SAGE Vancouver Reference Style

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Appendix 2: SAGE Vancouver reference style

1. Please ensure that publications are referenced in the order in which they appear in the text. 2. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the standard in the Index Medicus. Please check for any inconsistencies within reference lists. 3. Do not separate initials with spaces or full points except for a last initial before the title. 4. Up to six authors may be listed. If more, then list the first six authors and represent the rest by et al. rather than write them out in full. If an author submits 3 followed by et al., this will be accepted. 5. Please see the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts for more examples. International Committee of

Medical Journal Editors Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Sample References.

Text citations
Please use superscript numerals where publications are cited in the text and check that it corresponds to the number of the publication in the reference list.

Reference styles

1. Author A and Author B. Book title: book subtitle. th ed. Place: Publisher, date, p.000. 13. Huff D. How to lie with statistics. 4th ed. London: Penguin, 1991, p.51.
Chapter in book

1. Author A and Author B. Chapter title: chapter subtitle. In: Author A (ed.) Book title. th ed. Place: Publisher, date, pp.000000. 13. Huff D and Black TL. Comprehensive statistics. In: Miller C and Smith H (eds) How to lie with statistics. 4th ed. London: Penguin, 1991, pp.5155.
Article in a journal:

1. Author A and Author B. Article title: article subtitle. Journal Title date; vol: 000 000.

1. Ludbrook J, Miller T and Russel A. Musculovenous pumps in the human lower limb. Am Heart J 1966; 71: 635641. 2. Araki C, Black TL, Patberg FT, et al. Significance of calf muscle pump function in venous ulceration. J Vasc Surg 1994; 20: 872879.

Article in a journal published ahead of print:

1. Author A and Author B. Article title; article subtitle. Journal Title date; 00: 100 (accessed 00 month year). 1. Ludbrook J. Musculovenous pumps in the human lower limb. Am Heart J 2009; 00: 16 (accessed 20 February 2009).

1. Association, or Author Last Name, First Name or Initial Online Article, Online Publication vol. no.(issue no.)[if appropriate], URL (year [if appropriate], consulted Month Year). Example 23. Smith JR. Choosing Your Reference Style, Online Referencing 2(3), (2003, accessed October 2008). 24. Association of Referencers Referencing for Beginners, Referencing, 16, (2003, accessed October 2008).

Tip! See various university sites for more information on Vancouver: n_style

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