Lec 32
Lec 32
Lec 32
Lecture - 32
Underground Hydrogen Storage
The mismatch between the hydrogen production and consumption is the reason why we
require hydrogen storage. The consumption varies with the demand; however, production
remains almost constant. Now, in order to level these fluctuations in the demand at the same
time sometimes when the demand surpasses the production. So, in order to level that
hydrogen storage becomes essential.
Now, one of the method for storage is underground hydrogen storage, we have seen in the
earlier class that there are different methods using which we can store hydrogen. However,
the low density of hydrogen low viscosity and high diffusivity are the major challenges and
that makes it difficult to contain or store hydrogen. and the mid or the long term storage at the
same time large scale storage of hydrogen is the biggest bottleneck.
Now, underground hydrogen storage this has the advantage that we can achieve larger
capacity of storage, at the same time this is a safer method of storage compared to the above
surface storage. This is the reason being in underground storage it is less exposed to or the
absence of atmospheric oxygen makes it a safer method of storage.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:51)
Now, looking back into the history of underground storage, it was in 1986 when Taylor was
the first who identified that hydrogen can be stored in geological structures in a cheapest or
the most cost effective manner. But the history of underground gaseous storage goes even
way back to 1915 when in the depleted natural gas fields natural gas was stored first in
Ontario gas fields that was in Canada.
In fact, the underground hydrogen storage has many similarities with the underground natural
gas storage and there are many experiences from natural gas storage which has been utilized
for hydrogen storage. There are many similarities at the same time there are differences as
well. Now, these similarities are used not only in the ongoing projects, but in the future
planned projects.
These are used for site selection, for monitoring purpose, for like life cycle assessment and
considering the economic viability. And at the same time there are differences also between
the underground natural gas storage and underground hydrogen storage. Like the differences
lies because of the physico-chemical property, differences between natural gas and hydrogen.
For example, like if we see in terms of physical properties, the diffusivity is different, the
viscosity, the densities are different as such in the similar volume we can we have to store
like less amount of hydrogen compared to the natural gas or we have to go on to higher
pressures to store equivalent amount of hydrogen. Then there are problems like leakage. So,
that needs to be monitored.
At the same time there are differences in the chemical properties like hydrogen is more
reactive. So, it can undergo or it can participate in different chemical reactions, various
biochemical reactions, various bio microbial reactions wherein that can lead to loss of
hydrogen. So, although there are similarities with the underground natural gas storage, but
there are differences also.
So, later on in the year 1976, Walters he has found that there are no insurmountable or
environmental problems which are associated with storing hydrogen in these geological
structures in the underground hydrogen storage methods. In 1979, Carden and Patterson they
identified they have studied that how much is the loss of hydrogen when we store hydrogen
in these underground structures.
And he found that only 1 percent of hydrogen per cycle of the total amount of hydrogen
which is injected that might get lost in the operational processes, while 0.4 percent of the
injected hydrogen it gets lost in the first cycle. At the same time, he identified that if we have
if we inject a cushion gas along before the hydrogen gas injection, that improves onto both
performance as well as efficiency.
In 1985 a whole network of manmade tunnels was proposed for hydrogen storage by
Lindblom and he also did a detailed techno economic analysis to show the viability of such
storage. In 1986, Taylor et al they did a detailed feasibility and economic viability analysis of
underground hydrogen storage into various geological structures like salt caverns, rock
caverns and depleted natural gas reservoirs.
And they found that among these salt caverns are the most cost effective and better ways of
storing hydrogen. In 2004, Schaber et al they compared the underground hydrogen storage
facilities with the high pressure storage above ground and they were able to find and they
reported that the underground hydrogen storage facilities they are more better or preferred
compared to the high pressure storage and they are also economically viable.
Thereafter, there were large number of studies reported which identified the various sites for
underground hydrogen storage like in 2018 Tarkowski et al they have introduced the potential
salt domes for underground hydrogen storage in Poland. And they are out of 28 such salt
domes they identified 7 as prospective sites for hydrogen storage. In 2018 Heinemann et al
they did a detailed study on the site of midland valley site and they identified like what are
the potential sites UK based in sites.
