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People and Earth’s Ecosystem

Janmar B. Octaviano

Activity 2: People and Population

Part I. People and Population: Human Evolution

A. Complete a table like the one below by writing what questions about human evolution
interests you and list one evidence that answers your question. (12pts)

Question about Human Evolution Possible Evidence

Is humans and monkeys related to each Humans and monkeys are both primates.
other? But humans are not descended from
monkeys or any other primate living today.
We do share a common ape ancestor with
chimpanzees. It lived between 8 and 6
million years ago. But humans and
chimpanzees evolved differently from that
same ancestor. All apes and monkeys
share a more distant relative, which lived
about 25 million years ago.
Why does evolution occurs? Darwin and a scientific contemporary of his,
Alfred Russel Wallace, proposed that
evolution occurs because of a
phenomenon called natural selection. In
the theory of natural selection, organisms
produce more offspring than are able to
survive in their environment.
How much we discovered about evolution? There are various findings from many fields
have confirmed and greatly expanded
since the establishment of his ideas. We’ve
learned that Earth is old enough for all
known species to have evolved. We’ve
discovered DNA, which confirms that all
organisms are related to one another. And
we’ve uncovered millions of fossils that
provide evidence of how one life form
evolved into another over time.
4. Describe at least two similarities of humans and other primates.
• Both humans and African apes have similarities in terms of lack external tails,
internal organ arrangements, all of the same bones (though slightly different in size
and shape), and several crucial blood type systems. In addition, we also contract
a lot of the same illnesses.
• The hands and thumbs of human and those of African apes are sufficiently
separated from other fingers, allowing them to have an ability to do a precise grips.

5. How are modern humans different from other primates?

The current human brain is three times bigger than primates’ brains. Compared to ancient
primates species, people now use significantly more sophisticated verbal communication
techniques. Only humans have developed and used symbols as a form of communication.
Humans are unique in that we can think up new concepts and sophisticated technologies
which has been really helpful in the struggle for survival.

B. Choose ONE of the questions below and explain within 100-150 words. Please do not
forget to COPY the question you have chosen. (10pts)

c. What are the survival challenges that early humans faced and how is it similar or
different to present time?
Making fire, getting food and a place to live, creating equipment for hunting, and having
a safe environment to live in are the obstacles that early humans faced in order to survive.
Early humans struggled to establish stable lifestyles because they were still learning
about the world and lacked sufficient environmental information. While in the present era,
people are immersed in technology. All of human needs, including cooking, cleaning, and
clothing washing, can be met thanks to technologies. Machines are still being developed
by people to improve the convenience of our lives. The life of our ancestors faced through
are much more difficult and complicated than the lives now we are living in prosperity and
abundance. I can truly say that living environment of early humans and modern times
have a huge different from each other. We cannot compare our lives now and the
environment and circumstance back then.

Part II. People and Population: Population

A. Data interpretation. Study the graph about “Women’s Education and Fertility” and
answer the questions (50-100 words each) that will follow. (graph from IM page 34)
a. What does the graph tell you about women’s education and fertility?
As I examine deeply the graph, I observed that the more a woman aquire knowledge and
pursue education, the more they become aware of many things including childbirth and
family planning. On the other hand, because of lack of education, some woman don’t
have necessary knowledge on how to do a family planning which is the reason why they
have huge number of children in their family.
b. What do you notice about the countries that have the highest number of babies
(bar location: left side of the graph/left of zero)? Highest number of years spent in
education (bar location: right side of the graph/right of zero)?
I noticed that the countries that have a more greater phase of education have a lower
fertility rate because better-educated women have stable income to properly planned their
household. While the lowest phase of education have a higher number of babies born
because they don’t have much attention to proper planning as they are busy finding jobs
and can’t afford some resources that allows them to have a properly family planning.
c. countries do you think have a J-shape pattern? S-shape?
The countries that have a J-shape pattern are Niger, Afganistan, Papua New Guinea, and
Gana because they have a sudden exponential growth of childbirth. Meanwhile, the
countries that formed the S-Shape pattern are United States, Sweden, Malaysia,
Argentina and Kuwait because they showed a slow stabilization as the graph goes up.
d. Of the three survivorship curves (Type I, II, and III) which is the pattern of
humans? What made you say so?
The pattern of human is the Type I, this is because parents are taking actions on a
extreme precautions in taking care of their young children. They protect them and guide
them to let them have a ability to protect themselves as they grow older. They teaches
their young children in different categories of learning so they can be are educated about
various things.
e. The population has continued to grow tremendously since the Industrial
Revolution. Is this a density-dependent or density-independent factor? Why?
It is a Density-dependent limiting factors because a population’s per capita growth rate
changes typically with increasing population density. One example is competition for
limited food among members of a population.

B. Choose ONE of the questions below and explain within 100-150 words. Please do
not forget to COPY the question you have chosen.

c. What scenario can you see in the future when humans have reached the Earth’s
carrying capacity?
As the human grows indefinitely, our earth capacity are reaching its limits. With the
number of people on earth approaches 8 billion, this growth cannot be sustained
continuously; both the resources the earth can give us with to sustain our lives will have
their limits reached. Our effects on the globe are so great that we are gradually
squandering and destroying our home planet. Mass extinctions, global climate change,
and overuse of resource are just a few of the problems that humanity have contributed to
throughout history. Our earth is getting closer to its breaking point as a result of our
expanding population, increasing usage of factories, and increased per capita effect. If
this continues, all I can imagine is a dark days where everyone will fight for foods, shelter,
resources and many more. Wars might start just to control food and/or water resources.
In the end, we will face nothing but a chaos where the rules of the jungle governing over

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