CSF Leaks
CSF Leaks
CSF Leaks
Otolaryngologists have assumed a major role in intracranial techniques for most leaks. The endoscopic
the evaluation and management of anterior skull approach has become the standard of care.1'2
base defects that result in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
leaks and meningoencephaloceles. To achieve the
best possible results for patients with CSF leaks, a NORMAL PHYSIOLOGY
thorough understanding of the underlying patho- Cerebrospinal Fluid Physiology
physiology and a critical analysis of management It is helpful to understand normal CSF physiology
principles and treatment options is essential. Surgi-
cal and medical management of these patients is when developing treatment plans for patients with CSF
highly individualized and depends on a number of leaks and meningoencephaloceles. Approximately 70% of
factors, including etiology, anatomic site, patient age, CSF is produced by the choroid plexus located in the lateral,
and underlying intracranial pressure. This review ar- third, and fourth ventricles. Another 18% is produced by
ticle will highlight the history, physiology, patho- capillary ultrafiltrate, whereas the final 12% is produced by
physiology, diagnosis, surgical techniques, and post- the metabolism of water. CSF is formed at a rate of 0.35
operative care relevant to nasal CSF leaks and mL/minute (20 mL/h or 350-500 mL/day). The total volume
encephaloceles. Key Words: CSF leak, encephalocele, of CSF in an adult is approximately 90 to 150 mL. This cycle
endoscopic surgery. of continual production and absorption results in the total
Laryngoscope, 114:255-265, 2004 volume of CSF being turned over three to five times each
HISTORY After production in the choroid plexus, CSF flows
Surgical repair of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak is primarily from the lateral ventricles through the foramen
credited to Dandy, who closed a cranionasal fistula using of Monroe into the third ventricle. It leaves the third
a frontal craniotomy approach in 1926. A success rate of ventricle through the aqueduct of Sylvius to enter the
60% to 80% was achieved, and the approach soon became fourth ventricle. CSF then exits the fourth ventricle by
the standard of care. In 1948, Dohlman described the first way of the foramina of Luschka and the foramen of Ma-
extracranial approach. Using a naso-orbital incision, he gendie to enter the subarachnoid space around the spinal
closed an anterior skull base defect and CSF leak. Tran- cord and cerebral convexities.
snasal approaches were subsequently used by Hirsch in
1952, and Vrabec and Hallberg in 1964. Improved instru- CSF absorption occurs along the cerebral convexities
mentation for sinus surgery led to the endoscopic repair of at the arachnoid villi. These villi project into the dural
CSF leaks by Wigand in 1981. Over the past 20 years, the sinuses and act as one-way valves. To drive CSF through
minimally invasive endoscopic approach has gained wide- the villi, a pressure gradient of 1.5 to 7 cm of water is
spread acceptance. The diagnostic aspects and surgical required. At lower pressure differentials, the villi close
techniques have evolved, leading to higher success rates and prevent retrograde flow.
(approximately 90%) and lower morbidity than traditional
Intracranial Pressure
Normal intracranial pressure (ICP) is approximately
From the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 5 to 15 cm of water recorded in the lumbar cistern with the
(R.J.S.), Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina patient lying down. Moving from lying to sitting can in-
and the Department of Surgery (Otolaryngology) (W.E.B.), Uniformed Ser-
vices University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. crease CSF pressure measured at the lumbar cistern up to
Editor's Note: This Manuscript was accepted for publication August 40 cm of water. This pressure also varies depending on
27, 2003. time of day, patient age, activity level, cardiac cycle, and
Send Correspondence to Dr. Rodney J. Schlosser, Department of respiratory phase. ICP rises approximately 20 to 35 cm of
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 135 Rutledge Ave, Suite 1130, water during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep when com-
PO Box 250550, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
29425, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] pared with normal daytime measurements. CSF pressure
Laryngoscope 114: February 2004 Schlosser and Bolger: Nasal CSF Leaks
also increases at least 4 cm of water during sneezing, large encephalocele. All of these factors should be considered
laughing, and Valsalva maneuvers. Increased ICP is de- because they influence medical and surgical treatment and
fined as sustained pressure over 20 to 30 cm of water or long-term success.
frequent pressure spikes of this level. Neurologic symp-
toms may develop once pressures reach 15 to 20 cm of Accidental Trauma
water, and treatment to reduce ICP is generally recom- Historically, accidental trauma from closed head injury
mended for patients with mild to moderate elevations, (CHI) is the most common etiology of CSF leaks, and they
even in the absence of symptoms.3 occur in approximately 1% to 3% of all CHI. Traumatic CSF
leaks usually begin within 48 hours, and 95% of them man-
Hydrocephalus ifest within 3 months of injury.4 Over 70% close with obser-
Obstruction that occurs within the ventricular sys- vation or conservative treatment, such as bedrest or lumbar
tem, proximal to the outlets of the fourth ventricle, leads drain. Leaks that close without surgical repair are probably
to the formation of noncommunicating hydrocephalus be- only covered by a thin monolayer of fibrous tissue or regen-
cause the subarachnoid space is separated from the ven- erated nasal mucosa because dura mater does not regener-
tricular space. Ventricular dilatation occurs proximal to ate.5 Although conservative, nonsurgical treatment may be
the site of obstruction because of the resulting pressure effective in leak cessation, and it has been associated with a
differential. Communicating hydrocephalus occurs when significant incidence of ascending meningitis (30-40%) in
the site of obstruction is distal to the ventricular system, long-term follow-up. The role for early endoscopic repair is
such as at the arachnoid villi. Ventricular dilatation is less now being reconsidered as a possible strategy to reduce this
common in this scenario because the ventricular system is long-term risk of meningitis.
