Math 112 Reviewer 1

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Ancient and Medieval China

● The Chinese of the Shang dynasty

1. Intro
used a multiplicative system of
● Oracle Bones writing numbers, based on powers of
- The bones are the source of our 10
knowledge of early Chinese
● red rods for positive numbers and
number systems
black ones for negative numbers
● Book of Numbers and Computation
● Examples can be seen in Suan
- earliest extant text of Chinese
mathematics shushu
- consists of problems and their Roots
solutions ● discussed in detail in chapter 4 of the
● Arithmetical Classic of the Gnomon Nine Chapters, is the determination
and the Circular Paths of Heaven of square and cube roots.
and Nine Chapters on the 3. Geometry
Mathematical Art Areas and Volume
- played a part in the education of ● The Nine Chapters also gives the
the civil service at the time
correct formula for the volume of a
● Liu Hui pyramid.
- Nine Chapters on the ● four separate formulas by which the
Mathematical Art commentary; n
calculation of area could be made:
added a tenth chapter, now
1. The rule is: Half of the
known as the Sea Island
circumference and half of the
Mathematical Manual
diameter are multiplied together to
● Li Chunfeng give the area.
- Ten Mathematical Classics which 2. Another rule is: The circumference
includes Arithmetical Classic of and the diameter are multiplied
the Gnomon, the Nine Chapters, together, then the result is divided by
Liu Hui’s Sea Island 4.
Mathematical Manual, the 3. Another rule is: The diameter is
Mathematical Classic of Master multiplied by itself. Multiply the result
Sun (fourth century ce), and the by 3 and then divide by 4.
Mathematical Classic of Zhang 4. Another rule is: The circumference
Qiujuan (late fifth century ce) is multiplied by itself. Then divide the
result by 12.
● these mathematical texts studied by
● Liu Hui assumed that, eventually, the
candidates for the civil service were
collections of problems with methods polygons will in fact “exhaust” the
of solution circle.
2. Calculations ● He called this intersection the
● Chinese used a base-10 system of “double box-lid when he inscribed a
numbers second cylinder in the cube
Number Symbols and Fractions Pythagorean Theorem and Surveying
● Zhao Shuang’s commentary on the ● Chapter 8 of the Nine Chapters
Arithmetical Classic of the Gnomon describes a second method of
and Liu Hui’s commentary on solving systems of linear equations
chapter 9 of the Nine Chapters Qin Jiushao and Polynomial Equations
contain an argument for the theorem.
● square and cube root procedures of
● chapter 9 of the Nine Chapters the Nine Chapters to higher roots by
contains many problems involving using the array of numbers known
right triangles. today as the Pascal triangle and
extended and improved the method
● Haidao suanjing (Sea Island
into one usable for solving
Mathematical Manual) polynomial equations of any degree
- This is where the addendum on
more complicated problems of ● Shushu jiuzhang (Mathematical
surveying Treatise in Nine Sections)
- collection of nine problems with
solutions, derivations,
illustrations, and commentary
- shows how to find the distance The Work of Li Ye, Yang Hui, and Zhu
and height of a sea island Shijie
- Liu Hui called his method the
● Li Ye
method of double differences,
because two differences are used - wrote two major mathematical
in the solution procedure. works, the Ceyuan haijing (Sea
4. Solving Equations Mirror of Circle Measurements) in
Systems of Linear Equations 1248 and the Yigu yanduan (Old
Mathematics in Expanded
● The Nine Chapters contained both Sections)
algorithms for solving systems - Ceyuan haijing dealt with the
properties of circles inscribed in
● The first method, used chiefly for
right triangles
solving problems we would translate - Yigu yanduan similarly dealt with
into systems of two equations in two geometric problems on squares,
unknowns, is called the method of circles, rectangles, and
surplus and deficiency and is found trapezoids
in chapter 7
● Yang Hui
● today called the method of “double
- Xiangjie jiushang suanfa (A
false position,” begins with the Detailed Analysis of the
“guessing” of possible solutions and Arithmetical Rules in the Nine
concludes by adjusting the guess to Sections) of 1261 and the
get the correct solution. Its use collection known as Yang Hui
showed that the Chinese understood suanfa (Yang Hui’s Methods of
the concept of a linear relationship. Computation) of 1275
- Suanfa contains material on
quadratic equations
● Zhu Shijie ● Islamic mathematicians used a
- Suanxue Qimeng (Introduction to technique related to Horner’s method
Mathematical Studies) in 1299 to solve polynomial equations
and the Sijuan yujian (Precious numerically
Mirror of the Four Elements) in
● Europeans eventually discovered a
- Zhu applied this elimination method of solving the Chinese
technique remainder problem fully equivalent to
5. Indeterminate Analysis Qin’s method
● Calendrical problems apparently led ● Mateo Ricci and one of his Chinese
the Chinese mathematicians to the students, Xu Guangqi (1562–1633),
question of solving systems of translated the first six books of
indeterminate linear equations Euclid’s Elements into Chinese in
Chinese Remainder Problem 1607
● The earliest example in Chinese Ancient and Medieval India
mathematics of this procedure for 1. Calculations
solving systems of linear - Indians used a base-10 system
congruences is in the Sunzi suanjing The Decimal Place Value System
(Mathematical Classic of Master
● Our modern decimal place value
system is usually referred to as the
Hindu-Arabic system
Qin Jiushao and the Ta-yen Rule ● Our modern decimal place value
● It was Qin Jiushao who first system is usually referred to as the
published a general method for Hindu-Arabic system
solving systems of linear ● the true origins of the system in India
congruences in his Mathematical
come from the Chinese counting
Treatise in Nine Sections
● Qin there described what he called
● rather than just have them on the
the ta-yen rule for solving
counting board, they were forced to
simultaneous linear congruences
use a symbol, the dot and later the
6. Transmission to and from China
circle, to represent the blank column
● Chinese system influenced the of the counting board.
