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The field of robotics has its origins in science fiction. The term robot was derived
from the English translation of a fantasy play written in Czechoslovakia around 1920.
It took another 40 years before the modern technology of industrial robotics began.
Today, Robots are highly automated mechanical manipulators controlled by
Robotics is an applied engineering science that has been referred to as a
combination of machine tool technology and computer science. It includes machine
design, production theory, micro electronics, computer programming & artificial
"Robotics" is defined as the science of designing and building Robots which are
suitable for real life application in automated manufacturing and other non-
manufacturing environments.
Industrial robot:-
The official definition of an industrial robot is provided by the robotics industries
association (RIA). Industrial robot is defined as an automatic, freely programmed,
servo-controlled, multi-purpose manipulator to handle various operations of an
industry with variable programmed motions.

Need For using robotics in industries:-

Industrial robot plays a significant role in automated manufacturing to perform
different kinds of applications.
1. Robots can be built as a performance capability superior to those of human
beings. In terms of strength, size, speed, accuracy…etc.
2. Robots are better than humans to perform simple and repetitive tasks with
better quality and consistency.
3. Robots do not have the limitations and negative attributes of human such as
fatigue, need for rest, diversion of attention…..etc.
4. Robots are used in industries to save the time compared to human beings.
5. Robots can be applied in conditions or places which are hazardous to humans.
Specifications of robotics:-
1. Axis of motion
2. Work stations
3. Speed
4. Acceleration
5. Pay load capacity
6. Accuracy
7. Repeatability etc…

Overview of Robotics:-
"Robotics" is defined as the science of designing and building Robots which
are suitable for real life application in automated manufacturing and other
non-manufacturing environments. It has the following objectives,
1. To increase productivity
2. Reduce production life
3. Minimize labour requirement
4. Enhanced quality of the products
5. Minimize loss of man hours, on account of accidents.
6. Make reliable and high speed production.
Types of drive systems:-
1. Hydraulic drive
2. Electric drive
3. Pneumatic drive
1. Hydraulic drive:-
Hydraulic drive is generally associated with larger robots, such as the Unimate
2000 series. The usual advantages of the hydraulic drive system are that it
provides the robot with greater speed and strength. The disadvantages of the
hydraulic drive system are that it typically adds to the floor space required by
the robot, and that a hydraulic system is inclined to leak on which is a nuisance.
This type of system can also be called as non-air powered cylinders. In this
system, oil is used as a working fluid instead of compressed air. Hydraulic
system needs pump to generate the required pressure and flow rate. These
systems are quite complex, costly and requires maintenance.

2. Electric drive:-
Electric drive systems do not generally provide as much speed or power as
hydraulic systems. However, the accuracy and repeatability of electric drive
robots are usually better. Consequently, electric robots tend to be smaller.
Require less floor space, and their applications tend towards more precise
work such as assembly.
In this System, power is developed by an electric current. It requires little
maintenance and provides noise-less operation.
3. Pneumatic drive:-
Pneumatic drive is generally reserved for smaller robots that possess fewer
degrees of freedom (two-to four-joint motions).
In this system, air is used as a working fluid, hence it is also called air-
powered cylinders. Air is compressed in the cylinder and with the aid of
pump the compressed air is used to generate the power with required
amount of pressure and flow rates.
Applications of robots:-
Present Applications of Robots:-
(i) Material transfer applications
(ii) Machine loading and unloading
(iii) Processing operations like,
(a) Spot welding
(b) Continuous arc welding
(c) Spray coating
(d) Drilling, routing, machining operations
(e) Grinding, polishing debarring wire brushing
(g) Laser drilling and cutting etc.
(iv) Assembly tasks.
(v) Inspection, automation or test equipment.
Future Applications of Robots:-
The profile of the future robot based on the research activities will include
the following,
(i) Intelligence
(ii) Sensor capabilities
(iii) Telepresence
(iv) Mechanical design
(v) Mobility and navigation (walking machines)
(vi) Universal gripper
(vii) Systems integration and networking
(viii) FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems)
(Ix) Hazardous and inaccessible non-manufacturing environments
(x) Underground coal mining
(xi) Fire fighting operations
(xii) Robots in space
(xiii) Security guards
(xiv) Garbage collection and waste disposal operations
(xv) Household robots
(xvi) Medical care and hospital duties etc.
Classification of Robots (or) Classification by co-ordinate system and
control system:-

