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Robert Gordon's College in Schoolhill was founded in 1729

Pennsylvania, which was founded by the Quaker William Penn.

the adjoining state of Pedir; and the latter, with Pasei,

the microscopes or verniers of a graduated circle.

birth, generally given as 1193, is more probably 1206. He was

after the celebration of Holy Communion in the Catholic

of his own table. But he never felt at home in Poland, and

were directed against them, especially in the Latin countries

commentator; the other H. Ainsworth, an arch-heretic and ``the

copper and bronze), or modelled in clay, faience, paste,

eastwards was fixed at the basin of the river Shari, and

down. Of greater original value than the grammatical works of

demonstrated, between the third cranial nerve and its nucleus

Equally unfortunate was the fate of an expedition sent

the sign for the digamma F was left unemployed, and as FH

successes, occupied Kabul (September 15), where Nott,

as a rule, with marked benefit, but this treatment should

containing little more than one great residence, and dominating

Publications, 1st series, vol. iv., Chicago, 1903); R. Raby,

advising ``by common council and argument of most voices,''

a South Judaean demigod or hero; on this, see Winckler,

of Alp Arslan now extended over the fairest part of Asia;

questions relating to treaties or conventions on international

been recently stationed at the place, it had no longer to pay

alloy. For example, if vapours of the volatile metals

dialects, the w-souud survived in many far into historical

society. Pensions were granted by Louis XIV. to each of

power, and had been well received by him at Peshawar. This

The salt is highly prized and is exported to great distances.

is effected by repeated fractional crystallization, or by

rapidly declined in importance, though its maritime code,

Zambezi, adding considerably to the knowledge of the borderlands

distils over. So obtained, it is a white crystalline solid,

in the Italian style. The most important are the law courts,

broken and again restored by amirs of sufficient strength and

southern temperate zones have a flora distinct from that

of water as is afforded by the rainfall. Of this nature are

of their own religion --to which the Holy Spirit had from of

nations. He then makes his Persian expedition; the Indian

the class of mixed aliphatic-aromatic ketones. It can be

that is fertile in literature. The political unity of the

bought 1165 acres of land here which could be irrigated from

ally, and thus freed Portugal from dependence on the crown of

of the erect position, and it disappears as a result of

energetic, relentless, revolutionary and international action.

be assigned to the Orosius, but the point has been much

Nematophycus, is a Laminarian alga, but it is not until

wave of Egyptian influence beginning with this same Dynasty.

1700 living Indians, and the results have been summed up by

undisturbed possession of these cities. If the city was

the extremity of the snout is a disk in which the nostrils

ALEMBERT, DEAN LE ROND D' (1717-1783), French mathematician

memory of the soldiers and sailors who fell in the Civil War.

During the 18th century there was a great influx of English

Here his most genuine wit, his sprightliness, his vivacity,

has vertical shafts at intervals, and a sluice chamber at

it was forthwith given to the university of Cambridge.

Arctic. But the species composing this Altaic element

engagement. But in the first encounter on the 17th of April

vehicles, and tanning are carried on; there is a large trade

promoted, for several years, from office to office, as he

The development of symbols for the long vowels e and o

a similar establishment. He married the Princess Ikbal

little burdened with superfluous flesh as a Scotch farmer.

for the remaining seven months, only canoes can ascend it

cities formally allied to Rome) by Trajan and other emperors,

245,000 sq. m. (including Badakshan and Kafiristan). Pop. about

C. Altar of St Peter. X1X1. Guest-house for those

v.-ix. For the broader question of the relation of the

Adrew B. Moore . . . . . . 1857-1861 "

Rome. This latter fact, doubtless, was one of the chief

triangulation and survey of Tigre and Simen (1840-1842).

nitrous oxide, the patient losing consciousness in two or three

Opuntian Locrians (on whose coins he appears), who always left

excellent sacrifice than Cain'' (Heb. xi. 4), and that Cain

numbers. Of marine mammals, whales are hunted far to the N.

basin of the Orinoco and partly within that of the Rio Negro,

for a much briefer period than those on the coast of Finland.

the Board of Ordnance--a department common to the sea and land

of Lord James Stuart, afterwards the Regent Murray, but

agriculturist, is most probably to be found in the neighbourhood

Clytaemnestra, Agamemnon had three daughters, Iphigeneia

1523 Clement VII., having appointed him archbishop of Brindisi

vinegar, evaporated fruit, and canned fruit and vegetables, and

chiefly to the reduction of the cultivated area and the

Wana, will do much to ensure its continued popularity. The

priests, deacons and subdeacons under the other eucharistic

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