Rectangular and Circular Antennas Design For Bluetooth Applications

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control

Vol. 21, No. 1, February 2023, pp. 8~17

ISSN: 1693-6930, DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v21i1.21824  8

Rectangular and circular antennas design for Bluetooth


Hiba A. Alsawaf, Amenah E. Kanaan

Department of Electronic Engineering, Electronics Engineering College, Ninevah University, Mosul, Iraq

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: The most researched and examined aspect of the communication system is
the wireless connection. Without learning how to operate and use different
Received Sep 24, 2021 types of antennas, your knowledge is incomplete. Microstrip patch antenna
Revised Oct 13, 2022 research has advanced significantly in recent years. When compared to
Accepted Oct 23, 2022 standard antennas, microstrip patch antennas provide additional advantages
and opportunities. It is of low volume, light weight, low cost, low
appearance, compact and easy to manufacture. This study investigates the
Keywords: differences between rectangular and circular patch antennas. For Bluetooth
applications, the center frequency of 2.4 GHz was chosen as the optimal
Circular antenna resonant frequency. On a flame retardant (FR-4) epoxy substrate, the
Microstrip antenna antenna dielectric constant is 4.4. Above the ground the base rises 3.6 mm.
Patch antenna For the simulation process, high frequency simulation software (HFSS 15) is
Rectangular antenna used as the program design. Antennas 1×1, 1×2, and 1×4 are designed for
Voltage standing wave ratio both circular and rectangular antennas. A comparison was made for both
types of antennas and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), return losses,
gain, directivity and half power beam width (HPBW) were found, and the
feature of the rectangular antenna was shown.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Hiba A. Alsawaf
Department of Electronic Engineering, Electronics Engineering College, Ninevah University
Mosul, Iraq
Email: [email protected]

An antenna is a portion of a transmitting or receiving system that is designed to emit or receive
electromagnetic waves. It is an electrical conductor or a series of conductors. Because of their tiny size and
low weight, in addition to their simplicity of manufacture and design robustness, micro-strip antenna
technology patches have made great development in recent years. Micro-strip patch antennas have circular
and dual polarizations, dual-frequency system, wide-bandwidth, and line-feed pliability [1]–[4].
A microstrip antenna is constructed composed of a thin ground dialectical substrate and a tiny metal
conductor. Many current applications, including wireless local area networks (W-LAN), mobile phones,
global positioning system (GPS), and other wireless terminals that may be available shortly, rely on
microstrip patch antenna shrinking [5]–[7]. Because of their low profile (paper-thin), flatness and conformal
structure, structural strength, and lightweight, micro strips or patches are increasingly useful, ease of
manufacture using printed-circuit technology is possible, both linear and circular polarization (helpful for
frequency - reuse) are possible [8], [9]. The modular designs are suitable; hence, solid-status components also
can be directly integrated with the circuit into the microstrip antenna substratum. Feed lines and networks
that match [10]–[12] dual-frequency performance is easy to achieve, arrays can be easily created to increase
direction, they can easily be mounted without significant alterations on space vehicles, missiles and satellites