And that was on the basis of the storage capacity as well as considering the geological
uncertainties. And they again mentioned that the salt caverns they are better in terms of
capacity at the same time geological uncertainties. In 2019, Lemieux et al they studied the
different geological sites for favorable sites for seasonal storage of hydrogen in Ontario in
In 2020, Lankof et al they provided an entire series of maps of salt caverns along with their
potential for underground hydrogen storage. And this was an entire mapping which included
the maps for storage with the capacity being included, how much energy that can be stored
with the maps of calorific value of hydrogen.
In 2020, Narayanamoorthy et al they proposed a normal wiggly dual hesitant fuzzy set and
that was for selecting a prospective underground hydrogen storage site and that was based on
five criteria. These were like the technique of operation, how much is the investment cost,
social economic and risk factors and then thereafter there were several active studies also
based on the processes involved.
In 2020, Shi et al they investigated the potential of storing hydrogen and natural gas blend
into a depleted oil and gas reservoir. And that reservoir was actually being used for natural
gas storage and that was they have studied through different series of experiments. And they
found that when hydrogen is blended with natural gas, the permeability reduces and then the
losses also reduces the entire pore structure the permeability also changes when a natural gas
and hydrogen blending is being done.
Now, if we look at the process of underground hydrogen storage a cushion gas is in fact,
injected prior to the hydrogen injection. Now this cushion gas is actually a sort of permanent
inventory which goes into the field, but which do not participate in the process. Now this
cushion gas is required so, as to pre pressurize the geological structure or to get the desired
pressure and deliverability rate from the structure.
And it has multiple advantages it can reduce the hydrogen losses and at the same time it can
give the required pressures as well as flow rate. In fact, there are several series of
compression and expansion cycles are performed in the whole process of geological storage
wherein the injection as well as withdrawal of the gas is being carried out. And that finally,
we could achieve the required desired pressures at the same time the desired flow rates.
So, this cushion gas is crucial and this can be any lower cost gas that could be either a town
gas or carbon dioxide or methane or nitrogen. However, the disadvantage that lies is that it
the hydrogen can get contaminated with the cushion gas and during the withdrawal cycle the
cushion gas can also come along with hydrogen.
So, in that case we will have to do a proper separation and purification to get pure hydrogen.
Now the underground hydrogen storage to several studies it has been found that these
structures which store hydrogen they can be used for long term large scale hydrogen storage.
They are very economical because they can store hydrogen in very large quantities they are
cost effective methods of storage. These technologies are also well proven technologies; they
give good performance, they have a lesser microbial contamination depending upon which
method we have used for storing underground in whether it is salt caverns based, whether it is
depleted oil or gas reservoir or aquifer the contamination level may be different.
And at the same time they are even safer than the pressurized method of hydrogen storage.
But in spite of these this list of advantages there are certain disadvantages also associated
with underground hydrogen storage or these are certain challenges associated like there are
integration challenges. Integration challenges in terms of when these are integrated with large
scale hydrogen production then the injection the faster injection may not may be difficult to
integrate with the underground hydrogen storage.
Or, the rate at which it is being produced we may not be able to inject at the same rate into
the geological hydrogen storage. So, there could be challenges depending upon what are the
production rate. At the same time some of the biochemical or chemical reactions or microbial
reactions can cause contamination into the hydrogen stream which is being stored in the
below the ground and that could lead to lesser purity hydrogen. So, the getting a higher purity
hydrogen could be a challenge in some of the cases like in storing in aquifers or in case of oil
and gas fields.
Besides that the major challenge lies in terms of availability of such geological structures. So,
they should be close either they have to be in proximity of the hydrogen production plant or
then we will have to also look at the transportation added cost which is due to the
transportation. At the same time continuous monitoring is required so, as to ensure safe and
secure storage of hydrogen in these geological structures. And we need to have a proper
regulatory framework associated with storage in these structures.
Now, two different experiments lab scale experiments and several field scale experiments. It
has been identified that underground hydrogen storage we can achieve very higher capacity
and the site selection can be done in such a way so, as to achieve the desired capacities of
storage these are even secure methods of storage safe in handling. They although they
undergo physio chemical, geological or biochemical reactions below the ground and that can
even lead to losses of hydrogen.
