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This exercise is about understanding your avatar.
Your avatar is a composite representation of your ideal client.
There are three questions to answer in this exercise:
1. “Who is your avatar?”
2. What is your avatar’s problem?
3. What does your avatar want/need?
4. Examples of avatars from Neuron English Romania
Sometimes you might have more than one avatar and if you do, you may want to
complete this exercise for each avatar.

Create a representation of your avatar. Use this exercise to really make your avatar
come to life in your mind.
1. Imagine your avatar as a real person (name, age, gender, hair colour / eye
colour / what do they wear (and how would you describe their style)?
2. Describe some of the socioeconomic and lifestyle characteristics of your
avatar (occupation and income, favorite hobbies, interests, food, etc.). Then
describe their social life (family, friends, how do they spend their time?).
3. How does your avatar identify themselves (what terms do they use to identify
themselves? Who do they admire in the culture? What brands do they
support or identify with? What are their values? Beliefs?)

B. WHAT is your avatar’s problem?

Now, identify the problem or set of problems that your avatar faces (ideally you want
to do this in relation to a solution that you might be able to provide).
1. What is the single most pressing problem they are dealing with? What other
problems do they have? What specific answers are they looking for related
to this problem?
2. It this the kind of problem that they would be willing to pay for a solution

3. What does this problem cost them in their life (time, money, does it lead to
stress, challenges with their work, career, family, health, does it keep them
awake at night)?

4. What’s a worst-case scenario? What will it cost your avatar to not get this
problem solved? What will lose? What will they miss out on? Look into the
future a year from now, 5 years from now, 10 years from now.
5. What scares them (this might be similar to their biggest source of pain or
stress, but it might be different)?
6. What is the biggest danger that they don’t even see yet?


Now, reframe the problem in terms of an opportunity for your avatar and how their
life will be different if they solve this problem.
1. If time and money were no object, what would your avatar do to solve their

2. If their problem were solved, what would life be like? What is the ideal
outcome they are hoping for or an ideal state that they are hoping to reach?

3. Imagine sitting down and having a conversation with your avatar. Tell your
avatar about who you are and what you offer (describe your products and
services). How do they respond? What questions do they have? What
language do they use? What are they most curious about or most confused
4. Now imagine you’ve created a product that solves your avatar’s problem.
Describe your avatar’s transformation. Who has your avatar become as the
result of your product? How has your product positively impacted their life
(or how is it going to positively impact their life)? Be as specific and concrete
as possible. Look into the future a year from now, 5 years from now, 10 years
from now and describe their future.


D. Examples of avatars from Romania

Primary target:
Consumers : Children aged 6 to 12 for English Language Learning
Avatar 1
Parent of children between 6 and 12 years old (probably somewhere between 26-45 years old),
who wants a high education for their child, who understands the role of foreign languages in
today's world. Usually there are people with higher education, entrepreneurs, free-lancers or
corporatists, from one of the 9 cities where we are present at the moment in Romania or from
an area of 25 km around. They have medium or high incomes, they want to send their children
to study abroad or to involve them in an intercultural environment, they appreciate the
education. In this case, the final consumer is the child but my client is the parent.

Secondary target: Young adults, students and teens fro English language certification
Avatar 2
High school students, students and young adults between the ages of 15-22 years, who either
want to study abroad or are looking for a job abroad or in an international company, who need
to improve their language skills, certification of skills (like Cambridge, Toefl, IELTS, etc.). They
also need to learn how to write their motivational letter and to apply for an interview for
admission to a college abroad. They come from families with medium / high incomes who place
high prices on education, who want to develop and have high aspirations for life.

Tertiary target: Pre-schoolers for cognitiove skills and life-skills development through English
Avatar 3

Parent of children between 4 and 6 years old (probably somewhere between 25-40 years old),
who wants a high education for their child, who understands the role of developing specific skills
for success in life in today's world and well as the foreign language skills. Usually there are
people with higher education, entrepreneurs, free-lancers or corporatists, from one of the 9
Romanian cities where we are present at the moment or from an area of 25 km around. They
have medium or high incomes, they want to develop their young children intellectually, offer
them an education in a creative, growing environment, based on the recognition and stimulation
of the talents that stimulate them and develop their 5 fundamental skills for success in the world
of today (communication, creativity, cooperation, self-confidence and critical thinking) to involve
them in an intercultural environment through English language learning appreciates education.
In this case, the final consumer is the child but my client is the parent

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