Indian development of our modern Arithmetic Algorithms
decimal place value system ● Aryabhata
● Indian mathematicians used a - Presented the methods of
technique involving the Euclidean calculating square and cube
algorithm to solve simultaneous roots.
congruences ● Brahmagupta
- a gave many details of
arithmetic calculation in his
major work, the 6. Trigonometry
Brahmasphut.asiddhanta ● the needs of Indian astronomy
(Correct Astronomical led to Indian improvements in this
System of Brahma) field
- he present the standard Construction og Sine Tables
arithmetical rules for ● Paitamahasiddhanta
calculating with fractions - dealing with astronomy
- he gave the rules for and its associated
operations on positive and mathematics
negative numbers, as well - contains a table of “half-
as zero chords”
2. Geometry ● Sine
● Sulbasutras - represent the length of the
- appendices to the Vedas Indian half-chord
which give rules for Approximation Techniques
constructing altars. ● Indian mathematicians developed
3. Equation Solving methods of approximation
● Aryabhatya, provided what ● Brahmagupta had developed a
amounts to the quadratic formula somewhat more accurate
in a special case interpolation scheme using the
4. Indeterminate Analysis second-order differences
Linear Congruences Power Series
● Indian mathematicians originated ● Determination of longitude could
a method for solving linear also be accomplished using
congruences trigonometry
● We accompany Brahmagupta’s ● the more accurate the Sine
description of his method of values, the more accurately one
kuttaka or “pulverizer” could determine one’s location
Pell Equation 7. Transmission
● India learned trigonometry (and
also some astronomy) from
Greek sources Islamic scholars
learned Indian trigonometry when
5. Combinatorics Indian works were brought to
● a sixth-century work by Baghdad in the eighth century
Varahamihira deals with a larger ● our decimal place value system
value traveled from India through Islam
● Mahavira gave an explicit to western Europe
algorithm for calculating the
number of combinations in the Mathematics of Islam
nineth century 1. Decimal Arithmetic
● Bhaskara gave many other - When numbers had to be written,
calculations using this basic a ciphered system was used in
formula and also calculated that which the letters of the Arabic
the number of permutations of a alphabet denoted numbers.
set of order n was n!.
- The earliest available arithmetic algebraic solution of quadratic
text that deals with the Hindu equations should be based on
numbers is the Kitab al-jam‘wal the work of Euclid rather than on
tafriq bi h.isab al-Hind (Book on the ancient traditions
Addition and Subtraction after the The Algebra of Thabit ibn Qurra and
Method of the Indians) by Abu Kamil
Muhammad ibn Musa al- ● Thabit noted explicitly that the
Khwarizmi geometric procedure of
● al-Khwarizmi ElementsII–6 is completely
- introduced nine characters to analogous to the procedure of
designate the first nine numbers “the algebraists”
- described the algorithms of ● Abu Kamil followed his
addition, subtraction, discussion of the various forms of
multiplication, division, halving, quadratic equations by a
doubling, and determining square treatment of various algebraic
root rules and then a large selection
- al-Samaw’al in his Treatise on of problems.
Arithmetic of 1172, showed that ● Abu Kamil’s algebr was written
he fully understood decimal without symbols
fractions in the context of Al-Karaji, al-Samaw’al, and the Algebra
approximation of Polynomials
2. Algebra ● The process of relating arithmetic
The Algebra of al-Khwarizmi and ibn to algebra, begun by al-
Turk Khwarizmi and Abu Kamil
● The Condensed Book on the continued in the Islamic world
Calculation of al-Jabr and al- with the work of Abu Bakr al-
Muqabala Karaji (d. 1019) and al-Samaw’al
- written about 825 by al- over the next two centuries
Khwarizmi ● al-Karaji
- a book that ultimately had - al-Fakhi (The Marvelous)
even more influence than “the determination of
his arithmetical work unknowns starting from
- al-jabr can be translated knowns.”
as “restoring” and refers to - In division, however, he
the operation of only used monomials as
“transposing” divisors, partly because he
- The word al-muq¯abala was unable to incorporate
can be translated as rules for negative numbers
“comparing” and refers to into his theory and partly
the reduction of a positive because of his verbal
term by subtracting equal means of expression.
amounts from both sides - He developed an algorithm
of the equation for calculating square
● the Islamic mathematicians had roots of polynomials; it
decided that the necessary was only applicable in
geometric foundations to the limited circumstances.
- more successful in number in terms of combinations of r
continuing the work of Abu − 1 things.
Kamil in applying Combinatorics and Number Theory
arithmetic operations to ● amicable numbers
irrational quantities - a pair of numbers each of
● al-Samaw’al which equaled the sum of
- introduced negative the proper divisors of the
coefficients other.
- expressed his rules for ● IBN QURRA’S THEOREM For n >
dealing with these 1, let pn = 3 . 2n − 1, qn = 9 . 22n−1
coefficients quite clearly in − 1. If pn−1, pn, and qn are prime,
his algebra text Al-B¯ahir then a = 2npn−1pn and b = 2nqn are
fi’¯ab (The Shining amicable
Book of Calculation) Ibn al-Banna and the Combinatorial
Omar Khayyam and the Solution of Formulas
Cubic Equations ● The author began with a known
● first systematically classified and result for a small value and used
then proceeded to solve all types it to build up step-by-step to
of cubic equations by this general higher values.
method 4. Geometry
● On the Division of a Quadrant of Practical Geometry
a Circle, in which he proposed to ● The earliest extant Arabic
divide a quadrant ABCD at a geometry is due to al-Khwarizmi
point G such that, with - His text is an elementary
perpendiculars drawn to two compilation of rules for
diameters mensuration such as might
Sharaf al-Din al-Tusi and Cubic be needed by surveyors,
Equations containing no axioms or
● he improved Al-khayyami’s proofs
methods - To determine the volume
● he began by classifying the cubic of the frustum of a
equations into several groups pyramid, calculate the
● his method of solution was the height to the top of the
same as al-Khayyam’s completed pyramid by
● the determination of the using similar triangles,
intersection point of two then to subtract the
appropriately chosen conic volume of the upper
sections. pyramid from that of the
3. Combinatorics - They were always
Counting Combinations interested in practical
● Ah.mad al-Ab’dari ibn Mun’im applications, in particular
discussed the calculation of the in how artisans could
number of combinations of r things create interesting
from a set of n by looking at this geometrical patterns; they
became proficient in doing
theoretical constructions ● Early in Islamic trigonometry,
that could easily be both the chord and the sine were
translated into real-life used concurrently, but eventually
constructions. the sine won out.