And also there have been several studies which has been done to understand the economic
viability of this method of storage. However, the major challenges that remains in
underground hydrogen storage are the selection of proper site or the location suitability to get
a higher capacity geological structure. Then there are reactions because of all these
physiochemical, geochemical or biochemical or microbial reaction and that can compromise
with the purity of hydrogen and can lead to contamination of the hydrogen which is being
Besides other than that sometimes there are liquid gas interface reactions which can lead to
certain hydrodynamic challenges. Hydrogen being a very small molecule, very low density,
high mobility it can even lead to leakage. At the same time in certain processes the water
which is being produced in the different processes that needs to be removed a large quantity
of water has to be removed from that structure. There could be environmental issues with all
these there can be efficiency reduction of the process.
So, when we look at the different methods of underground hydrogen storage, there are still
much of research which is required and there should be certain up scaled pilot projects that
are required to have a better understanding of this method of hydrogen storage. The starting
should be with the proper site selection methods and that are needed not only to extend it to
the less understood regions, but to understand the existing sites even more better.
After that site selection comes the monitoring procedures. So, improved monitoring
procedures are also required so, that hydrogen can be stored safely and securely in these
structures. For that realistic simulation models which could predict the performance of
hydrogen storage, considering safety security of the surface as well as subsurface facilities
which are used for storing and extracting hydrogen that needs to be carried out.
And further these models which are used needs to be further refined to understand the
processes completely and integrate those processes within the models so, as to have a better
(Refer Slide Time: 16:12)
Now, before going into the details of such structures for hydrogen storage, we need to
understand the properties of hydrogen. Actually, this most of the knowledge that we have
about the underground hydrogen storage that comes from the experiences that we had from
carbon dioxide storage or from natural gas storage. However, the properties of hydrogen, that
differs from carbon dioxide as well as natural gas.
So, if we see the density of hydrogen since it is less than natural gas. So, the mass of
hydrogen that will be stored in a given volume when it is hydrogen as against natural gas will
be lower like it is one eighth of that which can be stored in compared to methane. Also the
viscosity of hydrogen is lower so; that means, it will have a higher mobility. This is important
when it is being considered in storing in porous media compared to if it is a blend of natural
gas and hydrogen or a natural gas is used as a cushion gas in that case hydrogen has a higher
And this will we will be getting lesser of residual hydrogen in the porous media as compared
to methane. So, this has an advantage when we consider the withdrawal of hydrogen in the
withdrawal cycle of hydrogen. It has a higher mobility thus it has a better efficiency during
the withdrawal process. Now since the viscosity is lower. So, as such the coning which is
directly proportional to viscosity will be also lower in case of hydrogen and thus there will be
less of loss of hydrogen is expected.
Besides that, the solubility of hydrogen is another important property that needs to be
considered when we are considering the storage in aquifers or depleted oil and gas reservoirs.
This is because if it is solubility would have been higher we would have a higher hydrogen
loss, but interestingly the solubility of hydrogen is less in the different solvents or in the
water or in the brine solution. So, the losses associated when we are storing hydrogen in
aquifers or depleted oil and gas reservoirs is comparatively lower.
Further, when we are looking at the water, gas and salt solution or the brine then the solubility
further reduces in the presence of salts. So, as such the losses associated when we are storing
in these reservoirs is comparatively lower compared to the carbon dioxide or compared to the
natural gas. But the molecule being the smallest one having a lower density high diffusivity,
the problem of hydrogen leakage could be there which needs to be continuously monitored.
Now, among the different options which are available for underground hydrogen storage the
important ones being the salt caverns, depleted oil and gas reservoirs and aquifers. Now these
three options can be used for storing and it is being used for storing several different gases
like it can be used for carbon dioxide storage, it can be used for town gas storage or methane
storage and now also being considered for hydrogen storage. Now, other than these three
options there are few more options which are being looked at for hydrogen storage.
