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bases being the most ionized, and the secondary bases being

scope of the Grand Alliance was extended to objects of common

Pagani (1558-1605) who was one of the leaders of that later

to be mixed with tea any leaves other than the leaves of

Karersee or Caressa Pass (WClschenofen to Vigo di Fassa),

protection at Samarkand. Azim died in Persia in October 1869.

later). The great number of tribute-tallies found at Cnossus

ALLOCATUR (from med. Lat. allocatur, it is allowed),

by Ambrose led to his being acclaimed as the only competent

in Ireland. He died in London in 1727. Abbadie was a man

Larf, Vestergotland, in 1750. He was appointed teacher

1156) not advantageous to the papacy and displeasing to the

Baltimore & Ohio railway, which, as the great link between

gesto pro Ghristi Sepulehro et Iudaea recuperandis libri

wit and his mental acuteness a Yankee and having the flavour

were resented as detracting from the credit due to Leverrier's

check. It was, however, the need to ensure command of the sea

holding by cattle, sheep, or pigs, or by horses other than

algebra (Artis analyticae praxis) was published posthumously

kirkyard of the former parish church, the tower of which still

allegiance, and the ways in which that nationality is lost are

itself.'' The council of Gangra (A.D. 355) anathematized

AGNATES (Agnati), in Roman law, persons related through

and downpour of rain stopped all movement at once, and the

The fief of Aumale (q. v.) was granted by the archbishop

named in honour of the duke of Albuquerque, viceroy of New

English cold easterly winds, rain, hail and snow, all through

represent the spirits of the fertile earth and agriculture,

violent acts, or from the pride that impels them, to such sins.
Ruberythric acid = Glucose + Alizarin.

Tirana. The large number of Slavonic local names in

ii., 2nd ed. (London, 1899); L. Doncaster, ``Inheritance

18 Curiously enough Thomas Reid recognized a germ

product, palm-oil, is derived from a much more limited area

89, 72 and 67 B.C. Pompey made it a free city in 65, after

before he had been able to demonstrate its ultimate course,

emblems. Plateau region, Mexico. Mexican culture.

together of the literary materials. Addison's contributions,

Portugal. He died on the 22nd of May 1667. (W. W. R.*)

the authors of this portion of the Pentateuch are placed from

The religious aspect of the drama in one sense was prominent

| | Gymnosperms

his family were detained in France, first at Toulon, then at

the 14th century or earlier. There are also an ancient

invested with imperfect authority in the direction of

characteristics. The healthy, and on the whole fertile coast

4 At Fort Yukon five years' records showed mean seasonal

Catalogue raisonne de manuscrits ethiopiens (Paris, 1859)

rainfall approaching 150 in. in the year, and has a uniform

generations of clergymen to the Anglican church. Alford's

absorbed. When the absorption becomes slow, the gas is cut

successful; for the ``Upper School,'' constructed by him at

the pigmented individual is black, are longer, thinner and

has been variously interpreted. According to Hahn it is a

Bechuana. The Zulu-Xosa, Bechuana and Herero together form

contorted species of kapsias, mesembryanthemums, aloes and

spite of the Conventicle, or Five Mile Act, he resumed his

the master-thinker may have had for captivating this ardent

of the ancient Vedic nature-worship into modern Hinduism,

first dealing with the Coast colonies, the second dealing with

acids were the fundamentals of all salts, and the erroneous

At the end of a discharge it is a common thing for the plates

submission. Meanwhile the delimitation of the northern

view to bettering their fortunes. After refusing several

Discussions of more concrete problems.

plain, which commences where it receives its Cusulima

Before the conclusion of the treaty of June 1891 with Portugal,

time were considerably modified by subsequent agreements.

on the French stage in the full costume of Louis XIV. down

ability and culture, they both urged him to change from law to

1882) with the addition of Jourdain de Blaives; (d) the

furnace or oven until red hot, then allowing them to cool

eastern half of this vast plain, being sedentary, were excellent

Kumbh-mela, which is attended by a million of devotees at one

twice that quantity per resistance or ``thrust'' h.p., and

employment of more costly materials for the altar as for

law. The trial courts of the United States of original

fled to the altar of Dionysus in the orchestra and so saved

of his personal attendants, accompanying him on most of his

cataracts, the smile of the blue gentian, the distant rosy

themselves . to all that this division of learning includes,

by the islands to the south-west, has a height of 13,370

1851), The Psalms Translated and Explained (3 vols.,

mapping of the lake was mainly the work of British officials

Starting from the Col d'Altare or di Cadibona (west of

sacred streams--the Ganges, the Jumna and the Saraswati. This

electric contact with an insulated disc in the head of the

reputation, Richard Watson Gilder (b. 1844 in New Jersey;

Bay. It is one of the mightiest rivers of the continent.

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