in communication with the subarachnoid space, and no
Accidental traumatic CSF leaks represent a hetero-
pressure differential exists between the two. When ele-
geneous group of injuries, and highly individualized care
vated ICP is present, the weakest anatomic points in the
is needed. Patients who suffer blunt head trauma result-
periphery of the central nervous system occur along the
ing in a narrow crack of the skull base with a small dural
optic nerve sheath, the cribriform plate, the sellar dia-
tear represent one of the most favorable groups to treat. In
phragm, and any other bony dehiscences in the anterior or
contrast, CHI can also result in multiple or wide cracks
middle cranial fossae. These sites can act as potential
and a broad, multifocal injury (Fig. 1A). Projectile injuries
release valves for the high pressure. 3
from bullets, shotgun blasts, or shrapnel may have signif-
icant comminution of the skull base and represent one of
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY the most difficult groups to treat (Fig. 1B).
CSF leaks can be categorized based on etiology, ana- Surgical Trauma
tomic site, age of patient, or underlying ICP. For this review, The most common surgeries leading to iatrogenic
we will discuss leaks based on etiology because this is usu- skull-base defects are functional endoscopic sinus surgery
ally apparent from the patient's clinical history, then we will (FESS) and neurologic surgery. One of the differences
discuss the impact that anatomic location and underlying between accidental and surgical trauma may be the size of
ICP have on the surgical repair. CSF leaks occur in a variety the bony defect as well as the degree of dural and associ-
of forms. The size and structure of the bony defect, degree ated brain parenchymal disruption. Although many leaks
and nature of the dural disruption, associated ICP differen- from blunt trauma result in fine cracks of the skull base,
tial, and meningoencephalocele formation vary greatly, de- iatrogenic defects typically occur during bone resection
pending on the etiology of the CSF leak. Frequently, these and result in bony defects ranging from several millime-
conditions are linked because patients with iatrogenic skull- ters to over 2 cm in size.
base injuries can have relatively large bony defects, but a The two most common sites of skull-base injury as-
large encephalocele may not form if the ICP is normal. In sociated with endoscopic sinus surgery are the lateral
contrast, spontaneous CSF leaks can have relatively small lamella of the cribriform plate and the posterior ethmoid
bony defects, but elevated ICP contributes to formation of a roof near the anterior medial sphenoid wall. Injury to the
Laryngoscope 114: February 2004 Schlosser and Bolger: Nasal CSF Leaks
Fig. 2. latrogenic trauma, as seen in these coronal computed tomography scans, frequently results in the loss of bone. A common site of injury during
functional endoscopic sinus surgery is the right lateral lamella (arrow in A) when resecting the right middle turbinate. The most common iatrogenic
cerebrospinal fluid leak secondary to neurosurgical procedures occurs during pituitary surgery. This may occur if the approach to the sella is directed too
far anteriorly and superiorly, creating a defect in the planum sphenoidale (arrow near optic nerve in B). This defect encompassed nearly the entire ethmoid
roof because it extended from the optic chiasm to the anterior ethmoid artery.
lateral lamella of the cribriform can occur during an ap- noidal hypophysectomy.6 If tumor or surgical manipula-
proach to the anterior ethmoid or frontal recess or when tion disrupts the sellar diaphragm, a leak can occur. Typ-
resecting the middle turbinate close to the skull base (Fig. ically, a graft of abdominal fat is sufficient to seal the leak,
2A). The bone of the lateral lamella of the cribriform can but a revision surgical procedure and additional grafting
be much thinner than the central and lateral aspect of the measures are required on occasion. A skull-base defect
ethmoid roof and therefore is susceptible to injury. and CSF leak can also occur if the approach to the sphe-
Lateral lamella injuries occur more frequently on the noid is inadvertently directed superiorly (Fig. 2B). Other
patient's right side during endoscopic sinus surgery. Most causes of CSF leak during neurosurgery include craniofa-
surgeons are right handed, and there is a tendency for the cial resection and transcranial approaches to the optic
angle of surgical approach to drift medially, toward the chiasm and cavernous carotid area for tumor or aneurysm.
lateral lamella. Insuring that the patient's head is turned Both accidental and surgical trauma groups usually have
toward the surgeon and therefore is aligned with angle of relatively healthy bone around the defect and normal
the surgical approach can reduce this tendency. If the ICPs, which are favorable factors for a successful repair.
surgeon sits while performing the operation, there are
additional subtle factors to consider. An operating room Tumors
chair that does not elevate sufficiently, an operating room Skull-base tumors can lead to CSF leaks either directly
table that is not fully lowered, and a patient with limited or indirectly. Direct tumor invasion across the anterior skull
range of motion in the neck can subtly change the angle of base can cause large defects with significantly diseased or
surgical approach and predispose the patient to a medial
skull-base injury while the surgeon is operating within
the patient's right nasal cavity.
Iatrogenic posterior ethmoid defects typically occur
in cases where the skull base is thin and the maxillary
sinus is highly pneumatized. The excessive maxillary
pneumatization encroaches medially and superiorly, caus-
ing a corresponding and relative decrease in posterior
ethmoid pneumatization. The height, or superior to infe-
rior dimension of the ethmoid, is reduced. The horizontal
insertion of the middle turbinate, that is, the inferior
aspect of the basal lamella, attaches to the palatine bone
in a relatively greater posterior and superior position.
