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(A JV company of Govt. of India and Govt. of Maharashtra)

MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E),
Mumbai - 400 051. Website:

Recruitment Advertisement 2022 – 02

Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Limited intends to appoint qualified and experienced professionals for the
following posts on Regular/ Contract/ Deputation basis:

Sr. Name of Posts & Pay Scale (IDA) / Nature of UR EWS OBC SC ST Total
No. Grade appointment
1. General Manager (Accounts) Regular/ 01 - - - - 01
Rs. 1,20,000 – 2,80,000/- (E8) Deputation
2. Dy. General Manager (Signal & Regular/ 01 - - - - 01
Telecom) Deputation
Rs. 80,000 – 2,20,000/- (E5)
3. Dy. General Manager (Material Regular/ 01 - - - - 01
Management) Deputation
Rs. 80,000 – 2,20,000/- (E5)
4. Asst. General Manager (RS) Deputation/ - - 01 - - 01
Rs. 70,000 – 2,00,000/- (E4) Contract (03 years)
5. Asst. General Manager (TP) Deputation/ 02 - 01 - - 03
Rs. 70,000 – 2,00,000/- (E4) Contract (03 years)
6. Dy. Town Planner Deputation/ 01 - 01 - - 02
Rs. 60,000 – 1,80,000/- (E3) Contract (03 years)
7. Dy. Engineer (PST) Deputation/ 01 - 01 - - 02
Rs. 50,000 – 1,60,000/- (E2) Contract (03 years)
8. Dy. Engineer (Signal & Telecom) Deputation/ 01 - - - - 01
Rs. 50,000 – 1,60,000/- (E2) Contract (03 years)
9. Dy. Engineer (E&M) Deputation/ - - 01 01 - 02
Rs. 50,000 – 1,60,000/- (E2) Contract (03 years)
10. Assistant Manager (Material Deputation/ 01 - - - - 01
Management) Contract (03 years)
Rs. 40,000 – 1,40,000/- (E1)
11. Jr. Engineer- II (Depot, M&P) Contract (03 years) 01 - - - - 01
Rs. 35,280 – 67,920/- (W6)
12. Jr. Engineer- II (Rolling Stock) Contract (03 years) 01 - 01 - - 02
Rs. 35,280 – 67,920/- (W6)

Total 11 - 06 01 - 18

• Note :
a) Age, qualification and experience would be as on 01st December, 2022.
b) For detailed advertisement, Recruitment Rules, eligibility requirements and other instructions for
filling the above posts please visit
c) Online submission of application will start from 05th December, 2022 at 10:00 Hrs. and will end
on 18th January, 2023 at 23:59 Hrs. No other modes of application will be accepted.

Date: 30th November, 2022 (Ashwini Bhide, I.A.S)
Managing Director
Place: Mumbai Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.
(A JV company of Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra)
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Sr. Designation Grade/ Pay No. of Age Qualification Mandatory Experience Desirable
No. scale post
1. General Grade (E8) 01 Maximum Candidate must be a • Member of Group “A” Service of Government of India in JAG with 05 • Candidate with
Manager 55 years regular full-time years’ experience or in SG/ SAG Grade working in Level 13 / 13A of 7th experience of working
(Accounts) Rs. 1,20,000 – Graduate from a CPC pay matrix. OR in Railways/ Metros/
2,80,000/- (Age is recognised university • Executives working in “CPSE/ PSU/ Autonomous Bodies” with 05 other PSUs or other
relaxable for and Chartered years’ experience in the E6 or equivalent grade with IDA pay scale of Rs. Govt. / Semi-Govt.
(IDA Pay deserving/ Accountant or Cost will be preferred.
90,000 – 2,40,000/- or Rs.36,600-62,000/- (pre-revised) with minimum
scale) internal Accountant 02 years’ experience in the E7 or equivalent grade with the IDA pay scale • Candidates with
/deputation or MBA (Full Time) of Rs. 1,00,000 – 2,60,000/-or Rs.43,200-66,000/- (pre-revised). working knowledge of
candidates) with specialization in • Candidates from organization of private sector (with annual turnover of ERP/Oracle Financials
Finance from a not less than Rs. 2000 crores and with a minimum CTC of Rs. 20 Lakhs & Computers will be
reputed University/ p.a.) should have at least 10 years of cumulative experience at a senior preferred.
Institute. level / middle management level during the last 18 years.
• Candidates should have sound knowledge and experience in Project
Finance, Project Accounting, Finalisation of Annual Accounts, Internal
Financial Control, Auditing and coordinating with Auditors including
CAG, Multilateral/Bilateral Funding, Direct and Indirect Taxation,
Treasury Management, Tender Evaluation, Contract Management,
vetting of contracts/ offer, Risk Assessment, working knowledge of IND-
AS, compliance of Companies Act, 2013 and Corporate Governance,
setting up of systems and procedures for office automation, project
appraisal and project funding including raising / arranging funds for
projects from Domestic Banks /International sources/ Financial
Institutions / Public or on Private placement basis.
(A JV company of Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra)
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Sr. Designation Grade/ No. of Age Qualification Experience

