Labyrinth Seal

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Proceedings of COBEM 2011 21st International Congress of Mechanical Engineering

c 2011 by ABCM October 24-28, 2011, Natal, RN, Brazil

Numerical Simulation of Labyrinth Seal Flow

Rômulo Bessi Freitas, [email protected]
Leandro Marochio Fernandes, [email protected]
Márcio Teixeira de Mendonça, [email protected]
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Pç. Mal. Eduardo Gomes, 50. 12228-900, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Aloísio V. Pantaleão, [email protected]
Ricardo B. Flatschart, [email protected]
Vale Soluções em Energia, Rod. Presidente Dutra, km 138. 12247-004, São José dos Campos, Brazil

Abstract. Labyrinth seals are extensively used in gas turbine to control leakage and coolant flow between rotating and
stationary components. Their working principal is based on the loss of kinetic energy on a sequence of chambers or
cavities separated by sharp fins that results in a pressure loss across the labyrinth. Leakage control has a significant
effect on engine performance since any undesired secondary flow results in a reduction of mass flow through the main
engine path or a reduced mass flow in coolant passages. Different configurations are proposed in the literature in order
to result in higher losses and lower mass flow for a given gap between the static and the rotating component. These
configurations are also meant to reduce the carry over flow that passes straight through the labyrinth without losing their
kinetic energy. The design of the secondary air system depends on semi-empirical correlations for mass flow as a function
of pressure drop as well as on correlations for the carry-over coefficient (Co) and for the discharge coefficient (Cd). These
parameters depend on the labyrinth seal gap, number of fins, arrangement, cavity geometry and fin angle. Correlations
for the carry-over and discharge coefficients are based on experiments where a standard labyrinth geometry is used.
Nevertheless, in actual applications the geometric configuration does not exactly correspond to the geometries used in the
experiments. The better understanding of how Co and Cd vary with geometry will allow the development of better mass
flow correlation, placing less empiricism on the Co and Cd coefficients. In the present study a labyrinth seal configuration
is investigated where the flow enters into a vertical channel connected to the labyrinth. The flow is forced into a 90 degree
turn just upstream of the labyrinth and the effect of flow separation changes the discharge and carry-over coefficient.
Three different inlet channel areas are considered and mass flow is computed for different values of pressure drop across
the labyrinth seal system. The results are compared with correlations found in the literature for straight through channels
upstream and downstream of the seal fins. Numerical simulations are performed using an open source control volume
based CFD code (OpenFoam) to solve the two-dimensional compressible Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations.

Keywords: labyrinth seals, discharge coefficient, secondary air system, gas turbines


The secondary air system in a gas turbine is responsible for providing air for cooling and sealing. The air is bleed from
the compressor and directed to the hot sections where it is used to protect blades, vanes and disks from high temperature
gases. It is also used to prevent oil leakage from the bearings and to seal disk cavities from hot gas ingestion and leakage
between compressor stages. The amount of air bleat from the compressor should be precisely controlled to reduce losses
and avoid degraded performance. According to Chupp et al. (2006) 1% reduction in engine bleed gives 0,4% reduction in
specific fuel consumption, resulting in 0,055 billion gallons of airline fuel savings in the United States annually.
Labyrinth seals are extensively used in turbomachinery due to its simplicity, low cost, reliability, wide range of op-
erating conditions and high temperature resistance, among other factors. They are non-contact seals where the sealing is
performed by pressure drop in a series of cavities separated by Teeth. The flow is accelerated in the gap between the rotat-
ing and stationary parts and pressure drop is the result of friction in the throttle and loss of kinetic energy in the cavities.
This principle of operation is illustrated in Fig. 1 from ESDU-09004 (2009). The pressure drop and mass flow across
the labyrinth is a function of geometric parameters, such as clearance, cavity geometry and fin number. Fluid dynamic
parameters such as Reynolds number and Mach number, among others are the other controlling parameters.
For a given labyrinth the mass flow may be computed given the pressure drop and correlations for the discharge and
carry-over coefficients. These correlations are obtained experimentally or numerically for a given basic configuration
which usually does not correspond to actual geometric configurations used in gas turbines. In the present investigation
the mass flow versus pressure drop and discharge/carry-over coefficients are determined for a labyrinth seal configuration
consisting of a vertical inlet channel connected to the labyrinth. The results are compared to straight channel inlets in
order to access the accuracy of the of the correlations.
The discharge coefficient and carry over coefficient, as well as the mass flow for a given pressure drop across the
labyrinth will be compared to the correlations available in the literature to see how well they perform for the proposed
labyrinth geometry. A range of operating conditions will be investigated in order to assist in the design of secondary air
Proceedings of COBEM 2011 21st International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
c 2011 by ABCM October 24-28, 2011, Natal, RN, Brazil

