WPEP AE Analytical Test 03

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12/4/23, 1:29 PM WPEP AE Analytical Test 03

WPEP AE Analytical Test 03

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 1

A toothpaste manufacturer is giving two different offers on its 100 g tube. The first one is giving 30% extra at the same price,
and the second one is giving 30% off on the marked price. By what percentage is the first offer costlier than the second one?

A) 4.2% B) 2.4% C) 9.89% D) 0%

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 2

In a village, a survey found that 25% of the people were keeping normal health and of the remaining 75% people, 50,000
people were suffering from TB & 40,000 people from hypertension and 15,000 from both TB and hypertension. No other
ailments were present. What is the population of the village (in lakhs)?

A) 0.75 B) 2.0 C) 1.5 D) 1

DIRECTION for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 3

20% of 160 + 5% of 960 = Z % of 400. What is Z?

A) 20 B) 30 C) 25 D) 15

DIRECTION for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 4

Gopal went to a fruit market with certain amount of money. With this money he can buy either 50 oranges or 40 mangoes. He
retains 10% of the money for taxi fare. If he buys 20 mangoes, then the number of oranges he can buy is

A) 25 B) 18 C) 20 D) None of these

DIRECTION for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 5

I bought 5 pens, 7 pencils and 4 erasers. Rajan bought 6 pens, 8 erasers and 14 pencils for an amount which was half more
what I had paid. What per cent of the total amount paid by me was paid for the pens?

A) 37.5% B) 62.5% C) 50% D) None of these

DIRECTION for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 6

After allowing a discount of 11.11%, a trader still makes a gain of 14.28%. At what percentage above the cost price does he
mark up his goods ?

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WPEP AE Analytical Test 03

A) 28.56% B) 35% C) 22.22% D) None of these

DIRECTION for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 7

Fresh grapes contain 90% water while dry grapes contain 20% water. What is the weight of dry grapes obtained from 20 kg
fresh grapes ?

A) 2 kg B) 2.5 kg C) 2.4 kg D) None of these

DIRECTION for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 8

The price of a watch was increased by 10 % and then decreased by 10 %. Find the initial price of the watch if the final price
became Rs. 20.

A) B) C) D)

DIRECTION for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 9

The average sale of a car dealership was 15 cars per week. After a promotional scheme the average sale increased to 21 cars
per week. The percentage increase in the sale of cars was

A) 40 % B) 140 % C) 42 % D) 39.33 %

DIRECTION for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 10

A number is increased by 33 1/3%. The resultant number should be decreased by what percent to reach at the original number?

A) 33.33% B) 50% C) 25% D) 10%

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 11

Due to a 25% hike in the price of rice per kilogram, a person is able to purchase 20 kg less for Rs. 400. Find the increased price
of rice per kilogram?

A) Rs. 5 B) Rs. 6 C) Rs. 10 D) Rs. 4

DIRECTION for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.
Question No. : 12

40 % of the employees of an organization are men. Of these 75 % earn more than Rs. 25,000 per year. If 45 % of the total
employees of the company earn more than Rs. 25,000 per year, then what fraction of the women earn more than Rs. 25,000 per
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WPEP AE Analytical Test 03

A) 2/11 B) 1/4 C) 1/3 D) 3/4

DIRECTION for the question: Mark the best option.

Question No. : 13

A) 500 million tonnes B) 400 million tonnes C) 600 million tonnes D) 700 million tonnes

DIRECTIONS: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option

Question No. : 14

The price of sugar is increased by 25%.Find by how much percent the consumption of sugar be decreased so as not to increase the

A) 25% B) 40% C) 20% D) 30%

DIRECTION for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 15

A man buys a house for Rs. 5 lakhs and rents it. He puts 12 .5 % of each month's rent aside for repairs, pays Rs. 1660 as annual taxes and
realizes 10% on his investments thereafter. The monthly rent of the house is

A) Rs. 4920 B) Rs. 2500 C) Rs. 2460 D) Rs. 5000

DIRECTION for the question: Mark the best option.

Question No. : 16

Two-third of a consignment was sold at a profit of 5% and the remainder at a loss of 2%. If the total profit was Rs. 400, the value of the
consignment was

A) Rs. 15,000 B) Rs. 12,000 C) Rs. 10,000 D) Rs. 20,000

DIRECTION for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 17

30% of 180 = 45% of Y. What is Y ?

A) 270 B) 160 C) 300 D) 120

DIRECTIONS for the question: Mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 18

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WPEP AE Analytical Test 03

A) unchanged B) increased by 10% C) increased by 11% D) increased by 20%

DIRECTIONS for the question: Answer the following question as per the best of your judgment.

