Wartsila 2 X 20v34 SG Technical Specification

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A1.1 ENGINE 11








This technical specification provides the reader with the basic technical data and information
required for evaluation of the plant's technical features and performance, as well as Wärtsilä’s
scope of supply.

The proposed stationary power plant is designed, engineered and will be delivered by Wärtsilä
Finland Oy in accordance with this technical specification.

The technical data stated in this document are for guidance and evaluation purpose only, any
guaranteed performance data is separately stated in the supply contract.

Design and construction

The essence of the design is simplicity, safety and reliability.

The equipment is designed to prevent accidental contact with moving, hot or tensional parts and
to minimise ingress of dust and dirt.

The structure and layout design of the power plant permits access to all parts for inspection,
maintenance and repair.

Wärtsilä quality procedures and test and inspection procedures are applied to ensure product
quality throughout the design and manufacturing process. Special attention is paid to engine and
auxiliary unit testing, as well as inspection and testing of the final installation.

Wärtsilä’s quality and environmental management systems fulfil and are certified according to
ISO 9001 and ISO 14000.

Main parts and devices like panels, valves, pumps, etc. are marked with engraved name plates
indicating their item codes used in Wärtsilä documentation and manuals.

English is used in all documents, correspondence and nameplates.

The SI units of measurement are used in all technical documents.

The design and manufacture of power plant equipment supplied by Wärtsilä Finland Oy is
subject to constant review, and due to improvements and optimisation of materials, design and
tooling techniques, manufactured equipment may be improved from the specification given

Deviations to assumptions made in this specification

If the purchasers requirements, local building codes, zoning requirements, Grid/Interconnection

Study, Environmental Impact Assessment, Building Permit Application, Soil investigation,
Topographical survey, Contamination evaluation or site Demolition requirements or other
random conditions deviate from the assumptions made herein and have an impact on Wärtsilä’s
scope of supply, the scope of work shall be reviewed and the price adjusted accordingly.

Project Management and Engineering

The delivery of the stationary power plant will be managed by a dedicated Project Team,
comprising a Project Manager who has the overall responsibility for the delivery, who is assisted
by Project Engineers for the main technical disciplines.

The Project Team is the single point of contact with the purchaser’s organisation and has full
authority to decide technical and commercial issues related to the project on behalf of Wärtsilä
Finland Oy.

The proposed stationary power plant is designed for base load (cop) operation and is intended
for power generation.

The system is designed for parallel operation with public supply system and/or for operation in
island mode.

Waste heat from the prime movers is used to produce thermal energy in the form hot water.

The stationary power plant is designed to use natural gas as the main fuel.

The layout of the plant is according to document DBAA482090 and DBAA483205.



The Stationary power plant is equipped with 2 engines of the Wärtsilä 20V34SG type, as the
prime mover.

Design ambient conditions

Altitude above sea level 100 m
Ambient air temperature 20 °C
Relative humidity 60 %
Maximum ambient conditions
Maximum ambient air temperature 35 °C
Minimum ambient conditions
Minimum ambient air temperature -35 °C

Power plant gross performance at design ambient conditions

Electrical active power 17,460 kWe
Electrical apparent power 21 825 kVA at power factor 0.8
Heat rate at alternator terminals 8 124 kJ/kWhe
Tolerance 0
Pumps engine driven yes %
If the stationary power plant is operated at under frequency, the output will be derated in direct
proportion to the under frequency.

Hot water production specified at the design ambient conditions

Gross performance:
Hot water production 15 178 kWth from 2 engines
tolerance ±5 %
Outgoing water temperature 90
Income water temperature 50


To maintain the components and equipment stationary power plant in good operating condition
and to minimize wear and tear, it is of outmost importance that all operating media used are of
good quality and within the specification given by Wärtsilä.

Below are the main parameters for the major operating media of the stationary power plant. The
complete specification and requirements for all needed operating media are given in the
Operation and Maintenance Manuals delivered for the stationary power plant.


Wärtsilä engines are designed and developed for continuous operation on fuels with a quality
within the Recommended Limits described in the column “Engine” below. These values indicate
the individual extreme limits for the engines only. Fuels having one or several values close to
this limit might have a negative impact on the component lifetime.

Project requirements, actual fuel availability or Customers preferences may set other limits on
the fuel quality, as stated in the column “Plant” below. The stationary power plant will be
designed according to the specified plant fuel quality.

Gas fuel
Parameter Gas quality limit
Engine Plant Unit
Lower heating value (LHV)1 Minimum 29 36.9 MJ/m³N
Methane number2 Minimum - 80
Methane contents, CH4 Minimum 70 TBA vol -%
Hydrogen sulphide, H2S Maximum 0.05 TBA vol -%
Total sulphur3 Maximum 5 TBA mg/kg
Hydrogen, H2 Maximum 3 TBA vol -%
Carbon dioxide Maximum 20 TBA vol-%
Water and hydrocarbon condensates Not Allowed
before the engine
Ammonia Maximum 25 TBA mg/m3N
Chlorine + Fluorines Maximum 50 TBA mg/m3N
Particles or solids, content Maximum 50 TBA mg/m3N
Particles or solids size Maximum 5 TBA m
Gas inlet temperature Minimum/ 0 / 50 54 o
Gas pressure to gas regulating unit Minimum 45 TBA bar (g)

Lubricating oil

Only lubricants that are approved by Wärtsilä are allowed to be used. The major lubricating oil
suppliers have certain lubricating oils which are approved by Wärtsilä.

1 Values given in m³N are at 0 °C and 101,3 kPa

2 Methane number (MN) determined by the program AVL 3.2 with engine specific corrections
Minimum value dependent on receiver temperature.
3 Applies when CO catalysator is used
4 Min. 15°C above fuel gas dewpoint
5 Dependent on lower heating value (LHV) of the gas
The properties of the fresh lubricating oil must meet the following requirements.
Viscosity class SAE 40
Viscosity Index (VI) Minimum 95
Sulphated Ash Level Maximum 0.6 % mass
Alkalinity (BN) 4-7 mg KOH/g

Engine cooling water

Corrosion inhibiting additives must be used in the engine cooling water. Only additives of the
brand and types approved by Wärtsilä are allowed to be used. The additive manufacturer's
dosage, pH, and testing recommendations shall be followed.

If a nitrite based corrosion inhibitor is used, the aim should be to keep a nitrite (NO2) content of
approximately 1500 mg/l, calculated as nitrite. The pH shall be between 8.5 and 9.5.

Limits for engine cooling (primary circuit), turbine washing, and separator operating
pH at 25°C >6.5 -
Conductivity at 25°C (limit for turbine <100 mS/m
washing only)
Total hardness Ca2+ + Mg2+ <10 °dH
Silica as SiO2 <50 mg/l
Chlorides Cl- <80 mg/l
Sulphates as SO42- <150 mg/l
The general appearance should be clear, colourless and free of undissolved materials.

Charge air

The highest allowed concentration of impurities at charge air inlet is:

Chlorides (Cl-) 1.5 mg/Nm3 6
1.16 mass-ppm
Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) 375 g/Nm3
0.25 vol.-ppm
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 1.25 mg/Nm3
0.43 vol.-ppm
Dust concentration with particles above 3 mg/Nm3
5 m
Ammonia (NH3) 94 mg/Nm3
0.125 vol.-ppm

Vibration control

Transmission of vibration and structure borne noise is minimised by having the engine generator
set flexibly mounted on the concrete foundation. The engine generator set is isolated from the
building, piping and steel structures.

Torsional vibration in the engine generator shaft system is minimised by means of a flexible
coupling between the engine and generator.

Modular construction

Wärtsilä’s modular design concept enables the plant to be optimised for specific needs of the
project, utilising well proven standard units and components. Prefabrication of auxiliary units
allows for shop testing of equipment and reduces installation cost and time at the site.

6 Nm3 given at 0 °C and 1013 mbar

Figure 1 Example of a factory made and tested auxiliary module (starting air
compressor unit)

Operation and Maintenance support

The Operation and Maintenance Manuals are tailor made for each project and cover all of the
equipment included in the plant, thus enabling the correct operation and maintenance of the
plant throughout its lifetime.

Wärtsilä’s local service organisation will assist the customer in organising the plant day-to-day
operations and will assist in setting up the plant reporting procedures and routines, thus laying
the foundation for long term successful operation of the plant.

The design complies with the following standards:

Mechanical systems

The mechanical systems are designed, manufactured, constructed and installed according to the
appropriate extent of the following standards:
Description Code
- Engine test run ISO 15550 except for fuel
consumption calculation,
which is based on Wärtsilä’s
experience of this engine type
- Vibrations ISO 8528 part 9
- Design EN 12100
- Pipe design calculations EN 13480 and DIN 2413
- Welding EN 1011
- Stair and platforms ISO
- Dimensional standards for installation DIN, ISO, SFS and EN
materials (pipes, beams, etcetera)
- Tanks API 650
- Typical material standards DIN, SFS and EN

Explanation to abbreviations
DIN: German Standard (Deutsche Institute für Normung)
EN: European Standard
ISO: The International Organization for Standardization
SFS: Finnish Standards Association
API: American Petroleum Institute

Electrical systems

The electrical systems are designed, manufactured, constructed and installed to applicable parts
according to the following standards:
Description Code
- Generator IEC 60034
- Transformer, oil type IEC 60076
- Transformer, dry type IEC 60726
- MV switchgear IEC 60298 or IEC 62271
- LV switchgear IEC 60439-1
- Enclosure protection IEC 60529
- WOIS workstation hardware IEC 60950
- WOIS workstation software Applicable parts of VDE 3699
- Earthing network IEEE 80
- Control panels IEC 60439-1
- PLC software IEC 61131-3
- Lighting installation IEC 60589
- Fire detection EN 34
- Protection of structures against lightning IEC 1024

Explanation to abbreviations
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
EN: European Standard
VDE: The Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies


Figure 2 Example of a Wärtsilä 20V34SG generating set arrangement

The Wärtsilä 20V34SG engine and the generator are mounted on a common base frame. The
common base frame is flexibly mounted on a concrete foundation by means of steel springs.

The Wärtsilä 20V34SG generating set main dimensions are7:

Length 12.700 m
Width 3.300 m
Height 4.650 m
Weight 131,500 kg


2 Wärtsilä 20V34SG engine

General engine description

The engine is of the four stroke, lean burn, pre chamber, spark ignited, port injected, trunk
piston, turbocharged and intercooled design. The engine has an embedded engine contro
system, controlling the combustion process individually in each cylinder.

The engine is designed for continuous operation in gas mode at any load between 40 -100% of
nominal power. The engine can be operated at 25 - 40 % load for a period of maximum 2 hours,
after which the load should be increased to above 70 %.

Engine main data

Configuration V engine form
Number of cylinders 20
Cylinder bore 340 mm
Stroke 400 mm
Speed 750 rpm
Mean piston speed 10.00 m/s
Mean effective pressure 19.8 bar
Swept volume per cylinder 36.3 dm3
Compression ratio 12:1
Number of inlet valves 2
Number of outlet valves 2
Direction of rotation faced towards Clockwise

7 The dimensions and weight may vary depending on the generator make and type.
Length 9.276 m
Width 3.300 m
Height 4.650 m
Weight 76,400 kg
The high degree of function integration on the engine requires only a minimum of external
system support and therefore minimizes the interconnections to external systems.

