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This chapter will present an overview about the research methodologies that researchers

applied during the study. This chapter also contains the Research Method, Research Design,

Research Approach, Population and Sampling Method, Respondents of the Study, and the Data

Collection Procedure.

Research Method

This chapter is devoted to a thorough examination of the conceptual framework and research

technique, which includes the research method, the research environment, the respondents, the

research instrument, the questionnaires, and the data management procedures. The researcher

utilized the descriptive design to ensure that the respondents were appropriately represented.

Quite simply, descriptive research is focused on providing information on the participants in a

study. A method known as purposeful or judgmental sampling was used in conjunction with non-

probability sampling, in which the researchers sought respondents who were capable of

participating in the survey.

Research Design

Consider the study's primary goal, which was to gather information on the thoughts and

experiences of senior high school grade 11 STEM and ABM students during the course of the

school year 2021-2022. For the purpose of extensively investigating one or more variables in

more depth, a descriptive research plan may make use of a broad variety of research tools. In
contrast to experimental research, observational research does not include the researcher

influencing or adjusting any of the variables; rather, the researcher merely observes and assesses

them as they occur. A descriptive approach was used in order to achieve this goal, and data was

collected in order to explain the content of the situation as it developed during the course of the

researcher's investigation and to determine the source of the particular events that took place as a


Research approach

This research has 2 approaches that researchers can use in the research study. The first one

is the scientific or positive approach, and the second is the naturalistic approach. Naturalistic

approach is a type of research approach that can be used if the study is expressing the truth about

how people experience and understand the world. This approach is chosen because researchers

considered it more suitable with the characteristics of the problem under the study, namely The

Most Difficult Subject in the Senior High School Department. The naturalistic approach is

applied because the topic is about the experience of students as senior high school students.

Population and Sampling Method

The population in this research paper is a group of individuals from where the researchers

will choose their respondents. The respondents of this paper were the selected (30) senior high

school students of Calamba Institute, who were chosen from this population. In this study,

purposive sampling that is under non-probability sampling that applied for selecting respondents

who can answer the questionnaire truthfully. In this case, the research requires the senior high
school department of Calamba Institute to answer questions regarding their experiences, as the

some one who really struggles on academic tasks, and not just a random student. Due to the

Covid-19 pandemic, minors are not allowed to just simply go outside of their own houses. Our

questionnaire was distributed through Google forms. In addition, Purposive sampling assists the

researchers to indicate the respondent’s response to the questionnaire’s survey, resulting to an

accurate representation of the respondents answer.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the research study are from Calamba Institute Senior High School

Department in Grade 11 STEM and ABM in School Year 2021-2022. The researchers got Thirty

(30) responds in senior high school students, in the section of Asteroids researchers only got

three (3) response, Betelgeuse got five (5) response, Cassiopeia got two (2) response Dione got

Thirteen (13) response, Equinox got four (4) response, and lastly the section of Assets(ABM) got

three (3) response from their section, and this responders from Asteroids to Assets have the the

knowledge and experience and can provide important information about the study. Specifically

addressed the fact that the responders of the study are the students who experienced multitasking

in working and studying religiously.

Sections in Grade 11 Stem and ABM:

Asteroids Betelgeuse Cassiopeia Dione Equinox Assets(ABM)

3 5 2 13 4 3
Data Collection Procedure

Since we have a chosen study we collected some datas that can be used in our research.This

study is conducted on online surveys because it happens during a pandemic. Therefore, the

process of data collection procedure is limited and happens through google form. Researchers

from Grade 11 - Dione of Calamba Institute asked their fellow students from SHS department

to be a participant in our research in the way of answering our questions through google form

survey to conduct our study. We ask first permission to our selected participants and send them

the link on what they need to answer for the survey.

The researchers have 30 total participants from Grade 11 students. To have more participants

we talk to our friends and batchmates if they can help us to spread our google link form for us to

have enough respondents that are needed for the study.

The survey shows what subject is the most difficult for the students in the first sem. It is also

visible in the survey why they think it is the hardest subject for them. Lastly, you can see there

on how they cope with the hardest specific subject during a pandemic.

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