Descriptors of Research Design

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The Time Dimension Method

Cross-sectional studies are carried out once and represent a snapshot of one point in time.

Longitudinal studies are carried over an extended period. The advantage of longitudinal study is that it can track

changes over time.

The Topical Scope Method

The topical scope refers to the breadth ( what properties will be measured) and depth( at what level will the

properties be measured) of the study in question.

 A statistical study is designed for breadth rather than depth. it attempts to capture a populations

characterized by making inferences from a samples characteristics and then testing resulting hypotheses.

 A case study places more emphasis on full contextual analysis of a few events or conditions and their


 While case studies are not considered “scientific,” they do play an important role in challenging theory,

providing new hypotheses, and offering new ideas on constructs.

The Research Environment

Designs also differ as to whether they occur under actual environmental conditions.

Field condition means that the research occurs in the actual environmental conditions where the dependent

variable occurs.

Under laboratory conditions, the studies occur under conditions that do not stimulate actual environmental


In a simulation, the study environment seeks to replicate the natural environment in a controlled situation. for

instance, a lab set up as a kitchen would serve as a simulation of a consumer’s own kitchen.

Data Collection Method

Monitoring includes studies in which the researcher inspects the activities of a subject or the nature of some

material without accepting to obtain responses from anyone.

In communication study, the researcher questions the subjects and collects their responses by personal or

impersonal means.

The collector data may results from:

1.     Interview or telephone conversations.

2.     Self administrated or self-reported instruments sent through the mail.

3.     Instruments presented before and/or after a treatment or stimulus condition in an experiment.
Research Control of Variables

Casual Studies are differentiated by their ability to control and manipulate variables.

Casual studies may be experiments or ex post facto studies.

 Experiments are studies involving the manipulation of one or more variables to determine the effect on

another variable. For example, direct marketers can use split tests on mailings to test which mailing

resulted in the highest response rate.

 Ex Post Facto designs are evaluations made after the fact based on measured variables. The investigators

have no control over the variables in the sense of being able to manipulate them. They can only report

what has happened or what is happening.

Causation and experimental design

To be convincing, inferences from experimental designs must meet two other requirements, in addition to those

covered on the last slide. The first is control. Control means that all factors but the IV are held constant and are

not confounded with another variable that is not part of the study. The second requirement is that each person

in the study must have an equal chance for exposure to each level of the independent variable.  This is

accomplished through random assignment of subjects to groups.

Random assignment uses a randomized list of participant for assigning participants to experimental and control

groups. The Control group is the group of participants that is measured but not exposed to the independent

variable being studied.

Matching is an equalizing process for assigning participants to experimental and control groups. In this case, we

ensure that all groups are essentially with respect to the variable of influence.

Research design: An Overview (Chapter 6) By ANGELA C.

What is Research design:

There are many definitions of research design. Research design is the blueprint for fulfilling research objectives

and answering questions. Its essentials include

1.     An activity and time-based plan,

2.     A plan based on the research questions,

3.     A guide for selecting sources and types of information,

4.     A framework for specifying the relationships among the study’s variables, and

5.     A procedural outline for every research activity.

Classification of Research

Degree of Question Crystallization

The Degree to which the research question has been crystallized or structured is the first descriptor of research

design. There are two options.

 Exploratory studies are used when the research question is still fluid or undetermined. The goal of

exploration is to develop hypotheses or questions for future research .

 Formal studies are used when the research question is fully developed and there are hypotheses to be


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