Sunken Isles - Digital PDF
Sunken Isles - Digital PDF
Sunken Isles - Digital PDF
The Isles of Manaki
1 Skyreach Temple
(on the peak of Mount Kadaur)
2 Makolf
3 Fylkir’s Fall
4 The Ruins
5 Keyport
6 Alaula Cove
7 SpringBog
11 8 Chitoni
9 Eastguard
10 Westguard
11 The Primal Archipelago
2 12 Turntail Swamp
13 The Glowing Caves
14 Redfield
15 Kauhale
16 The Living Wall
17 King’s Tomb
18 Wishmaster’s Conclave
19 The Watching Woman
20 Entropy Abyss
13 21 The Black AtolL
The Sunken Isles of Manaki.............................. 4 Chapter 3: The Forces of Manaki.......... 42 Kauhale.......................................................................................119
About the Adventure............................................................... 4 The Star Breather, Creator History....................................................................................... 119
Adventure Pacing...................................................................... 4 of the Isles of Manaki........................................................ 42 Important Characters........................................................ 119
Resourceful Playstyle.............................................................. 5 Limited by Creation..............................................................42 How Did We Get Here? (Week 10)............................. 122
Theater of the Mind................................................................ 5 The Return of the Deity......................................................43 How Did We Get Here? (Week 17)............................. 122
Death in the Isles....................................................................... 5 The Star Breather’s Power.................................................43 Locations.................................................................................. 123
The Star Breatherduring the Adventure....................43 Events......................................................................................... 124
Chapter 1: Player Options................................ 6 Kada, the Body of Kadaur.............................................. 43 Downtime Activities........................................................... 128
Character Races........................................................................ 6 Quests........................................................................................ 128
The Legend of Kada.............................................................43
Creating Your Character...................................................... 6 Keyport........................................................................................132
The Follies of Kada................................................................43
Decapodians................................................................................. 7 Kada’s Power.............................................................................44 History....................................................................................... 132
Decapodian Names.................................................................. 7 Kada during the Adventure..............................................44 Important Characters........................................................ 132
‘Ula’Ula.......................................................................................... 7 The Undead Lords................................................................. 45 Locations.................................................................................. 133
Mant-i............................................................................................. 8 Skati Fylkir af Ikolf.................................................................45 Quests........................................................................................ 135
Kia’i..................................................................................................... 9 Kumuhea.....................................................................................47 Reviving Keyport................................................................. 136
Kia’i Social Structure............................................................. 9 Captain Keelhaul....................................................................48 King’s Tomb.............................................................................137
Mirescales................................................................................... 11 History....................................................................................... 137
Mirescale Social Structure.................................................11
C hapter 4: Adventure Overview.............. 50 Important Characters........................................................ 138
Week 1-20...................................................... 50-55 Beasts.......................................................................................... 139
Background Options............................................................ 13
Native Manaki..........................................................................13 Chapter 5: Our Tale Begins.......................... 56 How Did We Get Here?(Week 18)............................... 140
Reclaimer....................................................................................14 The Gathering Festival....................................................... 56 Locations.................................................................................. 141
Reef Guardian..........................................................................15 Fylkir’s Fall................................................................................. 58 Quests........................................................................................ 145
Features........................................................................................58 Redfield.......................................................................................150
Ikolf Descendant.....................................................................16
Locations.....................................................................................58 History....................................................................................... 150
Retired Adventurer................................................................17
Journey to Fylkir’s Fall (Week 1).....................................59 Important Characters........................................................ 150
Stranded Survivor..................................................................18
The King’s Request (Week 3)............................................60 How Did We Get Here? (Week 8)................................ 152
Chapter 2: Venturing Skati’s Right Hand, Kumuhea...................................... 61 How Did We Get Here?(Week 16)............................... 152
through Manaki. .......................................................... 20 Eikheim........................................................................................61 Features..................................................................................... 153
Sailing through the Isles: Journey by Sea............. 20 Jungle Path.................................................................................62 Locations.................................................................................. 153
Jobs.................................................................................................20 Tunnel Entrance......................................................................62 Quests........................................................................................ 155
Navigation..................................................................................21 Skati’s Left Hand, Captain Keelhaul...................... 64 Seputus........................................................................................161
Trip Quality...............................................................................21 Lahahana Lighthouse...........................................................64 History....................................................................................... 161
Weather........................................................................................22 Important NPCs......................................................................66 Important Characters........................................................ 161
Clear Skies and Windy Weather Encounters...........22 Chapter 6: The Isles of Manaki................ 68 How Did We Get Here? (Week 11)............................. 163
Features..................................................................................... 163
Stormy Weather Encounters.............................................23 Makolf............................................................................................ 68
Locations.................................................................................. 164
Foggy Weather Encounters................................................24 Important Characters...........................................................69 Quests........................................................................................ 165
Restless Magic Encounters................................................25 Locations.....................................................................................70 Skyreach.....................................................................................169
Sailing Vessels........................................................................... 26 Crafts and Craftspeople......................................................70 Important Characters........................................................ 169
Barge..............................................................................................26 Specialists....................................................................................71 How Did We Get Here? (Week 13)............................. 170
Coracle.........................................................................................26 Quests...........................................................................................75 How Did We Get Here? (Week 17 or 18)................. 170
Double-Hulled Sailing Canoe..........................................27 Alaula Cove................................................................................. 80 Locations.................................................................................. 170
Flatboat........................................................................................27 History..........................................................................................80 Quests........................................................................................ 173
Galleon.........................................................................................28 Important Characters...........................................................80 SpringBog..................................................................................176
Keelboat.......................................................................................28 How Did We Get Here? (Week 11)................................81 History....................................................................................... 176
Raft.................................................................................................29 Locations.....................................................................................82 Important Characters........................................................ 176
Single-Hulled Sailing Canoe.............................................29 Chitoni............................................................................................ 89 How Did We Get Here? (Week 6)................................ 178
The Bloody Twins...................................................................29 History..........................................................................................89 How Did We Get Here? (Week 9)................................ 178
Areas of the Ship.....................................................................30 Important NPCs......................................................................89 Features..................................................................................... 179
Ship Upgrades..........................................................................30 How Did We Get Here?(Week 6)....................................91 Locations.................................................................................. 179
Spirit Carvings.........................................................................30 How Did We Get Here?(Week 12)..................................91 Visiting SpringBog after Week 10............................... 180
Figureheads................................................................................31 Features........................................................................................91 Quests........................................................................................ 181
Combat at Sea..........................................................................31 Locations.....................................................................................92 The Entropy Abyss..............................................................187
Resources: An Economy without Gold................... 32 Downtime Activities..............................................................94 History....................................................................................... 187
Acquiring Resources..............................................................32 Quests...........................................................................................94 Important Characters........................................................ 187
Discovery.....................................................................................32 The Last Hurdle................................................................... 100 How Did We Get Here? (Week 9)................................ 188
Eastguard and Westguard.............................................101 How Did We Get Here? (Week 13)............................. 188
History....................................................................................... 101 Features..................................................................................... 188
Monster Parts............................................................................33
Important Characters........................................................ 101 Locations.................................................................................. 189
Renewable Resources...........................................................33
Beasts.......................................................................................... 103 Quests........................................................................................ 190
List of Resources......................................................................33
How Did We Get Here? (Week 7)................................ 103 The Glowing Caves.............................................................192
Crafting: Resourceful Adventuring.......................... 34
Locations.................................................................................. 104 History....................................................................................... 192
Crafting Basics.........................................................................34
Downtime Activities........................................................... 105 Inhabitants.............................................................................. 192
Crafting Recipes......................................................................34 Quests........................................................................................ 105 Important Characters........................................................ 193
Town Improvements..............................................................37 Isle of the Watching Woman.........................................110 Common Tourists................................................................ 194
Crafting Signatures................................................................37 History....................................................................................... 110 Otherworldly Visitors........................................................ 195
Magic in the Sunken Isles................................................. 38 Important Characters........................................................ 110 Flora and Fauna................................................................... 195
The Spirits of Manaki..........................................................38 Confidence Points and Makana................................... 111 How Did We Get Here? (Week 9)................................ 196
Channeling Creation.............................................................39 How Did We Get Here? (Week 15)............................. 113 How Did We Get Here? (Week 15)............................. 196
Rituals...........................................................................................39 Locations.................................................................................. 114 Locations.................................................................................. 197
Raw Magic Effects..................................................................39 Quests........................................................................................ 115 Quests........................................................................................ 201
The Living Wall and Lifebearer Lagoon.............203 Quests........................................................................................ 242 Chapter 9: People,
History....................................................................................... 203 Wishmaster’s Conclave....................................................248
Characters, and Species.................................. 270
Important Characters........................................................ 203 History....................................................................................... 248
Native Cultures of Manaki............................................270
Beasts.......................................................................................... 204 Important Characters........................................................ 248
How Did We Get Here? (Week 8)................................ 205 Decapodians........................................................................... 270
How Did We Get Here? (Week 11)............................. 249
How Did We Get Here? (Week 18)............................. 205 Locations.................................................................................. 249 Kia’i............................................................................................. 271
Features..................................................................................... 205 Quests........................................................................................ 250 Minax......................................................................................... 273
Locations.................................................................................. 206 Mirescales................................................................................ 273
Quests........................................................................................ 207
Chapter 7: The War for
People and Individuals....................................................275
The Primal Archipelago..................................................211 the Isles of Manaki............................................... 254
Bloody Twin............................................................................ 275
History....................................................................................... 211 Preparing for the War.......................................................254
Important Characters........................................................ 211 The Stages of Battle: Unfinished Business.............. 254
Potential Allies Ecliptic Scavengers............................................................. 279
The Beasts................................................................................ 212
in the Fight for the Sunken Isles................................... 255 Ecliptic Hauler...................................................................... 280
How Did We Get Here? (Week 7)................................ 213
Potential Allies Ecliptic Shocker.................................................................... 280
How Did We Get Here? (Week 16)............................. 213
Features..................................................................................... 213 in the Fight for the Sunken Isles (Continued)........ 256 Ecliptic Anglers..................................................................... 281
Cretacia Island Locations (Week 7)............................ 214 Potential Enemies Ecliptic Hunters.................................................................... 281
Beast Tyrant Island Locations (Week 16)................ 215 in the Fight for the Sunken Isles................................... 257 Ecliptic Articulata................................................................ 284
Quests........................................................................................ 216 The Black Atoll.......................................................................258 Undead Antagonists...........................................................285
The Ruins...................................................................................219 Important Characters........................................................ 258 Captain Keelhaul’s Undead........................................... 288
History....................................................................................... 219 How Did We Get Here? (Week 19)............................. 258 Kumuhea’s Undead............................................................ 289
Important Characters........................................................ 219 How Did We Get Here? (Week 20)............................. 259 Skati’s Undead....................................................................... 289
Ghosts........................................................................................ 222 Locations.................................................................................. 259 Native Spirits of Manaki.................................................. 292
How Did We Get Here? (Week 8)................................ 223 Events......................................................................................... 261
Kadaur...................................................................................... 294
How Did We Get Here? (Week 14)............................. 223 Chapter 8: Items, Magic,
Locations.................................................................................. 224 The Keahi................................................................................ 301
and Extras........................................................................ 262 Species..........................................................................................302
Changes During Week 14................................................ 226
Locations.................................................................................. 226 Magic Tattoos.........................................................................262 Abyssus Piscator................................................................... 302
Downtime Activities........................................................... 227 Decapodian Tattoos............................................................ 262 Doghouse Bush...................................................................... 303
Quests........................................................................................ 228 Ikolf Tattoos............................................................................ 263 Flamingos................................................................................. 305
Turntail Swamp.....................................................................234 Kia’i Tattoos........................................................................... 263
Fungaloids................................................................................ 306
History....................................................................................... 234 Manaki Tattoos..................................................................... 264
Grandis Luminosus Os..................................................... 306
Important Characters........................................................ 234 Mirescale Tattoos................................................................. 264
Magic Items and Artifacts.............................................264 Hags............................................................................................ 307
How Did We Get Here? (Week 10)............................. 238
Allay, the Weapon of Legend.......................................268 Swamp Otter.......................................................................... 308
How Did We Get Here? (Week 14)............................. 238
Realizing the Weapon........................................................ 268 Vipera Piscis........................................................................... 309
Features..................................................................................... 238
Locations.................................................................................. 239 The Elements of Allay ...................................................... 268 Open Game Licence. .............................................. 312
Resourceful Playstyle
This adventure provides many opportunities for Death in the Isles
players to come up with clever solutions to open-ended Characters in the Isles will die during this adventure,
problems. If people are starving, it’s up to your table and the party will end up in life-threatening situations
to create and discover new ways to feed them. Each regularly. To remedy this, each player should have at
chapter provides a description of the different dangers least one backup character at all times. When a party
the villages, the adventurers, and the natural world member dies, find a fitting moment during the current
will face. In addition to these dangers, resources or week to introduce the new character in a narrative
suggestions for how they can be solved are provided. fashion. Examples include other adventurers completing
different tasks, survivors from doomed parties, native
Theater of the Mind islanders, former minions, or shipwreck survivors.
When a new character is introduced to the party,
The Isles of Manaki is a region of ever-changing they don’t benefit from that week’s level up. For exam-
environments, so drastically so that islands can sink and ple, if the 8th-level party’s cleric is slain, the replace-
rise again during the course of the adventure. Because ment paladin stays at level 8 at the end of the week while
each location can be visited several times in different the rest of the party reaches level 9. The GM may also
states, and because of the amount of branching paths, use the body of a dead adventurer, adding the character
we opted out of including maps in this book. GMs are and their skills to the Undead army, or transforming
encouraged to use the theater of the mind; the exclusive them into an ecliptic.
use of imagination during combat and social encounters,
without relying on exact visual representation.
Introduction 5
Mant-i Striker
Character Languages
Your character can speak, read, and write Common and
Races one other language you and your GM agree is appro-
priate to the character. Other languages in frequent
use across the Isles of Manaki include Dwarvish and
Primordial. Your GM may also allow you to choose Old
Creating Your Character Ikolf, or any of the other languages presented in the 5th
Edition of the world’s greatest roleplaying game.
Follow these additional rules during character creation.
Life Span
Ability Score Increases The typical life span of a character is about a
When determining your character’s ability scores, century, assuming the character doesn’t meet with an
increase one score by 2 and increase a different score unfortunate end.
by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. Follow this
rule regardless of the method you use to determine the Height and Weight
scores, such as rolling or point buy. Whichever scores Characters typically fall into the same ranges of height
you increase, none of the scores can be raised above 20. and weight exhibited by humans in our world.
Decapodians ‘Ula’Ula
The Isles’ inherent magic can have unexpected conse- The ‘ula’ula are an introspective species, prone to long
quences. Early in the formation of the Isles, lowly, everyday periods of silence while they contemplate philosophical
creatures began to change in both awareness and size. questions. They seldom stir themselves to fight, but
Over time, they became sentient and built communities. are capable warriors if provoked. Physically, ‘ula’ula
They call themselves decapodians. There are two types of have changed little from their original form other
decapodians: the ‘ula’ula, which evolved from lobsters, and than growing significantly larger and developing vocal
the mant-i, which evolved from mantis shrimp. chords. The most common coloration is a mottled
While in their unevolved forms, neither ‘ula’ula or brown, but both blue and orange are prevalent. In rare
the mant-i held any particular love for the other, but instances, their carapace can be white. These “radiant”
they learned to work together and coexist, finding more ‘ula’ula are much esteemed and revered.
in common with each other than with the other species Few ‘ula’ula ascend to visit the land (other than the
that live in the Isles. Glowing Caves), unless they have a particular reason to
Outwardly, there are no significant differences (such as gaining a wanted piece of knowledge or a game
between male and female decapodians. However, in of wits), as they find moving outside the water laborious.
recent years, after contact with other species, some They often have a flair for strategy games and enjoy chess
female decapodians have taken to decorating their and go, though they require help to move the pieces.
carapaces and even wearing sturdy chain link jewelry. ‘Ula’ula are long-lived, though they reach physical
Early each summer, decapodians molt. When this maturity at around 12 years of age. Physically, they
happens, their movement speed is halved and they have continue to grow at a slow rate, getting larger and larger
a −3 penalty to AC, making them extremely vulnerable. with each molting, until their death. Exactly how long
Infrequent travelers at best, they never leave Chitoni an ‘ula’ula can live is unknown, but legends say some
during the molting period, as it takes their new shells a will live until the end of time. ‘Ula’ula range greatly in
full week to harden. size depending upon their age, most ranging from 3 feet
to around 14 feet tall for the longest-lived ‘ula’ula.
Decapodian Names
Most decapodian names are difficult to pronounce for
‘Ula’ula Traits
You have the following racial traits.
other humanoids’ tongues, containing an abundance of
consonants and lots of sibilants. When in doubt, add a Speed. Your walking speed is 20 feet. Your swimming
burble and end with a clack. speed is 40 feet.
Decapodian Names: Chasskrck, Kcckkaat, Shhstttuck, Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
Tteckrckttsss, Wrssstckkassask, Yharasstuc you as if it were in bright light, and in darkness as if
it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness,
only shades of gray. As your vision is adapted for
Decapodian Traits water, you can see the color blue at any depth.
Creature Type. You are a Humanoid. Fast Escape. Using your caridoid escape to go
Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose the size backward quickly, you can take the Disengage action
when you select this race. as a bonus action.
Limited Amphibiousness. Decapodians can breathe Keen Smell. You have advantage on Wisdom
air and water, but must be submerged in saltwater for (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
1 hour a day or dry out and gain 1 level of exhaustion.
This level of exhaustion can’t be removed until the
decapodian spends 1 hour in saltwater.
Natural Armor. The natural shape of your body
makes it difficult for you to wear armor. Instead, your
carapace provides you with natural protection; your
base AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You gain no
benefit from wearing armor, but you can still use a
shield and gain its bonus, as normal.
Subrace. Choose the ‘ula’ula or the mant-i subrace.
‘Ula’ Ula
Roleplaying Decapodians
d6 Flaw
Neither ‘ula’ula or mant-i are particularly talkative and
many would consider them both taciturn. However, the 1 I’m self-important and overly dramatic.
‘ula’ula in particular welcome intellectual discourse; the 2 I’m convinced no one could possibly fool me.
loftier the topic, the better. They appreciate poetry, art, 3 If someone seems smarter or stronger than me, I belittle them.
and like to engage in meditation. Mant-i respect those 4 I find it hard to trust in those outside my species.
that can best them in battle and who don’t back down 5 I don’t understand what secrets are.
from confrontation. 6 I’d rather eat my own shell than admit I’m wrong.
Roleplaying Kia i ’ d6 Bond
The kia’i are generally rigid in their thinking and unwill-
ing to adopt new ideas. They’re unaccepting of outsiders 1 I’ll defend the sanctity of the seas with my life.
and most have a natural distrust of land dwellers, though 2 I’ll punish those who dare harm the natural world.
they’ll listen to sound, reasoned arguments. 3 I once defeated an attacking shark singlehandedly, and its spirit
Given their general reluctance to mix freely with land infuses me.
dwellers and that much of their knowledge comes from 4 A land dweller once saved me and I owe them a debt.
what they’ve salvaged from shipwrecks, kia’i have a 5 I respect my leaders and obey them without question.
stunted view of what land dwellers are like. Depending 6 I’m enamored with topsider culture and wish to be a part of it.
on their experience with outsiders, kia’i might assume
a character or NPC cares only for grog, rum, gold, and
salted fish. Non-kia’i visitors to Kauhale may be viewed
with fascination, especially by adolescent female kia’i. d6 Flaw
1 I lack insight into others and take everything at face value.
2 My distrust of outsiders can lead me to make decisions that don’t
benefit my party.
3 My arrogance causes me to overlook opportunities in both battle
and my personal life.
4 My quest for knowledge can distract me from the task at hand.
5 Being swallowed is my worst fear; I may flee from a creature large
enough to do so.
6 After discovering barrels on shipwrecks, I’ve developed a taste for
rum and grog.
Personality Traits
d6 Personality Trait
1 I believe inanimate objects share the same value as people.
2 I’m a keeper of countless stories and a vessel of our oral history.
3 I like impermanence. I rarely carry more than needed for two days.
4 I harbor resentment for the Ikolf and recent settlers.
5 I always honor what I kill with a ritual song that helps their mortal
spirit rejoin the cycle.
6 My attention is short, especially when speaking in hypotheticals.
d6 Ideal
1 Mortality. Mortal life is ultimately inconsequential, the immortal
spirits will decide our fate in due time. (Neutral)
Native Manaki 2 Impermanence. Nothing in this life lasts forever, even conse-
quences. (Chaotic)
Requirement: Your character is human. 3 Tradition. All things must be recorded in the mind and spoken, to
inscribe an object is to dishonor both history and the object. (Lawful)
The Manaki people are a race of humans found only in
their namesake isles. Some newcomers debate whether 4 Importance. If magic bends to my will, then my will must be
responsible for controlling all things. (Evil)
they were born alongside the other races of the Isles,
5 Family. The people of Manaki, and some Ikolf, are the only things
but no history reaches back to the first days of Manaki.
that matter to me. (Any)
On average, a Manaki native stands around 6 feet tall
6 Rebirth. Everything in the world is born from something else. Since
and weighs a little over 200 pounds. Their skin ranges
I’m born from others, spreading life and wellbeing is my duty. (Good)
from medium to dark tan, and their hair is usually a
shade of gray, if not pale white.
Native Manaki people are historically nomadic,
having roamed around all the Isles for countless years, d6 Bond
taking nothing more than stories and caring for little 1 These islands are my home and I’ll do anything to keep them alive.
more than companionship. Since the cultural merger 2 An outsider saved my life and I hope to repay a similar kindness to
between the Manaki and the Ikolf settlers, they’ve another outsider.
adopted a more settlement-based community for the 3 Merchants brought poison to our home and I’ll see every bottle I
sake of their friends. find shattered.
4 My family are important members of a spoken legend and it’s my
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival duty to make sure the legend remains umblemished.
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit, leatherworker’s tools 5 I bear a tattoo of profound meaning to me. A meaning that can’t
Equipment: A totem honoring an immortal spirit, be questioned.
fishing tackle, common clothes, 50 feet of hempen 6 I was taught a deeply destructive ritual and I’m now the lone
rope, and a pouch containing 10 gp carrier of this power.
Feature: Spirit Ritual
d6 Flaw
As a native of Manaki, your family has kept their oral
1 I don’t understand the value of gold or its link to actual worth.
history close to heart. Among the countless stories you
2 I’m too trusting of newcomers and believe even the darkest of
were told as a child, a ritual was taught to you by an
spirits is well intentioned.
elder. This ritual calls upon the spirit of a single word,
3 I instantly distrust anyone who indulges in the art of writing.
that manifests by your call to aid you. Choose a spirit:
nourish, grow, vision, or falsehood. You can perform a 4 The Ikolf and all merchants are responsible for the sinking of the
Isles, and I wouldn’t mind if a few died here and there.
