BusinessLogic (Lesson1 3)

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Business Logic
 It is the link in an information system between a user interface and a database. Typically, it contains
formal rules, translated into computer programs that control how data will be processed to achieve the
objectives of the information system.

Information Sytem
In general perpective:
An information system will typically contain the following components
1. Hardware: computer –based information systems use computer hardware, such as processors, monitors,
keyborad and printers.
2. Software: these are the programs used to organise process and analyse data, eg databases.
3. Users: different elements of an organizations need to be connected to each other, especially if many
different people in the organization use the same information system.
4. Procedures: these describe how specific data is processed and analysed in order to get the answers for
which the information system is designed.

In a more specific perspective: which is our most concern is the accounting information system.
Accounting information system: is a formal process for collecting data, processing the data into
information, and distributing that information to users. The purpose of an accounting information system is to
collect, store, and process financial and accounting data and produce informational reports that can managers or
other interested parties can use to make business decisions. Although an Ais can be a manual system, today
most accounting information systems are computer-based.

Functions of an Accounting Information System

Accounting information systems have three basic functions.
1. The first function of an AIS is the efficient and effective collection and storage of date concerning an
organization’s financial activities, including getting the transaction data from source documents,
recording the transactions in journals, and posting data from journals to ledgers.
2. The second function of an AIS is to supply information useful for making decisions, including producing
managerial reports and fincial statements.
3. The third function of an AIS si to make sure controls are in place to accurately record and process data.
Parts of an Accounting Information System
An accounting informations systems typically has six basic parts.
1. People who use the system, including accountants, managers, and business analysts.
2. Procedure and intructions are the ways that data are collected, stored, retrieved, and processed
3. Data including all information that goes into an AIS
4. Software consist of computer programs used for processing data
5. Information technology infrastructure includes all the hardware used to operate the AIS
6. Internal controls are the security measures used to protect data.

User Interface
 The user interface is the point of human computer interaction and communication in a device.
 The user interface is the point of human computer interaction and communication in a device. This can
include display screens, keyboards, a mouse and the apperance of a desktop. It is also the way through
which a user interacts with an application or a website. The growing dependence of many businesses on
web appilcations and mobile appilcations has led many copanies to place increased priority on UI in an
effort to improve the user’s overall experience.
Types of user interfaces
The various types of user interfaces include:
1. Graphical user interface 5. Voice user interface
2. Command line interface 6. Form- based user interface
3. Menu-driven user interface 7. Natural language user interface
4. Touch user interface
Examples of users interfaces include
1. Computer mouse 4. Atms
2. Remote control 5. Speedometer
3. Virtual reality 6. The old ipod click wheel

 a systematic collection of data. They support electronic storage and manipulation of data. Databases
make data management easy.
Let us discuss a database example: an online telephone directory uses a databses to store data of people, phone
numbers, and other contactr details. Your electricity service provider uses a databse to manage billing, client-
related issues, handle faults data, etc.
Let us also consider facebook. It needs to store, manipulate, and present data related to members, their friends,
memebers activbities, messages, advertisements, and a lot more. We can provide a countless number of
examples for the usage of database.`
Types of database
1. Distributed database
 a type of database that has contributions from the common database and information captured by local
computers. In this type of database system, the data is not in one place and is distributed at various

2. Relational databases:
 defines database relationship in the form of tables. It is also called relational DBMS, which is the most
popular dBMS type in the market. Database example of the RDBMSsystem include Mysql, Oracle, and
Microsoft SQL server database.

3. Object-oriented database
 it support the storage of all data types. The data is stored in the form of obj3ects. The objects to be held
in the database have attributes and methods that define what to do with the data.
PostgresSQL is an example of an object oriented relational DBMS.
Centralised database: it is a centralized location, and users from different backgrounds can access this
data. This type of computers databases store application procedures that help users access the data even
from a remote location.
4. Open source databases:
 Database that stored information related to operations. It is mainly used in the field of marketing,
employee relations, customers service, of databases.

5. Cloud databases:
 a database which is optimized or built for such a virtualized environment. There are so many advantages
of a cloud databse, some of which can pay for storage capacity and bandwidth. It also offers scalability
on-demand, along with high availability.