No. Pay scale post
Mandatory Desirable

2. Deputy Grade (E5) 01 Maximum Full time Degree in • Sr. Scale officers of Signal and Telecom Engineering • Candidate should have experience
General 40 years Electronics & department having total minimum 06 years of service in of working in construction projects
Manager Rs. 80,000 – (UR Communication GROUP 'A' OR officers of Signal and Telecom of railways / metros/ other PSUs /
(Signal & 2,20,000/- category) (Age is Engineering from Engineering department in Sr. scale having total private sector dealing in Signal and
relaxable for recognized and minimum 09 years service in GROUP 'B' or Telecom.
(IDA Pay deserving/ reputed university. • Total minimum 09 years of post-qualification • Candidate should be conversant
scale) internal experience with minimum 04 years experience in next with international competitive
/deputation below grade (Rs. 70,000 – 2,00,000/-) in IDA pay scale; bidding, computerized environment
candidates) or working and latest Signaling &
• Total minimum 09 years of post-qualification Telecommunications (S&T)
experience in executive grade in government entities technologies etc.
like Metro rail corporations, RVNL, RITES etc in • Candidates with experience of
“desirable” domain for the post; or working of modern urban rail
• Total minimum 09 years of post-qualification systems will be preferred.
experience in reputed private sector in executive grade
with a minimum CTC of Rs. 12 Lacs in “desirable”
domain for the post.
(A JV company of Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra)
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Sr. Designation Grade/ Pay No. of post Age Qualification Experience

No. scale
Mandatory Desirable

3. Deputy General Grade (E5) 01 Maximum Full time Degree in Civil / • Candidate having minimum 09 year’s post • Candidates should have experience in
Manager (Material UR 40 years Mechanical / Electronics / qualification executive grade experience with 04 Contract Administration, Project
Management) Rs. 80,000 – Category Electrical Engineering from years’ experience in next below grade in IDA pay Management, Estimation, Tendering,
2,20,000/- (Age is recognized and reputed scale of Rs. 70,000 – 2,00,000/- (E4 grade) or Quantity Survey, Store Management,
(IDA Pay relaxable for university. equivalent CDA pay scale or Inventories and Procurement of stores
scale) deserving/ • Candidate having minimum 09 years of post- items etc.
internal qualification executive grade experience in Govt. • Candidates having experience in
/deputation Metro Rail/ Govt. Organization/ PSUs or using tender portals like GEM, CPPP
candidates) • Candidates working in Private sector should have and tenderwizard etc. for e-
a total minimum of 10 years of post-qualification procurement and e-tendering.
experience with minimum 05 years in executive
level in “desirable” domain for the post with current
CTC of Rs. 12 lacs
(A JV company of Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra)
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Sr. Designation Grade/ No. of Age Qualification Experience

