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A Thesis
Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Strata 1 Degree (S1)

Virgi Marlany Ibnatul Karimah







Virgi Marlany Ibnatul Karimah, The Main Character’s Resistance to Patriarchal

Ideology in A Golden Web novel. Thesis: English Letters department State Islamic
University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2017.
In this research, the researcher analyzed the novel entitled A Golden Web
novel written by Barbara Quick that is published by Harper Collins E-Book in 2010.
This study concern to the main character’s resistance to patriarchal ideology using
feminism approach. The method that researcher use in this paper is a qualitative
method. The theory that the researcher use to analyze the women character is
feminism approach.
As the conclusion, the researcher found that the main character in this novel
has some awareness about being discriminate. This awareness brings her to some
efforts and resistance to struggle in patriarchal society, the resistance of the main
character can be seen by her action to reject the patriarchal ideology. First she rejects
the statement from philosopher who degraded women capacity, and second she
proves the capacity of women as equal as men.

Feminist Criticism, Women, Patriarchal Ideology.




A Thesis
Submitted to Adab and Humanities Faculty in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1)

Virgi Marlany Ibnatul Karimah


Approved by

Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum

19781003 200112 2 002

(Day/Date )







I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my own

knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by

another neither person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted

for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of

higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, January 2017

Virgi Marlany Ibnatul Karimah


In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most merciful

First of all I want to thank to Allah SWT, the creator of the world, the

almighty, the lord of the universe, who has given the guidance and strength until I

could submit this paper. Peace and salutation be upon to the great messenger, our

prophet Muhammad SAW, and his families, relatives and all of his followers.

Special great thanks to Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum as the advisor. Thanks

For the guidance, patience, support and advice in helping the writer to accomplish

this thesis. Then, I also wants to thanks to my beloved family, my father (Ramlan),

my mother (Mardiana), and my sister (Elin) Who have taken care of me, give love,

advice, motivation, and supported me to finish this thesis.

I also express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A., the rector of

State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag,

the dean of Faculty of Adab Humanities, Drs. A. Saefudin, M.Pd, the head of English

Letters Department, Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, the secretary of English Letters

Department, all of the lecturers in English Letters Department for teaching her very

well during her study at State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta.

Thank you to my friends Adela and Cika, thanks for always reminded me to

finish this thesis.great thanks also to my close friend Hafidzah Adha, thanks to

become my friend and reminded me to finish my thesis , I also want to express the

gratitude to my beloved friends “the rangers”: Halimatus Sa’diyah ,Molalita, , Nurul

Paradilla Azizah, and Fatmawati Ryfa. Thanks for your support and motivation. The

last I also want to thank to my beloved cats Hachi, Encah, and Mery, thanks to

always beside me and entertain me when I face difficult time, I will feed you Canin as

much as I can.

Jakarta, January 2017

The Writer


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. i

APPROVEMENT ................................................................................................... ii

LEGALIZATION .................................................................................................. iii

DECLARATION ................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................ vii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1

A. Background of Study.................................................................... 1

B. Focus of Study ............................................................................. 5

C. Research Question ........................................................................ 5

D. Significance of The Study ............................................................ 5

E. Research Methodology ................................................................. 5

1.Objective of Research ............................................................... 5

2. Method of Research ................................................................. 5

3. Technique of Data Analysis ..................................................... 6

4. Instrument of Research ............................................................. 6

5. Unit of Analysis ....................................................................... 7

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................ 8

A. Previous Research ...................................................................... 8

B. Character and Characterization ................................................... 9

C. Feminism and Feminist Literary Criticism .................................11

CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDING ...............................................................18

A. Character Analysis ....................................................................18

B. Feminism Analysis ....................................................................28

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ....................................34

A. Conclusions...............................................................................34

B. Suggestions ...............................................................................35

WORKS CITED ....................................................................................................36



A. Background of Study

Women in traditional society before 19th century in Europe were viewed as

inferior or more lower than men. Some negative perspectives about women have

been created through some sources such as in theology, and philosophy. They

depict women as evil, sinful, not fully human being, and lack of capacity and

naturally inferior.

The early Christian theology interprets women (representation of Eve) as

sinful due to Eve that teases Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. When Eve listens to

serpent to tease Adam, the path that she follows is not the path of God, but the evil

path. Therefore, over centuries ago, the general belief in west viewed women as

nature disobedient, guileless, weak-willed, prone to temptation and evil, disloyal,

untrustworthy, deceitful, and seductive.1

In philosophy, the philosopher also depicts women in negative perception.

Aristotle is one of Philosophers that claims women as naturally inferior. He states in

his book Generation Of Animal. “Women were lack of Virtues”. He portrayed

women as morally, intellectually, and physically inferior to men. He views women

as the property of men and claims that women’s role in society is for reproduction

and serving men in the household, he also sees men domination of women as

Christoper Witcombe,Eve’sIdentity, 3eveident ity.html.
Retrieved on: 25-10-2016


natural2. His notion about biological essentialism (reproductive function) is attempt

to placing women in household.3

Lerner states that the hidden message from women’s inferiority through myth,

theology, and philosophy is to keep women subordinate and participate in system

that oppresses them. Women have been participated for their own subordination

because they have been psychologically shaped for the idea of their own inferiority.

The system that Lerner means is patriarchy. 4 It is a system that allows men to

dominate women in every social relation. 5 Patriarchy is an ideology that regarded

men are inherently dominant or superior to women that can be believed and acted

upon by either men or women, the earlier terms imply only men act as oppressors of

women. Patriarchy also regarded that women inferiority is natural thus that unequal

treatment toward women is also natural. 6

In patriarchal society, men hold the main and important role because they

are regarded as strong, potential and productive. Meanwhile women are regarded as

weak, lack of potentiality and not productive. 7Therefore, the field such as economy,

law, education, politic and religion is dominated by men. Meanwhile women are

Clay Nelson , You Stept Out of Your Place”: Challenging Patriarchy http://auckland, Retrieved on 25-10-2016
Lorraine Code, Patriarchy, /courses/wstd1000/concept/patriarchy.
php, Retrieved on: 25-10-2016
Grace Varada, Patriarchy and the Power of Myth: Exploring the Significance of a
Matriarchal Prehistory, Bard College. Diss. 2015.P 22
Lorraine Code, Loc.cit.
Bell Hook. Understanding Patriarchy. The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and
Love,(Washingtong Press, 2004). pp. 17–20
Tim PSW (Pusat Studi Wanita) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.Pengantar Kajian
Gender.(Jakarta: PSW(PusatStudiWanita) UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta, 2003). P 28

marginalized into domestic role and they are still under control of men in domestic


