SEAHORSE 35 Brochure 2013 02 08

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Seahorse 35


Becker Mewis Duct Version

Bulk Carrier of the future

Seahorse 35
Becker Mewis Duct Version

SEAHORSE 35 is a modern 35,000 DWT handysize Bulk Carrier, A permanent washing water return line is arranged in each
designed in close cooperation with shipowners with the cargo hold at tanktop level. A portable pheumatic pump can,
aim to create a future orientated handysize Bulk Carrier incor- via the return line, transfer dirty washing water to two cargo
porating all existing and known future regulations. hold washing water holding tanks arranged for temporary
storage to enable cargo hold cleaning in sensitive and
The SEAHORSE 35 design is developed with specific focus on: restricted areas.

Economical and efficient operation IMO approved ballast water treatment plant capacity 2×800
Environmental and maintenance friendliness m3/h
Loading flexibility Fire main line, hydraulic and FW piping and electrical cables
Latest regulations for Bulk Carriers in cargo area are arranged in upper deck pipe ducts to
avoid cargo and green water damage and ensure minimum
SEAHORSE 35 is shallow-drafted to maximize cargo-intake in maintenance.
draft-restricted ports.
Main and Auxiliary Engines are all complying with IMO’s NOx
SEAHORSE 35 is laid out with 5 flush doubleskinned cargo Tier II requirements.
holds, wide hatches and no hopper tanktops, thereby ensur-
ing easy access and storage of cargo in all cargo holds. The SEAHORSE 35 is laid out to operate two HFO and MDO
grades, ie low sulphur fuel operations can be ensured in
SEAHORSE 35 cargo holds are equipped with CO2 fire- SECA areas and harbors.
fighting system, A60 fire-insulated engine room bulkhead
and natural cargo hold ventilation ensuring safe carriage of A slender afterbody and a high efficient NPT propeller
a wide range of bulk cargoes. ensures optimal performance with minimum fuel oil con-
sumption. Furthermore a vertical stem design is adopted to
SEAHORSE 35 is equipped with four 30.5 mts SWL wire- improve the fuel efficiency in adverse weather conditions.
luffing cargo cranes and four motor-grabs stowed on cross-
decks between hatches.
In order to further lower the fuel consumption, SEAHORSE 35
Short turn-around time is achieved by the complete flush is fitted with Becker Mewis Duct, which is presently the most
cargo holds and effective cargo hold cleaning by portable effective energy saving device available.
washing machines. Outlets of water and compressed air are
arranged in all cargo holds at tanktop-level.
Principal dimensions Main machinery and equipment
Length OA, max 180.0 m Main engine MAN 5S50ME-B9.3 TII or WÄRTSILÄ 5RT-flex50D
Breadth 30.0 m – SMCR 6,050 kW
Depth 14.7 m – NCR (service speed) 5,250 kW
Scantling draft 10.10 m – NCR (ECO speed) 4,150 kW
Gross tonnage 24,366 Aux engines 3 x 650 kW
Net tonnage 11,521 Emergency generator 110 kW
Ballast pumps 2 x 800 m3/h
Deadweight and cargo hold capacity Water Ballast Treatment System 1,600 m3/h
DWT at scantling 35,000 t
TPC 50 t/cm Complement
Senior officer class 4
Cargo hold no 1 7,900 m3 Officer class 6
Cargo hold no 2, 3, 4 9,800 m3 Petty officer / Rating class 15
Cargo hold no 5 9,400 m3 Total complement 25