No. Pay scale post
Mandatory Desirable

4. Assistant Grade (E4) 01 Maximum Full time Degree in • Jr. Scale officer having total minimum • Candidates should have experience of
General 40 years Mechanical or 05 years of service with Grade Pay of working in construction projects of
Manager Rs. 70,000 – (OBC Electrical or Rs. 5,400/- (CDA); or Railways/ Metros/ other PSUs/ Private
2,00,000/- category) (Age is Electronics or • Officer currently working in Sr. Scale of sector dealing with electrical power
relaxable for Electrical & Electronics Grade Pay of Rs. 6,600/- (CDA) or 02 years supply, traction power supply system.
(IDA Pay deserving/ or Electronics & post-qualification experience in the IDA pay • Adequate experience in supervising
scale) internal Telecommunication scale of Rs. 60,000 – 1,80,000/- in above mentioned work, coordination
/deputation Engineering from “desirable” domain for the post; or between various contractors at site.
candidates) recognized and reputed • Total minimum 07 years of post- • Candidates should have exposure in
university. qualification experience in Executive grade managing and controlling various types of
in Government entities in “desirable” documentation.
domain for the post; or • Candidates with experience of working on
• Total minimum 07 years of post- projects for urban rail systems will be
qualification experience in reputed Private preferred.
sector in Executive grade in “desirable”
domain for the post with minimum CTC of
Rs. 08 Lacs.
(A JV company of Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra)
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Sr. Designation Grade/ No. of Age Qualification Experience

No. Pay scale post
Mandatory Desirable

5. Assistant Grade (E4) 03 Maximum Full time Degree in • Jr. Scale officer having total minimum 05 • Candidates having knowledge of land
General 40 years Architecture or Civil years of service with Grade Pay of Rs. acquisition and land disposal, Planning
Manager Rs. 70,000 – (02- UR, Engineering or Planning 5,400/- (CDA); or and construction of large-scale buildings.
2,00,000/- 01- OBC (Age is or its equivalent degree • Total minimum 05 years of post-
category) relaxable for from recognized and qualification experience in the IDA pay • Candidates with experience of working on
(IDA Pay deserving/ reputed university scale of Rs. 60,000 – 1,80,000/- in projects for urban rail systems will be
scale) internal and “desirable” domain for the post; or preferred
/deputation Post-Graduate Degree • Total minimum 07 years of post-
candidates) in Urban/ Town/ City/ qualification experience in reputed Private
Urban and Regional sector in Executive grade in “desirable”
Planning recognized by domain for the post with minimum CTC of
All India Council for Rs. 12 Lacs.
Education/UGC or its
(A JV company of Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra)
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Sr. Designation Grade/ Pay No. of Age Qualification Experience

No. scale post
Mandatory Desirable

6. Dy. Town Grade (E3) 02 Maximum Full time Degree in Architecture Minimum 02 years of post- • Candidates with experience in
Planner 35 years or Civil Engineering or Planning qualification experience as Town / Government sector /Public Sector
Rs. 60,000 – (01- UR, or its equivalent degree from Urban Planner Companies/ Infrastructure
1,80,000/- 01- OBC (Age is recognized university Companies will be preferred.
category) relaxable for and
(IDA Pay deserving/ Post-Graduate Degree in • Candidates skilled in AutoCAD,
scale) internal Urban/Town/City/Urban and GIS, Photoshop, Sketchup, Revit.
/deputation Regional Planning recognized by
candidates) All India Council for Technical
Education / UGC or its
(A JV company of Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra)
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Sr. Designation Grade/ Pay No. of Age Qualification Mandatory Experience Desirable
No. scale post
7. Deputy Grade (E2) 02 Maximum Full time Degree For Government Sector Employees – • Candidates should have experience of
Engineer 35 years in Electrical • Sr. Supervisor having total minimum 05 years of service working in construction projects of
(PST) Rs. 50,000 – (UR - 01 & Engineering with Grade Pay of Rs. 4,400/- with past experience of Railways/ Metro/ other PSUs/ Private
1,60,000/- OBC - 01 (Age is from recognized Metro/ Railway Sector from any Private/ Govt. entities in sector dealing with electrical power
category) relaxable for institute / desirable domain or supply & traction system.
(IDA Pay deserving/ university / • Officer currently working in Jr. Scale with Grade Pay of • Adequate experience in supervising
scale) internal college. Rs. 5,400/- with minimum 02 years’ experience in above mentioned work, coordination
/deputation “desirable” domain for the post; or between various contractors at site.
candidates) • Total minimum 04 years of experience in Supervisory • Candidate should have exposure in
grade of Rs. 46,620 – 89,720/- in IDA pay scale with managing and controlling various
minimum 02 years post qualification experience in types of documentation.
“desirable” domain for the post; or • Candidates with experience of
• Total minimum 04 years of post-qualification experience working on projects for urban rail
in Executive grade in Government entities in “desirable” systems will be preferred.
domain for the post;