6. Data warehouse:
 It is to facilitate a single version of truth for a company for decisionb making and forecasting. A data
warehouse is an information system that contains historical and commutative data from single or
multiple sources. Data warehouse concept simplifies the reporitng and analysis process of the

7. Personal database
 used to store data stored on personal computers that are smaller and easily manageable. The data is
mostly used by the same department of the company and is accessed by a small group of people.
Business Rules
In general, business rules define specific intructions or contraints on how certain day to day actions should be
performed .
For example, business rules can include
1. A decision making approval structure for invoice processing where only certain managers can sign off
on invoices totaling a specific amount.
2. Calculations in which a formula may be used to calculate revenue or expenses.
3. Policies where an organization requires its employees to wok with a preferred list of vendors.
Common types of business rules.
 To account for different types of policies and decisions, business rules can be modled in multiple ways.
Two common types of business rules are formula rules and decision table rules.
A formula rule allows employees to maintain calculations in a no code format similar to creating
formulas in microsoft excel. Once a formula is defined, it can be reused as appropriate in multiple process
designs. If the formula needs to be updated, only the formula itself needs to be changed without requiring an
end user to manipulate code or individually adjust each applicable process. Many stanmdard formulas are
already built into the software, such as determining an average, sum date, and maximum, among many others.
A decision table rules, is a powerful feature that lets non developers represent realted conditional
decisions or if-then logic in concise manner as a spreadsheet style table. Decision tables use column as the
conditions, while rows specify the appropriate outcomes. Approvals, application acceptance criteria, and loan
eligibility checks are all general examples where decisions tables can be applied and owned by an domain
experts themselves.
In traditional approaches, these decisions can be hard coded directly as part of process designs, leading
to complex implemetations that require developers to make maula updates as they arise. When complex logic is
modeled as a table, it provides a much more relatable and visual format that is easier to maintain for borth
business and IT.

 a sequence of tasks that processes a set of data. Workflow occur across every kind of business and
industry. Anytime data is passed between humans and or systems, a workflow is created. Workflow are
the paths that descrivbe how something goes being undone to done or raw to processed.

 is a collection of data or computer  instructions that tell the computer how to work.
Based on the goal, computer software can be divided into:
1. Application software
2. System Software

 a type of computer program that performs a specific personal, educational, and business function.
Each program is designed to assist the user with a particular process, which may be related to
productivity, creativity, and/or communication.
Functions of Application Software
Application software programs are created to facilitate a variety of functions, including but not limited to:
1. managing information
2. manipulating data
3. constructing visuals
4. coordinating resources
5. calculating figures

Examples of Application Software

The most common application software programs are used by millions every day and include:
1. Microsoft (Office, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.)
2. Internet browsers like Firefox, Safari, and Chrome
3. Mobile pieces of software such as Pandora (for music appreciation), Skype (for real-time online
communication), and Slack (for team collaboration)
Business Application Software
 a subset of the application software. These programs are built to facilitate certain business functions,
improving the accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness of operations. Business application software
programs achieve measurable objectives such as saving work time and enhancing productivity. Below
are some popular examples of business applications that are commonly used by organizations.

Enterprise Resource Planning

 A type of business software used by companies – usually via a bundle of integrated applications – to
solicit, review, store, manipulate, and analyze data derived from a variety of business operations.
Customer Relationship Management
 Used by companies – usually via a bundle of integrated applications – to solicit, review, store, and
analyze customer data, and also to manage customer interaction and facilitate the sales process and
relevant partner relationships.
 An electronic arsenal of data that a user builds in order to later access, review, and update particular
pieces of information in a rapid and coherent manner.
Project Management Software
 A type of business software designed to plan and execute projects, and to manage the resources
associated with those projects. PM software assists users with functions such as scheduling, assigning
tasks, managing budgets and costs, documenting progress, and reporting results
Business Process Management
 Designed to facilitate rapid development and automation of strategic processes. Uses web-based
modeling, rule creation, and a simple interface to enable the user to perform business functions more
quickly. Usually optimized for mobile devices and offering total visibility into operations, BPM
software is helpful in managing and analyzing complex data, content, and processes across the
Productivity Software
 Helps users do their jobs more efficiently and complete work-related tasks in a timely manner.
Categories include document creation, database management, accounting and collaboration.
Applications that an organization uses for overall productivity are sometimes referred to together as a
software or application stack.
Resource Management Software
 A type of business software that facilitates the management of multiple projects and resources and
ensures that everything is allocated effectively in real time
Time Management Software
 A type of business software that tracks how an individual’s digital systems are used, including how long
the user spends working in certain applications.
Educational Software
 A type of software that facilitates the teaching and learning of new content, concepts, or processes.

