Template Task1

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Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services

National Teachers College


Cluster Coordinator: Ms. Patricia Mae Galang Date: NOVEMBER 14, 2023

1. What does it mean to be a good Filipino Citizen? Reflect on the message of the song. What does
it tell us about good citizenship? Do you also share the same views? Why or why not?
- Being a good Filipino citizen means embodying love, care, and respect for others. The song "Noypi at
Pinoy Ako" conveys the idea that despite our individual paths, there's an underlying unity that binds us
together. It suggests that in showcasing our true selves, we contribute to a collective identity, especially as
we navigate diverse life journeys. In my view, while freedom of expression is essential, it comes with the
responsibility to comprehend and be accountable for our actions. The song resonates with me because it
emphasizes a sense of familial interconnectedness. We're encouraged to be supportive and assist each other,
reinforcing the idea that good citizenship involves fostering a collective spirit of understanding and
cooperation in our diverse Filipino family.

2. Prepare a list. What are five (5) things that make you proud to be a Filipino?

List them down and illustrate these things (draw or paste cut-out photos from used magazines or journals).
Write 2-3 sentences explaining these things. See the example provided in the next page.

5 things that make you proud to be a

Illustration, image, or photo that represent the things I’m proud of
Filipino citizen

1. Breathtaking Places: The

Philippines is known for its many
hidden gems, and I take pride in
the fact that tourists often visit us
to witness the beauty of our
country. We offer a wide range of
activities, and I hope that our
nation becomes even more

National Service Training Program 1

First Semester - SY 2023-2024 Page 1
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

2. Hospitality: This is a strong

trait of Filipinos that I am proud
of, having grown up in such an
environment. Many Filipinos
are approachable and have a
happy-go-lucky attitude. We
easily adapt to different
environments and get along
well with our fellow

3. Rich Arts and Culture: We

genuinely value our heritage
and culture, something I, like
many Filipinos, take pride in.
We have numerous artists who
create beautiful works of art
and excel in singing,
showcasing our natural talent
that is admired by other

4. Unique and Diverse Cuisine:

Filipino cuisine is unparalleled,
and it is something that people
keep coming back for due to its
unique flavors and the love put
into cooking. Pork, for instance,
can be prepared in various
ways, such as sinigang and
adobo, and is widely

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First Semester - SY 2023-2024 Page 2
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

appreciated even outside our


5. Innate Industriousness:
Filipinos are known for being
hardworking and versatile, a
quality I boast about because of
our ability to handle various
tasks. We are adept at fixing
things, have multiple sidelines,
and are resourceful in our
approaches to work.

3. Look at your list. What do these things tell us about our being good Filipino citizens? Write a short
reflection on the space provided. Share these insights with your family members and also ask them for their
thoughts. You may also post some of the important thoughts in your social media accounts and your friends
to give comments.

Personal Reflection
Looking at this list, it's clear to me that being a good Filipino citizen is not just about loving our country but also
celebrating what makes us unique. Our breathtaking places and rich arts show our deep connection to our roots,
something that we should be proud of. Our hospitality reflects a welcoming spirit, making others feel like part of
our extended family. The diverse cuisine is a testament to our creativity and love for flavors, and our hardworking
nature is the backbone of our progress. Sharing these insights with my family, I'd say that being a good Filipino

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Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

citizen means embracing our culture, welcoming others with open arms, and working hard to contribute to our
nation's growth. I'll be curious to hear what my family thinks and maybe even share it on social media to see what
my friends have to say.

Rubrics for Task 1

Rating Scale Descriptors

Answers are very comprehensive, meaningfully written, and well-organized.

11-15 Images used are very appropriate. Writing conditions are followed. Task is
uploaded on time.

Answers are somewhat comprehensive and meaningfully written. Some

6-10 writing conditions are followed. Images used are appropriate. Task is
uploaded on time.

Answers are not comprehensive. Most writing conditions are not followed.
Images used are somewhat appropriate. Task is not uploaded on time.

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