Poetry English 2nd Year 2022 Part 1

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1. Goodbye Party For Miss Pushpa T S ( Nissim Ezekiel)

2. Annotate ANY two of the following in about 100 words each

a] We are meeting today; to wish her bon voyage.

b] I dont mean only external sweetness, but internal sweetness.
c] that is showing; Good spirit. I am always; appreciating the good spirit.
d] Pushpa Miss is never saying no; Whatever I or anybody is asking; she is always saying yes

4. Answer any two of the following questions in about 100 words each.

a]Do you agree that the poem Goodbye Party For Miss Pushpa T S is a farewell address? Justify
your response.
b]How does the speaker describe Miss Pushpa in the poem?
c] What is the central idea of the poem Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T S?
d] Does the poem bring out the sweetness of Miss Pushpa? Justify your answer.

Introduction - These lines are taken from the poem Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa
T.S written by Nisim Ezekiel
About the Poet: Nisim Ezekiel was educated in Mumbai and London. He was one
of the most famous Indo - Anglian poets. The Indian Contemporary Scenes,
human relationships, love, and spiritual values are the themes of his poetry.
He was a versatile poet with a great Sense of humor and wit.
Context: The Present Poem Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T.S is a farewell
Speech for Miss Pushpa, who is leaving the country. The Speaker who is the
organizer of the Party describes The virtues of Miss Pushpa…
Explanation: The speaker announces the purpose of the gathering as their
friend is about to leave the country. He treats Miss Pushpa as his sister. He
says that Miss Pushpa is a very sweet lady and she is very helpful. She is
always cheerful and hails from a noble family. Her father was a reputed
advocate. The speaker appreciates her concern for friends. He praises her
nature. He invites other friends to speak about her. Thus the poem has all the
qualities to be described as a farewell address.
Conclusion: Thus the speakers language reminds us of Babus English which
results in abundant humor but his intention is good.

Introduction - These lines are taken from the poem Goodbye Party for
Miss Pushpa T.S written by Nisim Ezekiel

About the Poet: Nisim Ezekiel was educated in Mumbai and London.
He was one of the most famous Indo - Anglian poets. The Indian
Contemporary Scenes, human relationships, love, and spiritual
values are the themes of his poetry.

Context: The Present Poem Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T.S is a farewell Speech for Miss
Pushpa, who is leaving the country. The Speaker who is the organizer of the Party describes
The virtues of Miss Pushpa…

Explanation: The speaker announces the purpose of the gathering

as their friend is about to leave. He addresses his colleagues as
friends and Miss Pushpa as his sister. The speaker says that
Pushpa is a sweet person, ever smiling. He explains that she is the
daughter of a famous advocate. He says that she is popular with
women as well as men.

He praises her for doing everything he asks of her. Her response is

always just now only and I will do it? The speaker believes this is
indicative of good spirit . Finally, the speaker informs that it is time
for others to speak, and then afterwards Miss Pushpa will do
summing up.

Conclusion: Thus, the poem has all the qualities to be described as a

farewell address. It reminds us of Babu English.
2. On The Grasshopper And Cricket ( John Keats )

2. Annotate ANY Two of the following question in about 100 words each

a) The poetry of earth is never dead.

b) He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.
c) On a lone winter evening when the frost
Has wrought a silence, from the stone there shrills
The Crickets song, in warmth, increasing ever,
d) And seems to one in drowsiness half lost;
The Grasshoppers among some grassy hills.

4. Answer ANY Two of the following question in about 100 words each

a) What is the theme of the poem On The GrassHopper And The Cricket?
b) According to Kids, When does one hear a Crickets song?
c) When does a GrassHopper sings?
d) Discuss the common feature between the Grasshopper and the Cricket?

Introduction: These lines are taken from the poem On the Grasshopper
and Cricket written by John Keats

About the Poet: John Keats was an English Romantic Poet. He devoted his life to
the Perfection of poetry. His odes Such as Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a
Nightingale are among his most famous works.

Context- The Poem On the Grasshopper and Cricket was inspired by Natures
beauty, which is a popular theme of the Poetry of Romantic Poets. The first
part talks about the grasshopper, while the second part is devoted to cricket.

Explanation - The poet expresses his feelings regarding Natures Song and says
that the poetry of earth never ceases. The Grasshopper and Cricket are used
as symbols. Seasons may come and go, but Nature never fails to inspire us
with its songs.