These factors work to result in a "shallow" or small pos-
terior ethmoid cavity and also tend to deflect the angle of
the surgical approach more superiorly. After penetration
of the basal lamella, the surgeon may feel he or she is
comfortably anchored in the anterior and medial aspect of
the posterior ethmoid. The surgeon is soon confronted
with a bony structure that appears to be a septation be-
tween posterior ethmoid cells. However, in this "shallow"
posterior ethmoid, this "cell wall" is actually the skull
base, deceptively positioned in the surgical field.
Fig. 3. Coronal computed tomography of patient with cerebrospinal
CSF leak after neurologic surgery can occur after a fluid leak caused by destruction of the skull base by a pituitary
variety of procedures, but the most common is transsphe- neoplasm.
Laryngoscope 114: February 2004 Schlosser and Bolger: Nasal CSF Leaks
Fig. 4. Congenital meningoencepha-
loceles are frequently funnel-shaped
defects as seen on coronal computed
tomography (A) and magnetic reso-
nance imagery (B). Surgically, these
funnel-shaped defects (arrows in C)
can make placement of an epidural
bone graft more difficult (D).
missing bone surrounding the defect (Fig. 3). These tumors the region of the foramen cecum. Patients can have multiple
can be primary brain or pituitary malignancies that extend defects and will require a relatively larger area of repair.
down into the nasal cavity, or, conversely, they may be si- These bony abnormalities can make surgical placement of
nonasal primaries that extend intracranially. Therapeutic epidural grafts difficult because of the misshapen, funnel-
treatments for the tumor itself, such as surgery, radiation, or shaped skull base (Fig. 4, C and D). ICPs in this group are
chemotherapy, can contribute to creating a devascularized generally normal, with the rare exception being in patients
wound bed and skull-base defect that is difficult to repair. with congenital hydrocephalus. In these patients with ele-
Noncurative treatments that leave persistent tumor may vated ICPs, CSF leaks and encephaloceles tend to occur at
also compromise CSF leak repair. The one favorable aspect anatomically weakened sites within the skull base. Similar
is that these patients usually have normal ICPs. to patients with hydrocephalus secondary to an obstructing
Conversely, tumors can indirectly lead to CSF leaks tumor, the underlying high-pressure condition should be
by obstructing CSF flow, resulting in hydrocephalus. De- treated before definitive repair of the skull-base defect.
pending on the location of the tumor, this obstruction
causes either communicating or noncommunicating hy- Spontaneous
drocephalus. Success in these cases usually requires treat- Spontaneous CSF leaks and encephaloceles are inter-
ment of the primary tumor to correct the obstruction or esting and challenging problems. At present, a variety of
long-term shunting to divert the high-pressure system. clinical conditions have been classified as "spontaneous"
Repairing the CSF leak without treating the obstructing CSF leaks, including leaks associated with tumor, delayed
lesion may actually worsen the high-pressure condition traumatic leaks, and leaks associated with congenital
because the internal relief valve for the patient's intracra- skull-base malformation.7'8 We believe CSF leaks that
nial hypertension is removed. arise secondary to another condition (tumor, trauma, con-
genital malformation) should be classified and described
Congenital as such. We restrict the spontaneous category to patients
Congenital CSF leaks and encephaloceles are challeng- with no other discernible etiology for their CSF leak. Im-
ing to treat and, fortunately, are relatively rare. They most portantly, compelling clinical, radiographic, and demo-
commonly are caused by a developmental skull-base malfor- graphic data exist to suggest that patients with spontane-
mation. These deformities are typically characterized by a ous CSF leaks represent a distinct clinical entity.9
funnel-shaped defect of the bony skull base through which a ICP is an important consideration in understanding
meningoencephalocele herniates into the sinonasal cavity. the pathophysiology of spontaneous CSF leaks and ascrib-
This may occur in the region of the cribriform plate, and, at ing a logical designation and classification for this condi-
that location, the appearance suggests that a natural open- tion. Under the current classification schemes, spontane-
ing for an olfactory filae with its accompanying dural sleeve ous CSF leaks and encephaloceles are classified under a
developed aberrantly (Fig. 4, A and B). Alternatively, large heading of normal ICP.8 Evidence now suggests that ele-
encephaloceles may also form through a skull-base defect in vated ICP is a common clinical finding in patients with
Laryngoscope 114: February 2004 Schlosser and Bolger: Nasal CSF Leaks
spontaneous CSF leaks." Elevated CSF pressures proba- site of the leak. Beta-2 transferrin is a protein present only
bly begin with impaired absorption, which leads to in- in CSF, perilymph, and aqueous humor. Testing nasal se-
creased pulsatile hydrostatic forces exerted at anatomi- cretions for /3-2 transferrin represents a much more specific
cally weakened sites of the skull base, such as the and sensitive technique compared with previous methods of
cribriform plate or the lateral recess of a hyperpneuma- testing for glucose, protein, and electrolytes. Only 0.5 mL of
tized sphenoid sinus. Eventually, these forces thin the rhinorrhea fluid is needed for testing, but this may be diffi-
skull base further to cause a bony defect and dura or brain cult to obtain in cases of intermittent leaks. False-positives
tissue to herniate through the defect, forming a meningo- and false-negatives are unlikely with /3-2 transferrin testing
encephalocele and CSF leak. (Fig. 5). but can occur.11 Beta-2 transferrin provides an accurate,
As previously described, the elevated CSF pressures noninvasive method to establish the diagnosis of an active
seen in this group probably represent a variant of benign CSF leak, but, unfortunately, it provides little information
intracranial hypertension (BIH) and accounts for the clin- on the precise location of the leak.
