Where Have You Been - Teacher's Version

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Where have you been?

1. Read the paragraph below, paying special attention to the verbs:

Marcy and Pete have lived in Johnstown for ten years. They bought their house
in 2012 when Pete found a job at a small company. Marcy stayed at home for the first four
years with the two children. Then, she got a job at the local school; she has worked there as
a teacher for six years. The kids have been in the same school for a few years. The family
hasn’t travelled recently, but they went to the Canaries last summer for a short holiday.

1. Which of the verb forms in bold do you already know?

2. Do you know the difference between the present perfect and past simple?
3. Which four verb forms are examples of the present perfect tense?
4. How long have you lived in your town?

2. A Few Grammar Rules to Start:

Part I

In English, we use the present perfect simple to describe past actions within the present

We use have + past participle

The past participle is the verb + ed
OR for irregular verbs, the past participle changes completely.

For example: I have lived in New York for seven years.

Part II

We also use the present perfect simple to express recent finished events, and actions that
began in the past and are still true in the present.

The manager has just hired a new assistant.

I have worked in this company for five years.

The present perfect simple is often used with for, since, how long, this, just, already and

Part III

We use the past simple to express finished actions.

We use the verb + ed:

For example: I lived in San Francisco ten years ago.

I walked around the city yesterday.

Be careful of irregular verbs! They change completely in the past simple:

For example: I flew a plane in 2010.

(The verb fly becomes flew)

The past simple is often used with expressions ago, yesterday, before, last, after and

3. Complete the phrases with the correct form of the past participle to complete the present
perfect form:

announced / rained / finished / been / started / flown / returned / left

1. I have just finished my homework. It’s all done!

2. The kids have returned from school and they’re doing their homework.
3. My grandmother has never left this country, but she’d like to travel.
4. The TV show has just started and will finish in 40 minutes.
5. Mark has flown by plane several times as he loves traveling.
6. My sisters Melania and Susan have always been very close.
7. The boss has announced a new measure to improve school.
8. It has rained all morning and it’s wet outside.

4. Have you ever…? Questionnaire

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the participle of the irregular verb and
answer the questions.

1. Have you ever been (be) to the United States?

2. Have you ever written (write) a short story?
3. Have you ever swum (swim) in the Atlantic?
4. Have you ever drunk (drink) whiskey?
5. Have you ever had (have) a YouTube channel?
6. Have you ever read (read) a good book? Describe it.

5. Complete the present perfect simple sentences with the correct word:

for / since / ever / yet / just / already / never

1. I haven’t started my English course yet. It starts next week.

2. Have you ever been to Brazil? It’s an amazing country!
3. Luke has been a doctor for six months. He graduated last April.
4. The children have never seen a tiger, so they’re excited to go on safari.
5. Maria has just come home right now. She’s putting her bag away.
6. I’ve already visited France many times, so I’d like to go to Spain instead.
7. I’ve worked at ABC Company since last month, and I like my job.

6. Match the irregular verbs with their participles:

flown / rung / led / brought / fit / lain / ridden / run / fled / fought / bought / laid

buy bought
bring brought
fit fit
fight fought
fly flown
flee fled
lay laid
lead led
lie lain
ride ridden
ring rung
run run

7. Complete the email from Marcus to Kelly, using the correct form of the verb in the past

Part I

Dear Kelly,

I’m writing to apologize for missing you for our video call last night! I made (make) a
mistake as I thought (think) you wanted to meet at 8PM.
I contacted (contact) you via Zoom just after eight o’clock in the evening, but you weren’t
online (not / be). After about fifteen minutes, I called (call) you on your phone, but you
didn’t pick up.

Part II

I then remembered (remember) our appointment was for 7PM!

I was confused because of the time difference. You live in a different time zone, and I called
you too late. By the time I realized (realize) the mix-up, it was (be) really late and you were
probably asleep. I did not call (not call) you to avoid waking you, so I sent (send) you a text
message instead.
Did you receive it? I hope you’re not angry with me!


8. Complete the gaps with one of the past time expressions.

1. The weather was cold and rainy yesterday , but today it’s bright, sunny and warm.
2. Mike returned home late last night. Don’t wake him too early.
3. The children loved the trip to Disneyland one year ago!
4. Before I found my job at ABC Company, I was a student at university.
5. John left the office an hour ago. Where is he?
6. The family went on holiday to Barbados last summer.

9. Choose the best answer for each question.

Yes, there were three people. / No she wasn’t. / Yes, it was. / Yes, they have. / No, she hasn’t.
/ No, it didn’t. / No, he didn’t. / Yes, Michael did.

1. Was it cold last night? Yes, it was.

2. Did Jonathan work yesterday? No, he didn’t.
3. Was your mother from Paris? No she wasn’t.
4. Did anyone buy some milk? Yes, Michael did.
5. Were there many people at the meeting? Yes, there were three people.
6. Has your sister called yet? No, she hasn’t.
7. Did it snow last night? No, it didn’t.
8. Have the managers decided on a project? Yes, they have.

