All About Backend Development

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All About Backend Development:

1.Backend Programming Languages:




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2.Knowledge of Popular Frameworks:
 Ruby on Rails: Several aspects make this framework stand apart from the crowd. It has
automated testing, libraries, and scaffolding and can help with localization. It is also an
open-source web app development framework written in the Ruby programming
 Django: It is open-source and is considered one of the best Python-based web
frameworks. It helps with scalability and security. Besides, it has also added a battery and
uses asynchronous programming. 
 Flask: This is another Python-based web app framework that many developers prefer as
they can create modern web apps using it. Some of the primary features of Flask include
WSGI assistance and templating rapid development and deployment and an in-built
development server. 
 Express: The best part of Express is that it is a lightweight Node.js web app framework
that is adaptable too. It helps with debugging and has rapid side-server development. 
3. Data Structures and Algorithms 

In simple terms, the way to organize and store data can be referred to as
data structures. There are various things that you should learn under this,
and some of them are: 

 Arrays 
 Linked Lists 
 Stacks 
 Queues 
 Graphs 
 Hash Tables 
 Binary Search Tree 
Now we come to algorithms. As previously mentioned, backend developers
need to know about algorithms that can help them be the best in their
profession. Here are some things that you should learn: 

 Recursion 
 Bubble sort 
 Selection sort 
 Binary Search 
 Insertion Sort 
 Databases and Cache 
4. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and hTTP(preferred)

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript make for a back-end developer’s vital skillset.

Though front-end developers mostly use them, they are essential inclusions
in your back-end developer skills list. 

 HTML: This is a fundamental building block. It helps in determining the web page

 CSS: This language deals with how elements on a webpage will be rendered. 
 JavaScript: It is a commonly used scripting language for web pages. Hence, java
backend skill is essential. 
5. Familiarity with Servers

A server is a medium that is most commonly used to deliver essential

services. Hence, it is the one that can never be turned off. Therefore, you
must have proper knowledge about the working of the servers.
Consequently, it is an essential element for a backend developer to learn. 

. A server is a cloud system that provides all the useful information and
offers services such as file storage, database, and security to other
systems connected to that network. The details stored in the server are
responsible for recovering, rearranging, stored information. Some of the best
tools for server handling are Docker, Kubernetes, etc.  


6. Knowledge of APIs
Application Programming Interface can be defined as the base that helps
run the entire Internet. It is a component that allows the computers to talk to
each other. Hence, we don’t need to highlight how important it is for a
person dealing with backend programming to know more about APIs. Two of
the most recognized positions for API information are XML and





7.  Version Control and Version Control Systems

It helps track and manage the changes included in the software. As

for version control systems, they are tools that enable developers to manage the
changes to source code. A backend developer must be knowledgeable
about both. 

most popular version control systems for backend developers:

 AWS Code Commit: It is another version of the control system which is
being hosted by Amazon. By using this, a user can easily store and
manage data along with the source code. It is a highly secured platform
managed by Git repository.
 GitHub:  Established in 2007, is an open-source community that has been
designed to support the developers. Due to its availability over the cloud,
anyone from anywhere can view the code and it also allows developers to
collab and contribute as they want. With the help of this community, anyone
can anywhere provide help for those who need and due to its
popularity, today millions of users are associated with this platform.
 GitLab: It allows users to collab on a single platform and perform all the
tasks. By doing so, it helps in reducing the time frame and increases
productivity. In other terms, it allows teams to build perfect software with
the help of a singular communication channel.
8. Problem-solving

Problems can pop up in any field of work, and the domain of backend
development is no different. As a python backend developer, it is your job to
make sure that you find proper and fruitful solutions for those problems.
Hence, having creativity and the proper understanding of the field is
essential if you are keen on becoming a successful name in your

9. Good Communication and Interpersonal Skills

The job of the backend developer doesn't end with creating a technically
superior project. They also need to communicate with other team members
and departments to implement the project smoothly. Hence, you must have
good communication and interpersonal skills. Without these, it will be tough
for you to be a team player. 


12.Knowledge of Node.js

13. Knowledge of Databases

When you’re working on a project, you must understand that the storage of data
is very crucial as they carry a large amount of information. So, it is a must to
have a good command over the database. The backend developer is
responsible for creating a relational mapping so that the data can be retrieved
when required. Thus, to handle DBMS, developers
use MySQL, SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB , Oracle, Ms SQL server etc.


Microsoft SQL:
There's no "right" choice of which to start with, although Oracle and Microsoft SQL are
often recommended for newbies.


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Open sourse projects

 Build a great LinkedIn landing page and do some networking

 Make friends in online coding communities

My favorite backend programming languages

You can be a backend programmer in almost any programming language, but here are
some of my favorites in descending order:

 Go - A modern, simple language that’s good for performant, general

purpose servers
 Python - An elegant language good for simple backend apps
 JavaScript/Node.js - Great for webapps, especially if the devs are
 Rust - More complex code, but stunningly fast
 C# - Great for working on Microsoft servers
 Java - Tried and true
 Ruby - Good if you want rails and like the Ruby style of programming
 PHP - Great for simple websites, less great for APIs

Some excellent titles include: 

Learning Node.js Development by Andrew Mead

 Professional JavaScript by Nicholas C. Zakas 
 Hands-On Full-Stack Web Development with GraphQL and React by
Sebastian Greb
Wondering where to get started? We’ve got you covered. 