Patriarchal society gives absolute priority to men and to some extent limits

women’s human rights. Therefore, Patriarchy becomes the obstacle for women’s

advancement and development.9 The space of men in society that wider than women

make them easier to determine and reach their future. Meanwhile, women have the

limitation and the rule of culture that curbs their way to involved in

society10.Moreover, gender discrimination arise due to position of women that

regarded as inferior, meanwhile men that regarded as superior hold the powers and

authority to control over women including their access opportunity such as education

and carrier. This gender discrimination can be manifested through marginalization,

stereotype, Job burden and violence.11

One of gender discrimination in traditional society that still embraces

patriarchal ideology is the discrimination for daughter to get access of education.

Parents treat their daughter differently with son, they prefer son to get education.

Meanwhile, daughter is the second priority. Because they think that women will

become a housewife and a mother who need to take care their child or their

household in the future.12

Ibid. P. 33
Abeda Sultana, Patriarchy and Women’s Subordination: A Theoretical Analysis.The Arts
Faculty Journal.Vol 4.July 2010.14.web. 23-07-2016
Tim PSW (PusatStudiWanita) UIN SyarifHidayatullahJakarta.Op.Cit. p 62
Tim PSW (PusatStudiWanita) UIN SyarifHidayatullahJakarta.Op.Cit. p 78
Nihayatul Wafiroh ,kenapaPerempuanHarusMemilikiPendidikan Ba gus?.
harus-memiliki-pendidikan-bagus-akhwatuna-edisi-39&catid=40:akhwatuna&Itemid=307. Retrieved
on: 26-10-2016

From the statement above we can see that patriarchy put women in

disadvantages situation. Women have been struggled to fight patriarchy and gender

discrimination since a long time ago, therefore women creates a movement which is

called feminism. Feminism argues that women should have the equal right as men


Concerning feminism, nowadays many authors wrote the novel about women

struggle. The writer inserts some of the feminist ideas in novel to criticize the unequal

treatment that women get from society. The imaginative ways that writer use in

depicting women’s live can make people aware and angry about the problem that face

by women.

A Golden Web is a novel, it tells about a woman that struggles to pursue her

dreams in patriarchal society. This novel written by Barbara Quick and published in

2010, the novel was chosen as one of ten recommended titles for teen readers by the

Amelia Bloomer Project, part of the Feminist Task Force of the American Library

Association. 13The story itself is inspired by history of women’s scientists in 14th


Alessandra Gillani is a woman who lives at the time where women still have

limitation of freedom and right. She is from upper class family. She dreams of

learning medical in university, but unfortunately women is regarded as inferior at that

time, they cannot get higher education. Alessandra decides to pursue her dreams even

though it has big risks. Then she decides to disguise as man and learn medical in

Barbara Quick, A Golden Web’s Review,
Retrieved on 23-07-2016.

Bologna University. In the medieval Europe when patriarchy still exist, Alessandra

depicted as smart women who against patriarchy.

The author depicts the main character as unique character. Alessandra is

depicted as a woman that realize about the condition of women in society, instead of

obeying the system that insists the women should obey the rule in society. She tries to

make her own decision to act as her wish. What make this novel interesting is the

main character still a little girl but she has wide perspective about women

discrimination that happened due to philosophy and theology in novel. Therefore, in

this research I scrutinize some of the efforts from the main character that struggle in

patriarchal society using feminism approach.

B. Focus of Research

Based on the background study this research focuses on the effort of the main

character to resist the patriarchal ideology through feminism approach.

C. Research Question

1. How is the main character described in novel?

2. How is the resistance of the main character to patriarchal ideology?

D. The Significance of Research

The writer hopes this research can increase reader’s knowledge about

feminism, especially in A Golden Web novel and it also can be used as the reference

for further research.


E. Research Methodology

1. Objective of the Research

Based on the research questions, this research aims to reveal the resistance

of the main character using feminism approach in novel A Golden Web.

2. Method of Research

The method that is used in this research is descriptive qualitative.

According to Berg Qualitative research is research that refers to the meaning,

concepts, definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and description of

things. Qualitative research is a research approach that reveals a particular

social situation, by describing reality correctly, that formed by words based on

the relevant data collection techniques14, this research also supported with

descriptive analysis which is done by describing and analyzing the data.

3. Technique of Data Analysis

Technique of data analysis can be defined as the processing of data

collected by using various ways including statistical or non statistical that used

in study. 15In this research, I use feminist theory to Analyze the data and uses

novel “A Golden Web” to understand and explain how the main character

described related to feminist theory. The writer doing some steps such as

reading the novel carefully, classifying the data, giving some notes related data,

and analyzing the data. To support the data the writer found the related data

from various sources.

Djaman Satori, Metodologi Penelitian Kualiatif. (Bandung: Alfabet, 2013), P 23.
Muhammad Farkhan, Proposal Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra. (Jakarta: Adabia
Press,2011), P 41

4. Instrument of Research

Instruments of Research can be defined as tools or means that is use to

obtain data or information which needed in research. 16 In this research the

instrument of Research is I as subject of research through reading the novel A

Golden Web repeatedly and analyzing the main character using the feminist


5. Unit of Analysis

I use novel “A Golden Web” as unit of analysis, “A Golden Web” is novel

written by Barbara Quick and published in 2010 by Harper teen. And e-book

version published by Harpers Collins ebook. In this research, the writer will use


Ibid, P 29.


A. Previous Research

A Golden web is a contemporary novel written by Barbara Quick and

published in 2010 as the first edition. As far as the researcher knows, this novel has

ever been researched by Emilia Saranga from Universitas Hassanudin, in thesis

entitled “Gender inequality in Barbara Quick’s “A Golden Web” in 2014.17 In this

thesis the researcher analyzes the whole character using theory gender inequality by

Armatya Sens. this thesis focuses on analyses seven type of gender inequality.The

results of this analysis describe that there are five gender inequality have been found

by writer. They are mortality inequality, basic facility inequality, special opportunity

inequality, professional inequality, and household inequality. Those gender

inequalities are fallen by main character.

