Activity 1 4

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Topic 1: Dance in General
Let’s Get Started
In this activity, you will be responding to several statements about dance in general. You may
accomplish this by putting a check (✔) mark on the column corresponding to your response of
what you think about dance.
Activity 1: What Do I Think About Dance? Agree Disagree

1. Dances are good forms of entertainment only. ✔

2. Dancing is better than any other physical activity like ✔


3. Dance is an important aspect of my life. ✔

4. Dance is an excellent form of exercise. ✔

5. Participation in dance can distract my focus in ✔


6. I believe that dance can be a medium for cultural ✔

education among youth.

7. Dance I think is also a means of training the youth for

good character.

8. Performing dance is a shameful experience. ✔

9. Dancing is just a waste of time. ✔

10. Dance can be a catalyst for social change. ✔

Topic 2: Folk Dance in Focus

Let’s Get Started

In this activity, you will be expressing your perception about folk dance using a concept map.
You may accomplish this activity in MS Word and submit it in PDF format.

Activity 2: All About Folk Dance!

Direction: What pops in your mind when you hear the word “folk dance”? On this activity,
kindly write down your thoughts/insights about folkdance using a concept map. You may use
any diagram in accomplishing this activity.



of past

It has story

Topic 3: Appreciating Philippine Folk Dances

Let’s Get Started

In this activity, you will be sharing first what you already know and what you want to know
about our Philippine folk dances. Soon after you read the entirety of the topic, you will express
also what you have learned about our dances. You may accomplish this activity by completing
the K-W-L chart provided below.

Activity 3: My K-W-L Chart

Direction: For this activity, write at least 5 statements for each column stating your knowledge
and ideas about Philippine folk dances.


(State your prior knowledge (State the things that you want (State the lessons that you
about Philippine folk dances.) to learn about Philippine folk have learned about Philippine
dances.) folk dances.)

Folk dance is a collective I want to know how its It’s a good form of
term for traditional formed. exercise.

Its another term for I want to know the step It has a social component.
cultural dance. and how to dance it and
what it purposes.

It transmits from I want to know the other It is intellectually

generation to generation. types or kinds of folk stimulating like every
dance. time you memorize the

It tells a culture Other benefits of it. It preserves culture and

foundational stories. history.

Emphasize cultural pride. Most importantly how to Folk dance has its values
develop my skill to dance wherein people can benefit
folk dance.

Module 2 Activities

Activity 4: My Thoughts!
1. If dance can give us many benefits, what do you think is the most significant benefit that
dance can offer in your life today?

I think the most significant benefit of dance is that it makes us healthy physically,
mentally, and emotionally. We know that dance is best work out which can raise level of
happiness, minimize stress, decrease anxiety, and improve psychological well-being that good
for our emotional and mental health. Perhaps the most obvious benefit of dancing is increased
physical strength, it can be enjoyable way to get the body moving and keep heart racing. And
lastly, for me it is the best benefit because there’s no happiness in life if you are not healthy you
cannot be able to do what you want.

2. Is performing a dance, a shameful experience? Justify your answer.

For me as a not dancer, yeah it is shameful experience to me because I’m not used to
performed dance always and also I am not good at dancing and I am shy type person, and I don’t
have confidence in dancing at all. I am afraid to dance because I think everyone will laugh at me
and I think I just try dancing sometimes for the sake of my grades. It’s embarrassing and I think
its natural feeling for those people like me and I hope this time I will face these weaknesses.

3. In what way does dance can help in training the youth for good character? Cite some
situations and explain.

Dance allows you to have a self-discipline, you cannot expect to learn dance without
being discipline and that discipline lead to perfection, so it teaches us to discipline our self. It
also teach us to sacrifice like you must focus on mastering the steps and interpreting the
emotions of dance. It takes commitment and discipline to accomplish that. And also, it teach you
being patient by learning the dance step. You will learn also how to socialize to other people like
how treat them well.

4. Are folk dances still significant in the modern lives of the people of today? Expound your
Yes, Folk dances are still significant in the modern lives because it keeps the culture
alive. People have been doing folk dances for hundreds of years and there’s a value keeping that
tradition alive and it keep people connected to their ancestry. They preserve the Philippine
culture and pass it on to the next generation. Folk dances tell us what personalities we have and
the story about Philippine history that we should not forget.

5. What should be done to preserve folk dances?

For years now people have forgotten about the existence of folk dance but there still way
to preserve it. For me to preserve and strengthen our folk dance through promoting it in various
ways, such as group dance competition in school or university like what we had in dance
extravaganza or whether local, national or international and also by teaching people the
significance of the dance and explain that every action and movement can bring meaning that
will make people remember the dance, this will bring back to the past the past years that folk
dance existing.

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