ical, radiographic, and surgical picture seen in this group. High-resolution coronal and axial computed tomog-
Patients are most commonly middle-aged, obese females raphy (CT) is useful in nearly all cases, independent of
with pressure-type headaches, pulsatile tinnitus, and bal-
leak activity. It provides important bony detail that is
ance abnormalities in addition to their CSF rhinorrhea.
useful in the surgical approach and helps identify and
Radiographically, they often have empty, expanded sellas,
localize the skull-base defect. Unfortunately, it does not
broadly attenuated skull bases, arachnoid pits, and mul-
establish the diagnosis of CSF leak because bony defects
tiple skull-base defects secondary to chronic hydrostatic
may be present but not be actively leaking CSF.
forces. Of all etiologies for CSF leaks, the spontaneous
group is associated with the highest rate (50—100%) of Radioactive cisternograms require endoscopic place-
encephalocele formation, and there are often rather large ment of intranasal pledgets followed by intrathecal injec-
meningoencephaloceles herniating through relatively tion of a radioactive marker. Typical sites for pledget
small bony defects. Spontaneous leaks have the highest placement are the anterior cribriform plate, the middle
recurrence rate after surgical repair of the leak (25-87%) meatus, and the sphenoethmoidal recess. The pledgets are
compared with less than 10% for most other etiolo- removed after several hours, and the amount of radio-
gies.6,7,10 Unfavorable conditions, such as the elevated activity on the pledgets is measured. The utility of this
ICP, associated meningoencephaloceles, and a broadly at- test is with low-volume or intermittent leaks because
tenuated bony skull base, undoubtedly contribute to this the pledgets remain in place for hours and can continuously
higher failure rate. collect CSF if a leak is present. Its major weaknesses are an
inability for precise localization of the defect and sensitivities
PREOPERATIVE ISSUES that can vary from 62% to 76%, with a false-positive rate up
To achieve a successful repair, it is imperative that to 33%.7,12,13 Often, the radioactive cisternogram can only
preoperative studies establish the diagnosis and localize the identify the side (right vs. left) of the leak because CSF and
Laryngoscope 114: February 2004 Schlosser and Bolger: Nasal CSF Leaks
nasal secretions mix to collect on all the pledgets on a given suppression and image reversal to highlight CSF fistu-
side. las. 15 Both techniques are excellent for identifying brain
CT cisternograms are very helpful tools because they parenchyma and CSF within meningoencephaloceles.
hold the potential for identifying whether a leak exists Their weakness, like many other studies, is that they may
and can give important information on the site of the leak. not identify intermittent leaks that are not active at the
A coronal (and axial, if needed) sinus CT is performed time of the study, although some authors have reported
after intrathecal administration of contrast material. It success detecting intermittent or low-flow leaks by these
may be the only test required if it positively identifies methods. 13 ' 15 Accuracy has been reported at 89%, with
contrast material within a specific paranasal sinus or 85% to 92% sensitivity and 100% specificity.14'15
meningoencephalocele sac. Its weakness is that it repre- Deciding which preoperative test is needed for a
sents one data point in time and may miss intermittent given patient should be based on the clinical picture and
leaks; thus, its sensitivity may range from 48% to 96% 12 ' 13 the precise information needed rather than by following a
depending on the flow rate and site of the leak. Its greatest rigid algorithm. In addition, the invasiveness of the diag-
utility is in frontal or sphenoid sinus leaks because these nostic test and the risks to the patient should be taken
sinuses act as reservoirs of the contrast material. In sus- into account. The reported sensitivity and specificity of
pected frontal or sphenoid leaks, it is essential to obtain any test should be interpreted with caution because these
images in an axial plane to properly evaluate the posterior statistics are highly dependent on the patient population
walls of these sinuses. In the ethmoid and sphenoid roof, it studied, size of the defect, flow rate of the leak, and the
is essential to obtain images in the coronal plane. In individual interpreting the test.
cribriform plate-olfactory groove defects, contrast mate-
rial can drain into the pharynx and never collect to a
volume substantial enough to be detectable by imaging. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
Therefore, the CT cisternogram can be a helpful test, General Principles
especially for frontal and sphenoid leaks, but, like other The surgical approach and repair technique used de-
tests, has shortcomings. pend on numerous factors previously mentioned, such as
Preoperative intrathecal fluorescein with a thorough the etiology of the leak, associated ICPs, encephalocele
endoscopic examination is useful in establishing the diag- formation, and the site and type of defect. Historically, the
nosis of CSF leak, but its ability to precisely localize the success rate for traditional neurosurgical repair through
leak site may be limited. If a patient has not had previous craniotomy is generally accepted as approximately 70% to
sinus surgery, skull-base exposure is limited. On the other 80%.1,10 With advanced endoscopic and extracranial tech-
hand, if extensive sinus surgery has been previously per- niques, otolaryngologists can now close most CSF leaks
formed and there is adequate exposure of the skull base, it with greater than 90% success and avoid the morbidity of
may be very helpful and accurate. Most estimates place a craniotomy. A variety of approaches are used to access
the accuracy around 96%, but there can still be false- the various areas of the skull base. The basic principles of
positives and false-negatives. Intraoperatively, when wide endoscopic repair of skull-base defects and CSF leaks cen-
surgical exposure will be obtained, intrathecal fluorescein ter on positive identification of the leak site, meticulous
is useful in localizing the defect and ensuring a watertight preparation of the recipient bed, and accurate placement
closure. Depending on the rate of the leak, the rate of CSF of an appropriate graft material. The subsequent discus-
turnover, and the timing of the intrathecal injection, the sion of surgical approaches is based on the anatomic re-
fluorescein may be significantly diluted or excreted by the gion of the skull base.