There are many computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations of labyrinth seal flows in the literature showing the
adequacy of this tool in assisting the design and analysis of this type of flow. Kim and Cha (2009); Kim and Kang (2010)
presented CFD simulations and analytical models of straight and stepped labyrinth seals and compared their leakage
behavior. They show that CFD gives a better agreement with experimental results than analytical models for the leakage
flow and discharge coefficient. Other investigations on labyrinth seal performance comparing experiments and CFD
results are presented by Kang and Kim (2010) who compared the characteristics of various stepped labyrinth seals with
different number of steps and teeth as well as various operating conditions. Other recent simulations are presented by Yan
et al. (2009); Suryanarayana and Morrison (2009a,b) to name a few among many others available in the literature. In the
present study a Open Source CFD package (Open∇Foam) will be used to perform numerical simulations. Open∇Foam
is an unstructured finite volume solver for fluid dynamics and other field equations with many spatial and temporal
integration schemes as well as many different turbulence models implemented.

Figure 1. Energy loss through the labyrinth (ESDU-09004, 2009)


The research presented in this paper was performed using Open∇Foam, an open source C++ library for computational
fluid dynamics. The compressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved numerically based on a finite volume scheme. The
turbulent stress terms were closed using a two equation turbulence model based on the Boussinesq turbulent viscosity

2.1 Mean flow equations

The compressible Navier-Stokes equations are decomposed using the Favre decomposition.

φ ≡ φe + φ00 , φe ≡ , (1)
such that

ρφ00 = 0; ρφe = ρφe = ρφ (2)

where the over bar (e.g. ρφ) represents the Reynolds decomposition temporal average and ρ is the density.
The Favre decomposition is introduced in the governing equations and a temporal average is taken. For the pressure,
internal energy and density the Reynolds decomposition is applied. The resulting equations are
∂ρ ∂
+ [ρuej ] = 0, (3)
∂t ∂xj
∂ ∂ h tot
(ρuei ) + ρuei uej + pδij − τf
ij = 0, (4)
∂t ∂xj
∂ ∂ h tot
(ρee0 ) + ρuej ee0 + uej p + qej tot − uei τf
ij = 0. (5)
∂t ∂xj
Proceedings of COBEM 2011 21st International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
c 2011 by ABCM October 24-28, 2011, Natal, RN, Brazil

where t is the time, u the velocity, x the spatial coordinate, p is the pressure and δij the Kronecker delta.
The turbulent and laminar stresses are
tot lam turb
ij = τf
ij + τf
ij , (6)
lam ∂ uei ∂ uej 2 ∂f
ij =µ + − δij , (7)
∂xj ∂xi 3 ∂xk
turb ∂ uei ∂ uej 2 ∂f
uk 2
ij = −ρu00i u00j = µt + − δij − ρkδij . (8)
∂xj ∂xi 3 ∂xk 3