However, with the increasing growing hydrogen demand, they may also get an increased
interest like the abandoned cold coal mines or these could be lined hard rock caverns or
refrigerated mine caverns. Now depending upon what is the geological structure we are
using, we can categorize these structures roughly into two types either these can be porous
media type of structures in which hydrogen can be stored, in porous media type of geological
structures hydrogen is stored in the pores formed.
However, which storage option will be selected that depends upon what is the trapping
capacity of that particular structure, how much amount of hydrogen can be stored or kept
inside that structure, at the same time what is the property of the gas. Like since these
structures can be used for other gas storage as well either carbon dioxide, town gas, methane
or hydrogen. So, which gas we are using, so which structure we are going to use that
selection will depend upon also on the property of the gases.
Now, let us first look at the salt cavern based storage. Now these salt cavern based storage
these are usually the cylindrical type of structures and these are artificial pits which are
formed in the thick underground salt deposits. And these are built from the surface and these
are made by means of either injecting water in a controlled manner inside a well in the salt
rock this is also known as solution mining method.
Now, depending upon what is the capacity which is need to be stored what is the requirement
what is the technical possibility of storing at that particular location that particular site of salt
cavern these can be built to up to 2000-meter depth. These can store about 10 lakh meter cube
volume and it can have 300 to 500 meters of height, 50 to 100 meters’ diameter thus they can
store large quantity of gas.
Now, the pressures that can be operated or the operational pressures that lies in the range of
30 to 80 percent of the lithostatic pressure. So, for these geological structures which are salt
caverns specific geological locations are desired which has a certain tightness they have a
favorable mechanical properties of the salt and also they have a resistivity towards chemical
reactions. Now this resistivity towards chemical reactions is higher because of the presence of
salt. So, there are less of microbial reactions which could lead to the losses of hydrogen. So,
that is the advantage of storing in salt caverns.
Besides that, viscoplastic attributes of evaporitic rocks which can help in better sealing
function that is also considering the salt caverns making them more mechanically stable. So,
that makes the entire process which is considering the injection putting in hydrogen and
taking out hydrogen the withdrawal that becomes more adaptable and suitable for both short
as well as medium term storage of hydrogen.
At the same time the prevailing high saline condition, this restricts the consumption of
hydrogen through various microbial processes by the microbes and leading to reduced loss of
hydrogen. The depth of these salt caverns that is there at that particular site that will
determine the capacity of storage like if the depth is higher we can attain more of pressure.
Now if it is more of pressure; that means, we can have more compressed hydrogen in that
particular geological site.
So; that means, if it is higher depth, higher pressure and more amount of hydrogen. However,
if it is a lower depth one then lower amount of cushion gas will be required that again will
has its own advantage that we will have reduced cost of operation in such caverns. The
important issue that remains is that we need to supply a large amount of water and that is
required for leaching of the caverns.
And again not only providing that large amount of water, but then removal and disposal of
that brine solution which is obtained in the process is required and that remains a major issue
in the salt cavern based storage. Other than these there are certain technical and economic
factors that also require to be considered when it has to be stored in salt caverns.
Now these factors are like what is the distance from the pipelines or from the production site
where it has to be stored at the same time at that location the availability of water that also
has to be considered while this method of storage is being selected. If we look at the
economic aspect the cost of building a salt cavern or salt chambers this is less than the other
underground projects. This is because a single well is digged and that is also done from the
surface through a with enough casing and installations to transmit the gas and that to
subjected depending upon the size of the cavern.
So, if we look at the salt cavern based storage, this is the most economical and cost effective
method of storage this is easy to manage as well. Because the gas when it is stored in salt
caverns this can undergo several cycles of injection and extraction multiple times per annum.
And as such this is the most cost effective method of storage and it is the only method
currently on which there are different projects operating in the world. The second method for
storing hydrogen in underground geological structures is in aquifers.
Now these aquifers are in fact, these are porous and permeable media where there are
different pores, these pore spaces these are either filled with fresh water or with saline water.
Now, the advantage of these aquifers is they are not very much location dependent they are
available all over the world. So, as such we can have a good option for underground
hydrogen storage in the aquifers.