time of surgery. Use of a blue light filter can improve the
detection of dilute fluorescein. Ethmoid Roof and Cribriform Area
Caution must be used with intrathecal fluorescein. Generally, leaks in the cribriform plate and ethmoid
We typically use 0.1 mL of 10% fluorescein diluted in 10 roof are treated with a standard transnasal endoscopic
mL of the patient's CSF. This dilute fluorescein is slowly approach. Topical decongestion with oxymetazoline
injected over 10 to 15 minutes. We have had no complica- (0.05%) followed by a lateral nasal wall injection with 1%
tions using this technique in more than a decade of expe- lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine promotes hemosta-
rience. Complications, such as seizures and neurotoxicity, sis during surgery. The nose is then irrigated with a 600
have been reported when using higher concentrations or mg/100 mL solution of clindamycin to decrease bacteria
more rapid injections. We provide informed written con- within the surgical field and reduce the potential for in-
sent to all of our patients regarding the risks and benefits tracranial seeding from the operative field. All cameras
of intrathecal fluorescein and its lack of Food and Drug and light cables are gas sterilized the evening before sur-
Administration approval for this use. gery to achieve a level of sterility on the surgical field
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and MR cister- similar to that of a formal neurosurgical procedure. With
nography can be used to noninvasively image CSF leaks this consideration, we operate from the television monitor
and encephaloceles without the need for a lumbar punc- using the endoscopic camera to avoid contamination of the
ture. Some authors use the term MR cisternography to surgical field from the endoscope eyepiece after it touches
describe routine MRI studies that rely primarily on T-2 the surgeon's skin or glasses. We also perform a surgical
weighted images to highlight CSF;14 however, most re- scrub and antimicrobial preparation of the face and donor
ports describe MR cisternography as a recently developed site. A complete endoscopic ethmoidectomy and maxillary
technique that uses a fast spin-echo sequence with fat antrostomy are usually needed to provide adequate expo-
Laryngoscope 114: February 2004 Schlosser and Bolger: Nasal CSF Leaks
sure of the skull-base defect and leak. Frontal sinusoto- complex three-dimensional configurations, requiring pre-
mies, sphenoidotomies, and middle-superior turbinecto- cise shaping of the bone graft (Fig. 5, A and B). Once the
mies are performed if additional exposure is needed. bone graft is of satisfactory size and shape, it is soaked in
Sinuses adjacent to the CSF leak site may need to be clindamycin solution to decrease the risk of intracranial
opened to prevent postoperative obstruction secondary to seeding of bacteria. The graft is then carefully placed in
scarring or packing. For example, frontal sinusotomies the epidural space to close the bony defect. After position-
and sphenoidotomies are often required even though the ing the bone graft (if used), temporalis fascia is placed in
leak may be in the ethmoid roof or cribriform. This proac- an overlay fashion. In contrast with the fascia grafts used
tively prevents the formation of iatrogenic mucoceles in for tympanoplasties, our grafts are intentionally kept
the surrounding sinuses and minimizes "collateral dam- thick to decrease the chance of having a small hole de-
age." Positive identification of the defect may be accom-
velop. Multiple layers of absorbable packing follow the
plished by direct inspection, but intrathecal fluorescein
fascia graft.
can be very helpful in precisely identifying small leaks
and demonstrating small meningoencephaloceles.
The recipient bed is prepared by removing several
Sphenoid Region
millimeters of mucosa surrounding the bony defect to
Defects in the central sphenoid can be approached
widely expose the site. Exocrine mucus glands within si-
nus mucosa will continue to make mucus and may sepa- through the endoscopic transethmoid approach by per-
rate the graft from the recipient bed if it is not removed; forming a wide sphenoidotomy. Repair principles are sim-
thus, it is critical to thoroughly remove the mucosa to ilar to those for ethmoid roof leaks. A traditional midline
expose the underlying bone. A diamond burr or curette transeptal approach may also provide excellent access to
can be used to lightly abrade the recipient bed bone and perisellar leaks. The sinus mucosa immediately surround-
stimulate osteoneogenesis. ing the defect is elevated and removed. The remainder of
Once the recipient site is prepared, any encephaloce- the sphenoid sinus mucosa is left in place. It is doubtful
les are ablated or reduced using bipolar cautery. Standard that removal of all sinus mucosa from the sphenoid is
bipolar cautery devices have rigid straight shafts that consistently possible, and the likelihood of subsequent
cannot be bent to access all areas of the skull base. Mal- mucocele formation after complete sphenoid obliteration
leable, commercially available suction monopolar cautery is high. In addition, stripping mucosa from the lateral
devices can be shaped to reach difficult areas in the ante- sphenoid wall presents unnecessary risk should the ca-
rior and lateral skull base and can be used selectively rotid or optic nerve be clinically dehiscent. We prefer to
within the ethmoid cavity. We specifically avoid the use of precisely localize and repair the skull-base defect. The
monopolar cautery near or adjacent to the lamina papy- graft material is then placed on the prepared recipient
racea or optic nerve region. bed. Abdominal fat may be used as the primary graft
As the encephalocele is progressively ablated, metic- material, or, preferably, a piece of fascia can be placed
ulous hemostasis is required. This is especially important directly over the defect, and abdominal fat can serve a
when treating the encephalocele base to avoid the poten- secondary supportive function. In this case, the abdominal
tially devastating complication of intracranial hemor- fat acts as biologic packing to hold the fascia in place. Fat
rhage. This complication could occur if the encephalocele that does not become supported by blood vessel in-growth
was sharply resected and the base retracted intracrani- involutes within weeks and is readily cleared from the
ally. Precise application of electrocautery to the stalk or sinus, often without any debridement. This permits the
base helps prevent intracranial bleeding. Even small sinus to remain patent and functional and minimizes risk
amounts of oozing from capillaries should be considered of mucocele formation.