-> Co-ordinate systems:-

Industrial robots are available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and
physical configurations. The vast majority of today’s commercially
available robots possess one of the basic configurations:
I. Polar configuration
2. Cylindrical configuration
3. Cartesian coordinate configurable
4. Jointed-arm configuration

-> Control systems:-

With respect to robotics, the motion control system used to control
the movement of the end-effector or tool.
1. Limited sequence robots (Non-servo)
2. Playback robots with point to point (servo)
3. Play back robots with continuous path control,
4. Intelligent robots.
1. Polar configuration:-

The polar configuration is pictured in part (a) of Fig. It uses a telescoping arm
that can be raised or lowered about a horizontal pivot The pivot is mounted on
a base. These various joints provide the robot with the capability to move its
arm within a spherical space, and hence the name “spherical coordinate” robot
is sometimes applied to this type. A number of commercial robots possess the
polar configuration.
2. Cylindrical configuration:-

The cylindrical configurable, as shown in fig, uses a vertical column and a slide
that can be moved up or down along the column. The robot arm is attached to the
slide so that it can he moved radially with respect to the column. By routing the
column, the robot is capable of achieving a work space that approximates a
3. Cartesian coordinate configurable:-

The cartesian coordinate robot, illustrated in Fig, uses three perpendicular slides
to construct the x, y, and z axes. Other names are sometimes applied to this
configuration, including xyz robot and rectilinear robot. By moving the three
slides relative to one another, the robot is capable of operating within a
rectangular work envelope.
4. Jointed-arm configuration:-

The jointed-arm robot is shown in Fig. Its configuration is similar to that of the
human arm. It consists of two straight components. Corresponding to the
human forearm and upper arm, mounted on a vertical pedestal. These
components are connected by two rotary joints corresponding to the shoulder
and elbow.

1. Limited sequence robots (Non-servo):-

Limited sequence robots do not give servo controlled to inclined relative
positions of the joints, instead they are controlled by setting limit switches &
are mechanical stops. There is generally no feed back associated with a
limited sequence robot to indicate that the desired position, has been
achieved generally thin type of robots involves simple motion as pick & place

2. Point to point motion:-

This type robots are capable of controlling velocity acceleration & path of
motion, from the beginning to the end of the path. It uses complex control
programs, PLC’s (programmable logic controller’s) computers to control the
The point to point control motion robots are capable of performing motion
cycle that consists of a series of desired point location. The robot is tough &
recorded, unit.
3. Continuous path motion:-
These robots are capable of performing motion cycle in which the path
followed by the robot in controlled. The robot move through a series of
closely space point which describe the desired path.
Ex:- Spray painting, arc welding & complicate assembly operations.

4. Intelligent robots:-
These type of robots not only programmable motion cycle but also interact
with it’s environment. in a way that years intelligent. It can make logical
decisions based on sensor data received from the operation.
There robots are usually programmed using an English like symbolic
language not like a computer programming language.
Precision of movement (or) parameters of robot:-

The preceding discussion of response speed and stability is concerned with

the dynamic performance of the robot. Another measure of performance is
precision of the robot's movement. We will define precision as a function of
three features:

1. Spatial resolution
2. Accuracy
3. Repeatability

These terms will be defined with the following assumptions.

(i) The definitions will apply at the robot’s wrist end with no hand attached
to the wrist.
(ii) The terms apply to the worst case conditions, the conditions under
which the robot's precision will be at its wont. This generally means that
the robot’s arm is fully extended in the case of a jointed arm or polar
(iii) Third, our definitions will he developed in the context of a point-to-
point robot.
1. Spatial resolution:-
The spatial resolution of a robot is the smallest increment of movement
into which the robot can divide its work volume. Spatial resolution
depends on two factors: the system's control resolution and the robot's
mechanical inaccuracies. It is easiest to conceptualize these factors in
terms of a robot with 1 degree of freedom.
The no. of increments =2𝑛
Where n = the number of bits in the control memory.
The control resolution = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒/ 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒-
2. Accuracy:-
Accuracy refers to a robot's ability to position its wrist end at a desired target
point within the work volume. The accuracy of a robot can be denned in terms
of spatial resolution because the ability to achieve a given target point depends
on how closely the robot can define the control increments for each of its joint
3. Repeatability:-
Repeatability is concerned with the robot's ability to position its wrist or
an end effector attached to its wrist at a point in space is known as
repeatability. Repeatability and accuracy refer to two different aspects of
the robot’s precision. Accuracy relates to the robot's capacity to be
programmed to achieve a given target point. The actual programmed
point will probably be different from the target point due to limitations
of control resolution Repeatability refers to the robot’s ability to return
to the programmed point when commanded to do so.
Main components of robot:-
A typical stand-alone robot shown in fig below, comprises of the
following basic components, namely.
2.Sensors devices
3.Robot Tooling
4.Robot controller unit (RCU)