Popular Application Software Add-Ons

1. Word Processor - a piece of application software that allows the user to create, edit, format, and print
written documents
2. Scheduling Software - a type of business software that helps an organization allocate resources, assign
shifts, and understand exactly who is working and what individuals are paid for that work
3. Spreadsheet - a computer-based document that displays data in a grid format and allows the user to
enter and manipulate data, and to perform accounting functions.

 a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer's hardware and application programs. If
we think of the computer system as a layered model, the system software is the interface between the
hardware and user applications. The operating system is the best-known example of system software.
The OS manages all the other programs in a computer.
 used to manage the computer itself. It runs in the background, maintaining the computer's basic
functions so users can run higher-level application software to perform certain tasks.

Types of system software

System software manages the computer's basic functions, including the disk operating system, file management
utility software and operating systems.
Other examples of system software include the following:
A complete picture of the software stack. System software includes the firmware through the OS levels of this
The BIOS(basic input/output system) gets the computer system started after it's turned on and manages the
data flow between the OS and attached devices, such as the hard drive, video adapter, keyboard, mouse and
An assembler  takes basic computer instructions and converts them into a pattern of bits that the
computer's processor can use to perform its basic operations.
A device driver controls a particular type of device that is attached to your computer, such as a keyboard or
mouse. The driver program converts the more general I/O instructions of the OS to messages that the device
type can understand.

Operating systems
The computer's OS is a well-known example of system software. Widely used operating systems include
Microsoft Windows, macOS and Linux.

Important tasks performed by the operating system

The main responsibility of the operating system is to manage a computer's software and hardware resources. It
is the computer's main control program. The OS controls and maintains a record of all other programs on the
computer, including both application and system software. The OS creates an environment that all other
computer programs run within and provides service to those other applications.
Operating systems perform tasks. Five of the most important ones are the following:
1. File management and process scheduling. 
 The OS allocates resources and prioritizes which programs should receive the resources and in what
order. For example, a digital audio workstation application may require a certain level of processing
power when being used. The OS decides how much power the application gets from the CPU and
manages the effects of that allocation on other applications. If a more critical process is happening
elsewhere on the computer, the OS might sacrifice some of the power the digital audio workstation has
requested, for example, to ensure the other process can be completed.
2. Processor and memory management. 
 The OS allocates the computer's memory to a process when needed and deallocates it when the process
is finished.
3. Error detection. 
 The OS detects, tracks and debugs errors in the computer's other programs.
4. Security. 
 The OS uses passwords to protect the computer's programs and data from unauthorized access.
5. Control and management. 
 The OS uses compilers, assemblers and interpreters to control and manage other programs on the
Difference between system software and application software
System software and application programs are the two main types of computer software. Unlike system
software, application software -- often just called an application or app -- performs a particular function for the
end user. Some examples of application software include the following:
1. web browsers
2. email clients
3. word processors
4. spreadsheets

System software and application software are also triggered differently. System software is generally
triggered when a computer or device is turned on, and it remains on until the device is powered down.
Application software is triggered by an end user after the computer is turned on. Application software needs
system software to function, whereas system software can run independently of application software.

What is a User Interface? Definition, Types and User Interface Example
Business—and life in general—has become increasingly dependent on the internet, web apps and mobile
apps. As a result, companies have found that the best way to compete at a web level is to prioritize building an
attractive and efficient user interface that optimizes the user experience.

What is user interface?