Engine block

The engine block is made of nodular cast iron and is of stiff and durable design to absorb
internal forces and the engine block is cast in one piece. The engine block carries the underslung
crankshaft. The nodular cast iron main bearing caps are fixed from below by two hydraulically
tensioned studs. The caps are fixed sideways by hydraulically tensioned horizontal side studs.
Together they provide a rigid crankshaft bearing. The inlet air receiver and the cooling water
and lubricating oil channels are integrated into the engine block. The engine is provided with an
oil sump, mounted against the engine block and sealed by an o-ring gasket.


The crankshaft is forged from one piece of high tensile steel. Counterweights are fitted on the
crankshaft webs. The high degree of balancing results in an even and thick oil film for all
bearings. The main bearings and the crankpin bearings have a steel backing and a soft running
layer with excellent corrosion resistance.

Connecting rod

The connecting rod is of the drop forged, totally machined type. The connecting rod is of three-
piece design with a horizontal split at the crankpin bearing and a flanged connection to the rod.
The oil supply for the piston cooling, gudgeon pin bush and piston skirt lubrication takes place
through a single drilling in the connecting rod.

Cylinder liner

The cylinder liner is centrifugally cast iron with special alloy elements to create wear resistance
and high strength. The liner is of stiff bore cooled collar design and supported symmetrically at
the top of the engine block. It is equipped with an anti-polishing ring at the top, preventing bore


The piston consists of an oil cooled steel crown bolted on to an aluminium skirt. The piston
crown has two compression rings and one oil scraper ring. The piston skirt and cylinder liner are
lubricated by a patented pressurized lubricating system utilizing lubricating nozzles in the piston
skirt. This system ensures excellent running behaviour, and constant low lubrication oil

Cylinder head

The cylinder head is made of nodular cast iron. Ample height and the stiff design allow only four
hydraulically tightened studs to fix the cylinder head on to the cylinder block/liner. Each cylinder
head has two inlet and two exhaust valves, all equipped with rotators. The exhaust valve seat
rings are water cooled.

Camshaft and valve mechanism

The cams are integrated in the drop forged camshaft material. The bearing journals are made of
separate pieces that are fitted to the camshaft sections by means of flanged connections. This
design allows lateral dismantling of the camshaft sections. The camshaft bearings are located in
integrated bores in the engine block casting. The camshaft is driven from the crankshaft through
a fully integrated gear train.
Gas fuel admission system

The gas is supplied via header pipes along the engine, continuing with individual feed pipes to
the main gas admission valve on each cylinder head. Separate header pipes feed gas to the pre-
chamber gas valves. Gas admission is controlled with the main gas valves for the main charge of
gas and with the pre-chamber valves for the pre-chamber gas. The main gas valves are direct
actuated solenoid valves and are controlled by the engine control system and the pre-chamber
valves are mechanically activated from the camshaft.

The gas fuel admission system comprises the following equipment:

Gas pipes made of stainless steel
Electronically actuated main gas valve
Camshaft actuated pre-chamber gas valve
Ignition system

An ignition module located on top of each cylinder head cover contains the ignition coil. The
module is connected to the spark plug with a high voltage extension. The spark plug is of the high
energy type, specially manufactured for use in gas engines. The spark plug is located in the pre-
chamber and the timing for the spark is controlled by the engine control system.

Lubricating oil system

The lubricating oil system lubricates the main moving parts of the engine and also cools the
piston tops. The engine has a wet lubricating oil sump.

The lubricating oil system comprises the following equipment:

Pipes made of steel
Oil sump of wet type
Engine driven main lubricating oil pump with pressure regulating valve
Pre-lubricating pump with electrical motor
Lubricating oil cooler
Lubricating oil thermostatic valve
Lubricating oil automatic back-flushing fine filter, with integrated safety filter
Centrifugal filter to clean the back-flushing oil from the automatic filter
Start up / running in filters
Non-return valves in oil supply pipes
Crankcase ventilation pipe
Starting Air System

The engine is started by means of compressed air with a nominal pressure of 30 bar. The start is
performed by direct injection of air into the cylinders through starting air valves in the cylinder

The starting air system comprises the following equipment:

Pipes made of steel
Starting air master valve, electrically and manually operated
Start blocking valve to prevent starting when turning gear is engaged
Starting air distributor
Starting air valves in A-bank cylinder heads
Slow turning device
Flame arrestors
Cooling Water System

The engine cooling system is divided into three circuits, the jacket cooling circuit, the 1st stage
charge air cooler circuit and 2nd stage charge air cooler circuit.

The cooling water system comprises the following equipment:

Pipes made of steel
Engine driven pump for jacket cooling circuit
Engine driven pump for low temperature cooling circuit
Non-return valves after circulating pumps
Combustion air system

The compressor side of the turbocharger feeds air into the cylinders via the charge air cooler.
The engine is equipped with one turbocharger per cylinder bank. The turbocharger is of the axial
turbine type.

The combustion air system comprises the following equipment:

Compressor on the turbocharger
1st stage charge air cooler
2nd stage charge air cooler
Fresh water cleaning device for the compressor
Exhaust gas system

The engine mounted exhaust gas pipes are made of cast iron, with separate sections for each
cylinder. Stainless steel bellows are installed between the sections to absorb heat expansion.
The pipes are fixed by brackets, but are free to move axially. The engine exhaust gas pipes are
fully covered by an insulation box.

The exhaust gas system comprises the following equipment:

Single Pipe Exhaust System (SPEX) exhaust manifold with bellows
Flexibly mounted insulation box
Turbine on the turbocharger
Turbocharger and Air to Fuel Ratio Control System

The turbocharger is driven by the exhaust gas flow. The compressor wheel is mounted on a
common shaft with the exhaust gas turbine.

The exhaust gas waste gate bypasses a portion of the exhaust gases past the turbocharger. In
this way, the rotational speed of the rotor shaft and hence the charge air pressure is controlled.
This results in an appropriate air/fuel ratio for the cylinders, regardless of variations in load, fuel
gas and ambient conditions (barometric pressure, temperature etc.) The waste gate valve is
actuated by compressed air and controlled by the engine control system.
Exhaust wastegate
Engine control


Figure 3 Illustration showing the charge air and exhaust gas system

Wärtsilä Engine Automation

The engine automation system is a complete embedded management system, integrated with an
engine control system for electronically controlled fuel injection. The engine control system is a
distributed and bus based system where the monitoring and control function is placed close to
the point of measurement and control. By this, both the on and off engine wiring is significantly
simplified, advanced diagnostics and control functions provides an outstanding performance and
the need for off engine systems is significantly reduced.

The system meets even the highest requirements on reliability, with selective redundancy and
fault tolerant designs.
Hardware of the engine automation system

Figure 4 Hardware of the engine automation system

The engine is equipped with following main components:

ESM safety module
LCP local control and instrument panel, equipped with start/stop/reset/emergency stop
and operation mode buttons, as well as with the LDU graphical display for complete on-
engine monitoring
MCM main controller for speed governing, start/stop sequencing and overall engine
IOM I/O modules for distributed data acquisition
CCM cylinder control modules for injector/gas valve control and real-time diagnostics
The engine control system is designed to:
Provide a compact embedded engine control and management system for space-saving
Reduce installation and commissioning time by providing a very simple fieldbus based
interface that is delivered pre-tested and fully working from factory.
Achieve highest possible reliability with components, e.g. sensors, designed specifically for
the on engine environment.
Highly reduced cabling on and around engine through a bus based architecture, with a
clear point of interconnection and with a standardized hardwire and fieldbus interface
High performance with optimized and pre-tested controls
Easy and convenient calibration and service tool for on-line tuning and system diagnostics,
based on tool training from Wärtsilä
With regards to the fieldbus interconnection, Wärtsilä is committed to open standards. The
engine control system physical interface is a standard Ethernet connection for general process
data to both WOIS and PLC systems.

Sensors for alarm and monitoring

One set of sensors fitted on the engine connected to the engine control system.
Other included items
Flywheel with fixing bolts
Electrical motor driven turning device
Counter flanges for pipe connection
The engine has one coat of priming paint and one coat of finishing paint

2 Generator

Generator type

The generator is of the synchronous, three-phase, brushless, salient pole type.

Generator main data

Generator apparent power 10,913 kVA
Rated power factor 0.80
Nominal voltage 10,500 V
Rated current (In) 600 A
Voltage adjustment range ±5 %
Frequency 50 Hz
Speed 750 rpm
Overspeed 900 rpm
Continuous short circuit current >2.5 x In
Insulation class F
Temperature rise F
Cooling method Air cooled
Enclosure IP23
Standard IEC60034
Generator construction
The generator is designed to operate together with reciprocating engines. The stator frame is
constructed with a rigid welded steel structure. The stator core is build of thin electric steel sheet
laminations. The rotor consists of a shaft and salient pole type main revolving field.
The generator achieves very high efficiency because of the exceptional thermal conductivity
created by the tight fit between the coils and the stator core.


The six stator winding ends are brought to the terminal boxes on the generator sides. Terminals
for monitoring and auxiliary equipment have separate terminal boxes.

Damper winding

The generator is provided with a damper winding for parallel operation with other generators
and with a separate power grid.

Shaft and bearing

The generator is horizontally mounted and provided with two sleeve bearings. The generator
rotor is designed to minimise the effect of torsion rotor oscillations due to system disturbances
and rapid load changes.


The exciter is of the brushless type with a rotating armature/rectifier assembled on the same
shaft as the main generator rotating armature. The exciter field is controlled by the automatic
voltage regulator (AVR). The rectifiers are of the silicon diode type in a full wave bridge
arrangement. The rotating armature and stationary field of the exciter are insulated with Class F
Cooling (air cooled)

The generator is air cooled. A fan mounted on the generator shaft takes cooling air from the
engine hall, through washable filters, and passes it through the generator.

Automatic voltage regulator

The voltage regulator is of a completely solid state type for control of generator voltage by
means of controlling the exciter field. The regulator controls the generator exciter field as
required to maintain a constant and stable generator output voltage. (The AVR is installed in the
engine generator set control panel).
Voltage regulation accuracy 0.5 %
- within power range 0 – 100 %
- within speed range 95 – 105 %
Voltage setting range 90 – 110 %


The following accessories are included with the generator:

6 PT-100 elements in stator windings
2 PT-100 elements for bearings
1 Anti condensation heater
1 Voltage transformer for excitation power and measurement
1 Current transformer for measurement
3 Current transforms for protection


2 Common base frame

The engine and generator are rigidly mounted on a common base frame. The base frame is of a
rigid welded steel box construction, which facilitates straightforward and fast installation and
alignment of the engine and generator at site.

2 Fastening equipment (set)

Equipment for fastening the engine and generator to the common base frame, including: bolts
nuts, washers and steel chocks.