Total cargo hold capacity, grain 46,700 m3 General Bulk Cargoes

Total cargo hold capacity, bale 45,800 m3 Grain, Cement, Iron Ore, Alumina, Bauxite, Mineral Sand, Salt,
Steel Products, Scrap Iron, Timber etc.
Stowage factor(T=10.10m) 50 cuft/t
Dangerous Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC)
Uniform distributed loads: Aluminum Nitrate, Ammonium Nitrate, Barium Nitrate, Brown
Coal, Calcium Nitrate, Castor Beans, Charcoal, Coal, Copra, DRI
Tanktop all cargo holds 25.0 t/ m2 (A), Ferros Metal, Fishmeal, Fluorspar, Lead Nitrate, Lime, Linted
Weather deck 4.0 t/ m2 Cotton seed, Magnesia, Magnesium Nitrate, Metal Sulphide
Hatch covers 2.5 t/ m2 Conc., Peat Moss, Pet Coke, Pitch Prill, Potassium Nitrate, Pyrites,
Radioactive Material, Sawdust, Seed Cake (a), Seed Cake (b,
Steel coil loading: mech. exp. only), Sodium Nitrate, Sulphur, Tankage, Vanadium
2 tiers of 22.5 t/coil (L > 1.75m, 5 dunnages) Ore, Woodships, Wood Pellets.
1 ½ tier of 30.0 t/coil (L > 1.75m, 5 dunnages)
Cargo loading
Class notation Deck cranes:
Det norske Veritas +1A1 Bulk Carrier ES(D), CSR, BC-A (CH 2&4 4 sets of wire-luffing deck cranes
empty), GRAB(20), ESP, E0, HA(+), DK(+), DG-B, TMON, BIS, Safe working load (SWL) 30.5 t
RECYCLABLE, BWM-T, CLEAN Max. outreach from CL of vessel 26.2 m
Minimum outreach 4.0 m
Option: Ice class 1C, 1B, 1A or Log-fitted
Hatch covers:
Speed and Consumption 5 sets of end-folding, double-skinned, hydraulic operated steel
Service speed Fully Laden 14.0 knots hatch covers with grain/cement feeder openings.
Ballast 14.9 knots
Hatch opening (LxB):
Hatch no 1 16.0m x 18.7m/15.0m
ECO speed Fully Laden 13.0 knots
Hatch no 2, 3, 4 and 5 19.2m x 20.3m
Ballast 14.0 knots
Cargo Equipment:
Main engine fuel oil consumption (MDO): Lashing points on upper deck for securing of cargo on upper
Service speed 20.1 t/day deck and on hatch covers.
ECO speed 15.9 t/day
Lashing points on longitudinal bulkheads in cargo hold 2, 3 and
4 for securing of cargo in holds.
Auxiliary engine consumption (MDO):
At sea 2.0 t/day
Permanent CO2 fire-fighting system for all cargo holds.
In port, idle 1.4 t/day
In port, cranes in operation 4.2 t/day Engine Room bulkhead A-60 fire-insulated.

Consumption is based on scantling draft, including 15% sea- Cargo hold cleaning:
margin. LCV for MDO is 42,700 kJ/kg. 2 portable air/water driven combi-guns and 2 portable
pneumatic air driven washing water discharge pumps.
Permanent SW, FW and compressed air connections in each
Main engine fuel oil consumption (HFO):
Service speed 21.4 t/day cargo hold at tanktop level. Permanent washing water return line
ECO speed 16.9 t/day connected to washing water holding tanks in each cargo hold.

Tank capacities
Auxiliary engine consumption (HFO):
Heavy fuel oil 1,570 m3
At sea 2.1 t/day
MDO/MGO 350 m3
In port, idle 1.5 t/day
Lub oils 100 m3
In port, cranes in operation 4.5 t/day
Fresh water 250 m3
Ballast water (excl CH 3) 12,800 m3
Consumption is based on NCR (service speed) at scantling Ballast water (incl CH 3) 22,600 m3
draft including 15% sea-margin. LCV for HFO is 40,200 kJ/kg Washing water holding tanks 220 m3

Endurance: Fuel oil, ballast and fresh water tanks are equipped with remote
At service speed incl. Aux/E 20,100 nm tank gauging.

IMO Energy Efficiency Design Index: All HFO tanks arranged in Engine Room with cofferdams
EEDI 5.28 g/Dwt-nm (19.6% below base line) towards shipside.

All information and figures are given in good faith, but without any guarantee or liability.
Grontmij is Europe’s third largest engineering consultancy company and public listed on the Euronext Amsterdam. The group’s
yearly turnover is approx USD 1.2 Billion. Grontmij employs nearly 9,000 professionals in 350 offices worldwide.

The marine department provides ship design for all ship types and covers all aspects of modern ship design, including concep
tual ship design, structural design, stability and safety aspects, hull and propulsion optimisation, machinery design, vibration
and noise analysis, all in accordance with classification rules and flag state requirements. More than 250 newbuildings has been
build according to our design. Head office of Marine department is located in Copenhagen with branch offices in Odense
and Shanghai. We have long and close relationship with ship owners in Europe and combined with our local knowledge and
experience with, the ship building industry in Asia, we provide first class service to our Clients.

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DK-2600 Glostrup 100 Zunyi Road 3000 Helsingoer
Denmark 200051 Shanghai Denmark
P . R . China
Telephone: +45 43 48 60 60 Telephone: +86 21 6145 4900 Telephone: +45 25 61 45 44
Telefax: +45 43 48 66 88 Telefax: +86 21 6145 4902 Contacts: Michael H Schmidt
Contacts: Leif Jacobsen Contacts: Jan Kaergaard Lang E-mail: [email protected]
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