Another research that use A Golden Web novel as object of research is a thesis

by Eka Nur Fitriani from Gunadarma University, the title of this thesis is “The

analysis of Phrasal Verbs in the Novel entitled A Golden Web by Barbara Quick”. 18

The aims of the research are to find the types of phrasal verb that used in the novel

“A Golden Web” written by Barbara Quick and to analyze the type that mostly used

in the novel. This research used qualitative method. The results of the research show
Emilia Saranga, Abstract Gender Inequality in Barbara Quick’s “A Golden
10859&PHPSESSID=76d0663944c64b4b71d1032ab2f1acb4 , Retrieved on 23-01-2016
Eka Nur Fitriani, Abstract The analysis of Phrasal Verbs in the Novel entitled A Golden
Web by Barbara Quick.
phrasal-verbs-in-the-novel-entitled-a-golden-web-by-barbara-quick.html/, Retrieved on 17-04-2017


that there are 162 phrasal verbs and four types of phrasal verb found in the novel.

From four types of phrasal verb, the most dominant type that used in the novel is

type 1 which has the pattern verb + adverb and the percentage of use is 55%

Through the previous research we can see that this research is different from

those researches. In this research I use feminist theory to analyze the data and use the

same novel “A Golden Web” but different approach. This thesis will analyze the

character use feminism approach to understand and explain how the main character

described related in feminism and her resistance to patriarchal ideology. I focus on

one character, Alessandra Gilliani who struggles to pursue her dream in patriarchal

society. Feminism approach that uses in this thesis is Feminism awareness, and

women’s right for education in Feminism.

B. Character and Characterization Theory

Character is one of intrinsic element in fiction. There are some definitions of

character. According to M.H Abrams Characters are the persons represented in a

dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with

particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the

persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it (the dialogue) and from what

theydo (the action).19 Meanwhile, Gordon states character is a person created a work

of fiction.20

M.H Abram, A Glossary of Literary Terms. (United state of America:Earl Mcpeek,1999).
P 32.
Jane Bachman Gordon , and Karen Kuenher, Fiction: The Element of Short Story.( United
State: Mc Grahill,1999). P 97.

Hall states that character is “what the reader is interested in”. It is through

characters that he leads the extracurricular, imaginary and substitute life that is

fiction's gift, and it is through the adventures, antics and predicaments of the

characters that he may learn lessons that pertain to the conduct of his own life. 21Based

on these definitions, it can be concluded that character is person that created for

literary work that attracts the reader and it has the important role in literary work.

In fiction generally character can be classified namely: major and minor

character. Major character is an important figure and become central in the story

either in action or theme. 22 Because major character is the most telling figure in story

and always related to another character, he/she always determine toward the

development of plot. Major character is always present as an actor or subject to

important conflicts that affect the development of the plot.23 Minor character is

character other than major character, their degree of importance depend on their


The way that writers present and reveal character is called characterization.

Characterization also can be defined as what the author does to bring a character life,

to provide the reader with a sense of that characterspersonality.25 Author can

characterize or develop the character directly and indirectly. In direct characterization

consists of the writer who telling the reader directs statements about the character’s

personality and what the character is like. Meanwhile, in indirect characterization the
Oakley Hall, How Fiction Works.(Ohio: story press,2001),P 109.
Ibid. P 86.
Burhan Nurgyanto, Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. (Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press,
2010). PP 176-177
Jane Bachman Gordon , and Karen Kuenher. Op.Cit. P 98
Ibid, PP 98-99

writer reveal the reader about information of character and personality through the

character thoughts, words and actions in the story, It also often involves the use of

external details, such as dress, mannerisms, movements, speech and speech patterns,

appearances, and so forth.26

C. Feminism and Feminist Literary Criticism

The unequal treatment that happened to women has been occurred since a

long time ago, people who thought that women being treated unfairly; they create the

ideology to against the unfair treatment or disadvantages situation to liberate women.

They call it feminism. Many thinker or feminist define feminism differently.

Feminism is the consciousness from the form of the adverse treatment such as

oppression, and exploitation that happened to women in some aspect of life, including

with doing a movement to change that situation. As it stated by Bashin and Khan:

“feminism is an awareness of patriarchal control, exploitation andoppression

at the material and ideological levels of women’s labor,fertility and sexuality,
in the family, at the place of work and in society in general, and conscious
action by women and men to transform the presentsituation.” 27.

Meanwhile Osborn, in book pocket essential ideas define feminism as a way

of looking at the world, which women occupy from the perspective of women. It has

as its central focus the concept of patriarchy, which can be described as a system of

male authority, which oppresses women through its social, political and economic

institutions. 28

D.K. Peterson, Literature Resource, Literary Elements.,
Fiction/ literary element.html.Retrieved on 29-09-2015
Kamla Bashin and Nighat Said Khan, Some Question on Feminism and Its Relevance in
South Asia.(New Delhi: Kalhi For women,1986). P 2
Susan Osborn, Pocket Essential Idea.(USA:Trafalgar Square Publishing:2001). P 8

Feminism is concepts, studies, and social movement that aim to change the

subordinate status of women in society that prioritizes the male perspective. People

who put the interests of men over women's interests is the definition of a patriarchal


From those definitions it can be concluded that feminism is a movement based

on the idea of the effort to raise awareness of the inequality and oppression of women

in society, as well as the conscious actions committed by both men and women to

change that situation.The purpose of feminism is the equality in gender interrelation.

In the wide term means that feminism is a women movement that rejects everything

that marginalized, subordinated by the dominant culture (patriarchy) in field politic,

economy, and social. 30Equality in feminism can be defined as a state or condition of

being the same, especially in terms of social status or legal/ political rights.31

Having consciousness is important for women, Women often didn’t realize

about the system that oppresses them; therefore they should gain their

consciousness.Feminism can be defined “a movement to end sexism, sexist,

exploitation and oppression”, it emphasized that feminism in the most basic level,

predicated some upon awareness of discrimination based on sex/ gender. Based on

the definition, the construct of feminist consciousness would include any traits,

values and attitudes that held by an individual that acknowledges the existence of

Ni Komang Ari Swastini, Perkembangan Feminisme Barat dari Abad Kedelapan Belas :
Sebuah Tinjauan Teoretis, Journal of social science and Humaniora Vol:2. P. 198
Nyoman KuthaRatna, Theories, Methods and Techniques of Literary
Research.(Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2013), p 184
Jane Plicher and Imelda Whelean, 50 key concepts in Gender Studies. (London: Sage
Publication, 2004), p 37

sexist discrimination and its power as an inevitable and damaging aspect of all

women’s live.32

Hook states before women could change patriarchy they should change their

self, they should raise their consciousness. They should aware that they are being

discriminated, exploited, and victimized by sexism. Moreover, women should learn

about the system (patriarchy) that oppresses them how it becomes standardized and

how it become exist. Through the consciousness they gain their strength to fight

patriarchy. 33 It can be concluded that women should have consciousness to fight

patriarchy and discrimination toward women.