10-minute ritual that summons the essence of this word,
whose effect or outcome is determined by the GM. 5 My fascination with nature often distracts me from the task at hand.
6 I think I may secretly be immortal. I mean, I haven’t died yet.
Personality Traits
d6 Personality Trait
1 I try to preserve every corpse I find, in hopes they can be reborn
when the time comes.
2 I believe I can read omens more clearly than anyone else, as if the
Star Breather speaks directly to me.
3 Everything dies eventually, so I try not to worry too much about
my own death.
4 I’ve spent more time among the dead than the living and have
forgotten how people act.
5 Each morning, noon and night I spend time alone in honor of the
Star Breather.
6 I am constantly moving my body to stay warm, even in
hot weather.
d6 Ideal
1 Caretaking. Living or dead, all mortals need help from others. (Good)
2 The Cycle. Life, death and birth are all part of an endless cycle
that cannot be broken. (Lawful)
3 Community. In our short lives, the greatest gift we have is the
people around us. (Good)
4 Freezing. The ice and cold are powerful spirits, and I am the
voice that commands them. (Evil)
5 Tradition. The kia’i have protected the ocean for this long be-
cause of our practices. (Lawful)
6 Recreation. Mortals are in a constant state of change and noth-
Reclaimer ing we do is permanent. (Chaotic)
Feature: Preservation 3 I secretly fear my own death much more than the deaths of my friends.
4 Talking to the living is a struggle for me, I prefer the silence of death.
You can cast the gentle repose spell requiring no
material components, but only as a ritual. The duration 5 I obsess over the minor details of how people die, to a degree
where I forget important information.
of the spell can be extended indefinitely if the body is
placed in the Relinquit of Kauhale. 6 I quickly empty any bottles of booze I find and tend to forget what
happens afterwards.
Personality Traits
d6 Personality Trait
1 We always refer to ourselves in the royal sense, as we speak on
behalf of Kauhale.
2 I deeply enjoy watching wildlife and how animals interact.
3 I am fascinated with new plants and types of coral.
4 I take great pride in my creations.
5 I prefer to listen to other people’s opinions before forming my own.
6 I tend to be reserved, especially in the company of overworlders.
d6 Ideal
1 Creativity. Everyone is blessed with a unique life, and their
creations should reflect that. (Chaotic)
2 Tradition. The ways of the kia’i are a powerful force, and we
should not deviate. (Lawful)
3 Protection. I have been given my abilities to help defend and
house the people who need me. (Good)
4 Perfection. Skills are meant to be honed by those who practice
them, not wasted. (Lawful)
Reef Guardian 5 Regality. There are not many people more important than me. (Evil)
6 Peacefulness. If we all kept to our own devices, people would get
Requirement: Your character is kia’i. hurt less. (Neutral)
When a kia’i becomes an elder, they can be taught a
sacred ritual that allows them to speak with immortal Bonds
life under the ocean. This grants them the power to coax
d6 Bond
coral into growing faster, stronger, and in specific forms.
1 I left home to ensure the safety of the people I care about.
However, you may have learned, manifested a talent for,
or been taught this ritual without becoming an elder. 2 I serve the patriarch above all others, and would lay down my life
for him.
Reef Guardians are important to the tribe and to the
village, as they keep Kauhale growing. 3 My weapon is the greatest thing I’ve ever crafted.
4 I see each of my creations as extensions of myself.
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival 5 I guided coral into a home for some homeless kia’i, and I like to
Tools Proficiencies: Herbalism kit check up on them as often as I can.
Languages: Deep Speech 6 I owe everything I know to the person who taught me
Equipment: Herbalism kit, nets in assorted sizes, my rituals.
a young coral polyp encased in a bauble, and a
merfolk’s comb. Flaws
d6 Flaw
Feature: Oceanic Spirits 1 I doubt I’ll ever trust someone from the surface.
Through ancient teachings, you have learned how to 2 I burden myself with the responsibility of all Kauhale and its people.
speak with coral and the fish that live in it. When you 3 I rush through my creations, and the structures I’ve guided are
have access to live coral, you can spend an hour to craft some of the weakest.
materials like weapons, tools or similar solid objects. In 4 The culture I come from is the only correct way to live.
addition, when interacting with fish that live in or near 5 I only create items and objects for personal gain.
coral, they can give you simple information or directions 6 I know very little about how people determine the value of items.
to nearby areas of interest.
Personality Traits
d6 Personality Trait
1 I’m a maker of things and value those who can also make things.
2 I’m deeply ashamed of the actions of my people who followed
Skomm Fylkir and I’m always looking to make amends.
3 I love my hometown and always seek to improve it.
4 Manaki nomadic life appeals to me, and I prefer to live among them.
5 I’m a keeper of stories from our homeland of Ikolf. It’s important to
Ikolf Descendant never forget whence we came.
6 Skomm Fylkir was a horrible person, but he was right to value
Requirement: Your character is a dwarf. invention and industry.
Variant Retired Adventurer: d6 Flaw
Retired Merchant 1 I developed some unhealthy habits while adventuring, and they
may be the death of me.
Instead of roaming the world, slaying dragons and
2 I don’t actually care what happens to the people around here, as
gathering arcane power, you spent your time slashing
long as I get a few more days’ excitement.
the competition and hoarding wealth. You accumulated
3 I don’t understand the local ways, it’s all superstitious nonsense.
so much wealth with your endeavors that you were able
to quit the game and let others work for you. 4 I’m tired of doing things the right way, I just want things done now.
If you’ve retired from trade, you can choose the 5 The judgment of these kids is far from refined; if everyone listened
Weekly Dividends feature instead of the Done This to me, we’d be done by now.
Before feature. 6 If a gigantic monster stood us down, I’d quickly throw in the towel.
Personality Traits
d6 Personality Trait
1 I sometimes talk to inanimate objects because I think they can
hear me.
2 I forget I have to tell people what I’m about to do.
3 I pick up scrap materials at random, I might need them later.
4 I eat everything at the table. Never know when I’ll eat again!
5 I get lost easily, and end up following random animal trails instead
of the guide.
6 I crave conversation, and can talk people’s ears off long into the night.
d6 Ideal
1 Enjoyment. I could have easily died before now, so I cherish
every moment with good friends. (Good)
2 Hoarding. Since I lost everything, I realized it could happen to
anyone. So I make it happen and end up with free stuff! (Evil)
3 Nature. Nature determines everyone’s fate, it’s up to the
individual to realize that. (Lawful)
4 Self-Love. After living off the land, I realized nothing matters
more than how I feel right now. (Any)
5 Second Chances. I always wanted to live my life to the fullest,
and now I know nothing is stopping me. (Chaotic)
6 Friendship. I never realized how valuable companionship was
until I didn’t have it. (Neutral)
highly recommended that the navigator be proficient
with navigator’s tools or in the Survival skill. Trip Quality
Shipwright. The shipwright maintains the ship and
must be proficient with carpenter’s tools, tinker’s Life at sea is exciting and dangerous, and not every voy-
tools, or water vehicles. During a short or long rest, age is a pleasant one. At the beginning of every journey,
provided they have access to wood, the shipwright the GM must make a seafaring roll to determine how
can make repairs and restore 2d6 hit points (plus smoothly things go at sea. The party can gain +1 bonus-
their proficiency bonus, if they’re proficient with es to the GM’s seafaring roll by:
carpenter’s tools) to the ship. • recruiting crew to maintain the ship
Gunner. The gunner is responsible for maintaining • bringing ample supplies
and firing the ship’s weapons, such as a cannon or a • purchasing ship upgrades (see “Ship Upgrades” below)
trebuchet. Gunners should be proficient with ranged • traveling during beneficial weather (see “Weather” below)
weapons such as firearms, bows, or crossbows.
Quartermaster. The quartermaster is responsible
for maintaining the ship’s supplies. Once per trip, if
the quartermaster has no other responsibilities, they d20 Result
can make a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check to find a 1 The characters run out of supplies, either due to negligence,
resource the group is looking for. to pests, or to contamination. They gain 1 level of exhaustion.
2–6 The characters develop seasickness and are poisoned for
1d4 days.
Navigation 7–10 The characters find their nights at sea restless. During this
trip, they don’t regain Hit Dice or reduce levels of exhaustion
The party can chart a proper course to their destination, at the end of a long rest.
or they can just shove off in the right general direc- 11–14 The characters have an average time at sea and experience
tion. Either way, the navigator of the ship must make a no additional effects.
navigation roll to determine the length of their jour- 15–18 The characters handle the journey well! They’re able to work
ney, which is an Intelligence check. A character who’s on downtime side projects while at sea.
proficient with navigator’s tools or in the Survival skill 19–20 Exhilarated by the salty air, the characters touch land feeling
and can read the stars, or who possesses a map to the refreshed. For 1 hour after they disembark, they gain the
destination, can add their proficiency bonus to the roll. benefits of a bless spell.
The DC for the navigation roll is determined by 21+ The refreshing combination of the wind and the waves
how far along the characters are in the adventure. As breathes new life into the characters. Each day they wake up
primordial forces grow in strength, their power spills out at sea on this trip, they gain 10 temporary hit points.
into the ocean, making it less predictable.
Navigation Outcomes
Degree of Success Outcome Stick charts
Succeed by 5 or more Characters arrive at their destination a day
of the Isles
earlier than expected.
Succeed Characters arrive at their destination
when expected.
Fail Characters take an extra day to reach
their destination.
Failed by 5 or more Characters take an extra day to reach their
destination and must roll once on the
appropriate encounter table (see “Random
Encounters” below).
Escaping Refugees
Expanded Weather A raft with 1d6 + 1 refugees (commoners) from a near-
d20 Expanded Weather by destroyed village paddles by. They ask the characters
1–10 Restless Magic to take them to Makolf or another safe place.
11–14 Foggy
15–17 Stormy
Kia’i Merchants
18–19 Windy The small caravan of kia’i merchants travels past, which
20 Clear Skies includes two kia’i adults, a kia’i guard, and Itsk the
giant eel (see chapter 9 for all creatures’ game statistics).
The merchants can trade anything that the Kia’i trade
(see “Acquiring Resources” on page 32). These merchants
Random Encounters at Sea also collect items left in the ocean from shipwrecks and
A GM can add random encounters to introduce compli- may ask characters to take items off their hands to use
cations to a seafaring journey. A random encounter can or dispose of properly. Roll on the Salvage table to
be introduced at any time, although it’s a good idea to determine what the merchants have to offer.
do so once or twice per journey, and as an added conse- The merchants can also offer the crew directions,
quence for a poor seafaring or navigation roll. The ran- which allows the party the chance to reroll their
dom encounter tables are organized by weather, because navigation roll and continue the journey with
different weather brings about different travelers. whichever result was higher.
Foggy Illusions
The thick fog begins to play tricks on the ship’s crew.
Each member who spends longer than 1 hour in the
fog must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a
failed save, they hallucinate a malevolent body double
of themself that threatens to toss them overboard and
replace them before targeting the rest of the crew. The
body double is an illusion, but it feels real to whomever
Ecliptic can see it. The body double is capable of performing all
Angler the actions the original character can, but any damage
is replaced with 3 (1d6) psychic damage. A character can
use an action to make a DC 14 Intelligence (Investiga-
tion) check to realize they’re seeing an illusion. A dispel
magic spell or similar magic can also end the effect.
Natural Whirlpool
The ship is caught in a large and violent whirlpool. Lingering Spirits
The ship’s crew must succeed on a DC 16 Strength The ship’s course takes it directly over the watery grave
(Athletics) group check to guide the ship out the of the crew of a destroyed vessel. Though many years
whirlpool. If a character uses a spell such as the control have passed, and the ship and corpses have been washed
water spell grant advantage on the check. On a failure, away, 1d6 restless spirits (will-o’-wisps) still linger.
the ship takes 20 (3d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage. Disturbed by the party’s ship, they attack.
If this damage reduces a ship to 0 hit points, it is
destroyed, and the characters are drowned. Phantom Ship
Rough Waves The crew comes across an abandoned galleon floating
in the water, a remnant from one of Captain Keelhaul’s
Heavy waves toss the boat like a ragdoll. Characters fleets. While there’s no crew on board, there are plenty
must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be of treasures to find. Characters who board the ship can
thrown overboard. Characters can add a bonus equal to make one Intelligence (Investigation) check to search for
the ship’s Strength modifier to their result. items the crew left behind:
Elemental Bleed
The magical forces on the Isles are unraveling at a rapid
pace, producing unintended effects when spells are cast.
Every time someone casts a spell that deals acid, cold,
fire, lightning, or thunder damage, 2d6 mephits of the
corresponding elemental type appear in a space nearest to
source of the spell and attack (e.g. casting fireball would at-
tract a combination of magma mephits, smoke mephits,
and steam mephits). This effect lasts for 1 week.
Sailing Vessels
A sailing vessel stat block includes everything the sailing
vessel needs to move and carry people and things. Sailing
vessel don’t inherently come with weapons or specialized
equipment, which can be purchased, found, or crafted. A coracle is a curved boat made from woven wood or
reeds and animal skin. Most coracles in the Sunken Isles
Barge are made by the mirescales in SpringBog.
Canoe Decks. The two canoe decks underneath the center Damage Immunities poison, psychic
platform provide a small amount of shelter from the elements Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
and half cover from attacks originating outside the ship. exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified,
Center Cabin. The center cabin provides shelter for up to poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious
eight crew and includes four bedrolls.
Center Platform. The canoe deck center platform houses Flatboat Deck. The deck has a two-foot-high rail to stop
the sails, the cabin, and the steering apparatus. The center things rolling off the sides and into the water. A flatboat deck
platform can support a ballista or cannon. can support a ballista.
Armor Class 10
Gargantuan Vehicle (200 ft. by 60 ft.)
Hit Points 50
Creature Capacity 2 crew, 7 passengers
Armor Class 17 (15 without the figureheads)
Cargo Capacity 0.1 tons
Hit Points 800
Travel Pace 1 miles per hour (24 miles per day)
Creature Capacity 40 crew, 60 passengers
Map Speed 10 ft.
Cargo Capacity 800 tons
Travel Pace 4 miles per hour (96 miles per day)
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (−1) 0 0 0 Map Speed 30 ft.
Damage Immunities poison, psychic STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, 24 (+7) 6 (−2) 22 (+6) 0 0 0
exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified,
poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified,
poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious
Single-Hulled Sailing Canoe
The single-hulled sailing canoe is smaller than its double
hull counterpart. It’s easier to build and requires less
crew, but it can fit less passengers and cargo.
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 200
Creature Capacity 4 crew, 10 passengers
Cargo Capacity 35 tons
Travel Pace 6 miles per hour (144 miles per day)
Map Speed 30 ft. Single-hulled
sailing canoe
20 (+5) 6 (−2) 18 (+4) 0 0 0
The hold is made up of large spaces for both prisoners Bird Carving
and cargo.
The bird carving helps the ship encounter clear skies.
If the weather for that week is stormy, the captain of the
ship can expend 1 charge and have the GM reroll the
week’s weather. The carving has 2 charges, or 1 if the
ship isn’t a canoe.
Harvesting As Rewards
Characters who discover a naturally occurring resource Instead of trading goods for resources, the party can
can gain one unit of that resource without making a trade their services. NPCs can offer resources as a
check. If they want more than one unit, they must make reward for side quests.
a Dexterity check using appropriate tools (e.g. harvesting
flowers requires an herbalism kit). Consult the Harvest- Trade with the Decapodians
ing table to determine how well the character does. A The decapodians live near an abundant oyster bed, so
resource can only be harvested in this way once per week. characters can rely on them for pearls and other rare
Characters can return to the site they discovered each aquatic treasures. The decapodians also craft armor
week to harvest more of the resource, or they can set up a from their carapaces and are willing to trade these as
team from Makolf to do this for them. well (see “Hamhand the Red” on page 90).
Roll Result
Trade with the Kia i ’
The kia’i prefer the ocean to land, and their surplus
9 or lower Characters lose access to the resource
goods reflect that. Kia’i communities typically trade
10–14 Characters gain one unit of the resource
resources they find beneath the water’s surface,
15–19 Characters gain two units of the resource including fish and rare shells. They also trade a material
20+ Characters gain three units of the resource made of woven seaweed, which can be used in place of
cloth. When resources become scarce on the islands,
characters can barter with kia’i communities for food
Downtime Activity: from their reserves, but the exchange rate doubles.
Search for Resources
Between adventures, you can search places you’ve Trade with the Mirescales
previously visited for a specific resource and return with The mirescales are proud of their brewing tradition
your findings to Makolf. You must be able to travel to and jump at the chance to share grak, their delicious
and from the location you wish to search in the time moonshine, or moondew, a traditional drink with
between your adventures. magical properties.
Vehicle upgrade; produces 1 ballista
Resources Needed: 3 units of wood
Skills Needed: Carpenter’s tools
Time Needed: 1 week
Vehicle upgrade; produces 1 figurehead
Resources Needed: 1 vehicle, 1 unit of wood
Skills Needed: Carpenter’s tools
Time Needed: 1 week
Spirit Carving
Vehicle upgrade; produces 1 carving
Resources Needed: 1 vehicle
Skills Needed: Requires Olaf the Enchanter
Time Needed: 1 week
The people of Makolf are happy to share their skills with
those with the time to learn. Refugees and characters can
both learn new skills and trades from both Makolf natives
and anyone around the Sunken Isles. Like crafting,
training takes time and the skills of someone willing to
teach. It typically takes three weeks of study to learn a
skill. See the “Makolf” section in chapter 6 for more
information on which characters can teach these skills.
Refugees can also be trained to craft, farm, or fight,
if they don’t already have these skills. Because the
refugees aren’t traveling across the Isles every week on a
grand adventure, it only takes them two weeks to learn
Dagger a skill. Training refugees expands Makolf’s ability to
expand and defend itself.
Variant Rule:
Town Improvements Crafting and Durability
The party likely won’t come to Makolf with every
Once the people of Makolf learn of the new threats trou- crafting skill mastered. While characters can be
bling the island, they ask the party for help strengthen- trained in proficiencies such as smith’s tools during
ing their town against those threats. The party can help the adventure, it takes years to learn and master a
the people of Makolf prepare for the worst by coordinat- trade like the people of Makolf have. Consider giving
ing the construction of these Town Improvements. The weapons your characters craft a durability property.
people of Makolf work together on these improvements, For example, a crafted weapon breaks after 1d10 days
and therefore the town can only focus on one at a time. of use. Anything a Makolf native creates, however, lasts
for the duration of the adventure and beyond.
As Makolf gains refugees from other islands, it needs
solid shelter to house them.
Structure, houses up to 10 Medium creatures Crafting Signatures
Resources Needed: 7 units of wood and 2 units of When a character gains enough practice with crafting,
farmed goods (straw), or 9 units of stone they hone their abilities. When a character creates five
Skills Needed: Carpenter’s tools items that take a week or longer to craft, they can choose
Time Needed: 3 weeks a signature to add to their crafting process. From that
moment on, they craft with that added bonus.
Magical Defenses • Your craftwork is stylish and aesthetically pleasing.
Items you craft grant their wearer or wielder a +2
Defenses infused with the spirits of the Isles, these
protective totems and charms can stop minor magical bonus to Charisma checks while the item is visible.
threats from harming the village. • You’ve learned to craft more dangerous items. Items
you craft deal an extra 1d4 damage on a hit.
• You are a powerhouse of crafting. Provided you have the
Resources Needed: 3 units of wood materials, you can craft two copies of the same item in
Skills Needed: Someone who can communicate the time another crafter would take to craft one.
with spirits • You can’t explain it, but your items are just more
Time Needed: 1 week effective. The item grants a +1 bonus to skill checks
and attack rolls to use it. Additionally, if the item
Storage requires a creature to make a saving throw (such as
a poison or a wand), increase the DC of the saving
Makolf needs ways to preserve and store its food supplies.
throw by 1.
Structure, stores up to 60 units of a single resource
• You craft exceptionally quickly. Reduce the time it
Resources Needed: 7 units of wood takes you to craft an item by one week (to a minimum
Skills Needed: Carpenter’s tools of one week).
Time Needed: 1 week
Creator of the Isles It values these creations deeply, but its greatest fear
is having its power manipulated. It harbors a profound
of Manaki sorrow for the Isles, and can’t bear to destroy them
outright. Instead, it began the siege of the ecliptic to
test the worth of the Isles’ current state. If the Isles fail,
Before the Isles existed, a deity called the Star Breath- the Star Breather will be burdened with creating a new
er spent its time roaming foreign worlds. During its reality, prolonging its life.
travels, the Star Breather would design its own worlds,
placing a part of itself in each grand design. Within
each of these works is a deep wellspring of arcane pow- Limited by Creation
er, which can be used to reshape the reality the deity
created. The Star Breather’s fundamental nature is to Everything in the Isles is an extension of the Star
be in a constant state of creation and abandonment. Breather, and it can’t create or destroy life inside a
With everything it creates, a part of it is left behind reality after it’s been finished. Instead, it operates a cycle
in that work. It has a limited capacity, and once it has of constant rebirth. The form this rebirth takes is based
created “enough,” it will cease to exist as an entity in rituals. Four times a year, the kia’i bring their dead
and live on through a series of wondrous works. The to the mouth of the Black Atoll. This ritual is naturally
third of these works are the Isles of Manaki, a tropical honored with healthy births for the coming season.
The liquid heart of the Isles is a strange, paint-
like substance present in each island’s core. This raw
creation magic is ichor from the Star Breather’s heart,
Kada, the Body
and can potentially be used to banish or kill the entity of Kadaur
itself. The legendary weapon Allay can also serve this
purpose, which the spirit of Kadaur is aware of. Kadaur Kada is a strange individual, with his body being a com-
believes that if he can use Allay (see chapter 8) to banish bination of mortal flesh and immortal elements. Stones
the deity, he can save the Isles from destruction and jut from his shoulders and arms, the bones of his legs are
return them to their previous state. wrapped in vines, and magical water flows forever from
his stomach. Kada’s history with the Manaki people
and, more recently, the Ikolf, is worthy of praise. He is
The Return of the Deity attributed with the expeditious creation of the island of
Kadaur’s eruption caused the Star Breather great Kadaur, of bringing Quing and his dragons to the Isles
pain, as the ritual he conducted pulled at the deity’s to defend them, and the victory over Skomm Fylkir.
heart. It instantly forced the deity to return to the Isles, Kada acted as a noble, powerful and heroic defender
observing them through the Black Atoll to understand of the Isles, whose most important actions have taken
the state of Manaki. Once it does so, the Star Breather place on Kadaur. During his visits, Kada’s priorities
deems the Isles a failed work, and begins to unravel at times seemed abstract, allowing islanders to die in
them using the ecliptic. difficult winters so that life in the coming summer would
The Star Breather’s first action is to alter the pattern bloom from their absence. His status as a half immortal is
of rebirth, and to destroy life by destroying diversity. well known, and islanders occasionally venture up to Sky-
The bodies brought to the atoll are repurposed, as the reach to honor him. Kada believes he shares the responsi-
Star Breather converts the dormant spirit and flesh bilities and powers of the Star Breather; to make sure the
into warriors of an ancient race called ecliptic. These Isles last forever, ended only by the distant Forgetting.
scavengers and soldiers are tasked with slaying all living
things and bringing them to the Black Atoll to repeat the The Legend of Kada
cycle. This cycle will escalate until there’s nothing left
but the ecliptic, allowing the Star Breather to create a When Skati sailed to the Isles, Kadaur slowly became
new version of the Isles. aware of his horrific practices and strange, foreign magics.