Question No. : 19

When 75% of a number is added to 75, the result is the same number. The number is

A) 150 B) 300 C) 100 D) 450

DIRECTIONS for the question: Solve the following question and mark the best possible option.

Question No. : 20

A) 10 litres B) C) 15 litres D) 20 litres

QNo:- 1 ,Correct Answer:- C

Suppose the price of the toothpaste is Rs. 10. In the first offer, the price per gram would be Rs. 10/130 while in the second offer, the
price per gram would be Rs. 7/100. So the first offer is costlier than the second offer by 10/130 – 7/100 = Rs. 9/1300. Hence the
first offer is costlier than the second one by 9/1300 ÷ 7/100 × 100 = 9.89%. So the answer is 3rd option.

QNo:- 2 ,Correct Answer:- D

75% of the total population consists of:
50000 people suffering of TB, 40000 suffering from hypertension and 15000 TB and Hypertension both. So the population of
unhealthy people is 50000 + 40000 – 15000 = 75000. Since 75000 = 75% of total population, so total population = 100000.
So,the correct answer is option D.

QNo:- 3 ,Correct Answer:- A

20% of 160 + 5% of 960 = Z % of 400 => 32 + 48 = Z % of 400 => Z = 80/4 = 20.

QNo:- 4 ,Correct Answer:- C

Let Gopal have Rs. 400. The price of an orange is then Rs. 8 and that of a mango is Rs.10.
If he keeps 10% of the money for taxi fare, he is left with Rs.360.
Now if he buys 20 mangoes i.e. if he spends 200 Rs., he is left with Rs.160, in which he can buy 20 oranges.

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WPEP AE Analytical Test 03

QNo:- 5 ,Correct Answer:- B

Let us look at the two equations.
Let (5 pens + 7 pencils + 4 erasers) cost Rs. x.
Hence, (6 pens + 14 pencils + 8 erasers) will cost Rs. 1.5x.
Had, in the second case, Rajan decided to buy 10 pens instead of 6, the quantity of each one of them would have doubled over the
first case and hence it would have cost me Rs. 2x.
So (10 pens + 14 pencils + 8 erasers) = Rs. 2x.
Now subtracting the second equation from the third, we get 4 pens cost Rs. 0.5x.
Since 4 pens cost Re 0.5x, 5 of them will cost Re 0.625x.
This is the amount that I spent on pens.
Hence, fraction of the total amount paid = 0.625 = 62.5%.

QNo:- 6 ,Correct Answer:- A

Students please note that the percentages that are given are the basic percentages derived from basic fractions.

Hence, you should make the most of this knowledge. So let the CP be Re 1.

Alternative method:

z = Gain percentage
x = Percentage above CP
y = Discount percentage

or 1428 + 1111 = 88.89x

or x = 28.56% (Approximately)

QNo:- 7 ,Correct Answer:- B


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WPEP AE Analytical Test 03

QNo:- 8 ,Correct Answer:- C


QNo:- 9 ,Correct Answer:- A


QNo:- 10 ,Correct Answer:- C

Let the number be 100. When it is increased by 33.33% it becomes 133.33. Now to reach at the original number 133.33 should be
decreased by 33.33. So reqd. %age = 33.33 x 100 / 133.33 = 25%.

QNo:- 11 ,Correct Answer:- A

Explanation:- Let the original price per kg = P

Given, 400/P - 400/1.25P = 20
Solving, P = 4
Hence, increased price per kg = 1.25P = 5

QNo:- 12 ,Correct Answer:- B


QNo:- 13 ,Correct Answer:- A


QNo:- 14 ,Correct Answer:- C

Using the formula to calculate % decrease as

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WPEP AE Analytical Test 03

where R = percentage increase in price,

we get, Required % decrease in consumption = 25/125 × 100 = 20%

QNo:- 15 ,Correct Answer:- A


QNo:- 16 ,Correct Answer:- A


i.e 1st option

QNo:- 17 ,Correct Answer:- D

30% of 180 = 45% of Y => Y = 54/0.45 => Y = 120.

QNo:- 18 ,Correct Answer:- B

z = x2/y. As values of x and y are increased by 10%, therefore new z becomes (1.1x × 1.1 y) / 1.1 y => z increased by 10%.

QNo:- 19 ,Correct Answer:- B

Let the number be = x
Given, 75% of x + 75 = x
Solving, x = 300

QNo:- 20 ,Correct Answer:- C

Suppose the capacity of the bucket is X litres. When it is 80% full, it contains 4X/5 litres.
When it is 66 2/3 % full, it contains 2X/3 litres. So, 4X/5 = 2X/3 + 2.

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WPEP AE Analytical Test 03

Solving this equation yields X = 15 litres.

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