In traditional society before feminism arises, women were considered weak

intellectually, this concept has used as social construction in society. Based on this

concept, society divided into two parts: private and public world, the private world

implied that women should stay at home, they were not allowed to work and learn,

and they are just educated that suited that society claimed as their nature such as

sewing, nursing and painting. The sole role for them is in marriage. The public

worlds imply that men are more potential in intellectually. So they were allowed to

get education such as mathematics, scientist etc. Therefore women are curbs in the

rule of system that create the limitation for their access in education. This rule also

imply in some of notion in theology and philosophy. It was a long time coming.

Leading thinkers from Aristotle to Darwin reiterated that women were lesser beings,

Stephanie Chuninngham. Diss. University of Akron, 2012.https://etd. Retrieved on : 20-01- 2016. PP. 8-9
Bell Hook .Feminism for Everybody .(Canada: South End Press Cambridge, MA ,2000).PP

and one does not have to look hard to find comments from writers, theologians, and

other public figures that disparageand degrade women. 34

Feminism grow rapidly around 1960's in America had widespread impact.

This movement makes people aware the inferior position of women. The impact of

this movement can also be felt in the field of literature. Women began to realize that

in the works literature there is an imbalance regarding the view of human in the

characters. This is what eventually led to what is called Feminist literary

criticism.35In history, Feminist literary criticism arises to go against misogyny

(negative attitudes toward women) in various kinds of source that describes women

as inferior or lesser creatures. Feminists states about their disagreements toward the

statement that degraded women capacity.They are Marry Wollstonecraft, John Stuart

Mill, and Virginia Woolf. In their work they denied misogyny and they have the same

idea about women’s education and achievement.

Wollstonecraft in her book AVindication of the Rights of Womandenied that

women are naturally inferior in rational capacity. Shebelieves that women as well as

men have the rational capacity. Thus that society should treat women and men same

in education. She states that women has right to achieve education and expand their

intellectual capability and morality.36

Another feminist is John Stuart Mills, he also wrote about the idea of

women’s right for education and he also denied some of the statements who degraded

Dobie, Ann B. Theory Into Practice: An Introduction to Literary Criticism.(Boston:
Wadsworth Cengage Learning,2012), P 63
Serpill Tunc Opperman, Feminist Literary Criticism: Expanding the Canon as Regards the
Novel , Retrieved on: 22-04-2016
Ibid, P 19

women. In Subjection of women Mill states that he against the opinion about women

which states that women are naturally inferior, less rational. He states that those

opinion is not based on the valid evidence and probably all wrong 37. Meanwhile, In

subject of marriage he also write about his disagreement that women has the different

intellectual capacity with men, he denied the dogmatism which states about women

and men are naturally have the differences of the intellectual capacity. 38He argues

that men and women have same potential, and women should be given the same

opportunity as men have in government, science and education. 39

Virginia Woolf in A Room of One's Own (1929) states about her rejection of

patriarchy, Woolf argues that the male dominated ideas of the patriarchal society

prevented women from realizing their creativity and true potential. 40 Wolf argues that

women have the right to develop their potentiality and they also have the right to get

education. 41 She states If women are given access to education equal to men in a

system that viewed both sexes as equals, they can lead lives in which they are free

and able to truly be themselves.42

Feminist literary criticism is an approach that is used to reveal many

subordinationand oppression of women. In this context, feminist theory is expected to

reveal the veil thatcovers the certain message inside the literary works and reclaim the

Susan Moller Okin, John Stuart Mill's Feminism: The Subjection of Women and the
Improvement of Mankind. Journal of History .20-07-2016. p
Ibid. pp 109-110.
Ibid. p 118
Elizabeth Doolitle,Virginia Woolf 's Views on the Necessity of Education for Girls," Papers
& Publications: Interdisciplinary Journal of Undergraduate Research: Vol. 4. 3.
Ibid. P 1
Ibid. P 3

opinions in literature externally. 43Moreover,Feminist literary criticism assumes that

literature both reflects and shapes stereotypes and other cultural assumptions. Thus,

feminist literary criticism examines how works of literature embody patriarchal

attitudes or undercut them, sometimes both happening within the same work.44

Feminist literary criticism aims to reinterpret literature from a female point of

view. This is accomplished in several ways. Some feminist critics seek to interpret

the works of male authors, with particular attention to women characters, in order to

explore the moral, political and social restrictions women traditionally faced. Other

feminist critics choose to analyze the works of women authors that have been

previously overlooked by male critics. 45The objective of feminist literary criticism is

to give a critical respond towards the opinion manifested in literary works which is

given by its culture. Thus, it is questioning the relationship between text, power and

sexuality reveals in text.46

Moreover, Feminist literary criticism has been very successful especially in

reclaiming the lost literary women and in documenting the sources. In this respect,

feminist criticism has successfully directed attention to the female intellectual

tradition. Many early works on women writers before the 1960s usually focus on the

female literary tradition. Here it is necessary to point out the difference between

"female" and "feminist" positions in literary studies. According to TorilMoi in

Azzariah Rahman, Feminist Literary Criticism: an Introduction, https://www.academia.ed
u/1505934/feminist_literary_criticism_an_introduction, Retrieved on: 20-04-2017.
Linda Napikoski, Feminist Literary Criticism,
literary-criticism-3528960.Retrieved on: 20-04-2017.
Anonymous , Feminist Literary Criticism, Retrieved
Azzariah Rahman, Feminist Literary Criticism: an Introduction, Opcit.

