XTran - Communication Solutions For Smart Cities - A4 - E-20210129 Versie 5 Febr 2021

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XTran Communication solutions for Smart Cities


XTran: Communication
solutions for Smart Cities
XTran Communication solutions for Smart Cities

Providing Internet connectivity only

does not make a city smart. Smart cities

manage their resources effectively.

Mobility, safety, energy distribution

Safety, emergency response and

information provision should be

operated in an intelligent way.

Stefaan Verhoeven

Vice President Sales, OTN Systems

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Towards smarter cities

A Smart City uses Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT) to improve the life of its inhabitants
and its visitors, and to increase the operational efficiency
of its administration.

The concept of Smart Cities is not new and most cities

have a program in place to make their city “smarter”.
Amsterdam started back in 2009 with its smart city
initiative. The purpose was to reduce traffic, save energy
and improve public safety. More than 170 projects
were developed in the meantime involving the various
stakeholders. Smart energy meters for the residents
were installed to reduce energy consumption, smart
street lights replaced the existing static lights, a smart
traffic management system was put in place to steer the
traffic, even a smart parking application was developed
pointing out free parking space for a fee.

Intelligent camera’s, sophisticated sensors, big data

and a powerful network infrastructure are key ICT
components to make a city smarter.

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XTran Communication solutions for Smart Cities


Mobility Energy

Metro, light rails, tramways, busses, cars, motorcycle and More than 50% of the world’s population lives in cities, and
bikes allow people to get around in a city. In the past the still growing. Needless to say that cities have a big impact
different transport modes were independent and often on climate change. Various initiatives are launched by the
conflicting. Busses or trams got stuck in car traffic, bikers local, national and international administration (e.g. E.U.)
were sitting targets… Things are gradually changing. Cities to decrease energy consumption in big cities.
organize themselves and use ICT at its best to make sure
that the different modes of transportation integrate Public buildings represent about 12% of total built floor
seamlessly. area. Energy efficiency retrofits and energy management
in public buildings do not only directly reduce energy
Cars and cities didn’t go well together in the past. Today costs but it also has a role model effect on the private
however, there are smart ways to combat congestion in a and commercial sector. Energy consumption of public
city. Adaptive Traffic Signals control the flow of traffic and buildings can be monitored and controlled remotely by
the idle time at traffic lights. Smart Corridors keep drivers all kinds of smart devices.
up to date with what lies ahead: upcoming accidents,
impending weather events, road works, road saturation, Another item on which energy can be saved it the
etc. Realtime Traffic Monitoring systems illustrate where streetlights. With modern, remotely controlled smart
public buses, taxis and other modes of transit are LEDs, the street lights not only consume far less energy,
located. The system will even guide the driver to a free they can also adapt to all circumstances easily.
parking space.
Parameters on the air quality, e.g. CO2, NO2 and PMx, are
There’s a lot of technology required to accomplish this: picked up from sensors scattered around the city. This
camera’s, variable message signs, IoT sensors (Internet data can be used to manage traffic, for medical purposes
of Things) just to name a few. And of course a reliable or to reach climate-change goals.
network infrastructure.

Efficient information
A smart city should offer its inhabitants and visitors to-
LPR (License Plate Recognition) camera’s monitor the the-point and up-to-date information. This info should be
traffic, check the speed, detect pollutant cars, track proactive and in line with the needs of the user. A city-
reported vehicles, etc. HD camera’s secure public places wide Wi-Fi network offering these services is desirable.
and shopping centers. Demonstrations and events are For example a visitor approaching a place of interest
kept a close eye on. should receive the relevant info on his smartphone. In a
smart city the smartphone replaces the traditional tourist
Security and police forces look after the safety of the office and more.
citizens. From different control rooms throughout the
city they can check out every situation. They rely on
sophisticated tools such as face recognition software to Health
prevent crime.
In the past, medical interventions on site where performed
Depending on the location, early warning systems are with limited information. A call to the emergency center
in put in place for storms, tsunamis, earthquakes or resulted in an ambulance heading towards the address
volcanic eruptions. of the caller. Nowadays all relevant data can be pulled

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together to do the intervention fast and successful. Data Since the number of specific applications is high and their
concerning the location including environmental data, nature diverse, the network should provide flawless
the patients medical records and even real time medical connectivity for all of these applications. Keep in mind
info of the patient e.g. by using medical wearables, can that there are often legacy systems that need to be
be at the fingertips of every person involved. First-aid hooked up. Whether it’s an analogue voice application, a
helpers, doctors and even specialists in the hospitals secure data connection or a high bandwidth IT application,
waiting for the patient to be brought in, can share all the network should have the proper interfaces to handle
vital information. The ambulances are equipped with them all. Critical information should have priority over
sophisticated medical equipment and communications standard administrative data.
facilities enabling real time video/audio communications
between the parties. The route taken by the ambulance Real-time information should be transported fully
is optimal. Because saving lives is often a matter of time, transparent, in a deterministic way. This type of data is
integrated smart health solutions are indispensable. crucial for correct decision making.