During the Summer heat, birds stop Singing, because of the hot and harsh
sun and hide under the shade of the cooling trees, what gives us comfort and
pleasure is the poetry or music of nature. The grasshoppers songs represent
Natures poetry.
Nature is brimming with elements that help living things flourish. He sings
endlessly, but when tired, rests under some pleasant weed to freshen itself so
that it can provide relief to the entire nature. The grasshopper sings tirelessly,
bringing relief to all those who have grown restless due to the hot sun.
During extreme winter the birds stop singing. There is a death-like silence in
which nature Seems to have got enveloped. Frost spreads its blanket over all
elements of nature. Despite that, a shrill sound comes from under the stones,
its the Cricket who is singing. The warmth of the crickets song balances out
the extreme cold during the winter month. People hear the Song and to many,
it seems as if the grasshopper was singing from the grass hills and has the
same soothing effect that the grasshoppers song did during the Summers.
They are recovered from their drowsy sleep to listen to the endless music of

Conclusion: The poetry of earth is never dead, which becomes the Central
image or the metaphor that would be invoked in the entire poem.


Introduction: These lines are taken from the poem On the Grasshopper and Cricket written
by John Keats

About the Poet: John Keats was an English Romantic Poet. He devoted his life to the
Perfection of poetry. His odes Such as Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale are
among his most famous works.

Context- The Poem On the Grasshopper and Cricket was inspired by Natures beauty.
The first part talks about the grasshopper, while the second part is devoted to cricket.

Explanation: The poet expresses his feelings regarding Natures song. When birds stop
Singing in extreme heat, the earth is filled with the songs of a grasshopper. He Sings
endlessly, but when tired, rests under some pleasant weed. During winter there is a
deathly silence. Frost Spreads its blanket over nature. Regardless, a shrill sound
comes from beneath stones, and it is the Cricket singing. The crickets Song restores

Conclusion: Thus the Grasshopper and Cricket are used as symbols to say Nature is
3. Hiroshima Child by Nazim Hikmet

2. Annotate ANY Two of the following question in about 100 words each

a)I knock and yet remain unseen

b) Im seven now as I was then When children die they do not grow
c) I ask for nothing for myself; For I am dead
d) All that I need is that for peace You fight today you fight today

4. Answer ANY Two of the following question in about 100 words each

a) What is the theme of the poem Hiroshima Child?

b) Why does the poet appeal or peace through a dead child?

c) Describe the feelings of the child when she knew that she was dead at the age of seven.

d) I ask for nothing for myself. Why do you think the child asked nothing for herself?

Introduction: These lines are taken from the Poem Hiroshima Child, written by Nazim

About the Poet: Nazim Hikmet was a Turkish poet, playwright, and novelist. His political
beliefs made him spend much of his adult life in prison or exile. When he was
seventeen, his first poem was published. His poetry has been translated into more
than fifty languages. He is recognized as one of the greatest poets of the
20th Century.

Context: Hiroshima Child is about a Seven-year-old child who died in the Hiroshima
bomb attack during World War II. She begs people to fight for peace.

Explanation: The speaker of this Poem is a seven-year-old Hiroshima girl. She died
when an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima during World War II. The Soul of
the girl knocks on every door to warn them about the adverse effects of war.
Since then, the child has felt neither growth nor hunger. She realizes that she is no
more in flash but a soul and cannot be seen or heard. Nobody pays attention to her
as she is invisible.
The child adds that the concern is for other live children, not for self. The Child Seeks
neither food nor fruit. She requests people not to fight as she was the victim of war.
She begs them to fight for peace. The child wants the world not only to sympathize
but empathize with children who suffer in the name of the war, even though, They
have nothing to do with the war or the holocaust. War brings devastation, tragedy,
horror, destruction, and loss of life.
She makes an appeal, to let the children grow in peace. Children Should be allowed
to Play, laugh, grow, glow, and live.

Conclusion: The tone of the Poem is sad and expresses the true feelings of a small girl
but there is also hope for peace. Finally, this poem is very touching.


Introduction: These lines are taken from the Poem Hiroshima Child,
written by Nazim Hikmet.

About the Poet: Nazim Hikmet was a Turkish poet, playwright, and
novelist. His poetry has been translated into more than fifty
languages. He is recognized as one of the greatest poets of the
20th Century.