But the conditions that are required to be considered if we consider these for hydrogen
storage are that it should have a good reservoir characteristic of host rock, it should not only
house that hydrogen at the same time it should be impermeable. So, there should be a
presence of an impermeable layer which will prevent migration of gas which is being stored.
So, that is required for containing the gas which has been injected.
Now, when a hydrogen is injected into an aquifer which is already filled with water because
of the density difference what will happen is, between the gas which is injected and the liquid
which is water in these aquifers the liquid will displace down when gas is injected at a higher
pressure in our case like it will be hydrogen. So, when it is injected at a pressure which is
higher than the normal reservoir pressure in that case the liquid will be displaced either it will
be displaced down or it will be displaced sideways.
And at the same time the pressure inside the porous media will be increased because now the
same volume we are occupying gas as well as liquid which was already there without
withdrawing the liquid. So, because we are adding hydrogen in the same volume as such the
pressure will increase and as such the liquid gas interface will also change during the
injection process.
Now, when in from such aquifers hydrogen is withdrawn now there will be again a movement
of gas liquid interface as it was during the time of injection and that liquid which can also
come out along with the gas in this process. Now, this is the major disadvantage of aquifers.
So, when during the withdrawal cycle along with the gas which is hydrogen in this case
liquid can also come out.
The other phenomenon that can act is there can be leakages in the aquifers that could be
because of certain faults which are which goes undetected. There can be biochemical
reactions, there can be reaction of hydrogen with the minerals present in the reservoir rocks
and that all can lead to loss of hydrogen. There could be structures present and the rock
properties of the aquifers which we need to first understand before selecting any site for such
aquifers for hydrogen storage.
So, at present like we need to first understand those structures which are formed, what are the
properties of these aquifers these needs to be first characterized such that whatever are the
subsurface formations they could be first understood well. Now, but the problem lies is at
present such studies are not available. So, these are rarely available and there are no reports
on such aquifers which store pure hydrogen.
However, there are certain projects ongoing projects of storing town gas, not pure hydrogen
in a composition of 50 percent hydrogen and 50 percent methane which is reported in Europe
such as Engelbostel and the other one in Germany, this one is in Lobodice is in Czech
Republic, Bynes in France. So, these are some of the ongoing project, but these are for
storing town gas and not for hydrogen.
Now, the third option that can be used for storing hydrogen is depleted oil and gas reservoirs.
Now these are hydrocarbon reservoirs which has a hydrocarbon bearing geological trap. So,
there should be a trap which will be used for storing hydrogen and this has to be capped with
an impermeable layer and that is known as caprock. This is actually supported by an aquifer
which can be either present at the bottom of it or onto the edges.
So, there is a trap which will host hydrogen, there is an impermeable layer which is caprock
and then finally, it is being supported with an aquifer from the bottom side or from the edges.
This is actually the most appropriate option for underground gas storage. The reason being
these are already being well studied they are well identified geological structures we have
already like during the explorations we have already studied the gas the gas tightness of these
structures, their integrity of the caprock.
And these are the pre existing structures which we have already widely understood the
necessary surface and subsurface installations are already there. So, these seems to be the
most appropriate choice. Now, we already have a detailed information for these depleted gas
reservoirs and these are already proven for gas storage applications. Now there could be
certain remaining amount of gas which has not been recovered from these depleted oil and
gas reservoirs and that has an advantage.
So, the remaining gas which is there in these depleted gas reservoirs that has an advantage
that that gas can act as a cushion gas. So, there may not be requirement of additional cushion
gas if we have certain remaining amount of gas. But at the same time this is a disadvantage as
well. Because this remaining gas will contaminate the hydrogen which is injected inside and
that will reduce the purity of hydrogen.
So, when we are planning for hydrogen storage or any gaseous storage in these depleted oil
and gas reservoirs, it is essential that we have to plan that site in such a way that the gas
extraction should be stopped at an optimum time. Now, if we do that at an optimum time the
required time to create an infrastructure for storing gas or underground hydrogen storage
system will require lesser amount of time and cost as well.
