Sop Angle Grinder

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DO NOT use this machine unless a teacher has instructed you in its safe use
and operation and has given permission
Approved safety glasses must be worn at all times in Hearing protection must be worn at all times
all ITD spaces. when using this power tool.

Appropriate protective footwear with Wear close fitting protective clothing,

substantial uppers must be worn in all ITD overalls, leather gloves, etc.
A dust mask should be worn when excessive Contain or restrain long and loose hair and
airborne dust or fumes are created. remove exposed rings or jewellery.

DO NOT use faulty equipment – report this immediately to your teacher


1. Ensure you have a suitable, safe work area.
2. Check that the disc, guards and handle are secure.
3. Check that the safety guard covers half the disc.
4. Examine the power lead and plug for obvious damage.


1. Do not plug in until all adjustments have been made.
2. Do not fit a grinding disc that has been dropped, damaged or become wet at any stage.
3. Ensure your work piece is secured and supported.
4. Keep fingers, hands and clothing clear of the disc.
5. Use the grinder only in a designated work area – preferably behind a portable screen.
6. Be aware of flying hot sparks. Hold the grinder so that any sparks fly away from you and
anyone nearby, and away from all flammable materials.
7. Allow the grinder to reach operating speed, then apply load gradually. Maintain a constant
pace to avoid uneven surfaces.
8. Maintain complete control. Always operate with both hands. Keep a proper and steady footing
9. Do not apply excessive force and avoid prolonged use.
10. Avoid prolonged use and high pressures. This could overheat the motor.
11. Violent kickback can occur, particularly when cutting.
12. Leather gloves must be worn when handling hot metal.
13. Turn off after use. Do not place the grinder down until the disc has stopped rotating.
Serious injuries can be caused by kickback

1. Do not lift or carry the angle grinder by the power cord.
2. Leave the work area in a safe, clean and tidy condition.

 Rotating, sharp parts  Dust and fumes  Electricity
 Hot sparks and burns  Eye injuries  Noise

Date of last review: ______________________________

Reviewed August 2018 V1
Department of Education
Uncontrolled when printed. Organisational Safety and Wellbeing

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