Referncce Material 3

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• A motor vehicle's driveline or drivetrain consists of the parts of the

powertrain excluding the engine.

• It is the portion of a vehicle, after the prime mover, that changes

depending on whether a vehicle is front-wheel, rear-wheel, or four-
wheel drive, or less-common six-wheel or eight-wheel drive
Automotive drive Line

Propeller shaft
Propeller Shaft
• Propeller shaft connects gearbox to the final drive gears of the vehicle
through universal joints and it a drive shaft.
• It is also termed as carden shaft transmit power from the gearbox to
the rear axle
• Propeller shaft has a tubular section and its made of one/two piece
• If it is a two piece construction mid point of the shafts are supported
by rubber mounted bearings
Power take-off (PTO)
Power take-off (PTO) is a device
that transfers an engine's
mechanical power to another
piece of equipment. A PTO allows
the hosting energy source to
transmit power to additional
equipment that does not have its
own engine or motor.
Propeller shaft
Propeller shaft

Design Considerations
• Propeller shaft be strong to resist
• the twisting action of the driving torque
• should be resilient absorb the torsional shocks.
• It has a natural tendency to sag under its own weight because
vibration occurs when the center of gravity does not coincides with
the rotation axis of the shaft
• The tubular section offers
low weight Resistance to sag
better torsional strength
Drive shaft
• Even after perfect alignment the shaft sages at center due to its own weight
and sagging increases due to the centrifugal effect.
• Since the propeller shafts are operated long and higher speeds whirling
may occurs at critical speeds.
• The critical speed the shaft deformation and vibration depends on the shaft
diameter and length of the shaft
• The critical speed varies directly with diameter and inversely as the square
of the length
• Therefore diameter selected as large and length is short as possible to set
the critical speed frequency of the shaft above the driving speed range .
• The shaft length is minimized by increasing the no of shaft
• The propeller shaft is usually rolled from flat sheet and mass
• Therefore center of mass nearly on the longitudinal axis center to
minimize the whirl
• Shaft are designed that the calculated critical speed is about 60%
higher than engine speed at maximum power.
Whirling of Propeller shaft
• Sagging due
to self
• The critical
speed of
the shaft is
given as Nc
Composite propeller shaft
• The tubular shaft made of epoxy resin, which is strength by glass and
carbon fibres and bonded to a spigot for connection to the universal
• Weight reduction by about 50%
• High internal shock absorption (Low density)
• Good noise, vibration, harshness (NVH)Performance
• Better corrosion resistance.
Propeller Problems
Tt=TeG Nm
𝑇𝑑 𝑓𝑠
and =
𝐼𝑝 𝑦
𝐼𝑝 𝑝𝑖 𝑑𝑜 4 −𝑑𝑖 4
Td = fs = ( ) fs Nm
𝑦 16 𝑑

Tt – torque transmitted by the propeller shaft

Td – Design torque for the shaft
Fs - safe shear stress
G – overall gear ratio
Te - engine torque
Y –Distance from neutral axis (do/2) m
Constant Velocity Joints
• A constant velocity (CV) joint imply that when two shafts are inclined to one another at

some angle and are coupled together by a joint.

• A uniform input speed transmitted to the output shaft produces the same angular

output speed throughout one revolution.

• There are no angular acceleration and deceleration as the shafts rotate. Various CV

joints in use have a construction, which is based on either the twin hooke-type coupling

arrangement or the angle bisects principle.

The CV joints in use include :
Constant Velocity Universal Joint

• Output shaft speed equal to input shaft in all shaft positions within
the working range of the joint
• Used in drivelines for smooth operation
RZEPPA type CV Joint
RZEPPA type CV joint

• Transmit torque at wide angles

• 6 balls as intermediate members
• Controlled ball guide maintains the balls in bisecting plane by means
of pivoting control strut, swivels the cage at correct angle
• Control strut is located in the centre of enclosed end of outer cup
• Both ball end of strut are positioned in a recess and sockets forms by
driving and driven of joint
• Any angular inclination of the 2 shafts at any instant deflects the
strut, swivels the control ball cage at half the relative angular
movement of both shafts
• It has tendency to jam and hence mechanical wear
Design Consideration

• This shaft must be strong to resist the twisting action of the driving
torque and it should be resilient to absorb the torsional shocks.