It consists of base, arm, & wrist similar to a human arm. It also includes
power source either electric, hydraulic or pneumatic on receiving signals
from robot controller this mechanical unit will be activated. The
movement of manipulator can be in relation to it’s coordinate system.
Which may be cartesian, cylindrical..etc.
Depending on the controller, movement may be point to point motion or
continuous motion.
The manipulator is composed of 3 divisions,
i.The major linkages ii. The minor linkages (wrist components) iii. The
end effectors (gripper or tool)

2. Sensors devices:
These elements in form the robot controller about the status of the
manipulator. These sensors can be either analog or digital and
combination. These are…
i. visual ii. Non – visual
3. Robot Tooling:
Robot tooling is nothing but hand or gripper of the robot also called as
the “” end effector”. It is provided at the end of the arm. It is design
depends on the nature of the work to be performed by the robot.

4. Robot controller unit (RCU):

The instructions to the robot to perform the desired tasks are input
through the key board of this unit. The controller converts the input
programs to suitable signals which activate the manipulator to perform
the desired tasks.

Types of robot arms OR function line diagram representation of

robot arms:-
The arms of the robot classified as following:
i. Cartesian robot
ii. Cylinder robot
iii. Polar robot
iv. Joint arm
i. cartesian robot:

Cartesian robot has simplest configuration with prismatic joints. The

work envelope of cartesian robot is cuboidal. It has large work
volume but low density. It consists of 3 linear axes.
ii. Cylinder robot:

Cylinder robot makes use of two perpendicular prismatic joint and

one revolute joint. The work envelope of cylinder robot
approximates to a cylinder. It consists of two linear and one rotary
iii. Polar robot:

Polar robot consists of a rotating base, a telescopic link which

can be raised or lowered about a horizontal revolute joint. It has a
work envelope of a partial spherical shell. It consists of one linear
and two rotary axes.
iv. Joint arm robot:

Joint arm robot also known as anthropomorphic robot. It functions

similar to the human arm. It consists of two straight links. Similar to
the human forearm and upper arm. These two links are mounted on
rotary table and has a work envelope of spherical shape. It is the
most dexterous one since all the joints are revolute joints. It consists
of 3 rotary axes.
Manipulator kinematics
Manipulator kinematics is the field of science that investigates the motion of manipulator links without
regard to the forces that cause it. In that case the motion is determined with trajectory, i.e. positions,
velocity, acceleration, jerk and other higher derivative components.
The flow diagram for the trajectory and motion control of manipulator
Links and Joints



End Effector

2 DOF’s

Robot Basis
Chapter 2
Symbol Terminologies :
Robot Kinematics: Position Analysis

⊙  : A rotation about the z-axis.

⊙ d : The distance on the z-axis.
⊙ a : The length of each common normal (Joint offset).
⊙  : The angle between two successive z-axes (Joint twist)

 Only  and d are joint variables.

Steps in D-H convention
Procedures for assigning a local reference frame to each joint:

1. ‫ ٭‬All joints are represented by a z-axis.

• (right-hand rule for rotational joint, linear movement for prismatic

2. The common normal is one line mutually perpendicular to any two

skew lines.

3. Parallel z-axes joints make a infinite number of common normal.

4. Intersecting z-axes of two successive joints make no common

normal between them(Length is 0.).
The necessary motions
Robot Kinematics: Positionto transform from

one reference frame to the next.

(I) Rotate about the zn-axis an able of n+1. (Coplanar)

(II) Translate along zn-axis a distance of dn+1 to make xn and xn+1
(III) Translate along the xn-axis a distance of an+1 to bring the origins
of xn+1 together.
(IV) Rotate zn-axis about xn+1 axis an angle of n+1 to align zn-axis
with zn+1-axis.
In this convention, each homogeneous transformation Ai is
represented as a product of four basic transformations
Example with three Y2 The DH
Revolute Joints
Z0 Z1 Parameter
X0 X1

Y0 Y1
Denavit-Hartenberg Link
a0 a1 Parameter Table
i (i-1) a(i-1) di i
Notice that the table has two uses:
1) To describe the robot with its 0 0 0 0 0
variables and parameters.
2) To describe some state of the 1 0 a0 0 1
robot by having a numerical values
for the variables. 2 -90 a1 d2 2
We calculate with respect
to previous 
i (i-1) a(i-1) di i
Z0 Z1

