump, or
tank leaching)
d pH d Population density d Acid consumption, d Pulp density
d Redox potential d Microbial activities d Mineral dissemination d Stirring rate (in case of tank leaching
d Water potential d Spatial distribution of microorganisms d Grain size d Heap geometry (in case of heap leaching)
d Oxygen content and d Metal tolerance d Surface area
d Carbon dioxide content d Spatial d Porosity
d Mass transfer d Distribution of microorganisms, attachment to d Hydrophobicity
ore particles,
d Nutrient availability d Adaptation abilities of microorganisms, and d Galvanic interactions
d Iron(III) concentration d Formation of secondary
d Light
d Pressure
d Surface tension
d Presence of inhibitors,
1178 Y. Ghorbani et al. / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1172–1184

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram showing a Terrace-Step-Kink structure of mineral surfaces and the general location of terrace, step and kink sites for dissolution. Source: Tromans
and Meech (2002).

4.1.3. Particle size

Particle size and shape are the factors which determine the sur- Table 3
face area of the particles. With a few exceptions, the reactions in- The mineral grains can be classification, according to their accessibility to leach
volved in mineral treatment are heterogeneous (i.e. the reaction
takes place at the boundary between phases) and hence the rate Classes Illustration
is expected to be proportional to the interfacial area. The most sig- (a) Grains exposed to the leach solutions at the
nificant point to be made about these two factors is that there are a surface of particles
number of instances where the rate is not dependent on the parti-
cles size (Deveci, 2004; Mazuelos et al., 2001; Strömberg and
Banwart, 1999). Leaching kinetics are affected by the particle size
of the material that is leached, and generally a smaller particle size (b) Grains exposed to the leach solutions via pores or
gives faster leaching kinetics, since finer particles have a larger sur- cracks
face area.
This shows that particle size distribution alone does not provide
sufficient information for understanding bioleaching behaviour.
Attention should also be given to the mineralogical and elemental (c) Grains which become exposed to the leach
distribution within the sizes and the interaction of the minerals/ solutions only after other grains have reacted
phases within the ore. These not only affect the mineral–microbe
interaction and the galvanic interaction, but also the potential for-
mation of precipitate on the surfaces in the course of leaching,
which in turn plays a role in the metal dissolution process. There- (d) Grains from which pores or fissures that do not
fore, to obtain optimum results during base metal recovery from extend to the particle surface depart

complex sulphide ore, process design must start from a complete

and detailed mineralogy study (Olubambi et al., 2007).

4.1.4. Grain distribution and free surface (e) Grains located inside the particles and not
connected to a pore
The mineral grains can be classified according to their accessi-
bility to leach solutions, into five classes as illustrated in table 3:
Types (d) and (e) do not contribute to the rate, at least in the
early stages of leaching, but can become involved in the leaching
process if, as a result of the prolonged contact with leach solutions,
new cracks and fissures are generated in the gangue, thus making
them accessible to leach solutions. For the particles of the type fully liberated grains and the inert matrix plays a minor role.
shown in Table 3, four rate regimes can be identified according Leaching is surface-chemical reaction-controlled. This regime
to their size (Rossi, 1990): is manifested by a shrinking of the particle as the reaction
 The particle size is comparable with the size of the mineral  The particle size is larger than that of the mineral grains,
grains; this is the case of very high-grade ROM ores or of con- although he latter are all accessible to the leach solutions from
centrates. In this case, the reaction rate is close to that of the the start of the reaction. Most of the surface of the mineral
Y. Ghorbani et al. / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1172–1184 1179

