Lani Zefania N (20006079) - Resume 5 (BK Keluarga)

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TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................................... 1

MIND MAPPING ............................................................................................................... 2
DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................................... 3
THE CONCEPT OF CHILDREN’S EDUCATION IN FAMILY ..................................... 3
A . Family Education for Toddlers ................................................................................. 3
B. Family Education of Elementary School Children..................................................... 6
C. Youth Family Education ............................................................................................ 7
D. Errors in Educating Children ................................................................................... 10
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 13
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS....................................................................................... 14
YEL-YEL.......................................................................................................................... 17


The Concept of
Children's Education in

Mistakes in educating
Family education for toddlers
1 . Recognize the triggers of
1 . Too hard and stiff in
tantrums in children
dealing with children
2 . Create a suitable
2 . Receiving “weapons”
cry to fulfill wishes
3 . Think positively
4 . Keep calm
3 . Always fulfill children's
5 . Give educational requests
4 . cultivate fear and

Elementary school children's 5 . Don't give love

family education wholeheartedly

The family environment is an

educational environment that first

Youth family education

Families where teenagers get
education and also the character
of a teenager



A . Family Education for Toddlers

Toddlers are often the oldest age make parents happy. With a very adorable
attitude, often the child being pampered, causing some toddlers to become adults
with the wrong way. For this reason, educating toddlers is very difficult, besides
because toddlers are still imitating they are also still confused about the difference
right and wrong. Toddlers often prefer to do what they prefer the rules may or may
not or right and wrong. Educating children from a young age is the most difficult
task for parents. The reason is, toddler age is a period where your little one still
wants to be free do what he pleases. The way that every parent takes vary. There
are those who are more patient, but there are also those who tend to get angry or
even involve violence such as twisting, hitting, or snapped.

Tips for educating toddlers to grow disciplined into adulthood

1. Consistent

A child development specialist, stated that since 2 to 3 years old children

work hard to understand how their behavior affects those around them.
Lerner said that parenting that is applied routinely and Consistently can
make children feel more secure and protected. Children become aware of
what their parents expect so that can be calmer when given orders.

Meanwhile, if you are not consistent, then your little one will feel
confused. For example, when one day you don't allow your small play ball
in the house but the next day you just let it. This will create a signal of advice
and prohibition on the the child's brain is mixed so that the child does not
know what is allowed and what should not. So don't be surprised if the child
gradually becomes no discipline. Do it many times, until your little one

understands the command you gave. The little one will absorb the command
and learn to do the same thing after four or five times repeated.

2. Recognize the triggers of tantrums in children

Tantrums are a natural occurrence for every child. So Therefore, every

parent must know very well what makes their child tantrums and fussiness.
Most children, indeed will have emotions which explodes when you feel
hungry or sleepy. Well, good avoid these times when you want to teach
discipline to child.

For example, if you want to teach children to be disciplined in time sleep,

make sure you and your little one are at home at bedtime day and night. So,
avoid taking it to the supermarket or other places when your little one is
sleepy or hungry. This is where the cooperation between you and your little
one is needed so that the process educating children goes smoothly. If your
child still has tantrums, give his favorite toy first to spark the atmosphere

3. Follow the child's mindset

Another way to educate children since toddlers is to follow baby's

mindset. It's very easy to get annoyed when you small to make the whole
house messy. Today the little one is drawing all over the walls of the house
with crayons, then the next day scatter toys without cleaning them again.
You must be dizzy made.

But remember, your mindset is certainly different from the other person's
mindset small. Maybe for you tidying up toys is something that easy and
can be quickly completed, but not necessarily for the little one. So, try to
follow the child's mindset. In children his age, things like that are indeed a
fun activity. Also remember that you did the same thing at his age. This is
because toddler age is a time when your little one learns and gets to know
what's around him. So instead of being upset that your little one doesn't want
to be asked to clean up the toy. You can come help clean up the toys and set
a good example good to him. Let him know if this is important to do and is

his job. That way, he will gradually get used to do it. Don't forget to give
your little one a compliment if he succeeds clean up their own toys.

4. Create a suitable environment

Now you know that your little one is experiencing feelings endless
curiosity and eager to explore all new things. Well, to start educating
children, avoid the various temptations that can distract children. Yes,
creating an environment conducive and in accordance with the situation of
the little one is the way educating the right children

For example, avoid access to TV, mobile phones, tablets, or electronic

devices other things that can interfere with the learning process of children
under five. The process of educating children is sometimes interrupted by
the video display which is more interesting for the little one than the toys in
the surroundings. Reading books or other toys, it's even better

stimulate motor and sensory abilities.