The common base frame is mounted on elastic elements to reduce the transmission of dynamic
forces to the concrete foundation block. The size of the concrete foundation is thereby reduced
compared with traditional rigid type generator set mounting to foundations. With this elastic
mounting, the common base frame is completely isolated from the concrete block and thus not
affected by the difference in thermal expansion coefficient between the concrete foundation and
the common base frame. The structure borne noise level is also greatly reduced with an elastic
mounting design.

2 Steel springs (set)

Steel spring type vibration isolation units are installed between the common base frame and the
concrete foundation block. The number of steel spring units for each type of generator set is
determined by the weight of the generating set and an analysis of the natural frequency of the
rigid body. A fitting plate is installed between the common base frame and the steel spring
packages to adjust to the level of the surface of the foundation block.

2 Flexible coupling

A flexible coupling between the engine flywheel and the generator transmits the torque from the
engine to the generator. By using a flexible coupling the crankshaft is not loaded by any external
bending forces. The elements in the coupling are made of rubber.


2 Flexible connections between engine and external piping

Flexible hoses and bellows are provided for installation between the generating set and external
piping systems, to minimise the transmission of engine vibrations to the plant piping systems.

Flexible connections are supplied for the following auxiliary systems:

Starting/control air
Cooling water
Lubricating oil
Exhaust gas
Crankcase ventilation
The following is included:

1 Flexible hoses and gaskets (set)

1 Cooling water bellows (set)

2 Exhaust gas bellows

2 Charge air bellows compensator


2 Engine maintenance platform prefabricated

Partly prefabricated maintenance platforms are provided for easy maintenance and access to the
engine. To minimize vibrations, the platforms and stairs are freestanding on the floor and not
connected to the engine.


The proper function of the stationary power plant depends on the mechanical auxiliary systems.
The proposed systems have been optimised for this particular application. The function of these
systems is to provide the engine with fuel, lubricating oil, starting air, cooling water, and charge
air, of the required quantity and quality, as well as to dispose of exhaust gases in a proper


To secure installation quality and reduce erection time, Wärtsilä has developed a prefabricated
auxiliary module which is installed at the front end of the engine. This module contains several
pieces of auxiliary equipment (listed below) which are completely installed and fitted at the
shop, which saves significant pipefitting and installation time at site. The complete auxiliary
module is pressure and function tested, and then flushed, painted, and corrosion protected prior
to shipment. All external connection points are sealed and covered with steel plates.
2 Engine auxiliary module

Figure 5 Illustration of a typical engine auxiliary module

The following is included:

1 Pre heating unit

1 Thermostatic valve lubricating oil back-up cooler

1 Thermostatic valve high temperature water system

1 Thermostatic valve low temperature water system

1 Thermostatic valve back-up cooler

1 Pressure increasing pump

1 Piping and insulation

1 Valves and gauges

1 Module control panel

2 Exhaust gas module

To secure installation quality and reduce erection time, Wärtsilä has developed a prefabricated
exhaust gas module. This module contains several pieces of exhaust gas equipment (listed
below) which are completely installed and fitted at the shop. Some of the components will be
separated from the module during transportation and installed again at site. This saves
significant pipefitting and installation time at site. The complete exhaust gas module is function
tested, and then flushed, painted, and corrosion protected prior to shipment.

Figure 6 Illustration of a typical exhaust gas module

). Waste water from the sep1 Low temperature expansion tank

1 Low temperature expansion tank

1 Jacket water expansion tank

2 Charge air silencer

1 Exhaust gas branch pipe

1 Purge fan unit

1 Safety vent piping

1 Piping and insulation

1 Oil mist separator


The main function of the fuel system is to provide the engine with fuel of correct flow, pressure
and degree of purity.


2 Gas regulating unit

The gas regulating unit controls the inlet pressure and distributes the gas by separate feed-lines
to the main gas system and to the pre chamber gas system on the engine. The gas regulating
unit is electrically controlled through the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) unit and by the
embedded engine control system The following components are built on a steel frame, which
forms a compact skid unit:

The following is included:

2 Regulating valves

1 Gas filter

4 Shut-off valves

6 Ventilation valves

1 Manual shut-off valve

1 Steel frame

1 Gas filtering station

The gas filtering station removes particles and liquids in the gas stream to the power plant.

1 Main gas flow measuring unit

The gas measuring unit measures the flow of gas into the whole power plant. The flow meter is
pressure and temperature compensated. The flow meter contains the following components put
together as a compact unit:
Accuracy 1.0 % (from 20 % of maximum flow to
maximum flow)

The following is included:

1 Flow meter

1 Gas filter

2 Closing valves

1 By-pass valve

1 Main safety shut off valve unit

The main safety shut off valve unit is located on the power plant gas inlet and is located outside
the engine room. The purpose of this valve unit is to isolate the outside gas system in case of
1 Pneumatically operated shut off valve
1 Manually operated shut off valve

1 Piping and valves fuel gas system inside engine hall

This includes all necessary pipes, valves, flanges and gaskets for the plant gas fuel system up to
the interconnection point


The lubricating oil system provides required lubrication for all moving parts on the engine. It
consists of the engine related lubricating oil system which handles the cooling and filtration of
the lubrication oil and the plant related lubricating oil system, with storage of new and old
lubrication oil.

The lubricating oil system consists of the following equipment:

1 Lubricating oil unloading pump unit

The function of the unloading pump unit is to pump new lubricating oil from tanker trucks to the
lubricating oil storage tank. The unloading pumps and auxiliary equipment components are built
on a steel frame, which forms a compact skid unit.
1 Electric motor driven unloading pumps
Capacity, each 8.18 m3/h
Pressure 2 bar
1 Suction filters on pump suction side
1 Pressure gauges at inlet and outlet pipe
1 Steel frame
1 Local control panel
1 Set of interconnection pipes, flanges, seals and valves

1 Lubricating oil storage tank: fresh oil

The lubricating oil storage tank stores new oil for filling the engines.

The tank is designed for above ground installation and is equipped as follows:
1 Prefabricated tank
Capacity 13 m3
Mounting Horizontal
1 Manhole
1 Valves at inlet and outlet
1 Ladders, rails and flanged connections

1 Equipment for lubricating oil storage tank: fresh oil

The following equipment is provided in order to monitor the lubricating oil level in the lubricating
oil storage tank:
1 Level indicator
1 Level switches for high and low level alarms

1 Lubricating oil service tank

The function of the lubricating oil service tank is to provide for intermediate storage of engine
lubricating oil during maintenance of the engine.

The tank is designed for above ground installation and is equipped as follows:
1 Prefabricated tank
Capacity 13 m3
Mounting Horizontal
1 Manhole
1 Valves at inlet and outlet
1 Ladders, rails and flanged connections

1 Lubricating oil service tank equipment

The following equipment is provided in order to monitor the lubricating oil level in the lubricating
oil service tank:
1 Level indicator
1 Level switches for high and low level alarms
1 Lubricating oil transfer pump unit (mobile)

The function of the transfer pump unit is to pump lubricating oil to and from the engine when
topping up or changing oil, or to transfer oil to and from drums as needed. The transfer pumps
and auxiliary equipment are built on a wheeled dolly.
1 Electric motor driven transfer pump
Capacity, each 8.10 m3/h
Pressure 2 bar
1 Single strainers on pump suction side
1 Thermometer on pump suction side
1 Local control panel
1 Wheeled dolly
1 Set of interconnection pipes, flanges, seals and valves

1 Lubricating oil transfer pump unit (stationary)

The function of the transfer pump unit is to pump lubricating oil from the storage tank to the
engines when topping up or changing oil. The transfer pumps and auxiliary equipment are built on
a steel frame, to form a compact skid unit.
? Electric motor driven transfer pump
Capacity, each 8.18 m3/h
Pressure 2 bar
1 Single strainer on pump suction side
1 Thermometer on pump suction side
1 Local control panel
1 Steel frame
1 Set of interconnection pipes, flanges, seals and valves

1 Piping and valves lubricating oil system inside engine hall

This includes all necessary pipes, valves, flanges and gaskets for the plant lubricating oil system
up to the interconnection point.

1 Lubricating oil system pipe insulation inside engine hall

This includes insulation material and cladding for the engine specific lubricating oil system up to
the heat recovery heat exchanger.


Compressed air is used for starting the engines and for control and instrument air.

Starting air is produced by the starting air compressor unit. Compressed air from the starting air
unit is stored in starting air bottles until it is used for starting the engine. The pressure
equipment is designed, manufactured and tested according to the European Union directive
97/23/EC “Pressure Equipment Directive”.

The starting air system consists of the following main equipment:

1 Starting air bottle

The total capacity of the starting air bottles is dimensioned to ensure a total of 6 engine starts.
Each starting air bottle is equipped with necessary accessories. European pressure vessel
inspection certificates are included.
Capacity 4.8 m3
Pressure 30 bar
1 Starting air compressor unit

Starting air compressor unit is used for refilling the starting air bottle(s). The following
components are built on a steel frame, which forms a compact skid unit.
1 Electric motor driven air compressor
Capacity, each 74 m3/h
Pressure 30 bar
1 Electric motor driven air compressor
Capacity, each 74 m3/h
Pressure 30 bar
1 Pressure switch for starting and stopping the electrically driven air compressor (24/30 bar)
1 Alarm switch for too low starting air pressure to engine (18 bar)
1 Oil and water separator
1 Control centre for manual and automatic operation
1 Pressure reduction valve for control and working air (30/6 bar)
1 Steel frame
1 Set of interconnection pipes, flanges, seals and valves

Figure 7 Picture of a typical starting air compressor unit

1 Control and working air compressor unit

The control and working air compressor unit produces control, instrument and working air. The
compressed air is stored in the built-on air bottle until it is distributed to the different consumers.

The control and working air compressor and related equipment are built on a common frame to
form a compact unit.
1 Electrically driven air compressor
Capacity, each 126 m3/h
Pressure 7 bar
1 Compressed air receiver
Volume .2 m3
1 Refrigerated air dryer with control panel
Dew point +4 °C
1 Filter for removal of oil, water and particles
1 Common control panel
1 Steel frame
1 Set of interconnection pipes, flanges, seals and valves
1 Piping and valves compressed air system (set)

This includes pipes, valves, flanges and gaskets for the compressed air system up to the
interconnection point.


The main task of the cooling system is to provide adequate cooling of critical engine components
such as cylinder jackets, cylinder heads and turbochargers as well as to cool the lubrication oil
and charge air entering the cylinders after it has been compressed by the turbocharger.

The engine cooling water is separated into two circuits. The low temperature (LT) circuit cools
the LT-charge air cooler and the lubricating oil cooler, the high temperature (HT) circuit cools
the HT-charge air cooler and engine jackets. The LT- and HT- circuits are cooled in a two-circuit

The flow diagram is according to document: WDAAA183057 (Radiators, 2-circuit system)

The cooling system consists of the following main equipment:

2 Cooling radiator

The engines are cooled with remote mounted, horizontal type radiators with electrically driven
induced draft fans. Each engine generator set has its own cooling radiator package comprising:
2 Radiator cooler circuit
Frame material Hot dipped galvanized steel
Tube material Copper
Fin material Aluminium
Noise level 61 dB(A) at 40 m distance

2 Cooling radiator legs (set)

The supporting legs are used to ensure adequate cooling air flow through radiator fans. The
supporting legs are fixed with anchor bolts to the foundation. Installation is done with bolted
connections whenever possible.

