Web Developement Report

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COURSE CODE : SI/2020-10




Student Name : Instructor :

Ardhendu Mishra Dr. S. Kalpana

B.Tech (ECE), 2nd Year Senior Research Engineer
SIC No. : 190410455 Amphisoft Technologies

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Silicon Institute of Technology
Silicon Hills, Patia
Bhubaneswar -751024

1. Abstract 2

2. Introduction 3-4

3. Objectives 5-6

4. Methodology 7

5. Details of Works done during the Internship (on daily/weekly basis) 8-9

6. Outcomes of the Program 10-11

7. Discussion 12

8. Conclusion 13


WEBSITE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT were the main objectives

of this internship. To develop a web based application or software there are
several programming languages that are in use. Some of them are only used
for the frontend and backend design of the software. For example- HTML3,
HTML4, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap Framework etc. There are also some
other programming languages that are used to develop the dynamic
functions of the software or application. For example- PHP, Java etc.
Nowadays there are also some framework's that use vastly. Frameworks are
basically structured programming by using Model, View, and Controller. It
is also called as MVC. If we develop web based application that is very
useful for us because we can access it from anywhere of the world. It is
very helpful for our daily life. That is why I choose subject of my report is
Academy added huge experiences in my upcoming career. Solving real life
problems was another key issue. This report takes us through all the details
of WEBSITE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT knowledge and experience
gathered during this internship period.


Internships are formal programs designed to provide practical experience in

real world environment to students who are new to that field. Internships help
build competent résumé by giving students visible work experience. Although
colleges and universities assist students in finding the right Internship
programs, it is the responsibility of the would-be interns to carefully examine
internship programs, and see if those programs actually offer the training(s)
they need.

There is no standardized duration for how long an Internship program lasts

but typically an Internship is the period of three to twelve months. During this
period, interns have the opportunity to explore their field of interest, find out
what future they are diving into and whether or not their skill sets match their
path of career.

Internship program provides a new perspective to the students. It provides

learning opportunities outside the boundaries of the course curriculum and
classroom activities. These opportunities enhance student’s capability to apply
theoretical understanding into real-world scenarios, thereby enhancing the
students’ academic and career goals

From the student perspective, internship assists with career development in

different diverse fields such as coding, programming, networking, marketing,

etc. by providing vital work experience that allows students to explore their
area of interests and develop relevant skills and competencies.
From the organization perspective, internship provides a unique opportunity
to train fresh talents, enhance their professional development as well as aid
the professional growth of the intern mentor/supervisor. Organizations can
also find potential employees within the interns.

It’s really encouraging when you get chance to do internship and learn
through hand on desk experience. The excitement further increases when you
get the chance in the very first year of your graduation. The same happened
with me when I got the chance to complete my internship under the wings of
the online course providing platform E-Box.

As a full time student at Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, I

decided to undertake this Internship in a semester of my first year studies at
E-Box online course providing platform. The course at the E-Box was quite
challenging for me for a few reasons: Firstly, the programming languages and
development tools I was using at the E-Box were new for me, hence I had to
quickly integrate not only with my new living environment but also
academically. This was very beneficial for me as at the end I could compare
what I’ve learnt with what I already knew and find a connection between the
two. Since I find myself more interested in the area of web development and
designing, I was happy to pursue this course . This report is a description of
my 3 week internship carried out as a compulsory component of the course at


The purpose of this internship is to expose students to real work of

environment experience and at the same time. The report is prepared for the
purpose of explaining the achievement of the author during internship period.
The objectives of internship program are as follows:
• To build the strength, teamwork spirit and self-confidence in students’
• Provides the opportunity to learn real-life work skills and etiquette
hands-on at a real job.
• To Gain valuable skills, knowledge and experience in a field to allow
you to make a career transition.
• Explore a career interest, develop skills, and gain experience.
• Internship, focus on the skills you will learn and the experiences you
will have, not simply on the company name.
• To help you apply the theory and skills you have learned in the
classroom setting, and for your personal development.
• The student will be able instilled with good moral values such as
responsibility , commitment and trustworthy during their training
• Internships strengthen resumes by giving students visible work
experience and providing older job hunters with needed credentials to
change careers.
The objective of the web development is to handle the entire activity of a
website. The software keeps track of all the information about the entire

website. The system contains database where all the information will be
stored safely.