grains is surrounded by impervious inert gangue and leach solu- reaction proceeds on the walls of holes at virtually the same rate
tion can only access thereto through the pores and/or cracks. as on the external surfaces. In other words, the area over which
Leaching is therefore still surface-chemical reaction-controlled, reaction takes place is not the external area but the total area,
but the gangue reduces the rate by blocking access of the leach including that of all open pores (Cariaga et al., 2005). As it is not
solutions to most of the surface. Thus, diffusion control comes unusual for the internal area to be far greater than the external
into play. In this case, particle size does not significantly affect area, the porosity becomes a dominant factor (Bachu and Cuthiell,
reaction rate. 1990; Deschamps et al., 2008).
 The ratio between particle radius and embedded mineral grain If the chemical reaction at the surface is fast, the concentration
radius is even larger than in the two preceding cases. The char- gradient is steep and reagent is consumed before it penetrates into
acteristic feature of this situation is that not all the grains are the particle. Under these circumstances, the internal surfaces play
accessible at the start of leaching, although the overall rate is no part, and particle size is the important factor as with non-por-
still controlled by the surface chemical reaction. Accessibility ous particles (Cariaga et al., 2005; Muñoz et al., 1997).
to the inner grains is hindered by the outer mineral grains
and the inert gangue. The rate exhibits a further reduction.
 In the largest particles sizes the kinetics is diffusion-controlled 4.2. The connection between comminution and leaching behaviour
or mixed (diffusion and surface-chemical reaction-controlled).
The effect of the gangue is to increase the diffusion path While the response of particles to breakage is influenced by
length-thereby reducing the overall rate still further. their mineralogical properties, comminution in turn affects min-
eral and elemental distribution within particle size ranges. Miner-
alogical differences within varying particle sizes therefore affect
4.1.5. Porosity their responses to leaching in different conventional and bioleach-
The rate of reaction of a particle with a reagent in a fluid phase, ing media. Owing to the differences in the mineralogical composi-
in which it is immersed, is usually controlled either by molecular tions at different particle sizes, there exist some variations in the
diffusion through a boundary layer extending into the fluid or by microbe–mineral interaction in bioleaching (Liu et al., 2008; Mehta
the reaction at the surface. If the particle contains cracks or holes and Murr, 1983; Urbano et al., 2007).
which are open to the fluid, reagent diffuses into the interior of Since most minerals have some unknown grain size distribu-
the particle and reacts there. Under steady state conditions, the tion, texture, exposure, and spatial distribution within the ore par-
rates of diffusion and reaction are the same, and this state is main- ticles, they must be initially ‘‘unlocked’’ or ‘‘liberated’’ before
tained by a concentration gradient of the reagent within the holes. separation can be undertaken (Miller et al., 2003). The concept of
If the chemical reaction is slow, the concentration gradient is shal- exposure and liberation of a particular mineral in an ore feed
lower than that in the bulk fluid. Under these circumstances the may be graphically expressed as shown in Fig. 6. In a typical

Fig. 6. The concept of exposure and liberation of mineral by hydrometallurgy and that by physical separation process (adapted from: Hsih et al. (1995)).
1180 Y. Ghorbani et al. / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1172–1184

mineral dressing process, the ore feed must be reduced by fracture ers and mills (Daniel, 2007). The comminution principle
into particles with sizes smaller than the valuable mineral grains. (compression as a breakage mechanism) involved is different from
These liberated mineral grains can then be separated from each that in conventional crushers or tumbling mills (impact as break-
other and concentrated based on their distinct physical and chem- age mechanism). As a result, the product from a HPGR is different,
ical properties. Considering hydrometallurgical extraction of and may be expected to have a different behaviour in downstream
metallic values, the mineral grains need not necessarily be liber- processes (Aydoğan et al., 2006). The HPGR breaks particles pre-
ated as free grains; since partial exposure of mineral grains may dominantly in an autogenous way, unlike other comminution de-
provide sufficient surface front for chemical attack by leaching vices. The grinding force is transferred from one particle to the
solution (Hsih et al., 1995). next, with a small proportion of the particles coming into direct
As mentioned above, crack distribution plays a key role in this contact with the rolls (Daniel, 2007). Fig. 7) shows the fracturing
partial exposure of mineral grains. This relates leaching behaviour that occurs because of the application of high pressure. Cracks of-
to the method by which the ore has been crushed prior to leaching ten occur at the grain boundaries, resulting in liberation of the
(Unlanda and Szczelina, 2004). High-pressure grinding rolls minerals and giving leach solutions better access to the particles.
(HPGR) technology has been available for over 20 years. It is be- Fig. 8) compares the extraction from the tank leaching of a semi-
tween 20% and 50% more energy-efficient than conventional crush- refractory gold ore from South Africa crushed by HPGR and a cone

Fig. 7. Standard optical photomicrograph and SEM photographs of four ore particles compared by different comminution methods (cone crusher versus HPGR). Note the
presence of the micro-cracks in the particle prepared by HPGR.

Fig. 8. Leachability of gold ore from South Africa (adapted from: Daniel (2007)).
Y. Ghorbani et al. / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1172–1184 1181

Fig. 9. 3-D image of a single ore particle (40 mm) where the different grey levels represent the different minerals (top left) which is then processed to virtually extract all
minerals other than sphalerite (top right). Plane images of the ore particle are also shown in the x, y, and z-directions to reveal textual details of the ore particles.

(impact) crusher. This confirms that the leachability of the ores Computed Tomography (Garcia et al., 2009; Lin and Miller, 2005;
was better after high pressure grinding, particularly for coarser size Miller et al., 2003; Solymar and Fabricius, 1999; Yang et al.,
fractions. 2008). To illustrate the potential of X-ray tomography for expo-
sure/liberation analysis in a heap leach context, an example is gi-
ven in Fig. 9. A particle is shown in the x, y, and z-directions to
4.3. Visualization techniques for ore characterisation
reveal textual details of the ore particles.

