First Periodical Test in Epp 6

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I. Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is wrong. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. Trees provide man fruits which are good sources of nutrients.
2. Some trees are just an eye sore and not beneficial.
3. Trees help prevent soil erosion and flooding.
4. Trees and fruit trees are not important to mankind.
5. Knowing successful growers will inspire young people to venture agricultural endeavors.
6. People should not plant trees because it is a waste of time.
7. It is necessary that we provide what trees need in terms of right climate, water, and fertilizer.
8. Soil contains mineral elements necessary to normal plant growth and development.
9. In fruit tree production, select a variety of tree that is not found in your locality.
10. Planting trees reduce destruction to homes and crops by serving as windbreakers during typhoon and

II. Choose the correct answer and write the letter on your answer sheet.
11. It is an orchard which focuses on growing fruit bearing trees.
A. Fruit Orchard C. Seed Orchard
B. Nut Orchard D. Vegetable Orchard

12. An orchard that produces a large variety of nut bearing trees.

A. Fruit Orchard C. Seed Orchard
B. Nut Orchard D. Vegetable Orchard

13. This orchard focuses on growing trees that produce seeds rather than nuts or fruits.
A. Fruit Orchard C. Seed Orchard
B. Nut Orchard D. Vegetable Orchard

14. Provide water for your seedlings by ____________.

A. drying C. watering
B. feeding D. fertilizing

15. Orchards are usually situated _____________________________.

A. in the malls C. in the forest
B. in the city D. near bodies of water

16. ______________________ is the method of reproducing and multiplying plants using seeds.
A. Asexual Propagation C. Sexual Propagation
B. marcotting D. cutting

17. ______________________ is the method of plant propagation without the help of the reproductive
organs of the plant.
A. Asexual Propagation C. Sexual Propagation
B. marcotting D. cutting

18. It is a plant propagation where the bark of the stem is removed and is wrapped with damp moss or
coconut husk with soil to encourage roots to form.
A. grafting C. budding
B. marcotting D. cutting

19. It is a form of asexual reproduction in which a bud is taken from one plant and grown on another.
A. grafting C. budding
B. marcotting D. cutting

20. It is an asexual reproduction used to join parts of two or more plants so that they appear to grow as a
single plant.
A. grafting C. budding
B. marcotting D. cutting

21. The brain behind the success of Calata Corporation.

A. Senen Bacani C. Edith Dacuycuy
B. Jose Mercado D. Joseph Calata

22. The developer of the popular brand Batangas Brew and Kapeng Barako.
A. Senen Bacani C. Edith Dacuycuy
B. Jose Mercado D. Joseph Calata
23. This is the simplest and easiest method where in trees are planted in equal distance of row and column,
forming an imaginary square.
A. Rectangular Method C. Square Method
B. Diagonal Method D. Hexagonal Method

24. This is a method where in planting of trees are similar to square method but the distance of the row of
trees is longer than columns.
A. Rectangular Method C. Square Method
B. Diagonal Method D. Hexagonal Method

25. Which of the following animals also serves as the farmer’s workers and helpers?
A. rooster C. carabao
B. duck D. pig

26. Which of the following animals cannot be used as a source of milk that can be processed into other dairy
A. cow C. carabao
B. goat D. pig

27. It is an animal that can be sold as pork meat in markets or sold and traded live for lechon roasting.
A. rooster C. carabao
B. duck D. pig

28. You can sell the pigs after __________.

A. 1- 2 months C. 4-5 months
B. 2-3 months D. 6-7 months

29. It is a bright and silver-colored fish species that can be raised in brackish or salt water ponds.
A. tilapia C. carp
C. milkfish D. catfish

30. It is a type of fish that has a large head and long thin parts that look like a cat’s whiskers around its
A. tilapia C. carp
B. milkfish D. catfish

III. Fill up the missing values.

Cropping Product Cost of Total Sales Remaining Net Income Net Loss
Season Production Stock
Jan - Mar Caimito ₱7, 500 ₱11, 000 2kg. 31._________ -
Apr – Jul Melon ₱9, 000 32. ________ 5kg. ₱1, 700 -
Sep - Dec Sampaloc ₱4, 300 ₱3,200 - - 33._________
TOTAL 34._________ 35._________ 36._________ 37._________

IV. On your answer sheet, draw, color and label the following orchard designs. (2pts. each)

Method Column Row

38-39. Rectangular 3m 5m
40-41. Hexagonal 3m 3m
42-43. Diagonal 4m 4m
44-45. Square 5m 5m

V. Write FB if it is a fruit-bearing tree and NFB if not. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
46. Avocado
47. Mango
48. Mahogany
49. Paper tree
50. Santol

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