(Oscm) - đề Thi Pro - hkc.2022 (Eng)

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(Áp dụng chung cho toàn bộ các lớp trong giai đoạn tháng 8-12/2022)
Teams (maximum 4 persons) need to select a specific Enterprise to analyze its supply chain process of a product/or service based in
Vietnam territory. Teams should use trustworthy sources of references to fulfill the below requirements:
Note: Teams are encouraged to select firms listing on Vietnam stock market exchange (see http://s.cafef.vn/du-lieu-doanh-nghiep.chn). Do
not select one of these firms: Vinamilk, Trung Nguyên, Coca Cola, Acecook, TH True Milk, Fast Food Companies.
I. Requirements for content

No Requirements References

1 Introduce an enterprise and on overview of the industry context in which the firm is engaged in.

2 Use chart flows and diagrams to illustrate the domestic supply chain of the firm (based in Vietnam). Chapter 2
Explain in detail three flows, namely material, information and finance of the supply chain.

3 Describe the enterprise's supply chain process of a product or service through the stages of Plan (making Chapter 2, 4, 16, 7, 9,
plans), Source (supply of materials, goods), Make (production), Delivery (delivery), Return (goods 15, 20

 Plan: Identify the most competitive factors in the OSCM strategy (e.g. price, quality,
responsiveness, etc.). Comment the outcome of their strategy (success, weakness) when comparing
with other two competitors in the same industry.
 Source: How does the firm manage the sourcing (e.g. find the supply sources, manage the supplier
relations and quality)?
 Make:
o If it is a manufacturing enterprise: Analyze a product’s production process flow. Which
organizational process produces that product? Is it MTS, MTO, ATO, or ETO? What tools
or solutions does the enterprise need to have to avoid errors and even loss of products,
personnel, and costs in production?
o If it is a service enterprise: Analyze its service process flow. What are the service packages
provided by the enterprise? How can the enterprise ensure that customers are always
satisfied with their services? What tools or solutions does the enterprise need to have to
avoid errors and even loss of products, personnel, and costs in providing services?
 Delivery:
 Illustrate in diagram and explain the distribution channels of products/ services in
Vietnam. Weigh the pros and cons of these channels.
 Identify and analyze at least 2 internal, 2 external factors (each factor include at least 3
sub-categories) when the firm making the location decisions on warehouse/ plant/
distribution center (product), or location to provide services.
 Return: Analyze the enterprise's policies and processes of goods return.
4 Basing on the business and supply chain strategy:
- Identify the most similar strategy of the company among the following: (1) Lean supply chain, (2)
Sustainable supply chain, or Agile supply chain. Use empirical evidence of the business activities
to support your opinion
- Suggest two realistic solutions to improve the mentioned strategy. Solutions should be linked to
one of the processes in their SCOR model in Question 3

5 Conclusion

 Remarks on the overall success of the operations and supply chain management (OSCM) of the
 Relate the role of OSCM to the selected firm under many uncertainties these days.
II. Requirements for the format
- This project must include the following categories:
1. Cover page (title, group name and members, Student ID, email, detailed assignment table and % of each group member's
2. Table of contents
3. Summary
4. [Contents]
5. References
6. Appendices (if any)
7. Sheet of plagiarism detection result
- All arguments need proofs from the latest updated data in reliable sources (with in-text citations under APA standards), analysis will be
made closely to the selected unit.
- Students must use the typeface Times New Roman, font size 12 pt, Spacing 1.5; Alignment: Justify (aligning the text evenly on both
- In the [Contents], its length should not be more than 25 pages (your point will be deducted for exceeding the specified length).
- The project is submitted on the LMS (it will not be sent via teachers' email) in PDF format with a check for similarity with Internet
sources and existing works in the whole school system (including different classes). The maximum acceptable Turnitin percentage is
20%; the project with exceeding 20% of similarity is violated and marked 0 point. Students need to check the project for its Turnitin
via Self-check function on LMS at least 48 hours before the submission deadline.
- Deadline for submitting the work on LMS: as scheduled

III. Scoring Criteria

Part Contents for Scoring Percentage

1 Introduction of the enterprise and an overview of the industry context in which the firm is engaged in. 10%

2 Analyze operational strategies and supply chain of the enterprise 10%

3 Describe the enterprise's supply chain process of a product or service through the stages of Plan (making plans), 45%
Source (supply of materials, goods), Make (production), Delivery (delivery), Return (goods return).
4 Assess their supply chain strategy 15%

5 Conclusion 10%

6 Format of the project (updated data as of 2020-2021, spelling, layout, suitable figures, diagrams, references) 10%

7 Mark will be minus when: Plagiarism; violating requirements on length, project format, file format, etc. stated in
section II.

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