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International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406

Evaluation Of Implementation Of MBKM: Does Academic

Stress Affect On Student Learning Outcomes?
Adi Lukman Hakim1*, Mega Barokatul Fajri2, Erna Nur Faizah3
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan, Lamongan
Corresponding author:
Email: [email protected]

Stress is a psychological symptom that we often encounter in everyday life, where
every individual must have experienced it. Students as a milestone in the success of a
nation are required to be able to adapt to the environment quickly. This study aims to
determine whether there is academic stress on student learning outcomes at the
University of Muhammadiyah Lamongan, Faculty of Economics and Business,
Management Study Program. This type of research is observational with a cross-
sectional design. The population in this study were all students of the 2019/2020 and
2020/2021 Management Study Programs with a total population of 173 people. The
sampling technique used was total sampling from the population. The method of data
collection was done by distributing questionnaires to respondents. Furthermore,
statistical tests were carried out using the chi square test with 0.05. Based on the
research results show that; 1) stressors from academic stress Management study
program students in semester 5 and 3 have high gains. This means that students feel
that MBKM's academic activities make them feel stressed. More specifically, the
greatest stressor is caused by pressure from learning and self-expectations that are
not met, 2) Student learning outcomes in the implementation of the independent
learning curriculum are included in the sufficient category. That is, cognitive
competence or knowledge, affective or feeling, and psychomotor or skills obtained
from MBKM are not too high or not too low. 3) The relationship between academic
stress and student learning outcomes is positive and significant. It means. the higher
the degree of student academic stress, the lower the learning outcomes, and vice
versa, and 4) the implementation of MBKM from the student's point of view has a
good impact on their self-development. However, in order for the implementation to
take place optimally, students, lecturers, and stakeholders can work together in
preparing to participate in the next MBKM, such as formulating the implementation
of the MBKM more clearly and carefully, as well as equipping students with the skills
to learn independently.

Keywords: academic stress, learning outcomes, implementation evaluation, MBKM

Education is one of the pillars that supports the establishment of a civilization
in a nation. The existence of educational institutions is the key to the progress of a
country; the more advanced the educational institutions, the more advanced civilization
in the country will be. Through education individuals can improve skills, change habits
and attitudes that are expected to make them better. In relation to this, education is an
inseparable part of today's life, especially in this era of globalization which places
education as a competitive advantage; both for individuals and for the existence of the
nation in the international sphere. The elements of education are certainly very diverse

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406

and all of them have an important role, including the learning component.Law No. 20
of 2003 concerning the National Education System describes that education is a
deliberate and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so
that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-
control, personality, intelligence, morals. noble values and skills needed by himself,
society, nation and state. Referring to this description, education at all levels, including
higher education, is required to develop science and technology that can produce
intellectuals, scientists (professionals) who are cultured and creative, tolerant,
democratic, have strong character and dare to defend the truth for the benefit of the
nation. Universities are required to be able to design and implement innovative
learning processes so that students can achieve learning outcomes through optimal and
relevant aspects of attitudes, knowledge and skills.
The Indonesian government through the Minister of Education and Culture has
designed curriculum changes from year to year in one period with formulations and
objectives that are certainly good for progress and implementation of learning. The
curriculum can be interpreted as a learning guide designed to achieve national
education goals that must be achieved by each educational unit for a period. Among a
number of curricula, Merdeka Campus is a policy launched by the Ministry of
Education and Culture which aims to encourage students to master various sciences
that are useful for facing the world of work. Merdeka Campus is the development of
the Independent Learning concept. Permendikbud Number 3 of 2020 concerning
National Standards for Higher Education interprets that there are four main policies
related to Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus which include: ease of opening new
study programs, changes to the higher education accreditation system, changes to
universities becoming legal entities, and the right to study for three semesters at a
university. outside the study program. on January 24, 2020, the Minister of Education
and Culture, Nadiem Makarim, endorsed a program called “Merdeka Belajar” aimed at
Universities/Universities with the term “Independent Campus”. This curriculum
realizes autonomous and flexible learning in higher education so as to create a learning
culture that is innovative, unfettered and in accordance with student needs.Freedom of
learning includes conditions of independence in achieving goals, methods, materials,
and evaluation of learning, both for lecturers and students. Learning evaluation is the
main activity to find out how far the level of achievement of students' abilities. This
step is needed because it can be used as a reference in determining a further learning
Evaluation has a different meaning from assessment and measurement.
Evaluation is preceded by an assessment (assessment), while the assessment is
preceded by measurement. Measurement can be interpreted as an activity to compare
the results of observations or information on the characteristics of an object. Therefore,
assessment is the most important process in determining the results of learning
evaluations.Regarding the evaluation of the implementation of independent campus