0 0 0 0 0
X0 X1 1 0 a0 0 1

Y0 Y1
2 -90 a1 d2 2
a0 a1
The same table as last slide

V X 2 
 Y2 
 V  T =( 0T)( 01T)( 12T)
V X 0 Y0 Z 0
=T Z
V 2 
 
 1  Note: T is the D-H matrix with (i-1) = 0 and i = 1.
World coordinates
tool coordinates
These matrices T are
calculated in next slide
The same table as last slide

i (i-1) a(i-1) di i cosθ 0 − sinθ 0 0 0

 sinθ cosθ 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0T =
 0

 0 0 1 0
 
1 0 a0 0 1  0 0 0 1
This is just a rotation around the Z0 axis
2 -90 a1 d2 2

cosθ1 − sinθ1 0 a0   cosθ 2 − sinθ 2 0 a1 

 sinθ cosθ1 0 0   0 0 1 d 2 
T =  1
2T =
1 
 0 0 0 0 − sinθ 2 − cosθ 2 0 0
   
 0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1
This is a translation by a1 and then d2
This is a translation by a0 followed by a
followed by a rotation around the X2 and
rotation around the Z1 axis
Z2 axis

T =( 0T)( 01T)( 12T)

In Dynamics of Manipulators we study forces applied to manipulators. To perform
a particular task the manipulator is accelerated from rest to start moving, then
the end-effector may be required to be moved with a constant velocity and then
decelerated to bring it to rest at the desired point. Such motion requires variation
of torques at the joints by actuators in accordance to the desired trajectory.
Our task in Dynamics of Manipulators is to find the torque to be generated by the
torque actuators at the manipulator joints. The functions of the torque variation
depend upon the trajectory to be followed by the manipulator, masses of links,
friction in link joints and force applied by or payload at the end-effector.

Dynamic analysis of manipulator has two types of problems to be solved:

•The trajectory with variation of position, velocity and acceleration is given and
torques required at manipulator joints to move along the desired trajectory are to
be found.
•Torques variations are given and the motion of manipulator has to be found. It
may involve finding position, velocity and also acceleration.
Degrees of freedom/mobility of a mechanism: It is the number of inputs (number of
independent coordinates) required to describe the configuration or position of all the
links of the mechanism, with respect to the fixed link at any given instant.
Grubler’s equation: Number of degrees of freedom of a mechanism is given by:
F= 3(n-1) – 2j
F = Degrees of freedom
n = Number of links
j= number of joints

F= 3(n-1) – 2j
Differential Transformation of Manipulators
•Parallel manipulators are mechanisms where all the links are connected to
the ground and the moving platform at the same time.
•They possess high rigidity, load capacity, precision, structural stiffness,
velocity and acceleration since the end-effector is linked to the movable
plate in several points.
•Parallel manipulators can be classified into two fundamental categories,
namely spatial and planar manipulators.
•The first category composes of the spatial parallel manipulators that can
translate and rotate in the three dimensional space.
•The planar parallel manipulators which composes of second category,
translate along the x and y-axes, and rotate around the z-axis, only.

Planar parallel robot manipulator Spatial parallel robot manipulator

•In a serial manipulator, several linkages are serially connected like a chain
to give a desired motion to the end-effector.
•A serial manipulator consists of a fixed base, a series of links connected by
joints, and ending at a free end carrying the tool or the end-effector.
•In contrast to parallel manipulators, there are no closed loops.
•By actuating the joints, one can position and orient the end-effector in a
plane or in three-dimensional (3D) space to perform desired tasks with the
• Serial manipulators are the most common industrial robots. They are
designed as a series of links connected by motor-actuated joints that extend
from a base to an end-effector.
Jacobian Matrix - Formulation

What is a Jacobian of a robot system?

A Jacobian defines the dynamic relationship between two different
representations of a system. It is a m x n matrix.
For example, if we have a 2-link robotic arm, there are two obvious
ways to describe its current position:
1) the end-effector position and orientation (which we will denote x),
2) as the set of joint angles (which we will denote q).
The Jacobian for this system relates how movement of the elements
of q causes movement of the elements of x.
Jacobian as a transformation matrix for velocity.
Jacobian - Serial Manipulator
Jacobian Matrix
The Jacobian is an m x n matrix. Take a two link planar manipulator in the plane
with revolute joints and axis of rotation perpendicular to the plane of the paper. Let
us first derive the positional part of a Jacobian. First from the forward kinematics we
derive the description of the position and orientation of the end-effector in Cartesian
space with respect to the joint coordinates.