Smart City networks often carry sensitive information

hence risks of eavesdropping and cyber-attacks should be
IN SEARCH OF THE RIGHT NETWORK eliminated. Real-time encryption capabilities for sensitive
SOLUTION data, e.g. judicial or medical information, is mandatory.
The network should provide security functionality on
various levels.

As new applications will continue to emerge in the future,

A Smart City network typically consists of a fiber optic a state-of-the-art Smart City network should be ready
backbone, often build hierarchical, copper spurs and for this from the start. As expansions and bandwidth
wireless access points. The following requirements demands will continue to take place in the future, a
however, are key for the fiber optic part: flexible and scalable network is the right solution to cope
with this trend. This future-proof network should be
The network needs to be extremely reliable, even under able to stand the test of time.
the most challenging circumstances. Downtime should
be avoided by all means. Network nodes should be able Although network sophistication increases constantly,
to operate under extreme environmental conditions, it should not burden the network administrator. The
e.g. temperature, humidity, dust as networks nodes are expansion of the network, configuration of new services
often installed in street cabinets. Redundancy should or trouble shooting should be kept as simple as possible
be available on various levels, e.g. port, module, node as all underlying complexity is of no relevance to the
and link level. Cable breaks, which often occur due to administrator. When operating a network becomes
construction work, should not result in a loss of service. too complex, permanent support from the supplier of
Network changes or expansions should not cause the network is required, even for small changes. This
disturbance to the rest of the network. kind of support by third parties should be kept to the
bare minimum. A well build network with a high level
With the advent of new bandwidth intensive applications, of operational simplicity will lead to an optimal user
e.g. high definition video information for ANPR or 5G/ experience and control and minimal OPEX (Operation
Wi-Fi backhauling, the network should be able to provide Expenditures). At OTN Systems we believe that simplicity
virtually unlimited capacity. It should be flexible in is the ultimate sophistication.
design and allow for easy expansion whenever the need
arises. There shouldn’t be any limit on number of nodes,
geographical span or bandwidth. Moreover, the moves
and changes to the network should be fast, easy and not
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XTran Communication solutions for Smart Cities



Various packet transport technologies have emerged

since the rise of the internet: IP/MPLS, carrier Ethernet
and more recently, MPLS-TP (Multiprotocol Label
Switching - Transport Profile). MPLS-TP uses the main
functionalities of MPLS but comes with extra features
to support mission critical transport of information. The
standard was drafted in a cooperation between the ITU-T
(International Telecommunication Union) and the IETF
(Internet Engineering Task Force).

MPLS-TP uses the main

functionalities of MPLS
but comes with extra
features to support
mission critical transport
of information.

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To name some of the benefits of MPLS-TP compared to Obviously, it is better suited for the ever increasing packet
MPLS: traffic, but despite being a packet based technology,
it offers the same functionality in terms of network
• Deterministic character and improved network resilience and predictability as SDH/SONET. Moreover,
predictability: on the OAM side, MPLS-TP offers unique features making
the network administrator’s life less complex.
• some MPLS features specifically developed for
the internet were removed in order to improve
network predictability, security and reliability

• all bi-directional MPLS-TP tunnels use the same

path (congruent paths). This leads to improved
delay/jitter management and fault tracing.