Geometrical Cnstructions Trigonometric Tables
● Abu Kamil showed, using ● The key to getting accurate
algebra, how to construct an tables was, as we have seen
equilateral pentagon in a given earlier, a method for determining
square, each of whose sides is the chord
equal to 10. ● Abu al-Wafa first calculated the
● Abu al-Wafa’ also gave a Sines by the application of the
construction of a pentagon with a halfangle formula and the sum
special condition, the condition formula (as in Ptolemy’s
being that the compass was a Almagest).
“rusty compass,' ' one with a fixed Spherical Geometry
opening. ● The major goal of trigonometry in
Parallel Postulate Islam was to solve astronomical
● ibn al-Haytham problems, and these mostly
- (Commentary on the required the solution of spherical
Premises of Euclid’s triangles.
Elements) Al-Tusi and the Systematization of
- he attempted to Triginometry
reformulate Euclid’s theory ● He presented several proofs of
of parallels the spherical law of sines, giving
- redefining the concept of attributions to earlier Islamic
parallel lines mathematicians, and, again with
● Al-Khayyami attributions, several proofs of the
- he began with the principle law of tangents
that two convergent 6. Transmission
straight lines intersect, and ● The work of Abu Kamil also
it is impossible for them to became available in Europe,
diverge in the direction of chiefly through the inclusion of
convergence numerous problems from his
Incommensurables work in Leonardo of Pisa’s Liber
● Abbaci
5. Trigonometry ● The only manuscript that we
● To determine the appropriate know of containing ibn al-
direction at one’s own location Haytham’s work on the volume of
required an extensive knowledge a paraboloid of revolution was
of the solution of such triangles acquired by the library of the
on the sphere of the earth. The India Office in England in the
solution of both plane and nineteenth century.
spherical triangles was also ● The sine theorem and the
important in the determination of theorem of the four quantities,
the correct time for prayers. along with some of their
Trigonometric Functions corollaries, appeared in Spain, in
the work of Abu Muhammad Jabir bar H. iyya, a work that
ibn AflahalIshb¯il¯i (early twelfth also contained the Islamic
century). rules for solving quadratic
Mathematics in Medieval Europe ● Gerard of Cremona
1. Intro - credited with the
● Despite the lack of mathematical translation of more than 80
activity, the early Middle Ages work
had inherited from antiquity the - new translation of Euclid’s
notion that the quadrivium— Elements from the Arabic
arithmetic, geometry, music, and of Thabit ibn Qurra and the
astronomy first translation of
● Despite the limited mathematical Ptolemy’s Almagest from
sources available to Europeans the Arabic in 1175
at the turn of the millennium, ● By the end of the twelfth century,
scholars did know that there was then, many of the major works of
an ancient tradition in Greek mathematics and a few
mathematics due to the Greeks, Islamic works were available to
but it was virtually inaccessible to Latin-reading scholars in Europe.
them at the time 2. Geometry and Trigonometry
● Among the earliest of the ● Euclid’s Elements was translated
translating teams were John of into Latin early in the twelfth
Seville and Domingo Gundisalvo, century
who were active in the first half of Abraham bar Hiyya’s Treatise of
the twelfth century Mensuration
● Adelard of Bath ● he took over the Islamic tradition
- responsible for the first of
translation from the Arabic ● proof, absorbed from the Greeks,
of Euclid’s Elements.’ and gave geometric justifications
- translated the of methods for solving the
astronomical tables of al- algebraic problems he included
Khwarizmi in 1126 as part of his geometrical
● Robert of Chester ● Abraham’s work was the first in
- translated the Algebra of Europe to give the Islamic
al-Khwarizmi in 1145, thus procedures for solving such
introducing to Europe the equations.
algebraic algorithms for ● Abraham’s most original
solving quadratic contribution, however, is found in
equations. his section on measurements in
● Plato of Tivoli circles. He began by giving the
- translated from the standard rules for finding the
Hebrew the Liber circumference and area of a
embadorum (Book of circle
Areas) by the Spanish- Practical Geometries
Jewish scholar Abraham
● Abraham’s Hebrew text was one earthly triangles is further
of the earliest of many practical demonstrated by two fourteenth-
geometrical works to appear in century trigonometry works
medieval Europe. ● Richard of Wallingford
● Hugh’s methods of measurement - Quadripartitum, a four-part
involved the use of the alidade, work on the fundamentals
an altitude-sighting device of trigonometry
attached to the astrolabe, which - revised and shortened this
enabled one to measure the ratio work in another treatise
of height to distance of an object entitled De Sectore.
sighted - to teach the methods
● These two twelfth-century Latin required for the solution of
geometries give us an idea of the problems in spherical
state of geometrical knowledge in trigonometry, which in turn
northern Europe of the time. was required for
● The Perfection of Any Art astronomy
- intends to show, then, the - chief source of the
practical aspects of one of Quadripartitum was the
the quadrivial subjects, Almagest of Ptolemy
namely, geometry. ● Levi ben Gerson
Leonardo of Pisa’s Practica Geometriae - roughly contemporaneous
● related to the work of Abraham with the Quadripartitum
bar H. iyya than to the Artis - It formed part of an
cuiuslibet consummatio or the astronomical treatise that
work of Hugh of St. Victor in turn formed part of a
● Leonardo began with a listing of major philosophical work,
various definitions, axioms, and Sefer Milh.amot Adonai
theorems of Euclid, including (Wars of the Lord)
especially the propositions of - based chiefly on Ptolemy,
Book II Levi generally used Sines
● Leonardo also calculated areas rather than chords
of segments and sectors of circle - he gave detailed
by a table of arcs and chords. procedures for solving
● demonstrated how to use the plane triangles
chord table to calculate arcs to - He first presented the
chords in circles of radius other standard methods for
than 21. solving right triangles and
● Leonardo used the table of then proceeded to general
chords only to calculate areas of triangles.
circular sectors and segments. - the methods were
● he calculated the lengths of the available in other Islamic
sides and diagonals of a regular trigonometries
pentagon inscribed in a circle - The methods Levi
Trigonometry presented were used only
● trigonometry in the medieval for solving astronomical
period was not used to measure
triangles, never for solving problems, container problems,
earthly ones. the Chinese remainder problem,
3. Combinatorics and, at the end, various forms of
● The earliest Jewish source on problems solvable by use of
this topic seems to be the quadratic equations
mystical work Sefer Yetsirah - Leonardo demonstrated his
(Book of Creation), how to complete command of the
calculate the number of algebra of his Islamic
combinations of letters taken two predecessors as he showed how
at a time to solve equations that reduce
The Work of Abraham ibn Ezra ultimately to quadratic equations.
