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• Communicare – Latin “to share”

• Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one person
to another within and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures (McCornack, 2014)
• In addition, Communication is a systematic process in which people interact with and through
symbols to create and interpret meaning (Wood, 2003)

Why Communication is important?

• It helps you connect with others and share ideas.

• Effective communication clarifies information, reducing wasted time.
• Helps builds relationships, teamwork, and trust.
• Helps to develop your knowledge base, which helps you make better life choices.
• Poor communication skills, on the other hand, can sour relationships from business to personal,
and make your life significantly harder.


• The person who is sharing or transmitting the idea is called sender.
• The sender initiates the communication process by thinking of and transmitting an idea to
someone else.
• The communication process begins when the source or sender selects words, symbols, pictures
and the like, to represent the message that will be delivered to the receiver(s).
• This process, known as encoding, involves putting thoughts, ideas, or information into a
symbolic form.
• The person or group of people who receives the transmitted idea is called receiver.
• The receiver must absorb the idea and react to it.
• This is the interpretation of the message.
• Decoding is performed by the receiver.
• This refers to the information that the sender is relaying to the receiver.
• The message carries the meaning the sender wishes to convey.
• This is the transmission or method of delivering the message.
• Channels may include or in a form of writing, speech, or some form of modern technology, art,
• Channel is the medium of communication
• The sending back of messages and replies is called the feedback.
• Giving feedbacks helps the sender know if the receiver understood the message.
• any barrier preventing an effective communication process is called noise
• Noise can be in a form of audio, visual, physical, emotional, and even mental distraction.


Linear Communication Model

• Is an one-way process of communication

• Sender sends information and receiver only receives
• Has no feedback from the receiver
• Examples of linear communication are a speech, a television broadcast, or sending a memo.

Interactive Communication Model

• Is a two-way communication process where a response is given after a message

• Interactive model only acknowledges the interpersonal communication.
• An example of Interactive communication is a simple conversation over the phone.

Transactional Communication Model

• Is a two-way communication process where one person is actively participating and sharing
ideas with one another.
• Transactional Communication Model acknowledges both interpersonal and intrapersonal
• Examples of the transactional model include a face-to-face meeting, a telephone call, a Skype
call, a chat session, interactive training


Regulation / Control
• Communication functions to control behavior.
• It can be used to regulate the nature and number of activities people engage in.
• It directly addresses the listener.
“Take your medicine before you go to bed.”
“Finish your work before you go.”
Social Interaction
• Communication allows people to interact with others to develop bonds or intimacy.
• It also allows individuals to express desires, encouragement, needs, and decision or to give and
get information.
• In the Communication Theory , this is also known as the Phatic Function.
“Would you like to go to church with me?”
“Come on! You can do it!”

• Communication persuades or encourages another person to change his/her opinion, attitude,
and behavior.
• Encourages people to live or do something better.
• It has 3 ways: setting expectations, giving feedbacks, and offering or giving suggestions.
“You’re on the right track. Keep up the good work.”
“My dream is to finish my Senior High School despite this pandemic”.

Emotional Expression

• Communication facilitates people’s expression of their feelings such as love, fear, anger, joy,
hope, or any other emotion.

“I’m so happy to have you in my life.”
“I like you so much.”


• Communication functions to convey information.

• It can be used in giving and getting information.
• Transferring knowledge from one person or another.

“The Philippine Normal University was founded in 1901.”
“You can find the bathroom right next to this door”

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