5. don't hesitate to "punish" the child

Many parents do not have the heart if they have to give punishment for
his son. Actually, this is also necessary for show a firm attitude in educating
children. But remember, You also have to measure the punishment given to
the child, don't be too burdensome. This is only done to make your little one
learns discipline.

For example, when your child hits, bites, or throw the food, take the little
one to his room or to the room more private. Then, ask him to stay in the
room and thought about what he had been doing for a while. In here invite
the child to be calmer and provide understanding that the child's attitude
needs to be corrected along with the reasons. For example,"You can't throw
food, okay? Then the floor will be dirty.”

6. Stay calm

Avoid yelling or scolding your little one when he doesn't want to
discipline. The reason is, this will only create a positive message that You
say it just disappears in your little one's mind. When the little one catch the
negative aura of parental anger, he will only see form their emotions and
won't hear what you have to say. Try to remain calm in front of your little
one. Inhale deep, count to three, and look deep into your eyes.
Reprimanding and being firm does not mean it has to be accompanied by
emotions, no?

B. Family Education of Elementary School Children

The position and function of a family in human life primary and fundamental.
Family is essentially a forum for the formation of each of its members, especially
children who still under the guidance of their parents.

The development of children in general includes the physical condition,

emotional, social and intellectual. When everything goes smoothly harmonious, it
can be said that the child is in good health his soul. In the development of the soul
there are periods of critical means that if these periods cannot be passed

Then there will be symptoms that show, for example: delay, tension, difficulty
adjusting to personality disturbed even become a complete failure in the task as a
creature social skills to establish satisfying human relationships both for themselves
and for those around them. Family is the smallest unit in society at but occupies a
primary and fundamental position, because The family has a big and vital role in
affect a child's life, especially in the early and critical stages. Families who fail to
give love and attention breeds hatred, insecurity and violence to his children.
Likewise, if the family cannot create an educational atmosphere, then this will cause
children to fall or lose their way.

The environment is one of the main factors that affect child development. Broadly
speaking, there are three classifications recognized primary developmental
environment, i.e. family, school and society. In the context of education, these three

kinds of environments called the education tri-center. The family environment is an
educational environment that first, because it is in this family that children first get
education and guidance. It's also said to be the prime environment, because most of
the child's life is in the family, so Most of the education received by children is in
the family. The main task of the family for the education of children is to lay basis
for moral education and religious outlook on life.

C. Youth Family Education

The place where a teenager grows and develops the most is a family as well as
a place for teenagers to get education and Also the character of a teenager is also
influenced by factors external, namely the community and schools so that in the end
adolescent psychology is formed. The role of parents and family in growing The
development of a teenager has several functions such as socio-cultural, religion,
protection, reproduction, love, economy, socialization education and the
environment. According to F.J Brown said if From a sociological point of view, the
family has two meanings, namely the family in the sense of broadly includes family
members who are still related by blood or descendants and also family in a narrow
sense, namely parents and children.

Then, what exactly is the role of the family in child development?

1. The Foundation of Religious Education

Family is the main foundation that becomes an important factor in the

development of adolescent self-identity, especially religious education for
teenagers and the application of all values This religion will keep teenagers
away from various violations of the law such as stealing, obscenity and so
on by instilling legal awareness in a teenager. In order to be able to carry
out its duties as a religious function, the foundation Religious education
must be strong on the basis of the religion adopted. A number of ways that
can be done include:

a. Applying moral values and tolerance

b. Set an example of being honest in word and deed

c. Give examples and guidance to carry out orders religion and stay away
from prohibitions

d. Obey the rules and keep promises

2. Socio-Cultural Education Foundation

Family is also a place for teenagers to learn cultural values adopted and
of course learn about various kinds of human nature. Like Indonesia, which
is very thick with culture, religion and also ethnic groups make Indonesia
known as Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. If a child believes that the ethnicity and
religion adopted is the true, then this means that the foundation of Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika in the family has faded so that the family has a role It is
important to inculcate this which can be done, among other things


a. Cultivate an attitude of mutual help

b. Helping teens understand the use of tolerance in life

c. Emulate the attitude of respecting other people's culture

d. Guiding on how to preserve culture

e. Instilling an understanding of the merits of heroes and love

local product

3. Cultivate Love

The love that is forged among family members is very important to

strengthen the family ties in order to avoid of the causes of mental weakness
in children. Love will be so influential in the growth and development of
adolescents so that they can become a person who respects other people and
living beings at the same time