• It must resist the natural tendency to sag under its own weight
because vibration occurs when the centre of gravity does not coincide
with the axis of the shaft.
Design Consideration
A tubular-section propeller shaft is normally used because it has
(i) low weight
(ii) provides large resistance to misalignment, especially sag
(iii) good torsional strength
(iv) provides low resistance (low inertia) to changes in angular speed,
which arise when a hookes type coupling is used to drive the shaft.
Since a propeller shaft often rotates at high speed, specifically during
the use of the overdrive gear, it must be manufactured, and repaired,
meeting design specifications and good balance limits.
Design Consideration
• Since propeller shafts of road vehicles are sufficiently long and
operate in general at high speed, whirling may occur at certain critical
• This produces bending stresses in the material that are higher than
the shearing stresses caused by transmitted torque.
• While the critical speed increases with decrease in the mass of the
shaft, the moment of inertia of the section increases.
• The tendency for the propeller shaft to whirl should be reduced and
to do so, it should be made tubular and should be perfectly balanced.
Design Consideration
• Critical speed of the propeller shaft varies directly as the diameter of
the tube and inversely as the square of the length.
• Therefore, diameters are selected as large as possible and lengths as
short as possible to keep the critical speed frequency of the shaft
above the driving speed range.
• Propeller shafts over 1.5 m length between universal joints cause
unbalance problems.
Design Consideration
• Shaft lengths are minimized by using long transmission extension
housing and centre universal joint with two-piece propeller shafts.
• When used, the centre universal joint is supported by a centre
support bearing which is insulated from the vehicle chassis.
• The propeller shaft tubing is usually rolled from flat sheet,
straightened within 0.25 mm, run-out and balanced within 0.00018
• This keeps the centre mass very nearly on the longitudinal axis centre
to minimize whirl.
Universal joint
• A universal joint is a form of mechanical connection between two
shafts, whose axes intersect, whereby the rotation of one shaft about
its own axis results in the rotation of the other shaft about its axis.
Universal joint
• Universal joint is capable of transmitting torque and rotation motion
from one shaft to another when their axes are inclined to each other
by some angle.
• The working angle which may constantly varying under different
road/loading condition.
Universal joint are incorporated in the vehicle transmission system to
perform three basic drive application:

• Propeller shaft end joints between longitudinally front mounted

gearbox and rear final drive.
• Rear axle drive shaft end joints between the sprung final drive and
unsprung rear wheel stub axle
• Front axle drive shaft end joints between the sprung final drive and
unsprung front steered stub axle
Hooke’s joint/UV Joint Construction
• The two yokes at 90 degree to each other and cross shaped spider
joints the yokes.
• UV joints have movement only in vertical plane when they are used
for longitudinally mounted propeller shafts and transvers rear
mounted drive shafts.
• Due to the severe working condition special universal joint known as
constant velocity joints
• UV joints have been designed to absorb torque and speed fluctuation
and to operate reliably with very little noise and wear.
UV joint offers several advantages such as they
• Compact design
• High mechanical efficiency
• Ability to drive trough a large occasional bump angle(Maximum about
25 degree)
• Due to accurate centring of shaft it suitable for high speed operations.
• Major drawback cross type joint(spider joint) is its in adequate
flexibility to absorb torsional shocks and drive line vibration
• When a hook-type coupling transmits a drive through an angle, the
output shaft does not rotate through 360 degrees at a constant
• Instead the speed varies every 90 degrees of rotation, and the rate of
movement for one revolution is fast, slow, fast, slow .
• This cyclic speed variation, and its associated vibration, is insignificant
when the drive angle is less than about 5 degrees, but becomes much
more intense as the angle is increased.
x1 x2 x1
y1 y2
Drive shaft arrangement

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