Now if we look at certain newly created underground gas storage facilities, then the planned
exploration time it lies in a duration of about 5 years. And in that 5 years whatever is the
water which gets invades into those gas deposits because we have stopped the exploitation of
these reservoirs. So, the water which invades inside these formation geological formations
needs to be taken out or expelled out during this duration of creating these facilities.
Now underground gas storage when it is done in these gas reservoirs depleted gas reservoirs
usually it has a higher pressure than the original pressure at which it has stored the gases. So,
the pressures attained could be higher than the original reservoir pressure as such it is made
possible to store larger amount of gas, then it was originally present in these gas reservoirs.
Now, if we look at the depleted oil reservoirs, then when it is converted into underground
hydrogen storage facility as such a very detailed study is required. The reason being if there
is any residual oil present in the reservoir there are chances that there could be chemical
reaction of that heavy oil with hydrogen and that can lead to even formation of methane.
So, rather than storing hydrogen we may end up getting more of methane that will be
increased and that will result into reduced purity of hydrogen stored at the same time the
hydrogen we are storing that gets dissolved into the oil and again lead to loss of hydrogen.
So, in case of depleted oil reservoirs, there are more studies required before selection of a
If we look at the ongoing projects of underground gas storage in the pure form, there are only
four such projects which are dedicated for pure hydrogen storage which can store 95 percent
purity hydrogen and all these are salt cavern based storage. So, the oldest one the Teeside
which is in UK, that has been operational for from 1972. So, that makes it very promising.
So, salt caverns are very promising geological structures where we can have long term
storage and that has been operational from 1972 and has a volume of 2,10,000 meter cube
and the working condition is that it can store 45 bar pressure hydrogen and this is operational.
The few more which are under operation are at Clemens site in USA, Moss Bluff, Spindletop
in US. So, these are the four sites which are operating all are salt dome based.
And the different pressures are like Clemens it is 70 to 137 bar, volume 5,80,000 meter cube,
Moss Bluff 55 to 152 bar, 5,66,000 meter cube, Spindle top 68 to 202 bar, can store 9,06,000
meter cube. So, these are operational while the one Kiel at Germany this is being closed.
Another one in Germany Ketzin this is an aquifer based storage this is operating with natural
Another one in France the Lobodice this is an aquifer based and this is operational. In
Argentina this is depleted gas reservoir and there is underground sun storage with depleted
gas reservoir which can store hydrogen at 78 bar and 40 degree centigrade. So, these are
some of the projects which are operating on underground hydrogen storage and there are
many more which are being planned.
Now, when we have to store hydrogen in these geological structures we have to understand
that the knowledge which we have gained is on the basis of storing natural gas or carbon
dioxide. So, either we can store hydrogen in the pure hydrogen form or we can even store it
in the form of mixture of gases. Now any optimal underground hydrogen storage production
we will have to look at both which is the method of production and what is the end use
wherein we are going to use that hydrogen which is being stored.
So, depending on that we can either have a pure hydrogen based storage or in the form of
mixture of gases. So, whatever experiences which we are using in hydrogen storage in these
structures that comes from either carbon dioxide storage where the carbon dioxide storage is
basically meant for carbon dioxide sequestration which is long term phenomena which is a
sort of permanent storage where we are only injecting and we are not withdrawing. So, that is
the basic difference between carbon dioxide storage and hydrogen storage.
So, it only has one process which is a injection one withdrawal is absent. At the same time
the if it is reacting and producing more carbon dioxide then that is not a problem when it is
carbon dioxide storage. With carbon dioxide there are chances of risk of corrosion in the
subsurface equipments which we are using there are chances of leakage because of the
several reactions that can take place. So, that is the major difference that will be with carbon
dioxide storage compared to that of hydrogen storage.
Also we have gained experiences from natural gas based storage, but again there are
differences of hydrogen storage compared to the natural gas based storage with hydrogen the
withdrawal frequency will be more. Now depending upon what is the market demand the
amount of withdrawals will be more in case of hydrogen compared to the natural gas. And
hydrogen being a smaller molecule there could be losses involved, there can be leak which
will be more because of the high diffusivity because of the viscosity, because of the density of
And in that case the structures there which were used for helium storage can be understood
well to have a better understanding for hydrogen storage. Now, there are different methods
like aquifers we have seen could be used for hydrogen storage. In them the pressure at which
we are injecting hydrogen definitely it has to be higher than the aquifer natural pressure so,
that these displace the liquid and making a way for hydrogen storage.