● an astrological text that ibn Ezra - resenting tenth-century Islamic
discussed the number of possible mathematics and ignoring the
conjunctions of the seven advances of the eleventh and
“planets” (including the sun and twelfth centuries.
the moon) - provide Europe’s first
Levi ben Gerson and Induction comprehensive introduction to
● Maasei Hoshev (The Art of the Islamic mathematics
Calculator) Liber Quadratorum
- a first theoretical part in ● by Leonardo
which every theorem ● a book on number theory, in
receives a detailed proof, which Leonardo discussed the
and a second “applied” solving in rational numbers of
part in which explicit various equations involving
instructions are given for squares
performing various types ● the practical material in the Liber
of calculation. abbaci and the Practica
- most important aspects of geometriae was picked up by
Levi’s work are the Italian surveyors and masters of
combinatorial theorems computation (maestri d’abbaco),
4. Medieval Algebra who were influential in the next
Leonardo of Pisa’s Liber Abbaci several centuries in bringing a
- Liber abbaci, or Book of renewed sense of mathematics
Calculation into Italy
- The sources for the Liber abbaci Jordanus de Nemore
were largely in the Islamic world ● His writings include several works
- contained the rules for computing on arithmetic, geometry,
with the new Hindu-Arabic astronomy, mechanics, and
numerals, numerous problems of algebra
various sorts in such practical ● he worked to create a Latin
topics as calculation of profits, version of the quadrivium, based
currency conversions, and upon a theoretical work on
measurement, supplemented by arithmetic
the now standard topics of ● Jordanus’s Arithmetica
current algebra texts such as - based on a Euclidean
mixture problems, motion model, with definitions,
axioms, postulates, his De proportionibus
propositions, and careful proportionum (On the
proofs. Ratios of Ratios)
- dealt with such topics - noted explicitly that one
found in Euclid as ratio can also compound ratios
and proportion, prime and by multiplying the
composite numbers, the antecedents and then
Euclidean algorithm, and multiplying the
the geometrical algebra consequents
propositions of Elements, Velocity
Book II. ● Bradwardine in his Tractatus de
● De numeris datis (On Given continuo (Treatise on the
Numbers) Continuum) (c. 1330) defined the
- analytic work on algebra, “grade” of motion as “that part of
based on but differing in the matter of motion susceptible
spirit from the Islamic to ‘more’ and ‘less.”
algebras that had made ● Heytesbury gave a careful
their way into Europe by definition of instantaneous
the early thirteenth century velocity for a body whose motion
- algebraic rather than is not uniform
geometric ● Oresme constructed what he
5. Mathematics of Kinematics called a configuration, a
● By early in the fourteenth century, geometrical figure consisting of
however, certain other aspects of all the perpendicular lines drawn
mathematics began to develop in over the base line
the universities of Oxford and - the base line represented
Paris out of attempts to clarify time, while the
certain remarks in Aristotle’s perpendiculars
physical treatises represented the velocities
Study of Ratios at each instant
● A basic postulate of medieval Mathematics around the World
physics was that F must be 1. Mathematics at the turn of the
greater than R for motion to be Fourteenth Century
produced. Common Ideas of Mathematics
● Thomas Bradwardine ● Practical geometry, that is, the
- 1328 Tractatus de measure of fields, the
proportionibus velocitatum determination of unknown
in motibus (Treatise on the distances and heights, the
Proportions of Velocities in calculation of volumes, and so
Movements), proposed a on, was performed by much the
solution to this dilemma same techniques in the four
● Nicole Oresme societies studied.
- undertook a very detailed ● it was in the world of Islam that
study of ratios in his the heritage of classical Greek
Algorismus proportionum geometry was preserved and
(Algorithm of Ratios) and
studied and in which further the various algebraic procedures
advances were made. involved in the solution, they
● the beginning of the fourteenth studied cubic equations as well.
century saw only the bare ● Islamic mathematicians
beginnings of a renewed interest developed a solution method
in Euclid and other Greek involving conic sections and
geometers, stimulated by the gained some understanding of
appearance of a mass of the relationship of the roots to the
translations of this material in the coefficients of these equations.
twelfth and thirteenth centuries. ● The Pascal triangle also
● Related to geometry is the appeared in Islamic mathematics
subject of trigonometry, in connection both with the
developed in the Hellenic world binomial theorem and with the
as a part of the study of study of combinatorics
astronomy. ● Islamic mathematicians who dealt
● By the year 1300, trigonometry with these two aspects of the
was in active use in India, Islam, Pascal triangle also developed
and Europe, generally for the proof techniques closely
same purpose of studying the resembling our modern proof by
heavens. induction. Such techniques were
● It appears that only China was further worked out in Europe by
lacking trigonometry, even Levi ben Gerson
though Indian scholars had By the turn of the fourteenth
introduced the elements of the century:
subject in their visits in the eighth ● Algebraic techniques were only
century beginning their appearance in
● It is probable that trigonometry Europe
was simply not useful to the ● Jordanus de Nemore introduced
Chinese in their own a form of symbolism in his
astronomical and calendrical algebraic work, something
calculations. missing entirely in Islamic algebra
● the Chinese were the first to but also present, in different
develop techniques in algebra forms, in India and China.
that were later used elsewhere ● European algebra of this time
● the techniques Indians developed period, like its Islamic
for solving the quadratic counterpart, did not consider
indeterminate equations known negative numbers at all. India
today as the Pell equations and China, however, were very
● The Indian mathematicians were fluent in the use of negative
also familiar with the standard quantities in calculations
techniques of solving quadratic ● the Indians beginning in the
equations fourteenth century did begin to
● Not only did Islamic consider infinitesimally small
mathematicians study the quantities as they worked out
quadratic equation in great detail, their own ideas related to
giving geometric justifications for calculus.
