Practice Test-2 Aptitude-Partnership, Percentages, Profit and Loss, Simple Interest and Compound

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1)Max Marks: 1Subject: Mathematics

A) x>y
B) y>x
C) x=y
D) Cannot be determined

Correct Option
Solution: (A)

Q.2)Max Marks: 1Subject: Mathematics

There are 500 rooms in a multi-floored hotel. However, due to a change in rule,
the hotel has to decrease the number of floors by 5. However, the management
is able to put 5 more rooms on each floor. Over all, the number of rooms in the
hotel decreases by 10%. Find the number of floors and the number of
rooms/floor the hotel originally had ?
A) 0 floors 50 rooms
B) 20 floors 20 rooms
C) 20 floors 25 rooms
D) 50 floors 10 rooms

Correct Option
Solution: (C)

Q.3)Max Marks: 1Subject: Mathematics

600 students took the test on English and Maths. 35% students failed in english
and 45% failed in maths. 40% of those who passed in maths also passed in
english, then how many students failed in both ?
A) 120
B) 138
C) 60
D) 12
Correct Option
Solution: (D)

Q.4)Max Marks: 1Subject: Mathematics

Ram borrows Rs 4000 on simple interest from Shyam for a period of 4 years. He
borrows a portion of amount at 2% interest and the remaining at 5%. If the
interest Shyam earns is Rs 480, How much money did Ram borrow at 2%
interest rate ?

Correct Option
Solution: (A)

Q.5)Max Marks: 1Subject: Mathematics

Ritesh and Co. generated revenue of Rs. 1,250 in 2006. This was 12.5% of its
gross revenue. In 2007, the gross revenue grew by Rs. 2,500. What is the
percentage increase in the gross revenue in 2007?

Correct Option
Solution: (C)
Q.6)Max Marks: 1Subject: Mathematics
A television manufacturer earns 20% profit by selling each T.V. set for Rs.14400.
If the production cost is increased by 15%, what should be the new selling price
of a set so as to gain 15%?
Correct Answer
Solution: (15870)

Q.7)Max Marks: 1Subject: Mathematics

If the price of petrol increases by 25% and Raj intends to spend only an
additional 15% on petrol, by how much % will he reduce the quantity of petrol

Correct Option
Solution: (C)
Q.8)Max Marks: 1Subject: Mathematics
In a class, if 50% of the boys were girls, then there would be 50% more girls than
boys. What percentage of the overall class is girls ?

Correct Option
Solution: (D)

Q.9)Max Marks: 1Subject: Mathematics

A vessel is filled with liquid, 3 parts of which are water and 5 parts syrup. How
much of the mixture must be drawn off and replaced with water so that the
mixture may be half water and half syrup ?

Correct Option Solution: (C)

Q.10)Max Marks: 1Subject: Mathematics

Two persons A and B start a business with respective investments of Rs. 24000
and Rs. 28000. After 4 months, person C joins them with a certain investment.
The total profit at the end of the year was Rs. 19950. C’s share in the profit was
Rs. 7600. How much did C invest in the business?

Correct Option
Solution: (B)
Q.11)Max Marks: 2Subject: Mathematics
A man gave 50% of his savings of Rs. 168200 to his wife and divided the
remaining sum among his sons Srikant and Sarvesh of 15 and 13 years of age
respectively. He divided it in such a way that each of his sons when they attain
the age of 18 years, would receive the same amount of 5% compound interest
per annum. The share of Sarvesh was:
ARs. 44100
BRs. 40000
CRs. 45000
DRs. 45500

Correct Option Solution: (B)

Q.12)Max Marks: 2Subject: Mathematics

Prakash is a dishonest milkman who mixes water in the milk. He keeps two cans
of the mixture with him, one for his premium customers which contains 85%
milk and the other for regular customers which contains 70% milk. It is known
that the ratio of the number of premium customers and regular customers is
17:12. If he sells the milk at 10% above the cost price to premium customers and
5% above the cost price to regular customers, his overall profit percentage
would be (assuming each customer buys equal quantity of milk and the water to
be free of cost)

Correct Option
Solution: (D)

Q.13)Max Marks: 2Subject: Mathematics

A) Two working days later.
B) Three working days later.
C) Four working days later.
D) Five working days later.

Correct Option
Solution: (B)

Q.14)Max Marks: 2Subject: Mathematics

Traders A and B buy two goods for Rs. 1000 and Rs. 2000 respectively. Trader A
marks his goods up by x%, while trader B marks his goods up by 2x% and offers
a discount of x%. If both make the same non-zero profit, find x. ?

Correct Option
Solution: (A)

Q.15)Max Marks: 2Subject: Mathematics

A bank offers 5% compound interest calculated on half-yearly basis. A customer
deposits Rs. 1600 each on 1st January and 1st July of the year. At the end of the
year, the amount he would have gained by way of interest is: ?
Correct Option
Solution: (B)

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