TC 62

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Design Series Technical Circular No. 62

Guidelines for Fixation of Gates and Acquisition

ofLand /properfy under Dams,
Barrages and flreir Rcservoir
This tecbnicar circular dears with the guiderines for
fixation ofgates in spitways & taDd acquisition on
the basis ofDesign Flood for Ir.igation projects.

2'0 As per criteria laid down in IS l1223trgg5 clause 3.r.2, Dams may be crassified according to
using the hydraulic head (from nomal or annual
average flood level on the downstream to the
maxlmum water level) and gross storage behind the
dam as given below.

Table No. 1

Classificafion ofDarn Gross Stora Hydrsluic Head

Between 0.5 & l0 Mm Between 7.50 m & 12.0 m
Between l0 & 60 Mm Between 12.00m & 30.0 m
Greater than 60 Mm Greater than 30,00 m

Table No. 2
Classification ofDam In{low -Design Flood for S"fcly oflrx-
I00 year flood

3,0 Fixation of Gates in Spilhvay

3.1 CASD l:-The number of gates in-spillway shall be provided
considering I in 100 year flood
passing (without routing) at Full Reservior Level
with minimum one gate stand_by. As per practice
generally the Design Head i.e. (Difference
of Full
Reservoir Level and crest Level) shall be
considered for flood passing calculation. The provision
ofstand by gates shall be considered as per Is
I 1223:1985 clause 3.6 rvhich stat ed thaL ,,For galed
spillways, the cont ihgekcy oJ at teast ] 0 percenl
of the gates with a minimwn of one gate being inoperath)e may be considered
as qn emergency
cokdition 1ike earthquake) for both typesof design /loocls (see 3.1.3 and 3.1.4),
Jor saJbry of the dam
and for design of ehergy tlissiparion works". The c.iteria can be relaxed
onty ln case when the
submergence area does not have any habitats in backwaters.

3.2 CASE 2rThe design inflow flood which may be pMF

or SpF shall saf.ely pass through, the
spillway with all gates open as per para 4.0 of IS code 11223 ,,Design
Conditionll (Jnder inrQow
clesigtxflood for safety ofdans and with all gates operatiye)"
with routing for design inflow flood, as
the case may be, as per Table No. 2. In this case the design
headls the difference of.Maximum Water
Level and Crest Level.

It shall be checked that the I in 100 year flood safely passes through above considered ga
configuration at Full Reservoir Level with one gate inoperative. The Routing shall be computed as per
procedure given in IS code 54'17 Part-4 : 19? 1 considering flood hydrograph of Peak Design flood
(SPF or PMF) and accordingly Maximum Water Level shall be fixed.

4.0 Fixation ofTop of Dam:-

The top ofdam (T.B.L.) shall be decided on the basis ofguidelines given in IS code 10635:2014

Calculate top ofdam required for the following conditions:-

a) FRL + Normal freeboard (as per Clause 6.3 ofIS code 10635:2014) &
b) MWL + Minimum freeboard (as per Clause 6.4 oflS code 10635:2014).
The highest ofthe above conditions shall be adopted for Top ofdam (T.B.L).
Clause 6.3 of IS code 10635:2014 states that "Ilhile calculating normal ;freeboard at FRL, full wind
velocity should be adopted. The design wave height (H,) shall be taken as I 67 times the signirtcant
wave height (Hs). Normal freeboard should not be less than 2.0 m in case of embanbnek! dam".

Clausc 6.4 of IS code 10635t2014 states that "While calculating minimum freeboard at MllL. Two-
third wind velocity should be adopted. The design .,l)ave height (H.) shall be takcn as |.27 times the
siqnirtcant vave height (Hs).The freeboard should be subject to a ninimum of 1.5 m in case of
embankment dam and I 0 mfor concrete/masonry dam"
5.0 Norms for Land AcquisitioD:-
5.1 Upstream Submergence Consideration:-

flood for built up ptoperty acquisition may be adopted". However it is clarified rhat the land
acquistion shall be done for Full Reservior Level (F.R.L.) and gate operation shall be done in such a
way that 100 year return flood shall be passed without encroaching Full Reservior Level. Builrup
property shall be acquired considering baok water effect of 100 year retum period flood which shall
pass at FRL ofdam without encroaching any additional elevation.
5.2 Downstream Submergence Consideration:-
As per lS 11223:i985 clause 4.3 states that "This depends on local conditions, the type of property and

effects of its submergence. Except for very important facilities like power houses, for whiclr outflows
obtained under Condition II (Jndet ihflol.r design food for safety of dans and with all gates

operalive) or of that order may be relevant. Normally the discharge relevant to check the acceptability
of downstrearl submergence condition may be smaller than those for power houses at ot near the toe
of the dam. Normally damage due to physical flooding may not be allowed for Design Condition ll
(Under inflow deslgnJloodfor safety of dams and with all gates opelatiye), but disruption ofoperation

may be allowed."

However, the t in too y"u, nooa ffitJp.ut uutu., of t in t0o years as outfrow)
shall be considered for downstream flooding and warning. The map sball be prepared with
data obtained from MAPIT and flood line in red colour should be marked and kept in record
of department, also.made available to revenue officers, police He etc. for information that no
habitation shall be allowed between red lines.

6.0 Design Discharges Consideration for Barrages:-

In the case of barrages, a 100 year flood shall be considered to pass the inflow at F.R,L. and
built up properties shall beacquired for backwaters with all gates operative. For designing the
^ bocrd. a minimun] o1500rtN
lree year frequency flood or the standard project flood whichever is

higher shall be considered.

Notei - In exceptional cases the above parameters shall be decided on the basis ofModel

Nd,y, o,
(c.P. Soni) (S.K. Dandekar)
ChiefEngineer (BODHI) Engineer-in-Chief
Water Resources Departntent
' Water Resources Department
Bhopal, (M.P.)
Bhopal, (M.P,)

Endt. No. 24.6. ./EVA/333/R&c/ BoDI{l Bhopal Dated O6lO B f t2o2o

Copy forwarded to l-

l, Personat Secretary to, Hon Minister. M P Water Resorirces Depa'tnent' Bhopal'

2. Additional Chiefsecretary to Govl ofM P NVDA' Bbopal
3. Principal Secretaly to Covt. of M P Watef Resources Depa'tment' Bhopal'
4. Engineer in Chief, M P Water Resources Department' Bhopal'
5. Engineer in Chief, P.W D./P.H E ' Bhopal
6. Member Engineering, N V D A Ncw Narnada Bhawan' Bhopal
7. Directof, WALMI, Near Kaliasote Danl Site' Bhopal'
8. The Accountant General (Civil), MP, M P Nagar' Bhopal
9. The Chief Technical Examiner GovtofM P Jail Road, Bhopal'
10. The Sec(etary to LokayLrkt' BlloPal'
Secretary, Betwa River Boarcl' JhaDsi (U P)/Chanbal Conlrol Board'
(Rajashan)/Bansagar ContfoL Board, Rewa (M P )/lnter State Control
Board Sitabuldi'
Nagpur (Maharastra)
12. The Secretary, Major Project Coltrol tsoard, Bhopal
13. All Chief Engineer, M.P Water Resources Departn)enl

at your level to all

For necessary actioD 'fhe copies of the ancndlnent nlust be circulated
field officers Llndel jurisdiction
14. Superintending Engineer (Monitoring)' O/o Engineer
in Chief' M P Water Resoufces
-Deoartrnent, BhoPal
,4. Wif Mtnager. O/o Engineer-in-Chief' Water Resources Department' Bhopal ior
Lrplooding in dePadnlent web silc

Encl:-As above

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