2 Cooling radiator ladder and railings

Radiators are supplied with railings and inspection ladder.

2 Preheating unit low temperature circuit

Engine cooling water in low temperature circuit is heated prior to engine start by the preheating
unit, which allows faster engine loading and easier starting as compared to a non-preheated

The following components are built on a steel frame, which forms a compact skid unit.
1 Heating coil Electric
Capacity 54 kW
1 Alarm switch for too high heating temperature
1 Circulation pump
1 Steel frame
1 Set of interconnection pipes and flanges
2 Maintenance water tank unit (glycol / water)

During maintenance of the engine, cooling water from the engine is drained and stored in the
maintenance water tank and is pumped back after maintenance. The maintenance water tank is
also used for mixing chemicals which are needed for the engine cooling water. The following
components are built on a steel frame, which forms a compact skid unit.
1 Water tank made of steel
Volume 4 m3
1 Level indicator
1 Discharge pump
Capacity 5 m3/h
Pressure 1 bar(a)
1 Steel frame
1 Set of interconnection pipes and flanges

1 Service water tank

1 Water tank made of steel
Volume 5 m3
1 Set of interconnection pipes and flanges
1 Service water booster unit

1 Piping and valves maintenance water system (set)

This includes pipes, valves, flanges and gaskets for the plant maintenance water system up to
the interconnection point.

1 Piping and valves cooling system inside engine hall

This includes all necessary pipes, valves, flanges and gaskets for the engine cooling water
system up to the interconnection point.

1 Cooling system pipe insulation inside engine hall

This includes insulation material and cladding for cooling system pipes in accessible places with
a surface temperature over 60 °C up to the interconnection point.

1 Piping and valves cooling system outside engine hall

This includes all necessary pipes, valves, flanges and gaskets for the engine cooling water
system up to the interconnection point.

1 Cooling system pipe insulation outside engine hall

This includes insulation material and cladding for cooling system pipes in accessible places with
a surface temperature over 60 °C up to the interconnection point.


The charge air filter protects the engine against impurities in the inlet air and the charge air
silencer reduces the air intake noise from the engine

2 Charge air filter

The air inlet to the filter is equipped with a vertical weather louvre for removal of water droplets.
The combined oil wetted and dry filter type filter have 2-stage filtration. The oil wetted contains
filter panels that move vertically inside the filter housing. After a complete revolution the filter
elements are soaked in oil where the dust particles settle in the oil basin. The next dry filter
stage consists of several replaceable filter panels with pleated filter media for increased filtration
efficiency. The filter elements are accessed through a maintenance opening.
Figure 8 Picture of an oil wetted filter and weather louvre

4 Three way damper for charge air system

4 Ducting charge air system (set)

This includes all necessary ducts, flanges, gaskets, bolts and nuts for the engine charge air


The exhaust gas of the engine is discharged at the required height through the exhaust gas
silencer and stack pipe. The exhaust gas silencer reduces the exhaust noise from the engine

2 Exhaust gas silencer

The exhaust gas silencer reduces the noise emission from the engine exhaust outlet.
Noise attenuation 35 dB(A)

4 Bellows for exhaust gas silencer

The expansion bellows isolate the exhaust ducting from vibrations and also allow for thermal

2 Ducting exhaust gas system (set)

This includes ducting for the exhaust gas system between the engine and the exhaust gas stack.

2 Bellows for exhaust gas ducting

The expansion bellows isolate the exhaust ducting from vibrations and also allow for thermal

6 Safety vent counter flanges including rupture disk for exhaust gas ducting

The safety vent and rupture disk arrangement is intended to protect equipment and personel in
case of rapid build up of pressure in the exhaust gas system.

2 Insulation exhaust gas ducting (set)

This includes insulation material and cladding for the exhaust gas ducts inside the building and
in accessible places with a surface temperature over 60 °C up to the exhaust gas stack.

2 Exhaust gas stack pipe

The exhaust gas of the engine is discharged through the exhaust gas stack.
The exhaust gas stack has the following characteristics:
Diameter DN1100
Material Corten B
Height above ground level 19.9 m



The main switchgear is of three-phase, metal clad and air insulated type and provided with
withdrawable circuit breakers.

The switchgear is designed, manufactured and tested according to IEC 60298 and IEC 60694

The circuit breaker is mounted on a truck, incorporating all electrical and mechanical interlocks.
Operating and indicating devices are visible on the front panel of the truck.

The switchgear is dimensioned with the following ratings:

Rated voltage 12.0 kV
Service voltage 10,500 V
Rated current for bus bars 630 A
Rated short circuit withstand current Ith/1 sec. 25.0 kA/s
Enclosure protection class according to IEC IP4x
Switchgear standards IEC 60298/60694
Circuit breaker standards IEC 60056
Circuit breaker type SF6
Installation Indoor
The circuit breakers are equipped with auxiliary contacts, charging motors, closing and shunt
tripping coils.

The current and voltage transformers have a rated burden to suit the connected measuring and
protection devices and have accuracy classes as follows:

Current transformers:
Accuracy class phase current protection transformers 5P10
Accuracy class earth fault current transformers 10P10
Accuracy class measuring transformers Class 0.5
Voltage transformers:
Accuracy class measuring transformers Class 0.5
Accuracy class earth fault voltage transformers 6P
The main switchgear consists of the following equipment:

2 Generator cubicles

Consisting of:
Main circuit, consisting of
1 Circuit-breaker
Rated current 630 A
3 Current transformers for measuring and protection
3 Voltage transformers for measuring and protection
1 Earthing switch
1 Cable transformer for earth fault

Secondary circuit, consisting of:

3 Ammeter
1 Miniature circuit-breaker
1 Breaker control switch
1 Auxiliary relay

2 Neutral point cubicles

Consisting of:
1 Neutral grounding resistor 5A, 10s
1 Single pole disconnector switch
2 Current transformer (single phase) for earth fault

2 Measuring cubicles

Consisting of:
Main circuit, consisting of:
3 Voltage transformers
3 Lightning arresters (one per phase)
Secondary circuit, consisting of:
1 Voltmeter + selector switch
1 Under and over frequency protection relay
1 Under and over voltage protection relay
1 Neutral voltage relay
1 Miniature circuit-breaker
1 Set of auxiliary relay
The above mentioned equipment can be integrated into some of the other cubicles, subject to
space limitations.

2 Generator cubicle cable (set)

The cables are XLPE insulated medium voltage cables, between the generator and the generator
cubicle. Maximum cable length 55 m.

2 Generator neutral point cable (set)

The cables are XLPE insulated medium voltage cables, between the generator and the generator
neutral point cubicle.


The station service system distributes low voltage electricity to electrical consumers included in
Wärtsila scope of supply.

The station service system consists of the following equipment:

1 Station auxiliary transformer

The station auxiliary transformer is a three-phase, two-winding, naturally cooled distribution


The station auxiliary transformer is dimensioned with the following ratings:

Rated power 800 kVA
Rated incoming voltage 2x2.5% 31,000 V
Rated outgoing voltage 400 V
Standard IEC 60726
Cooling AN
The transformer has the following accessories:
Voltage bushings
Thermometer with two signal contacts
Off-load tap changer, 5 positions, on MV-side
Earthing terminal
Lifting and towing lugs
1 Blackstart unit

The function of the black start unit is to enable a black-start of the power plant when there is no
power supply from the grid.

The black start unit provides power for the auxiliaries (such as the starting air compressor, pre-
lubricating pump and battery charger) which are needed to be able to make a black-start of the
power plant. The black start unit is connected directly to the low voltage switchgear of the plant.
The following components are built on a steel frame, which forms a compact skid unit.

The following is included:

1 Diesel generating set

Capacity 120 kW
Frequency 50 Hz

1 Light fuel oil tank

1 Radiator

1 Exhaust gas ducting and silencer

1 Interconnecting pipes, valves and flanges (set)

1 Electric panel

Electric panel consisting of:

Main breaker with short circuit and overload protection
Control system for automatic start/stop at grid failure/recovery
Alarm system with basic alarm functions
Monitoring system
1 Steel frame

1 Container

The acoustic enclosure will attenuate the noise to a level of 80 dB(A) at one meter distance from
the container wall.

1 Low voltage switchboard

The low voltage switchboard is a steel sheet enclosed, cubicle-type switchboard that feeds motor
control centres, motors and other apparatus of the power plant delivered by Wärtsilä.

The switchboard consists of the following equipment:

2 Incoming feeder(s) with
1 Main switch
1 Voltage meter with selector switch
3 Ammeters
Fused outgoing feeders for local control panels
Motor starters direct on line for supplied electrical motors
External protection class: IP3x
2 Frequency converter (for cooling radiator)

The frequency converter controls the rotation speed of the engine cooling radiator fans. The
frequency converters minimize power consumption and noise level of the cooling radiators.

4 Frequency converter (for heat recovery circulation pump)

The frequency converter controls the rotation speed of the district heating circulation water
pump. The frequency converters minimize power consumption and noise level of the pumps.

1 Station auxiliary transformer low voltage cables (set)

The cables are PVC insulated low voltage cables, between the station service transformer and
the station low voltage switchboard. Maximum cable length 25 m.

1 Low voltage cables (set)

The low voltage cables are installed between the station low voltage switchboard and the
various motor control centres and electrical consumers included in Wärtsilä scope of supply.

1 Cable terminations and cable fittings

All necessary cable terminations, cable fittings and joints for the above mentioned cables.


The power plant is equipped with a DC system which feeds DC power to the control, automation,
protection and alarm systems needed to ensure safe operation and shutdown of the plant in
case of a failure in the AC based station service system.

1 DC system engine control

The DC system for engine control consists of:

1 Battery set
Type Lead Acid
Capacity 320 Ah
Voltage (DC) 24 V
3 Charger(s)
Charging current each 40 A
1 Distribution switchboard containing:
Battery main switch
DC system monitoring unit
Miniature circuit breakers for DC feeders

1 DC system power plant control

The DC supply unit consists of:

1 Battery set
Type Lead Acid
Capacity 90 Ah
Voltage (DC) 110 V
2 Charger(s)
Charging current each 15 A
1 Distribution switchboard containing:
Battery main switch
DC system monitoring unit
Miniature circuit breakers for DC feeders


1 Safety earthing system above 0-level


Advanced Control and Supervision Concept for Wärtsilä Power Plants

The control and supervision system is designed for safe, reliable, efficient and easy operation of
the generating sets, their associated auxiliaries and electrical systems. A modular design allows
easy extension of the system.

The power plant can be controlled from either the Wärtsilä Operator’s Interface System (WOIS
workstations, CWA901), from the central control panel/common and generating set sections
(CFA 901 and CFC0_1).

The WOIS workstation and the common and generating set control panels are located in the
control room where all the main supervision of the plant takes place.

Control modes

The following control modes are available for the generating set control.