For Private Sector Employees –

• Total minimum 05 years of post-qualification experience
in reputed Private sector in Executive grade in “desirable”
domain for the post with minimum CTC of Rs. 06 Lacs.
(A JV company of Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra)
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Sr. Designation Grade/ No. of Age Qualification Experience

No. Pay scale post
Mandatory Desirable

8. Dy. Engineer Grade (E2) 01 Maximum Full time Degree in For Government Sector Employees – • Candidates should have experience
(Signal & (UR 35 years Electronics & • Sr. Supervisor having total minimum 05 years of service of working in construction projects
Telecom) Rs. 50,000 – category) Communication with Grade Pay of Rs. 4,400/- with past experience of of railways / metros/ other PSUs
1,60,000/- (Age is Engineering from Metro/ Railway Sector from any Private/ Govt. entities /private sector dealing in signal
relaxable for recognized and in desirable domain or and telecom.
(IDA Pay deserving/ reputed university. • Officer currently working in Jr. Scale with Grade Pay of • Candidates should be conversant
scale) internal Rs. 5,400/- with minimum 02 years’ experience in with computerized environment
/deputation “desirable” domain for the post; or working and latest Signaling &
candidates) • Total minimum 04 years of experience in Supervisory Telecommunications (S&T)
grade of Rs. 46,620 – 89,720/- in IDA pay scale with technologies etc.
minimum 02 years post qualification experience in • Candidates with experience of
“desirable” domain for the post; or working of CBTC based signaling
• Total minimum 04 years of post-qualification experience systems will be preferred.
in Executive grade in Government entities in “desirable”
domain for the post.

For Private Sector Employees –

• Total minimum 05 years of post-qualification
experience in reputed Private sector in Executive grade
in “desirable” domain for the post with minimum CTC
of Rs. 06 Lacs.
(A JV company of Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra)
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Sr. Designation Grade/ No. of Age Qualification Experience

No. Pay scale post
Mandatory Desirable

9. Dy. Engineer Grade (E2) 02 Maximum Full time Degree in For Government Sector Employees – • Candidate should have experience of
(E&M) 35 years Electrical or • Sr. Supervisor having total minimum 05 years of working in construction projects of
Rs. 50,000 – (SC -01 Mechanical service with Grade Pay of Rs. 4,400/- with past Railways/ Metro/ other PSUs/ Private
1,60,000/- OBC -01 (Age is Engineering from experience of Metro/ Railway Sector from any sector dealing with, MEP/ Lifts /
category) relaxable for recognized institute / Private/ Govt. entities in desirable domain or Escalators / TVS / ECS.
(IDA Pay deserving/ university / college • Officer currently working in Jr. Scale with Grade • Adequate experience in supervising
scale) internal Pay of Rs. 5,400/- with minimum 02 years’ MEP/ Lifts / Escalators / TVS / ECS
/deputation experience in “desirable” domain for the post; or coordination between various
candidates) • Total minimum 04 years of experience in contractors at site.
Supervisory grade of Rs. 46,620 – 89,720/- in IDA • Candidate should be conversant with
pay scale with minimum 02 years post qualification computerized designing & drawings,
experience in “desirable” domain for the post; or latest MEP/ Lifts / Escalators / TVS /
• Total minimum 04 years of post-qualification ECS technologies and should be
experience in Executive grade in Government conversant with international bidding
entities in “desirable” domain for the post; procedure.
• Candidate should have exposure in
For Private Sector Employees – managing and controlling various
• Total minimum 05 years of post-qualification types of documentation.
experience in reputed Private sector in Executive • Candidates with experience of
grade in “desirable” domain for the post with working on projects for urban rail
minimum CTC of Rs. 06 Lacs. systems will be preferred.
(A JV company of Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra)
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Sr. Designation Grade/ Pay No. of post Age Qualification Experience