10. Complete the sentences with the correct option from the multiple-choice answers:

1. How long __________ at York University?

a) have you studied
b) you studied
c) you have studied

2. Oh, so why __________ to start this course six months ago?

a) have you decided
b) did you decide
c) you decided

3. Yes, I __________ it for my bachelor’s degree at my college in Vienna.

a) have studied
b) study
c) studied

4. Has your adviser __________ to you already about your options for this course?
a) spoke
b) spoken
c) speak

5. __________ you the course outline yesterday?

a) Has she given
b) She gave
c) Did she give

6. How __________ a place two years ago?

a) you got
b) have you got
c) did you get

11. Complete the passage with the negative forms of the verbs in the past simple or present
perfect simple.

Part I
Detective Kramer describes a recent event in Allentown:

Good morning, officers! I’d like to speak about the robbery that took place in Allentown late
last night. There haven’t been (not be) any crimes here for five years, so it’s a big shock to the
community. As you know, the robbers took money from many shops in this center. The
crime happened late at night, so we didn’t have (not have) much time to interview people
yesterday. Most of the local residents didn’t see (not see) anything last night. Officer Davies
spoke to the security guard at the center. He was not (not be) on duty
at the time of the robbery. We examined recordings from the center CCTV cameras but we
haven’t found (not find) anything suspicious so far.

Part II
Complete the passage with the negative forms of the verbs in the past simple or present
perfect simple.

However, one recording from a supermarket camera showed images of the robbery. We
couldn’t see (cannot see) the faces of the people in the video, but we saw their clothes and
actions. The first robber took cash from the supermarket register, but the second robber
didn’t take (not take) any money. Instead, he put products into a large bag. The two robbers
didn’t appear (not appear) to have any weapons. Officer Lindor wasn’t here (not be here) last
night, but she is now working on the case with Davies. Please pass any information to these
two police officers. As we didn’t have (not have) time to interview the shop employees last
night, we are doing that today. Thanks, and let’s get to work!

12. Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple / past simple form:

1. I didn’t see (haven’t seen / didn’t see) you in class last week. Where were you?
2. I wasn’t at university because I visited (visited / have visited) my brother in New York City
last weekend.
3. I went (have been / went) to Los Angeles last February.
4. You said you live in London. How long have you lived (have you lived / did you live)
5. When did you come (have you come / did you come) to England? In 2009.
6. I started a business course at The University of London in 2019, so I have been (have
been / was) a student for two years now.

13. Read the passage and answer the questions on the following slide:

Dear Dad,
I hope you and Mom are well! Is everything okay at home? I arrived in Los
Angeles last week, January 7th, and it’s going well so far. I registered at the
acting school on Monday morning. The teachers seem really nice, and they
helped me understand the course and classes. I made a new friend called Ali.
He’s been in the course since early September. He showed me some places in
L.A. and last night, we went to dinner at a new vegetarian restaurant. By the
way, I found an apartment! I moved in on January 9th. There was a lot of noise
from the bar next door last night, but the place is near the school so that’s
It’s Sunday, January 13 today, so I’m just relaxing in the apartment. I’m going
roller-skating in the park with some new friends later. I miss you!
Love from Chris

14. Complete the sentences with the correct option from the multiple-choice answers:

1. How long has Chris been in Los Angeles?

a. Since September
b. For six months
c. For a few days
d. Since January 9th

2. Ali has been in the acting course for __________.

a. A few days
b. Since January 9th
c. For a few months
d. Since Monday

3. When did Chris and Ali have dinner together?

a. In September
b. On January 9th
c. On Saturday
d. On Sunday

4. Chris has lived in the apartment for __________ days.

a. Four
b. Five
c. Six
d. Seven

5. Chris was disturbed by the noisy bar __________.

a. This morning
b. Yesterday
c. Last week
d. Friday night

15. Grammar check!

Are the following sentences correct? If not, please rewrite them.

1. We have lived in France since four years now. Incorrect

Correct version: We have lived in France for four years now.
2. John and Michael went to the bar together yesterday night. Incorrect
Correct version: John and Michael went to the bar together last night.
3. We’ve been in the meeting for three hours now. Correct
4. Sandrine has been a student at London College since three weeks. Incorrect
Sandrine has been a student at London College for three weeks.
5. The school director introduced a new teacher last morning. Incorrect
Correct version: The school director introduced a new teacher yesterday morning.

16. People were asked “What’s the biggest lie you ever told your mom?” with their moms
standing right next to them. Watch the video and then answer the question yourself.

What's the Biggest Lie You Ever Told Your Mom?

What’s the biggest lie you ever told your mom?

Watch the video again and fill in the gaps:

1. Maybe that I didn’t bang into our neighbor’s mailbox. With their car.
2. I hit someone by accident and I got a citation.
3. Maybe that I haven’t her makeup, and I took a lot actually.
4. …That she looked good in a dress even though she didn’t.

17. Job interview phrases

Complete these typical job interview questions and answers.

1. How long have you been (were you / have you been) at your current company?
2. Have (Did / Have) you learned new skills since starting your job?
3. I improved (improved / have improved) my English last year.
4. What did you do (did you do / have you done) before this job in project management?
5. Why did you leave (did you leave / have you left) that job?
6. I liked that job but I wanted (wanted / have wanted) to get more skills, so I accepted a
new job at ABC Company.
7. I understand. Have you worked (worked / work) as a manager in your career?
8. Well, I have supervised a small team since (since / for) March.


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