significant given the hemostatic stresses of extubation
and postoperative vomiting and the closed confines of the Defects located in the lateral recess of the sphenoid
cranial cavity after repair. Once the encephalocele base is sinus are difficult to access by the midline transeptal or
reduced, if a lumbar drain has been placed preoperatively, endoscopic transethmoidal approaches and may require
the drain is then opened, and CSF is diverted away from an endoscopic transpterygoid approach.16 After a total
the graft site and into the collection bag. Removing ap- ethmoidectomy, wide sphenoidotomy and wide maxillary
proximately 10 to 15 mL and then positioning the collec- antrostomy are performed, the posterior wall of the max-
tion bag to establish a rate of flow of 5 to 10 mL/hour will illary sinus is removed, and the pterygopalatine fossa is
allow the encephalocele base to be reduced intracranially, entered. The internal maxillary artery and its branches
facilitating intracranial graft placement. are identified, moved inferiorly, or clipped and divided to
The repair is performed by gently elevating the dura expose the deeper areas of the pterygopalatine fossa. Cra-
above the bony skull-base defect and then using bone nial nerve V2, the vidian nerve, and the sphenopalatine
grafts in an underlay fashion in the epidural space. An ganglion are dissected free and preserved if possible. The
otologic elevator is helpful in dissecting the dura and anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus that has pneumatized
defining the epidural space. When bone grafts are used, the pterygoid plates is drilled away to gain access to the
great care in graft design and placement is needed. In lateral recess of the sphenoid sinus. This provides the
some patients, such as those with spontaneous leaks, the necessary exposure to then reduce any encephalocele and
entire skull base is attenuated and can easily fracture, repair the skull-base defect using bone or fascia grafts as
creating an even larger defect. These defects often have described previously.
Laryngoscope 114: February 2004 Schlosser and Bolger: Nasal CSF Leaks
Frontal Sinus base, there are still limitations to extracranial ap-
An external extracranial approach using a tradi- proaches, and certain cases are more amenable to neuro-
tional osteoplastic flap and ipsilateral frontal sinus oblit- surgical repair by way of craniotomy. These may include
eration is recommended for defects in the frontal sinus. patients with multiple, comminuted defects, broadly at-
The defect is exposed, and any encephalocele is reduced. tenuated or badly deformed skull bases, tumors with in-
All mucosa is removed from the frontal sinus, followed by tracranial extension, large bilateral defects in an anosmic
meticulous drilling with a diamond burr to remove muco- patient, and high-pressure leaks requiring CSF diversion
sal remnants. Abdominal fat is used to obliterate the sinus procedures.
after placing underlay bone and overlay fascia grafts to
close the skull-base defect as described above. Defects Grafts Materials and Selection
within relatively small frontal sinuses may require a bi- Multiple varieties of grafting materials and place-
lateral obliteration. ment techniques have been described, and most have been
Leaks that are particularly difficult to repair are very successful. The specific graft material chosen de-
those that extend to the isthmus of the frontal sinus pends on the size and location of defect, the anatomic
outflow tract. It is this site where the skull base transi- character of the defect and recipient bed, and presence of
tions from the horizontal (axial) orientation of the ethmoid elevated CSF pressure. Each skull-base defect, meningo-
roof-cribriform plate to the vertical (coronal) orientation encephalocele, and leak is unique, and, therefore, an al-
of the posterior table. This area is at the limit of an gorithmic approach is not optimal. In general, a mucosa or
external osteoplastic approach from above and an endo- fascia-free graft, placed in an overlay fashion, may be
scopic approach from below. A combined approach may be sufficient for a fine crack in the skull base or a small defect
needed (Fig. 6). with normal CSF pressure. Spontaneous closure has even
been reported, but in addition to the immediate goal of
Intracranial Approach leak cessation, the long-term risk of ascending meningitis
Although otorhinolaryngologists are now able to suc- must be considered. In large skull-base defects or small
cessfully access all areas of the anterior and central skull defects with elevated CSF pressure, such as spontaneous
Laryngoscope 114: February 2004 Schlosser and Bolger: Nasal CSF Leaks
CSF leaks, an epidural space bone graft and extracranial Composite grafts using turbinate bone and mucosa pro-
fascial graft may be advantageous, especially in consider- vide a two-layer closure, but both layers are placed simul-
ation of long-term results and lifelong prevention of de- taneously in an overlay fashion and do not have the sta-
layed ascending meningitis. bility of an epidural graft. In addition, it is difficult to
Experimental evidence demonstrates that a free graft sculpt the bony portion of a composite graft to precisely fit
guides wound healing by acting as a scaffold.17 Free grafts the skull-base defect while it is still attached to its muco-
are adherent to bone at 1 week and are replaced by fibrous sal covering.