No. scale
Mandatory Desirable

10. Assistant Manager Grade (E1) 01 Maximum Full time Degree in • Candidates working in Govt. sector / PSUs should have a • Candidates should have experience
(Material UR 35 years Civil / Mechanical / total minimum 04 years of post - qualification experience in in Tendering, Quantity Survey,
Management) Rs. 40,000 – Category Electronics / Supervisory grade of Rs. 35,280 – 67,920/- (W6 Grade) in IDA Store Management, Inventories
1,40,000/- (Age is Electrical pay scale or equivalent CDA pay scale of Grade pay and Procurement of stores items
relaxable for Engineering from Rs. 4200/- with minimum 02 years post qualification etc.
(IDA Pay deserving/ recognized and experience in “desirable” domain for the post or • Candidates having experience in
scale) internal reputed university. using tender portals like GEM,
/deputation • Candidate having minimum 04 years of post-qualification CPPP and tender wizard etc. for e-
candidates) Supervisory grade experience in Govt. Metro Rail/ Govt. procurement and e-tendering.
Organization/ PSUs or

• Candidates working in Private sector should have a total

minimum of 05 years of post-qualification experience with
minimum 02 years in executive level in “desirable” domain for
the post with minimum CTC of Rs. 4.5 lacs
(A JV company of Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra)
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Sr. Designation Grade/ No. of Age Qualification Experience

No. Pay scale post
Mandatory Desirable

11. Jr. Engineer- Grade (W6) 01 Maximum Full time Degree/ For Government Employee: • Candidates should have experience of
II (Depot, 35 years Diploma in Electrical working in Railways/Metro/other PSUs
M&P) Rs. 35,280 – (UR or Mechanical Total minimum of 05 years experience with /Private sector dealing with rail-based
67,920/- category) (Age is Engineering from minimum 02 years of experience in next below transit system from the design stage to
relaxable for recognized institute / grade in IDA Pay Scale of Rs. 34,020 – 64,310/- commissioning stage including
(IDA Pay deserving/ university / college (W5 Grade) or equivalent CDA scale with past tendering, vendor approval, design
scale) internal experience of Metro/ Railway Sector of any Private finalization, interface with other
candidates) / Govt. Entity in desirable domain after acquiring disciplines, timely execution of works,
required qualification. etc. in the field of Rolling Stock Depot /
Depot M & P.
For Private Sector Employee: • Adequate experience in supervising
various Depot Machinery and Plant
Total minimum 06 years of post-qualification
Equipment and coordination between
experience in reputed private sector in responsible
various contractors at the site
position in “desirable” domain for the post with the
• Candidates should have exposure in
minimum CTC of Rs. 04 - 05 Lacs.
managing and controlling various types
of documentation
• Candidates with experience in working
on projects for urban rail systems will be
(A JV company of Govt of India and Govt of Maharashtra)
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, ‘E’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Sr. Designation Grade/ No. of Age Qualification Experience

No. Pay scale post
Mandatory Desirable

12. Jr. Engineer- Grade (W6) 02 Maximum Full time Degree/ For Government Employee: • Candidates should have experience
II (Rolling 35 years Diploma in of working in construction projects
Stock) Rs. 35,280 – (01- UR, Mechanical/ Electrical Total minimum of 05 years’ post qualification experience of Railways/ Metro/ other PSUs/
67,920/- 01- OBC (Age is / Electrical & with minimum 02 years of experience in next below Private sector dealing with
category) relaxable for Electronics / grade in IDA Pay Scale of Rs. 34,020 – 64,310/- (W5 commissioning of rolling stock and
(IDA Pay deserving/ Electronics & Grade) or equivalent CDA scale with past experience of maintenance vehicles
scale) internal Telecommunication Metro/ Railway Sector of any Private / Govt. Entity in • Adequate experience in supervising
candidates) Engineering from desirable domain. TCMS, traction power, motoring
recognized institute / and braking, coordination between
university / college For Private Sector Employee: various contractors at site
• Should have exposure in managing
Total minimum 06 years of post-qualification experience
and controlling various types of
in reputed private sector in responsible position in
“desirable” domain for the post with the minimum CTC
• Candidates with experience of
of Rs. 04 - 05 Lacs.
working on projects for urban rail
systems will be preferred.
Recruitment Guidelines
1) Selection Procedure:
Candidates applying for the posts mentioned in the advertisement will be called for Personal
Interview. MMRCL reserves the right to shortlist the Candidates for Personal Interview. The
Candidates will be shortlisted for interview, based on their eligibility/ experience in the
relevant field. Candidate may be asked to submit any other documents required by the scrutiny
committee and he/ she is liable to produce the same. Selection criteria are relaxable for
deserving Candidates with very sound background on discretion of committee for Scrutiny/