Feminist Literary Criticism: "Feminist criticisms a specific kind of political

discourse, a critical and theoretical practice committed to the struggle against

patriarchy and sexism"47

In addition, "Feminist criticism is a political act whose aim is not simply to

interpret the world but to change it by changing the consciousness of those who read

and their relation to what they read. The first act of a feminist critic is to become a

resisting rather than an assenting reader and, by this refusal to assent, to begin the

process of exorcizing the male mind that has been implanted in us." On the thematic

level, then, the reader rejects stereotypes and examines woman as a theme in literary


On the ideological level, the reader seeks to learn not to accept the hegemonic

perspective of the male and refuses to be co-opted by a gender-biased criticism.

Gender is largely a cultural construct, as are the stereotypes that go along with it: that

the male is active, dominating, and rational, whereas the female is passive,

submissive, and emotional. 49

Serpill Tunc Opperman, Feminist Literary Criticism: Expanding the Canon as Regards the
Novel , Retrieved on: 22-04-2016
Greig E. Henderson and Christopher Brown, Feminist Criticism Retrieved on 26-04-2017
Ibid p 8


A. Character Analysis

Character is one of the important elements in story. The main character is the

character that becomes the central in a story. In A Golden Web the main character is

Alessandra Gilliani, She is a smart girl who lives in patriarchal era, when the

subordination and patriarchal system still dominant. I analyze the main character by

her appearance, action and thought, in order to know more deeply the character in

the story.

Alessandra is a beautiful girl; her beauty resembles her mother, especially for

the eyes. According to her sister her eyes look like her mother who has almond

shape, and the appearance of her mother can be described by painting of her mother.

“…from the almond-shaped eyes to the startled brow and the slightly parted
lipsthat seemed about to speak.”
“You look like her, Zan-Zan,” said Pierina, gazing up into her sister’s wideset,
unmistakably almond-shaped brown eyes.” (Quick2010,20)

Alessandra showed the painting of their mother to her sister; from the painting

her sister admitted that Alessandra resembled their mother. She inheritted her

mother’s beauty. Her eyes is like almond shaped eyes starteld brows and slightly

parted lips seemed about to speak.

Beside beautiful, she is also dressed up herself beautifully. She always wears

gown. Her step mother insists her to become gracefull woman, so she must wear

dress and behave like a graceful girl.

“She is going to kill you when she sees the wreck you’ve made of your
gown!” said Nicco as he pushed her gently away.


Nicco tousled his sister’s hair. “You’re as hopeless a well-behaved girl as I

am a scholar. Which reminds me…!” (Quick 2010,7)

From the quotation above we can see that Alessandra wear gown when she

was at home. Her brother reminded her that their step mother may get mad if she

knew the gown was messes up.From that quotation we know that her mother wantted

Alessandratobehave like a graceful girl.

As a girl her behavior is not graceful like a common girl. It’s shown from the

beginning of the story. When Alessandra comes to help her brother to studying, her

appearance is mess up. Her gown is dirty with mud because she chases a pig.

“….And no sooner did Nicco think of his sister than she appeared in the
doorway, a curly hair shrimp of a girl with her green velvet gown all spattered
in mud “ (Quick2010, 5)
“I trampled his turnips, quite byaccident, while trying to catch the new piglet
that had wandered off—and now I’ve ruined my gown,and Mother is surely
going to kill me.”(Quick 2010,6)

Moreover, she also has hobby like a boy, not like a common girl who stay at

home. She liked to wander off the forest and learn how to ride the horse with her

brother Nicco. Moreover, she always wears her brother’s clothes while she rides the

horse. Her mother never allows her to ride the horse, but she insisted.

“It seemed to Alessandra that Ursula had loosened her hold on her or, much to
her delight, hadsomehow forgotten about her. She grew enough that year to
ride the little gelding kept by Carlo’sgroom. She never learned to ride as well
as Nicco—but, still, she learned to ride well enough and towear her brother’s
clothes with such confidence that the neighbors—always alert to anything
new—took her for an apprentice or cousin or some other young male hanger-
on at the Gilianis” (Quick 2010, 52)

Even though she must learn secretly by disguises as man, but she didn't give

up learning until she could ride a horse. Sometimes her neighbor assumed that she is

a boy.

Alessandra is a caring person. She always cares to her brother and sister. She

always helps her older brother. Whenever her brother gets trouble with his study she

helps him.

“Alessandra turned away from him to examine the book that stood open on
its stand. “oh, I parsed this out last harvest season. Look, let’s just go over it
so that you can at least do a passable job when he comes back, and I’ll see if
I can find an excuse to stay close by, so that I can help you out with a
whispered answer, if need be. Did you know that he’s deaf in the leaf
ear?“(Quick 2010,7)

The text above tells about Alessandra who helped Nicco to study. He must

master his subject before the teacher came. Alessandra help Nicco to translate the

subject and when Nicco couldn’t answer the question, she would stand beside Nicco

to whisper the answer.

She is also a responsible person. When her little brother wanders off outside

house without her baby sitter Emilia, she takes the responsibility to keep Dodo.

“The two years old was all smiles at the success of the journey he’d taken on
his own .he sturdy his little arms around his sister’s neck, crowing his own
version of her name: ZanZan.”
“madame our stepmother will be livid if she finds out he’s wandered off on
his own again, was it you supposed to be watching him?”
“Emilia-but never mind” (Quick 2010, 9)

The text above tells about how responsible Alessandra as a sister. She knew

that her mother would be angry ifsheknew that Dodo wandered off without Emillia

taking care of him, and Nicco ask her whether it is her responsibilty or Emilia. But

she answered that it is Emillia duty to take care Dodo but she didn’t care about that.

She just watched over her little brother regardless from whomever duty to keep his


Alessandra is a clever girl.She has a medical knowledge; she knows how to

help people who choke.

What ill luck” wailed Emilia, “to die without the chance to make his peace
with god!”
“it would have taken this one a month to confess all his sins” said Nicco,
nudging the friar’s body with the toe of his boot.” He’s as dead as a pike ,
God save me!”
Alessandra knelt down and traced a cross near the top of Fra Giuseppe’s belly.
Between his ribs.” Just here! Stomp on him, hard and sharp, but not hard
enough to break his bone(Quick 2010, 11)

The text above shows that she could help Nicco’s teacher who choked by a

piece of meat, everybody scared and assumed that teacher has died, but Alessandra

knew that teacher has not died. Everyone who saw that tragedy was impressed by her

ability, because they thought the teacher has died and she has saved his life, she gets

knowledge from the book and she prefers to read book about nature and medic.