connective tissue at 3 weeks, with some degree of postoper-
ative contracture. We generally recommend a multilayer Tissue Adhesives
closure, when possible, that includes a bone graft placed in A variety of tissue adhesives have been anecdotally
an underlay fashion in the epidural space followed by a reported for CSF leak repairs, but no scientific clinical
fascia graft placed in overlay fashion intranasally against studies have been conducted. One experimental study us-
exposed bone around the defect. This type of repair provides ing a mouse model did show an apparent advantage to
both structural support from the bone graft in the epidural using fibrin sealant with a free muscle graft.18 If tissue
space and watertight closure from the fascia. It reconstructs adhesives are used, they must be applied very conserva-
both the bone and the soft-tissue aspect of the defect, ad- tively because a thick layer of adhesive may actually pre-
dressing the short-term goal of CSF leak cessation and the vent the graft material from coming into contact with the
long-term goals of preventing encephalocele or CSF leak wound bed.
recurrence or ascending meningitis.
An added theoretic benefit is the baffling effect of the Packing
bone graft and its positive effect on fascial graft healing, Degradable packing such as Gelfoam, Surgicel, and
especially in the immediate postoperative period. Without Avitene have all been used with success; however, there is
a bone graft, the brain parenchyma and reduced enceph- no proven scientific advantage to any one product. Gelfilm
alocele will tend to push back through the defect with or Silastic sheeting used between multiple layers of pack-
Valsalva or cough. This can possibly elevate the fascial ing may prevent the inadvertent removal or movement of
graft from the recipient bed and disrupt the fine network all the layers of packing and possible disruption of the
of fibrous in-growth and angiogenesis needed for optimal graft during the early postoperative period.
wound healing and graft closure. An epidural space bone
graft prevents the extrusion of the reduced encephalocele
with cough or Valsalva, thereby allowing the fascia graft PERIOPERATIVE ISSUES
to remain sealed to the recipient bed. Lumbar Drain
When faced with small bony defects, we do not at- In appropriate cases, a lumbar drain is placed before
tempt to place fascia or fat plugs into the epidural space the induction of general anesthesia. This is best done with
for several reasons. One concern is that this technique the patient awake and in a sitting position to fill the
could enlarge the bony borders of the defect. There may lumbar cistern with CSF. The lumbar cistern then dilates,
also be difficulty interpreting the resulting soft-tissue sig- and CSF pressure can be increased up to 40 cm of water,
nal on subsequent postoperative imaging studies in these thus making it easier to find the subarachnoid space and
patients. Finally, placement of an epidural soft-tissue place the drain. Patients with long-term CSF leaks can
graft and its subsequent herniation back through the bony have a relative depletion of CSF, and it can be difficult to
defect could potentially act as a stent to prevent osteoneo- identify the subarachnoid space and withdraw CSF or
genesis and closure across the bony defect. We prefer to place the lumbar drain if this is done while the patient is
prepare the graft site as described above, paying particu- in the decubitus position.
lar attention to gently scraping or drilling the bone sur- Once the spinal needle is in the intrathecal space,
rounding the defect with the thought of stimulating os- fluorescein (0.1 mL of 10% solution diluted in 10 mL of
teoanagenesis. We then place a thick temporalis fascia CSF) is slowly injected through the needle over 10 min-
graft over the bony defect, both to seal the defect and act utes. This can aid in precise identification of the bony
as scaffolding for fibrous in-growth. skull-base defect and associated CSF leak and help con-
In addition to bone and fascia grafts, a number of firm a watertight repair at the end of the procedure. We
authors use free mucosal grafts. Septal mucosa provides have not noted any complications from fluorescein in over
the advantages over middle turbinate mucosa of being 10 years of experience when used as outlined above. Com-
thicker and allowing for a larger graft to be harvested if plications are usually related to higher concentrations,
needed. When harvesting a septal graft, it is easiest to more rapid injections, or suboccipital punctures. 19 After
make the posterior septal incisions first, followed by the fluorescein instillation is complete, the lumbar catheter is
inferior, then superior, cuts. This allows the surgeon to inserted, secured, and clamped for the initial portion of
work in a posterior to anterior and inferior to superior the procedure. It may be difficult to inject fluorescein
direction and avoids the problem of having blood drain through the lumbar catheter, and, therefore, we prefer to
down into the operative field. Inferior turbinate mucosal inject it through the spinal needle before catheter inser-
grafts are relatively thick, and a significant portion can be tion. Later in the surgical procedure, after the skull-base
harvested while still leaving a mucosalized functioning defect is exposed and preparations for bone graft place-
turbinate remnant. Unfortunately, the amount of graft ment are being made, 10 to 15 mL of CSF is removed over
material available is less than that from the septum. 15 minutes to aid in reduction of the cauterized encepha-
Laryngoscope 114: February 2004 Schlosser and Bolger: Nasal CSF Leaks
locele base. After graft placement, the lumbar drain is gate the sinonasal cavity with clindamycin solution dur-
then kept open, and 5 to 10 mL per hour is drained for the ing the procedure in an attempt to minimize bacterial
remainder of the procedure and for the initial postopera- contamination and seeding of graft material.