2) Surety Bond:

The candidates selected for the above posts will have to execute a surety bond of stipulated
amount as mentioned below as per MMRCL Surety & Training Cost Recovery Bond
Policy –

Sr. Grade Applicable Surety Applicable Training Applicable service period

No. Bond cost in lieu of Surety Bond
1. HOD
Rs. 3,00,000/- Rs. 43,000/- 03 years
Level- E8
2. E4 - E7 Rs. 2,00,000/- Rs. 43,000/- 03 years
3. E1 - E3 Rs. 1,50,000/- Rs. 43,000/- 03 years
4. W5-W8 Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 22,000/- 03 years

Note - MMRCL Surety & Training Cost Recovery Bond Policy is not applicable in case of
appointment on deputation basis.

3) Reservations / Relaxations / Concessions:

Reservations / Relaxation / Concessions would be given to SCs/STs/OBCs (Non-Creamy
Layer)/ Person with Disability (PWD)/ Ex-Servicemen candidates as per guidelines issued by
Govt. of India from time to time.
Abbreviations used:
SC – Scheduled Caste ST - Scheduled Tribe
OBC – Other Backward Class (Non - Creamy Layer) UR – Unreserved
EWS – Economically Weaker Sections

Age Relaxations would be given as per following:

Sr. No Category of Candidate Age Relaxation

(a) Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) By 05 years
(b) Other Backward Class (OBC) Non - Creamy Layer By 03 years
(c) Person with Disabilities (PWD) By 10 years (SC/ST)
By 08 years (OBC)
By 05 years (Unreserved)
(d) All persons who have ordinarily been domiciled in By 05 years
Kashmir division of J & K State during 01-01-1980
to 31-12-1989
(e) Children / Family members of those who died in the By 05 years
1984 riots
(f) Ex-Servicemen: (Details at Annexure ‘A’) By 05 years

Reservation for EWSs in direct recruitment is applicable as per DoPT OM No. 36039/1/
2019- Esst. (Res), dated 31.01.2019
• For deserving internal candidates, suitable relaxation in Age, Qualification & Work
experience/ post-qualification experience shall be considered.

4) Pay Scale, Allowances & Perquisites: (On Deputation)

The terms and conditions including pay scale etc. of the candidates appointed on deputation
will be governed by DOPT/ DPE/ GOI guidelines as applicable.
5) How to Apply:

i. Candidates are required to apply online only through MMRCL official website: --->Careers --> MMRCL Recruitment Advertisement 2022-02.
(No other modes of application will be accepted).
ii. Candidates are required to have valid personal E-mail ID & Mobile No. It should be kept
active during the recruitment process. MMRCL will send intimation of personal interview
and any other information regarding your application only through the registered E-mail ID.
iii. The online registration will remain active from 05th December, 2022 at 10:00 Hrs. and will
end on 18th January, 2023 at 23:59 Hrs. In order to avoid last minute rush, the candidates
are advised to apply early enough. MMRCL will not be responsible for network problem or
any other problem of this nature & non-submission of online application during the last days
due to heavy rush etc.
iv. All the fields in the online application form should be filled up carefully. There will be a pre-
view of the application filled in by the candidate before submitting the application, so that it
can be edited. After submission of application, no modification will be permitted.
v. Candidates will have to upload scan copy of updated Resume, and passport size photograph
(.jpg/ .jpeg) and recent pay slip in .pdf format along with their application.
vi. Candidate are required to clearly indicate whether they are applying against the
vacancy for consideration on Regular or Contract or Deputation basis.
vii. Candidates belonging to Government Sector are required to forward their application in
prescribed format on postal address given below along with (i) Latest Resume, photograph,
all educational qualification certificates and all work experience certificates, (ii) No
Objection Certificate (As per the enclosed format), (iii) Attested copies of ACR’s/APR’s of
last 05 (five) years, (iv) Certificate stating that no vigilance case is either pending or
contemplated against the officer, (v) No Penalty Certificate stating that no major/ minor
penalty has been imposed on the officer or a statement giving details of major/ minor
penalties imposed on the officer, if any, during the last 10 years.