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406

learning, academic stress is one of the conditions that arise in students at the university
as a result of the experience of experiencing the new curriculum. Stress that arises or is
caused by academic conditions can be categorized as academic stress. Various
academic demands that must be completed by students cause them to experience
academic stress. The inability of students to adapt to these conditions makes them
experience various conditions that are not physically and mentally healthy. Essel and
Owusu (2017) mentioned that the word stress is associated with an increase in several
diseases such as cardiovascular, depression, anxiety, and other issues that harm a
person's mind and body. In addition, Susanto (2015) explains that the academic stress
experienced by students that takes place continuously causes a decrease in body
resistance. Relevance to this situation, Alvin (2007) and Gusniarti (2002) describe that
academic stress is a condition that arises due to the pressures and challenges faced by
students while studying, this condition causes them to have a perception of not being
able to cope with environmental demands and recognize their resources.
In other words, academic stress is the pressure that occurs on students caused
by competition or academic demands.Academic stress is caused by an academic
stressor (Barseli & Ifdil, 2017). Academic stressor is the cause of stress that starts from
the learning process such as pressure to get good grades, length of study, many
assignments, low grades or achievements, and anxiety in facing exams (Rahmawati,
2017). Fairbrother and Warn (2003) mention that academic stressors are related to
assignments; students feel pressured by competition between students, lack of pocket
money to access learning resources, and do not have a record of increasing academic
achievement. In addition, Joseph and Henry (2009) also see another point of view of
the triggers of academic stress, namely the bad relationship between students, students
and lecturers, and personal problems students face with their families. Meanwhile,
Aina and Wijayanti (2019) stated that a competitive learning atmosphere where
students work independently compared to group discussions, differences in needs,
goals, and expectations in learning, as well as disappointment with the applied
education system are factors that need to be considered. to find out the stress
conditions experienced by students. The results of Siregar and Putri's research (2019)
explain that academic stress is influenced by self-efficacy with a negative correlation,
meaning that even though they have high self-efficacy in learning, they still feel
stressed in their academics. In the context oflearning online as it is today, students also
experience situations that make them stressed, they tend to be anxious and depressed
with many tasks and short working time (Barseli, Ifdil., & Fitria, 2020).
Based on research by Rajni and Radhakanta (2018), the relationship between
stress and academic achievement is positive.In line with some of the findings above,
based on observations it is known that this independent learning makes a number of
students experience stress. They are from various fields of study feel confused in
determining the cross-departmental courses that they must take during the
implementation period of independent learning. In addition, they also feel that learning