 Introduction to Programming (freecodecamp) — This two-hour video

course provides a basic overview of programming concepts and is
meant for people who are interested in computer science and
programming but have little background information on coding.
 The Basics of Code (Khan Academy) — This comprehensive collection
of tutorials walks you through the essentials of front end programming,
from writing basic functions to animating web pages.
 Mozilla Tutorials (Mozilla Developer Network) — While it’s not a course
per se, MDN’s guides provide comprehensive written tutorials that can
walk developers of all experience levels through a wide variety of
languages and programs. These guides are organized into four broad
sections that target amateurs, beginners, intermediate programmers
and experts, respectively. 

Build your own projects 

Project-based learning has shown better outcomes for retention, engagement
and enjoyment, especially for adult learners looking to make a career change. 
As Kate Kazin, Chief Academic Officer at College for America once shared in
an article on the matter, “Working adults really need to know why they’re
doing things. They’ll reject any learning they perceive as a waste of time. They
don’t want to muck around on material that is very abstract. It’s more
meaningful to them if they can see the relevance of what they’re learning.” 
Taking on projects will help you secure the skills you’ve gained from books,
boot camps or other courses within your repertoire. You can’t succeed with
theory alone; it’s crucial to put your knowledge into practice. 
Additional Resources:

 How to Come up with Coding Project Ideas — Learn to Code With Me

 10 Programming Projects to Boost Your Resume —
 The 10 Best Beginner Projects for New Programmers — Make Use Of
 How I Secured An Internship With One Amazing Side Project —

In the tech field, business networking can pose an excellent opportunity to
collaborate on projects, find out about exciting jobs and move your career
forward. It may even help you transition smoothly into a new role or find a job
in your preferred field. 
You never know; a connection you make at a conference or industry event
could be the difference between you fumbling an interview for your dream job
and landing it with flying colors. Don’t underestimate the power of networking. 
Additional Resources:

 10 Secrets To Networking Success For Developers — Forbes

 How Going to Coding Events Helped Me Get an Awesome Job —
 10 Professional Development Tips for Programmers — NetworkWorld

For full stack developers, volunteering on open-source projects can be a great
way to develop your portfolio. Because your code is subject to public scrutiny,
volunteering lets you network with fellow developers and show off your
abilities to prospective employers.
Additional Resources:

 How to Use Your Programming Skills for Social Impact — Idealist

 Volunteering Can Buy You IT Experience — Monster
 Volunteer Sign-Ups and Opportunities —
 Roadmap for becoming Back-End Developer in 2021
 Learn the basics of Internet
 1. How does the internet work?
 2. What is HTTP & HTTPS?
 3. What is Domain Name?
 4. What is IP Address?
 5. DNS and how it works?
 6. What is hosting?
 7. What is SMTP?
 Basics of front-end languages
 1. HTML
 2. CSS
 3. JavaScript
 Learn a back-end language
 1. PHP
 2. NodeJS
 3. Ruby On Rails
 4. Python
 5. Go
 5. C#
 Just learn anyone of the above language but make sure you have in-depth
understanding of that language.
 I will recommend NodeJs or PHP.
 Learn Version Control System
 1. Basic Git Commands
 2. Repo hosting services
 I. GitHub
 II. Gitlab
 III. Bitbucket
 Learn about Relational Databases
 1. MySQL
 2. PostgreSQL
 3. MariaDB
 4. MS SQL
 5. Oracle
 MySQL is the most popular one.
 Learn about NoSQL databases
 1. MongoDB
 2. RethinkDB
 3. CouchDB
 4. DynamoDB
 NoSQL are very popular databases. Many startups are opting for NoSQL databases
instead of SQL databases.
 Learn About APIs
 1. REST
 2. JSON APIs
 4. Open API Spec and Swagger
 5. Authentication
 6. GraphQL
 Learn about caching
 1. CDN (Cloud Delivery Network)
 2. Server-side caching
 I. Redis
 II. Memcached
 3. Client-side caching
 Web Servers
 1. Nginx
 2. Apache
 3. Reverse Proxy
 Understand web security
 1. Hashing Algorithm
 I. MD5
 II. SHA Family
 III. Scrypt
 IV. Bcrypt
 2. HTTPS
 3. CORS
 4. SSL/TLS
 Learn testing
 1. Integration Testing
 2. Unit Testing
 3. Functional Testing
 Containerization / Virtualization
 1. Docker
 2. Kubernetes
 3. rkt
 Architectural Patterns
 1. Monolithic
 2. Microservices
 3. Serverless
 4. Scaling (Horizontal & Vertical)
 5. Load Balancers
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