Context: Hiroshima Child is about a Seven-year-old child who died

in the Hiroshima bomb attack during World War II. She begs
people to fight for peace.

Explanation: The speaker is seven year old girl who died in a

Hiroshima bomb blast. The soul of the girl knocks on every door. No
one hears or sees the child as she is dead since then, the child has
felt neither growth nor hunger , nor any wants. The child continues
to be in the same state. The child visits every home, seeks neither
food nor things. She appeals to everyone is Fight For Peace. Let every
child play, grow, and laugh.

Conclusion: Thus, the poem is very touching.

4. Awake
2. Annotate ANY TWO of the following in about 100 words each.

a) Who kneel in thy presence to serve and adore thee!

b) Awaken and sever the woes that enthral us.
c) Neer shall we fail thee, forsake thee of flatter; Whose heart are thy home thy shield and
thine altar.
d) … … Hearken, O Queen and O goddess, we hail thee!

4. Answer any two of the following questions in about 100 words each.

a) Substantiate the critical comment that the poem Awake is a patriotic lyric.
b) What do the children implore the mother in the poem Awake?
c) How do Indians plan to set their mother again at the forefront of glory?
d) What do the children of all creeds promise their mothers separately and collectively?

Introduction: These lines are taken from the poem Awake written by Sarojini Naidu.

About the poet: Sarojini Naidu, the Nightingale of India. As a writer, she is both prolific and
profound. The Golden Threshold (1905), The Bird of Time (1912), and The Sceptred Flute (1928),
etc are some of her great works. She is a poet, politician, orator, and administrator, and so on.
She is the first woman to be the Governor of a state in independent India.

Context The Poem Awake, by Sarojini Naidu, is a patriotic song. It is a soul-stirring plea for
action and unity. Sarojini Naidu recited this poem at meetings in Bombay and Lahore. And the
effect was far beyond expectation.

Explanation: The poem awake appears as an address to Mother India. First, the nation is
personified as our mother, All Indians become her children.
The poetess visualizes all children praying to the mother. They entreated her to give them a
chance to serve her and Glory. She says under British rule our motherland lost her moral
dignity. The darkness of the night of slavery will end and a bright and cheerful morning of
freedom is imminent. The Waves of bondage are to be cut. Mother India should gain its Glory
again and grow and glow. Now she must rise up and break the change of slavery which
trouble her children. The poetess says that her children are sincere and love her very much.
They have a great devotion to the motherland. They have inherited her Pride, and moral and
spiritual strength. They want to preserve these qualities. they will never fail to protect her.
Their hearts are the home of the mother. They are her Shield with which they would protect
her. They will sing the tail of her Glory, the echo of which will reach even to the stars in the high
Skies. The people of different religions and communities in India are prepared to serve their
motherland with their intense love, devotion and sincerity. The Hindus convince her that they
will offer flowers at her feet of God and Goddesses. They will offer flowers to Mother India. the
parsees, with the fire of hope burning in their hearts. The Muslims assure they will save her
with the sword of God. The Christians assure their devotion and Faith. People of all faiths
pledge to come together to defend and guard their mother, queen and goddess.

Conclusion : The poem stands out for its strong nationalistic feelings. This lyric of just eighteen
lines is also remarkable for its many literary devices like personification, imagery, rhetoric and
rhythm. Thus, the poem is very impressive with its theme and form.


Introduction: These lines are taken from the poem Awake written by
Sarojini Naidu.

About the poet: Sarojini Naidu, the Nightingale of India. As a writer,

she is both prolific and profound. She is a poet, politician, orator,
and administrator, and so on. She is the first woman to be the
Governor of a state in independent India.

Context The Poem Awake, by Sarojini Naidu, is a patriotic song. It is a

soul-stirring plea for action and unity. Sarojini Naidu recited this
poem at meetings in Bombay and Lahore. And the effect was far
beyond expectation.

Explanation: The poem Awake appears as ana address to Mother India. But. It is a
touching call to all Indians for unity and action. The woes of bondage are to be
cut. Mother India should gain its glory again and grow and glow. One should
remember the pride and power India all in once. People of all faiths pledge to
come together to defend and guard their mother, queen and goddess.

Conclusion : The poem stands out for its strong nationalistic feelings.

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