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406

becomes more competitive because they are faced with the competencies of cross-
university students. Other stresses faced related to its implementation, such as unstable
networks and internet packages that were exhausted because learning was carried out
via teleconference. They are also faced with lecture assignments that pile up with
shortfor deadlinessubmitting assignments, making them more depressed. This heavy
burden and the psychological burden is feared to make the stress level even higher. The
various problems that have been raised if they continue, it is not known with certainty
whether they result in student achievement decreasing or increasing and ultimately
having an impact on decreasing or increasing the performance of the faculty and the
university as a whole.It is undeniable that the achievement of the goals of an institution
or university does not only depend on the implementation of a renewable curriculum,
modern equipment, complete facilities and infrastructure, but also depends more on the
individual who carries out and receives the treatment.
Quality students can be interpreted as students who carry out their work and
are able to provide good work results or have high learning achievements. The high
student learning achievement also determines the extent to which the university's goals
have been realized and predicts what will be done in the future.Student achievement is
influenced by various personal conditions of each individual. Likewise, students at the
University of Muhammadiyah Lamongan are expected to be able to facilitate students
to become more accomplished to achieve excellence in the fields they are engaged in
so that they can compete in this unlimited global world. Efforts to improve learning
achievement must be accompanied by the control of academic stress and student
learning motivation. Therefore, based on the description of the background, the
researchers are interested in conducting further research to find new aspects related to
the MBKM Implementation Evaluation: Does Academic Stress Affect Student
Learning Outcomes?Stress that occurs in the school or education environment is
usually referred to as academic stress. Academic stress is stress caused by academic
stress”. Academic stress is stress experienced by students that comes from the learning
process or things related to learning activities such as: pressure to go to class, study
time, cheating, lots of assignments, getting test scores, decisions to determine majors
or careers as well as exam anxiety and management stress (Mufidah, 2017). According
to Olejnik and Holschuh (2016) academic stress is a response or reaction that arises
because there are too many demands and tasks that students have to do.
Rahmawati (2012) states that academic stress is a condition or situation where
there is a mismatch between environmental demands and the actual resources owned
by students so that they are increasingly burdened by various pressures and demands.
Academic stress experienced by students is related to: a) academic pressure (sourced
from teachers, subjects, teaching methods, learning strategies, facing tests or class
discussions); and b) social pressure (sourced from students' peers). The stress
experienced by students will then affect the physical and psychological aspects which
will result in disruption of the learning process (Welsh, 2009).Papalia, Old & Feldman

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406

(2008) stated that stress in the academic field in children arises when expectations for
academic achievement increase, both from parents, teachers and peers, while these
expectations are not in accordance with their abilities. From the results of his research,
Wilks (2008) concluded that the causes of stress among students are: a) fear of not
getting a place in college, b) school exams, c) too much content to be studied, and d)
school schedule that is too busy. All this stress is related to academic problems.
Academic stress is defined as the pressures faced by students related to school
that are perceived negatively and have an impact on physical, psychological health and
learning performance Papalia et al (2008) dan Wilks (2008).Learning outcomes are
changes obtained by students after experiencing learning activities. The changes
obtained depend on what students learn. A person's success in the teaching and
learning process is mostly measured by a learning test measuring instrument, which is
given at the end of the lesson or at the end of the semester. The learning outcomes that
can be produced by students depend on the learning process. Learning outcomes are
student abilities or achievements that students achieve after going through the teaching
and learning process. Sudjana (2011, p. 22) states that learning outcomes are the
abilities that students have after they receive their learning experiences.According to
Susanto (2015, p. 5) said that student learning outcomes are the abilities that children
get after going through learning activities. Because learning itself is a process of
someone trying to obtain a form of behavior change that is relatively permanent. In
learning activities or instructional activities, the teacher usually sets learning
objectives. Children who are successful in learning are those who succeed in achieving
learning goals or instructional goals. Good or bad learning outcomes depend on
individual students who learn and teachers who teach, because learning outcomes are
obtained from students who experience the learning process and teachers who teach
How well students receive lessons in the teaching and learning process and
how well teachers make learning interesting for students to receive is one of the
determining factors for learning outcomes. So, it can be concluded that learning
outcomes are the results obtained by students after carrying out the learning process
which is indicated by changes in the mindset and behavior of students which includes 3
aspects, namely cognitive (understanding), affective (attitude).Similar empirical
research has been carried out, in particular, which makes organizational commitment
as an intervening variable. All these findings have various interpretations, both positive
and negative. Indriyani & Handayani (2018) with the title "Academic Stress and
Achievement Motivation in Students Who Work While Studying". The results of this
study note that the hypothesis is accepted with a correlation value which means that
there is a very significant negative relationship between academic stress and
achievement motivation in students who work while studying. These results indicate
that the lower the academic stress, the higher the achievement motivation in students
who work while studying.Barseli, Ifdil & Fitria (2020) with the title "Academic stress