By increasing or decreasing the engine fuel supply, the active power can be controlled in:
MW mode - the generating set power is maintained at a preset value irrespective of
system load or frequency. This is the typical operating mode for a base load power plant
supplying an infinite grid.
Speed droop mode – the generating set shares the load with the grid or other
generating sets according to a speed droop curve. This is the typical operating mode for
smaller grids or in island operation.
By increasing or decreasing the generator voltage, the reactive power can be controlled in:
Constant Power Factor control – the generating sets power factor is maintained at a
preset value and any changes are produced by the grid or other generating sets. This is
the typical operating mode for a base load power plant supplying an infinite grid.
Voltage droop compensation control - The generating set will share the reactive load
with the other generating sets based on digital communication lines between the AVR’s
when running in island mode. This is the typical operating mode when running in
isolation from the grid. This operating mode requires that all the generating sets have
voltage controllers suitable for voltage droop compensation control.
Voltage droop mode – the generating set will share the reactive load with the grid and
other generating sets equally in relation to the size of the units. This is the typical
operating mode for smaller grids or in island operation.
The system will automatically switch the operating mode based on the “parallel with grid” signal.
In Auto mode the setting values for active and reactive power will be according to operator input
in WOIS workstation, while in Manual mode they are determined by the switches in the control


1 WOIS workstation

The power plant is controlled and supervised from the Wärtsilä Operator Interface System
(WOIS workstation). All actions necessary for the normal operation, such as start and stop of
the generating sets, load increase and load reduction are activated and supervised via the WOIS
workstation, using a mouse, keyboard and display. The operator can also supervise key data
from the plant such as various temperatures and pressures as well as measurements of electrical
variables such as generator power, voltage and frequency. The WOIS workstation also includes
a hardcopy laser printer.

WOIS workstation includes the following functionality:

Process status displays, where the status and operation of the processes are displayed
using various dynamic objects, such as images of pumps, valves and other components
and units. The status of these objects is displayed graphically. By interacting with an
object, the function and operational status can be displayed.
Process trends can be displayed as a free combination of six (6) measured values such
as pressures, temperatures, speed, generating set load, etc. The operator may combine
the values of interest in one graph to get a good view of the total process for further
analysing. The trends are stored for up to 180 days, and the operator may call back a
trend for any time interval within these limits.
An alarm banner in the uppermost part of the displays informs about the latest occurred
alarm. The active alarm list informs the operator of possible problems in the process. An
alarm will remain on the active alarm list until the process has returned to normal state
and the alarm has been acknowledged. Historical alarm and event lists can be called up
for further evaluation of events.
Any of the displays and the alarm list can be printed to the hard copy printer.

Figure 9 The picture above is an example of a set of typical WOIS workstation

displays; The Plant Overview display, a process displays, a sensor trend
display, a historical trend display and the alarm event display

The WOIS workstation contains the following equipment:

1 Desktop PC computer, 1 GB RAM, min. 80 GB HDD, min 2 GHz processor
1 Display, TFT Flatscreen 19” with the resolution of 1280x1024
1 Keyboard and optical mouse
1 Laser printer for hard copy and report printing
1 Operating system
1 Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) software

1 WISE workstation

The Wärtsilä Information System Environment (WISE workstation) handles the long term data
storage and reporting functions of the power plant. The operator can view and print out the
daily, monthly and yearly reports produced by the reporting program. WISE workstation keeps
the engine and production reports available for later study and archiving. WOIS workstation is
the provider of information to the WISE workstation.

WISE workstation includes the following functionality:

Daily engine and plant reports of plant analogue measurement values. Daily minimum,
maximum and average values are generated and stored for one year.
Long term engine and plant performance tracking throughout trend displays of the
reported analogue measurements.
Daily production reports of generated active and reactive energy as well as hourly fuel
consumption are generated and stored for one year.
Monthly production reports (on daily level) are stored for 5 years and yearly production
reports are generated and stored for 10 years.
The production reports include minimum, maximum, average and total sum calculations
for the period.
Electronic log book with search possibilities for recording of operation and maintenance

Figure 10 The above picture shows a typical WISE workstation daily operation data,
production report and Log book

The WISE workstation contains the following equipment:

1 Desktop PC, 1 GB RAM, min. 80 GB HDD, min 2 GHz processor
1 Display, TFT Flatscreen 19” with the resolution of 1280x1024
1 Keyboard and optical mouse
1 Operating system software
1 Reporting interface software

1 Uninterrupted power supply (UPS)


1 Central common control panel

The central common control panel (CFA 901) contains the operating switches, buttons and
meters for synchronising and the mimic for the plant Medium Voltage system. It also contains
the common PLC system.

The Input/Output signals on the generating set are handled by the embedded engine control
system and communicated over the databus to WOIS workstation and the PLC in the central
control panel. The signals from auxiliary equipment are connected to the PLC remote
Input/Output modules which are located in the engine pipe module panel BJA 0_1.

Figure 11 The above illustration shows an example of the central common control

The central common control panel (CFA901), contains the following equipment:
1 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) unit for control and supervision of the common
systems of the plant. The high grade PLC integrates the control functions as required
by the process and operation sequences.
The PLC includes the following units and devices:
- Power supply (24 VDC)
- Central Processing Unit (CPU)
- Communication card
- Digital Input - Output cards
- Analogue input cards

1 P1 Double frequency meter (for synchronising)

1 P2 Double voltage meter (for synchronising)
1 P3 Synchronoscope (for synchronising)

1 M2 Manual synchronisation control interface unit with:

- Synchronising mode selector switch (auto/manual)
- Synchronising breaker selector switch for generator and for incoming breaker
- Generating set voltage adjustment switch
- Generating set frequency adjustment switch
- Synchronising breaker close control pushbutton
- Synchronising order pushbutton for automatic synchronising

1 Auto-synchroniser
1 Check synchroniser relay
1 Safety relay for emergency circuit
1 Mimic diagram for the electrical system
1 S20 Power plant emergency stop pushbutton
1 S10 Safety relay reset pushbutton

2 Central generating set control panel

The central generating set control panel (CFC 0_1) contains selectors for the generating set
operating mode, control switches for manual control, the AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator),
the Power Monitoring Unit, the protection relays and the hardwired engine shutdown and
breaker trip circuits. In auto-mode the PLC system together with embedded engine control
system performs the starting sequence and stopping sequence automatically and sets the active
load and the power factor references to the primary controls according to the set points inserted
into WOIS workstation. The embedded engine control system and the PLC supervise the status
of the generating set constantly regardless of the running mode.

Figure 12 The above illustration shows an example of the central generating set
control panel

The central generating set control panel (CFC0_1), contains the following equipment:
1 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) unit for control and supervision of the
generating set. The high grade PLC integrates the control functions as required by
the process and operation sequences. The PLC also handles the start/stop sequence,
process measurements and alarms together with the embedded engine control
The PLC includes the following units and devices:
- Power supply (24 VDC)
- Central Processing Unit (CPU)
- Communication card
- Analogue measurement Input - Output card
- Digital Input - Output cards

1 Set of conventional panel mounted meters for:

- P1-P3 Current meters, one per phase
- P4 Frequency meter
- P5 Voltage meter, with selector switch S21
- P6 Engine and turbocharger speed (rpm), with selector switch S22
- P7 Power factor meter
- P8 Reactive power (MVAr) meter
- P9 Active power (MW) meter

1 S20 Generating set emergency stop push-button

1 P11 Power monitoring unit (PMU)

The PMU is a digital power monitoring unit where the generating sets electrical
measurements can be monitored and supervised.
The PMU includes the following functions:
- Measurement of phase currents, with stored min and max
- Measurement of main and phase voltages, with stored min, max and average
- Measurement of frequency
- Calculation of Active, Reactive and Apparent power
- Calculation of Active and Reactive energy, imported, exported and total
- Calculation of harmonic distortion
- Calculation of Power Factor
- Measurement of engine running hour

1 K1 Generator protection relay

The digital programmable multi-function protection relay is connected to current and
voltage transformers in the generator cubicle and in the generator main terminal
The protection relay has the following protection functions:
- Over and under voltage protection
- Over and under frequency protection
- Reverse power protection
- Over current and short circuit protection
- Stator earth fault protection
- Loss of excitation protection
- Negative sequence (unbalance) over current protection

1 K2 Generator differential protection relay

1 M1 Manual control interface unit with:

- Generating set control mode selector switch (Auto-Manual)
- Active power control mode selector switch (Speed droop-kW control )
- Reactive power control mode selector switch (Voltage droop – p.f)
- Engine power control switch (decrease-increase)
- Generator voltage control switch (decrease-increase)
- Synchronising select and start of synchronisation control switch
- Engine start pushbutton with engine running indication light
- Engine stop pushbutton with engine stopped indication light
- Breaker close pushbutton with breaker closed indication light
- Breaker open pushbutton with breaker opened indication light
- Engine shutdown indication light with reset pushbutton
- Breaker trip indication light with reset pushbutton
- Indication lamp testing pushbutton

1 Safety relay for emergency circuit

2 Differential protection relay

2 Auxiliary module panel


1 Control and instrumentation cables

Control and instrumentation cables for delivered equipment including necessary joints and



The pressure equipment is designed, manufactured and tested according to the European Union
directive 97/23/EC “Pressure Equipment Directive”.

Temperature control is installed to maintain a steady temperature of the outgoing water from
the system by controlling the water flow through the heat recovery system.

2 Exhaust gas heat recovery heat exchanger

One exhaust gas heat recovery heat exchanger is installed for each engine. The heat exchanger
Exhaust gas heat exchanger unit
Inlet and outlet exhaust gas hood with inspection covers
Modulating exhaust gas by-pass damper with actuator
Shut-off valves
Safety valve
Relief valve
Pressure switches
Insulation and cladding
Counter flanges, bolts, nuts and gaskets
Mounting supports
2 Exhaust gas heat recovery heat exchanger by pass

The heat exchanger by-pass can be integrated into the exhaust gas heat recovery heat
exchanger or it can be located outside the heat exchanger.

2 Combined heat and power module for hot water generation

The heat recovery circuit, which is in contact with the district heating network, utilises heat from
the lubricating oil circuit, the high temperature circuit and the exhaust gas to heat the water in
the heat recovery circuit and thereby also the water to the district heating network. The water in
the heat recovery circuit circulates through the lubricating oil cooler, the high temperature heat
recovery plate heat exchanger and finally through the exhaust gas boiler.

To secure installation quality and reduce erection time, Wärtsilä has developed a prefabricated
combined heat and power module. This module contains equipment (listed below) which are
completely installed and fitted at the shop, which saves significant pipefitting and installation
time at site. The module includes all necessary controls and control valves. All necessary
components for controlling and operating the hot water system are included in the engine
auxiliary module control panel. The complete combined heat and power module is pressure
tested and then flushed, painted, and corrosion protected prior to shipment. All external
connection points are sealed and covered with steel plates.
Combined heat and power module is integrated into the engine auxiliary module, which is
described in section A2.0.

Figure 13 Illustration of a typical combined heat and power module integrated into
an engine auxiliary module

The following is included:

1 Heat exchanger, district heating water / lubricating oil

The heat recovery heat exchanger between district heating water and lubricating oil is a plate
type heat exchanger made of stainless steel to recover heat from the engine’s lubrication oil

1 Heat exchanger, district heating water / high temperature water

The heat recovery heat exchanger between district heating water and high temperature water is
a plate type heat exchanger made of stainless steel to recover heat from the engine’s high
temperature cooling water circuit.