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control  9

and compatible with monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) designs [13], [14]. Patch antennas are
highly essential in today’s world of wireless communications networks [15], [16]. By engraving the antenna
element pattern on a metallic trace and then attaching it to an insulating substrate, conventional microstrip
antennas, for instance, a printed circuit board, are created using a metal layer bonded to the substrate’s second
side, which serves as a ground plane [17]–[19]. Micro-strip patch antennas are more commonly employed than
the more well-known rectangular and circular antennas [20], [21]. Microstrip patch antennas, which may be
utilized in communication and sensing applications, offer several advantages [17], [22]. The study in [23] is
based on the notion that a rectangle patch antenna is higher than the reverse patch antenna loss when an
enhanced voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) value is 1.18 compared to the rectangular patch of the VSWR
1.27. Circular patch antenna presents an eighth percentage higher gain and a 2.0 dB lower side-lobe power
than the rectangular patch antenna. The patch antenna structure decreases as the substrate dielectric constant
increases, this leads to bandwidth absorption, impedance, and antenna efficiency. Simulated antennas are
utilized for 3G communications because of the resonance frequency. A basic patch antenna with a 2.4 GHz
operating frequency is given Mahmud et al. [24]. The developed process was performed by entering 2.3 of
polyurethane (PU)-dielectric empty fruit bunch’s (EFB) constant, using matrix laboratory (MATLAB) and
high frequency simulation software (HFSS) software. There were a high return loss, low bandwidth, and
good radiation efficiency in the antenna, respectively -21.98 dB, 0.28 dB, and 97.33 percent. Communication
systems are rapidly expanding as a result of the revolution in antenna engineering [25]. Rectangular, circular,
and microstrip patch antenna design, modeling, and analysis are presented. The suggested patch antennas are
constructed with ansys HFSS software for dielectric 2.2 RT/droid 5880 material and have a 9 GHz resonance
rate, which is inside the 𝑋 band. An antenna patch for rectangular micro-streaming is included in an
optimized circular and rectangular antenna [26]. This work aims to realize multi-band resonance in a flexible
antenna for WLAN applications. 2.4 GHz and 4.38 GHz are the proposed design resonances. The antenna is
100 mm to 90 mm in size. The design and analysis of the proposed antenna were based on a full-wave
simulation program. Mabaso and Kumar [27], an antenna is developed for a 3-band microstrip. The rectangular
patch is burdened by the slots, and the ground is unfit for a three-band process. A Studio Suite 3D
electromagnetic (EM) simulation and analysis software (CST) is used to optimize and simulate the suggested
design. The triple mode’s optimal design structure works at 1.2 GHz, 2.45 GHz, and 5.6372 GHz.
The design was created with the help of HFSS software, and the design operating frequency was set
at 2.45 GHz. Rectangular and circular antennas were compared using simulation data and this study was
divided into three parts the proposed antenna parameters were determined using the mathematical equations
in the first part. The results are presented in part two, with a comparison of both circular and rectangular
antennas. Furthermore, there is a brief conclusion in the final section.

It is possible to simulate microstrip patch antennas in a number of different ways. In terms of
popularity, rectangular patches are by far the most popular type of patches. With the gab and transmission
line concepts, analyzing the situation is a breeze. This formula is used to calculate the rectangular substrate’s
parameters. Where 𝐶 denotes the speed of light in open space.
a) The width (𝑊)
𝑊= (1)
(𝜀 +1)
2𝑓𝑜 √ 𝑟

b) Dielectric constant (effective) ℇ𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓

ℇ𝑟 +1 ℇ𝑟 −1 ℎ −2
ℇ𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 = + (1 + 12 ) (2)
2 2 𝑊

c) The effective length

𝐿𝑒𝑓𝑓 = (3)
2𝑓𝑜 √ℇ𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓

d) Fringe length (∆𝐿)

(𝜀𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 +0.3)( ℎ +0.264)
∆𝐿 = 0.412ℎ × { 𝑤 } (4)
(𝜀𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 −0.258)( +0.8)

Rectangular and circular antennas design for Bluetooth applications (Hiba A. Alsawaf)
10  ISSN: 1693-6930

e) Determine the actual length 𝐿, as well as the ground’s width and length. Typically, the input impedance
is 50 ohms.

𝐿 = 𝐿𝑒𝑓𝑓 − 2 × ∆𝐿, 𝐿𝑔 = 2 × 𝐿 ; 𝑊𝑔 = 2 × 𝑊 (5)

f) The gap between an 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑡_𝑓𝑒𝑑 and patch (𝐺 𝑓𝑒𝑑) is 1 mm.

g) The circular plane radius

𝑅 = 𝐹/√(1 + 2ℎ/(𝐹𝜀_𝑟 𝜋) [ln(𝜋𝐹/(2 × ℎ)) + 1.7726] ) (6)


𝐹 = 8.791 × 109 × (𝑓𝑜 √𝜀𝑟 )−1 (7)

As a result of the (1)−(7), we can calculate the parameters in Table 1 and the Table 2 illustrate the
proposed antenna’s parameter values of array. The HFSS program was used to create rectangular and circular
patch antennas. A substrate with (ℎ) thickness, and a relative thickness permittivity, is used for the antenna
development. Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6 depict antennas created with HFSS.
The circular and rectangular patch antennas are Figure 1 and Figure 2 with their design and measurements.
Internal microstrip line feed supplies both patches. Both designs make use of a substrate with 𝜀𝑟 = 4.4, loss tangent
(𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝛿 = 0.0001) and ℎ = 3.6 mm thickness. In order to make a fair comparison, the same substrate (𝜀𝑟 = 4.4 and
thickness ℎ = 3.6 mm) is utilized in a 2×1 array. Figure 3 and Figure 4 shows the 2×1 circular patch array and
2×1 circular patch array respectively. A quarter wave transformer is used to supply the components in a 4×1 array,
which can be both rectangular and circular. A circular antenna array of 4×1 is Figure 5. Calculations were used to
determine the size of the quarter-wave transformer. A rectangular patch antenna array of 4×1 is seen in Figure 6.