The rituals he performed were unnatural, and disrespect-
The Star Breather s Power ’ ful to the fundamental cycle of rebirth. Skati went so far as
to slaughter Quing, the defender of rebirth, an old friend
The Star Breather has the power of a divine artist, and of many divine spirits. Kadaur watched and waited until
is equally defined by an artist’s limitations. It works the people of Ikolf chose to revolt, and, as Kada, charged
like a painter, creating the basic outline of something into battle with far greater power than Skati’s blasphemous
beautiful before allowing it to flourish. And with every magic. With his legendary spear Marrow, Kada confined
great work comes the sacrifice of the body, which this Skati to his tomb and left him to be forgotten by time.
deity does by painting with its own blood, using a rib
bone as its brush. When Manaki was first created, the The Follies of Kada
weapon now called Marrow (see chapter 8) was used
to paint the beginning of the Isles after being dipped The recent influx of trade has led to things Kadaur
in an “inkwell” or kadaur. Now its canvas has been deeply dreads. Species from other lands, rotting bodies
“vandalized,” the Star Breather is working to clear the and sunken ships flooding the deep, poisons unfamiliar
canvas using the simplest form of life it can—the ecliptic. to the natives, greed, expansion, the destruction of
natural areas by the laborers who built the docks. In
response, he blames the Ikolf and the Manaki people for
The Star Breather welcoming them into these lands.
during the Adventure At the start of the adventure, Kadaur’s first action
was one of great, fundamental defiance. At the peak
The Star Breather as an entity isn’t a direct part of its of itself, he attempted to cover the whole Isles in ichor,
work, but it can observe what occurs by using the Black flooding them with raw reformative magics. But the
Atoll as a lens. It stays confined to the atoll, watching circumstances under which he performed his ritual were
how the people of the Isles react to the ecliptic. The Star deeply flawed, and he wasn’t strong enough to succeed
Breather isn’t malicious, but it uses all aspects of nature at alone. Kadaur weakened himself by tampering with
its disposal to test Manaki. If Manaki fails, it’s destined to magic not meant for him, and has been greatly reduced
become a blank canvas. If a few brave heroes are able to in strength. When the story begins, Kadaur quickly
save the Isles and confront the Star Breather, it just might appears as the legendary half immortal Kada to warn
be convinced to leave the Isles of Manaki alone. Makolf of potential dangers.
Skati s Fate and through specific forms of magic he can convert
blood into raw arcane energy. During the later weeks
Kadaur, the spirit of the island, the mountain and of the adventure, Skati returns to his true strength,
protector of its people observed Skati’s blasphemous becoming able to alter his size, command the elements
progresses. It could feel the foreign magics pertaining with greater force, and wielding a stronger assertion
to death, and the hideous possibility of undeath which over other Undead.
was previously unknown to the Isles. Kadaur stood
by, waiting for all the people’s voices to cry in unison Undead Minions
before choosing to act. When Skati attempted war on
the Manaki, his people quickly revolted, and Kadaur Skati raises his Undead passively with his growing
manifested Kada with his legendary weapon, Marrow. power, and has granted his two newfound lords a similar
As Skati turned on the Manaki, the Ikolf people authority. Many of these Undead are weak, but a few he
suddenly saw the truth of his motives, and with the empowers with a fraction of his own blood, leading to
help of the Manaki, the great spirit of Kadaur and his a surprising increase in strength. But weakness matters
vessel Kada, Skati was destroyed and imprisoned in his little when your numbers can grow exponentially,
own place of power. Kada thrust his legendary spear especially when pulling from the flesh and bones of the
Marrow (see chapter 8) through Skati’s blackened heart deep earth.
and pinned him to his temple of sacrifice. Ikolf warding
stones, enchanted with powerful magic from both Ikolf Cultists
cultures, were placed around the temple to ensure Skati
While most Ikolf celebrated Skati’s downfall, there were
would remain entirely dormant. Kada was content to
a few supporters who had deeply loved their king and
leave Marrow embedded in Skati, considering him the
believed he was meant to ascend to godhood. After the
greatest threat Manaki had ever faced.
revolution ended, the Ikolf struggled in the first years
on their own, and those who struggled to adjust blamed
Skati during the Adventure the revolutionaries for ruining their way of life. They
Skati considers his undeath as a metamorphosis of gathered below Fylkir’s Fall and swore they’d bring
sorts, believing that once he’s wrested control of the Skati back to full strength. The cultists bided their time,
Isles he can transcend his undeath using creation waiting for when Skati could return to his full power.
magic. Now he’s free from confinement, he hopes to Now, the cultists will do anything to help their king,
gather as much strength as he can to enact absolute including sacrificing themselves.
revenge on the Isles. His first steps toward power is The cultists all have rare Ikolf tattoos declaring their
to revive the two most terrifying legends in loyalty to Skati, designs from Ikolf that were
the history of the Isles, and use their granted upon their arrival in Manaki.
influence over their unique domains. Most Ikolf islanders have forgotten
The elder of these is Kumuhea, a the meanings behind these tattoos,
Manaki woman of distant legend knowing only the inscriptions,
who fought with the spirit but Skati is said to understand
of the sea and commanded and be able to inscribe nearly
great wurms. The second is two dozen of them.
a pirate, Captain Keelhaul,
who dealt more damage in
his short visit to the Isles
than most other mortals
could in a lifetime.
Skati s Obsession
with Kumuhea
The explorer, Ake, who first visited Manaki
stumbled upon some of Kumuhea’s tablets in a
cave when touring the Isles. He asked for an
explanation, but the Manaki would only shake
their heads and say that the writings bring only
darkness, forbidding him from transcribing
them. Ake, unfamiliar with the forces and
history of the Isles, saw only an interesting
relic to bring to his king. When he presented
Skati with the tablets, Skati was shocked to
see writings from a mind not unlike his own.
Skati spent many weeks studying until he was
able to translate a single stone, sparking a
deep interest in what the script described. The
tablets detailed the spiritual nature of Manaki,
the deity that was said to have made them, and
the powerful creatures that lived there. Skati
made sure to bring the tablets when he came to
the Isles. Once he arrived, he found this impossible
fairy tale to be true. Skati used much of the magical
information in the writings he found to amplify his
own power and rituals, increasing their efficiency
and yielding more powerful results.
Skati became convinced that he had been destined
to find this information, that, in a divine fashion, this
long-ago person had written these tablets for him. Skati
forcefully learned the story of Kumuhea, and vowed to
return her to the Isles after fully exploring his power
over life and death.
Kumuhea during
the Adventure
At the start of the game, Kumuhea is dead and buried in
the rubble of her tunnel near Alaula Cove. After Skati is Captain Keelhaul
awakened, he revives her—considering her a powerful
ally, even though they’ve never met. Kumuhea quickly Fiaee Drahl, known to the Isles as Captain Keelhaul,
assesses the fallen king upon meeting him, disgusted by was the most prolific pirate Manaki faced as a result
his misuse of magic, and forming utter disdain for him. of opening its borders. While the majority of the trade
Kumuhea always took pride in her independent nature routes established in the years after Skati’s fall were
and serving under Skati feels like a joke to her (even if fairly safe from pirates, Drahl arrived at the start of
he commands more immediate power). Her primary the trade era and attacked merchants relentlessly. He
focus is completing her work using the insulting gift and his crew downed dozens of trade ships, both for
of undeath granted by her new king: she seeks out her the bounty they provided and for the sake of personal
wurms, reopens collapsed tunnels, and picks fights with vengeance. Because of the reputation he garnered, Skati
old enemies. has chosen Keelhaul as one of his Undead lords.
This section provides a general outline of where the party can go each week, most of the major
events that occur on a given week, and simple information for the GM to help guide the party in the right direction.
As a less balanced alternative, experienced parties can explore the locations in a different order. A good rule of
thumb is to not let the party visit a location more than two weeks earlier or later than described.
Variant Rule: Dwindling Resources. In addition to the events that occur each week, the GM can track the
slow diminishing of natural resources around the Isles. Simple directive notes are provided each time these
resources are likely to change, under the appropriate weeks.
Week 4: Helping the Enemy?
Resources: abundant food, freshwater, wildlife, and population
The Depths
The party retrieves Captain Keelhaul
The Tunnels
The party retrieves Kumuhea
Kada calls upon the rainbow clouds above Kadaur, causing magic to rain down and give wild animals arcane power
If the party is going to save the Isles, they can’t be limited to Kadaur. If the characters are able to sail by
themselves, the merchant who warned them about the attack in week 2 suggests the party take their pick from
the now-abandoned boats in Keyport. If the party lacks nautical skills, they may be introduced to a retired
captain in Makolf immediately, or locate the Stranded Survivor Shipwright who can help them sail. If the party
helped Captain Keelhaul previously, they gain access to the hidden boat he described.
Alternatively, if the party found a way to revive Keyport in a defensible manner, they could find a small number
of deckhands to choose from. If the GM expands the location, it could also feature occasional trade options if
the characters need to gather resources. Note that this is a variant that can occur over several weeks of play.
The party may return to Makolf, calling off the Undead terrorizing them and helping with current issues.
At the end of this week, the retired captain approaches them with an offer to sail.
Week 6
The party visit SpringBog to investigate one of the Isles’ few freshwater springs,
and to learn about a strange culture with arguably alcoholic practices.
The party visit Chitoni to speak with an ancient and knowledgeable creature, gather unique resources like
Chitoni armor, and learn about this hidden and ancient society.
Week 7
Eastguard or Westguard
The lighthouses need refilling, and being able to help provides a wealth of both magic items
and information to the party.
The Ruins
The party visit the Ruins, helping a few confined islanders and learning about the
nature of the newly founded Undead army.
The party can visit this strange, war-torn island and help deal with the Fiends stuck in the aftermath.
Week 9
The Glowing Caves
The party can venture here to gather incredibly rare resources and materials useful for brewing, making
tattoos, and for future quests.
Entropy Abyss
The party can visit the Entropy Abyss to learn about the true origin of the mirescales or to collect resources
from the shipwrecks there.
If the party hears about the rising danger in SpringBog, they can head to the island and help save the
villagers before the island itself falls into the ocean.
Week 10
Consequences: If the mirescales weren’t evacuated from SpringBog in Week 9,
only a few scattered survivors remain.
Captain Keelhaul visits Keyport to collect any abandoned boats, and to repair damage to and upgrade to
his ship. The Spirit of Kadaur, the kia’i, and scouts from other allies or islanders may have become aware
of this and chosen to alert the party. The party can visit the port to skirmish with Keelhaul, possibly
defeating him early on.
Turntail Swamp
The party visit Turntail Swamp after learning about the trio of strange hags in the area, and may be
directed here in search of strong magic.
The party can visit Kauhale, home to the kia’i, an isolated culture of oceanic defenders. While visiting the
community, they could inspire an alliance between the kia’i and the Manaki, aid the kia’i patriarch, and
learn valuable information from their library.
Wishmaster’s Conclave
The characters are told they can procure wish magic by visiting the Wishmaster’s Conclave,
a rumored location that may or may not exist.
Where SpringBog once was, a dead coral village has arisen,
filled with dark secrets and the ancient, vengeful minax.
Week 12
Consequences: If the party didn’t visit Seputus in Week 11, Vomm’s coup succeeded and
Agaeti recruited the minax to Skati’s cause, boosting his army by fifty minax.
Eastguard or Westguard
A belated shipment of valuable resources is passing by the lighthouse, and the ecliptic are targeting the
valuable lives and goods on board. The party can visit the lighthouse to stop the assault, granted they’re
able to protect the lantern.
The Undead lay siege to Chitoni during its most vulnerable period—as the decapodians are molting.
Week 13
Consequences: If the characters didn’t visit Chitoni in Week 12 and defeat the Undead,
only a few scattered decapodian survivors remain in the Isles.
Skyreach Temple
The party venture to Skyreach during Kada’s absence, gathering incredibly valuable information and
magic. They can learn a powerful ritual that will be useful in later weeks, dip their weapons in the ichor of
the Star Breather, and deal with the temple’s strange stewards.
Entropy Abyss
Kada has ventured into the Entropy Abyss, intending to create a powerful whirlpool that will consume
Redfield if he isn’t stopped.
The Ruins
The party is now strong enough to free some of the prisoners in the ruins,
and to sabotage valuable assets Skati has collected.
Turntail Swamp
The party venture to the swamp to stop Keelhaul if they didn’t defeat him in Week 10,
or to garner aid from the hags and their huts.
Week 15
The Glowing Caves
The party can venture here to face Kumuhea if she hasn’t already been defeated.
Week 16
Resources: rationed food, scarce freshwater, scarce wildlife, about half the population remains
If the party visited the Entropic Abyss and stopped Kada from sinking Redfield in week 13,
they can venture to the island and gather a planar army to help them against their foes.
Week 17
Resources: Little to no renewable or stored food, no natural freshwater, barren or dangerous wildlife,
scarce and wounded or sick population
Skyreach Temple
Kada chooses to sink himself, and performs a two-week ritual that removes all kadaur from the Isles.
The party can reach the top of the volcano and face him, silencing the spirit or convincing
him to instead lie dormant.
The underwater settlement is facing an overwhelming ecliptic siege, and the future of the kia’i is at risk if the
party doesn’t intervene.
Skyreach Temple
Kada continues to sink himself and remove all kadaur from the Isles. The party can reach the top of the
volcano and face him, silencing the spirit or convincing him to instead lie dormant.
King’s Tomb
The party visit the tomb of a legendary dragon warrior said to be a half-immortal spirit of Manaki.
They can receive his blessing, and possibly gain his daughter’s assistance the following week.
Week 19
Consequences: If the party failed to stop Kada, Makolf and all other locations on Kadaur have been
destroyed. The surviving population spreads to the rest of the Isles on makeshift rafts. If the party didn’t
stop the ecliptic at the Living Wall in week 18, a significant amount of the Living Wall has been destroyed
and a tsunami destroys Keyport at the beginning of this week.
Week 20
The Gathering Festival perform rituals that appease the spirits that inhabit
the Isles.
Just before dawn, everyone gathers in Makolf’s village
This adventure begins on the first day of the Gathering center to hear the creation story. A teller of Manaki blood
Festival, an annual festival that celebrates the peaceful describes the Star Breather, a benevolent, roaming deity
unity of Manaki after Skati Fylkir’s fall. The festivities who created the Isles using his own flesh and blood. He
include long nights of dancing, magic rituals, feasting, describes how the mortal and the immortal were divided
competitive sports like hunting, wrestling, and swim- so that the living could walk on the immortal soil, speak
ming, and mental games like riddle-telling. At certain with the ocean, and dance with the world. As thanks for
points during each day, a pair of honored storytellers the power they’ve been given over the dormant world, just
recite the history of Manaki, the feats of Kada, and the as the sun reaches its zenith, the storyteller performs a
events that transpired during Skati’s fall. divine ritual expressing the amount of power they have.
Visitors from every village in the Isles of Manaki The sun above Kadaur vanishes, with the sky now only
come to Kadaur for the festival, leaving behind only illuminated by the motes of light the islanders create. In this
those who are unable to make the journey. prolonged twilight, the islanders provide offerings to the
Day One. The first day begins with the practice of Star Breather and to the immortal spirits. The islanders
rituals reserved only for the gathering. Families teach commune with the spirits, manifesting them in ways that
their children how to send motes of light into the could be mistaken for magic.
sky, others speak to their ancestors during the wake Partake in the Communion. The players are
of dawn, and the older or more renowned villagers encouraged to describe what offerings their characters
give, and how they perform the offering. If they appease The party has 1 minute to react before rocks begin to
an immortal spirit, let them choose from a material, fall. At that time, each character without ample cover
a natural force, concept, or anything that could be must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take
considered unchanging. The spirit then responds, 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage. A much larger rock,
manifesting in a way determined by the GM until the coated in the magic liquid, breaks through the clouds
end of the festival. and hurtles toward the village. As it does, a stranger
Day Two. At the dawn of the second day, the limps forward and casts a spell, turning all the larger
islanders return to the center of Makolf and the story stones to dust. This stranger is Kada, the Body of
is continued by an elderly Ikolf woman. She describes Kadaur (see chapter 9).
the arrival of the Ikolf, a wonderful day where the However, the paint-like liquid on the largest rock
natives were blessed with new friends, new foods, and continues, splashing down onto the feast. It bubbles for
new practices to celebrate. Then, just as the sun rises, a moment, then 1d4 + 1 giant crabs coalesce from the
bonfires are lit, and the villagers begin to play games and mixture. The stranger can either help the party defeat
host competitions while a vast feast is prepared. the paint creatures or take them out single-handed. At
Wild boars and other beasts are gathered by the the end of the interruption, the villagers celebrate their
competing hunters, adding to the meal until noon when savior, who is revealed to be Kada.
all visitors and locals share in the bounty. After the feast, Kada gathers the villagers and warns them that the
the dancing, games, and competitions continue. eruption implies a great magical force is about to change
Competing in the Games. Characters can join in the Isles. The heroic spirit says that in its weakened
any of these games or bet on them. For athletic sports like state, it can’t defend the Isles by itself. Kada calls upon
swimming or wrestling, they must make a DC 14 Strength the strongest-willed people in the village, requesting that
(Athletics) check; for mental games, a DC 14 Intelligence they head quickly to Fylkir’s Fall and ensure that Skomm
check; and for betting, they must roll 14 or higher on a d20 Fylkir hasn’t returned.
to succeed. Winning an athletic sport earns the competitor
a simple weapon of their choice, winning a mental game
earns the competitor ink and parchment, and successful
gambling provides a day’s rations.
Day Three. Before dawn, the Ikolf storyteller
continues the tale. She explains that, although her
people were blessed to be in the Isles, they had been
deceived. The king that led them here proved to be a
cruel tyrant, deeply poisoning the land and its people
while killing his own family. During this part of the
story, the king is referred to as Skomm Fylkir.
Just as dawn breaks, she further explains that it was
the responsibility of the settlers to revolt. They came
together, and to their surprise the spirit of the Kadaur
itself came to their aid. Kada, with his mythical spear,
led both Ikolf and Manaki people to Skomm’s temple
and rescued the Isles from tyranny. In the wake of this
event, the two cultures came together at the very place
they gather now, and formed Makolf.
Coming Together. The rest of this day is spent
meeting new people and visiting old friends. If the party
isn’t yet acquainted with each other, this would be the
best time for them to gather before noon. Otherwise,
they may acquaint themselves with other important
NPCs or visitors who are involved later in the adventure.
GM Note. For further explanation of this event, see
“The Follies of Kada” in chapter 3.
of lightning strikes the spire’s tip, rendering Skati’s body to a
Journey to Fylkir s Fall boiled mush of flesh, which slaps to the ground like a bucket
(Week 1) of spilled chum. Seconds later, with a crack of thunder, the pile
sparks to life, drawing the blood from the soil to reform into
The journey from Makolf to Fylkir’s Fall takes just over the horrific Undead visage of Skati Fylkir.
three days. Unless the party tells them to stay behind,
1d6 tribal warriors (ranging from Manaki natives to The characters can quickly deduce that someone
fellow fledgling adventurers) and two incognito Ikolf caused this to transpire, and if they remain confused a
cultists, all of whom were directed to Fylkir’s Fall by successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom
Kada, accompany them. During camp or other social (Insight) check reveals that the Ikolf who came with
encounters, those accompanying the party express their them are indeed cultists.
fears, possibly explaining in detail the legend of Skomm Empowered by the dormant blood in the air, Skati,
Fylkir, the “Rotten King” (as detailed in Skati’s entry in Reborn in Blood (see chapter 9) resembles a dwarf but
chapter 3). The GM may add a simple encounter during stands just under 6 feet tall. If a party member attacks
this time, pitting the group against natural threats like the rising king without question or hesitation, Skati
boars or giant poisonous snakes. develops a subtle respect for their tenacity. He won’t
retaliate unless they persist annoyingly, instead giving
Arriving at the Temple them an expression of godlike approval. Skati rapidly
assesses the situation, reading the age of the plants and
The smell of iron hangs in the air as you draw nearer the fa- the faces of his newfound visitors. Skati then speaks:
bled temple. Moving closer, you hear the patter of rainfall just “Endelig . . . er jeg hjemme.” The king exhales these words,
ahead, but as you emerge from the living jungle’s edge, you before staring at the party. “Du ser ut som idioter. Akk, jeg må
find a horrific sight. Red clouds loom over dead, blood-soaked snakke med deg. I am Skati Fylkir, king of this land. I trust time
flora as the source of the noise is revealed to be a constant rain has passed, and with it my kingdom. Leave this place if you
of blood falling from the sky. value your brief lives, I have little use for you yet. Return to
As the party moves through the mist, they notice that no your rulers, inform them of my return.” He raises his hand and
other sound pierces through the quiet rainfall. whispers brief arcane words before five skeletons rise from the
soil in the temple garden. He then gestures to the two cultists,
The temple stands before you, resting near a high cliff over- and enters the temple. “My people remain with me. These
hanging the ocean. Its features are mostly unobscured by the lessers will pursue you, as proof of my return and a test of your
thick presence of blood in the area, with a clear cobblestone strength. Leave us, det er arbeid å gjøre.”
path emerging from the dead ferns beneath your feet. The
silhouette of a figurehead looms at the top of the temple, but As Skati enters his temple, the five skeletons brandish
as you draw closer, you realize the figurehead is in fact Skomm their weapons before chasing the party. Upon the
party’s return to the village, Kada thanks them for their
Fylkir himself pinned to the tower by a spear.
assistance and suggests they help the village prepare for
The threat Kada mentioned clearly lies dormant, the events that are about to unfold.
and some characters may be perfectly happy to leave
this cursed place behind and report back. If the party
chooses not to enter the temple, one of the two Ikolf
The King s Request (Week 3) surrounding jungle. Skati is standing outside the structure
performing a ritual that magically draws blood from local
Revived by his cultists, Skati now seeks to expand his animals to him. Once he sees you arriving, he stops and
influence. To wage his vengeful war against the Isles, the approaches. “Ah, I see my loyal subject has brought me aid.
