Yasol Johnmark NSTP Task1 1.3bsedfilcy2

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Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services

National Teachers College


Cluster Coordinator: Ms. Diane Dhahab D. Sanchez Date: November 13, 2021

1. What does it mean to be a good Filipino Citizen? Reflect on the

message of the song. What does it tell us about good citizenship? Do you
also share the same views? Why or why not?
ANSWER: For me, to be a good Filipino you must be patriotic in our country, and also
follow the rules of the government. Being Filipino is so easy but being a patriotic or one
who follow the rules is i think hard. I admit that sometimes I’m don't follow the rules but it
is sometimes only. In our generation we need to understand more about being a
patriotic and one who follow the rules implemented by our government

2. Prepare a list. What are 5 things that make you proud to be a Filipino?

List them down and illustrate these things (draw or paste cut-out photos
from used magazines or journals). Write 2-3 sentences explaining these
things. See the example provided in the next page.

5 things that make you Illustration, image, photo that represent the
proud to be a Citizen things I’m proud of

1. I am proud as a Filipino
because Filipinos still believe
in superstitions. Like the
picture i put in the box, it
shows a black cat, in
Philippines if you saw a black
cat you will have a bad luck
It is not lost in the culture of
the Filipinos so this is one of
the reasons why I am proud
to be a Filipino

National Service Training Program 1

First Semester - SY 2021-2022 Page 1
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

2. I am proud as a Filipino
because my country is full of
beautiful scenery and we are
also rich in natural resources
so I can say that I am proud
to be a Filipino

3. I'm proud to be a Filipino

because of the attitude that

Filipinos have, just like being

happy even if there is a

problem, that no matter

what storm passes, the

Filipinos are still here and


National Service Training Program 1

First Semester - SY 2021-2022 Page 2
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

4.I am proud as a Filipino

because in September we
celebrate the birth of our
beloved Jesus, young people
make improvised drums, they
use it to sing a Christmas song
to them, their neighbors, and
that Filipinos feel's the
presence of Christmas.

5. I am proud as a Filipino
because Filipinos are
religious, it was inherited from
our ancestors and still remains
today, Filipinos are active in
church activities, as we know
when the birthday of our
beloved Lord is approaching.
people gather to go to

National Service Training Program 1

First Semester - SY 2021-2022 Page 3
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

Note: You may use an extra sheet if the spaces provided are not enough.

3. Look at your list. What do these things tell us about our being good
Filipino citizens? Write a short reflection on the space provided. Share these
insights with your family members and also ask them for their thoughts. You
may also post some of the important thoughts in your social media
accounts and your friends to give comments.

Personal Reflection

What these things say is that we love our own country, this is what we have brought to

the east here we have opened our eyes and here we have also been shown who and

what we are as a people as a good citizen, these things say is we have many natural

resources in our country that we must preserve and love so that it can be passed on to

the next generations so we must take good care of it, as we know the endangered

species that are in danger of extinction. This is just one of the reasons why we need to

take care of our country, the Philippines.

National Service Training Program 1

First Semester - SY 2021-2022 Page 4
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

Writing conditions:
For items 1-3

(1) Use at least 100-150 words for items 1 and 3. Item #2 has specific
(2) Font size: 11
(3) Font style: Century Gothic
(4) Margins: 1 inch on all sides
(5) Spacing: single
(6) Save file as PDF. Use Filename: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_NSTP1_
Task1_NSTPSection (example: BLANDO_PAOLO_NSTP1_Task1_1.2BSPCY1)
(7) Upload the link of your output on the Dashboard

Rubrics for Task 1

Rating Scale Descriptors

11-15 Answers are very comprehensive, meaningfully written, and

well-organized. Images used are very appropriate. Writing
conditions are followed. Task is uploaded on time.

National Service Training Program 1

First Semester - SY 2021-2022 Page 5
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

6-10 Answers are somewhat comprehensive and meaningfully

written. Some writing conditions are followed. Images used are
appropriate. Task is uploaded on time.

1-5 Answers are not comprehensive. Most writing conditions are

not followed. Images used are somewhat appropriate. Task is
not uploaded on time.

National Service Training Program 1

First Semester - SY 2021-2022 Page 6

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