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406

due to Covid-19". The results show that during the online learning process that was
implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic, it caused a lot of academic stress,
especially for students.
This shows the need for the efforts of Guidance and Counseling teachers or
counselors to develop the practice of Guidance and counseling services to improve the
quality or potential of students in anticipating the emergence of student academic stress
during COVID-19 and the factors that influence the emergence of academic stress.
This manuscript will introduce an overview of students' academic stress during
COVID-19 including; the concept of stress, the concept of academic stress, and
managing stress during the Covid-19 pandemic Hopefully this can be used as a
reference.The sample in this study were students of the Dharma Husada Kediri
Academy of Nursing who met the inclusion criteria that had been set. The results
showed that neither stress nor motivation significantly affected student learning
outcomes. Dharma Husada Nursing Academy Kediri has a mechanism in a systematic
learning process. This will reduce stress on students and will increase student learning
motivation, which will have an impact on increasing students' Grade Point Average
scores. In contrast to the research and Barseli, Ahmad and Ifdil (2018), they show that
the results of research on student academic stress are generally in the moderate
category, and in general student learning outcomes are in the sufficient category, there
is a significant relationship between academic stress and student learning outcomes.
The implication of this research is that BK teachers can provide guidance and
counseling services that are preventive in nature against academic stress and improve
student learning outcomes.

Questionnaires were selected to collect data. It is designed in a closed method
and on a scale in response format, especially in Likert scale format. Before being given
directly to respondents (offline) to provide a brief explanation of the research and what
is expected of them. Thus, respondents' responses can be obtained quickly, and they
can fill out questionnaires accurately regarding the research objectives.The population
in this study were all students of the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 Management Study
Program with a total population of 173 people.
Furthermore, the sample category in this study is the number of students
involved are 173 people with a total sampling technique, namely the selection of
samples from the total population. This idea is the basis for choosing this technique.
The researcher then involved respondents from a total of students as the research
sample, namely 173 students of Muhammadiyah University, Faculty of Economics and
Business, Management Study Program. This study uses two analytical methods. First,
respondents' responses will be determined using descriptive analysis. The score from
the questionnaire was then used as a source of data processing using simple regression

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406


Descriptive statistics describe respondents' responses to questions that
represent three variables, namely academic stress and learning outcomes. Where the
test results are summarized in the table below:
Table 1. Academic Stress (X)
Respondent's Answer Assessment
Variable Indicator Score Criteria
5 4 3 2 1
X1 54 78 31 10 0 695 High
X2 33 81 43 16 0 567 High
Academic X3 33 96 31 13 0 668 High
Stress (X)
X4 45 99 25 4 0 704 High
X5 27 96 34 16 0 665 High
Mean 660 High
Source: data processed
As a result of the sum of the scores obtained, it is known that the total score on
the academic stress variability reaches an average of 660. This achievement falls into
the top category. This means that the increase in academic stress on students in
management is high. This means that a high value indicates that the student’s academic
stress has experienced an uncomfortable increase in the learning process that they have
experienced while study.
Table 2. Learning Outcomes (Y)
Respondent's Answer Assessment
Variable Indicator Score Criteria
5 4 3 2 1
Y1 51 103 15 4 0 720 High
Learning Y2 36 111 22 4 0 698 High
Outcomes Y3 51 99 19 4 0 716 High
(Y) Y4 27 96 34 16 0 653 High
Y5 0 10 18 91 54 330 Moderate
Y6 0 10 18 91 54 330 Moderate
Mean 574 Moderate
Source: data processed
Overall, the average of the subjects in the learning outcomes is 574 points.
These results reflect the achievement of adequate educational outcomes. This adequate
learning outcome indicates that the student’s learning process is still lacking. Adequate
learning outcomes must be achieved Learning activities can improve students' learning
outcomes through lectures. Therefore, it is hoped that student learning outcomes will
increase despite the existence or implementation of independent campus studies at the
university. In addition, the effect of causation was examined in this case by a simple
regression analysis. The test results are displayed as follows.

