Chapter 4S Supplement Reliability: True/False

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Chapter 4S

Supplement Reliability


1. An important dimension of reliability relates to "prescribed operating conditions."

Answer: True Page: 163 Difficulty: Easy

2. One operational definition of reliability is the probability that a product or system will function on any
given trial.
Answer: True Page: 163 Difficulty: Hard

3. If a system is composed of two parts, both of which must operate and each has a probability of .7 of
operating, it is more likely than not that the system will fail.
Answer: True Page: 164 Difficulty: Hard

4. Redundancy in product design refers to backup parts or systems.

Answer: True Page: 164 Difficulty: Easy

5. "Independent components" cannot exist in the same product since a product by definition is a
collection of dependent components.
Answer: False Page: 164 Difficulty: Medium

6. A component in a product can be considered an "independent" component if it has no dependency on

any other component in the product functioning or not.
Answer: True Page: 164 Difficulty: Easy

7. Events can be considered "independent events" if they have no relation to the occurrence or
nonoccurrence of each other.
Answer: True Page: 164 Difficulty: Easy

Multiple Choice

8. The probability that a product will perform its intended function under prescribed conditions is:
A) reliability
B) merchantability
C) functionality
D) fitness for use
E) manufacturability
Answer: A Page: 163 Difficulty: Easy

9. A system is comprised of two separate units both of which must function in order for the system to
perform as intended. The reliability of one is .4, and the reliability of the other is .5. The overall system
reliability is:
A) .9
B) .3
C) .2
D) .1
E) .02
Answer: C Page: 164 Difficulty: Easy

10. A product comprised of two components whose failure probabilities are .1 each, has a reliability of:
A) 1.8
B) .9
C) .81
D) .8
E) .2
Answer: C Page: 164 Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: AS

11. An early warning security fence has three major components each must perform in order for the
system to perform. Their reliabilities are .4, .3, and .2. The system reliability is equal to:
A) .024
B) .076
C) .10
D) .336
E) .90
Answer: A Page: 165 Difficulty: Medium

12. One of the solar instruments on a satellite has three major parts, all of which must operate. Two have
reliabilities of .7 and the other has a reliability of .9. In case the system fails, there is an identical backup
system that kicks on automatically. The overall reliability of the system, including the backup, is closest
A) .30
B) .40
C) .50
D) .60
E) .70
Answer: E Page: 165 Difficulty: Hard

13. A garage door opener has three sections, which have reliabilities of .9, .8, and .9. The lowest of these
has an identical backup that automatically goes on if the original fails. All three parts must operate to
perform its intended function. The system reliability is closest to:
A) .40
B) .50
C) .60
D) .70
E) .80
Answer: E Page: 165 Difficulty: Hard

14. A system is composed of two parts; both must operate in order for the system to perform as intended.
The parts have reliabilities of .6 and .5. There is an identical backup system connected to the main system
by a switch that has a reliability of .9. The probability that the overall system will operate is closest to:
A) .30
B) .40
C) .50
D) .60
E) .70
Answer: C Page: 165 Difficulty: Hard

15. The probability that a product will wear out within a given amount of time is often described by the
A) beta
B) binomial
C) negative exponential
D) normal
E) uniform
Answer: D Page: 166 Difficulty: Medium


16. A component of a research instrument has a probability of .98 of operating. It has a backup
component that has a probability of .95 of operating. The instrument will function if either component
operates. Determine the overall reliability of this subsystem under these conditions:
The backup and the main component are connected by a switch that is certain to function should the main
component fail.
The switch to the backup has a probability of .99 of operating. Difficulty: Medium
.98 + .02(1.00).95 = .999
.98 + .02(.99).95 = .9988