Possible Transmission of Ideas backgrounds against which the
● It appears that the level of achievements took place
mathematics in China, India, the ● In China there was essentially
Islamic world, and Europe was only one “university,” and this
comparable at the turn of the was a bureaucratic subdivision of
fourteenth century. the imperial administration.
● We have already seen how Chinese education was devoted
trigonometry moved from Greece to memorization and commentary
to India to Islam and back to on the ancient classics
Europe, with each culture ● In India, there was no central
modifying the material to meet its government over the entire
own requirements subcontinent, and thus no central
● the decimal place value system, system of education. the ideas
with its beginnings in China or evidently never spread out of
India (or perhaps on the border southwestern India nor did they
between them) moved to develop into any general theories
Baghdad in the eighth century ● Islamic mathematics suffered a
and then to Europe (via both Italy period of decline after the
and Spain) in the eleventh and thirteenth century, and significant
twelfth centuries. ideas of earlier time periods were
● The first tabulation of the tangent lost. even when mathematics was
function was in China in the early being highly developed in Islam,
eighth century, where Yi Xing the areas of mathematics more
developed this idea probably with advanced than basic arithmetic
the aid of Indian computations of were classified as “foreign
the sine sciences,” in contrast to the
● angent tables were brought to “religious sciences,” including
Europe early in the twelfth religious law and speculative
century with the translation of an theology.
edited version of al-Khwarizmi’s 2. Mathematics in America, Africa,
astronomical tables, the tangent and the Pacific
function is not found in the early ● There were mathematical ideas
European trigonometry works. in the world in civilizations
● Pascal Triangle appears in Islam different from the four major
in the early eleventh century and medieval societies already
then in China perhaps in the considered. Unfortunately, most
middle of that century. of the other civilizations were
Why did Modern Mathematics develop nonliterate, so written
in Europe? (rather than in the Islamic documentation is not available
world or India or China) ● any description of the
● Because the technical mathematics of these societies
achievements of these four necessarily comes from artifacts
civilizations around 1300 were or from the descriptions of
comparable, many scholars have ethnologists
sought for the answer in the The Mayans
religious and cultural
● Mayans had a priestly class who knots, and the spaces between
studied mathematics and the knots all contribute to the
astronomy and kept the calendar meaning of the recorded data
● The records of the priests were ● Every quipu has a main cord,
written down and preserved on thicker than the others, to which
bark paper or carved into stone are attached other cords, called
monuments. pendant cords, to which may be
● the Spanish conquerors attached further cords, called
destroyed most of the documents subsidiary cords
they found ● Data is recorded on the cords
● because modern-day Mayans (other than the main cord) by a
cannot read the ancient system of knots.
hieroglyphics, it has been a long ● Zeros are generally represented
and tedious process to decipher by a particularly wide space
the few documents that remain, The North American Indians
in particular, the Dresden codex ● These people had no category in
● Mayan numeration system was a their lives called “mathematics.”
mixed system, like the ● The mathematical ideas were
Babylonian. It was a place value simply part of what they needed
system with base 20 on one to conduct their lives, to farm, to
level, but for the representation of build, to worship.
numbers less than twenty, it was ● This mathematics of a group of
a grouping system with base 5. people, used on a regular basis,
● For calendrical purposes, the is what today is often called
Mayans modified their “ethnomathematics,” the study of
numeration system slightly, using which allows us to see the
the third place from the bottom to importance of mathematical ideas
represent 360s, rather than 400s to various such groups.
● The most important use of ● Other North American Indians
computation for the Mayan built carefully aligned structures
priests appears to have been for and even entire urban areas, thus
calendrical computations. displaying a knowledge of
The Incas astronomy and geometry.
● The Incas did not have a written Sub-Saharan Africa
language but did possess a ● One major ancient structure that
logical numbering system of is only now being studied in detail
recording in the knots and cords is Great Zimbabwe, a massive
of what are called quipus stone complex 17 miles south of
● The messages were encoded on Nyanda, Zimbabwe, which was
the quipus and sent to their probably built in the twelfth
destination by a series of runners century.
● A quipu is a collection of colored ● It is evident that the empire that
knotted cords, in which the built this complex required
colors, the placement of the mathematics to deal with the
cords, the knots on the individual administrative and engineering
cords, the placement of the requirements of the construction
as well as with the trade, taxes, ● Group theory is also convenient
and calendars required to keep in analyzing the kin relationships
the empire functioning in Malekula
● Because the influence of Islam ● In the Marshall Islands, stick
penetrated to much of west charts are an element of the
Africa, and because an Islamic navigation tradition.
university was in existence in ● Manipulations on the tika then
Timbuktu from the fourteenth enable the answers to typical
century at least until 1600, calendrical questions to be found
scholars of that region were ● This brief trip through the world of
probably exposed to some of the ethnomathematics shows us that
mathematics of Islam two of the central ideas of
● One mathematical idea that mathematics, logical thought and
appears in the Bushoong culture pattern analysis, occur in
in Zaire and in the Tshokwe societies around the world.
culture of northeastern Angola is
the graph theoretical idea of Algebra in the Renaissance
tracing out certain figures in a 1. The Italian Abacists
continuous curve without lifting ● The Italian abacists of the
one’s finger from the sand. fourteenth century were
● Another mathematical idea that instrumental in teaching the
occurs in many African cultures is merchants the “new” Hindu-
that of a geometric pattern, as Arabic decimal place value
used in cloth weaving or system and the algorithms for
decorative metal work. using it
● Mathematical games and puzzles ● The old counting board system
occur in Africa required accountants to carry
around not only a board but also
a bag of counters, while the new
system required only pen and
The South Pacific paper and could be used
● we find the idea of tracing figures anywhere.
continuously in the sand also in ● Using a counting board required
Malekula in the Republic of that preliminary steps in the
Vanuatu calculation be eliminated as one
● The Malekulans devised standard worked toward the final answer.
algorithms for tracing their quite With the new system, all the
complicated figures using steps were available for checking
symmetry operations on a few when the calculation was
basic drawings. finished.