• To save the time and resources : The website system will take less
time in entering the data, processing it and getting its output. Fewer
resources will be used as no large registers, files, ledgers, pens;
correctors will be needed or used.
• To reduce the number of workers : After the system will be
computerized only a single computer operator will be needed to operate
the system while now more than one worker work in the system.
• To reduce the space being used : Every data will be stored in the
computer memory whereas now it is stored in registers and files which
then stored in bookshelves or cupboards and they need a large space.
• To reduce the work load : As the new system will be computerized,
the database will be automatically updated at the time of entry.
Everything will be done automatically just by clicking few buttons.
There will be no need to maintain any files or registers.
• To make it easy to search any record : It will be much easier to find
particular record rather than opening such huge files and finding a
single record from them
• To edit records and update the database easily : Records will be
easily edited and the database will easily be updated at the time of
entering a record.
• To make the system user friendly : The system will be much easier to
use and the operator will feel no difficulty.


The methodology used during my internship program was to create a solid

foundation for the beginners who were new to the language and designing
field and to encourage them for exploring things on their own. We were firstly
introduced to the new topics and development tools during the online theory
classes alongside keeping in touch with the previously discussed topics in the
online doubt clearing classes. The trainers keenly focused on helping us to
keep up with the course and also revising the previous topics. Our doubts
were encouraged and cleared whether it be online assignments(coding and
developing web pages) or theory class.

Online assignments and quizzes were designed so as to help us revise the

previous topics and giving us practical idea about the use of the tools we
learned so far.

Apart from daily quizzes and assignments we also came across a mini project
in which there were some real world problems and helped us to accumulate
data and gain experience on the appropriate way to counter the problems

The program focused on the ‘hand-on-desk’ approach where we were given

opportunities to learn through practical implementations and our errors. All
together our trainers were always there to clear our doubts and helped us
through any programming problem.


My internship program ‘Responsive Webpage Development using HTML,

CSS and JS Technologies’ was strictly designed to give us basic knowledge
about the HTML language and helped us in exploring ourselves to learn
more about it on our own. It focused priory on building a solid base for us so
that we could construct our further knowledge the way we want regarding
the development and designing of various websites or web pages.

The overall topic was divided into 10 modules which were covered each
day. The modules are :-

❖ HTML and CSS Basics

❖ HTML and CSS – Images, Tables and Links

❖ HTML and CSS – Lists, Forms and Validations

❖ JS Basics

❖ JS Objects and Functions

❖ JS DOM Events, Validations and Error Handling

❖ JS Multimedia and Image Map

❖ Assessment

❖ Additional Application Problems on HTML, CSS and JavaScript

❖ Advanced CSS

Doubt Clearing Sessions
There were doubt clearing sessions every day. It helped in understanding the
concepts better and it included the involvement of various students and the

Daily Quizzes
After the end of each class, online quizzes were conducted containing
problems on the concepts taught on that particular day. It helped in
understanding the concepts in a better way.

Daily Assignments and Weekly Assessments

Daily assignments containing various types of problems were given to
enhance the problem solving skills of the students. It contained some basic
and advanced level programming questions. Regular assessments were
conducted in every two weeks to check the gain capability of the students. It
helped in remembering the important concepts and topics in mind.

Final Project
There was a final project at the end of the course which included every topic
and function to be implemented to get the solution. It helped in as a recap of
what we have learnt in the course and how to implement it in your own way.