In recent years, automated mineralogy has become established

as an essential enabling technology for the reliable acquisition of 5. Particle models within heap leach modelling
statistically sound comprehensive mineralogical and metallurgical
data. This has had a revolutionary effect on the industrial use of Most of the early heap bioleaching models dealt with leaching
such data in the study of geology, mining and mineral processing at the particle scale (Braun et al., 1974; Bartlett, 1992; Davis and
(Gottlieb, 2008). Usually such studies are conducted in order to Ritchie, 1987; Roman and Olsen, 1974; Shafer et al., 1979). More
evaluate and improve process efficiency. This quantitative data is recent bioleaching models emphasize the effects of bulk scale phe-
derived from images of the mineralogically classified ores or plant nomena, such as liquid flow, gas flow, and temperature distribu-
products in question. The ability of image-based techniques to tion, on heap performance (Dixon, 2000; Dixon and Petersen,
quantify liberation and association parameters of ore minerals 2003; Leahy et al., 2007; Moreno et al., 1999; Ogbonna et al.,
makes them highly preferable to assay-type approaches. A large 2006; Petersen and Dixon, 2002; Pantelis et al., 2002; Sidborn
range of techniques is available for the acquisition of image data, et al., 2003). Although both, particle scale and bulk scale, effects
and the ability of each of these systems to discriminate between are important in heap bioleaching, little has been done to system-
mineral species varies widely (Benvie, 2007; Pownceby et al., atically integrate particle scale models into bulk scale models.
2007). The demand for accurate composition and phase distribu- Most existing bulk scale models account for the effect of particle
tion analyses in complex ore assemblages is increasing rapidly as topology using simplified models such as the shrinking core model,
mineral processing studies become more sophisticated. applied to an average particle size. Implicit in this is an assumption
Significant grain boundary fracture will enhance the exposure/ regarding the relative significance of particle scale phenomena,
liberation of minerals during comminution. However, there is no and which process (diffusion or reaction kinetics) is limiting at
convincing experimental evidence to describe the extent to which the particle scale. A conventional shrinking core approach would
this actually occurs in practice or to indicate what processes can be work only for gangue particles that are homogeneously porous
employed to enhance intergranular fracture (Benvie, 2007). How- and have mineral grains well distributed throughout (Liddell,
ever, an improved understanding of the leaching from large parti- 2005; Velardo et al., 2002; Vegliò et al., 2001). The shrinking core
cle systems can be achieved with the use of an advanced diagnostic model has been shown to be a poor predictor of leach kinetics
and nondestructive technique, such as high resolution 3-D X-ray based on the crushed ore size distribution (Miller, 2003). However,
1182 Y. Ghorbani et al. / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1172–1184

the model itself is a very useful tool to analyse commercial heap can be achieved with high resolution 3-D X-ray Computed Tomog-
data (Miller, 2003). Shrinking core models have proved to be extre- raphy (CT) as it is non-destructive and the processes can be fol-
mely useful in describing the leaching behaviour of many ores and lowed directly in the course of leaching. Although some research
flotation concentrates, although they tend to be used as empirical has been done in this regard, further researches should focus on
tools rather than in any predictive way: data is obtained from adaptation and improvement of this technique for application in
batch leaching, which is then fitted according to the topological the field of mineral processing.
model equations, and then the one that gives the best fit is chosen Observations using this technique can be coupled with the re-
as best representative of the system. There are no reliable criteria sults from t other modern automated mineralogy measurements,
to predict a priori the rate-controlling regime in which a given sys- more traditional column leach experiments and solution chemistry
tem will operate. Clearly, obtaining these criteria will require a considerations, in order to identify the progression of heap leach-
greater understanding of the controlling processes on a micro- ing at the particle scale. With such insight, it would be possible
scopic level (Liddell, 2005; Velardo et al., 2002). to describe leaching from within large particles with a more accu-
Part of this difficulty in understanding leaching reactions lies in rate model. We contend that the economics of heap leaching are
their heterogeneous nature and the variability from one ore or con- strongly governed by the trade-off between slow rate and limited
centrates to another. However, another part stems from the fact extent of leaching from large particles and the cost of crushing fi-
that the conventional shrinking-core equations have been nar- ner. A sound understanding of the underlying mechanisms gained
rowly focused on the dissolved reactant and the particles being through the approach proposed above will greatly inform future
leached (Liddell, 2005). Models usually assume spherical geometry technology choices in the area of heap leaching.
of the particles, although ore or concentrate particles are never
spherically symmetric. Deviation from the spherical shape leads Acknowledgements
to an increase in the surface-to-volume ratio (Rossi, 1990). Fur-
thermore, particle scale effects in heap bioleaching are influenced The authors are grateful to Centre for Bioprocess Engineering
by other factors, including the particle size distribution, the ore Research (CeBER) (Department of Chemical Engineering, UCT), for
mineralogy, surface properties, pore size distribution and micro- their advice and support. Financial support from the South Africa
bial interactions. Research Chair Initiative (SARChI) in Mineral Beneficiation, and a
Hence, the overall rate at which a mineral is dissolved from an Research Niche Area (RNA) grant from the National Research Foun-
ore particle is quite often the manifestation of a complex network dation (NRF) of South Africa are also acknowledged.
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