Achievers B2 Grammar Worksheet Consolidation Unit 6

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6 Grammar Worksheet
Uses of could | Uses of be able to 5 Complete the sentences with modal perfects. Use must,
can’t, couldn’t or might and the verbs below.
1 Put the words in order to make sentences using could.
arrive delete get miss pass rain
1 your book, / Evie / please / borrow / ?
Could Evie borrow your book, please? 1 You must have arrived after me, because I couldn’t see
2 my dress / go / you / borrow / you / if / to the party you when I first got there.

2 Your computer the
3 I / your pen / use / ?
virus when you opened the email attachment. It’s one

possibility, anyway.
4 work / that / I / see / wasn’t / it / going to
3 It last night because

the grass is dry.
5 a couple of / I / borrow / for / days / ten euros /?
4 Helen her driving test

because she’s driving to school today.
6 come over / we / together / if / have / dinner / you / tonight
5 She her flight because

she was late leaving the house, but I won’t know until I
2 Match the sentences in exercise 1 with the uses of could. can get hold of her on the phone.
6 Don’t worry! You all
A asking permission / making a request 1,
your emails. You’re much too careful to do that!
B ability / possibility in the past
C possibility in the present / future
should / shouldn’t have
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of could
or be able to. 6 Complete the sentences with should have or shouldn’t
1 I want to be able to talk to my teacher about some things have and the verbs in brackets.
I don’t understand.
2 I try, although I’m
worried that I won’t succeed.
3 Ellie come to the party
tonight, unfortunately.
4 Sarah, find what you
needed in the supermarket?
5 I borrow your pencil
please, Laura?
6 I see that James hadn’t
understood what I had said.

Modal perfects
4 Choose the correct answer.
1 I only got 50 percent in my exam. I must not / must / can 1 I should have tidied (tidy) my room. Mum was annoyed
have revised enough. with me.
2 It’s miles away and he has to walk because he hasn’t got 2 I (say) that to him. He
a car, so he must not / can’t / might have arrived yet. was really upset.
3 Juliana told me that she wasn’t feeling very well, so she 3 Greg, you (leave) on
may not / might / can have left early. time. You are always late!
4 Dan couldn’t / could / might not have known she was 4 Janine (go) to the party.
going to be here. I’m sure no one told him. She was feeling really unwell.
5 Bess, you should have told us you had a problem! We 5 Omar, you (think) that
could / couldn’t / must have helped you. about Maria. She’s really nice!
6 Joe may / could / must have known Ruth would come. 6 Bryony (tell) me she
He knows she is friends with everyone here. wasn’t coming. I was waiting for her for ages.

Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 UNIT 6 GRAMMAR WORKSHEET Consolidation 47

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