There are more problems web development because it contains more type
markup language, methods, objects, modifiers, and many ways to create
code or project. And there are not only problems in web development have
more solution which can be easily and shortly.


▪ Basic concept (WWW& HTTP, HTTPS, Client Server


▪ Basic HTML (Tags, Element, Attributes, Paragraphs, Headings, Line

Breaks, Horizontal Rule, Lists, Table, Color Codes, Font, Text
Linking, Email, Images, Background, Comments, Meta, Media,

▪ HTML Forms (Input, Text Fields, Password, Checkbox, Combo

Box, Radio, Text Areas, Files, Buttons)

▪ HTML 5 features


▪ Basic CSS (selector, internal, external, Inline, Class, Id, Background,

font, Text, Padding, Margin, Border, list CSS, hovering and

▪ Advance CSS (border-radius, opacity, cursor, layers, position, display,

float, gradient, and multiple-column)

▪ Concept of Menus (single menu, dropdown menu)

▪ Template, design using CSS div

▪ Basic JavaScript (Syntax, Enable, Location, Operators, Variables,
Events, Alert, Confirm, Prompt, POP up, Date, print)
▪ JavaScript String (Strings, Length, Split, Search, Replace)

▪ JavaScript advanced (get Element by Id, Inner HTML, Get

table, index, DOM, manipulation, Regular Expression)

There are more problems with web development because it contains

more critical type markup languages, methods, objects, modifiers,
and many ways to create code or project. And there are not only
problems in web development but also have more solution which can
be executed easily and shortly.

There are more problems to create when I working with CSS. It is

very easy but sometimes it’s not matched with my expectation, and
placed in appropriate place. Web designing is not an easy task. It
takes a lot of creativity, uniqueness and brainstorming sessions to
come up with a nice web design. Only a web designer can tell about
the challenges they go through on regular basis.

On the contrary, there are some other challenges which are faced by
web designers. These challenges are about keeping a website
responsive enough so that it can be viewed and accessed on all
There are different types of challenges have to be faces during the software
develop. Most commonly:
▪ Syntax error.
▪ Fatal error.
▪ Find out the problem and try to solve that.

This report aims to provide a critical review of the relevant literature in the
web field and also to describe key aspects of the methodology that will be
applied throughout the project. This report tries to examine various issues
that arise while building a website. It is important to highlight, that websites
are not simple software artifacts. Mastering the necessary software skills and
tools to build a website does not guarantee its success. For this reason,
following the guidance and the advice of my supervising professor, this report
focuses on many other challenges that come up through the development
process. Further research and more focus will be given on software tools after
these parts of the methodology are complete and will be presented in later
stages of the project. The decisions on how the website will be build depend
on the results of the problem investigation stage, since they will play a major
role into describing the specific user requirements for the software. The
decision will be based on evaluating case studies of website development, in
order to examine a vast variety of techniques and software tools that have
been applied successfully in real projects. Furthermore, further research will
be conducted to spot the strong points of various techniques and justify the
choice that will be finally made. Finally, an attempt will be made to contact
some experienced web developers and ideally some web developers who
have worked on similar projects, in order to absorb valuable knowledge from
their experience.


As a conclusion, I can say that this internship was a great experience. Thanks
to this project, I acquired deeper knowledge concerning my technical skills
but I also personally benefited. Currently PHP pages are a common part of
web applications, and one of the most popular language for web development
used by developers worldwide. If we surf internet, we can see millions of
websites built with PHP and MYSQL. I learn to live in a different
environment from the one I am used to. Indeed, I grew more independent in
work and also in everyday life. I realized that I could do more things than I
thought like learning new things by myself.

There are huge opportunities available for the students who want to work in
this field. Many private and public organizations hire web designer for their
online work and website development. With the rapid advent of online
industry, the demand of web development professionals is increasing and this
has created a huge job opportunity for the aspirants in the upcoming days.

Also, an experienced person in this field can also work as a freelancer; there
are many online companies which provide online projects to the individuals.


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