● one can analyze the Malekulan Algebraic Symbolism and Techniques
figures using some of the ● Recall that Islamic algebra was
language of modern-day group entirely rhetorical. There were no
theory symbols for the unknown or its
powers nor for the operations
performed on these quantities.
● Early in the fifteenth century, France: Nicole Chuquet
however, some of the abacists ● Triparty in 1484
began to substitute abbreviations - he composed this because
for unknowns. Ex. cosa (thing), his community has a
censo (square), cubo (cube) growing need for practical
● Near the end of the fifteenth mathematics
century, Luca Pacioli introduced - first part: concerned with
the abbreviations p and m to arithmetic
represent plus and minus (pi`u - part two: applied the rule
and meno). to the calculation of square
● Antonio de’ Mazzingh roots of numbers that are
- expert in devising clever not perfect squares
algebraic techniques for - third part: showed how to
solving complex problems. manipulate with
Higher-Degree Equations polynomials and how to
● The third major innovation of the solve various types of
Italian abacists was the extension equations
of Islamic quadratic equation– ● Innovations in equation-solving
solving techniques to higher- techniques:
degree equations. - he generalized al-
● Maestro Dardi of Pisa Khwarizmi’s rules to
- extended this list to 198 equations of any degree
types of equations of that are of quadratic type
degree up to four, some of - he noted that a particular
which involved in the system of two equations in
radicals three unknowns has
● Piero della Francesca multiple solutions
- extended these rules to - consider negative
fifthand sixth-degree solutions to equations
equations in his own
Trattato d’abaco
Germany: Christoff Rudolff, Michael
● Luca Pacioli Stifel, and Johannes Scheubel
- Summa de arithmetica, ● Christoff Rudolff
geometrica, proportioni et - wrote his Coss, the first
proportionalita, contained comprehensive German
not only practical algebra, in Vienna in the
arithmetic but also much of early 1520s.
the algebra already - the book began with the
discussed, the first basics of the place value
published treatment of system for integers, giving
doubleentry bookkeeping, the algorithms for
and a section on practical calculation as well as a
geometry short multiplication table
2. Algebra in France, Germany,
England, and Portugal
- introduced in his Coss the the German symbols for
modern symbol √ for square powers of the unknown
root - Recorde created the
- The second half of modern symbol for
Rudolff’s Coss was equality
devoted to the solving of - he modified and extended
algebraic equations the German symbolization
● Michael Stiffel of powers of the unknown
- Stifel used the same to powers as high as the
symbols as Rudolff for the 80th
powers of the unknowns, - he gave in poetic form the
but he was more various rules of operation
consistent in using the Portugal: Pedro Nunes
correspondence between ● Libro de Algebra in 1532
these letters and the - he used Italian
integral “exponents” abbreviations for the
- did not accept negative various powers of the
roots to equations, he was unknown
the first to compress the - he dealt with the
three standard forms of procedures for combining
the quadratic equation into algebraic expressions, for
the single form x2 = bx + solving equations, and for
c, where b and c were dealing with radicals and
either both positive or of proportions
opposite parity ● influenced by his reading of the
- Stifel’s work was also the work of Pacioli.
first European work both to 3. The Solution of the Cubic
present the Pascal triangle Equation
of binomial coefficients ● Scipione del Ferro
and to make use of the - discovered an algebraic
table for finding roots method of solving the
cubic equation x^3 + cx =
● Johannes Scheubel
- displayed the triangle in ● Niccolo Tartaglia of Brescia
his De numeris et diversis - discovered the solution to
rationibus of 1545 with the a form of the cubic, x^3 +
standard instructions for bx^2 = d
calculating its entries Gerolamo Cardano and the Ars Magna
England: Robert Recorde ● Cardano published his most
● The Whetstone of Witte important mathematical work, the
- the major source of the Ars magna, sive de regulis
first English algebra algebraicis (The Great Art, or On
- based on the German the Rules of Algebra), chiefly
sources and even used devoted to the solution of cubic
and quartic equations after
finding out that Tartaglia was not ● attempted to identify the Greek
the first one to discover the analysis with the new algebra,
equation and who tried to display this new
● Tartaglia, of course, was furious algebra with “clearness and
when Cardano’s work appeared. simplicity”
He felt he had been cheated of ● The Analytic Art
the rewards of his labor, even - reformulated the study of
though Cardano did mention that algebra by replacing the
Tartaglia was one of the original search for solutions to
discoverers of the method,he had equations by the detailed
another public contest, this time study of the structure of
with Ferrari, but was defeated these equations, thus
● the formula providing the solution developing the earliest
to the cubic equation is known as consciously articulated
Cardano’s formula theory of equations.
● “WRITTEN IN FIVE YEARS, ● For Viete, problematic analysis `
MAY IT LAST AS MANY became zetetic analysis, the
THOUSANDS.” procedure by which one
Rafael Bombelli and Complex Numbers transforms a problem into an
● Algebra equation linking the unknown and
- began the book with the various knowns
elementary material and ● theorematic analysis became
gradually worked up to the poristic analysis, the procedure
solving of cubic and exploring the truth of a theorem
quartic equations by appropriate symbolic
4. Viète, Algebraic Symbolism, and ● exegeticsis the art of
Analysis transforming the equation found
● As part of the general revival of by zetetics to find a value for the
knowledge of classical antiquity, unknown.
there developed a great interest ● Five Books of Zetetics
in retrieving all of the Greek - e used his symbolic
mathematical works to be found. methods of calculation to `
deal with a large number
● Federigo Commandino of algebraic problems
- prepared Latin translations drawn from a variety of
of virtually all of the known sources
works of Archimedes, - dealt with products of
Apollonius, Pappus, unknowns as well as
Aristarchus, Autolycus, various ` powers
Heron, and others Viete’s Theory of Equation
● Most Greek mathematics texts ● Two Treatises on the Recognition
were models of synthetic and Emendation of Equations
reasoning - central work in Viete’s
Francois Viete and The Analytic Art theory of equations
- Viete did not consider - since unity is a part of a multitude
negative or complex roots of units (that is, a “number”), then
to equations, he did deal unity must itself be a number
to ` some extent with the - Any quantity, including the unit,
relationship of the roots to can be divided “continuously.