Table 1. Parameters of designed antennas

Parameters Values (mm)
𝑊 38
𝐿 28
𝑊𝑓𝑒𝑑 3.13
𝐿𝑔 70
𝑊𝑔 70
𝐺 𝑓𝑒𝑑 1
The height of the conductor 0.035
The length of feed (𝐿𝑓 ) 30
The height of the dielectric substrate 3.6
length of inset (𝑓𝑖 ) 8.86

Table 2. The proposed antenna’s parameter values (array)

Parameter Definition Value (mm)
𝐷1 Distance between two elements 62.5
𝐿1 Length of source1 30
𝐿2 Length of source2 3
𝑊1 Width of 50 Ω impedance line 3

Figure 1. Circular patch designed Figure 2. Rectangular patch designed

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Figure 3. 1×2 Circular patch array designed Figure 4. 1×2 Rectangular patch array designed

Figure 5. 1×4 Circular patch array designed Figure 6. 1×4 Rectangular patch array designed


Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the return loss for each of the designed antennas. As demonstrated
in these Figures, a circular antenna has a smaller return loss than the rectangular antenna. Return losses that are
negative provide better results, therefore a circular antenna performs better since it has a lower return loss.
Figure 10, Figure 11 and Figure 12 respectively, VSWR of circular and rectangular microstrip antennas.
Relying on these results, the circular patch antenna exceeds the rectangular patch antenna.

Figure 7. Return loss (𝑆11 in dB) of the single circular and rectangular antenna

Figure 8. Return loss (𝑆11 in dB) of 1×2 circular and rectangular array antenna

Rectangular and circular antennas design for Bluetooth applications (Hiba A. Alsawaf)
12  ISSN: 1693-6930

Figure 9. Return loss (𝑆11 in dB) of 1×4 circular and rectangular array antenna

Figure 10. VSWR (in dB) of the single circular and single rectangular antenna

Figure 11. VSWR (in dB) of the (1×2) circular and (1×2) rectangular antenna

Figure 12. VSWR (in dB) of the (1×4) circular and (1×4) rectangular antenna

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Figure 13(a) shows gain for single rectangular and Figure 13(b) gain for single circular patch antenna.
Figure 14(a) illustrates gain for 1×2 rectangular and Figure 14(b) gain for 1×2 circular patch antenna while
Figure 15(a) shows gain for 1×4 rectangular and Figure 15(b) gain for 1×4 circular patch antenna. Relying on
these results, the rectangular patch antenna outperforms the circular patch antenna. Figure 16, Figure 17, and
Figure 18 they show the preference of a rectangular antenna over a circular antenna, where Figure 16(a) shows
directivity for single rectangular and Figure 16(b) directivity for single circular patch antenna. Figure 17(a)
represents directivity for 1×2 rectangular and Figure 17(b) directivity for 1×2 circular patch antenna. As for the
Figure 18(a), it shows directivity for 1×4 rectangular and Figure 18(b) directivity for 1×4 circular patch antenna.

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Figure 13. Gain for single rectangular and single Figure 14. Gain for 1×2 rectangular and 1×2 circular
circular patch antenna: (a) for single rectangular and patch antenna: (a) for 1×2 rectangular and (b) for 1×2
(b) for single circular patch antenna circular patch antenna

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Figure 15. Gain for 1×4 rectangular and 1×4 circular Figure 16. Directivity for single rectangular and
patch antenna: (a) for 1×4 rectangular and (b) for single circular patch antenna: (a) for single
1×4 circular patch antenna rectangular and (b) for single circular patch antenna

Rectangular and circular antennas design for Bluetooth applications (Hiba A. Alsawaf)
14  ISSN: 1693-6930

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Figure 17. Directivity for 1×2 rectangular and 1×2 Figure 18. Directivity for 1×4 rectangular and 1×4
circular patch antenna: (a) for 1×2 rectangular and (b) circular patch antenna: (a) for 1×4 rectangular and
for 1×2 circular patch antenna (b) for 1×4 circular patch antenna