17. A computer has three main modules that have individual reliabilities of .80, .90, and .90. Because of
recent failures, management is now considering adding redundancy. Determine the reliability of the
system with backups under these conditions:
Each module has a backup with a reliability equal to its own and a backup switch with a reliability of
The backup consists of an identical computer that operates as a whole rather than backing up individual
sections. The single switch for the backup computer has a reliability of .96. Difficulty: Medium
[.80 + .20(.80)] x [.90 + .10(.90)] x [.80 + .20(.80)] = .9124
[.80(.90).80] + {1- [.80(.90).80] x .96[.80(.90).80]} = .8105

18. A CD burner has a mean time between failures of 80 weeks. Determine these probabilities:
The unit will not last 64 weeks.
The unit will last for at least 88 weeks.
Neither of the above occurs. Difficulty: Medium
MTBF = 80 weeks. [Probabilities are from Table 4-2.]
T = 64, T/MTBF = 64/80 = .80 1 - .4493 = .5507
T = 88, T/MTBF = 88/80 = 1.10. P(at least 88) = .3329
64 < T < 88 is 1 - (.5507 + .3329) = .1164

19. A cardiac pace maker can operate an average of 15 months between failures. Determine these
(A) a failure within 12 months of the previous failure
(B) a failure between 12 and 18 months after the previous failure Difficulty: Medium
MTBF = 15 months
(A) T = 12, T/MTBF = .80. From Table 4-2, P(failure before T) = 1- .4493 = .5507.
(B) 12 <T < 18 is P(failure before 18) - P(failure before 12). 18/15 = 1.2, hence [1 - .3012] - [1 - .4493] =

20. The average time between failures for a watch battery is 36 months. Determine the following
(A) the probability of failure before 36 months
(B) the probability that a system which is composed of two such solenoids will fail within 36 months if
both must work for the system to work Difficulty: Medium
T = 36 months, MTBF = 36 months, T/MTBF = 1.00
(A) P(T36) = 1 - .3679 = .6321 [From Table 4-2]
(B) P(failure) = 1 - P(both work) = 1 - .3679(.3679) = .8646.

21. The useful life of an artificial heart valve is normally distributed with a mean of 48 months and a
standard deviation of five months. Determine these probabilities:
The valve will wear out within 44 months of its installation.
The valve will last at least 40 months, before wearing out. Difficulty: Medium
m = 48 months
sigma a = 5 months

(44 - 48)
A) z   .80. From Appendix B , Table B, P(x  44) .2119
(40 - 48)
B) z   1.60. From Appendix B , Table B, P(x  44) 1  .0548 .9452

22. The estimated service life of a halogen headlight is normally distributed with a mean of 500 hours
and a standard deviation of 40 hours. Determine the probability of burning out in these intervals:
(A) before its mean life
(B) after 450 hours of operation
(C) between 540 hours and 600 hours Difficulty: Medium
(Appendix B, Table B)
(A) z = 0.00 P(z<0.00) = .5000

(450 - 500)
B) z   1.25 P(z  -1.25) .8944

z540 = +1.00 P(z<+1.00) = .8413
z600 = +2.50 P(z<+2.50) = .9938
P(+1.00<z<+2.50) = .9938 - .8413 = .1525

Multiple Choice

The following information refers to 23-27

An undergraduate business student has purchased a laptop computer for use during exams. This laptop is
perfectly reliable except for two parts: its microchip, which has a failure rate of one in every twenty hours
of operation; and its battery, which has a failure rate of one in every ten hours of operation. Also, on
average the battery will wear out in five hours, with a standard deviation of 30 minutes.

23. Assuming that a new battery has just been installed, what is the probability that the battery will
perform reliably during a one-hour exam?
A) 0.05
B) 0.1
C) 0.2
D) 0.9
E) 0.95
Answer: D Difficulty: Easy

24. Assuming that a new battery has just been installed, what is the probability that the laptop will
perform reliably during a one-hour exam?
A) 0.85
B) 0.855
C) 0.9
D) 0.95
E) 1.85
Answer: B Difficulty: Medium

25. Assuming that a new battery has just been installed and the student brings one spare, fully charged
battery with him, what is the probability that the laptop will perform reliably during a one-hour exam?
A) 0.89775
B) 0.9450
C) 0.987525
D) 0.99
E) 0.9975
Answer: B Difficulty: Medium