Undead King first seeks out a left and a right hand. He You mortals are wise to have accepted my offer. Perhaps if
has chosen two of the Isles’ older foes, but both lie just the task is done quickly, I may even reward your service. I
outside Skati’s reach. So, Skati sends Undead servants to
am forbidden by these Isles from entering the oceans and the
gather “volunteers” to help from Makolf.
earth, a weakness that I won’t suffer much longer. Yet there
are two allies I sorely need to wrest from those elements in the
The Request meantime, which is why I have called you. But first, a gift to
This encounter starts with the arrival of Skati Fylkir’s Un- thank you for your humble aid.”
dead servants, who visit the most active site in Makolf. The
stakes of the event are based around the servants’ thurisaz A pair of hooded Ikolf cult fanatics step from the struc-
tattoos (see chapter 8) which deal damage in a large area ture behind Skati and hand a party member a neatly
upon activation. These Undead are zombies with an Intel- folded traditional Ikolf cloak. Wrapped in the cloak are
ligence score of 10 and the ability to speak Common. three items: a +1 handaxe, a staff of the python, and a
spell scroll of identify. Skati speaks as he hands each
You hear gasps of horror and screaming as a group of dozens cultist a silver blade.
of undead venture into Makolf. Their bodies are mostly intact,
with all but one bearing a glowing yellow tattoo that runs “As you see, these islands are not devoid of my people. You
from both hands to the center of the chest. Their eyes are clear- would be wiser to understand the depth of my influence.”
ly glazed white and sunken, with the rest of their flesh notably
The cultists each take a blade in their hands, and
dry. A distinct, high-pitched tone rings out from the walking quickly stab themselves in the chest before handing it
corpses as the undead without a tattoo steps into the center of back to Skati. As the cultists fall to the ground behind
the village, and he begins to speak loudly. their king, Skati begins a strange ritual. He drives one
“Do not approach me. To attack me is to end your simple blade into a patch of dry earth, and the other into a
village!” The dozens of tattooed undead spread out through puddle. Giant pillars of plasma shoot into the sky from
Makolf, their hands raised to either side, ready to clap both the now-dead Ikolf cultists, traveling far before striking
ends of their tattoos together. “Our great master, Skati Fylkir af somewhere in Alaula Cove, the other in the direction of
Ikolf, graciously extends a task to the strong among you! To Lifebearer Lagoon on the northwest shores of Kadaur.
deny him is to invoke a terrible storm! May the strong now Skati continues:
stand before me!” As he finishes his announcement, crackling
“They have returned, but I sense both are trapped by the ele-
energy pulses across his guards’ bodies.
ments. Thus, your reason for being here. I need you to retrieve
Understanding the Stakes. If a character attacks one of them. The elder of them, Kumuhea, was a power who
one of the Undead, its tattoo triggers, killing any in her time rivaled my own. She mastered the earthen wurms
common villager within 60 feet of the zombie. If the and defied the spirits by inscribing their names, becoming so
party considers putting a plan together, a brave tribal strong that the ocean itself had to crush her. As a master of the
warrior makes this mistake in their place. If the GM is earth and stone, I trust she’ll be found buried in a cave.
keeping track of the exact population, one trigger kills The other is a younger power, a seafarer of fortune and greed
5d10 individuals in Makolf. who fought the ocean and won for a time. As I understand it,
Where Is Kada? If the party searches for Kada, they he and the great vessel he commanded are now deep beneath
quickly learn Kada has leftthe village and is attempting the surface of the ocean, another place I can’t enter. Choose
to quell the wild magic in the sky.
one and leave me, head for where the lightning struck.”
hand Chapter 5: Our Tale Begins 63
You round a corner and see a picturesque lighthouse of classic
Ikolf design, less than a day’s journey from Keyport. It is
Skati’s Left Hand, modest in height—as it sits on a high hill—and there’s a tidy
Captain Keelhaul
little cottage at the base. The playful shouts of children fill
the air, and as you walk up the road to the lighthouse, you’re
swarmed by a group of children.
If the party chooses to retrieve Captain Keelhaul, they’ll
travel along the western beach of Kadaur, not far from The children chatter excitedly and lead the party to
the base of the mountain. The journey takes between meet their parents, who are as excited as their children
two and three days, during which time the adventurers to see visitors and just as friendly. The party is invited to
may find other travelers, debris from shipwrecks, or tide join their next mealtime, which is already in the works,
pools. Large flying creatures survey the open sand while judging by the delicious smells of fried fish and fresh
small creatures bury themselves under the sand after each bread. The family is friendly and helpful, and glad to
wave. The path is straightforward, but the open beach is see visitors, especially since they’ve had no word from
also an easy hunting ground for hostile creatures. anyone since the Gathering Festival was supposed to
take place. The parents both witnessed the epic sea
Beach Creature Encounters battle that sent Captain Keelhaul to his watery grave,
and the father happily recounts the story.
d8 Encounter
1 A giant scorpion “Never saw anything like the battle that sank Captain Keel-
2 1d4 rust monsters haul. We both stood up on the highest point of the lighthouse,
3 1d4 + 3 giant poisonous snakes watching, as ships of all sorts, from lands just over the hill
5 1d6 giant owls there to ones that would take months to reach, banded
6 A giant octopus together to sink that monstrosity of a ship he captained. We’d
7 Two plesiosaurs seen the ship before, from our distance-glass, but this was the
8 1d8 + 4 giant crabs first time it was close enough to see with our own eyes. The
memory still gives me nightmares. That two-prowed ship,
bodies strapped all over it, torn and bloody, sharks trailing it.
Shipwreck Rummaging. There will likely be a few
We couldn’t be happier to never see that ship again.”
remnants of wrecked ships washed up on the shore,
which the kia’i consider to be the edge of the ocean and Should the party reveal that Keelhaul has been revived,
choose not to tend to. The party can explore this debris the family’s demeanor changes to a dreadful silence for
for loot. the rest of the visit. They still offer their help, but do
so cautiously as they don’t trust the party’s intentions.
Ship Debris Loot Regardless, the party’s interest in shipwrecks attracts
d8 Loot the attention of the children, as they love to salvage
1 A swarm of rats emerges from the wreckage and have wanted to use a method of water breathing so
2 A lockbox containing 30 gp
they can explore the depths. The parents have said they
aren’t to explore the ocean until Mount Kadaur settles,
3 A bottle of fine whiskey
or not at all, if Keelhaul is really back.
4 A box containing woodworker’s tools
5 Leather armor sized to fit an adult dwarf
6 A 1 lb. bag of gunpowder
A Visit to the Shore
7 Half a buried treasure map
The children gladly take the party to a section of the
8 A crate with 12 days’ rations shore below the lighthouse. This white-sanded place
is usually peaceful, however, the recent activity on the
island has disturbed some of the creatures and made
Lahahana Lighthouse the violent ones more active. They may attack when
the party is on the beach with the children. Protecting
The party will eventually reach a point on the beach
the children from an attack earns the gratitude of their
where their compass points to the ocean. Not far from
parents, who become more trusting of the travelers.
this area is Lahahana Lighthouse, an old Ikolf structure
Their mother reveals that, Anson, the person who ended
repurposed as a family home. This lighthouse is well
the reign of Captain Keelhaul, is currently in a cave a
maintained, even though it has the look of an ancient
short walk east. She doesn’t know him that well, but he
construction, and has a homey feel. The lighthouse
treats the children kindly when he’s in the area.
has been tended by the Lahahanas since Skati’s days.
The lighthouse is one of the only structures that was
designed and completed during Skati’s reign and is still
used for its intended purpose.
At this point in the adventure, all of the opposing forces are actively working to bring about change. The party should
have a sailing vessel or access to one and can visit any of the locations described in this chapter. The timeline in the
previous chapter can be used as a guide for the GM when directing the party to these locations, where the described
events in this chapter occur upon their arrival. In addition to reading each week’s locations and adventure hooks, the
GM should read “The Forces of Manaki” in chapter 3 to better understand the important NPCs and their plans.
and as a shared community with the native Manaki. It’s
The village of Makolf is the heart of the Isles of Manaki, home to around 600 people, the slight majority of which
a breathtaking collection of tropical islands. Makolf are of Ikolf descent. However, due to events during the
exists as a celebration of the unity between the Isles’ adventure, the population doubles as people visiting for
natives and the fugitives of Ikolf, who survived a the Gathering Festival are unable to return home safely.
revolution against their now-defeated king. This village Makolf is one of over a dozen settlements found across
was the first settlement made to accommodate the Ikolf the Isles of Manaki, and in the past few decades has
lifestyle, as they’re unable to share the more nomadic grown thanks to trade with outsider merchants. Now,
lifestyle of the native Manaki people. even visitors from distant lands have decided to live on
Makolf is the largest village in Manaki and located on the Isles to explore their magical, tropical, and mysterious
the largest island, under the watchful Spirit of Kadaur. nature. Its younger, sister settlement, Keyport, is a dock
Makolf was created not long after Skati (Skomm Fylkir) town where these foreigners are allowed to rest, gather
was overthrown, serving as both a safe haven for the Ikolf supplies, and trade with the locals.
Important Characters Kada (Weeks 1 and 2 only)
Kada visits the village to protect it from his (Kadaur’s)
Makolf has a diverse population, with hundreds of talent- eruption, and to enlist the help of valuable warriors.
ed individuals from numerous backgrounds. Manaki and His presence fascinates the villagers, but his personality
Ikolf people make up the majority, but various sailors and is almost unfittingly aloof. Once the party returns to
adventurers have made it their home. Listed below are the village with news of Skati, at the GM’s discretion
some of the people the party may interact with: (especially if they bring him Marrow), Kada tells them
about Allay (a magic weapon described in chapter 8).
Alo He goes on to explain that if the adventurers can collect
Alo is a middle-aged Manaki native (a commoner) and rare gifts and elements throughout the Isles, his spear
Makolf’s resident tattoo artist, though he also takes on can be amplified with them to such a degree that it’s
odd jobs (farming, small repairs, errands), specializing able to end all conflict. The first of these relics that Kada
in nothing else in particular. He wears short trousers, knows of is the Flux, an artifact accidentally discovered
sandals, and a vibrant, short-sleeved shirt with clumsily by bog dwellers to the north.
stitched, hand-embroidered flowers. The following tattoos
(see chapter 9) are visible on his arms and ankles: a small Old Man Hani
sun (ray of sunshine), a fish hook (fisherman’s friend), Old Man Hani is a kindly Manaki native in his
a clam shell (clam digger), and a sprouting seed (good midseventies. He wears leather shorts, sandals, and a
growth). He speaks slowly, with many pauses, and doesn’t necklace of rare shells from creatures found in the Living
take anything seriously. Wall. Hani spends much of his days fishing on the eastern
If engaged in conversation about his tattoos, he’s happy shoreline of Kadaur, not far from Makolf. During his
to chat about them and explain what they do, though he younger years, while fishing near the lagoon, he met the
won’t volunteer to ink anyone without motivation: such beautiful kia’i woman Ahonui. They quickly found a deep
as the requester having done something significant for the interest in each other, and eventually fell in love.
village or some of his work for him. Also, he only ever has Hani is now the father of Onaona, the only half-kia’i
enough supplies on hand to do two tattoos at any given the Isles have ever seen. Taking great pride in their
time. If supplies are mentioned, he states that the Glowing daughter, both Hani and Ahonui do their best to visit
Caves has a wellspring of materials. with her in Keyport each time she sets out to travel.
Of all the surface villagers in Makolf, Old Man Hani
Charlie Munster knows the most about Kauhale, and is likely the first to
alert the party of any changes, adventures, or problems
Charlie is a retired adventurer (a veteran) who originally
there while they’re in Makolf.
shipwrecked on the Primal Archipelago. He spends his
time recounting tall tales to children, hoping to inspire
them. Happy to tell his stories, Charlie explains that RockJaw
during his travels he studied biological anomalies. The (Arrives after week 9, from Keyport)
creatures in the archipelago were an absolute fascination
of his, and after recovering from his wreck, he vowed to RockJaw, the son of LickSpittle, is a mirescale villager
explore more of the land. (see chapter 9). See the “Keyport” section for further
One particular discovery he noted (that few of his information on how RockJaw came to be on Kadaur, his
peers believe) was that the mirescales of SpringBog appearance, and his personality. After hearing about the
shares the same biology as the creatures in the archi- sinking of SpringBog, he arrives in Makolf hoping to find
pelago. He believes a magic in the Isles turned regular news of his father and any other mirescale survivors.
sailors into the mirescales of today. If the party visited SpringBog in Week 9 and saved
some of the mirescales (possibly including his father),
he works hard to use his knowledge of the Manaki and
GooseBump Ikolf (much of it gained from living in Keyport over
(Arrives at the end of week 8) the last weeks) to resettle the mirescale survivors in the
area. He’s also appreciative of the party and offers to
GooseBump is a young mirescale villager (see chap-
run any errands they need at any time.
ter 9) who fled to Makolf after the Eye in SpringBog
If the party didn’t visit SpringBog in Week 9 and didn’t
worsened it’s condition. She has large, owllike eyes and a
rescue the mirescales, only a few mirescale survivors (like
patch of white feathers that run down her back. After ar-
GooseBump) arrive and RockJaw grows increasingly
riving, she spreads rumors that “SpringBog is doomed!”
despondent as it becomes evident his tribe has essentially
before settling down in a vacant space. In SpringBog,
been wiped out. By Week 11, he wanders Makolf at all
GooseBump was an herbalist and kept her ear to the
hours of the day and night, wailing and crying.
ground at all times, she may be able to help create
medicine or farm Makolf, and, like many mirescales, has
knowledge of brewing.
The tanner is a frail, old Manaki woman named Kalena.
She’s married to the butcher, and is an adept hide
tanner and leatherworker. If livestock is secured, or wild
animals are slain during hunting, her skills can grant the
party better armor and more carrying capacity. Assorted
d8 Weeks 1–5
1 A lost dog (a mastiff), with no owner in sight, standing off against a wild boar.
2 Bjorn leading a small group of fishers to the eastern shore, who stop and ask if the party wants to join.
3 1d4 swarms of insects pour out of the jungle and descend upon the villagers.
4 A logging party of six is set to collect materials for new lodging from the jungle, and may need guards. If the party follows, they encounter one or two
giant toads. If not, the logging party has a 30 percent chance of not returning.
5 A weeping dryad standing over a tree that’s been struck by lightning. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check reveals that the tree can be saved by
applying either moondew or Glowing Caves soil (see chapter 8 for both). If the party gives the dryad either item (now or later), the party receive three tiny
saplings that, when planted, grow into a grove of fruit trees over the course of a week, and bear a sweet type of ompapa fruit.
6 An earth elemental has run afoul of raw magic is now unable to move its feet, as if bound to the ground. If freed, it doesn’t attack, but instead
melts into the earth. During subsequent encounters from the Makolf Random Encounters table where combat occurs, roll a d4: on a roll of 3 or 4,
the elemental returns to assist the party.
7 1d6 Ikolf descendants arguing loudly about how to reach to the Ruins. Listening in for a long period of time reveals them to be Skati cultists.
8 A giggling Manaki child running full speed through the village, holding a dagger. His mother follows not far behind, yelling in panic.
d8 Weeks 6–10
1 A group of islanders from another settlement seeking refuge after its destruction.
2 A mated pair of wyverns protecting their egg from three owlbears.
3 An undead wurm (see chapter 9) erupts from the ground near one of the local shops, risking its destruction.
4 A pair of owlbears being chased by three ecliptic haulers (see chapter 9).
5 A flock of 2d20 flamingos and 1d4 flamingo shrimplords (see chapter 9), who have just landed in the village to take a rest on their way to Alaula
Cove. The presence of the shrimplords makes several of the villagers uncomfortable.
6 A young woman pruning a bush with delicate flowers, but each has only half the petals it would normally have. If engaged in conversation, Paka
introduces herself and asks after her lover Nau, who she’s looking for. She offers the party a bunch of the flowers, with a request that they leave
them for Nau on a stone higher up the slope of Kadaur so he knows she’s thinking of him. If the party looks back after leaving Paka, they find she’s
disappeared. If the party leave the flowers as requested, they hear a softly whispered “Thank you” carried on the wind and gain the effects of the aid
spell for 8 hours.
7 A huge hole in the ground. If investigated, the party discover a half-completed offshoot tunnel of Kumuhea’s that joins up with the tunnel from Alaula
Cove to the Glowing Caves. If traveled for any distance, roll on the Glowing Caves Tunnel Encounters table in the “ Alaula Cove” section.
8 Holokai the carpenter lies trapped beneath a felled tree, bloodied and unconscious as 1d6 + 1 constrictor snakes close in on him.
d8 Weeks 16–20
1 1d4 lesser ecliptic hunters (see chapter 9) on the trail of a hunting party of 1d6 villagers.
2 A dragon turtle, rather far inland, who is sniffing the air, perhaps looking for water.
3 1d8 skeletons, 1d10 zombies, and 1d8 sunken sailors following behind a draugr warmonger (see chapter 9).
4 Three kia’i guards, obviously unused to being on land, carrying a bloodied kia’i guard on a makeshift stretcher constructed from palm fronds are
being pursued by a greater ecliptic hunter (see chapter 9 for all of these creatures’ statistics).
5 A giant owl lands in a tree and hoots loudly at you, even though it isn’t night. If approached, it flies 15 feet away and hoots again. If the party
follows, they find three giant owl chicks on the ground at the base of a large tree being harried by four ecliptic shockers (see chapter 9). If the party
saves the chicks and returns them to their nest, the giant owl flies up and disappears in a sudden flurry of feathers, 1d8 + 2 of which fall to the ground
at the party’s feet. The chicks also disappear. An identify spell or speaking with a Manaki elder reveals that each feather can be activated to gain the
effects of the wind walk spell. Once a feather has been activated, it becomes nonmagical.
6 A confused black bear, surrounded by a wall of swords, headed toward Makolf. The bear is under the effect of a blade barrier spell (spell save DC
18) that moves with it in a ringed wall 30 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 5 feet thick.
7 A strange, swirling mist thrumming with raw magic suddenly surrounds the party. When it clears moments later, it leaves the characters covered in an
iridescent residue. For the next 24 hours (or until the residue is washed off by bathing in water), roll a d4 whenever the character makes an attack roll
with a magic weapon or casts an spell that deals damage: on a roll of 3 or 4, the attack deals double damage.
8 A wild giant scorpion crackling with electricity wanders into Makolf. Terrified villagers dart into their houses to escape from it, until it reaches the village
center. When the scorpion takes the Multiattack action, it can cast chain lightning (spell save DC 18) in place of one of its three attacks.
The man looks up at you then leaps off his crate, knocking it Hammer Time (Any Week)
over. “Oh!” he says loudly. “You’ve no idea how pleased I am While passing near the blacksmith’s roaring Ikolf
to meet you!” forge in the ruins nearby the village, the party hears
the thunderous, ringing blows of more than one
If engaged in conversation or asked about the mirescales, hammer and the raised voice of Andrew the half-
Charlie introduces himself and explains his past living orc. If they approach, they see that Thorsten, the
on the Primal Archipelago and how he truly believes the roaming blacksmith, has set up his traveling forge
mirescales are the magically transformed descendants of right next to Andrew of Alonderlo’s permanent forge.
sailors. He mentions that he’d love to meet one in person to Anyone who can speak Orc understands Andrew’s
confirm his theories or receive information that would add uncharacteristically strong language involving orcish
to his knowledge. He asks you to keep an ear out for him. curse words and Thorsten’s lineage.
Alaula Cove
d6 Encounter
1 2d6 + 2 flying snakes
2 1d6 + 2 giant crocodiles fighting over a dead flamingo
This cove was Kumuhea’s base of operations. After 3 1d4 + 2 shambling mounds
her death, the circular bay became quiet and peace- 4 2d4 swarms of bats and 1d6 giant spiders
ful, as most Manaki avoided it due to her tragic end.
5 1d4 + 2 giant spiders
The waters are particularly clear here and home to an
abundance of sea horses and other delicate creatures, 6 2d6 + 1 apes
perhaps because no fishermen visit.
A thin slice of beach rings the cove, striking due History
to its distinctive pink sand. The color comes from the
thousands of broken coral pieces and the tiny marine Alaula Cove has a long history in the islands, as it’s
creatures with red and pink shells that live in the nearby always been a place of unsurpassed beauty and abun-
reefs. Beyond the sand, the area is jungle-like and dance. Before Kumuhea ever took up residence here, it
overgrown due to lack of visitors. was a frequent stop for Manaki. During the early days
Below, the incomplete tunnel system originally created of her experiments, when the Manaki and decapodians
by Kumuhea’s wurms (with help from the decapodians were working with her, it was teeming with workers and
and the Manaki of the time) is still reasonably intact, other visitors, but this grew less and less as it became obvious
than the tunnel was collapsed to killed Kumuhea. The col- the spirits didn’t agree with her works. Even during her
lapsed area itself was fairly small, as one of the final acts of lifetime it became a forbidden place, but after her death,
the wurms Kumuhea had controlled was to pay homage to it was very rarely visited other than by the Keawe family.
her before they disappeared deep into the earth. By week
11, that tunnel has been cleared. The main entrance to
the tunnels is located near a small village not far away (see Important Characters
“Skati’s Right Hand, Kumuhea” in chapter 5).
Inhabitants. Other than the Keawe family and Alamea Keawe
Anson Drahl, the only other regular inhabitant is
Alamea (a commoner), Malu’s teenage daughter, is a
Kumuhea, who travels back and forth between here and
shy but determined girl. Her long, dark hair is worn
the Ruins where Skati is based. By week 11, the small
loose and decorated with flamingo feathers braided in.
village nearby has already been abandoned.
She wears leather breeches for practicality as she spends
Variant: Jungle Creatures. If traveling via the
a lot of time climbing trees to gather bananas or other
jungle, you may have the characters encounter a
plants. Like her mother, the flamingos of the cove trust
creature from the Coveside Jungle Encounters table.
her and will follow her orders. Unlike her mother, Alamea
is practical and realizes something is wrong with Ku-
muhea. Having no experience with Undead, she has no
idea what the problem is, but she enters the tunnels only
when absolutely necessary. Though Alamea is learning to
read Kumuhea’s writings, now she’s met the woman her
mother has been telling her about since she was a child,
she wants to leave the cove for Makolf or another village
and live a more normal life.