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406

Table 3. Simple Regression Analysis

Variables Coefficient tcount Sig
Academic Stress (X) .848 9,844 .000
Constant = 7,857
Adjusted R Square (R2) = .655
Determination R2 = .809
Source: data processed
The resulting regression equation is:
Y = 7,857 + 0,848X_1 + e
Interpret the equation as follows:
Y: the dependent variable, the value of which will be predicted by the independent
variable. In this study, the dependent variable is learning outcomes whose values
are predicted by academic stress.
α: 7,857 which is a constant value that is an estimate of academic stress. This means
that if we assume that academic stress is zero (0), then the learning outcome is
b1: 0,848 is the regression coefficient or trend of the academic stress variable. This
means that for each unit with a decrease in academic stress, it will increase the
learning outcome.
e: The residual value of the regression equation model or potential errors, which are the
result of the possibility that there are other variables that can affect the students'
learning outcomes, but which are not included in the equation model.
The coefficient of determination (R2) is the percentage of independent
influence on the dependent variable, the extent to which the dependent variable can
explain the independent variable. The greater the coefficient of determination, the more
consistent the dependent variable in explaining the independent variable. In this case, it
means how much learning performance explains the academic stress variable. From the
results of simple linear regression analysis that has been done so far, when the learning
achievement variable is 0.823, it shows an influence on learning achievement. These
results mean that 82,3% of learning outcomes can be explained by the academic stress
variable. The remaining 17,7% can be explained by equations or other variables that
are not included in the research model. The known simple correlation coefficient value
in the Adjusted R-squared is 0.677. This value explains a fairly strong relationship
between academic stress on learning outcomes variables. This means that there is a
relationship between academic stress and learning achievement, so the correlation is
quite strong.Hypothesis testing is carried out to determine whether the hypothesis
proposed in this study is accepted or rejected.
The research alternative hypothesis is that academic stress has a significant
effect on student learning outcomes of the Faculty of Economics and Business
Management, University of Muhammadiyah Lamongan. Hypothesis testing is done by
analyzing the t value of the simple linear regression test results.The t value is used to

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International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406

test whether the independent variable affects the dependent variable. Take a decision
by looking at the t-count value along with the t-table value in (α). The results of the
partial calculation show the t-table value of 2.675 at the 95% confidence level and 5%
significance level (α = 0.05). The results of statistical testing through a simple linear
regression test obtained a t-count value of 18,937. Because t arithmetic > the value in
table t (18,937 > 2.675), it means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, it can be
said that the academic stress variable affects student learning outcomes in the Business
Management Study Program, Faculty of Business, University of Muhammadiyah
Lamongan. To clarify the position of acceptance of Ha and the position of rejection of
H0, a curve is shown which can mark the following areas.

Fig 1. Ho Acceptance & Rejection Region Curve

This curve explains that the value obtained t is in the range H0. That is, H0 is
accepted. In other words, academic stress affects student learning outcomes in the
management program of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Muhammad
Lamongan University.
Based on the results of the sum of the scores obtained, it is known that the total
score of the academic stress variable averages 660. This achievement falls into the high
category. This means that the increase in students ’academic stress in the management
degree program is high. This means that a high value indicates that the student’s
academic stress has experienced an unfavorable growth in the learning process that he
or she has experienced during college. Most students in upper-class academic stress
show that they appreciate the academic demands placed on them. These academic
requirements relate to the high academic expectations placed on him, the excessive
demands of the lectures and the difficulty of passing the examinations, and the
perception of his inability to meet the existing academic requirements.Academic stress
is defined as a state in which individuals experience pressure in relation to science and
higher education (Govaerts and Grégoire, 2004). Research by Venna & Ina (2019)
explains that academic stress is a source of stress in the school environment. According
to Dwina, Gusya & Afrain (2018), academic stress is said to be the result of demands

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406

on researchers that go beyond individual abilities. At the same time, according to