4. Provide Reproductive Education

Adolescence is a very critical period in terms of reproduction and sex that
is useful for teenagers to really know about health reproduction so that it
can be properly maintained on the basis of values and norms adopted and at
the same time recognize the characteristics of adolescent puberty. So that
the role of the family in instilling reproductive education in teenagers can
walk well, then it can be done with some way like:

a. Introducing what are the consequences of promiscuity and prohibitions

do sex before marriage

b. Teaching sex education to be responsible to reproductive organs

c. Giving trust, responsibility and explanation about reproductive organs.

6. Introducing Social Relations

Family also plays an important role in introducing education about a

teenager's relationship with other people or wider social environment such
as school and friends. Multiple roles family in this social relationship

a. Train to always be grateful in everything

b. Provide training on self-confidence
c. How to get rid of anxiety
d. Involve teenagers in many activities
e. Communicating within the family
f. Train to be able to respect yourself
g. Discipline on time

7. Providing an Economic Foundation

The best place to teach planning finance for teenagers is a family where the
functions and roles family in this case include:

a. Provide guidance in spending money

b. Teaches about obedience to time and rules

c. Gives the spirit to fight without giving up

8. Providing Education About Environment

A healthy and clean family must be instilled from an early age especially in
adolescents. All children in their teens must can recognize and care about
the environment that can be done in a way:

a. Guiding to maintain cleanliness in all aspects

b. Teaches how to care for the environment
c. Set a wise example in using technology
d. Instilling a caring nature for the environment

9. Physical and Emotional Development

The role of the family in the development of the next adolescent is to give
life fulfillment physically and emotionally. In the modern era makes
children more interested in technology compared to its surroundings. busy
kids Teenagers with technology make children increasingly insensitive.
Method Overcoming juvenile delinquency can start from the family
environment so it has become a family duty to spend time and build good
communication with children.

10. Motivator

Every child, especially in their teens, has begun to be interested in

something that he aspires to in life. If in the child's journey has failed, then
it has become a task family to continue to encourage and motivate down but
keep getting up and trying to reach your goals

D. Errors in Educating Children

Sarwono (2020) points out the mistakes of parents in educate children as

First, grow fear and inferiority. For example, when children cry, we scare them
to stop crying. We scare them with ghosts, jinn, the sound of the wind and others

will take a child who likes to cry. As a result, the child will grow up to be a coward.
Afraid of his own shadow, afraid

on something that is really nothing to be afraid of. The fear will ingrained in
children to adults. Without realizing it, we have instill fear in himself. The action
This causes children to lack self-confidence. Even after when he grows up he knows
that ghosts don't exist, but he will still scared when I hear the word ghost. When the
child has not succeeded complete a task or work, we often compare with other
children. “Your friend alone is done, why are you slow for once, what a stupid
child!” These words resulted in children are not confident alias inferior.

Second, arrogant children are considered brave. Brave not being arrogant and
arbitrary with others. With proud of a mother tells about her child, "My son is brave"
tell his friend that he is the son of an official, that's why his friend in fear." That
pride contains arrogance and can boomerang on his son. The real courage is courage
to tell the truth. If a friend does error then he will remind. If the parents are still do
his work even though the time for prayer has entered, then he dare to remind his
father. The attitude of fear is when commit lies and sins, because wherever one is
he will not escape the sight of Allah SWT.

Third, get children used to living extravagantly and luxuriously. With With this
habit, the child grows into a person who likes luxury, likes having fun, only selfish,
and don't care to other people's circumstances. Raising children like this can be
damaging fitrah, killing istiqamah attitude avoiding dependence on world,
destroying self-respect and truth. Living in luxury will kill sympathy and empathy
for others. Social sense will be eroded. All he knows is that he is self sufficient.
When see others in need and in need of help, he will be indifferent. Maybe by
saying, “My own fault poor, rich dong like me."

Fourth, always fulfill the child's request. Not every one the child wants it to be
useful or appropriate to his age and needs. The obligation of parents is to meet the
needs of children, not his wish. Needs must be beneficial to him, while desire may

be fleeting and pointless. It means, parental gifts to children must pay close
attention to worse than fulfilling that request.