Alaula Cove
Anson s Hideout
creature that stumbles across the pit must succeed
on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall 20 feet and
Anson Drahl’s bolthole is a concealed treehouse located take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. Characters who for
in the jungle surrounding the cove. He used to visit traps can spot the covered pit a narrow safe edge (1
other locations more frequently before the Undead foot wide) that can be used to approach the tree with a
joined the Isles, as he was near Keyport when Keelhaul successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. A creature
was retrieved. Worried his twin brother is after him, attempting to skirt the pit must make a succesful DC 10
he’s spent many of the weeks since Keelhaul’s revival Dexterity (Acrobatics) check not to fall in.
fortifying this location and gathering supplies. Treehouse. At the base of the treehouse, the party
The treehouse is a simple, camouflaged wooden can either climb using the handholds or the ladder—if a
platform built 25 feet up a tree. Iron spike handholds character lowers it from the platform. (The ladder drops
have been hammered into the trunk, but a rope ladder down in front of the pit, so characters don’t need to use
on the platform can also be lowered (and raised again the ledge.) If the party didn’t set off any the traps, they
using a vine pulley system). The platform contains a few find Anson Drahl (see chapter 9) taking a nap on the
crates of supplies, a bedroll, a flagon of grak, an ornately platform, unaware of their approach. If any of the traps
carved box containing 1d8 precious gems (worth 75 were set off, and Anson doesn’t recognize any of the
gp each), and some Drahl family heirlooms. The most characters, he attacks. If he recognizes anyone, he calls
notable heirloom being a small miniature painting of the down a challenge.
twin brothers in happier days.
If the party spot Anson’s hideout themselves, are
lead to it by Alamea, or if they specifically search the What Anson Drahl Knows
jungle for it and make a successful DC 15 Intelligence If the characters convince Anson to talk with a success-
(Investigation) or Wisdom (Survival) check, they can ful DC 16 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check,
approach his treehouse, beginning from at least 50 they can learn the following useful information:
feet away.
• Anson picked up supplies in Keyport recently and has
You spot a flash of red among the trees and, peering closer, see heard the lighthouse is in desperate need of oil and
the anomalous sight of a wooden platform, mostly concealed assistance or the lights will go out. If the lights go out,
boat-based travel around the Isles will be in danger.
by leaves, built into a large tree. From your vantage point, you
• Keelhaul is especially fond of whiskey and his favorite
can’t tell if the treehouse is occupied or in use.
is Captain Jack’s.
Three layers of traps protect the treehouse and • Keelhaul has a tell—he blinks rapidly whenever he’s
provide warning to any occupant of the treehouse that about to attack.
someone’s coming. • Drue was Keelhaul’s first and only love, but she died
Dart Trap (40 Feet Out). A successful DC 18 young. Their song was By the Light of the Silvery
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a trip wire perimeter Moon and hearing it always makes Keelhaul cry.
40 feet out from the base tree. The trip wire can be • Keelhaul has an irrational fear of dogs, and actively
disabled with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check using avoids them.
thieves’ tools. A creature that triggers the trap must • The figureheads on the Bloody Twins, Keelhaul’s ship,
succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be hit by contain powerful magic embedded in their hearts.
1d4 + 2 darts that deal 2 (1d4) piercing damage.
Net Trap (30 Feet Out). An identical trip wire is If Keelhaul has already been defeated, Anson Drahl is
also set up 30 feet outside the hideout. If triggered, a relieved but also saddened by the news and pledges to
bell rings as a reinforced, 15-foot-square fishing net return to Keyport or Makolf to help with the protection
is released on the offending character. Creatures in and rebuilding efforts. He can also be recruited to the
the area must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving party, depending on his relationship with them.
throw or be knocked prone, trapped under the net,
and restrained. The net has AC 12, 25 hit points, and
vulnerability to fire damage. Dealing 5 or more slashing
damage to the net destroys a 5-foot-square section of it,
freeing any creature trapped in that section.
Alerted by the bell, if Anson hasn’t met the
characters yet, he fires (from three-quarters cover) on
anyone trapped in the net with his heavy crossbow.
If he does recognize any of them, he watches silently,
trying to determine their purpose as he’s unsure of
their ties to his brother.
Before the arrival of the decapodians, Chitoni was a Charaktu
barren, desolate spot where the only life was in the
tidepools on the surface. Once Old Shell awakened and
took up residence, it changed, the very island humming
with new life. As he grew, so did the island. At times, it
was almost as if time on Chitoni ran at a different pace Gigas
than in the rest of the Isles. While the Manaki and the Gigas (see chapter 9) is a giant oyster who’s over 100
mirescales slowly progressed, the ‘ula’ula and the mant-i years old and resides in the Oyster Bed. Originally an
made great strides in the arts and in warfare. As the ordinary oyster, which normally only live up to 20 years,
decapodians grew and learned, the tunnels underneath Gigas became sentient—and grouchy—around the age
Chitoni spread and grew with them. of 10. Some wonder if Old Shell’s frequent visits to
the Oyster Bed (and his habit of talking to the oysters)
had something to do with Gigas’s awakening. Gigas’s
Important NPCs greatest pride is a pearl he’s been developing for ages
(previous pearls having been gifted to the merfolk of the
lagoon and Quing’s daughter), whose great size causes
Charaktu him to mumble when he speaks.
The military leader of the mant-i, Charaktu, is GM Note: If the party doesn’t visit in Week 12 to
a mant-i basher (see chapter 9). His coloring is battle the Undead in Chitoni, or if they’re unsuccessful
particularly flamboyant, blending from red-orange to in saving the island at that time, Gigas escapes before
purple-pink and intricate tattoos cover his entire torso. the island is swallowed by the thermal vent, and slowly
His expression never varies from grim determination, makes his way to Lifebearer Lagoon, arriving in Week
no matter the task. His only known weaknesses are 14. See The Pearl quest for additional details about
grak and his partner Scarracks (see below), who he Gigas and his pearl.
admires greatly for both her fighting prowess and her
way with words. When faced with battle, Charaktu
never backs down.
If Scarracks is recruited by the party and harm Roleplaying Gigas
befalls her, Charaktu challenges anyone he deems Gigas is extremely touchy and doesn’t like being
responsible to a battle in the Pit. disturbed for any reason. Gigas is obsessed with crafting
the perfect pearl, however, and responds positively
to flattery. As a very large filter feeder, he’s also fond
of trying new and unusual foods (like items from the
Glowing Caves), especially if he thinks it’ll help him in
constructing the pearl.
Random Resistance
d6 Damage Type
1–2 Cold
3–4 Fire
5–6 Thunder
Gigas Pearl
Chapter 6: The Isles of Manaki 97
GM Note: See chapter 8 for additional information “Come with us if you want to live.” they say abruptly in unison
on the Gigas pearl and the possible uses of it. Gigas, and set off at a brisk pace through the tunnels without check-
having lived in Chitoni all his life, only knows person- ing to see if you’re following or not. Sounds of battle echo off
ally of Hamhand the Red and Old Shell. At the GM’s the tunnel walls, mixed in with the sound of water, making it
discretion, other artisans, smiths, or magic users that difficult to determine where the fighting is.
could transform the pearl can be introduced through
conversation (“Oh, if only we had a giant pearl, then If the party doesn’t follow, they run into 1d8 + 1
we could make [item]!”) or rumor (“I’ve heard [name] zombies and a greater draugr (see chapter 9) around
can make wondrous things with the right ingredients.”) the next bend. After the Undead have been dispatched,
another mant-i patrol appears and repeats the request
for the party to follow them. If they do follow, the mant-i
The Zen of the Ula Ula (Week 6) ’ patrol lead them to the barracks, where Charaktu has
established a war camp.
The party can wind up meeting Ttackttska and visiting
the Shining Pool in a number of ways: by stumbling
A brilliantly colored mant-i striker looms over a table as he
into it while exploring, doing particularly well in a
decapodian poetry reading while exploring the Mazelike stabs down at a map of Chitoni as you enter the room. The
Interior and being invited by Ttackttska, or being sturdy table shudders, but holds. “They attack without reason
directed there by Old Shell. or thought,” he says in a deep voice. “These undead . . . things.
They have no real methods I can discern. They just swarm!
As you lower yourself into the waters of the Shining Pool, you We must drive them back before they overwhelm us!”
are suffused with a sense of well-being and calm. A large “And how do we do that,” asks a mant-i basher next to him,
blue ‘ula’ula swims over to you, bobbing gently in the waters. “when we’re at our weakest?”
“Well met! Let your troubles melt away, my friends.”
Charaktu and Scarracks, if not met previously in
As Ttackttska chats with the party, he mentions that Week 6, introduce themselves and explain that the
a major ‘ula’ula holiday, the Mahina ‘Ula, is coming Undead began attacking via the Alaula Cove tunnel the
up soon, so he’ll be traveling to the Glowing Caves in a day before. They aren’t sure how many made it in and
few weeks’ time (Week 9): “The Glowing Caves are an there are a number of things that must be done to shore
amazing place. It’s where I find the ingredients to make up their defenses, but the decapodians are post-molting,
the Shining Pool the special place it is. If you’ll be over and their protective natural armor is decreased.
that way, I invite you to meditate there with me. Others They’ve come up with a plan and hope that the party
of us will be there as well, of course.” While continuing can help. To repel the attack, they must first stop any
to float and chat, read the following: new Undead from entering Chitoni. Once that’s been
completed, the invaders already inside must be destroyed.
Ttackttska suddenly twitches in surprise. “Ah! I thought I Collapse the Tunnel Entrance. If the characters
felt something!” He looks around and then lowers his voice. entered via the tunnel, Charaktu asks if the patrol he
“We’ve had a few unwelcome visitors to the pool recently. Say, sent there is still holding. When told it isn’t, he sighs
do you think you’d be able to take care of them for me? I could heavily. Alternatively, this message can be delivered via
easily clear the area by telling the others I need to do mainte- a returning patrol.
nance and give you bait to draw them out. What do you say?
Charaktu bows formally to you. “I must make sure Old Shell
I’ll make it worth your while.”
has everything he needs. If you can take care of the tunnel
If the party accepts, Ttackttska clears the room, gives entrance, I’ll be eternally grateful. I’ve never liked that it was
the party a five-pound bag of fish meat to throw into the there. Please collapse or destroy it as you will.” He hands you
pool, and exits the room. After 5 minutes, 2d8 sahuagin a copy of the map from the table. “Here, take this. It’s much
surface and attack. If the party defeats the sahuagin, easier to travel Chitoni if you know where you’re going. That’s
Ttackttska offers them two oils of slipperiness. been our only saving grace in this attack; the undead are as
lost as most visitors to this place.”
Life Is for the Living (Week 12) At the GM’s discretion, Charaktu can offer to have a
This section involves numerous battles against swarms mant-i patrol (a mant-i basher and a mant-i striker; see
of undead, and is intended to feel overwhelming. Ensure chapter 9) accompany the party, but it’s clear he has need
the players know not every location can easily be saved, of them elsewhere and they’re at a disadvantage due to
and that whatever assistance the characters can offer is their molting.
well worth the visit. Once the characters arrive at the Alaula tunnel entrance,
After arriving on Chitoni and entering the tunnels, a they find an undead wurm (see chapter 9) reinforcing
mant-i patrol approaches the party. the tunnel walls, accompanied by 1d6 + 1 skeletons.
If the characters previously visited Alaula Cove in
Week 11 and received the wurm bracelet (see chapter
8) from Kumuhea, they can use it to control the wurm
Area to Clear
d6 Area
Taking on Old Shell s Mantle 1 The Pit
On the way back from collapsing the tunnel, an 2 The Oyster Bed (see “The Pearl” quest)
exhausted and uncharacteristically frightened mant-i
3 The Shining Pool
patrol approaches and requests that you follow them to
Old Shell’s Cave. If the party accompanies them: 4 Mant-i Living Area
5 Thermal Vent Fissure
The ancient decapodian looks up as you arrive in his cave, 6 Hamhand’s Forge
where he’s being closely guarded by another mant-i patrol.
“Ah, you have come,” he says. “Are you too late or just in time? The Pit
Only time will tell. Still, you came at all, and for that I am
grateful. I didn’t know if you would.” He peers at you, his eyes Undead: 1d6 + 1 sunken sailors and 1d6 lesser draugr
piercing. “As you can see, I have molted, like the rest of my (see chapter 9)
people. Normally, I would eat my old shell and reflect upon
The Pit is eerily quiet without an audience cheering for
the past. But now, I think it can be put to better use.” He waves
bloodshed. Almost as if they know the purpose of the room,
a claw at his old carapace, glowing faintly in the dim light of
a number of sunken sailors and lesser draugr prowl the inner
the cave. “Take that to Hamhand the Red. He’ll know what to
arena, bumping into each other.
do. I only hope one of you is strong enough to wear it.”
As you turn to leave, he speaks again, “Wait! One last thing.
Let one among you take the clapper of my bell. I trust it will The Shining Pool
serve you as well as it has served me all these years. If you
Undead: Two wraiths and 1d10 skeletons
make good use of it in defense of Chitoni, you may keep it.”
At first, the Shining Pool seems undisturbed, its water smooth
Old Shell gives the party the clapper of Saint A.J. (see
chapter 8). Then, on the way to Hamhand’s Forge with as glass. But then a skeletal hand rises out the water, and
the carapace, 1d4 + 1 sunken sailors (see chapter 9) another, and another.
and 1d6 skeletons attack the party.
Hamhand the Red is slaving over his forge, his already bright-
Mant-i Living Area
red carapace shining brightly in the shimmering heat. He nods Undead: 1d4 greater draugr and 1d4 sunken sailors
to you as you come in. “I don’t know how he knew, but Old (see chapter 9)
Shell said you’d come. He directed me to make armor from his
last molting—you don’t know what a rare honor that is. Who The mant-i living area that wasn’t initially cleared is empty of
among you will wear it?” decapodians, but full of undead. You can hear them clattering
around even before you reach the entrance.
Undead: a greater draugr, 1d4 draugr warmongers, The ancient decapodian shudders and falls. As he does, for
and 1d4 lesser draugr (see chapter 9) just a moment, time seems to stop, and the walls of the cave
blur and smear before snapping back into focus. The very
You feel the intense heat before you even arrive at the fissure, structure of Chitoni shifts, then begins to shake and crumble.
but you aren’t the only ones. A milling bunch of draugr seems
disoriented by the heat. The lesser ones are all gathered around After Old Shell’s death, Chitoni begins crumbling and
a greater draugr, as if looking to it for orders. be entirely swallowed up by the thermal vent beneath it
in 1d4 + 1 minutes. If the party makes it out:
Hamhand’s Forge You scramble into your boat just in time. As you raise the an-
chor, there’s an impossibly loud groaning noise and you watch
Undead: 1d8 zombies and a draugr warmonger (see
in horror as all that’s left of Chitoni folds in upon itself, sinking
chapter 9)
forever beneath the churning water. In only minutes, the entire
Hamhand the Red, warhammer at the ready, stands in front island is gone and nothing, not even a dead body, is left float-
of his forge, a number of undead facing him. One already lies ing in the water. It’s as if the decapodians never existed.
dead at his feet. “What are you waiting for?” he roars. “Get in
If the draugr are defeated and Old Shell is saved:
here and help me feed the fire with their filthy undead bodies!”
The ancient decapodian bows to you. “Ah, I knew you’d get
here just in time. Thank you for what you’ve done—without
GM Note: If the party hasn’t yet picked up Old Shell’s
mantle and a day has elapsed, they can take the armor you, Chitoni would be no more. Come, my small friends, let
after the battle is over. If the armor isn’t yet complete me give you something.” He reaches out a claw and gently
and Hamhand (an adult ‘ula’ula; (see chapter 9)) is touches everyone in the room in turn. “May you all have the
killed in battle, the armor is lost. joy of long life.”
Variant: Roving Bands of Undead. If you feel this Everyone touched by Old Shell feels a warmth that
chapter is moving too quickly or easily, you can add begins in their stomachs and then travels through
additional roving bands of undead wandering the tunnels their whole body, granting them the benefits from his
as the characters travel between named locations. Roll or Dominant Domain: Time feature.
select from the Roving Bands table:
“You’re welcome to stay here and rest before you travel on,
but I sorely suspect others in the Isles have need of your tal-
Roving Bands ents as well. There are two important things you deserve to
d4 Encounter know about Kadaur. I suspect the mountain incited its own
1 1d6 + 1 zombies and 1d4 skeletons eruption, and if you haven’t visited its peak, I greatly urge
2 1d4 sunken sailors and a greater draugr (see chapter 9) you to do so now. Equally grave are the actions of Kada, who
3 A wraith and 1d8 skeletons shares the spirit of his mountain. Very soon, I feel he’ll reform
4 1d8 + 1 zombies
the Isles further, as even now I sense he has his eyes set on
the power of the Entropy Abyss.”
No islands are truly safe for sailors, and Manaki is no
exception. Over the course of its long history, the Isles
have sprouted various lighthouses, some of which still
endure, others have fallen to ruin. These lighthouses
have a keeper, rotating staff and a handful of outcasts
who find the isolating life of the lighthouse islands
suitable for a variety of reasons.
Eastguard or Westguard? When these locations
are introduced, the party are given the option to head
to the eastern or western lighthouse. For simplicity,
only one lighthouse can be explored during the
campaign. Whichever lighthouse the party doesn’t visit,
is ransacked by ecliptic while they’re away, leaving it
abandoned. Regardless, when the party arrives at the
lighthouse, the description is roughly the same:
Made in the form of a narrow step pyramid, the base
of the lighthouse is in danger of being eaten away by the
increasingly violent tides. Sections of the lighthouse and
its foundation seem anything but resilient to the harsh,
crashing waves. If the party visited the Lahahana’s
Lighthouse near Lifebearer Lagoon when retrieving
Keelhaul, this stands in sharp contrast. While the former
gave an air of homeliness and warmth, this lighthouse is
utilitarian and stark. The only warmth in this lighthouse
is from the lantern, which burns steadily and fiercely.
Inhabitants. The lighthouses are very remote, and
the only intelligent beings are usually only those who
tend to the light, and any suppliers making deliveries.
Some would argue that the lapalapa whales who
frequent the waters nearby are fairly intelligent as well. Important Characters
Anson Drahl
It’s a surprise to find Anson Drahl (see chapter 9) at the
The lighthouses were among the first major structures lighthouse, but this lighthouse is known as a safe haven
built during the exploration of trade in the Isles. To make and Anson is still trying to hide from Captain Keelhaul.
trade a more permanent part of their future, these struc- The lighthouse is known for not asking questions, so
tures were erected to guide ships through dangerous areas he’s understandably spooked when the same people he
to Keyport. Initially, it was considered a great honor to helped lead to Captain Keelhaul find him here. If the
be in charge of the light. In later years, the trade routes party hasn’t encountered Anson before, he’s a good
became taken for granted, and as such, the lighthouses source of information, especially about Keelhaul.
began to be neglected. There was talk of repairing them, Variant: Eastguard. Anson heard one of the hags
but something always demanded more attention from was once romantically involved with Captain Keelhaul
those that worked with stone and maintenance. For some and was thinking of talking with her to find out if she
time now, only Skree regularly tends to the light and had any insights as to how to take down the now-Undead
lives on the island permanently, gathering help when she Captain. However, the journey into the swamp is perilous
needs it from those who find their way to the lighthouse. and he hadn’t quite taken the plunge on this mission.
The lighthouse has a reputation as a good place to live Variant: Westguard. Anson is hiding here because
if you’re on the wrong side of the law for lesser crimes he hopes to intercept a shipment of Captain Keelhaul’s
(theft, minor assault). Service in the lighthouse for one favorite drink from the mirescales and lace it with
year is often thought of as a clearing of debts, as it’s of something that could destroy his brother, possibly in an
great service to the Isles and its people. explosive manner.
Event: Leaving
There are four reef sharks, two hunter sharks,
and a giant shark here, fighting over the bodies. Once the Lighthouse (Week 7)
they’re dealt with, the party can search the bodies and Skree sends the party off with ample provisions and
the wreck. They find cookware, smith’s tools, packets some warm crocheted hats and scarves (which likely
of seeds (soaked), a chest of common clothing, and two won’t be needed in the tropical weather, but she insists):
salvage items from the table below.
If the party opt to bring bodies back to shore for funeral “There are some who like these rags, they might be of use to
rites, Skree is touched by their compassion and gives each you. Oh, if it’s info about my dung heap of an ancestor you
person a crocheted item and a meal for the day. seek, I recommend you look in the Ruins. Lots of secrets there
he’d either want to keep hidden, or find for his own use.”
The Skree Exchange As the party starts up the path from the lighthouse,
d6 Salvage Item Reward Pika runs after them, panting:
1 Trunk of waterlogged books Crocheted doily
2 Fist-sized wad of gray amber Crocheted blanket “Bessie seems worked up about something. It’s hard to under-
3 Soaked bag of yarn Orange-and-purple striped socks stand her, but I think it’s something about demons in a place
4 Sealed box with a pristine copy A heavy shawl, which grants called ‘field the color of blood’? Some really bad creatures
of Tiny Femmes the wearer advantage on saving there, that’s for certain, really has her spooked.”
throws against cold weather
5 Slightly rusted cooking pot A decent meal
6 A book on the traditions and Nothing “You keep it. I don’t Defend the Lighthouse! (Week 12)
history of Ikolf need to read that trash.” The quests in this week are structured as one ongoing
battle to defend the lighthouse and by extension, the
Exchanging any of the items from the table puts Skree in ship passing the rocks on its way to Keyport. The
a more talkative mood: ecliptic mission is twofold. Their first priority is to sink
the inbound ship and seize the ‘materials’ on board.
“I thank you. Any new thing in this desolation is good for
A few minor ecliptic have been sent ashore to take out
the soul. My soul needs help all the time, sharing blood with the lighthouse, not realizing it’ll be defended by more
Skomm Fylkir. Skomm was my forebear, many generations than the usual lighthouse tenders. Once the lighthouse
ago. Brought shame upon our whole family, our whole nation! is shown to be a serious obstacle to their mission, the
That’s why I took up a post here, I thought it would help ecliptic redirect most of or all their forces toward the
balance the scales as it were, between my family and the Isles. lighthouse to extinguish the lamp. There are three
I know some people still see that scum as a god, but I’d rather main lines of defense, falling back to the next area if the
be rid of his memory. Some of my cousins have scavenged the ecliptic break through the first: the beach, the first floor,
Ruins, looking for something to bring him back, and now it and the lantern. Major points of combat and objectives
seems they’ve succeeded, judging by the lightning earlier. Not are listed below. The party can split up to accomplish
the various tasks. Failing this mission results in the party
good, not good at all.”
and any other living creatures at the lighthouse being
taken to the Black Atoll to be reborn as bakarai.
The large whale (Bessie) continues to nudge the waxy Skree eventually ends up at the Ikolf Ruins in week 14,
substance toward the party until they catch on and either captured here if the party fails to overcome the
scoop it into the boat. When the party return to Skree draugr, or captured at a later time. If she isn’t rescued
with the gray amber, she’s overjoyed. from the Ruins, at some point, the party find her among
the Undead throngs.
“Gray amber, more precious than gold! I knew Bessie wouldn’t let
us down. Go now, you can run faster than me. Add it to the fire.”
Makana’s Inconvenience
112 Chapter 6: The Isles of Manaki
Variant: Archaeological Expedition
How Did We Get Here? If Inda is still alive after the Ruins, Week 14 adventure,
(Week 15) she expresses a wish to accompany the party to the Isle
of the Watching Woman.