Postal Address:



Name of the post _____________________

Deputy General Manager (HR),
Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Limited,
MMRCL –Line 3 Transit Office, E Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East),
Mumbai- 400051

6) General: Most Important

i. Age, qualification and experience would be as on 01st December, 2022.
ii. In case of educational qualifications, in addition to an institute being approved by UGC/
AICTE; the particular Degree/ Diploma awarded by that institute is also required to be an
approved Degree/ Diploma.
iii. While applying for the above post, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the
eligibility and the norms mentioned above on the specified dates and the particulars
furnished by him/ her are correct in all respects. In case, it is detected at any stage of
recruitment that Candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and /or that he/ she has
furnished any incorrect/ false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her
candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/ are detected even after
appointment his/ her services are liable to be terminated.
iv. MMRCL reserves the right to change the number of vacancies and cancel/ restrict/
modify/ alter and modify the recruitment criteria’s during the recruitment process if
required, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof.
v. Incomplete applications or applications received after the due date will be summarily
rejected. MMRCL is not responsible for Loss/ delay in post.
vi. MMRCL is not responsible for any printing error that might have inadvertently crept in.
vii. Candidates employed in Govt. Dept. / PSU/ Autonomous Body should forward their
application through proper channel and must produce “NOC” from the present
employer on the date of interview. (Format is enclosed below)
viii. No Travelling Allowances/ reimbursement will be paid to the candidate for appearing for
Interview and pre-appointment medical examination.

7) Important Dates:

a) Starting date for accepting applications 05th December, 2022

b) Closing date for accepting applications 18th January, 2023

Date: 30th November, 2022 (Ashwini Bhide, I.A.S.)
Managing Director
Place: Mumbai Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.

Notes :-

(i) An ex-serviceman who has once joined a Govt. job on the civil side after availing of the
benefits given to him as an ex-serviceman for his re-employment, his ex-servicemen
status for the purpose of re-employment in Govt. ceases.

(ii) The relaxation in upper age limit is allowed on cumulative basis as per Govt. Guidelines.

(iii) All persons who are eligible for age relaxation under 3(d) of the detailed AD must
produce the domicile certificate at the time of interview from the district Magistrate in
the Kashmir Division within whose jurisdiction he / she had ordinarily resided or any
other authority designated in this regard by Government of J & K to the effect that the
candidate had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of J & K
during 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989.

(iv) Ex-Servicemen (for all posts as indicated In the Detailed AD):

05 years relaxation is allowed in case of Ex-servicemen. (Including ECOs/ SSCOs)
provided applicants have rendered at least 05 years military service and have been
released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be
completed within 06 months) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account
of misconduct or inefficiency or on account of physical disability or have been released
on account of physical disability attributable to military service or on invalidment. ECOs/
SSCOs who have completed their initial period of assignment of five years of Military
Service but whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case
the Ministry of Defence issues certificate that they would be released on selection within
three months from the date of receipt of offer of appointment.
Declaration to be signed by the Candidate
I hereby certify that above particulars mentioned in the application are correct and true to the best of
my knowledge and belief and no material fact/information has been suppressed or concealed there


(Certificate to be furnished by the Employer/Head of office/ Forwarding


Certified that the information/ details provided in the above application by the applicant are
true and correct as per the records. He/ She fulfils the eligibility criteria as prescribed for the grade
applied by him/ her. If selected, he/ she will be relieved immediately.

It is also certified :-
i. That there is no vigilance / disciplinary case or criminal case pending or contemplated against
Shri / Smt./ Ms._____________________
ii. That his / her integrity is certified.
iii. That the photocopies of the ACRs / APAR for the last three years are enclosed. (iv) That no
major / minor penalty has been imposed on him / her during that last ten years or a list of
major / minor penalties imposed on him / her during the last ten years is enclosed (as the case
may be).

Place: __________ Signature __________________

Date: __________ Name _____________________

Designation ________________

Tel. No.____________________

Office Seal

List of enclosures:

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