Fifth, accept “weapons” cry to fulfill wishes child. When every child's cry is a
weapon so that his request fulfilled is always obeyed by parents, it can result in
children becoming weak, whiny and have no identity. Don't just based on pity, all
wishes fulfilled. The child will use that weapon to get whatever you want. If parents
can't provide a reasonable understanding to the child, then behavior it will always
be done. Worse, the child will cry to people others who feel sorry for him and fulfill
his wishes, if people his parents did not approve. If this behavior is not prevented
as early as maybe, it could be dangerous in the future.

Sixth, too hard and stiff in dealing with children, even beyond reasonable limits.
Violence can be in the form of physical or psychic. Physical by slapping, hitting,
kicking and everything physical harm. The psychic can be in the form of ridicule,
insults, innuendos, yells, and other harsh ways that can hurt his heart. In the face of
children's mistakes, parents should not direct punishment with physical or
psychological violence. How It is better to find out the cause of the child's mistakes


Hurlock, Elizabeth B. (2002). Psikologi Perkembangan: Suatu Pendekatan

Sepanjang Rentang Kehidupan. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Kodang, Rosalia. (2015). Pola Asuh Orang Tua terhadap Anak Tunagrahita di
Nanga Bulik Kabupaten Lamandau Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Jurnal
Pendidikan Dasar, 6(1), 79-92.

Mahmuda. (2015). Bimbingan dan Konseling Keluarga. Semarang: Karya Abadi.

Nurihsan, Juntika. (2011). Bimbingan dan Konseling, dalam Berbagai Latar

Belakang Kehidupan. Bandung: Refika Aditama.

Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan. (2020). Pengantar Umum Psikologi. Jakarta: Bulan



1. Tips for educating toddlers to grow disciplined into adulthood, except …

a. often give gudget children so that children calm down
b. Consistent
c. Recognize the triggers of tantrums in children
d. Follow the child's mindset
e. Create a suitable environment

2. Positive parenting needs to be done by every parent in providing support

children's success in the future, because they can…
a. Fostering the process of education and socialization of children
b. Primary education
c. Necessary things for the family.
d. Prevent deviant behavior
e. Everything is wrong.

3. family has 2 meanings, namely family in the sense of broadly includes family
members who are still related by blood or descendants and also family in the sense
of narrow, namely parents and children. Then, what exactly is the role of the family
in child development? Is the meaning of family according to the point of view of
the field of science? …
a. Economy
b. Sociology
c. Political
d. Psychology
e. Law

4. Broadly speaking, there are three classificationsm known primary developmental

environment, i.e., except …

a. Parent
b. Girlfriend/boyfriend
c. Family
d. Public
e. School

5. family has 2 meanings, namely family in the sense of broadly includes family
members who are still related by blood or descendants and also family in the sense
of narrow, namely parents and children. Then, what exactly is the role of the family
in child development? Is the meaning of family according to? …
a. Rogers
b. Freud
c. Carl Jung
d. Prayitno
e. F.J Brown

6. Why educating children from a young age is the most difficult task for parents

Answer :
Toddler age is a time where your little one still wants to be free do what he pleases.
The way that every parent takes vary. There are those who are more patient, but
there are also those who tend to get angry or even involve violence such as twisting,
hitting, or snapped.
7. What are the consequences if the family does not provide a good education to the
The family is the first education that builds the creativity of the child itself, if since
childhood the child has received less education from the family, there will be
various negative impacts for the child such as difficulty adapting to the social
environment, when entering school the child will have difficulty

8. Explain the family as a place of education for teenagers?
Answer :
The family is the first educational environment that will accepted from infants,
children and also teenagers so that be part of education outside of school in
providing religious values, morals and skills.


Sound : Naik kereta api

Materi minggu ini

Adalah tentang konsep Pendidikan dalam keluarga
Muali dari balita , remaja , hingga dewasa
Balita merupakan usia dimana Pendidikan awal dimulai
Hal hal dasar diajarkan
Mulai dari cara berbicara , berjalan hingga bermain
Pendidikan diusia remaja merupakan
Pendidikan yang penting
Karena usia inilah otak manusia mulai berfikir kritis
Perlulah Pendidikan agama dan Pendidikan tentang dunia ini
Hindarilah melakukan hal hal yang salah dalam mendidik anak
Sehingga anak pun berkembang dengan baik


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