In search of the Watching Woman and the mysterious metal of “You’re going to the Isle of the Watching Woman? Please take me
legend, you approach a remote island that’s said to offer one with you, please please!!!” Inda’s eyes go big and she flutters her
of the best viewpoints of the Isles. Covered in lush vegetation eyelashes. “I’d love a chance to talk with the Watching Woman,
typical of most of the islands, this island is unique in the high if she really does exist. She must have seen so much over the
peak that juts up and up from the exact center of the island. years. I could fill a book just by talking to her for ten minutes!”
If you could reach the top, you’d have an excellent view of the
surrounding ocean that almost rivals the view atop Kadaur. Bringing Inda along has the bonus of revealing more
background information about the island cultures,
A wide stretch of white beach rings the island especially the Ikolf and the history of the mines.
completely, leading off of tranquil shallows. Larger craft
can’t go close, but the water is calm enough that one
easily swim from a boat anchored offshore. There’s no From Turntail Swamp
man-made debris anywhere, no remnants of shipwrecks, The party can also find out about jarn from either
nor evidence of Manaki camps. The island seems Rimin or the hags:
completely devoid of anything but wildlife and plants.
“If you seek weapons for fighting creatures that have incred-
ible powers, you need metal with incredible properties. The
From the Ruins
Watching Woman has such metal on her island, if you can
After learning about the Forge in the Ruins, it’s deter- gain access to the mines. You might seek the Woman herself,
mined that it could make a weapon capable of killing a
for she can contribute to a weapon of legend.”
being of unimaginable power, if a specific metal is used.
One of the few, if not only, sources of this metal is on the The hags know that the Watching Woman is the only
Isle of the Watching Woman. This can be a theory pro- person who can say whether or not what the party has
posed by Inda, Doni, or Skoda, regardless of the status of created is worthy of the title Allay. Rimin knows that
the forge at the end of The Ruins (Week 14). the Watching Woman can enhance the weapon with one
of her creations, such as an axe-head. Should the party
“To get a truly powerful weapon, the metal from the Isle
talk to both Rimin and a hag about Allay, they can find
of the Watching Woman was supposed to be one metal out both pieces of information.
that could harm the dead more than the living. According Variant Event: Hags and Huts. If the island
to legend, she was a metal crafter of weapons, jewelry, Turntail Swamp is on sinks, the Isle of the Watching
and tools. She just loved working with metal, and over the Woman can be visited with the hags’ huts if they were
years, the highest quality metals seeped through the very collected previously. This can be done with or without
earth to be near her, combining the best qualities of every the hags if the party was able to persuade any hag to ally
metal to form one beyond compare. The Watching Woman with them, or if they gained control of a hut.
named this metal ‘jarn.’ At one point, she allowed mortals If the party was able to convince any of the hags to
on the island to mine jarn on her island, but the mines were come, they refuse to take their huts on board a boat, and
abandoned years ago, as who has use for a metal that can opt to use Kumuhea’s tunnels by traveling from Turntail
Swamp to the junction at Alaula Cove, and then to
kill a god, when no gods walk the Isles? But it seems the
Watching Woman. If the party doesn’t want to travel the
time for jarn has come around.
tunnels along with the hags and the huts, they arrive
“And according to legend, for a weapon to be most truly upon the Watching Woman Isle to find the hags and
blessed, the Watching Woman must realize the weapon first.” their huts perched on the Beach with No Memory.
If a party member has control of a hag’s hut, prac-
ticing with it will make a character more proficient
with maneuvering it, especially in combat. The Isle
of the Watching Woman is known to be deserted, so it
should seem like a good choice to work with the hut there.
The huts can only be taken off Turntail Swamp island via
the tunnels, subject to the Tunnel Encounters table (see
page 87).
Light Weapon Six weapons The more time a character spends learning about a hut,
Non-light Simple Weapon Two weapons the more partial the hut’s hag (if she’s alive and present)
Non-light Martial Weapon One weapon will be toward that person, making them a more likely
(Also anything new forged for Allay) ally. In future battles, should the hag perish, the hut may
pass down to anyone who’s learned how to operate it.
Driving a Hut
116 Chapter 6: The Isles of Manaki
Makana leaves her perch and flies down to the party. “I
believe an old friend is coming to visit me. But she may find
Destroying the Library
that the locks have changed. Please go and greet her.” (10+ Confidence Points)
You venture into the tunnel, and walk far enough that One creation has brought worry to Makana for a long
you’re no longer directly under the island. Kumuhea stand- time: the writings of Kumuhea. She agrees with many
ing far down the tunnel, with two undead wurms waiting others in that the magic of the Isles wasn’t meant to be
behind her. She recognizes your party and hails you. translated or performed by her design. But Makana
“Ah! I wished to visit my old friend, my strange friend. refuses to destroy them for the sake of noninterference,
But I can no longer set foot on the island as I once did, and because they were created by a child of the Isles.
something here repels me. But I will overcome it!” The writings in Makana’s possession are some of the
most powerful magic Kumuhea ever recorded. Makana
Kumuhea places her hands on the tunnel floor and
offers the party the choice of destroying the writings,
says a few words. The earth shudders, and any jarn you’re
reading them, or leaving them be.
carrying or can see vibrates for a moment, then loses its
orange coloring and fades to gray. Kumuhea advances onto “These are some of Kumuhea’s writings I collected since they
the island, with two undead wurms following behind her. would’ve otherwise been lost. Magic was never meant to be
transformed to such an extent, and even less so kept in record.
The wurms and Kumuhea attack the party as Makana These writings are beyond your comprehension, and if you could
settles on the sand to watch. During the fight, Makana comprehend, the incredible power described is incomplete.”
carries on a casual conversation with Kumuhea. Makana looks at the collection, and her eyes are touched
“Thank you for coming, my friend. I was running low on ideas with visible emotion. “I should destroy them. They shouldn’t
on things to challenge these mortals with. I’m glad to see you exist. And yet, I choose not to. What will you choose? Destroy-
once more. We didn’t always see eye to eye, but you were one ing them won’t be easy, and completing the spell would be a
of the few mortals I could always rely upon for good conversa- grave offense to the work that is Manaki. Like many things on
tion. But you’re no longer mortal now, are you?” these islands, I’m already aware of your choice.”
Kumuhea stares at Makana. “I am not, and as such I would
have been stuck on your doorstep. But I’ve overcome your If the party leaves the writings be, Makana nods
magic that repels the undead. Surely you can recognize my gravely and says “So be it. Your choice is like mine, to
leave things as they are. But don’t expect to progress
power now.”
much further in your quest if you always choose
Makana smiles slightly. “I recognize it. I recognize just how inaction.” The party gains zero Confidence Points.
fleeting and trivial it is.” If the party decides to either read or destroy the
writings, the writings must first be removed from the
If the party defeats Kumuhea, they gain two library. Makana doesn’t remove her magical wards,
Confidence Points, and Makana gives them an axehead so each creature that touches a piece of writing takes
she forged for Allay, if they haven’t already received it 13 (3d8) lightning damage. Once the writing is in the
(see “Elements of Allay” in chapter 8). party’s hands, they can destroy or translate the work.
If the party is in danger of losing, Makana will stand Wax tablets and leaf scrolls can both be destroyed
and stretch lazily in the middle of the battle, then go to by burning them. Any character who sets fire to them
face Kumuhea. Makana looks almost sadly at Kumuhea. takes 5 (2d4) fire damage. The stone tablets must be
“You have power, yes. But I only allowed you to lift the bludgeoned with a weapon, requiring a successful DC
magic for a moment. I would look on you one last time 18 Strength check. The character who struck the blow
and tell you that your magic was never meant to be takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. Destroying these
on this island. Now, begone.” The jarn shifts back to grants an additional Confidence Point. In exchange for
bright orange, and Kumuhea and the undead wurms this sacrifice of knowledge, Makana also gives the party
are moved backward step by step into the tunnel and spare parts for the forge in the Ruins.
presumably all the way off the island. Makana watches, Translating the writings uncovers the insula movere
looking almost sad. “Farewell, my friend.” ritual: a spell that can physically move islands. Choosing
If the party needed Makana’s help in this battle, they this option causes the loss of one Confidence Point.
lose 1 Confidence Point, and read the following:
“You fought bravely,” Makana says. “But you’ll need more help
before the end.” She gives you ten pieces of jarn.
“It’s been interesting with you here, mortals. I like seeing things
happen on my island, rather than from afar. But it’s time for
me to rest, and for you to leave. War is coming, and I advise
you to seek what information, allies, and weapons you can.
The Primal Archipelago and Redfield hide important pieces, if
you seek more power for Allay. Also, I see that in two weeks’
time, there will be a great calamity at Kauhale.”
“You are bold, mortals, but I’m not quite convinced you’re
the ones truly worthy of wielding Allay. But because you’ve
made my time on this island more interesting, I will grant you
this boon: once you’ve gained enough pieces of the weapon
and proven yourselves, I’ll find you and bestow upon you the
blessing for Allay.”
Lono is a venerable kia’i elder (see chapter 9) reef
guardian. He wears a living coral helm and has
unblinking but kind eyes. He’s in charge of the coral
polyp farm and overseeing the growth of all Kauhale’s
structures. The Wall Watch regularly informs him of the
status of the Living Wall so he knows what to grow next.
During the campaign, Lono grows increasingly con-
cerned with the state of the Living Wall and the water
quality in general. By Week 10, he’s noticed that even
the corals that are growing aren’t as healthy as he’d
expect them to be, and that there are higher incidenc-
es of “unusual growth” such as strange pseudopods
or starfish with too many legs. By Week 17, if he’s still
alive, he’s heavily alarmed and pushes for solutions that
include consulting with those outside the lagoon, as he
firmly believes the root cause isn’t in the waters.
Obtain Wavesplitter/
Kauhale Is Saved
If the party haven’t obtained Wavesplitter and Unu
survives, proceed to “Wavesplitter.” If Unu dies, the party
can find the dagger on his body, and can determine the
item’s properties with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
(History) check or by using the identify spell.
After the final battle at the spawning grounds, no fur-
ther ecliptic appear in the next two days. The survivors
of Kauhale slowly emerge from the Conch to go about
their lives, though they still look over their shoulders.
The Reef Guardians begin the slow work of rebuilding
the coral houses and replanting the coral polyp bed.
Ahonui (if alive) invites the party to visit the Recordum
to see if they can find anything there to help them in the
coming weeks. The party can assist Kimokea and the
other Reclaimers, who spend the time cleaning up the
Relinquit, repositioning the bodies with care and adding
any newly dead to the store.
Iolana visits Keyport occasionally throughout the
adventure, and can be encountered here at the GM’s
discretion. Keyport serves as a good location to introduce
her, along with the information she knows (described in
her entry in Kauhale) and the concept of magic tattoos.
Larry Baker
Larry is the disproportionately joyful proprietor of the
Flappin’ Kraken, a tavern on the eastern side of the
port. Whether he’s discovered upon the party’s first visit
or not, on subsequent visits to Keyport, Larry can be
found behind his bar awaiting guests. He speaks little
about his past, but has a surprising wealth of knowledge
about what the party might best spend their time doing
Jorkun this or next week.
and Perlia
The Stairway
With difficulty and a bit of hacking at plant life, the The Lounge
stairs emerge. The steps are big for a Humanoid, At the top of the pyramid is a porch-like area: a stone roof
but a Medium creature can climb from one to the supported by stone columns carved to look like the races
next without help. Shorter races will need a boost or of Manaki. When this part was spotted from the ship it
climbing gear. With or without gear, the climb to the top looked small, but once at the top, it’s huge, towering 50
of the pyramid is an extreme undertaking: during the feet overhead and in the center of the 200-foot-square
ascension, characters must make four successful DC 18 topmost pyramid level. Dozing underneath the shelter is a
Dexterity checks, as well as deal with an encounter from female gold dragon. There’s a passageway into the tomb
the table below. If any saber-toothed tiger accompanies that’s accessible only if the dragon moves. If the shelter
the party as they ascend the staircase, they dissuade area is reached at twilight, Quing will also be there,
hostile creatures from attacking and point out any likely arguing with Quarala about how she needs to do
treacherous surface. something with her life other than guarding his tomb.
At one corner of the pyramid, a massive chess set is
arranged mid game. Some of the pieces are elaborately
carved dragons; other pieces are simple shells and rocks.
Creatures that tamper with the game take 3 (1d6) light-
ning damage.
Nesting Cave
142 Chapter 6: The Isles of Manaki
Back Door The tunnels were carefully constructed by the gold
Entering the tomb by the back door may seem less dragons and then enchanted so the number of rooms
daunting than the stairway, especially if one has fallen and nature of the traps changes randomly. Along
down or been attacked a few times. Around the side of the way, visitors encounter a series of traps, both
the tomb, a successful DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) mechanical and magical in nature. At each even-
check reveals a door hidden behind some vines. numbered corridor, roll a d4 to determine whether the
Moving the vines disturbs 2d8 giant snakes. The door trap is mechanical (on a result of 1 or 2) or magical (on
leads into the Puzzleway and can be unlocked with a a result of 3 or 4), then roll a d6 to determine which
successful DC 14 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. trap is present. Each trap requires a successful DC 20
The area outside the back door is frequented by Whip- Wisdom (Perception) check to spot and a successful DC
Tail. He takes a liking to the party and wants to help by 18 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools to disarm. The
having them enter the tombs via this door. He indicates traps may be a bit bizarre depending on Quarala’s level
this by blocking the party from going back toward the of boredom on the day she constructed them.
stairs and pointing to the door with his tail. Speaking
to him via spells or abilities reveals that he’s seen many d6 Mechanical Magical
humans fall down the stairs, and thinks the back door 1 A giant, pink polka dot ball the The corridor contains ten siren
offers a safer way in, as he and the other tigers don’t trip size of the tunnel rolls toward statues that screech, deafening
any of the traps. If a party member offers him food, he’ll the party. Each character must creatures for 24 hours.
succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity
accompany them into the Puzzleway. saving throw or take 10 (3d6)
bludgeoning damage.
2 Floods the room with honey, Everyone falls asleep for two
The Puzzleway creating difficult terrain. hours and shares a dream of Skati
clog dancing.
When the last of you walks through the door, it slams shut 3 Purple flames spurt from the The room fills with purple fog
walls. Each character must that turns everyone’s hair brilliant
behind you. You’re in darkness only for a moment, then, one purple and their skin bright green
succeed on a DC 16 Dexter-
by one, a line of torches bursts into flames, illuminating the ity saving throw or take 11 for one day.
corridor ahead. The tunnel is 200 feet long, 100 feet high, (2d10) fire damage.
and 50 feet wide. The white tunnel rocks are all perfectly cut 4 Acid sprays from walls. Each A backgammon board appears
and mortared, without any sign of crumbling, chipping, or character must succeed on a between the party and the way
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw forward. The party must win a
mossy growth. The stonework looks as though it was finished game against a phantom player
or take 10 (4d4) acid damage.
only yesterday, but the tunnel air feels dusty and ancient. The to proceed. Winning requires a
tunnel turns left at a sharp right angle ahead of you. successful DC 18 Wisdom check
using game sets and a successful
Should the party continue down the corridor, they find DC 20 Intelligence check using
that once they’ve entered the Puzzleway, they’re unable to game sets.
exit until the complete tunnel has been traversed. Anyone 5 Mosaic tiles fall from the The corridor is filled with blinding
who attempts to retrace their steps while in the tunnel ceiling. Each character must light. Each character must suc-
finds themselves in the tunnel section they were just in. succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity ceed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving
saving throw or take 5 (2d4) throw or be blinded for 2 hours.
The Puzzleway tunnels lead from the back door to bludgeoning damage. The
Quing’s burial chamber. The tunnels are tall enough fallen tiles reveal a cartoonish
to easily accommodate a large gold dragon, and are picture of Kish wearing glass-
extremely exacting in their lines and turns. There are es and a moustache.
no rounded edges or gentle meandering curves as one 6 Rows of warrior statues release The corridor is suddenly filled
traverses the Puzzleway. One section of the Puzzleway darts at the party. Each charac- with 2d6 rainbow-colored
(decided at GM’s discretion) contains one of Quing’s ter must succeed on a DC 14 swarms of bats.
missing chess pieces hidden in a hole in the floor and Dexterity saving throw or take
2 (1d4) piercing damage.
can be disovered with a successful DC 18 Intelligence
(Investigation) check.
At first, the Puzzleway seems straightforward, as If Whip-Tail is accompanying the party, he automatically
it goes in only one direction with only a right-angled ducks out of danger for all the traps (and watching him
turn here and there. But as one progresses through may provide a clue as to how to avoid them). He’s of no
the tunnels, the turns seem at random, and one can’t help detecting where the traps are, but has seen them op-
tell if they’re winding inward or outward through the erate often enough that he can avoid them once triggered.
pyramid. Any attempt to map it results in a diagram The Puzzleway ends at a huge stone door. The door
of straight lines and corners that makes no sense at all. requires a successful DC 20 Strength check to force
Eventually one will reach Quing’s burial chamber if open, but has a hidden lever that Whip-Tail knows
they continue walking forward, but the exact number of about or a creature with a passive Wisdom (Perception)
corridors is changeable (1d4 + 2 corridors). score of 18 or higher notices.
Jewel-Thief s Hidey-Hole
are disoriented after being transported and have a −2
penalty to Dexterity checks for 1 day, as well as losing any
This area is where Jewel-Thief shoves her treasures, Charisma bonuses gained during the Fire and Ice quest.
but, unfortunately, she can’t reach them once they roll
down the tunnel. The hidden door from Quing’s burial
chamber leads to a small tunnel, just large enough for
a Medium creature to squeeze down. The tunnel leads
Quarala s Living Quarters
Quarala spends a great deal of time outside, as it helps
to a small natural cave under the tomb. There are some her mood, but sometimes she just needs to retreat
random bits of loose treasure, some gnawed-upon, indoors. Initially designed as a future resting space for
cannonball-sized balls of yarn and string in various other dragons, this area has elaborate mosaics of gold
states of unwinding, and a cannonball-sized pearl (a dragons throughout the history of the Isles. Saber-
Gigas pearl and Kish’s gift to Quarala). toothed tigers also abound, and the war that killed
Quarala’s Quarters
If the party attacks the tigers: Quarala’s large eyes fill with gold-tinged tears. “You bring
an offering for my father? How generous. Once people came
Fifteen tigers emerge from the jungle, growling threateningly. nearly every day with tribute. Then it became once a moon.
A shadow passes overhead and you hear the flap of massive Then once a season. Now . . . I can’t say how long. I think the
wings. A large golden dragon perches on the edge of the people of Manaki have forgotten my father, and all he’s done
pyramid, at eye level with you. She stares at you all, looking a for them. But if you know of my father, then he isn’t forgotten.
bit annoyed. “I’d thank you kindly not to hurt my feline friends. I’m glad. Tell me more of your journeys on these Isles.”
They’re my only companions here. If you insist on fighting
them, you must fight me. And I don’t think you’ll win this one.” If the party mentions Skati to Quarala, she
angers instantly:
Any activities on the island from this point won’t have
the option of any saber-toothed tiger aid, other than “That one’s back again, is he? It was he that resulted in my
Quarala’s special pet Jewel-Thief. Once the party agrees father’s death, recruiting the black dragons to his side. Even my
not to harm the tigers, Quarala introduces herself, then . . .” Quarala trails off, and more tears fill her eyes. “You fight
invites the party to the top of the pyramid to talk. She this one, now he has returned? For that, I think I can let you
flies off, leaving the party to proceed up the stairs. speak with my father. Talk of this evil king returning will upset
him, you’ll need more than whatever you’ve brought.”
After an exhausting climb, you ascend the final step of the pyr-
amid. The dragon sits there, surrounded by the saber-toothed For Quarala to allow the party to speak with Quing, she
tigers. One tiger you didn’t see on the ground below is cuddled wants them to offer him at least one missing piece from
up on the dragon’s folded legs and the dragon is petting it his chess board. If the party hasn’t obtained any chess
gently with one claw. “Well, you made it,” Quarala says. “Why pieces before this week, they can find them on the island.
do you venture to the King’s Tomb?” If the party does have one or more chess pieces, Quarala
can ask them to find enough pieces to complete the set.
Chess Pieces
Long ago, Redfield was simply known as Red Rocks.
It was an uninhabited island save for some nesting
birds. Skati, experimenting with arcane magics,
built the portals there, thinking it an out-of-the-way
location where he could construct the large structures
in peace away from prying eyes. He had discovered the
blueprints to build them on a trip to the Glowing Caves,
left, perhaps a bit conspicuously, by a wrinkled old
halfling woman carrying a small skull who disappeared
after Skati had picked up the plans.
The first portal completed was the Green Ring, but Important Characters
it far surpassed Skati’s expectations. Demons poured
out in vast numbers and it took the combined might There are no impartial creatures on Redfield and
of the native islanders and the gold dragons to contain allegiance to either the Wardens or the Rebels is
them. For his part, Skati continued work on the Red constantly tested in the endless cycles of the skirmishes.
Ring, convinced that the pair together would produce
the effect he wanted and give him more power. In some The Rebels
ways, he was correct. When the Red Ring was complete The Rebels are demons from a world called Sedah,
and opened, an equal number of wardens came forth accessible via the Green Ring. Like all such creatures,
and engaged in battle with the chaotic Fiends. Skati they thrive on chaos and destruction. Never a peaceful
had inadvertently provided another battlefield for an people even before contact with the wardens of Sera, they
ongoing war between the worlds of Sedah and Sera. want nothing more than to annihilate their enemies.
However, neither side was interested in anything save
their own conflict. Disgusted, Skati placed Ikolf warding
magic around the island to keep the Fiends contained Frizzle
and managed to mostly power down the portals, though Frizzle (a quasit with 15 hit points) has survived on
their inherent magic and upkeep from the leaders of Redfield through judicious use of her invisibility and
either side of the Fiends, kept them from being shut shape-changing skills, actively hiding whenever a
down completely. skirmish breaks out. She came through the Green Ring
The island is quiet as you approach. In fact, you see not a The Green Ring
single fiend until you’ve disembarked and entered the Soaked The Green Ring is a gigantic device composed of
Plains. The other obvious difference is that one of the portals natural, magical, and woodwork innovations. It’s an
elongated oval ring, 160 feet in diameter at its widest
has been nearly dismantled, with only the base and part of
and 50 feet in diameter at its thinnest.
one side remaining. As you contemplate it, the leader you
When activated, a shimmering sheet of green
assisted last time approaches and calls out a friendly greeting. manifests like a waterfall to fill up the ring. Beyond the
Proceed to the “Skati’s Workshop” section of portal is an inhospitable, alien realm used to confine a
The Reopening of the Rings quest. race of prison-born creatures.