the coefficients ● Stevin did distinguish between
- Viete considered these pairs of numbers that are
theorems “elegant and commensurable (have a common
beautiful” and a “crown” of measure) and incommensurable
his work. (do not have a common
5. Simon Stevin and Decimal measure)
Fractions Mathematical Methods in the
● creation of a well-thought-out Renaissance
notation for decimal fractions ● John Dee
● played a fundamental role in - write a preface to the
changing the basic concepts of translation of Euclid
“number” and in erasing the - he gave detailed
Aristotelian distinction between descriptions of some 30
number and magnitude different fields that need
● Works: De Thiende (The Art of mathematics and the
Tenths) and l’Arithm´etique relationships among them
- work containing both - began his preface by
arithmetic and algebra, noting that “of
both published in 1585 Mathematical things are
- defining thiende as two principal kinds; namely
arithmetic based on Number, and Magnitude.”
geometric progression by - divided the applications of
tens, using the Hindu- geometry into two classes:
Arabic numerals, and by “vulgar” geometry, which
calling a whole number a includes the various
commencement with the sciences of measurement
notation such as stereometry, the
● he began ’l’Arithm´etique with two measure of solids, and
definitions: geography, the study of
1. Arithmetic is the science of the methods for creating
numbers. maps; and the “methodical
2. Number is that which explains the arts,” “which, declining
quantity of each thing from the purity, simplicity,
● UNITY IS A NUMBER and immateriality of our
- The Greeks had rejected this principal science of
notion. To them, unity was not a magnitudes, do yet
number, but only the generator of nevertheless use the great
number, as the point was the aid, direction, and method
generator of a line. of the said principal
1. Perspective
● According to Dee, “Perspective is ● An alternate method of finding
an Art Mathematical which latitude was by observation of the
demonstrates the manner and sun.
properties of all radiations direct, ● it is not surprising that seamen
broken and reflected.” often used methods of
The Creation of a Mathematical Theory “guesstimation” rather than
of Perspective mathematical astronomy
● It was only in the Renaissance Mapmaking in the Renaissance
that painters began in earnest to ● Dee called the making of these
attempt to give visual depth to maps Geography
their works. ● Ptolemy made two different
● Filippo Brunelleschi (1377–1446) choices of projection in the world
was the first Italian artist to make maps he described in his
a serious study of the geometry Geography
of perspective, but Leon Battista 3. Astronomy and Trigonometry
Alberti (1404–1472) wrote the ● the purpose of astronomy is to
first text on the subject, the Della predict the motions of the
Pittura of 1435 heavenly bodies as well as to
Durer and the Teaching of Perspective determine their sizes and
● Treatise on Mensuration with the distances
Compass and Ruler in Lines, Regiomontanus
Planes, and Whole Bodies ● Johannes Muller
- earliest geometric text - made a new translation of
written in German Ptolemy’s Almagest
The Conic Sections - able to solve all of the
● Durer had such trouble drawing standard problems of
the ellipse was that he had trigonometry using just the
probably never seen Apollonius’s sine
text on the conic sections Nicolaus Copernicus and the
● Johannes Kepler Heliocentric System
- he realized that all the ● came to the conclusion that it
conic sections were really was impossible to patch up the
part of the same family of earth-centered approach any
curves longer.
2. Navigation and Geography Tycho Brahe
- Two related aspects of ● Prutenic tables
mathematics discussed by Dee ● tracked nova
and extremely important to the
world of the sixteenth century Johannes Kepler and Elliptical Orbits
were geography and navigation ● he was able to discover the three
Problems of Navigation laws of planetary motion, today
● The major question of navigation known as Kepler’s laws
on the seas was the ● the invention of logarithms greatly
determination of the ship’s simplified Kepler’s calculations
latitude and longitude at any 4. Logarithms
given time.
● Scot John Napier (1550–1617) ● made careful studies of Viete’s
and the Swiss Jobst Burgi (1552– work
¨ 1632) came up with the idea of ● Oughtred felt that mathematical
producing an extensive table that problems should be translated
would allow one to multiply any into symbolic equations and then
desired numbers together (not solved by the methods of algebra
just powers of 2) by performing ● Harriot took over from Viete the
additions. idea of using vowels for `
The Idea of Logarithm unknowns and consonants for
● Napier knowns
The Use of Logarithms Albert Girard and the Fundamental
● “by shortening the labors, Theorem of Algebra
doubled the life of the ● first to note the geometric
astronomer.” - Pierre-Simon de meaning of a negative solution to
Laplace an equation
5. Kinematics 2. Analytic Geometry
● Statics is an art mathematical ● Both Fermat’sIntroduction and
which demonstrates the causes Descartes’ Geometry present the
of heaviness and lightness of all same basic techniques of relating
things and of motions and algebra and geometry, the
properties to heaviness and techniques whose further
lightness belonging development culminated in the
● Galileo Galilei modern subject of analytic
- responsible in large geometry
measure for reformulating Fermat and the Introduction to Plane
the laws of motion and Solid Loci
● Pappus, Apollonius, Viete
Algebra, Geometry, and Probability in Descartes
the Seventeenth Century ● more concerned with
● In the early seventeenth century, demonstrating this relationship
the pace of mathematical through the geometric
development began to construction of solutions to
accelerate. algebraic equations
● Viete’s analysis was applied ` to ● further how to solve equations of
geometry and reformulated into degree higher than the fourth by
the new subject of analytic intersecting a circle with a curve
geometry constructed by one of his

1. The Theory of Equation Descartes versus Fermat

● Algebraic methods for solving ● Fermat gave a very clear
cubic and quartic equations were statement that an equation in two
discovered in Italy in the variables determines a curve. He
sixteenth century and improved always started with the equation
on somewhat by Viete and then described the curve
William Oughtred and Thomas Harriot
● Descartes - Given a geometric - he proposed to unify the
description of a curve, he was various methods
able to come up with the - Desargues’ work was not
equation. well received, partly
● Descartes and Fermat because he invented and
emphasized the two different used so many new
aspects of the relationship technical terms that few
between equations and curves. could follow it and partly
The Work of Jan de Witt because mathematicians
● he composed the Elementa were just beginning to
curvarum linearum (Elements of appreciate Descartes’
Curves) in which he treated the analytic unification of
subject of conic sections from geometry and were not
both a synthetic and an analytic ready to consider a new
point of view synthetic version
3. Elementary Probability
● The modern theory of probability Beginnings of Calculus
is usually considered to begin ● Isaac Newton and Gottfried
with the correspondence of Leibniz, created the machinery of
Pascal and Fermat in 1654, calculus, the foundation of
partially in response to the modern mathematical analysis
gambling questions de Mer´ e and the source of application to
raised ´ to Pascal an increasing number of other
Blaise Pascal, Probability, and the disciplines.
