Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Smoking Among Rural People
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Smoking Among Rural People
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Smoking Among Rural People
According to Strong, and Eftychia, (2006), family plays an important factor in influencing
their children to smoke. It also stated that children were twice likely to become smokers if
both parents were smokers. Girls are relatively easier to be influenced compared to boys.
The author stated that children of single parent are easy to pick up smoking disregard
whether the other members of the family has such habit. Smoking creates a gateway for
them to escape from unhappiness faced in family problem and reduce their stress. This is
the main reason why people get hooked to smoking because most people spend a huge part
of their time with family.
One survey Enzler and Bower (2005), conducted by government-sponsored in the United
Kingdom, shows smokers tend to smoke because they are curious, influence and
encouragement from peers in school, social place or company. Half of the respondents in
the survey thought smoking is a part of growing up process and they feel like social reject if
the do not conform to this act. Smoking behavior has made its waves to become one of the
most important activities in social culture among young adults. If they do not follow the
trend, they will be dejected and alienated by their peers. Some even been ridiculed by their
peers and deemed to be debilitating the group’s reputation. In this case, it is easier to
follow the herd than to fight against it. Our surroundings tend to influence us
unintentionally, and mingling with the wrong group can affect one’s upbringing especially
smoking habit.
Tobacco advertisements are highly related with the burgeoning number of smokers,
especially among teenagers and children (Hastings and Aitken, 1995). Advertisement
portrays that smoking is fashionable and showing that smoking is something an adult will
do or should do. In the research held in Australia, the UK and the US have shown consistent
differences between under-age smokers and non-smokers of the same age in terms of a
variety of measures of the awareness about cigarette advertising. The result shows that
underage smokers have repetitive memory about tobacco advertisement. Influence from
advertisement somehow is not the main reason for people to start smoking unlike
influences from family, friends, or their favorite role models. This is because repetitive
advertisement and airtime tends to evoke our sub-conscious mind every now and then
making us to accept smoking is a part of our culture.
P.N. Dhakal, held an investigation on ‘Smoking behavior of house-wives and its effect on
their health in Tarku VDC, Lamjung’ in 2008 AD. He has mentioned that majority of the
housewives learned smoking cigarettes from the age of 15 years to 25 year and continued
up to the present time. The number and frequency of cigarette smoking for majority of the
respondents ranged from 5 to 10 times per day and most of them spend five rupees per day
in buying cigarettes in average. The study found that majority of the respondents were
suffering from continuous cough, pain in throat and chest, stomach pain, headache, visual
imbalance and disturbances, loss of appetite, dry mouth cavity, etc. as the effects of
smoking behavior. Very few housewives wanted to quit their smoking behavior due to the
pressure of their family members as well as the harmful effects of smoking on their health.
(Sherchan, 2010).
The world’s leading health organization, WHO, published its health report in 2010 in its
yearly publication. According to this report, smoking-related total number of deaths is
about 4 million per year including about 11,000 deaths per day. Similarly, total male and
female smokers in the world were 47 percent and 17 percent of the total global population.
WHO has estimated that the total annual smoking-related number of deaths will be double
by 2020 AD. Out of total smoking-related deaths, more than 70% deaths occur in the
developing countries like ours. (WHO, 2010). In Nepal, a large portion of the adult
population smoke.
According to statistics, 60.145% of male adults and 19.969% of female adults are smokers
in Nepal. Similarly, 12.358% of youths under the age of 15 years smoke. Among the under-
15-year young children, 6.037% are females and remaining are males. (Source: United
Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects, 2000 revision)
3.1. Study Area: The study is going to be conducted among the population of.
3.2. Research Design: In this research, cross-sectional, exploratory and descriptive
research design will be adopted.
3.3. Study Population, Sample Size and Sampling Procedure: In this research, the study
population will be the the population of. Furthermore, each 50 people will be taken as
sample size for this study through convenience sampling technique or voluntary sampling
3.4. Nature and Sources of Data: Quantitative data will be collected for this research. For
the study, primary sources of data will be collected using structured and semi-structured
questionnaire with closed-ended question. Similarly, qualitative data will also be collected.
3.5. Methods of Data Collection: Primary data will be collected by using structured
questionnaire with close-ended questions. Qualitative data will be collected by using Key
Informant Interview (KII).
3.6. Method of Data Analysis: All the collected quantitative data will be edited, filtered
and endered in SPSS for the analysis. Descriptive statistic will be used for further anlaysis.
Output will be showed by using frequency, percentage, cross tabulation, pie-chat, mean,
minimum value and maximum value.
Limitations of the Study:
i. This study will be limited in only one place
ii. The sample size of this study is small as a result obtained result cannot be
generalized to whole population.
iii. The study will be conducted only one time
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