Upon Arrival at Redfield (if the party visited in Week The Rebel s Heart ’
8 and chose the Treachery option): During Skomm’s war experiments, a gigantic monster
larger than any other forced its way through the Green
You can’t help but notice an industrious air around the island Ring. After slaying over a hundred Wardens, Thrugnon
as you approach. Sections of the Wall have been cleared, ripped the monster’s heart out and it was instantly
creating a large beach area, and you catch glimpses of fiends turned to stone. The disembodied heart was sent flying,
scurrying to-and-fro, intent on some business or other. As you landing in a ravine on the southern side of the island.
dock, the leader you assisted last time strolls up, a satisfied Zorgomuth discovered this stone heart, and uses it as a
smirk on his face. base of operations.
The heart can be entered via a stone tunnel that
Proceed to the “Skati’s Workshop” section of The was the creature’s aorta, as the pulmonary artery and
Reopening of the Rings quest. superior vena cava collapsed after the creature’s death.
The aorta leads directly to the left ventricle. The four
chambers of the heart have been converted into the
following rooms, with the former valves acting as doors:
Area Current Use
The red and green rings are unstable portals into their Left Atrium A storage area full of crates, barrels, and weapons,
respective dimensions, and with their lack of stability including 1d4 +1 longswords, 1d10 daggers, a +1 sling
comes the occasional rift. When these rifts open fully, and ammunition. A door leads to the left ventricle.
dozens of fiendish creatures pour into Redfield to battle Left Ventricle A meeting area with a stone slab table and 1d4 qua-
with each other. These skirmishes can range from a sits and a vrock in attendence during week 8. Doors
half dozen fighters to hundreds, taking place over the lead to the left atrium and right ventricle.
course of a few minutes or over a year. Regardless of the Right Ventricle Zorgomuth’s bed chamber, with a surprisingly soft,
victor in these skirmishes, the self-appointed wardens of nest-like bed, a spare whip hanging on the wall,
Redfield see to it that there are no survivors left on the and a chest containing a large collection of Warden
Soaked Plains. claws of varying sizes, an event compass, 1,000
gold coins stamped with a denomination not of
Variant: Unstable Rifts. Redfield is a practically this world, and a pouch containing dust of sneezing
radioactive location, with remnants of planar weapons and choking. Doors lead to the left ventricle and
testing that stain the soil and air of the island. With right atrium.
this variant, have one player roll a d20 every hour. On Right Atrium A living area with a table, chairs, and a food storage
a roll of 10 or lower, a portal opens briefly to manifest cupboard, including a built-in oven that vents out
a randomly selected Fiend. Roll a d4 to determine the of the remains of a pulmonary artery that’s large
fiend’s disposition. enough for a Medium creature to crawl through. A
door leads to the right ventricle.
Fiend Disposition
d4 Disposition The Red Ring
1 Hostile The Red Ring is a gigantic circular device composed of
2 Indifferent mechanical, magical, and stonework innovations. It’s a
3 Curious perfect ring, with a remarkable 60-foot radius.
4 Friendly When activated, an undulating whirlpool of red
sparks to life, filling up the ring. Beyond the portal is a
harsh reality filled with countless warriors, rigid laws,
and sweltering heat.
The Rebel’s Heart looks strange lying upon the ground; a gi- The Warden’s Fortress rises in front of you, set behind a perimeter
gantic stone heart with so much of the detail preserved that it fence of sharpened bones. It’s an imposing, grim, stone building:
looks as if it could still beat. You can’t even fathom how large blocky, with no effort made at decoration or to soften the edges.
the creature it belonged to must have been.
If the party approaches directly, they must either
If the party approaches directly, they must enter the heart defeat the two bearded devils on guard at the gate or
via the aorta, which will lead them directly to the meeting convince them to let the party pass with a successful DC
area (left ventricle) where they must either defeat the 1d4 15 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check. Once
quasits and the vrock in the room or convince them inside, they must make their way up to Thrugnon’s
to let the party pass with a successful DC 15 Charisma chambers at the top of the building, possibly running
(Intimidation or Persuasion) check. After the room’s into additional Wardens on the second floor. Roll a d4
inhabitants have been dealt with, the party can proceed as the party passes by each of the four open barracks
to Zorgomuth in his chambers (right ventricle). rooms to determine if there are any occupants inside
(1–2 occupied, 3–4 unoccupied) and then on the Fiend
Disposition table to determine the occupants’ initial
Meeting with Zorgomuth reaction to the party. If hostile, they attack immediately.
Once the party reaches Zorgomuth’s room, they
find the balor there alone, counting his collection of Meeting with Thrugnon
Warden claws. If the party has Frizzle with them and
snuck in rather than approaching directly, Zorgomuth Once the party reaches Thrugnon’s private rooms,
admires their cunning and the party has advantage on they find the pit fiend there alone, sharpening his
Charisma checks made to interact with Zorgomuth mace. If the party has Batibat with them and snuck in
during this meeting. rather than approaching directly, Thrugnon admires
their initiative and pluck and the party has advantage
GM Note: During this week, the party faces almost on Charisma checks made to interact with Thrugnon
certain death if they anger or fight Zorgomuth. Frizzle, during this meeting.
if recruited, may well warn them of this.
GM Note: During this week, the party faces certain
doom if they anger or fight Thrugnon. Batibat, if re-
The balor is monstrously big. He looms over an open chest, cruited, may well warn them of this.
counting the large number of dismembered claws within. You
catch a glimpse of some other items, a pouch or two, perhaps,
The pit fiend is huge. Even though the room is large, with little
before he slams the chest shut. “Zorgomuth demands to know
in the way of furniture, he seems to fill all the space inside it. He
why you disturb him!” he booms, his voice echoing off the
turns to stare sharply at you as you enter, stepping in front of a
walls. “Why have you come?!”
large chest, and you somehow suspect that he knew you were
Zorgomuth demands that the party tell him why on the way. “It would be best for you if you have a good reason
they’ve come. If engaged in conversation about the to be here,” he says.
situation on Redfield, he swears violently about the evil
oppression of the Wardens and Thrugnon in particular. Thrugnon asks the party why they’ve come. If en-
If the party indicates they wish to ally with Zorgomuth, gaged in conversation about the situation on Redfield,
he smiles widely and tells them he’ll consider it if they can he vehemently declares that all Rebels must be defeated
hold their own against Ubel, his second-in-command. and given no quarter. If the party indicates they wish
As if on cue, the hezrou enters the room, preceded to ally with him, he grins shrewdly and tells them he’ll
by his stench. If the party emerges victorious from consider it if they can hold their own against Sephtis, his
nonlethal combat, Zorgomuth lets out a mighty second-in-command.
laugh and declares them allies. He offers the party As if on cue, Sephtis (a chain devil) enters the room,
the use of the storage room (left atrium) to stay in twirling a chain. If the party emerges victorious from
while on Redfield. If the party is defeated, they’re nonlethal combat, Thrugnon holds out a mighty clawed
unceremoniously kicked out of the Rebel’s Heart. hand and declare them allies. He offers one of the barracks
rooms for the party to stay in while on Redfield. If the par-
ty is defeated, they’re frog-marched out of the fortress.
Demon Whip
If the party accepts his challenge, they can find Rebuild the Portals
Zorgomuth the balor in his chamber at the Rebel’s Using the portal plans, the party can fully reactivate
Heart, guarded on the outside only by the thoroughly the portals or rebuild them as necessary with the rune-
demoralized quasit Frizzle. If they kill Zorgomuth, carved stones and supplies from Skati’s Workshop. Each
Thrugnon declares them worthy. portal takes a combination of three successful DC 15
Intelligence (Arcana or Investigation) checks along with
Skati s Workshop a successful DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check to repair.
However, if the party visited in week 8 and chose the
GM Note: Depending upon the party’s previous ac- Sabotage option, it takes an additional two successful
tions and who they allied with, fill in using the appro- Strength (Athletics) checks to repair the mostly
priate surviving leaders. dismantled ring.
Skati’s workshop contains enough supplies to make
If the party explains to the leaders that they wish to nine repair attempts. Additionally, casting the gate spell
reopen the portals, the leaders will agree to either assist automatically counts as a successful repair.
or, at the very least, not stop them. The leaders mention Variant: A Crazed Fiend. For increased difficulty,
that the “short, stocky, scary one” that originally after the characters rebuild and fully open the portals, a
opened the portals kept a workshop of sorts somewhere pit fiend or a balor (as appropriate) driven mad by raw
on the eastern side of the island. magic appears and can’t be subdued by its fellows.
Chapter 6: The Isles of Manaki 159
Defend the Portals
As you thrust the weapon into the second portal, the air
Once the portals are repaired and fully powered, a
crackles with energy. All the hair on your body stands on end
greater ecliptic hunter (see chapter 9) appears, at-
and it’s a struggle to keep your arm steady. But as the minute
tracted by the increased magical energy and vibrations
from the portals, and attacks. At the GM’s discretion, if ticks by, you feel a warmth enter your body, like slipping into
either Thrugnon or Zorgomuth is in attendance at the a hot bath after a hard day’s work. By the time you withdraw
reopening of the portals, they can assist in the battle. the weapon, you feel as if something or someone has smiled
down upon you.
A low hum fills the air and a teeth-rattling vibration wells up
from the ground below, emanating from each portal until it The bearer of the weapon gains the effects of a bless
almost seems as if the very earth and air around you has come spell for 1d4 days.
If a weapon that isn’t a potential component part of
alive. A fiend happily dives through their home portal and
Allay is inserted into the portal, roll a d4 to determine
disappears, then pops back through again, hand in hand with
what happens:
an old friend. You can’t help but smile until you notice a dark
shadow rapidly descending from the skies above.
Portal Effect on Weapon
Once the hunter has been dispatched, the leaders
question the party about what just attacked, as they’ve d4 Effect
never encountered an ecliptic before. The leaders and 1 The weapon disappears in a blinding flash of light and all creatures
their followers can be recruited for the battle for the in a 30-foot radius take 4 (1d8) radiant damage and are knocked
Isles in the coming weeks, with a successful Charisma
(Persuasion) check with a DC as follows: 2 The weapon glows brightly for a moment, and gains a +1 bonus to
attack and damage rolls (cumulative with any existing bonuses).
3 The weapon shakes violently in your hands and becomes cursed.
Fiendish Alliance You must always keep it by your side unless targeted by a spell such
DC Past Party Actions as remove curse. While cursed this way, others view you as having
an unsettling fiendish air about you. You have disadvantage on
20 The party didn’t visit in week 8 Charisma checks and saving throws except Charisma (Intimidation)
18 The party visited in week 8 and chose the sabotage option checks, which now have advantage.
15 The party visited in week 8 and chose the treachery option 4 The weapon snaps cleanly in two, requiring repair from an appropri-
10 The party visited in week 8 and chose the diplomacy option ate artisan such as a blacksmith. When the weapon is repaired, roll
(GM Note: This is the only option where both Thrugnon and a d6. On a roll of 6, the weapon now deals an extra 1d8 fire damage
Zorgomuth can be recruited; perform a check for each) on a hit. The repair takes 1 week to complete.
When SpringBog sank, the entire island disappeared
into the freshwater vent below it known as the Eye
(and waters flooded the tunnel that Kumuhea’s undead
wurms had dug to it). But then something hidden deep
below ruptured, cracked, and broke free. Slowly, born
aloft by deadly bubbles of poison and gas, the ruined
city of Seputus rose to the surface. Constructed of long-
dead coral bleached a ghostly white, the yellowed bones
of now extinct monsters, and serpentine, mottled green
stone, Seputus now floats amid the detritus of what was
the mirescales’ home only two weeks before.
Far older than the current iteration of the Isles, no Important Characters
structure in the island-city of Seputus is undamaged.
The walls are riddled with cracks, some glowing a
faint green-yellow from strange molds growing within Agaeti Fylkir
them. Water half fills the sea-level rooms and sea
creatures swim or wade among the buildings, while Agaeti, a cultist (see “The Ruins” for further details),
the upper floors are slick with a mysterious ooze. Even is one of Skati’s blood relatives and also one of his most
so, it’s obvious in the sweeping lines of the towering influential cultists. After hearing about the terrifying
remains that the city itself possessed a dark and terrible creatures that have arisen from where SpringBog once
grandeur, and remains impressive nonetheless. stood, she came to see herself if they could be recruited
Crumbling residential structures in various states of to Skati’s cause. Attempting to travel in secret, she wears
decay make up the majority of the city and most of the a hood that covers her face, but the thurisaz tattoo on
minax live and sleep in these half-collapsed buildings, her hands is easily visible. She’s accompanied by five
except for Duxxack the leader and some select guards cult fanatics.
and elders, who live in the Hall of the Fallen.
Inhabitants. Approximately seventy-five minax live Duxxack
in Seputus. Duxxack, a minax elder (see chapter 9), is ostensibly
the leader of the tribe. At least, he’d like to think so,
History though he’s held onto that title more because Vomm
hasn’t bothered challenging him yet. More comfortable
Seputus is home to the minax, a species created by the in the water than in the air, the sudden change in
Star Breather long before the Isles were fully conceived. Seputus’s circumstances has discombobulated him.
As far as the deity was concerned, the minax were an Duxxack’s pink-white skin is pockmarked with age and
abject failure; creatures that thought only of themselves pockets of yellow sponge mold that grow upon him,
and had no interest in the world other than selfish primarily around his torso. If the mold is touched, it
claims and attempts to control it. But, busy with other releases spores: roll on the Spore Effects table above.
works, it merely buried the city and its creations deep Duxxack wears a crown made of bone and broken
beneath the ocean, thinking it would someday reclaim narwhal tusks, set with six uncut diamonds worth 100
and remake them. But that day never came and the Star gp each. He wears a robe of eyes, which he keeps on
Breather’s early mistake has now resurfaced. even while sleeping.
A minax guard (see chapter 9), Lleoja was one of the
youngest of the minax alive when they were banished. Her
skin is a light blue-gray and, primarily on her arms and legs,
is covered in a latticework of deep-purple battle scars. Her
hair is black, resembling thick kelp, and hangs loose down
her back until she’s ready to fight, when she pulls it back and
knots it into a bun held in place by a giant sea urchin spine.
Since Seputus’s rising, Lleoja has noticed strange
changes in her body—a slight swelling around her
abdomen and a yellow tinge to her sides and gills. Vomm
The kia’i keeps pace with your boat, clearly agitated. “I’ve heard
The Next Generation two bits of troubling news and I’m not sure which is the most
This quest can take place any time after the party distressing. A rumor smuggled out of the Ruins says something
arrives on Seputus but typically must occur before bad will happen in Chitoni soon—something terrible. And a
concluding The Head of Vomm quest. fishing boat has reported strange things in the water around
While picking their way through the ruined city, the [Eastguard or Westguard]. I know you’re busy, but I thought you
party comes across Lleoja doubled over in apparent pain: should know. Iolana said you should be kept informed.”
Turning a corner, you see a scarred, but otherwise healthy,
female minax guard in front of you, doubled over in pain. She Seputus
lets out a groan and collapses to her knees, clutching her side.
Important Characters
The party can find Kada, the Body of Kadaur
here if they visit during most weeks, but he may
not be at the temple depending on his current ac-
tivity (check Kada’s entry in chapter 3 for an out-
line of his activity). This temple serves as a place
where Kada can meet with village elders, receive
offerings, and remanifest if his body is destroyed.
Kadagan resembles an incomplete glass sculpture
of a human. Its features are almost unreadable, but
a small, heart-shaped stone glows with colors that
blatantly express its current disposition. It spends
its time roaming the temple, inscribing random
bits of information on the wall. This information is
oddly prophetic, and occasionally proves an accurate
description of a familiar character or party member.
Kadakim Kadagan
Kadakim is shorter than the other Stewards and
is made of a hodgepodge of materials: twisted wire,
bundled sticks, and the kind of random objects you
might find washed up on a beach after a merchant ship
wreck. It carries a jade-handled paintbrush and a teapot Kadamy
full of water, which it uses to paint fleeting pictures on At first glance, Kadamy resembles a mummy, but
the stone floors or walls that fade as the water dries. instead of strips of linen, it’s wrapped in lengths of
Characters quick enough to study a picture before it string. Its core body is constructed of string, yarn,
disappears might be startled to recognize themselves cord, and fibers of all sorts woven together to form a
in scenes from the past, present, or future. Once humanoid shape. It uses loose strings to write out pieces
Kadakim spots visitors to the temple, it follows them, of information, but these must be read quickly before
studying them intently with its coal-black button eyes. it moves away, erasing the message. It uses its loose
If attacked, it responds in kind with suddenly scalding strings for attacks ranging from whips, garrotes, or just
water from the teapot or cutting words. mischievously tripping someone.
The Immortal Plea • You command the spirit to lie dormant, reducing it
entirely to a passive being. Its active body dies, but
Learning this ritual will require the party to observe not it’s immortal body remains unaffected. The spirit can
the Stewards’ appearances or belongings, but instead no longer become a half immortal, and the domain it
their actions. Kadagan knows the verbal components, commands is transferred to a newly transcended spirit
Kadamy knows the somatic components, and learning
chosen by the GM.
both of these grants the affected creature knowledge of
how to perform the spell. However, the exact effects of • You forge an undying bond between the half immortal
and a friendly creature you’re familiar with. The
the spell are a secret kept by Kadakim.
half immortal becomes charmed by the chosen
Verbal. Kadagan’s writings occasionally vanish from creature, and is unable to break this charm under any
the temple walls. Almost all its writings each day are circumstances (including the creature’s death). If the
new, except for the three words it writes at the break chosen creature has or creates a bloodline, the ritual
of dawn, at noon, and at dusk. These words, “Audire,” also affects any direct descendants.
“Animam,” and “Obsecro,” glow faintly during the
• You give the spirit up to two verbal commands that
night and fade just before dawn. This glowing can be serve as a binding contract. These commands must
noticed with a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) be approved by the GM, and can’t include any other
check. Reading these three words in order triggers effects of this spell.
Kadagan’s defense system, and it attacks the reader.
Maledictio. The plea made to a half immortal also
Somatic. As Kadamy strolls through the temple, it either
functions as a death sentence. The mortal weight casting
runs its string along pegs in the walls or throws them
this enchantment has on a soul is too much to bear for
into readable loops on the ground. These writings long, and the caster gains 1 level of exhaustion every day
normally disappear as it leaves an area, but once every after the ritual. These levels of exhaustion can only be
72 minutes, it throws its writings into the air and strikes removed by another half immortal.
a specific pose for 6 seconds. Over a 12-hour loop,
Kadamy strikes these poses until it’s performed a full
minute of gestures. If a creature correctly copies or
confirms the sequence, Kadamy locates them from
anywhere in the temple and attacks.
Effects. Kadakim can explain all the effects of this
spell, which then forces the steward to attack the party
afterward. If the party doesn’t learn all the effects, they
can only perform the first option. In this case, they’re
also limited to the first effect of the variant ritual found
in the Black Atoll. They can learn the other effects
using the legend lore spell or similar magic.
Kada Surfing
Chapter 6: The Isles of Manaki 175
Goodeye Before the mirescales arrived, SpringBog was a bunch
of small, muddy patches barely stitched together with
swamp grass. Realizing the value of the freshwater
spring, however, the mirescales decided to stay and
build upon what was already there. They shipped in dirt
and rocks from the other islands and planted seedlings
collected from the Primal Archipelago. Collectors by
nature, they also imported animals for food. Over
time, more creatures arrived and made it their home,
especially those that needed a swampy habitat.
Important Characters
GoodEye is the best hunter in the tribe. She carries
a HeartRipper (see chapter 8), a weapon of her own
design. There are stories that she’s taken down giant
squid and even a whale with it. GoodEye keeps her
scales well lubricated, giving her skin a shiny sheen (and
making her harder to grapple). She wears old but well-
cared-for leather armor.
GoodEye is more serious than the average mirescale
and speaks in short, clipped sentences. She doesn’t
believe in wasting time and respects those that get down
SpringBog to business.
Poisonous Near the docklands you see a curious sight: seven large
snake flat-bottomed boats have been lashed together to create
a floating trading post. It buzzes with activity, mirescales
digging through the many crates and barrels, sometimes
taking something, sometimes leaving something. Overseeing
it all is a fast-talking mirescale who seems adept at stopping
arguments over items before they even start.
The Hunt
The first step in the courtship is to go on a hunt, and
the more impressive the prey, the better. The party
can take SmallFellow after one of the following, with
higher challenge rating beasts offering a higher chance
of success with his lady love. If SmallFellow makes the
killing blow, he gains an extra 1 Confidence.
CR Beast Confidence
1 Giant octopus (one lives in the water near 1
the Docklands and sometimes pulls barnacles
off the docks for fun)
2 Hunter shark (known to swim off the 2
southern shore)
3 Giant scorpion (one recently took up resi- 3
dence in a mud patch to the northeast)
4 Elephant (a unique subspecies that’s able to 4
safely traverse the mud can be found roaming
in wild areas)
5 Giant shark (one has been spotted to the 5
east, about a mile offshore)
6 Wyvern (one is known to frequent the Eye 6
to stop for freshwater when flying by)
The Result
Save the Mirescales (Week 9)
After adding up SmallFellow’s total Confidence over
the courtship ritual, determine whether or not he was The mirescales face two significant threats in Week 9:
successful in wooing FancyFeather (15 Confidence the destruction of their island home and the invasion
or higher). If he was, a celebration is held at the of the ecliptic, both of which threaten the survival of
Uncracked Egg and SmallFellow introduces the party to their entire species. A new wave of ecliptic arrives on
SmashThumb (if the party haven’t already met him) and the island every 8 hours beginning the morning of the
asks his grandfather to supply for the promised gifts. second day. If you feel the chapter is moving too quickly
Each party member that helped receives a bone-crafted or easily, add additional waves of ecliptic.
+1 weapon from SmashThumb’s home arsenal. The The number of mirescale inhabitants and eggs the
weapon is a simple weapon of the character’s choice. party save will directly affect how many mirescale allies
If SmallFellow was unsuccessful in his courtship, he they’ll have in the coming weeks. You can roleplay any
still thanks the party profusely for their help (unless mirescale villagers present as participating in any of the
they really weren’t helpful) and introduces them to his battles, but due to their nature and traits, they may also
grandfather, SmashThumb. He gifts the group with a run away.
bone-hewn +1 javelin. Charlie Munster. If Charlie Munster from Makolf
is accompanying the party, he can provide assistance
with gathering mirescale villagers, protecting them as
they wait, and help gather materials (add an extra d4
to any resource collection rolls) and construct the boats
for evacuation.
As your boat nears the piers at the Docklands, you’re horrified The Uncracked Egg tavern has half-collapsed, the long porches
to see ecliptic shockers and anglers come out of the water and completely separated from the building proper, and a portion
attack the mirescales. Many of the villagers have their hands of the roof has fallen in. Through a crack in the front wall you
full of belongings, though some have taken up spears to fight can see movement inside.
the invaders. Their shrill cries of fear mingle with the guttural
roars of the ecliptic anglers, who are chanting “Fall! Join! End!” Suddenly, an ecliptic scavenger (see chapter 9) flies
through the crack in the wall accompanied by a shout of
in an assortment of languages.