k = 1/2ug 00 u00 is the turbulent kinetic energy, and µ is the turbulent viscosity, which will be evaluated with a turbulence
i i t
The laminar and turbulent heat fluxes are
lam µ ∂ Te γ µ ∂ p
qej = −Cp =− , (9)
Pr ∂xj 1 − γ Pr ∂xj ρ
turb 00 µt ∂ Te γ µt ∂ p
qej = Cp ρuj T = −Cp =− , (10)
Prt ∂xj 1 − γ Prt ∂xj ρ
The average perfect gas relation results
p = (γ − 1) ρ ee0 − u fk − k .
fk u (11)
where µ is the dynamic viscosity λ is the thermal conductivity, T is the static temperature, Cp is the specific heat at
constant pressure and Pr = Cp µ/λ is the laminar Prandtl number, R is the gas constant, γ is the specific heat ratio, Cv is
the specific heat at constant volume, and e is the internal energy. The total energy is e0 = e + 1/2uk uk . γ, Cp , Cv e R
are assumed constant.

2.2 Turbulence modeling

For the Reynolds stress term the Boussinesq hypothesis is applied.

0 0 2 ∂uk
−ρui uj = 2µt Sij − δij µt + ρk , (12)
3 ∂xk
1 ∂ui ∂uj
Sij = + . (13)
2 ∂xj ∂xi
where k is the turbulent kinetic energy.
The standard k −  turbulence model is used. Transport equations for the turbulent kinetic energy k = u0i u0i /2 and for
the dissipation of kinetic energy  are solved and the turbulent eddy viscosity is calculated according to
νt = Cµ , Cµ = 0.09

In the viscous sublayer a wall law is enforced. The transport equations for k and  and details of the model can be
found in (Launder and Spalding, 1974).

2.3 Numerical method

The governing equations are solved numerically based on a cell centered unstructured finite volume scheme imple-
mented on an open source code (Open∇Foam). The geometries and the computational grids are shown in Fig. 2. The
labyrinth considered has a vertical inlet channel followed by a horizontal inlet channel, four fins and an exit channel. Two
base topologies are considered, one with a short inlet horizontal channel and another with a long inlet horizontal channel.
the first inlet channel is xxx mm from the first fin and the second xxx mm from the first fin. For each base configuration
two additional vertical inlet channels are considered, one with inlet width twice the base inlet width and the other half the
inlet width of the base configuration. Table 1 shows the geometric parameters considered.
The solution methodology is base on a segregated, compressible version, pressure based PISO algorithm with Euler
temporal integration. For pressure and velocity an algebraic multigrid solver with preconditioning is used and for the
turbulent quantities and the energy equation a preconditioned, bi-conjugate gradient solver is used. The vector field is
interpolated using a combination of Gauss linear scheme and first order Gauss upwind scheme.
Proceedings of COBEM 2011 21st International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
c 2011 by ABCM October 24-28, 2011, Natal, RN, Brazil

Short horizontal channel

Long horizontal channel

Figure 2. Geometry and grid distribution

Table 1. Fin geometric parameters

geometric element value (mm) geometric element value (mm)

height 2.0 width 2.5
angle 10o bottom radius 0.5
gap 0.3 throat length 1.0
inlet channel width 2 horizontal channel length .75 and 4

2.4 Boundary conditions

The following boundary conditions are imposed: at the inlet total pressure p0 = 463122 Pa and total temperature
T0 = 473.5 K are imposed. At the exit zero gradient for the temperature and static pressure are prescribed. Five different
exit static pressure p values are used corresponding to the pressure ratios P R = p0 /p = 1.1, 1.2, 1.65, 2 and 2.25. The
initial field is given by the inlet pressure and temperature while the velocity field is set to zero.
At solid boundaries no slip condition is imposed for the velocity components, zero gradient for pressure and adiabatic
wall for the energy equation. The flow is assumed two-dimensional. While Open∇F oam always solve three-dimensional
equations, two-dimensional models are considered by specifying a empty boundary condition for the side walls and only
a single volume in the spanwise direction.
Initial and boundary values for the turbulence quantities are crucial for the correct simulation of turbulent flows. They
are a source of uncertainties and are usually unknown from experimental conditions.
Given the turbulent intensity I, a turbulent length scale L and the ratio µt /µ, the kinetic energy and the dissipation
rate  may be calculated.
k= (uI)2 , (14)
I≡ , (15)
3 −1
ρk 2