Another event that shown she has medical knowledge is when she helped

people who got stung. It’s shown when Nicco got stung by bee. She knows how to

cure it.

They fell into the basket with the sound of hail. “Ouch!”
“Did you get stung?” said Pierina.
“It’s nothing.”
“Come down,” said Alessandra. “Let’s put some mud on it.”
“I’ll get some of these lower ones,” Pierina urged.
“Do come down!”
Nicco gave in to his sisters’ tender ministrations and
jumped to the ground. “Can you see the stinger?”
Pierina, who liked to think her brother loved her
best, grabbed Nicco’s injured hand. “Move over, Zan
—you’re blocking the light!”
“wasps don’t drop their stinger—just their poison”. Pushing Pierinna aside,
Alessandra brought Nicco’s hand up to her mouth, sucked on the swelling
there, and then spat” let’s put some mud, on it now”
Pierinna said:” we should get you a pair of red gloves, Alessandra- and then
you could go about the parish, selling cures” (Quick 2010, 50)

The quotations above show us how clever Alessandra is. When Nicco got

stung by bees she knew that bees never leave their stinger, but pierina asked Nicco

about bee’s stinger. In this case Alessandra has more knowledge than her sister. She

applied her knowledge to cure her brother. She sucks the poison and smeared the mud

to neutralize the poison. Her sister were impress by her ability, even she teased

Alessandra to sell the Medicine.

Her father also knows that she is clever, but he doesn’t support her ambition.

We can see about her father thought.

I”I want to study as Aristoteles says men should study.”

“men Alessandra , not girls”
“Carlo thought how proud his daughter was- how proud and pretty, and he
had to admitted, correct in her opinion. She had all capacity required to pursue
any of seven liberal arts: grammar , logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry,
music, or even astronomy, Nicco, for his lovable manly bluster, was as a
lowly apprentice, not even worthy of holding a candle to his sister’s
intellectual pursuits. She was a natural scholar and an original thinker.”

Alessandra’s father admitted her intelligence; she has the capability more than

her brother Nicco. He admitted it even though Alessandra is a woman she has the

ability more than a men. He thought when Alessandra asked him to learn anatomy in

Bologna. But he refused it because she is a woman, even though he admitted that

Alessandra is really clever.

She is also a courage woman. It can be seen when she refuses to marry with

men that her Parents chose to her.

She spoke in a whisper. “Have I already been promised to

someone?” Carlo, in his turn, was silent.
“It’s true, then!” Alessandra’s voice broke when she spoke again.
“Could it not be deferred, Papa?”

Carlo shook his head. “The papers have already been drafted.”
“Burn them—I beg you!”(Quick 2010, 122)

The text above tells that Alessandra that refuse arrange marriage. She braves

to breaks the rule in society. In her society usually women marry in young age and

it’s such an obligation. Thus they cannot get education, due to the society regarded

that women should serve their household. She asked her Father to burn the

agreement documents to refused arrange marriage. She preferred to reach her dreams

in learning anatomy rather than marry in young age.

She is a determine woman. It can be seen when she decided to go to Bologna.

She declares her thought about going to Bologna and learning anatomy in Bologna,

even though her environment and her father forbad her to get high education to learn

in Bologna, she still decided go to school to reach her dream.

I want to study as Aristotle says men should study as Aristotle says men
should study
Men Alessandra not girl!
“It’s true the old stagtire has nothing kind to say about intellectual capacity of
females. But I am living proof that he was biased in his view.”
“How you vex me, Alessandra! What you’re asking is unreasonable! No girl
of Persiceto has ever gone off to study in Bologna. And females are not
permitted to compete for advanced degrees. You would heap shame upon our
heads—and even Pierina’s chances of marrying well would be compromised.”
“It is not fair!”
“It is the way of this world, daughter.” (Quick 2010, 67)

The text above tells about Alessandra who couldn’t deal with her father, who

didn’t allow her to go to Bologna. She insisted her father that she could go to

Bologna. She didn’t care about people says. She feels that it’s not fair because she is

a woman it means she couldn’t study in Bologna, her father angry with her. She has

her own decision to decide what she want to do, she finally decide to go to Bologna,

although she must learn secretly by disguises as men.

The intelligence and knowledge that Alessandra got beside from reading book

is also because she is a curious person. She want to know how to make book and the

painting from Gezzo.

She walked up quietly behind Old Fabio to watch him as he hunkered over the
vellum folio, applying gold leaf to an illumination of the Adoration of the
Alessandra touched the tiny brush to the escaped piece of pounded gold, as
delicate as an insect’s wing. She cupped her other hand around it and held her
breath as she dropped it onto the bloodred silk of the tiny cushion. “There it
is.” (Quick 2010, 36-37)

From the text above we can see how curious Alessandra, Besides interested in

anatomy she is also interested in painting. It tells about Alessandra who involved in

her father’s printing house, it’s shown when she observed her father’s staff Fabio.

She tries to paint as Fabio did.

Her curiosity also can be seen through her thought who wonder about woman

and man as creation of God.

Why would god have given her a keen and questioning mind if he didn’t
intend her to use it? why would the world and all of nature be laid out like a
book, waiting to be read and understood, if the creator had not desire her to
discover its secrets and draw wisdom from them?”
Woman created last of all, after all the animals and after Adam himself. Why
would God have done it thus if He intended woman as a lesser creature?
Would he not then have made her just after the animals and before Adam?
(Quick 2010, 121)

The text above tells about Alessandra mind. In her mind, she thought about

women and men that have given the ability by god, but just women who couldn’t use

their ability. She wondered why god create woman as the creature who lower than

men.Her curiosity showing that she is different from the girl in her time, where

women accept about the rule in society that curbs women, she is aware and thought

why the rule in society discriminate women. She aware that position of women in her

time is not equal as men.

Alessandra is also an independent woman. Even though she has Emilia as her

guard, but she never relies on her. She want to be independent and doing everything

by herself.

“These clothes are my protection. Sandro, my alter ego, is my protection. I’m

in need of no one else.” Alessandra looked at both of them. “Not even you,
Emilia! Go home to Persiceto. I’m sure you’ll be most welcome there. (Quick
2010, 132)”

Alessandra states that she didn’t need Emilia as her guard to keep her always,

she ordered Emilia to go home with Nicco. She said that she could do everything by

herself. And she didn’t want to worry about her. Even though Emillia is her guard

that order by her father, but she didn’t want to make Emillia feel burden with it. She

assured her that she could protect herself.