26. What is the probability that a new battery will wear out within six hours?
A) 0.0228
B) 0.4772
C) 0.5
D) 0.9544
E) 0.9772
Answer: E Difficulty: Medium

27. What maximum battery life should the manufacturer specify in order to have a .8413 probability that
a battery will not wear out within that amount of time?
A) 3.5 hours
B) 4 hours
C) 4.5 hours
D) 5 hours
E) 5.5 hours
Answer: C Difficulty: Medium

The following information refers to 28-32

The plant manager for the local electric utility company wants to know the reliability of one of his small
hydroelectric power generating systems. This system is comprised of two components: a generator which
has a random failure rate of one in every two years of operation; and a transformer which has a random
failure rate of one in every five years of operation.

28. What is the probability that this system will perform reliably for a period of one year?
A) 0.4
B) 0.5
C) 0.8
D) 0.9
E) 1.3
Answer: A Difficulty: Medium

29. If he were to add just a backup generator, what would be the probability that this system would
perform reliably for a period of one year?
A) 0.48
B) 0.60
C) 0.72
D) 0.75
E) 0.96
Answer: B Difficulty: Medium

30. If he were to add both a backup generator and a backup transformer, what would be the probability
that this system would perform reliably for a period of one year?
A) 0.48
B) 0.60
C) 0.72
D) 0.75
E) 0.96
Answer: C Difficulty: Medium

31. If the transformer has a mean time to wear-out of 20 years with a standard deviation of 2 years, what
is the probability that it will wear out within 19 years?
A) 0.1915
B) 0.3085
C) 0.383
D) 0.5
E) 0.6915
Answer: B Difficulty: Medium

32. If the transformer has a mean time to wear-out of 20 years with a standard deviation of 2 years, what
service life should the manufacturer specify in order to have a .9332 probability that it will last at least
that long before wearing out?
A) 17 years
B) 18 years
C) 19 years
D) 20 years
E) 21 years
Answer: A Difficulty: Medium

The following information refers to 33-37

The Ready Light Company produces a flashlight which is perfectly reliable except for two components:
the battery, which has a random failure rate of one in every five hours of operation; and the light bulb,
which has a random failure rate of three in every ten hours.

33. What is the probability that the battery will perform reliably for one hour?
A) 0.2
B) 0.3
C) 0.5
D) 0.7
E) 0.8
Answer: E Difficulty: Easy

34. What is the probability that the flashlight will perform reliably for one hour?
A) 0.50
B) 0.56
C) 0.70
D) 0.80
E) 1.50
Answer: B Difficulty: Medium

35. If the company includes a backup light bulb with each flashlight, what is the probability that the
flashlight will perform reliably for one hour (excluding light bulb replacement time, if any)?
A) 0.6720
B) 0.7280
C) 0.8736
D) 0.9100
E) 0.9600
Answer: B Difficulty: Medium

36. If the company includes both a backup light bulb and a backup battery with each flashlight, what is
the probability that the flashlight will perform reliably for one hour (excluding replacement time)?
A) 0.6720
B) 0.7280
C) 0.8736
D) 0.9100
E) 0.9600
Answer: C Difficulty: Medium

37. Devices, Inc. supplies Ready Light with the on-off switch for this flashlight. These switches, on
average, wear out in fifty hours with a standard deviation of four hours. What service life should Devices
specify to have a .8944 probability that a switch will last at least that long before wearing out?
A) 43 hours
B) 45 hours
C) 46 hours
D) 50 hours
E) 54 hours
Answer: B Difficulty: Medium

The following information refers to 38-42

The chief of the design team for a new missile wants to know the reliability of its guidance system. This
system is comprised of three components: a gyroscope, which has a random failure rate of 3 in every 10
launches; a computer, which has a random failure rate of 2 in every 10 launches; and a rocket motor,
which has a random failure of 1 in every 10 launches.