tive period. Diligent care of the lumbar drain is required
during the immediate postoperative period. The tempta- POSTOPERATIVE ISSUES
tion to clamp the drain during patient extubation or trans-
port should be resisted. This is precisely when the greatest Activity
risk exists for ICP elevation caused by coughing, Valsalva All patients are kept at strict bedrest while lumbar
maneuvers, and patient movement that would be trans- drains are in place. After the lumbar drain is removed,
mitted against the graft. The height of the drain is ad- patients gradually resume ambulation. Patients are in-
justed to keep the drainage between 5 and 10 mL of CSF structed on movement techniques to avoid breath holding
per hour. If the drain is too low, excessive CSF can be and Valsalva maneuvers and are encouraged to continu-
removed, leading to brain-stem herniation. Conversely, if ously inhale or exhale when changing position. We encour-
the drain height is too high, air may flow retrograde into age light activity for 6 weeks after surgery
the intrathecal space and lead to pneumocephalus. Nurs-
ing staff must understand that the rate of drainage is to be Bed Position and Lumbar Drain Management
adjusted by changing the height of the drain, not by rapid Alterations in bed position will alter the CSF pressure
drainage and interval clamping. at the graft site. When the patient is lying perfectly flat, the
The lumbar drain is most important during the first ICP is roughly equivalent at all points from the lumbar
24 hours after surgery. During this period, it is especially cistern to the skull base. As the head of bed is raised, CSF
useful in avoiding large spikes in ICP should the patient pressure at the anterior skull base decreases, whereas the
cough or strain during extubation or transport or have pressure in the lumbar cistern increases proportionally.
nausea and vomiting during the immediate postoperative Brain parenchyma may also help to maintain the position of
period. Keeping the drain in longer than 24 to 48 hours epidural grafts when the patient is raised to the sitting
probably does not provide any significant advantage to the position. We keep patients slightly elevated at 15 degrees
repair. The tensile strength of the repair probably in- while the lumbar drain is in place and dictate a specific bed
creases very little during the first week because this is position rather than specify a range of bed positions such as
when imbibition occurs. There is very little fibrosis be- "head of bed at 15 to 30 degrees." When given a range, the
cause this phase of wound healing takes place several patient or nursing staff may make repeated adjustments of
weeks later. The majority of the structural support of the the bed, leading to changes in CSF pressure at the lumbar
repair rests on any underlay graft placed in the epidural cistern and to difficulty in adjusting the height of the lumbar
space and on intranasal packing compressing the ex- drain to maintain proper drainage rate. Over-drainage of
tracranial fascia or mucosa graft against the recipient bed. CSF is a real concern in this setting. Once the drain is
For most repairs, we remove the lumbar drain after 24 to removed, we allow approximately 4 hours for the lumbar
48 hours, depending on the condition of the patient. drain catheter site to seal. Thereafter, we gradually elevate
the head of bed to 30 degrees to decrease the CSF pressure at
Positive Pressure Ventilation the skull-base defect repair site. If patients do well and do
Positive pressure ventilation in patients with a CSF not exhibit any signs of a spinal headache, we then advance
leak carries the risk of pneumocephalus. Fatal cases have them to a sitting position and light activity. Patients that
been reported from patients blowing their nose 20 or, after experience spinal headaches and are thought to have persis-
pneumotoscopy,21 in the presence of patent cranial fistu- tent CSF drainage from the dural puncture site of lumbar
las. To decrease this risk, our anesthesiologists perform drain are treated with a blood patch in consultation with our
rapid sequence intubation and minimize masking the pa- anesthesia service. An additional consideration is obtaining
tient and use positive pressure ventilation. On extubation, an ICP measurement in a patient with suspected ICP eleva-
we also try to avoid positive pressure, but the presence of tion, which may be important for future management
a multilayer closure and nasal packing should minimize the decisions.
risk postoperatively. In this patient population, after 24 to 36 hours of drain-
age, we first clamp the drain, maintain the patient at strict
Antibiotics bedrest, and wait approximately 4 to 6 hours to insure that
We do not use long-term prophylactic antibiotics in CSF production has been restored at normal volume. The
patients recently diagnosed with CSF leaks but believe head of bed is then lowered to a flat position, the flow is
that perioperative antibiotics are warranted. During sur- diverted by way of a three-way stopcock to a properly zeroed
gery, tissue grafts are placed through the contaminated or pressure transducer, and a pressure reading is taken. A
colonized nasal cavity to rest against brain tissue at the Queckenstedt's test is useful in confirming that the pressure
cranial base defect. In our opinion, risks of intracranial recorded through the lumbar catheter accurately reflects
infection outweigh the risks of prophylactic perioperative ICP. This is performed by manually obstructing both inter-
antibiotics. We generally use intravenous ceftriaxone be- nal jugular veins simultaneously. This maneuver increases
cause of its CSF penetration. Trimethoprim-sulfa or levo- ICP approximately to 10 to 30 cm of water within 5 to 10
floxacin are other alternatives that afford a degree of seconds and should be reflected in the CSF pressure read-
blood-brain barrier penetration and can be helpful in pa- ings and waveforms seen on the transducer. If an appropri-
tients with cephalosporin allergies. In addition, we irri- ate response is not seen with a Queckenstedt's test, the CSF
Laryngoscope 114: February 2004 Schlosser and Bolger: Nasal CSF Leaks
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