Alessandra also earns her own money when she works as Mondino’s assistant.

She can support her life in Bologna.

“Alessandra Giliani became Mondino’sprosector, before she was even

properly admitted intothe medical school—and just in time to earn her
roomand board.”(Quick 2010, 196)

The text above tells about Alessandra who can stand independently in

Bologna. She earned her own money by being assistant lecturer, even though she has

not became a medical student. Her intelligence and surgery skill were quite

impressive to make Mondino interested in Alessandra, thus that make Mondino chose

her as his assistant. In this case Alessandra became an independent woman; she didn’t

depend on her parents to support her own life. She used her skill to earn her money.

Alessandra is also a hard working woman, she learns really hard while

attending to university, even she also approaches her lecturer after study.

“When she knew a subject well she would approach the professor afterwards
and arrange to be examined. In this way , all within the space of her first nine
mothns in Bologna. She passes her first year examination, then the second
years followed by the third.” (Quick2010,120)

From the text above we can see how hard she works, she always approaches

her professor to graduate quickly.

She also learns every night and kept the book close by her bed, it can be seen

when she tries to understand the content of the book every night, because she can’t

understand the book. So she tries to learn it.

“Alessandra kept the book close by her bed, where she looked at it every night
trying to parse out what the pictures meant even though she couldn’t make
any sense of the world” (Quick 2010, 187)
The text above tells how hard Alessandra study, she tried her best to learn and

understand, even though the book was not easy to understand. She tried to understand

by learned it every night.

Alessandra is an optimist person. Optimist means a person who habitually

expects good things to happen. Her statement about her optimistic was described

when her brother, pick her up to go home but she refuse it.

“I can get my degree in Philosophy next year and go on to the medical

“I am studying as fast as I can, I do assure you!” (Quick 2010, 131)

The dialogue above tells about Alessandra who refused her brother to pick her

up, to back home. Because her father has suspicious that she maybe ran away from

the church. Then, Nicco went to Bologna to pick her up. She assured her brother that

she would graduate quickly.She believed that she could graduates as quick as


From character analysis above, it can be concluded that Alessandra’s

characteristics such as clever, curious, optimist, brave, determine and independent

helps her to fight patriarchy. As clever and curious woman she never gives up on her

dream to learn anatomy, her curiosity brings her to consciousness about

discrimination toward women in her society. Meanwhile, as brave and determine

woman, she breaks the rule in society that forbids women to get higher education.

B. The Resistance of the Main Character to Patriarchal Ideology

The feminist fought for women’s inequality between men and women, to have

equal right position as men have. In this part I analyze Alessandra, as the main

character of the novel. I discuss the main character as a feminist. From the characters

analysis I found that her character as curious, brave,clever, determine and hard

working. Her characteristics bring her to do some tendencies to fight against women’s

unequal situation in patriarchal environment.

In feminism, having consciousness is important to go against discrimination.

Hook states before women fight patriarchy they should raise their consciousness, they

should aware that they are victimized and being discriminated.50 From the character

analysis I found that Alessandra as curious person, this curiosity make her aware

about women’s condition in society that being subordinate. She thought about women

Bell Hook, Feminism for Everybody.(Canada, South End Press Cambridge, MA :2000), PP

and men as God creations but they have different level. She knew that women also

have the capability, but the society never allow women get chance to use their ability.

Why would god have given her a keen and questioning mind if he didn’t
intend her to use it? why would the world and all of nature be laid out like a
book, waiting to be read and understood, if the creator had not desire her to
discover its secrets and draw wisdom from them?”
Woman created last of all, after all the animals and after Adam himself. Why
would God have done it thus if He intended woman as a lesser creature?
Would he not then have made her just after the animals and before Adam?
(Quick 2010, 121)

The quotation above shows about Alessandra’s consciousness. The

discrimination that happened to women makes her curious about position of women.

In this novel the Christian theology put women as the lower class than men.

Meanwhile, her thought describes that she is curious about God who created women

lower than men. This curiosity can indicate her awareness about gender inequality,

which put women lower than men in Christ theology. She knows that women don’t

have the equal chance as men have. Her thought is also the reflection of feminism

idea which states that Feminist refuse the notion about inequality between man and

woman, they are insisted that the inequalities must be questioned. 51

Women who lives in patriarchal society can’t get the equal right in field such

education and career. The perspective at that time states that Women just needs to

stay at home, and doing their housework. This perception is influenced by theology

and Philosophy that degrades women by their biological determinism. Meanwhile,

Feminism rejects the traditional notion that degrades women. Feminism assumes that

women and men have the equal logic and capability.JhonStuart Mill states his

Soenarjati Djajanegara,Kritik Sastra Feminis Sebuah Pengantar. (Jakarta : PT Gramedia
PustakaUtama, 2003), p. 2

rejection about assumption which states that women are naturally inferior, less

rational, and lack of capability. 52Feminism also states that women should be educated

to expand their potential capacity.

In this case, Alessandra blaming Aristotle treatise, because women cannot get

the equal chance as well as men in education due to Aristotle’s treatisethat degrades

women’s capacity, Aristotle states that men ought to receive education because they

are rational, strong and active; meanwhile women should not receive education,

because he thinks that women are lack of capacity. Therefore, in patriarchal culture

son is the priority to get education, while women doesn’thave right to get education.53

Alessandra states that women also have the capacity, and they have right to get the

chance in education. She clearly states that Aristotle is wrong, and she is the proof

that his treatise is wrong.

“I want to study as Aristotle says men should study.”

