Text Set-1st Grade Election Day-Lesson Plan

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Election Day-Text Sets

Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Amanda Guldin

Date: 10-11-22 Group Size: 24 Allotted Time: 15-25 minutes Grade Level: 1st
Subject or Topic: Election Day
Common Core/PA Standard(s):
5.9. (Informational Texts) Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order
to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.

8.1.3.B: Identify fact, opinion, multiple points of view, and primary sources as related to

8.1.4.C: Identify a specific research topic and develop questions relating to the research topic.
Learning Targets/Objectives:
Integrate social studies related children’s literature in the development of critical concepts.

Apply knowledge of quality social studies literature for examination, discussion, and
Assessment Approaches: Evidence:
1. Observation 1. anecdotal notes
2. “If I were President” worksheet 2. understanding
Assessment Scale:
1. Participation
4 3 2 1 0

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Election Day-Text Sets

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Key Vocabulary:

Anticipatory Set

Day prior to teaching or Day 1

● In the United States, citizens get to elect, or choose, their leaders. After candidates
(people who want to become the next president) campaign and travel all over the
country trying to get people to vote for them, it all comes down to one big day. This is
Election Day.
● Election day is soon, so I think it is a good idea to do a little Election activity for social
studies. Everyone votes, but it was not always the case, so the next couple days, we are
going to be learning about Voting (Election Day).

Power Point:
Election Day-Text Sets

Development/Teaching Approaches

Day 1:

On Day 1 we read the mini book called “V is for voting?” This introduces progressive
families to concepts like social justice and civil rights and reminds readers that every vote
counts. After reading I will tell the class that at the end of the week we will be doing our own
voting, but first we need to know more about voting. Next we will be doing a read aloud with
“The Little Book of Presidential Election”. It takes young readers step-by-step through the
process of electing the president of the United States, it also provides a clear, kid-friendly
explanation of the concept of voting and why it is so important.
● Before
○ “The Book we are going to be reading today is The Little Book of Presidential
Elections written by Zack Bush and Laurie Friedman and illustrated by Sarah
Van Evera. Does anyone know what a Presidential Election is? Or what just the
President or just the Election is? (Calls on kids to see what they know) It is an
election where we vote, like the book we just listened to V is for Voting, to see
who becomes the next president. Let us see what this book is going to teach us
about the presidential elections.”
● During
○ Page 6: “We just read about voting! Everyone who can vote, votes to choose
who will be president.”
○ Page 8: “I wonder why it is important to know who to vote for?”
○ Page 12: “That is true, we vote on a lot of big decisions, like what should our
prize be with the smiley faces, dinner like what was just said, a show or movie,
○ page 14: “So that is why it is important to know who to vote for. They all have
different beliefs and ways of thinking. Just like all of us.”
○ page 18: “I agree it is important to be polite and respectful, it isn’t nice if we
start to be rude and not listen to someone when they are trying to tell us
something. Thumbs up or thumbs down if you agree.”
○ page 29: “Voting for the person who best represents what you believe in. Like
if Mrs. Delenick thinks Taylor Swift is the best and I believe that Hannah
Montana is the best, You would choose who you like Mrs. Delenick because of
Taylor Swift or me because of Hannah Montana
● After
○ Thumbs up or thumbs down if
■ Every vote matters.
■ We need to be rude and not listen when someone is tell us something
■ We Vote for the person that best represents what we believe in.

After learning about elections and voting, I'll have the students fill out a registration to vote
card to use for the bulletin board. At the end of the day I will read the story “Lillian’s Right to
Election Day-Text Sets

Vote'' for more information on voting rights.

Day 2:

On Day 2 we learn about surveys. I'll start the day off by reading “Grace For President” to
introduce candidates. I teach the children that this is an easy way to get to know your
candidates. So, then I’ll do a read aloud with “Duck For President”.
● Before
○ “The book we are going to be reading is called Duck For President by Doreen
Cronin and Betsey Lewin. Can anyone tell me what they think this book is
going to be about based on the picture on the cover and the title? (Let the
students answer) Let us see what this Duck has to tell us.”
● During
○ Page 6: “They don’t look very happy do they?”
○ Page 12: “ That is a funny thing to be able to vote (Be at least this tall to vote.)
○ Page 17-18: “Nothing at all changed when Duck was in charge, he still isn't
happy. I wonder if being Governor is more work or less work”
○ Page 27-28: “I guess nothing has changed. He still isn't happy. Now he is going
for the Presidential Election. Is that more work or less work?”
○ Page 33: “And Duck is still not happy.”
○ Page 39: “I guess he found something that he is happy doing.”
● After
○ Thumbs up or Thumbs down
■ Duck was happy in the beginning doing chores
■ Duck was happy when he became the new farmer
■ Duck was happy when he became governor
■ Duck was miserable when he became president
■ Duck was miserable when he went back to the farm
○ What did Duck do for the farmer?
So, I’ll introduce the voting poll we will be doing in class. The voting is going to be about
candy: Hershey Kisses, Skittles, Sour Patch Kids, & Gummy Bears. Then I’ll have the
students split up into 4 groups and write down what is good about one of the candies. I’ll then
make a chart on the differences between the candy candidates. At the end of the day I’ll read
the book “Vote For Me!” for more information on candidates.

Day 3

On day 3, we will just be doing writing along with learning about election day. I’ll start the
day off with reading “If I were President” Then I'll give them a worksheet where they will
draw a picture of themselves on the dollar and write three sentences that they would do if they
were president. At the end of the day, I tell the students that tomorrow we will be holding an
election on which candies are our favorite. I’ll go over each candy and explain why they are
good again. Then, I’ll read the book “The Night Before Election Day”.
Election Day-Text Sets

Day 4

On day 4 we will be holding an election. I will go over the candidates and why again before
we vote. Then, I’ll wait until it’s the end of the day for the students to do the poll. I’ll hand out
the ballot that the students will vote on. After Voting, I’ll have the students put the Ballots into
the basket to go over who won. As I am going through the ballets, I`ll have the students pick
up one of the four buttons to color and when they are done, I’ll put tape or a ribbon on the
back for them to have. I’ll then wait till the last day (tomorrow) to tell them.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:

Day 5 (Last Day)

On day 5 we will go over the winner. When we get to go over the winner, I’ll go “Now the
winner of the candy election is… drum roll please….. (Winner)!!!!” and pull out the candy
winner so the kids can have a treat of the winning candy.


Other types of documentations

larger print
online versions
audio versions

Power Point


Bigger copies of the worksheets


Voting coloring sheet

Election Day-Text Sets

If I were president worksheet

Voting Registration
Election Day-Text Sets

Voting Ballot

Election Day-Text Sets

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