Figure 19(a) illustrates half power beam width (HPBW) for single rectangular and Figure 19(b)
HPBW for single circular patch antenna. Figure 20(a) shows HPBW for 1×2 rectangular and Figure 20(b)
HPBW for 1×2 circular patch antenna, while Figure 21(a) explains HPBW for 1×4 rectangular and Figure 21(b)
represents HPBW for 1×4 circular patch antenna. The following Table 3 and Table 4 compares several
performance metrics between rectangular and circular antenna. The results for the rectangular patch are quite
similar to those from the circular patch, as shown in Table 3 and Table 4. In the singular matrices of both
shapes, the return loss is the best (rectangular and circular). When the value of the VSWR is close to one, it has
the best value. The circular antenna has a superior VSWR, and the gain and directivity of both shapes
(rectangular and circular) improve as the number of components grows, as does the side-lobe level. Finally,
optimal radiation patterns are achieved when the HPBW value is low. The Table 5 displays the comparison of the
proposed circular antenna and rectangular antenna with references [28]–[30] and [25] at frequency 2.4 GH. It was
noted that the proposed circular and rectangular antennas were superior to the antennas in those references.

(a) (b)

Figure 19. HPBW for single rectangular and single circular patch antenna: (a) for single rectangular patch
antenna and (b) for circular patch antenna

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(a) (b)

Figure 20. HPBW for 1×2 rectangular and 1×2 circular patch antenna: (a) for 1×2 rectangular patch antenna
and (b) for 1×2 circular patch antenna

(a) (b)

Figure 21. HPBW for 1×4 rectangular and 1×4 circular patch antenna: (a) for 1×4 rectangular patch antenna
and (b) for 1×4 circular patch antenna

Table 3. Comparison of different performance parameters (rectangular)

Parameter Single rectangular 1×2 rectangular 1×4 rectangula
𝑆11 -38.2830 -17.8783 -17.7506dB
VSWR 0.8325 2.23dB 2.2634dB
Gain 4.7357 6.7206dB 7. 8885 dB
Directivity 6.658 8.5136dB 10.697dB
HPBW 78.7890 51.9566 22.4112

Table 4. Comparison of different performance parameters (circular)

Parameter Single circular 1×2 circular 1×4 circular
𝑆11 -29.0791 -24.5730dB -17.6850 dB
VSWR 0.8904 1.0273 dB 2.2796 dB
Gain 4.4833 6.6306 dB 7.6930 dB
Directivity 6.6163 8.2583 dB 10.565 dB
HPBW 86.1227 53.7851 29.5213

Rectangular and circular antennas design for Bluetooth applications (Hiba A. Alsawaf)
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Table 5. comparison of the proposed circular antenna and rectangular antenna with references [28]–[30], [25]
Parameter Single rectangular Single rectangular Proposed single Single circular Single circular Proposed single
antenna [28] antenna [29] rectangular antenna antenna [30] antenna [25] circular antenna
𝑆11 -24.03 29.601 -38.2830 -26.7 -21.69 -29.0791
VSWR 1.14 1.58 0.8325 1.3 1.43 0.8904

The simulation results from HFSS Microwave Studio were employed to compare the performance
of a rectangular patch antenna with a circular patch antenna. Each antenna designs perform wonderfully for
Bluetooth spectrum applications. By comparing the single antennas, 1×2 and 1×4 for each of the circular and
rectangular antennas, the preference of the rectangular antenna over the circular antenna at frequency
2.4 GHz was shown for all the proposed designs.

I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to the College of Electronics Engineering,
especially the Department of Electronic Engineering for its support in completing this work.

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Hiba A. Alsawaf Mrs. Hiba earned her B.E. in electrical engineering/electronic

and communications engineering from the University of Mosul. The same university also
awarded her a master’s degree in electronic and communication engineering, and she is now
working for a PhD in 5G communication. She has taught at Nineveh University’s College of
Electronics Engineering for 12 years. She can be contacted at email:
[email protected].

Amenah E. Kanaan Mrs. Amenah holds a Bachelor’s degree in

Electrical/Electronic and Communications Engineering from Mosul University. She has a
master’s degree in electronic and communication engineering from the same university and is
currently pursuing a PhD in the field of communication electronics. She has 13 years of
teaching experience at Nineveh University / College of Electronics Engineering. She has
nearly 6 published research papers in the field of communication and electronic engineering.
She can be contacted at email: [email protected].

Rectangular and circular antennas design for Bluetooth applications (Hiba A. Alsawaf)

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