38. What is the probability that the gyroscope will perform reliably during a launch?
A) 0.3
B) 0.504
C) 0.7
D) 0.889
E) 0.91
Answer: C Difficulty: Easy

39. What is the probability that the guidance system will perform reliably during a launch?
A) 0.3
B) 0.504
C) 0.7
D) 0.889
E) 0.91
Answer: B Difficulty: Medium

40. If they were to connect an identical, backup gyroscope with a perfectly reliable switch to the primary
gyroscope, what would be the reliability of the gyroscope function during a launch?
A) 0.3
B) 0.504
C) 0.7
D) 0.889
E) 0.91
Answer: E Difficulty: Medium

41. If they were to connect an identical, backup gyroscope with a .90 reliable switch to the primary
gyroscope, what would be the reliability of the gyroscope function during a launch?
A) 0.3
B) 0.504
C) 0.7
D) 0.889
E) 0.91
Answer: D Difficulty: Medium

42. If the battery used to power the computer has a mean time to wear out in 60 minutes with a standard
deviation of 20 minutes, what is the probability that it will last for a launch of 30 minutes duration
without wearing out?
A) 0.9332
B) 0.8664
C) 0.5668
D) 0.4332
E) 0.0668
Answer: A Difficulty: Medium

The following information refers to 43-47

The chief design engineer for Colonial Warning Systems wants to know the reliability of a two-lamp
device intended to warn the operator of potential problems with a commercial steam kettle. One (either)
lamp is to be lit if steam pressure drops below the desired level and two (both) are to be lit if temperature
drops below a desired level. His supplier estimates that a lamp has a failure rate of .2 per hour of
operation, and a mean wear-out time of seven years with a standard deviation of eight months.

43. What is the probability that a lamp will perform reliably for one hour?
A) 0
B) .2
C) .8
D) .9
E) 1
Answer: C Difficulty: Easy

44. If the temperature drops below the desired level, what is the probability the system will perform
reliably for one hour?
A) .04
B) .4
C) .6
D) .64
E) .96
Answer: D Difficulty: Medium

45. If the pressure drops below the desired level, what is the probability the system will perform reliably
for one hour?
A) .04
B) .4
C) .6
D) .64
E) .96
Answer: E Difficulty: Medium

46. What is the probability that a lamp will last at least until the expiration of the warranty, which is six
A) .9772
B) .9332
C) .8664
D) .8413
E) .4332
Answer: B Difficulty: Medium

47. What warranty period for a lamp would give a probability of .9987 that it would not require warranty
A) 5 years
B) 5.67 years
C) 6.33 years
D) 7 years
E) 9 years
Answer: A Difficulty: Medium


The following information refers to 48-56

A certain product is comprised of two components: X and Y. Component X has a random failure rate of
one in every ten years, while component Y's random failure rate is one in every five years. This product
has a mean time to wear-out of eight years with a standard deviation of one year.

48. What is the probability that component Y will fail during a year of operation?
Answer: .2 Difficulty: Medium

49. What is the probability that component X will perform reliably for a year?
Answer: .9 Difficulty: Medium

50. What is the probability that component Y will perform reliably for a year?
Answer: .8 Difficulty: Medium

51. What is the probability that this product will perform reliably for a year?
Answer: .72 Difficulty: Medium

52. What would be the reliability of this product if component X were backed up with an identical
Answer: .792 Difficulty: Medium

53. What would be the reliability of this product if component Y were backed up with an identical
Answer: .864 Difficulty: Medium

54. What would be the reliability of this product if both components were redundant?
Answer: .9504 Difficulty: Medium

55. What is the probability that this product will wear out within eight years? Nine years? Six years?
Answer: .5; 0.8413; .0228 Difficulty: Medium

56. What is the service life for this product which will provide a .5 probability of not wearing out within
that amount of time?
A .6915 probability?
A .8413 probability?
A .9332 probability?
Answer: 8 years; 7.5 years; 7 years; 6.5 years Difficulty: Medium


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