Pascal Triangle ● Did Fermat invent Calculus?
- Pascal dealt with a game - The answer must be that
of chance Fermat did not realize the
- arithmetical triangle inverse relationship
Christian Huygens and the Earliest between the two problems,
Probability Text partly because he did not
4. Number Theory understand that the two
● Fermat, involved in the basic operations of the
beginnings of analytic geometry calculus, what we call the
and probability, also made derivative and the integral,
contributions to number theory each determine new
● The method of infinite descent functions to which one can
demonstrates the nonexistence again apply these
of positive integers having certain operations
properties by showing that the 1. Tangents and Extrema
assumption that one integer has 2. Area and Volumes
such a property implies that a ● Kepler’s use of “very thin” disks
smaller one has the same or very small triangles illustrate
property. what came to be called the
5. Projective Geometry method of infinitesimals. Galileo,
● Girard Desargues in contrast, used the method of
3. Rectification of Curves and the ● invention of the differential and
Fundamental Theorem integral calculus by reading
● Did Barrow Invent the Calculus? Descartes’ Geometry and the
- The answer must be no. works of Pascal that included the
Barrow presented all of his differential triangle.
work in a classic geometric ● he introduced dx as an arbitrary
form. It does not appear finite line segment
that he was aware of the ● discussed how to determine
fundamental nature of the maxima and minima
two theorems presented in ●
the text. 3. First Calculus Texts
Newton and Leibniz
● they developed general concepts Analysis in the Eighteenth Century
—for Newton the fluxion and ● The driving force in the continued
fluent, for Leibniz the differential development of calculus in the
and integral—that were related to eighteenth century was the desire
the two basic problems of to solve physical problems
calculus, extrema and area. ● The major figure in the
● They developed notations and development of analysis in the
algorithms eighteenth century was the most
● they understood and applied the prolific mathematician in history,
inverse relationship of their two Leonhard Euler.
concepts ● Maclaurin wrote his text partly to
1. Isaac Newton answer the criticisms of George
● Newton was especially struck by Berkeley regarding the
the analogy between the infinite foundations of calculus
decimals of arithmetic and the ● attempt by Joseph Louis
infinite degree “polynomials” that Lagrange to eliminate all
we call power series reference to infinitesimal
● Series were of fundamental quantities or even to limits and to
importance to Newton’s calculus base the calculus on the notion of
● the basic ideas of calculus had to a power series
do with motion 1. Different Equations
● The fluxion x˙ of a quantity x 2. The Calculus of Several Variables
dependent on time (called the 3. Calculus Texts
fluent) was the speed with which 4. The Foundation of Calculus
x increased via its generating
● Newton found maxima and Probability and Statistics in the
minima by setting the relevant Eighteenth Century
fluxion equal to zero 1. Theoretical Probability
● when he began to compose the 2. Statistical Inference
Principia, he decided to write his 3. Applications of Probability
text in the form of a synthetic
geometric treatise. Algebra and Number Theory in the
2. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Eighteenth Century
1. Algebra Texts 1. Differential Geometry
2. Advances in the Theory of 2. Non-Euclidean Geometry
Equations 3. Projective Geometry
3. Number Theory 4. Graph Theory and the Four-Color
4. Mathematics in the Americas Problem
5. Geometry in N Dimensions
Geometry in the Eighteenth Century 6. The Foundations of Geometry
1. Clairaut and the Elements of
Geometry Aspects of the Twentieth Century and
2. The Parallel Postulate Beyond
3. Analytic and Differential Geometry ● theory of infinite set bcontinued to
4. The Beginnings of Topology cause problems early in the
5. The French Revolution and twentieths. The key to solving
Mathematics Education these problems turned out to be a
● The only schools that provided a new axiom for set theory, the
mathematical and scientific axiom of choice, an axiom that
education were the military was in fact used implicitly for
schools, one of whose major many years until it was explicitly
functions was to produce military stated by Ernst Zermelo in 1904
engineers. ● Kurt Godel established his
● Incompleteness Theorems, to the
effect that any theory in which the
Algebra and Number Theory in the arithmetic of natural numbers
Nineteenth Century could be expressed had true
1. Number Theory results that could not be proved
2. Solving Algebraic Equations from the axioms of that theory.
3. Symbolic Algebra ● both point-set topology and
4. Matrices and Systems of Linear combinatorial topology, subjects
Equations barely begun in the previous
5. Group and Fields century but destined to become
one of the “growth” areas in
Analysis in the Nineteenth Century mathematics in the twentieth
1. Rigor in Analysis century
2. The Arithmetization of Analysis ● The subsequent algebraization of
3. Complex Analysis topology is part of the third
4. Vector Analysis aspect of twentieth-century
● Statistics also exploded in
Probability and Statistics in the importance especially with the
Nineteenth Century development of techniques for
1. The Method of Least Squares and designing experiments and
Probability Distributions testing hypotheses
2. Statistics and the Social Sciences ● the use of these techniques in
3. Statistical Graphs numerous situations only became
possible with the development of
electronic computers in the
Geometry in the Nineteenth Century second half of the century.

1. Set Theory
2. Topology
3. New Ideas in Algebra
● Leonard Eugene Dickson (1874–
1954) developed a new set of
axioms for a field
4. Statistical Revolution
5. Computers and Application
● Babbage’s Difference Engine and
Analytical Engine

6. Old Questions Answered
● Kummer’s idea enabled Fermat’s
Last Theorem to be proved for
many prime exponents p

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