Church Manual Matters of Procedure and Membership

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- Matters Relevant to Membership

Australian Union Conference

[email protected] (03) 9871 7555

Australian Union Conference – Matters Relevant to Membership Procedures

References can be found in the Church Manual 19th Edition Revised 2016
Page 1 of 4
Pages 16-17

Describes operation and functions of local churches.

Describes relationship of local churches to denominational structures.

Expresses Seventh-day Adventist understanding of Christian life, church governance, discipline and
authority of GC Sessions.

Of worldwide value and applicable to every church organization, congregation and member. In
addition are notes (pages 173-185) that are explanatory in nature (guidance and examples rather
than mandatory).

There is a process (p.17) whereby changes can be recommended to both the manual itself and the
notes material. Final authority rests with the GC Session and GC Executive at Annual Council

“No attempt should be made to set up standards of membership or to make, or attempt to enforce,
rules or regulations for local church operations that are contrary to these decisions… that are set
forth in this Church Manual. (p.16-17)

Where to get advice – see statement on page 18.


“No Church organization or institution assumes responsibility for the liabilities, debts, acts, or
omissions of any other Church organization simply because of its Church affiliation. (Page 28)

Organising a church - see p.36-37. See more detail in Guidelines as agreed for Australia.

Organising a company - see p.37-38. See more detail in Guidelines as agreed for Australia.

Uniting churches – see p.39.

Dissolving or expelling churches – see p.39-42.


Appropriate rebaptism (p.49-50) – recorded in membership statistics

 From another Christian communion where a person has been baptized by immersion but
feels a conviction for rebaptism when joining the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
 Where a person has previously been a baptized Seventh-day Adventist but their name has
been removed from the church rolls and they have experienced reconversion.

Inappropriate rebaptism (p.50) – not recorded in membership statistics

 Emotional basis and/or where spiritual experience has just become cold and needs

Profession of Faith (p.50-51)

 A committed Christian of another communion who has already been baptized by immersion.
 A member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church who, because of world conditions, is
UNABLE to secure a letter of transfer from their home church – see also p.53 for more
 A member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church whose request for membership transfer has
received no response from the church where their membership is held. (The local church
should seek assistance from their local conference and the conference of the other church.)
 An individual who has been a member, but whose membership has been misplaced or has
been withdrawn because they were a missing member. Note: the current membership
online database provides a method of reversing the “missing” designation and thus no need
for use of profession of faith.

Note the counsel and warnings in regards to these processes, as found at the bottom of page 50
and top of page 51.

A number of important matters are addressed on pages 51 – 55.

[See more detail in supporting document.]

Two types of disciplinary measures:

 By vote of censure (p.63,65) – name remains on church roll; terminates person’s election or
appointment to all offices or the privilege of election while censure is in effect; the person
shall not be transferred while censure is in effect.
 By vote to remove from membership (p.63-68) – proper process shall be followed, including
right to natural justice (see also p.67-68); except in the case of death of members, the clerk
can remove a name from the records only after a vote of the church in a business meeting
or, in the case of a person’s resignation from membership, the church board; non-
attendance shall not be considered sufficient cause for removal from membership.

After two years of effort to locate members, the church may certify those efforts but without
success and the members be removed by a vote of the church business meeting. The church clerk
shall record in the minutes the final action as follows: “Whereabouts unknown. Voted to designate
as missing: [full name]” (See page 66.)

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