1 Heat exchanger, high temperature water back-up cooler

The high temperature water back-up cooler heat exchanger is plate type heat exchanger made
of stainless steel. This heat exchanger transfers heat from the engine’s high temperature cooling
water circuit to the low temperature cooling water circuit when the heat recovery system is not
in use.

2 Heat recovery circulation pump

A variable speed controlled circulation pump is supplied to compensate for the pressure drop in
the heat recovery circuit and to maintain a constant temperature of the water leaving the heat
recovery system. The set value for the water flow is determined based on the temperature of
the outgoing district heating water. The system includes the following:
Circulation pump
Shut-off valves
Pressure differential indicator
Flow meter
Temperature sensor
1 Three way valve, district heating water

The three way valve controls the outgoing district heating water temperature from the combined
heat and power module when the circultating pump is running on minimum frequency.

1 Three way valve, lubricating oil cooler by-pass

The three way valve controls the district heating water flow through the lubricating oil cooler.
The lubricating oil cooler is by-passed if the district heating water return temperature gets too

1 Piping, valves and insulation

All necessary pipes, valves, flanges and gaskets as well as insulation and cladding material for
the heat recovery system on the module is included.

1 Piping and valves hot water generation system (set)

This includes all necessary pipes, valves, flanges and gaskets for the heat recovery system
inside the power house.

1 Insulation material for hot water generation system (set)

This includes all necessary insulation and cladding material for the hot water generation system
inside the power house.

2 Central heat exchanger

A plate heat exhanger between the closed heat recovery circuit in the power plant and the
customers hot water system.

1 Expansion tank for central heat exchanger

Membrane expansion tank for the closed heat recovery circuit in the power plant.


1 Engine maintenance tools (set)

This includes the special tools needed for normal maintenance of the engine.

1 Engine hand tools (set)

This includes normal hand tools needed for normal maintenance of the engine.

1 Tools for turbocharger (set)

This includes the special tools needed for normal maintenance of the turbocharger.

1 Oil quality test equipment

This includes a lubrication oil test kit for on site check of the condition of the oil.

Note ! For a complete check of the oil quality, a professional oil laboratory should be used.


2 Wear parts for engine

This includes the spare parts that needs to be replaced when following the recommended
maintenance schedule for the engine up to 8,000 hours engine operation.
1 Spare parts for mechanical equipment

1 Spare parts for electrical equipment


1 Initial fillings of lubricating oil

Lubricating oil in quantity and quality as required for the pre-commissioning, testing,
commissioning and operation of the plant.

1 Initial chemicals for engine water treatment

Chemicals for water treatment in quantity and quality as required for the pre-commissioning,
testing, commissioning and operation of the plant.

1 Initial fillings of glycol for engine cooling water system




The power house is designed for 2 Wärtsilä 20V34SG engine generator sets.

This specification describes the requirements concerning the supply of building for the Power
Plant with all mechanical and electrical auxilliaries. The power plant consists one building
including auxilliary premises and maintenance block.


The scope of work includes the following:

- furnishing the pre-fabricated building complete with main framing, insulated external wall and
roof structures including windows and exterior doors, fasteners and all other items required for
erection of a fully watertight buildings,
- furnishing interior mouldings and finishes, interior walls, interior doors and windows to complete
the final building,
- furnishing the pre-engineered steel supports for exhaust gas pipes, tanks, radiators and station
- furnishing the HVPAC system complete with mechanical equipment, duct work, controls, and all
other items necessary to install a functioning HVPAC system,
The scope of work does not include building foundation, anchor bolts, engine, equipment or any
other foundation, ground floor slab, etc., including any items required to be cast-in with the
exception (if applicable) of anchoring requiring vendor supplied frames e.g. for the exhaust


Generally the Client will make all works below 0-level and more than 1 meter from external

As a specification of general delivery limits will be the following:

- the Client will make all concrete works connected with foundation and slab including working
drawings, loads will be given by Supplier
- the Client will make all excavations and back fillings
- concrete channels below 0-level will be made by the Client, locations and dimensions will be
given by the Supplier
- shutters for the channels will be made by the Client
- sewagers, water pipes and other communications with pits and gullies below 0-level will be
delivered and installed by the Client, designing will be made by the Supplier (designing limit 1
meter from external wall)
- foundation for transformers will be made by the Client
- all foundations, back fillings and installations below 0-level for radiators, smoke stacks and
other external structures will be made by the Client

The building will meet the following outdoor environment:

characteristic wind load 0.38 kN/m2
characteristic snow load 1.4 kN/m2
seismic effect according SNiP II-7-81* N.A.


The design of the buildings will meet Russian and international standards in the following order:
The existing laws, statements and official rules and recommendations
The codes of Russia listed later
The valid standards and codes of practice
Loads as according to Russian standards, calculations according to Eurocode

Especially the following requirements has been taken into account:

degree of responsibility of the building: II / SNiP 2.01.07-85
category of production (in terms of explosion): V / NPB105-95
fire resistance of structures: at least Table 4 / SNiP 21-01-97
(see also specified fire resistance time requirements)
evacuation paths composed structures: SNiP 21.01.97
steel structures (design and fabrication) SNiP II-23-81

Fire resistance of the structures should comply withtable 4 of Russian SNiP 21-01-97 standard:
- support structures 0,75 hour
- partitions of the fire fighting areas 2,0 hours
- steel plated fire doors 0,75 hour

- suspended ceilings no limitation

Western equivalent materials can be used instead of Russian specified materials


Steel type for the anchor bolts (supplied by the Customer) is 09G2S or similar. The nuts are
according to GOST RF standard.

Position and tolerances of anchor bolts are specified in drawings.

Erection of the structures shall meet the technical requirements of Russian standards. Tightness
of anchor bolts must be at least according to the following values:

Nut Moment

M20 100 Nm

M30 200 Nm

B1.1.3.1 GENERAL

All the structures which are supposed to be exposed to the corrosion and all the structures which
will remain visible must have surface treatment except the following structures: hot dip
galvanized steel and zinced screws.

The steel grades of the structures are given following the standards GOST 380 and GOST 5058
or corresponding European quality. On outside steel structures the Russian steel of St-09G2S or
corresponding European quality to be used only.

The welds are made using the filler materials compatible to the main steel material. The
strength class and the quality of the filler material in welding process must be in correspondence
to the main steel material

Bolts are hexagon head bolts according to Russian standards or corresponding European quality.

The nuts used shall conform to Russian standards or corresponding European quality.

The steel frames consist of columns, beams and braces or corresponding European quality.

The frames are stiffened by moment rigid columns and in the opposite direction by diagonal
bracing. The roof structures are stiffened by roof bracing.

The frame for the Power Station Building will be designed in order to allow all the ventilation
openings. The frame will be equipped of systems allowing an easy opening of all external walls.


The dimensions shown on the drawings are theoretical given at an assumed temperature of +20
C. The tolerances of welded joints and shrinkages caused by welding shall be taken into
account by the fabricator.

The fabrication of the structural members shall be carried out avoiding permanent deformations.
The fabrication process must follow the valid rules. The composition of the members must be
designed so, that the tolerances of the final members fit to the limits given in codes, standards
and other given recommendations.

The welding must be done following the good practice of fabrication. The Supplier should
provide instructions and project solutions to guarantee quality of welded connections made at
the ambient temperature -5°C and lower.


The surface treatments shall be done following the good practice of fabrication. After the blast
cleaning the surface must be cleaned. The structures must be painted following the agreed
methods, which are mentioned in the drawings. Steelparts to be covered with fire protective
paint will be delivered without top coat.

The surface treatment is RAL5019E120/2 FeSa2.5 where:

RR35 is color tone; standard colour of supplier
E is epoxy painting
120 is total thickness of coating in micrometers
/2 is quantity of coatings
FeSa is blast cleaning method
2.5 is degree of blast cleaning
The surface treatment of bolts, nuts and washers is hot dip galvanizing.

The engineering works should be carried out with respect to the existing technical rules and
standards and according to the construction Project and construction schedule. Especially it must
be noted that the stability of the members during erection must be assured using temporary

When erecting the structural members, all the time it must be taken care of sufficient supporting
of individual members and the whole structure.

When connecting structural members it must be sure, that the contacting parts will be in tight
contact with each other. If the tightness shall not be achieved the connection must be opened
and repaired.

The bolts must be tightened to the moments given below, if not otherwise specified in drawings
or installation instructions

Nut Moment

M12 80 Nm

M16 200 Nm

M20 380 Nm

M24 650 Nm

Welding in the site must be made following the valid rules.

The painting in site must be made following the valid standards and it must be made following
the erection work. After erection straightening and grouting the visible parts of the anchor bolts
must be painted according to the surface treatment of the joining parts.

If the zinced surface which is meant to be without additional surface treatment has been
damaged, it must be washed and cleaned corresponding to the corrosion protection grade St3 or
St2,5 and it must be painted using zinc epoxy paint so that the dry thickness of the paint surface
is in minimum 50 microns.

Erection tolerances of steel frame must be comply with the valid standards. The measured data
must be recorded to the documents.

B1.1.3.5 COLUMNS

Columns are hot-rolled I-sections.. Columns will be bolted to anchor bolts.

Rails of overhead bridge cranes in Engine Cells of the Power Station Building are suspended
from column corbels. Hoisting capacity of the crane is 1,5 tons.

B1.1.3.6. ROOF BEAMS

Roof beams are hot-rolled I-sections.. Roof beams will be bolted to the top the columns.

B1.1.3.7. BRACES

Braces are hot-rolled I-sections.. Braces will be bolted to the columns and roof beams.

B1.1.3.8. PURLINS

Purlins are hot-rolled I-sections.. Purlins will be bolted to the roof beams.



External walls for the Power Station Building are made of prefabricated panels :
inside even, plastic coated steel sheet s=0,6 mm, standard colour of supplier RR20- greyish
thermal insulation, with a layer of rock wool, insuring the mentioned heat transfer resistance of
the external wall (joints included), not worse than 3,2 m2K/W, and fastened to the plates with
a glue
outside even, plastic coated steel sheet s=0,6 mm, standard colour of supplier RR40-silver,
In the Power Station Building panels in front of the gensets are removable.

B1.1.4.2 ROOF

The structure of roof from inside to outside is the following:

ceiling, zinc coated profiled steel sheet 20 mm, screwed c/c 300 to purlins
moisture barrier, plastic sheeting 0.2 mm, joints taped
thermal insulation, rockwool
purlins h=200 (snow drift areas; h=260)
windshield, stiff mineral wool 50 mm
air vent slot 50 mm
roofing, zinc-coated profiled steel sheet 35 mm, screwed c/c 300 to purlins
The design of the roof insures specific heat transfer resistance (joints included), not worse than
4,2 m2K/W.

In the Power Station Building appropriate area of inside surface of roof is covered by acoustic

B1.1.4.3 WINDOWS

The windows are mainly triple safety glass panes with steel casements.

Windows are mechanically-open types. Fittings are shown in assembly specification. Windows
will be installed only to workshop and office room.