ᶿ1 and ᶿ2 – joint angles of robot (configuration space, joint space)

l1, l2 – length of links 1 an 2 respectively (robot parameters)
x, y - position of end effector (task space)
Trajectory Planning

 Path and trajectory planning means the way that a robot is

moved from one location to another in a controlled manner.

 The sequence of movements for a controlled movement

between motion segment, in straight-line motion or in
sequential motions.

 It requires the use of both kinematics and dynamics of robots.

Path: an ordered locus of points in the space (either joint or
operational), which the manipulator should follow. Path is a pure
geometric description of motion.
Trajectory: a path on which timing law is specified, e.g., velocities and
accelerations in its each point.

The path planning is the planning of the whole way from point A to
point C, including stopping in defined path points. The path includes
several continuous motion trajectories that need the trajectory
planning. If a path cannot be previously planned because of limited
previous information, the motion task is named as path finding.
Robot Motion Planning

Path planning (global):

•Geometric path.
•Issues: obstacle avoidance, shortest

Trajectory generating (local):

•“Interpolate” or “approximate” the
desired path by a class of polynomial
functions and
•generate a sequence of time-based
“control set points” for the control of
manipulator from the initial configuration
to its destination.
Path planning strategies are:
− path constrained (signed path) off-line or on-line path planning with collision
− position controlled motion with on-line obstacle identification and collision
avoidance (without path constraints, i.e. path signs)
− path constrained off-line path planning or on-line pass through the signed
path (collisions are possible)
− position controlled motion without obstacle identification (collisions are
The main path planning tasks for a robot are as follows:
- grasping and releasing objects
- moving from place to place
- following previously specified paths
- following moving objects
- working with other manipulators
- exerting forces (i.e. pushing, pulling and holding)
- exerting torques
- collecting data
- using tools

Collision detection and collision avoidance
Collision detection is the most important factor of Path Planning.
Without automatic collision avoidance, the robotic work cell must be
engineered to be collision free, or sub-optimal paths must be chosen
by a human programmer.
Local collision detection is important when moving through an
unknown or uncertain environment. These allow for feedback to the
planner, for halting paths which contain collisions. Global Collision
Avoidance may be done for planning paths which should avoid objects
by a certain margin of safety.
Problems of robot motion if turning is needed to avoid collision
The aim of the trajectory generation:

•To generate inputs to the motion control system which

ensures that the planned trajectory is executed.

•The user or the upper-level planner describes the desired

trajectory by some parameters, usually: Initial and final point
(point-to-point control).

•Finite sequence of points along the path (motion through

sequence of points).

•Trajectory planning/generation can be performed either in

the joint space or operational space.

To determine time history of position, velocity and

acceleration of end-effector of a manipulator, while moving
from an initial position to a final position through some
intermediate/via points.
Joint-space description:
•The description of the motion to be made by the robot by its joint
•The motion between the two points is unpredictable.

Various Trajectory Functions

•Cubic polynomial
•Fifth-order polynomial
•Linear trajectory function

Operational space description:

•In many cases operational space = Cartesian space.
•The motion between the two points is known at all times and
•It is easy to visualize the trajectory, but it is difficult to ensure that
singularity does not occur.

 Let’s consider a simple 2 degree of freedom robot.
 We desire to move the robot from Point A to Point B.
 Let’s assume that both joints of the robot can move at the maximum
rate of 10 degree/sec.
 Let’s assume that both joints of the robot can move at the maximum
rate of 10 degree/sec.
 Move the robot from A to B, to run both joints
at their maximum angular velocities.
 After 2 [sec], the lower link will have finished its
motion, while the upper link continues for another
3 [sec].
 The path is irregular and the distances traveled
by the robot’s end are not uniform.

Joint-space nonnormalized movements of a robot

with two degrees of freedom.
 Let’s assume that the motions of both joints are normalized by a
common factor such that the joint with smaller motion will move
proportionally slower and the both joints will start and stop their
motion simultaneously.

 Both joints move at different speeds, but move

continuously together.

 The resulting trajectory will be different.

Joint-space, normalized movements

of a robot with two degrees of freedom.
 Let’s assume that the robot’s hand follow a known path between point
A to B with straight line.