• Network resilience: predefined back-up paths can MPLS-TP offers

easily be set up to cope with fault conditions (< 50 unique features
msec switchover) making the network
administrator’s life less
• Improved OAM (Operations, Administration and
Maintenance): for better fault and performance
management and improved network visibility

MPLS-TP can be considered as the packet-alternative

to the previous dominant transport technology: SDH/

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XTran Communication solutions for Smart Cities


An XTran network consists of nodes, interconnected XTran comes with a unique set of features
by copper or fiber, and a management systems called
TXCare. A variety of node types is available providing the • Hitless switching on pseudowire circuits (1+1
ideal solution for each location. All remote nodes are protection). E.g. E1/T1, RSXX: this means that not
hardened and build without internal fans. The network a single bit of information will get lost in case of a
is perfectly scalable from tens of nodes to, potentially, failure of the prime route.
thousands of nodes. Any topology can be created with
• Fanless design.
the XTran portfolio. On the WAN side, gigabit Ethernet
and 10, 40 and 100 Gbps interfaces are available. • Sub 50 msec protection switching for any network
Requirement XTran
High reliability  • OAM according to Y.1731 and BFD provides
Unlimited capacity  protection and performance management.
High connectivity 
Real-time traffic 
• Security: 802.1x, Radius Authentication, Port Security,
Multi-level security 
Access Control Lists and wire speed encryption of
Future-proof 
the links between the nodes to enhance security
Easy to use 
• Intrusion detection.
XTran comes with an unprecedented suite of interface
cards for legacy equipment, including E1, FXS, 4 wire and • L3 routing
serial, as well as state of the art Ethernet/PoE interface
• TXCare redundancy
boards and an additional routing board that adds IP
flexibility. • TXCare Predictive Care
• TXCare Northbound interface for integration in
One can create various types of logical tunnels between
umbrella network management system.
the nodes: point-to-point, multipoint, logical rings,... it’s
all possible on XTran. Creating back-up paths is only a
mouse click away. Network management is king

Predictable links is one of the key benefits of XTran. With With TXCare, OTN systems follows to a great extent the
TXCare, one is able to configure the delay, wander and SDN (Software Defined Networks) philosophy. A network
jitter on each individual connection. In this way, the time is as clever as its network management system. TXCare
critical applications will work flawlessly over an XTran offers end-to-end service performance monitoring,
network. element management and full network management.
Failures in the network are detected in advance as much
Redundancy is key in order to maximize network as possible (TXCare Predictive Care). Other failures are
availability. Common control, switching fabric, network diagnosed and repaired on the spot. And most important,
synchronization, uplinks, MPLS tunnels, pseudowires, TXcare is extremely intuitive and user friendly. It takes
power modules, OAM, ... all this can be duplicated. only 2 days of training to turn a network novice into a
Obviously, this results in spectacular figures for network TXcare expert having full control over the XTran network.

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Model XTD-2110-A XTR-2124-A XT-1104-A XT-2206-A XT-2209-A XT-2210-A XT-2215-A
Redundant PSU   -    
Redundant CSM - - -    
Din rail mountable  -  - - - -
Fan-less       -
Modular slots - - 4 6 9 10 15
Ethernet (CU, F, PoE)       
Sector interfaces 2 serial 2 serial     
L3 Routing       
Max WAN Speed 10G 10G 10G 10G 10G 10G 100G

TXCare       
SD Card       
Local terminal       

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XTran Communication solutions for Smart Cities

TAILORED for industrial


Built on MPLS-TP standard

Sector specific capabilities


INTUITIVE and simple

NMS made easy

Fast diagnostics

Seamless support for legacy

RELIABLE operations in
harsh environments

Optimized network security

Unmatched network resilience

Rugged industrial design

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The XTran product is the result of an in-depth focus

on the requirements encountered in city networks
combined with the latest available technologies in the
world of ICT. This highly resilient network offers various
levels of security, can accommodate any application, is
future proof and easy to manage.

OTN Systems has installed various networks around the

globe for city surveillance, the operation and control of
tunnels and general admin applications. The wealth of
experience gained over the last decades are reflected
in OTN Systems’ flagship product XTran.

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XTran Communication solutions for Smart Cities



OTN Systems develops mission-critical networks for

specific industrial markets. The company is the designer
and supplier of the XTran (eXcellence in TRANsport) and
Open Transport Network (OTN).

By working closely with numerous customers over

30 years, OTN Systems has acquired the necessary
expertise to come up with perfect networking solutions.

The company is headquartered in Olen in Belgium and

has offices all over the world. From these regional offices
the local partners and customers are supported.

With its unique portfolio and more than 500 satisfied

customers in 75 countries, OTN Systems promises
you peace of mind when it comes to mission critical
networking: OTN Systems is committed to get your
information across.


Industrielaan 17b, 2250 Olen, Belgium

Tel: +32 14 25 28 47
Fax: +32 14 25 20 23
E-mail: [email protected]

Ref. No.: XA-B091-E-1

Issued February 2021
Specifications subject to change as design
improvements are implemented.
©2021 OTN Systems NV - All rights reserved.

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