Barseli and Ifdil (2017), academic stress is a pressure that results from a subjective
perception of academic status.
This pressure is due to school or academic requirements for students to
experience negative physical reactions, behaviors, thoughts, and emotions.The stress of
today is natural in modern life as stress has become an unforgettable part of life at
school, work, family and anywhere. Stress can also occur in anyone, including
children, adolescents, adults, or the elderly (Kupriyanov & Zhdanov, 2014). In the
academic environment, stress is an experience experienced by many students, both at
the school and college level. This can be due to many academic requirements that need
to be met, such as assignments, exams, and so on.This is consistent with Putri,
Permatasari & Rivai (2020) that on average students out of 300 students, there are 39
students (13%) with high levels of academic stress, up to 225 students (75%) with
moderate academic stress, and 36 students (12%) with low levels of academic stress.
Stress can be caused by the stress of online lectures during a COVID-19 pandemic,
such as poor internet connection, completing many tasks in a short time, responding
quickly to instructions, and the need to adapt quickly to learning from home. for
students. Ideally, the distance learning process can facilitate the learning process. This
change is certainly not an easy thing for students, including college students.
The study by Hanum (2013) explained that parental expectations and self-
confidence were significantly correlated with academic stress in upper grade students,
with parental expectations and self-confidence at 50.6%, i.e., academic stress in upper
grade students. Class students are affected by expectations, parents and self-
confidence. According to Singh & Khan (2012), the family is one of the factors that
can cause stress in students. These families are parents, and parents have a principle
that their children, as students, should follow the principles of their parents, follow the
rules and orders of their parents, and this can sometimes emphasize them. This can lead
to conflict in students because their parents' expectations of success or achievement in
their education are too high or unrealistic.Academic workload plays a role in academic
stress. With an increasing academic load, students must immediately complete the
tasks assigned to them. As a result, students often do not have time to relax and have
fun and can affect their performance (Oktawirawan, 2020). A study by Gintulangi &
Prihastuti (2014) found that there was a significant correlation between students' stress
levels when writing a thesis and students' perceptions of their parents' expectations
when completing a bachelor's degree program. The two variables in the study resulted
in a positive relationship, as the higher a student's self-esteem in terms of parental
expectations after completing his or her bachelor's degree, the higher the level of stress
that students experience while working on a dissertation.In addition, Muhammadiyah
was included in the transition category based on students' learning outcomes in the
Management Research Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business at
Lamongan University.

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International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406

In total, the items of the learning outcomes average 660 points. These results
reflect the achievement of sufficient training outcomes. This sufficient learning
outcome shows that the learning process of students is still weak. Lectures should
provide sufficient learning outcomes for learning activities that can improve student
learning outcomes. Thus, it is hoped that student learning outcomes will increase,
whether it is a process or implementation of an independent campus program for
higher education. Respondents' responses to students the teacher always pays attention
and remembers the lesson when explaining the lesson. During lecture activities,
lecturers usually give students the opportunity to ask questions or express their
opinions on a topic that is still poorly understood, but many students remain passive.
Some active students are usually in the front row, while students in the back are often
crowded and relatively inattentive. In any case, students who actively asked questions,
answered questions and expressed their opinion showed that they were not ready to
receive the study material offline, students did not prepare the material before the
This will of course affect the results of the study itself. Research by Sujadi
(2021) suggests that students who read online lectures can cause academic stress for
their own students.According to Anderson and Cratwall, in a review of Bloom's
taxonomy, student outcomes indicate mastery of three competencies that include the
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. These cognitive areas include students'
ability to (1) memorize, (2) understand, (3) use, (4) analyze, (5) evaluate, and (6)
create. In addition to the cognitive domain, there are also psychomotor and affective
domains. Affective domains include (1) acceptance, (2) response, (3) evaluation, (4)
management, (5) characterization. While the psychomotor domain includes (1)
imitation, (2) manipulation, (3) accuracy, (4) articulation, (5) naturalization.The result
of the research is a measurement activity (data collection and information) to assess the
cognitive, affective and psychomotor process in the learning process that students have
achieved after completing the learning activities to achieve the defined learning
Students will think as long as they think, without action, students will not
think. In order for students to think actively, students must be given the opportunity to
perform or carry out activities (Nasution., 2013). In addition, the academic emphasis is
on student learning outcomes in the management education program at Muhammad
Lamongan University, Faculty of Economics and Business. It is known from statistical
analysis that academic stress has a significant and positive impact on student learning
outcomes in the management curriculum of the Faculty of Economics and Business at
Lamongan Muhammad University. The results show that learning achievements are the
level of humanity that students have in receiving, rejecting, and passing on information
received in the learning process. Human learning achievements correspond to the
successful level of the subject in the study of the subject, which is described in the
form of points or reports of each field after passing the learning process. The resulting