And the densities of hydrogen since that is lower and the viscosity is also lower that can lead
to certain challenges like there can be fingering or overriding or gas moving towards the top
all these effects could be observed in aquifers. Now, if we look at the aquifers, if we look for
days of storage then we can get constant volume and variable pressure. However, when it is
for months of storage then it come months for injection then constant pressure and variable
volume could be obtained.
Now these variations in aquifers these are basically because of the flow behavior and that
flow behavior depends upon the geometrical parameters factors like the porosity,
permeability, what is the geometry of that aquifer, what is the gas saturation, what is the well
location. At the same time it also depends on certain active parameters like what is the
density of the gas, density viscosity, what is the gravitation and viscous forces existing at that
site location, what is the flow direction.
So, all that determine these variations whether it is constant volume-variable pressure or
constant pressure-variable volume at the same time in these aquifers the withdrawal rate will
not be constant. It will not be possible to have a fixed rate for a longer duration the reason
being there will be expansion of gas when we are withdrawing then the there will be less of
flow pressure which will be obtained and the reservoir pressure will also decrease with time.
Also since we are using a cushion gas since we cannot completely get the recover the
hydrogen gas from these sites. So, about it is sort of considered as a loss like one third of the
total volume of gas which is being stored cannot be recovered. Now in order to reduce that
loss a cushion gas could be used which is of lower cost like a town gas, carbon dioxide or
methane or nitrogen this will not only improve the pressure which reduces with the time, but
it will improve that pressure at the same time will improve the efficiency.
If it is in depleted oil reservoirs, then dissolution of hydrogen takes place in the depleted oil
reservoirs and it has been found that it is 1.5 mole percent at a condition of 100 degree
centigrade and 150 bar. There can be different loss mechanisms that also operate like there
could be microscopic or macroscopic trapping of hydrogen localized trapping that can occur
in these structures, there could be diffusion of hydrogen that occurs in the various porous
structures, there will be mixing up of hydrogen that will lead to losses, then dissolution will
occur in the connate water.
And that all will depend upon how fast we are recovering at what rate we are recovering or
withdrawing the gas what is the caprock strength, what is the heterogeneity of the geological
structure, what are the capillary forces, water saturation, diffusion coefficient. There will be
different fingering, dissolution, diffusion, mixing surface tension solubility, water saturation,
capillary effect and withdrawal rate all these will lead to losses at different extent.
Not only these will lead to losses there will be several reactions like geochemical,
biochemical, microbial reactions because of the ions present, microbes present, minerals
present there will be undesirable elements that may result into several reactions and leading
to hydrogen loss there could be catalyst that could activate different processes and leading to
hydrogen loss.
So, it is essential that not only the appropriate site selection, but monitoring throughout the
process because this is a cyclic process and several injection and withdrawal processes are to
be done. So, it has to be monitored throughout and that can be done through different
processes like carbon isotropy for formation of methane we can check for it, electrical
resistance tomography, seismic full wave inversion. There can be several electrochemical and
chemical technique techniques that can be used for regular monitoring of such storage
So, to summarize the underground hydrogen storage in the various geological structures that
we have seen these are options for mid to long term storage at the same time these are meant
for large capacity hydrogen storage.
So, salt caverns these seems to be most promising, but the problem lies is their restricted
geological locations and they can store in a smaller capacity. Now, there are other options like
porous geological formations these could be aquifers or these could be oil and gas reservoirs
we can achieve higher capacity and their local positioning is not a problem depleted oil and
gas fields and aquifers these are still under research.
However, salt cavern based projects are already operational globally. What is required is we
need to minimize the losses in these storage systems, we need to reduce the contamination
levels through the various reactions. So, an appropriate site selection, understanding of the
mechanisms, continuous monitoring various simulations to understand the processes,
modeling the process is required so, as to have a technical and cost effective storage of
hydrogen in these geological structures. Thank you !