 The simplest solution would be to draw a line between points A and B,

so called interpolation.

 Divide the line into five segments and solve for

necessary angles  and  at each point.

 The joint angles are not uniformly changing.

Cartesian-space movements of
a two-degree-of-freedom robot.
 Let’s assume that the robot’s hand follow a known path between point A to B with
straight line.

 The simplest solution would be to draw a line between points A and B, so called

 It is assumed that the robot’s actuators are

strong enough to provide large forces necessary
to accelerate and decelerate the joints as needed.

 Divide the segments differently.

 The arm move at smaller segments as we speed up at
the beginning.
 Go at a constant cruising rate.
Trajectory planning with an
acceleration-deceleration regiment.  Decelerate with smaller segments as approaching
point B.
Joint-Space Scheme

•To fit a smooth (continuous) curve through (θ1S, θ11,

θ12, θ13, θ1G)

•First and second order derivatives must be continuous.

Various Trajectory Functions

•Cubic polynomial

•Fifth-order polynomial

•Linear trajectory function

Factors to be considered while choosing the drive
system for robots

a) Accuracy b) Repeatability
c) Degree of freedom d) Mobility
e) Coordinate systems
f) Gravitational and acceleration force
g) Backlash, friction and thermal effects
h) Weight
i) Power-to-weight ratio
j) Operating pressure
What is a Servo Motor?
•A servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise
control of angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration.
•It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback.
•If you want to rotate and object at some specific angles or distance, then you
use servo motor.
•It is just made up of simple motor which run through servo mechanism.
•If motor is used is DC powered then it is called DC servo motor, and if it is AC
powered motor then it is called AC servo motor.
•The position of a servo motor is decided by electrical pulse and its circuitry is
placed beside the motor.
•We can get a very high torque servo motor in a small and light weight
packages. Due to these features they are being used in many applications like
toy car, RC helicopters and planes, Robotics, Machine etc.
Construction of Servo Motor
Servo motor is Dc motor which consist of following parts:
•Stator winding
•Rotor winding
The servo motor consists of a stator and rotor winding.
The stator winding is wound on stationary part of the motor and this
winding is also called field winding of the motor, this winding could the
permanent magnets.
The rotor winding is wound on the rotating part of the motor and this
winding is also called the armature winding of the motor.
The motor consists of two bearing on front and back side for the free
movement of shaft.
Shaft is basically the iron rod on which the armature winding is
coupled. The encoder has the approximate sensor for telling the
rotational speed and revolution per minute of the motor. The construction
of servo motor is shown in figure.
What is Brushless DC motor?

Unlike conventional brushed type DC motor, wherein the brushes make the
mechanical contact with commutator on the rotor so as to form an electric
path between a DC electric source and rotor armature windings, BLDC motor
employs electrical commutation with permanent magnet rotor and a stator
with a sequence of coils. In this motor, permanent magnet (or field poles)
rotates and current carrying conductors are fixed.
What is a Stepper Motor?
•It is a brushless electromechanical device which converts the train of electric
pulses applied at their excitation windings into precisely defined step-by-step
mechanical shaft rotation.
•The shaft of the motor rotates through a fixed angle for each discrete pulse.
This rotation can be linear or angular. It gets one step movement for a single
pulse input.
•When a train of pulses is applied, it gets turned through a certain angle.
•The angle through which the stepper motor shaft turns for each pulse is
referred as the step angle, which is generally expressed in degrees.
•Unlike other motors it operates on a programmed discrete control pulses that
are applied to the stator windings via an electronic drive.
•The rotation occurs due to the magnetic interaction between poles of
sequentially energized stator winding and poles of the rotor.
Working of Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor

Step angle =
360/Nr x phase
i.e.360/2 x 2 = 900
Nr – Number of poles
of rotor.
Phase – 2 or 3
Advantages and Disadvantages of Electrical

1.High power conversion efficiency
2. No pollution of working environment
3.They are easily maintained and repaired
4. Light weight
5.The drive system is well suited for
electronic control
1.Poor dynamic response
2.Conventional gear driven create backlash
3.A larger and heavier motor must be used
which must be costly.
Construction and Working Principle:

•The output shaft transfers the motion or force however all other
parts help to control the system.
•The storage/fluid tank is a reservoir for the liquid used as a
transmission media.
•The liquid used is generally high density incompressible oil.
•It is filtered to remove dust or any other unwanted particles and
then pumped by the hydraulic pump.
•The capacity of pump depends on the hydraulic system design.
•These pumps generally deliver constant volume in each revolution
of the pump shaft.
•The pressure regulator is used regulate the pressure of the fluid
and also redirects the excess fluid back to the storage tank
•The pressure generated by the hydraulic pump is distributed to the
cylinder through pressure regulator and control valves according to
the requirement, which is proportional to the amount of load needed
to be supported by them.
•The movement of piston is controlled by changing liquid flow from port
A and port B.
•The cylinder movement is controlled by using control valve which
directs the fluid flow.
•The fluid pressure line is connected to the port B to raise the piston
and it is connected to port A to lower down the piston.
•The valve can also stop the fluid flow in any of the port.
•The leak proof piping is also important due to safety, environmental
hazards and economical aspects.
•Some accessories such as flow control system, travel limit control,
electric motor starter and overload protection may also be used in the
hydraulic systems
Advantages and Disadvantages of hydraulic drive

•Precision motion control over a wide range
of speeds and loads
•Greater Strength

•High maintenance
•Not energy efficient
•Not suited for clean-air environment
Pneumatic Actuators

A pneumatic control valve actuator converts energy (typically in the form

of compressed air) into mechanical motion. The motion can be rotary or
linear, depending on the type of actuator.

Method of operation:
•Compressed air from the compressor is stored in an air tank and then
fed through a pipeline system to the necessary areas of the system.
•A pneumatic actuator (for example, an air cylinder) converts the energy
from this compressed air into motion.
•The motion can be rotary or linear, depending on the type of actuator.

Pneumatic cylinders can be used to get linear, rotary and oscillatory motion.
There are three types of pneumatic actuator: they are
i) Linear Actuator or Pneumatic cylinders
ii) Rotary Actuator or Air motors
iii) Limited angle Actuators
Pneumatic cylinders are devices for converting the air pressure into linear
mechanical force and motion. The pneumatic cylinders are basically used for
single purpose application such as clamping, stamping, transferring,
branching, allocating, ejecting, metering, tilting, bending, turning and many
other applications.

1) Higher actuation speed than an electric actuator.

2) Actuation speed can be adjusted as desired using a controller.

3) Can be used as an emergency shutoff or release valve. (Single acting type;

spring return type)

4) Can be used for valves that require frequent opening / closing.

5) Simple configuration makes it easy to maintain.


1) Additional cost for dust/moisture removing dryer or dust filter is required because
instrument air is used.

2) Response speed becomes slower (due to the compression of air) where the
actuator is significantly distant from the supply air source.

3) A larger size actuator is required to obtain high output power.

4) Actuation is affected by fluctuation in air pressure and flow rate.

There are a number of ways in which sensing devices
may be classified:
•By their type of operation - analog or digital.
•Whether the quantity is sensed directly or indirectly.
•By the medium by which they operate - optical,
electrical etc.
•By their application.
Proximity Sensing

Proximity sensing normally means detecting:

a.Presence or absence of an object.

b.The size or simple shape of an object.

Proximity sensors can be further classified as contact or non - contact, and as analog
or digital in operation. The choice of sensor is determined by the physical,
environmental and control conditions. They include the following:

Mechanical - Any suitable mechanical / electrical switch may be adopted but

because a certain amount of force is required to operate a mechanical switch it is
common to use microswitches.

Pneumatic - These proximity sensors operate by breaking or disturbing an air flow.

The Pneumatic proximity sensor is an example of a contact type sensor.

Optical - In the simplest form, optical proximity sensors operate by breaking a light
beam which falls onto a light sensitive device such as a photocell. These are
examples of non contact sensors. Care must be exercised with the lighting
environment of these sensors for example optical sensors can be blinded by flashes
from arc welding processes, airborne dust and smoke clouds may impede light
transmission etc.
Electrical -
Electrical proximity sensors may be contact or non - contact. Simple contact
Sensors operate by making the sensor and the component complete an electrical
circuit. Non – contact electrical proximity sensors rely on the electrical principles of
either induction for Detecting metals or capacitance for detecting non metals as

Range Sensing -
Range sensing detects how near or far a component is from the sensing
position, although they can also be used as proximity sensors. Distance or range
sensors use non - contact analog techniques. Short range sensing, between a few
millimetres and a few hundred millimetres is carried out using electrical
capacitance, inductance and magnetic technique. Longer range sensing is carried
out using transmitted energy waves of various types.
Eg. radio waves, sound waves and lasers.
Force Sensing
There are six types of forces (as shown below) that may require sensing. In each
case the application of the force may be static ( Stationary ) or dynamic t Moving ).
Force is a vector quantity in that it must be specified in both magnitude and
direction. Force sensors are therefore analog an operation and sensitive to the
direction in which they act.