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International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406

direction of influence is quite important, in addition to the adequate level of

importance, also because academic stress affects learning outcomes by 80.9%. In
addition to being important, it also has a positive effect. The interpretation is that the
higher the academic stress process, the lower the learning outcomes displayed.
According to Susanto (2015, p. 5) student learning outcomes are the
opportunities that children acquire after completing learning activities. Because self-
study is a process in which people try to achieve a relatively permanent form of
behavior change. In a learning activity or learning activity, the teacher usually
determines the purpose of the learning. Successful students are those who successfully
achieve their learning goals or learning objectives. Good or bad learning outcomes
depend on the individual students who teach and the teachers who teach, because
learning outcomes are taken from the students who go through the learning process and
the teachers who teach. How students receive instruction during the learning process
and how teachers are forced to engage students in learning is one of the determinants
of learning outcomes.In this study, the relationship between stress and student
achievement was significantly correlated. Therefore, from the calculation results
obtained by the students, who received a linear regression test score with p = 0.00 <α =
0.05, it is concluded that the relationship between stress and learning achievement has
a significant relationship.
This means that there is a link between stress levels and student learning
outcomes in the Management and Economics curriculum of the Faculty of Economics
and Business, Lamongan University, Muhammadan. The results of this study are
supported by Maulyda, Budiharjo, Erfan & Radha (2020) and Ph, Mubin & Basthomi
(2020), who stated that online lectures are very different from offline lectures. This
reduces students' academic scores. These results are also reinforced by studies by
Salmon & Santi (2021) and Anna & Afiatin (2020). Academic stress can lead to a
decline in student achievement. One of the factors in reducing achievement is the
online learning process.The results of this study also support the research of Barseli,
Ifdil and Linda Fitria (2020), with the same result, namely that academic stress is
related to the results of the study. The results of this study also suggest that teachers
should make efforts to improve teaching and learning service practices to improve
student quality or potential, to predetermine the onset of academic stress, and the
factors that contribute to student academic stress. Studies by Hudaifah (2020) also
suggest that higher levels of stress will lead to reduced learning achievement.

Based on the introduction as well as scientific approaches and procedures, this
research has a number of conclusions, namely: first, stressors from academic stress in
Management study program students in semester 5 and 3 have high gains. This means
that students feel that MBKM's academic activities make them feel stressed. More
specifically, the greatest stressor is caused by pressure from studying and unmet self-

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International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406

expectations. Both student learning outcomes in the implementation of the independent

learning curriculum are included in the sufficient category. That is, cognitive
competence or knowledge, affective or feeling, and psychomotor or skills obtained
from MBKM are not too high or not too low. The three relationships between
academic stress and student learning outcomes are positive and significant. It means.
the higher the degree of student academic stress, the lower the learning outcomes, and
vice versa. The five implementations of MBKM from the student's point of view have
a good impact on their self-development. However, in order for the implementation to
take place optimally, students, lecturers, and stakeholders can work together in
preparing to participate in the next MBKM, such as formulating the implementation of
the MBKM more clearly and carefully, as well as equipping students with the skills to
learn independently.
Based on the conclusions formulated in the description above, the researcher
proposes several suggestions that are applicable to several related parties. The
suggestions are:
1) For students, they are expected to be more serious in learning. They are
expected to be able to organize their learning independently before attending lectures.
After that, they can also establish good communication and discussion with study
partners in order to show optimal gain and control the stress that is in it. Academic
stress cannot be completely eliminated, because when an individual feels less stressed,
interest in participating in the program also tends to be less enthusiastic or motivated.
2) Lecturers are expected to be able to recognize the condition of their students.
Lecturers can also formulate activities that support the skills and potential of students
to be more alert in dealing with different learning environments. Learning design must
also be more varied, not only focusing on one learning strategy.
3) Stakeholders can formulate in more detail related to the implementation of
MBKM so that the roles of lecturers and students and their work steps become clearer.
Not only that, the socialization of this program must also be more active to be given so
that students recognize the program better.
4) For further researchers, it can be used as a reference for developing this
research by considering variables other than the variables in this study, for example
emotional, learning motivation, coping, learning activities and others. And can increase
the number of research samples and use different data analysis tools. Not only that,
researchers can also develop the same research, but describe indicators that have low
results, so as to achieve complete research results

Deep gratitude goes to the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research
and Technology for funding the research program for the Independent Learning Policy
of the Independent Campus and Community Service based on research results and
prototypes of private universities for the 2021 fiscal Year and LPPM Muhammadiyah

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University of Lamongan who have supported and facilitated the implementation of this
research. Thus, this article can be compiled to support the application of research or
theories that already exist.

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