“Men, Alessandra, not girls.”
“It’s true the old Stagirite has nothing kind to say about the intellectual
capacity of females. But I am living proof that he was biased in his view!”
“How you vex me, Alessandra! What you’re asking is unreasonable! No girl
of Persiceto has ever gone off to study in Bologna. And females are not
permitted to compete for advanced degrees. You would heap shame upon our
heads—and even Pierina’s chances of marrying well would be compromised.”
“It is not fair!”
“It is the way of this world, daughter.” (Quick 2010,64)

Alessandra is described as brave girl that breaks the rule in society

whichobligates women to marry in young age. She prefers to reach her dreams to get

education first, instead of follow the rule that has been made in society. Feminism

Susan Moller Okin, “John Stuart Mill's Feminism: The Subjection of Women and the
Improvement of Mankind”. Journal of History p 108
Barbara A Parson. Aristotles views on women.http://gem. Reen wse /wsePrint.
jsp?id=id49. Retrieved on 17-07-2016

awares that education is important to expand their potentiality.It proves through

Alessandra when she decides to pursue her dreams to study in university. She wants

to expand her potentiality in anatomy. Therefore, she studies hard to pursue her

dreams to become anatomist.

“Alessandra kept the book close by her bed, where she looked at it every night
trying to parse out what the pictures meant even though she couldn’t make
any sense of the world” (Quick 2010, 187)

Moreover, feminist states through education women can expand their ability,

show their skill and get job as their wish. It’s shown when Alessandra study in

university. She can prove that she has the skill and ability in anatomist. It’s shown

when Mondino chose her as his assistant.

“He chooses assistants from among the best students in the medical school. I
know you’ve heard of him”
“You!” said Mondino. He was pointing at Alessandra.
“Me?” she mouthed silently.
“Yes, you—I’ve seen your skill with a knife. Step up—be swift! The body is
decaying rapidly.”And so Alessandra Giliani became Mondino’sprosector,
( Quick, 2010, 152)

The text above tells that Alessandra is the best student among another student.

Mondino choose her, because he knows her skill. She chose Alessandra rather than

another student. Sheprovesthat women also have capability more than men. The idea

of feminism states that women have the capability as well as men. Mondino also pay

her as his assistant, thus she becomes independent by earning her own money.

Furthermore, she proves her ability to the world.She shows that she invents

blood circulatory system.

“Rumor traveled fast, as it does in the student quarter: an unusually

large and distinguished crowd had assembled. Word passed from man to man,
each vying for the distinction of being the first to spread the news that a

startling discovery was going to be announced—not by Mondino himself, but

rather by his famous young assistant, Sandro. Many more people gathered that
day at the river than usually attended the lectures. There was to be a show,
people said: a magic show of some kind.” ( Quick,2010,196-197)

The text above tells that Alessandra has been famous to the entire University

of Bologna, people gather to see the invention that she made. It shows that women

also have the same capability.

Feminism states that women and men has some capacity intellectuality, they

reject all of the statement that degrade women’s intellectual and capacity. It’s

reflected in Alessandra’s statement bellow

“She spoke so faintly, only Otto could hear her. “Aristotle…,” she said, then
closed her eyes.
She pressed his hand and looked at him, and moistened her lips. “Although I
revere him, Aristotle was wrong about many things.”
Alessandra, with surprising strength, pulled him closer. “He was wrong about
the capacity of women.” He smiled at her, trying very hard not to cry.
“Spectacularly so!” “He said…” She paused, her lips parted, gathering
strength. “He said, ‘The courage of a man is shown in commanding, of a
woman in obeying.’ By that measure, Otto, I am a coward.”(Quick, 2010,

From the statement above Alessandra shows her disagreement about

Aristotle’s statement. She blames that Aristotle is wrong about women’s capacity.

She denies the notion of Aristotle that states “the courage of women is showing by

obeying men, the courage of men is showing by ordering”. She said that if she obeys

the rule from that perspective, so she is a coward. Men always dominate and have

power over women, men superior and women inferior. In order to proves that the

ideas is wrong, she against that idea and proves that woman is also has the same level

and capacity as men. By disobeying the rule in society that state women is the lower

creature and lower level than men. It’s showing her strong disagreement of

Patriarchal society.

The reflection of feminist can be seen through what she has done to go against

the perception of patriarchy, in proving the capability of woman and rejects the

notion that has degraded woman. Alessandra fights and struggles proving that woman

also have capability equal as men in patriarchal society. Her struggle implies that

woman also has the right and chances to expand their intellectual capacity.

Based on feminism analysis above, it can be concluded that Alessandra as the

main character reflects some feminism values through her resistance to patriarchal

ideology. First, she rejects the statement that states women as inferior. Second, she

proves that women capability as equal as men. It can be seen from her invention of

blood circulatory system. This novel wants to criticize the perspectives that degrade

women’s capacity through the main character in novel.



A. Conclusions

A Golden Web is a novel that tells the story about young women scientist that

lived in 14th century, Barbara Quick as the author put some of feminism ideas to

criticize misogyny through Alessandra as the main character. After analyzing the

novel that focuses on the main character I found some conclusions. The main

character in this novel portrayed as the feminist that fought the discrimination

toward women at her time. Some forms discrimination is subordination where

women viewed and placed as inferior in society, it creates the limitation for them to

get education. Second is marginalization where women cannot chose their job freely

they just can do the job at some kind of job such as noon and house wife.

In character analysis I found some Alessandra’s characteristic such as curious,

clever, determine and optimist, her characteristic help her to fight the discriminate

situation. There are some feminism values that I found in this novel. First is the

rejection of statement that degraded women’s capacity. Feminist rejects the statement

that states women capacity is naturally inferior, it’s reflected through Alessandra, she

clearly rejects Aristotle treatise that degrades women capacity. Second is expanding

women potentiality through education, Feminist aware that education is important to

expand their potentiality. Feminist also states that women also have same chances to

get education. It’s reflected through Alessandra, she struggle to get education to

achieve and expand her potentiality, she decides to pursue her dreams to study

anatomy in university. She studies hard while working to earn her own money.


Finally she can prove that she also has the capacity as well as men. Alessandra

chosen by Mondino as his assistant for anatomy and she also proves her ability

through her invention of the blood circulatory system.

Through the explanation above it can be concluded that Alessandra reflected

the feminism idea that states women also have equal capacity as well as men. She

also reflected the idea that women should expand their potentiality through education.

B. Suggestions

In feminism approach we can use some of feminist ideas. I suggest for

researcher to reading the summary and the differences between the feminist ideas,

and then related it with the novel. Reading the novel many times is important things

to understand the novel and to know what issue that can be analyzed in novel. This

research has not been completely analyzed everyaspect or issue in novel. Thus, For

people who want to analyze another issue of this novel, I suggests to analyze the

main character uses the psychology perspective, since the main character really

motivated to reach her dreams eventhough it isvery risky to her.


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