k2 µt
 = Cµ , = Cµ . (16)
L µ µ

where Cµ is a fitting constant and the length scale is given as a percentage of the problem characteristic length. The
turbulent intensity used for three present problem is equal to 5% and the characteristic length scale is 0.2L, where L is
the labyrinth fin length.
Proceedings of COBEM 2011 21st International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
c 2011 by ABCM October 24-28, 2011, Natal, RN, Brazil


The results are organized in the following fashion. Initially numerical results are compared to reference experimental
results for a test case from Tipton et al. (1986). Next, results for the short and long channels in terms of discharge
coefficient and flow parameter are compared for the combinations of vertical inlet channel width (w = 0.5L, L and 2L).
Finally the flow field structure is analyzed plotting the streamlines for the different configurations.

3.1 Reference results

The correlations available in the literature for the mass flow as a function of pressure drop, discharge coefficients
and carry over coefficients are derived for a standard configuration with straight ducts upstream and downstream of the
labyrinth fins. In order to access the effect of different geometric configurations, first results are obtained for a straight
through channel with four fins. The results are also used to chose the grid refinement and verify if the chosen solvers are
adequate. CFD results are compared to experimental data from Tipton et al. (1986) for the straight through configuration
shown in Fig. 3.
The imposed inlet temperature and pressure are T0 = 300 K and p0 = 463122. The experimental conditions were
not given in Tipton et al. (1986), but since the results are presented in a non-dimensional form, variations in the inlet
conditions do not affect the mass flow parameter significantly. Test for different inlet pressure for the same pressure ratio
result in variations of less than 1% in the flow parameter.
The mass flow is usually given as a flow parameter φ
ṁ T0,in
Ac p0,in
The discharge coefficient is defined as the ratio of the mass flow to the ideal mass flow

CD = ,
where the ideal mass flow is
v "
u 2/γ  (γ+1)/γ #
po,in Ac u 2γ pout pout
where ṁid = Qid p , Qid =t −
T0,in R (γ − 1) po,in p0,in

where, γ is the specific heat ratio, T0,in and p0,in the stagnation temperature and pressure upstream of the seal, Ac is the
annular cross section area, R is the gas constant and pout is the static pressure at the outlet.
Results for flow parameter φ are presented in Fig. 4 for a range of pressure ratios. Numerical results show very good
agreement with experimental data. No detailed grid refinement study was performed, but different grids were tested before
arriving at these results which are taken as evidence of grid adequacy. The other results and test cases use similar grid
point distributions.

Figure 3. Seal geometry and computational mesh

Figure 4. Comparison between numerical and experimen-
tal data from Tipton et al. (1986)
Proceedings of COBEM 2011 21st International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
c 2011 by ABCM October 24-28, 2011, Natal, RN, Brazil

3.2 Short channel

The two different configurations presented in Fig. 2 are use to access the effect of the flow structure on the mass flow
and discharge coefficient. Results for the short inlet channel are presented first for three different inlet area on the vertical
channel, w = 1, 2 and 4 mm in Fig 5. No significant difference is observed for the three different inlet areas, with a little
higher discharge coefficient for w = 1 mm. A first one would expect a different result since the flow would have to go
through a tighter corner for the lower w, but this behavior will better interpreted in Sec. 3.5where the flow topology is
detailed. Differences on the flow parameter are also not significant.

