3rd Summative Tle 6

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School Year 2021-2022

Name ____________________________________________ Grade & Section______________

I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The following are elements/factors to observe in planting trees EXCEPT one. Which one is it?
a. Choose the best place for planting.
b. Choose the seeds that best suit the season and the soil.
c. Prepare the seedlings before transplanting.
d. Put sufficient fertilizers to the soil.

2. Which of the following methods of transplanting is appropriate for plants with small roots?
a. Cone-shaped Method c. Dibbling Method
b. Stit Method d. Side of the Hole Method

3. It is a process of tilling or loosening the soil around the seedlings.

a. Direct planting c. Cultivating
b. Watering d. Applying organic fertilizer

4. Fertilizers are enriching materials applied to plants and trees to increase productivity. Which of the
following is of NO benefit when using organic fertilizer?
a. It fertilizes the soil and improve its structure and fertility.
b. It is safe to use.
c. It is environment friendly.
d. It should never be used more than the amount recommended.

5. Planting, just like cooking, requires a systematic way of doing things. This is because following a step-
by-step process allows one to be able to:
a. Select suitable soil for planting.
b. Plant the right seedlings.
c. Use the proper tools for planting.
d. All of the above.

6. It is a record of cash value received both from cash sales and cash payments for a certain period.
a. Cash record b. Farm sales record
c. Production record d. Business record

7. It is a record of all sales of farm produce.

a. Production record b. Cash record
c. Farm sales record d. A & B

8. Which of the following is not included in the production record?

a. Cropping season b. Product
c. Cost of production d. Unit value

9. What is the formula in getting the total farm income?

a. Total sales of remaining stocks + total net income from sales
b. Total sales of remaining stocks – total net income from sales
c. Total sales of remaining stocks x total net income from sales
d. Total sales of remaining stocks ÷ total net income from sales

10. What is the best way to make money “while you sleep”?
a. Sleeping in the market
b. By dreaming up good marketing ideas
c. Selling your product on eBay, Facebook, YouTube
d. Having a spouse who works the night shift
11. How will you promote your product online?
a. Create a unique but hard to enter website
b. Collect as many contracts as possible
c. Offer a lot of free information
d. Invite potential clients to visit your website

12. What should you remember when using online marketing to market trees and seedlings?
a. Post edited photos about your product
b. Tell information that is not true to convince your client
c. Use online Marketing responsibly to enjoy selling without difficulty
d. Use websites that are not usually visited by clients

13. You don’t want to transport your product and want to sell it directly in the farm.
a. Retailing b. Use of Middleman
c. Selling in the Farm d. Selling through Contract

14. As a trader you earn by transporting the products from the farm to the market where they are sold to
a. Selling in the Farm b. Retailing
c. Selling through Contract d. Use of Middleman

15.It is a record that shows the list of the different crops grown in the farm during the period or year.
a. Business record b. Cash record
c. Farm sales record d. Production record

16. This is given to 10-month old piglets until they are ready for slaughtering.
a. Fattening Mash b. Growing Mash c. Starter Mash d. Grass

17. They are sold for hog fattening and “lechon” purposes.
a. broilers b. layers c. weanlings d. rabbits

18. This breed comes from New Jersey. It has a dark red and golden yellow color.
a. Duroc b. Yorkshire c. Landrace d. Hypor

19. This is an enclosure made of nets and stakes placed in large bodies of water like the sea and rivers to
contain and protect fish until they can be harvested.
a. Fish cages
b. Dug-out or excavated enclosure
c. Concrete
d. Bamboo

20. It is an inland fish pen. A large land area is excavated to create a pool of water where fish can be
a.Fish cages
b. Dug-out/excavated enclosure
c. Concrete
d. Bamboo

21.It is used to start any business expecting a profit.

a. human b. plan c. process d. money

22. This is where the pigs are raised.

a. sty b. cage c. hole d. trap

23. It is especially important in the diet of cows.

a. salt b. oil c. rice d. fruits

24. The following are the requirements for success in hog raising except one.
a. pigpen b. climate c. food d. proper caring of hogs
25. How many months do we need to wait before harvesting fish in our fish cages?
a. 0 to 1month b.1 to 2 months c. 3 to 4 months d. 9 months

Matching Type. Match the descriptions in Column A with the words in Column B. Then write the
letter of the correct answer.

Column A Column B

_____ 26. Planting of seeds directly to the soil. a. Side dressing

_____ 27. Applying fertilizer on the soil going around the plant. b. Direct planting

_____ 28. The process of tilling or loosening the soil. c. Indirect planting

_____ 29. The seedlings need to be transferred to its permanent place. d. Cultivating

_____ 30. Enriching materials used on land to increase productivity. e. Planting

f. Fertilizer
Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer


___31. Hampshire a. contamination of the environment brought by animal wastes

___32. Immunization b. a place to contain animal waste

___33. Veterinarian c. can be raised in rugged conditions

___34. Septic Tank d. vaccination to protect animals from disease

___35. Pollution e. a person qualified to treat diseased or injured animals

___36. Colostrum f. source of income

___37. Bamboo floor g. allows urine and manure to fall through to the ground

___38. Pork h. one of the many substances found in food such as meat,
cheese, fish or eggs that is necessary for the body to grow
and be strong

___39. Beef i. meat from cow

___40. Protein j. the first secretion from the mammary glands after giving
birth, rich in antibiotics

k. the flesh of a pig used as food, especially when uncured


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