The design of the windows insures specific heat transfer resistance (joints included), not worse
than 0,5 m2K/W.

B1.1.4.4 DOORS

The doors are thermal insulated steel sheet coated steel doors (standard colour of supplier) with
steel casements. Fittings and locking system including keys for doors are shown in assembly



B1. Shower room

The structure of partition wall is the following:

assembled foam concrete, sandwich panels or concrete blocks
coating with a primer
water proofing by painting with proper material
wall tile coating

In the Building suspended ceilings are in the following rooms:

control room
locker room
pantry with kitchenette
shower room
toilet room
office room

B1. Engine hall with auxiliary premises

The partition doors are steel plated fire doors with steel casements equipped with locking
system including the keys.

B1. Maintenance Block (general)

The partition doors are steel plated doors with steel casements equipped with locking system
including the keys.

B1. Shower Room

The partition door is a wooden door with wooden panel and with wooden casements.

B1. Toilet Room

The partition doors for toilet rooms are wooden doors with wooden casements equipped with
locking system.

B1.1.5.4. PLINTHS

Foot ledges in the building (Maintenance block)are batten strips. The strips are shown in detail



The external wall inside coating is white colour RR20 steel sheet..


The internal wall coating is painting with light gray color mat paint.


Concrete floors finished with ceramic tile, antistatic rubber, plastic or epoxy paints should be
provided depending on the designation of the quarters and the standard requirements.

B1. Engine hall with auxiliary premises

Floor coating is painting two times with epoxy paint.

B1. Corridor

Floor coating is painting two times with epoxy paint.

B1. Maintenance Block, space of maintenance

Floor finishing are the following:

sanitary quarters – ceramic tiles
storage, workshop, , control room, low voltage room, HVAC room – epoxy paint
As a reservation, operator’s room and office room will be concrete floors with polymeric covering
on the levelling layer of a plastic carpet
B1. MV room

MV rooms have recessed floor with falce floor.

The structure of false floor is:

steel frame
30 mm chipboard by screw fixation
antistatic rubber flooring glueing with fitting glue
B1. The Shower room and Toilet room

Floor coating is plastic flooring for wet rooms. Floor will be faced up with plastering before fixing
the flooring. Flooring must be raised at least 100 mm to a wall.

B1. Other rooms in the Maintenance Block

Floor coating is plastic flooring sheet glueing with fitting glue. Floor will be faced up with
plastering before fixing the flooring.


Locker Room: lockers
Kitchenette: kitchen mini cabinet with a sink
Pantry: Tables with chairs
Store: shelves
Workshop: working benches, 2 chairs
Office: table with 3 chairs, 2 bookshelves
Control room: 2 tables, 3 chairs, 2 bookshelves

The Engine hall will be equipped with one overhead bridge crane, capacity of 1,5 ton..

The auxiliary area will be equipped with a normal monorail hoist of 500 kg above the equipment

B1.1.9. STAIRS

One steel stair to the roof to maintain the ventilation unit.



This document covers the requirements for design, fabrication, delivery and installation of
required HVAC and plumbing systems in the Power Plant Building including Engine cells with
auxiliary premices and Maintenance Block..

This delivery includes the following internal HVAC and Plumbing Systems:
Heating system ( electrical heating )
Domestic water system for sanitary use
Rainwater and waste water systems
Ventilation and air conditioning systems
Control system of HVAC (Maintenance block)
The following systems and services will not be included in this delivery:
Water treatment system
Rainwater sewers
Rainwater and waste water treatment
Building permits and approvals
Instructions for installation of devices and circuit diagrams of automation will be delivered with
B1.2.1 Standards followed

The detail design and installation will comply with international engineering practice. The
materials which are used in construction will be high quality (Western Standards).



2 Inlet ventilation, generator side

The generator side inlet ventilation air unit supplies filtered air from outside the building and
blows it along the engine generator sets.

The total ventilation air flow (together with auxiliary side inlet ventilation unit) is based on
average temperature rise of 10 °C above ambient air temperature in the normal occupation
zones of the engine hall, with the exception of some hot spots.

The unit includes following equipment:

- Electric motor driven axial fan
Air flow per unit 18.0 m3/s
Static pressure 350 Pa
- Inlet air grille with adjustable and lockable lamells
- Intake air bag filters, EU3 according to Eurovent standard
- Sound attenuating baffles
- Air intake louvre

2 Inlet ventilation, auxiliary side

The auxiliary side inlet ventilation air unit supplies filtered air from outside the building and
blows it along the auxiliary equipment towards the engine generator sets.

The unit includes the following equipment:

- Electric motor driven axial fan
Air flow per unit 12.0 m3/s
Static pressure 350 Pa
- Inlet air grille with adjustable and lockable lamells
- Heater
- Intake air bag filters, EU3 according to Eurovent standard
- Sound attenuating baffles
- Air intake louvre
The inlet air coil will be sized to heat up the inlet air from minimum outside temperature stated
in chapter 2 up to +5 ºC.

In cold ambient conditions the flow of the inlet air will be reduced to mainly combustion air. The
temperature of the combustion air will be increased due to mixing with the outlet air, which is
heated by the radiation of the engine and the generator.

The speed of the fan of each unit is controlled in proportions to ambient outside temperature.

In case of smoke alarm the ventilation inlet to the building shall automatically close. In case of
gas alarm the engine hall will be flushed by the ventilation system, above the LEL-level, the
ventilation will be shut off.

Ventilation outlets from engine room.

The ventilation outlet air arrangement is based on a slight over pressure in the engine hall. The
air is lead out through roof monitors located on the ridge of the building roof. The maximum
pressure drop is 60 Pa.

B1. General

Maintenance Block is equipped with centraliced air handling unit. The air is taken from outdoor
louvre on the wall and exhaust is blown to exhaust air louvre on the roof. Air handling units are
equipped with electrical heating coils.

The following rooms are equipped only with mechanical exhaust system with own separate fan:
Battery room
Maintenance Block is equipped with air cooled pre-fabricated chiller unit ( 1 No ). Chilled water is
pumped to AHU’s cooling coils.

B1. Devices

Air handling units

Machines are of standard design, manufactured air-conditioning machines composed of various

modules. The housing of machine has been made from galvanised steel plate and has been
insulated. The machines are equipped with inspection doors that are easy to open.

Heating coils

Heating coils are heated electrically. Heating coils are lamell type. Maximum surface
temperature will be +75°C. The output is controlled in steps, so that the change in air
temperature will not exceed 1,5°C per step. Heating coil is equipped with two independent
overheating thermostat.

Face velocity of coil is 2.0…3.0 m/s.

The heating coil unit is equipped with a inspection hatch


Supply air filters are EU6 fine filters. The filters conform to (dust spot efficiency) ASHRAE-stan-
dard 52-76. Type approval SFS 5150 (EU 5 - EU 9).

Exhaust air filters are EU6 fine filters. The filters conform to the (dust weight efficiency) ASH-
RAE-standard 52/76. Type approval SFS 5150 (EU 5 - EU 9).

Centrifugal fans

Enclosures of fans and electric motors corresponds to categories of quarters and areas they are
installed in.

The centrifugal fans will be delivered as follows:

material: FeZn
V-belt drive overdimensioned by 50%
beam base
electrical motor
engines equipped with two separate stator windings are used in two-speed fans
impeller is both statically and dynamically balanced
efficiency must be at least 70 %
Ventilation ducts

Ventilation ducts are constructed mainly from round galvanised spiral ducts with riveted joints
and rubber-ring packing. Mounting parts are pre-fabricated at factory or workshop.

In general, ducts are round in shape; only in exceptional cases rectangular.

Cleaning hatchesare located in places indicated by the working drawings. Cleaning hatch have
frames and they have to suit to the ducts in accordance with fire and heat technical standards.
Cleaning doors have to fit in the way that they can be used without dismounting other

All ducts shall be blown clean before installing supply and exhaust air elements.

Duct supporting

Horizontal ducts, diameter below 400 mm, are supported by using a perforated steel tape
around the duct. Horizontal ducts, diameter 400 mm or more, are supported by means of a clip
and hanging bars. Support distance of horizontal ducts is about 3 meters. Duct weight does not
expose cross seams to stress. If there are several ducts in parallel, supporting can be
implemented by installing a strong steel section and a hanging bar under ducts. Ducts are fixed
with a perforated steel band around the steel section.

Supports for concrete structures are fixed with anchor bolts and for steel structures by welding.

Vertical ducts are supported with steel brackets by fixing the other end of the bracket to the
structures. Supporting structure parts are not firmly connected to the ducts.

Fire dampers

Fire dampers are approved in Russia and they will be attached to fire walls. Fire dampers are
equipped with inspection doors and thermal fusible link. Fire dampers are not electrically
operated type.

Duct insulation

When necessary ducts are heat insulated (HI) or fire insulated (PE) with wire net mineral wool
coated with aluminium foil. All visible insulations are plated. Plating is made with a galvanised
plate (s = 0,6 mm). Duct insulation hidden from sight are not coated.
Outdoor louvre (grille)

An outdoor louver is equipped with vanes to prevent snow from flowing in. Material is galvanized
steel plate. It prevents over 95 % (2 m/s) of snow and water from flowing in.

Maintenance of the louvers is arranged to take place from inside.

Air distribution devices

Air diffusers, supply and exhaust air louvers and valves are factory-made products. Diffusers and
grilles will be placed either on a wall or to a ceiling. Material is epoxy finished steel.

If there is not any air diffusers or louver at the end of duct, it is always equipped with a
protective net.


B1.2.3.1 GENERAL

Building rooms are mainly heated by the power plant’s hot water cogeneration system. Some
building rooms will be heated by an electrically powered heating system.

Ventilation supply air is heated electrically.



B1. General

Building is equipped with separate domestic (drinking) and fire fighting systems. Water is
supplied to building through one pipe..

Domestic cold water is filtered mechanically. Domestic hot water is heated by electric hot water

B1. Devices


Cold and hot water pipes are made of:

All internal pipes: Galvanized steel pipes

Stop valves DN 15 – 50 are brass ball valves resistant to dezincification and equipped with
threaded joints. Valves DN 65 and bigger are ball valves equipped with flange joints.

Non return valve (check valve) are threaded valves manufactured from brass resistant to
dezincification and equipped with a spring.

Thermostatic valve combinations for electric hot water storage heaters consist of stop valve, non
return valve, safety valve, mixing valve, drain valve and it is manufactured from brass resistant
to dezincification.

Meter devices

A vane wheel meter is used for measuring of water consumption.

Sanitary fittings

Building is equipped with following sanitary fittings:

Floor-type WC-seat (2 pcs), white porcelain
Wash basin with mixer, white porcelain, single-lever mixer, chrome plate
Showers (4 pcs) with single lever mixer, chrome plate
Kitchen sink with two basins including single lever mixer, chrome plate
Stainless steel sink with mixer for closet, single-lever mixer, chrome plated

Electric hot water storage heaters

Electric hot water storage heaters are prefabricated and vessels are made from stainless steel.
Vessels are insulated with polyurethane and they are covered by white-painted steel panel.
Vessel is equipped with electric heater and needed thermostat.