•Tensile Force
•Compressive Force
•Shear force
•Torsional Force
•Bending Force
•Frictional Force

A number of techniques exist for sensing force, some direct and some indirect.

Tensile Forces: -Can be determined by Strain Gauges, these show a change in

their electrical resistance when their length is increased. These gauges measure
change in electrical resistance which can be translated into force and are
therefore indirect devices.
Compressive Forces: -
Can be determined by devices known as Load Cells, these operate by detecting
either a change in dimension of the cell under compressive load or by detecting an
increase in the pressure within the cell under load or by exhibiting a change in
electrical resistance under a compressive load.

Torsional and Bending Forces: -

Can be regarded as a combination of tensile and compressive forces so a
combination of the above technique are employed.

Frictional Forces: -
These relate to situations where movement is to be restrained, so friction force is
Detected indirectly using a combination of force and movement sensors.
Tactile Sensing
•Tactile sensing means sensing through touch.
•The simplest types of tactile sensors use an array of simple touch
sensors arranged in rows and columns.
•These are commonly called matrix sensors.
•Each individual sensor is activated when brought into contact with the
•By detecting which sensors are active ( digital ) or the magnitude of the
output signal ( analog ) an imprint of the component can be determined.
The imprint is then compared to previously stored imprint information to
determine the size or shape of the component.
•Mechanical, optical and electrical tactile sensors are available.
• Tactile sensing includes any form of sensing which requires physical touching
between the sensor and the object to be sense.
• The need for touch or tactile sensors occurs in many robotic applications, from
picking oranges to loading machines. Probably the most important application
currently is the general problem of locating, identifying, and organizing parts
that need to be assembled.
• Tactile sensor system includes the capability to detect such things as:
1. Presence
2. Part shape, location, orientation, contour examination
3. Contact are pressure and pressure distribution
4. Force magnitude, location, and direction
5. Surface inspection : texture monitoring, joint checking, damage detection
6. Object classification : recognition, discrimination
7. Grasping : verification, error compensation (slip, position ,orientation)
8. Assembly monitoring
Industrial Robotics- Manufacturing
Applications of robots in industry and manufacturing
Robots are mainly used in three types of applications:

•Material handling;
•Processing operations;
•Assembly and inspection.

In material handling, robots move parts between various locations by

means of a gripper type end-effector. Material handling activity can be sub
divided into material transfer and machine loading and/or unloading.

In processing operations, the robot performs some processing activities

such as grinding, milling, etc. on the work-part. The end-effector is
equipped with the specialized tool required for the respective process. The
tool is moved relative to the surface of the work-part.
Material handling applications
Robotic process operations
Other Applications of Robots

Domestic or household robots – Robots which are used at home. This sort of
robots consists of numerous different gears for example- robotic pool cleaners,
robotic sweepers, robotic vacuum cleaners, robotic sewer cleaners and other
robots that can perform different household tasks. Also, a number of scrutiny
and tele-presence robots can also be considered as domestic robots if brought
into play in that sort of environment.

Medical robots – Robots employed in medicine and medicinal institutes. First

& foremost surgical treatment robots. Also, a number of robotic directed
automobiles and perhaps lifting supporters.

Service robots – Robots that cannot be classed into any other types by
practice. These could be various data collecting robots, robots prepared to
exhibit technologies, robots employed for research, etc.
Other Applications of Robots

Military robots – Robots brought into play in military & armed forces. This sort
of robots consist of bomb discarding robots, various shipping robots,
exploration drones. Often robots at the start produced for military and armed
forces purposes can be employed in law enforcement, exploration and salvage
and other associated fields.

Entertainment robots – These types of robots are employed for

entertainment. This is an extremely wide-ranging category. It begins with
model robots such as robosapien or the running photo frames and concludes
with real heavy weights like articulated robot arms employed as movement

Space robots – I would like to distinct out robots employed in space as a split
apart type. This type of robots would consist of the robots employed on
Canadarm that was brought into play in space Shuttles, the International Space
Station, together with Mars explorers and other robots employed in space
exploration & other activities.
Robot Applications in Industry
Robot Applications in Healthcare
Service Robotics
Key Challenges
Key Challenges
Key Challenges
Key Challenges
Key Challenges
Key Challenges
Key Challenges

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