The user interface (UI) is the point at which human users interact with a computer, website or
application. The goal of effective UI is to make the user's experience easy and intuitive, requiring minimum
effort on the user's part to receive maximum desired outcome.
UI is created in layers of interaction that appeal to the human senses (sight, touch, auditory and more).
They include both input devices like keyboard, mouse, trackpad, microphone, touch screen, fingerprint scanner,
e-pen and camera and output devices like monitors, speakers and printers. Devices that interact with multiple
senses are called "multimedia user interfaces". For example, everyday UI uses a combination of tactile input
(keyboard and mouse) and a visual and auditory output (monitor and speakers).

Other types of user interfaces can include:

1. Form-based user interface: 
 Used to enter data into a program or application by offering a limited selection of choices. For example,
a settings menu on a device is form-based.

2. Graphical user interface: 

 A tactile UI input with a visual UI output (keyboard and monitor).

3. Menu-driven user interface: 

 A UI that uses a list of choices to navigate within a program or website. For example, ATMs use menu-
driven UIs and are easy for anyone to use.

4. Touch user interface: 

 User interface through haptics or touch. Most smartphones, tablets and any device that operates using a
touch screen use haptic input.

5. Voice user interface: 

 Interactions between humans and machines using auditory commands. Examples include virtual
assistant devices, talk-to-text, GPS and much more.

Why is user interface important?

User interface is important to meet user expectations and support the effective functionality of your site.
A well-executed user interface facilitates effective interaction between the user and the program, app or
machine through contrasting visuals, clean design and responsiveness. When designing a UI for your site, it's
important to consider the user's expectations in terms of accessibility, visual aesthetic and ease of use. An
optimal mix of effective visuals and efficient responsiveness will improve your site's conversion rates, as it
anticipates the needs of the user and then satisfies those needs.

More specifically, here are the most important overarching elements of a great UI:
1. Information architecture: 
 The functionality of a site is built according to the IA. Structuring and organizing your website's content
in a logical way is important to help users navigate the site with minimal effort. Components of IA
include three main types of organizational structures: hierarchical (level of importance), sequential
(logical order of steps) and matrix (in which the user chooses the organization of the content they see).
Example: Navigation elements (buttons, tabs, icons), labels (terminology), search features (search bar)
and organization systems (categories).

2. Interactive design: 
 Elements of ID aim to turn passive readers into active participants by presenting instances of user input.
Keeping the user in mind while creating the UI will help to improve the interactivity and execution of
specific behaviors that satisfy user needs. Additionally, efficiently-designed interactive UIs can 'learn' to
anticipate and remedy any problems that may come up before they negatively impact the user's
Example: Social-share features, toggles, buttons.

3. Visual design: 
 The importance of your site's aesthetic value cannot be underestimated. Effective design utilizes color,
contrast, font, video and photo elements to attract visitors and make it easy for them to read and works
with the content, rather than around it, to create a logical, intuitive flow of functionality.
Example: Contrast, color, white space, typography, mobile optimization.
What is the difference between user interface and user experience?
User interface and user experience are related and equally important to the execution of a project, but the
specifics differ. Mainly, UI is designed around the intended look and feel of the site, app or program while UX
spans the entire process of conceptualization, development and delivery. Additionally, UX can be referenced in
relation to nearly any product, while UI can only pertain to digital products.

The main differences between UX and UI are:

 UX revolves around the purpose and functionality of the product, while UI focuses on the quality of the
user's interaction with the product.
 UX involves components such as market research and identifying user needs, while UI has more artistic
design components relating to the look and feel of the user's experience.
 UX focuses on overall project management from ideation through development and delivery, while UI
more specifically focuses on the design of the finished product.

Designing a user experience begins by identifying the pain points of the target users and figuring out
how to meet the needs of said users. This includes details such as logical flows or steps to take to reach a goal.
Once the interface is programmed to be useful, the prototype is sent to a user interface designer, where the
processes are made visually appealing.

Developing a user experience includes:

1. Overall execution and goal-tracking
2. Coordination with developers and UI designers
3. Integration and analytics
4. Content or product strategy
5. Wireframing, planning, prototyping, development, testing

Developing a user interaction includes:

1. Look and feel of the site/app/program
2. Branding and design research
3. Responsive adaptation
4. Interactivity, animation
5. Implementation

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