B1. General

Waste water system includes following parts:

waste water sewers with accessories
floor traps
drain water removal from roof
Sewers are equipped with necessary internal clean out plugs. Air is led away through vents
leading the roof.

Taking into account that external plumbing system is traced under ground the connection point
to the power plant system should be located at 1 m distance from the exterior wall and 1 m
depth from the zero mark.

B1. Devices

Installations below finished floor level of the ground floor slab are included in the Client’s


Internal and external waste sewers are PVC or PP plastic. Sewers are made of pipes using socket
type connections with rubber ring sealing. Production sewers K3 are cast iron sewer pipes with
band clamp coupling joints.

Sewers are provided with clean-out holes and connections in accordance with standards. Sewer
supports and brackets inside buildings are from steel. Supports are constructed so as not to set
sewer joints subject to stress and so as to allow heat expansion to take place smoothly in each
socket. Sewer supports are galvanised steel brackets and hanging bars.
Floor trap (FT)

Floor traps, Ø 75 mm, are made of plastic. Gullies are provided with water seals.

Floor traps, Ø 100 mm, are made of cast iron.

Septic tank for Maintenance Block sewager

Waste water from Maintenance Block are lead to septict tank, volume 2 m3(delivered by the
Client). Waste water from the septic tank is lead to the areal sewager.

Waste water of Auxiliary Premises

Waste water from Auxiliary premises are collected to the sewage pits delivered by the Client.

B1. .Pipe insulation

Mineral wool insulation

Cooling water pipes are insulated with cellular rubber.

Cold water piping are insulated with mineral wool jackets that are equipped with prefabricated
aluminium paper coating. In coated insulations jacket seams are taped to ensure moisture
barrier in the whole coating.

Insulation thickness used for all pipes:

Pipe size Insulation thickness

DN (mm)

15-40 20

50-80 30

100-200 40

The following pipes are not be heat-insulated (warm spaces):

waste water sewers K1 / K3
cold and hot water pipes led to devices B1 / T3
discharge and vent pipes
all valves, pumps, expansion vessels etc. devices



Attention will be paid to special requirements due to the object in designing building
electrification systems and selecting materials.

Valid Russian standards for building electrification equipment and installations will be applied to
engineering and installation duties.

All installation materials to be used are high-class products made by well-known manufacturers.


B1.3.2.1 Electrical connection

The following systems in the building electrification are belonging to 1st Category of reliability of
electrical power supply
- fire and burglar alarm systems

- telephone system

- safety lighting

- emergency heating

- computer system

As to other parts, the building electrification belongs to 2nd Category of electrical power supply.
- The main distribution board of building electricity will be connected to the 0.4 kV low voltage
switchgear .
- The feeding electrical network is an earthen TN-C system (L1, L2, L3, PEN), voltage 400/230
V and frequency 50 Hz.
- The internal electrical network of the building electricity is an earthen TN-S system (L1, L2,
L3, N, PE).

B1.3.2.2. Switchboards

B1. Main switchboards

The main switchboard of the building electricity is located in the LV-switchgear room.
Switchboard outputs are compact circuit breakers, when current is over 25 A or miniature circuit
breakers when current is below 25 A.
The main distribution board is a multi-cubicle-type assembly that stands on the floor, enclosure
class is at least IP3x.

B1. Subboards

There will be used separate switchboards as follows:

- for heating and air conditioning in the maintenance building
- for heating in generator rooms’ area
- for ventilation in the generator rooms’ area
- for lighting and other loads in the generator rooms’ area

B1.3.2.3 Earthing and lightning protection

B1. Earthing
- The delivery limits for the earthing system is described in chapter A3.4. The following
description is valid for the earthing installations above 0-level of the building.
- In the LV-switchgear room, next to the Main Switchboard of Building Electricity there will be
installed an earthling busbar at size Cu 5x50 L=500 mm.
- All electrical installations are made in accordance with a 5-core system, in which case power
cables have separate N and PE conductors.
- All electrical equipment’s metal part are not normally under voltage, pipelines and other metal
constructions to be connected to the earthing network.
- PVC-insulated copper wires are used as earth conductors, identification colour is yellow-green.

B1. Lightning protection

- In lightning protection, the building and the tankyard belongs to Category III.
- As the receiver of lightning protection is used the stack and chimneys. As a secondary
lightning protection is used the metal-sheeted roof to which all the metal structures on the
roof, such as railings, ladders, air-conditioning devices etc., are connected.
- Stanchions of the building that are connected to the earth electrode of the building at intervals
of 25 m at the maximum are used as downleads of earthing protection
B1.3.2.4 Cable ways

B1. Cable trays

- Cable trays are installed in main routes for power and control cables (separately for power
and low voltage cabling). In other locations power and control cables are installed to luminair
suspension rails 80 mm width.
- Structural cable canals under +0.00 level are in the Customer scope. Cable ladders in these
cable canals are in the scope of supply.
- Cable trays are factory-made ladder-type trays made of hot galvanised steel, widths 300 or
500 mm. Standard parts are used for splicing, changes of course and fixings.
- The greatest deflection recommended by the manufacturer must not be exceeded in selection
of fixings.
- In vertical sections is used the same trays to which the cables are fixed with clamps.

B1. Cable ducts and socket outlets

- In the MV-switchgear room will be used recessed installation floor.

- The cable ducts will used in the office and control room.

B1. Pipes

- PVC plastic pipes are used in all flush mountings, also for concrete and for the spaces
situating above suspended ceilings. PVC plastic pipes are of difficulty burning material.
- Metal pipes are used as mechanical protection for cables in locations where the cables might
be damaged, e.g. in roof and wall inlets and in protection of up to a height of 2 m from the

B1. Inlets
- In inlets which go through the wall that is equipped with a compartmentation structure, the
cable tray or the cable duct is cut by the opening and the opening is sealed after installation
work to meet fire endurance requirements.
B1.3.2.5 Main cables 400/230 V

- Cables are PVC-insulated and PVC-coated copper cables. The cables are self-extinguishing and
does not spread fire itself.

B1.3.2.6 HVAC-devices

B1. Switchboards

- The HVAC system is supplied from the section of the building electricity distribution board.
- Each motor output is equipped with as follows:
- circuit breaker
- contactor
- 3-phase thermal relay (function of protection in frequency regulated drive is realised within
- the inverter unit)
- control switch
- signal lamp
B1. Group power cables

The group cables are PVC-insulated copper cables.

A maintenance switch, that is to say a so-called safety switch, is installed beside the motor in
the main circuit for HVAC devices, if the motor does not situate in the range of vision from the
switchboard assembly.

Devices mounted on flexible bases are connected with flexible rubber cables.

B1. Control and alarms of HVAC devices

HVAC devices are mainly controlled from the control gear centre and by using the control
switches mounted on the HVAC part of the building electricity distribution board cover plate.

The emergency / fire alarm switching off is realised throughout emergency stop control circuits.

B1. Measuring, control and regulation cables

HVAC-devices are equipped with measuring, control and regulation cable installations according
to functional diagrams.

B1. Electrical heating devices and thermal appliances

Heating system of buildings will be as follows:

In the Maintenance Block to used electrical heating controlled by HVAC control panel.

In the Engine Cells and auxiliary premises will be used emergency electrical heating to provide
inside temperature above 0 C in case the working heating is off.

The following electrical thermal appliances are installed as part of the building electrification :
- fan heaters of air-conditioning system
- electrical heater for emergency heating
- inputs for trace heating
- pantry microwave oven, coffee maker, 2 hot plates, refrigerator
- cooling system for control room and offices of electrical power 28 kW.
B1.3.2.7 Lighting

B1. Lighting centres

Lighting is supplied from main distribution board in the LV-switchgear room and from separate
subboards in the building.
Miniature circuit breakers up to 25 A and compact circuit breakers over 25 A are used in the

B1. Lighting systems

Lighting is divided into the following groups:

- local lighting

- emergency lighting for control room, technical spaces and corridors

All lighting is supplied throughout automatic reserve switch gear. As emergency lighting is used
a luminaires with built-in power source which switches on in case of network supply falls.

B1. Luminance intensities

With regard to Russian sanitary and technical standards on lighting the following values are
selected depending on types of quarters:
- Engine room 100-150 lux
- Engine room maintenance area 300 lux
- Auxiliary equipment area 150-300 lux
- Workshop 300 lux
- Store room 75-150 lux
- Switch gear room 150-200 lux
- Control room 300 lux
- Office 300 lux
- Other rooms 100 lux
B1. Lighting fixtures

Fluorescent lamps are mainly used for local and emergency lighting.

The enclosure class of fixtures is determined according to conditions of the spaces. Standard
light sources are used in fixtures. Feed voltage of fixed lighting fixtures is 230 V.

All discharge lighting fixtures are equipped with reactive power compensation capacitors, power
factor at least 0.95.

Power of fluorescent lamps is 36 W, light colour "white".

In the engine room will be used 400 W mercury or high pressure sodium lamps with explosion
proof fixtures

B1. Outdoor lighting

Outdoor lighting is implemented by using fixtures installed above the entrance doors.

On the plant’s stack will be mounted lamps for air transport safety.

B1. Lighting group cables

The building electricity is equipped with installations of devices according to the lighting and
electrical point tables and with their group cables.

Group cables are mainly PVC-insulated plastic cables. PVC-insulated one-core cables are used in
flush mountings (in pipes).

Group cables are dimensioned in the way that 1.5 % voltage loss will not be exceeded in the
group when the cable cross section is at least:

- lighting groups (10 A) 2.5 mm2

- socket outlet groups (16 A) 2.5 mm2

Group cables for local and emergency lighting are installed in different bundles in the cable

B1. Lighting regulation

Lighting is regulated with room-specific switches.

Should there be more than two lighting fixtures in the space, they will require two installed

Outdoor lighting is centrally regulated as well as locally by using control switches installed in the
distribution board.


B1.3.3.1 Telephone network

In the office and control room will be installed a telephone network. In this network will be used
category 5, 100MB communication cable. As a part of the telephone network there will also be
installed a cross connection panel in the building.



The fire- and gas detection are separate systems, which are located in the control room. The
detectors, placed in hazardous areas, are grouped into zones. At the local control panel in the
control room the status of the system can be read out. The status of the different zones are
(hardwired) linked into the common control system. By this the zone status can be visualised in
the HMI system. To reach the optimal safety, the alarm signals are hardwired integrated into the
safety guards. The number, type and location of fire safety sensors are determined according to
the fire safety rules.

one Fire detection system

one Gas detection system with sensors

Fire detection sensors (heat, smoke-type)



1 Boiler building

1 Lubricating oil tank shelter



1 Steel structures for auxiliary equipment support (set)

The steel structures for the auxiliary equipment are made of shop painted prefabricated steel
profiles. Installation is done with bolted connections whenever possible.

1 Steel structures outside the building (set)

The steel structures outside the buildings are made of shop painted prefabricated steel profiles.
Installation is done with bolted connections whenever possible.
1 Boiler support structures (set)

1 Cable trays (set)

1 Superstructures, exhaust gas stack

The frame is made of shop painted prefabricated steel profiles. Installation is done with bolted
connections whenever possible.

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