Figure 5. Discharge coefficient and mass flow parameter versus pressure ratio for the short horizontal inlet channel

3.3 Long channel

For the long channel similar results are obtained for the mass flow parameter and discharge coefficient, with a slightly
higher difference for the w = 1 mm configuration. The results for the discharge coefficient and flow parameter are
presented in Fig. 6

Figure 6. Discharge coefficient and mass flow parameter versus pressure ratio for the long horizontal inlet channel

3.4 Comparisons

The results presented for the long and short channels presented in the previous sections are compared to each other in
order to access the effect of channel length (Fig. 7). Only the higher Cd for the long channel (corresponding to w = .5L
and the lower Cd for the short channel are compared in order to highlight de difference. The discharge coefficient and
mass flow are higher for the long channel (2.5%). These results are consistent with the fact that a longer channel allows
more room for the flow to adjust to a streamline distribution more similar to the streamlines of the straight through channel.
Proceedings of COBEM 2011 21st International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
c 2011 by ABCM October 24-28, 2011, Natal, RN, Brazil

The role play by the vertical channel width will be discussed on the following section.

Figure 7. Discharge coefficient and mass flow parameter versus pressure ratio. Comparison between short and long

A comparison of the previous results with the results for a straight through labyrinth is presented in Fig. 8, where the
long channel shows a higher mass flow and discharge coefficient even when compared to the reference straight channel.

Figure 8. Discharge coefficient and mass flow parameter versus pressure ratio. Comparison with the standard channel

3.5 Flow field

In order to understand the results presented in the previous section an analysis of the flow topology was conducted.
Streamlines and velocity magnitude are presented in figures 9 through 11 for the three different inlet width w = 0.5L, L
and 2L. The short horizontal channel length and straight width result in a large recirculation zone at the bottom of the
inlet channel. The inlet flow turn 90% from the vertical inlet to the horizontal direction just before the labyrinth, but the
recirculation bubble reduce the amount of contraction upstream of the labyrinth enhancing the discharge coefficient as
observed previously. On the other hand the recirculation bubble on the long channel is a separation bubble as observed
in Fig. 12 and 13. Despite the fact that the wider inlet vertical channel has a lower separation bubble, its discharge
coefficient is worse. This flow topology suggests that in the long channel a larger separation bubble the streamlines keep
more tightly arranged upstream of the labyrinth and therefore do no contract as much as in the wider channel with a
smaller recirculation bubble. The results for the long and short channel suggest that contraction is a stronger effect than
flow turning as far as discharge coefficients are concerned.
Proceedings of COBEM 2011 21st International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
c 2011 by ABCM October 24-28, 2011, Natal, RN, Brazil

Figure 9. Streamlines and velocity magnitude, pressure Figure 10. Streamlines and velocity magnitude, pressure
ratio P R = 1.65. inlet width w = 0.5L. Short inlet. ratio P R = 1.65. inlet width w = L. Short inlet.

Figure 11. Streamlines and velocity magnitude, pressure Figure 12. Streamlines and velocity magnitude, pressure
ratio P R = 1.65. inlet width w = 2L. Short inlet. ratio P R = 1.65. inlet width w = 0.5L. Long inlet.

Figure 13. Streamlines and velocity magnitude, pressure Figure 14. Streamlines and velocity magnitude, pressure
ratio P R = 1.65. inlet width w = L. long inlet. ratio P R = 1.65. inlet width w = 2L. long inlet.
Proceedings of COBEM 2011 21st International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
c 2011 by ABCM October 24-28, 2011, Natal, RN, Brazil


The present investigation analyzed the effect of geometry on discharge coefficient of a labyrinth seal. In actual gas
turbine applications the channels and passages leading to a labyrinth are not usually straight and the resulting flow structure
is more complex leading to changes in the flow parameter and discharge coefficient. The results show that for a 90% turn
upstream of the labyrinth, more important than the flow turn around corners is the contraction of the streamlines. The
greater the contraction the lower the discharge coefficient. The actual flow structure can be clearly elucidated with the
help of computational fluid dynamics, which give accurate results for the discharge coefficient and flow parameter. Design
engineers should be aware of these conclusions when defining geometric configurations on labyrinth systems.


The authors would like acknowledge the support from VSE – Vale Soluções em Energia.


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The author(s) is (are) the only responsible for the printed material included in this paper

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