“Take that!” The scavenger lands stunned, not far from
the party. RoundBelly appears at the door, carrying his
club and with 1d6 + 2 leather flagons slung around his
Help GoodEye shoulder and hanging from his belt. If GoodEye is there,
Once the threat at the Docklands has been dealt with, he tosses one to her. “There’s more coming behind you!”
GoodEye runs up, carrying a HeartRipper (see chapter he shouts and takes a shot of moondew from a flagon
8) in her bloody claws. She’s been wounded and has only (roll on the Moondew Effects table to see what effect
36 hit points. If any of the characters have met her, she that has on him).
exclaims in both pain and joy as she sees them. “Come,” Approaching from 60 feet behind you, are 2d8 + 1
she says, “there’s a monstrous thing this way!” Limping, swarms of ecliptic scavengers and 1d4 + 1 ecliptic
she leads the party to a muddy area where an ecliptic haulers (see chapter 9 for both). RoundBelly (a mires-
hunter is attacking 1d8 mirescale villagers (see cale villager with a speed of 15 feet and a +1 club) will
chapter 9 for both). join the fight, though he first retrieves and uses up the
If you wish to make this encounter more difficult, 1d10 spears in his office as ranged attacks before entering
you can add a patch of marsh mud (see “Features” melee. There are 2d10 mirescale villagers (see chapter
above), which also affects the ecliptic hunter. This 9) in the area.
doesn’t affect any mirescales, as they know well how to
avoid marsh mud.
Moondew distillery
184 Chapter 6: The Isles of Manaki
safe. The tribe depends on it. Perhaps the Isles.”
Save ScorchedToe and At this point, night is falling and no ecliptic are
evident. A mirescale should suggest that everyone get
Regain the Flux some sleep if they can to prepare for the next day, as it’s
If RoundBelly falls in the resulting fight, his dying dangerous to sail at night, especially in the short-range
words are “Find ScorchedToe! He’s gone to get the boats they have. All the survivors gather around the
Flux!” If RoundBelly survives, he tells the party that Uncracked Egg, as even though it’s damaged, it remains
there’s no choice but to evacuate the island—the Eye the largest patch of solid land.
has overflowed and everything the mirescales have built
up since arriving is being washed away, not to mention
the unrelenting ecliptic attacks. RoundBelly intends to Save the Boats and Make
rally the villagers and get the young and the old headed
to Kadaur on the best ships first. GoodEye, if still alive, the Barges Seaworthy
can either accompany the party further or stay and help The next morning, the party are awakened by the first
RoundBelly at the GM’s discretion. recurring wave of ecliptic consisting of 1d6 ecliptic
haulers (armed with an equal number of swarms of
“My last request is both a personal one, but also for the good ecliptic scavengers), 1d4 ecliptic shockers, and a
of our tribe. ScorchedToe left for the still this morning to get lesser ecliptic hunter (see chapter 9 for all), attacking
the Flux from the latest batch of moondew.” His eyes widen, from the Docklands. At the start of the battle, there are
showing the whites. “Please save my son. And the Flux. We, 1d6 + 1 coracles, 1d10 + 1 flat boats, and 1d8 keelboats
I, need both.” plus the ship the party arrived on, but the hunter soon
realizes that the boats are a method of escaping and
If the party goes to RoundBelly’s Still, they find 2d8 + begins destroying them during round 5. Any mirescale
1 crocodiles and a giant crocodile circling Scorched- still alive can assist with the battle, including GoodEye
Toe (a mirescale villager, see chapter 9) as he attempts or SmashThumb, at the GM’s discretion.
to load things (including the barrel that contains moon- Once the initial wave of ecliptic have been repelled,
dew and the Flux) into a small boat. While the party is the party should take stock of how many sailing vessels
still 60 feet away, they see ScorchedToe blow his silver are left intact, as well as the numbers of living and
whistle and the crocodiles momentarily calm down, wounded mirescales that need transport. If the party
before he’s hit by a projectile thrown by an ecliptic doesn’t think of it themselves, LickSpittle can suggest that
angler (see chapter 9) approaching from the northeast the Barges could be made seaworthy with some work.
and falls motionless into his boat (ScorchedToe takes 10 The party and any willing-and-able mirescale
damage and is stunned). villagers can easily gather the necessary resources on the
The rising waters have nearly reached the still, island by dismantling existing structures, each damaged
leaving a solid area only 15 feet square surrounded by vessel requiring only one-third the normal necessary
50 feet of water. components and only one-quarter the time to repair as
it normally would to construct. Meanwhile, additional
The sweet smell of fermenting mash still permeates the air, waves of ecliptic continue to attack every 8 hours. If
but the fire under the still has gone out, a victim of the rising the Barges were undamaged, they take no additional
waters. A plump mirescale is desperately trying to hold onto a components and only one-sixth the normal necessary
small boat and load things into it at the same time. Crocodiles time to make them seaworthy as it took to initially
circle the scene, snapping in agitation. As you watch, an eclip- construct them.
tic angler approaches, launching a projectile at the unfortunate
ScorchedToe, who falls back into his boat.
Captain Jackdaw
Captain Jackdaw (a gladiator with proficiency in
Animal Handling and with water vehicles) is the spitting
image of a pirate from a bygone age. He wears furs,
leather straps, and an archaic eyepatch over a missing
eye. He was a master poacher, or “monster hunter” by
his own proclamation, who traveled the open ocean in
search of hidden island creatures. In his time, he was
renowned for having discovered dozens of rare and
valuable species, but since his ship’s fateful end, he’s
been reduced to the victim of a mutiny.
Although Jackdaw and his crew’s exact nature is
a mystery, the party can deduce that he’s either an
alternate version of BlackClaw, or BlackClaw himself
from the past. Despite his situation, he’s quick witted and
confident, relying on charismatic promises to get what he
wants. He’s more than happy to join the party, escape the
abyss and see the light of day again. Though he has little
to offer, he’ll do what he can to help the party.
Kada, the legendary body of Kadaur, is immune to the
effects of the Entropy Abyss since he was born from it.
After contemplating how to reshape Manaki, he decides
that the isolated monsters of Redfield must be removed
before the future of the Isles can be decided. He believes
they’re too much of an unpredictable, chaotic force, and
shouldn’t have been brought to the Isles in the first place.
As with many of his actions during the adventure,
Kada isn’t entirely certain this is the best course of
action. If the party is able to convince him that the
Entropic Madness
How Did We Get Here?
d6 Flaw
(Week 13) 1 Reality is just a dream! I no longer feel pain, shame, or remorse!
2 It feels as if my eyes are melting, and I can no longer tell the differ-
If the party has visited Redfield, Thrugnon or Zorgomuth ence between plants and people.
send Frizzle or Batibat to request the party’s aid with
3 I feel as if I have more limbs than I actually do, and get confused
Kada. The party could also be directed here by the event when I reach for something but can’t touch it.
compass (see chapter 8), by Makolf villagers who saw Kada
4 We realized our head is full of other people, and none of us are
traveling to the abyss, or have it mentioned to them by the good friends.
people they save at the lighthouse. Otherwise, the party
5 I can see into two realities at once, but the other one’s full
can pass by the whirlpool Kada creates as he slowly march- of monsters.
es it from the Entropy Abyss to the shores of Redfield.
6 Who am I?
As you arrive over the darkened waters of the abyss, you see
a strange whirlpool on the horizon. The whirlpool is huge,
but doesn’t pull in water far from its edges. Approaching the
anomaly, you’re able to peer into its center, and realize you’re
unable to see the bottom.
Entropy Abyss
188 Chapter 6: The Isles of Manaki
Locations Gravewall Shipyard
Entering the abyss itself quickly reveals that this side of the
cliff face is covered in countless shipwrecks, some of which
The Dive are far more advanced than the current age is able to
To enter the abyss, adventurers will need to brave the produce. The vessels range from small sailboats to canoes,
depths and the incredible pressure that comes with it. In strange flying contraptions, nautilus-shaped vessels, and
truth, the abyss warps reality to bring the seafloor closer large metal capsules. Some of the boats may look familiar
to the surface, but retains the natural weight of the to the party, and a creature with a passive Wisdom
ocean that should rest above it. A creature that enters (Perception) score of 16 or higher spots their own empty
the water above the abyss takes 4 (1d8) bludgeoning ship packed into the wall of wreckage. The party can
damage every round it remains in the water. Creatures harvest metals, wood, and foraged goods from the ships.
that have a dive deep tattoo or resistance to bludgeoning Reality’s Edge. Sinking into the abyss should make
damage are immune to this effect, as are creatures the party feel equally peaceful and uneasy, as the edge
under the effects of moondew. This special property of of the cliff above them quickly vanishes. There’s no
moondew is unknown even to the mirescales, and lasts actual bottom to the abyss, but the wall of ships and the
for 8 hours on any drinker. Reaching the edge of the glowing creatures that inhabit them is ever changing.
trench itself takes 10 minutes of swimming. Returning to the top of the abyss from any depth takes 1
Relieving the Pressure. If the party lack a way to hour, even if a creature sank only 30 feet.
mitigate the Entropy Abyss’s crushing pressure, you can Variant: The Tavern Door. As the party explores
have them find a small shipment of the brew floating unfamiliar ships in the Gravewall shipyard, the GM can
on the open sea before or as they arrive. The shipment introduce a door to The Daydream if they have The Seek-
should only contain enough each character, leaving any er’s Guide to Twisted Taverns or the modular board game
NPC allies to watch the ship. of the tavern. Whichever door it’s introduced using has a
key with 1d4 charges remaining.
The Trench s Edge ’ Ikolf Longship
Once beneath the waters, the party quickly arrive
at what looks like the edge of the world. The trench A longship embedded into the side of the abyss may
is impossibly wide, stretching far beyond the edge of be recognizable to an Ikolf party member, or with a
visibility and beneath the bottom of the ocean. Scattered successful DC 14 Intelligence (History) check. The
about the floor are chunks of perfectly still debris, bones ship is mostly covered in barnacles and other aquatic
of colossal creatures, and strange crablike creatures debris, but has a few small chests on board. One chest
subsisting on miniscule remains. Scattered about contains a rope of climbing and a rough transcription of
the floor are overwhelmingly hot geothermal vents, Kumuhea’s writings. Deciphering this writing requires
spread far enough apart that they don’t boil the waters one hour and a successful DC 16 Intelligence check.
between. Moments after the party’s arrival, one of the
abyss dwellers emerges to challenge them.
Abyssal Trench Encounters Ancient Ritual, Transmutation and Conjuration
d4 (d6 after Encounter
week 10) Level requirement: 10
1 1d4 + 2 swarms of bioluminescent deep needlefish
Casting Time: 1 minute
(swarms of quippers that shed dim light in a 30-foot Range: Touch
radius) Components: S, M
2 Two vipera piscis Duration: 1d6 + 1 days
3 Two swarms of leechlike creatures that blink with faint You touch a ship and hum the notes to this ritual while
blue lights (swarms of poisonous snakes) circling the vessel. For the duration, the ship magically
4 A particularly unsightly creature that barely resembles rises to the surface of the ocean in an upright position at
a giant shark accompanied by a symbiotic giant a rate of 60 feet per round. The ritual ends early if the
octopus vessel is reduced to 0 hit points.
5 A grandis luminosus os Maledictio. Each time this ritual is cast on a ship, the
6 An imperatrix leviathan ship’s hit points and hit point maximum are reduced by
half. When the effect ends, unless this ritual is recast on
the ship within 5 minutes, the ship (or all the ship’s debris
within a 100-foot radius of the helm if the ship was reduced
to 0 hit points) rises 600 feet into the sky over the course of
10 minutes before crashing down.
Tunnel Tensions
d4 Tension Level
1 Low: Both mirescales and ‘ula’ula are respectful of each other, if
cautious. Some ‘ula’ula are trying to comfort the mirescales.
2 Medium: The groups are keeping to themselves, and looking at
each other with suspicion.
Important Characters
3 High: The groups are very agitated and are exchanging heated words.
4 Extreme: A fight in progress when the party enters the room; Alamea
they must defend themselves in the confusion.
Alamea (see the “ Alaula Cove” section for more infor-
mation) is one of the few who can traverse the tunnel
If the party helped save the mirescales in SpringBog to the Glowing Caves before it’s reconstructed, as the
in Week 9, they greet the party as heroes and long-lost wurms guard her progress. She may be encountered in
friends. The decapodians are more suspicious of the party. the Glowing Caves searching for the library and trying
If the party helped save the decapodians in week 12, to find out more about the wurms, and could be per-
they greet the party as dear friends and allies, while the suaded to join the party for the Wormy Research quest.
mirescales are more suspicious of the party.
If the party helped both the mirescales and
decapodians, reduce the tension factor to 1, no matter
what was rolled. Krinssk (see the “Chitoni” section for more information)
often travels to the Glowing Caves, but unlike most
of her species, she comes to admire the mosaics (and
sometimes add to them) and gather special tattoo
ingredients. She’ll gladly share her knowledge of the
mosaics, and perhaps even demonstrate how they’re
created. She’s an expert in which plants provide which
tattoo effects.
Wtchchitlss is an aged adult ‘ula’ula (see chapter 9) with Crab
mostly brown coloring, with a few orange streaks, as well as
white carapace (known as “radiant” and therefore revered).
He is the spiritual leader of his people, and as such is the
only one among the ‘ula’ula allowed to speak in the medita-
tion room. He won’t speak at length in the meditation room,
as it’s extremely distasteful to utter a sound, but will politely
guide anyone talking to another room. His size is such that
before long he’ll no longer be able to fit in the Glowing
Caves tunnels; when this happens, he’ll need to choose a
successor from among his people. If a fight breaks out, he
tries to mediate, but if that fails proves a fierce fighter.
While some of the flora and fauna found in the Glowing 2 All stala beings ooze a contact poison that deals 1d4 poison damage.
Caves are typical of caves anywhere, many are not. 3 The stalactite stala beings vibrate slightly, awakening any bats
Many plants that usually would require sun flourish within the vicinity and raising 1d6 swarm of bats.
here, and animals from all climates roam the tunnels. An 4 All stala beings emit a puff of hallucinogenic gas, which affects all
incredible vitality to the caves allows anything that finds creatures in the caves, imposing a −2 penalty to Perception checks
for 1 hour.
its way there once to grow and multiply, despite the lack
of sunlight and other optimal growing conditions. 5 The stalagmite stala beings emit a high-pitched frequency which
awakens 1d6 swarm of quippers.
6 The stalactite stala beings drip a colorful substance which stains
Glowing Caves Soil skin/fur/scales a brilliant blue. This is also a valued tattoo ingredient.
The soil from the garden area of the Glowing Caves
is extremely potent. Some think that used properly,
it could create a paradise on the Isles where all foods Supterramobi Fungus
could be grown abundantly and no one would want for One of the most unique growths in the growing caves,
anything. It also is rumored to enhance the magical the supterramobi is a mystery to all, including the
effects of any plant grown in it. However, the soil is merfolk who make use of its unique properties. A fungus
extremely risky to transport. that grows in a shallow cup or bowl shape and, once it
A special metal scoop hangs in the garden cave; this reaches maturity, uproots itself and wanders around
is the only way to safely extract soil from the ground. the caves, spreading spores as it goes. If not removed
Doing so another way triggers the appearance of four from the caves, they can grow large enough to support
shambling mound guardians. the weight of a full-grown merfolk and a shallow pool
The soil can only be carried in a substance that’s of water deep enough for the merfolk to submerge
completely nonorganic and has no trace of plant or fungal their fins. The supterramobi can be difficult to control,
material, living or dead, in it. Glass and metal work well as but that doesn’t stop some merfolk taking one out and
long as they’ve been completely cleaned; verification of no about in the caves. Given the possible practical uses of
organic matter remains requires a successful DC 16 Intelli- this fungi, many merfolk (Berthyn in particular) have
gence (Investigation) check. Stone containers are possible, tried both taking full-grown supterramobi out of the
but require a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) caves and growing them from spores in other locations.
check and being subjected to fire for 1 round. If there’s any Unfortunately, the supterramobi withers and dies
organic matter left at all on the container, it begins growing quickly when away from the Glowing Caves, even when
immediately upon contact with the soil. Attempting to put Glowing Caves soil is used in growth attempts.
Glowing Caves
As you push open the stone door, a breath of stale air gusts out
of the chamber. The round cave is covered with carved writing Kumuhea’s scrolls
from about six feet off the ground all the way to the floor. Above
the six-foot mark, shelves ring the room, stacked with scrolls
made of large leaves, all in a dried and delicate state. In the
center of the room is a large sealed box, that’s roughly the size
and shape of a large sarcophagus. The room has a table, a
chair, and a bed formed out of a large mushroom.
The Living Wall was an early addition to the Isles, once
the Star Breather realized adverse weather patterns
were making it difficult to sustain life on Kadaur. They
then created the kia’i to grow and maintain it and this
they’ve done with great fervor. They built up the Living
Wall into something that not only protected the islands,
but also provided for both the people and the creatures
of the Isles in other ways with food, homes, and tools.
Important Characters
Agrindyn Berthyn (merfolk knight who can speak Common
Agrindyn (a merfolk) is turquoise and silver skinned, and Primordial) is silver skinned, with translucent
with light purple fins. He has deep scars along his tail pearlescent fins, older and more experienced than she
from past fights with merrow and a particularly rough looks. She fights with a mirescale-crafted +2 spear and
encounter with a reef shark (which has given him an carries a flask of moondew, which she always drinks
irrational fear of the creatures, giving him disadvantage from before a battle. Anyone who’s visited SpringBog
on attack rolls against them). He speaks very formally and met SmashThumb recognizes his craftsmanship
and carries a kia’i glaive given to him by Lopaka as well on the spear. Unlike many of the local tribe of merfolk,
as a normal spear. During this time of trouble, he has who stick to the lagoon, Berthyn likes to explore and
been elected by his people to lead them and takes his has visited the shores of every island within the Isles,
duty very seriously. speaking to whoever she sees.
Lopaka (male kia’i guard) is the captain of the Wall
Watch and regularly patrols the length of the reef.
He knows every nook and cranny, as well as all the
creatures that make their homes in it. He wears his
hair braided and everything about him is buttoned
down; even his neck gills seem subdued. He came by
his position both because of his experience and age, but
also because he prefers the open lagoon to staying in
the village. He distrusts outsiders even more than the
average kia’i. Besides his second in command Wena, he
commands a squad of eight kia’i guards (see chapter 9)
which, at the GM’s discretion, can be inserted into any
encounter. Lopaka carries a +2 glaive.
Merrow Reinforcements
Round Reinforcements
Merrow and Merfolk (Week 18) 1 1d4 + 1 sahuagin
The merfolk have joined in the fight for the Isles against 2 1d4 + 1 hunter sharks
the ecliptic after being convinced by the kia’i it was in
3 1d8 + 1 reef sharks
their best interest. However, they’re facing a battle on
4 A giant shark
another front as a local tribe of merrow have become
emboldened by the chaos. Agrindyn will approach the 5 An aboleth
party after they’ve been in the area for a couple of days. 6 1d4 sahuagin and 1d4 reef sharks
Jungle sickness
Drake s Roost
Drake’s Roost is a 60-foot-by-45-foot clearing with a
small makeshift shelter beside a 10-foot-wide nest. The
nest contains 1d4 eggs, each over 2 feet in length. On
the far side of the nest, opposite the shelter, is a 12-foot-
tall square stone with unfamiliar writing on it. During
the night, Lady stays within a 600-foot radius of the Beast Tyrant Island Locations
nest, but during daytime hours she stays in the clearing.
The Standing Stone. The standing stone is (Week 16)
covered in Kumuhea’s writing. It can be deciphered
At the center of the primal archipelago is its smallest
over the course of 10 minutes with a successful DC 20
island: Beast Tyrant Island. A rolling plain surrounds a
Intelligence check or by using translation magic. Once
single hill, with a large nest centered on it like a castle.
deciphered, the reader learns the nihil edo ritual.
The island is home to one of the half immortals, a great
and powerful beast called Tyrannavis Deus (see chapter
9). Characters should only be able to venture this far into
NIHIL EDO the archipelago at higher levels, ideally with a guide.
216 Chapter 6: The Isles of Manaki
rampage (or to heal her). He then explains to the party Once at Drake’s Roost, Drake provides the party with
that he’s a stranded sailor and the sole survivor of a ship a meal of strange bitter fruits, small game, and a leather
that crashed into the area below. sack of nuts. After the meal is shared, he listens to
The party can press him further and learn he was in them, providing his druidic and spiritual insight on the
fact pilot of the ship carrying exotic weapons, and has situation. He has no intention of letting people decipher
since been living in the jungle alongside Lady. Although the writing and wishes for the archipelago to be left as it
he can’t help the party down the cliff, he tells them the always has been: forgotten by time. The party can side
ship can be identified by its swordsman figurehead. See with Drake, returning to Fort Sabão alongside the druid
the “Rocky Swells” section for more information. and his friend Lady to lay siege.
Returning to the Barrel Bandits. Returning to the During the conversation, if the party violates the
bandits with the weapons, or showing Bartholomew their boundaries Drake set earlier, Lady attacks the party
location directly will earn their friendship. If the party (note that this includes speaking louder than a whisper).
attempts to offer a small portion of the weapons or says If Lady attacks, Drake tries to calm her while directing
the shipment was destroyed, they must make a successful the party away from the clearing, urging them not to
DC 16 Charisma (Deception) check or risk fighting the return. If the party returns to Bartholomew, he gathers
bandits. If the party abandons the shipment, the bandits the majority of the bandits, takes the party, and fights
ambush the party if they ever return to the archipelago. with Drake in the roost. Bartholomew quickly discovers
that he and his team are unable to translate the stone,
Seek the Standing Stone (Week 7) and demands that the party share what it reads or be
killed (whether or not they can translate the stone).
The party can arrive at Fort Sabão in a few ways, but in
any case, Bartholomew attempts to quell the situation GM Note: If the party can’t translate the writings,
and speak to them inside the lighthouse. If the party and players seem disappointed in the outcome, have an
attacks the Barrel Bandits relentlessly, allow them to NPC suggest copying the writing onto paper and look-
wander the jungle before stumbling upon Drake. ing for a translator. Potential translators include Skati
Fylkir, Kumuhea herself, or any half immortal.
The large, barrel-chested leader of the bandits sits you
down at his table, offering a plate of dried meat and some
strange-smelling wine. “I can imagine why ye came here,
searchin’ for truth in old rumors. Aye, we’ve heard of this Event: Leaving the Primal
standing stone. Some people sez what’s written on it lets you Archipelago (Week 7)
control all the beasts from Cretacia to Cambriana! Other’s As the party sails away, they’re approached by a small
be sayin’ it keeps you from ever goin’ hungry. Whatever it is, Fiend in their shape-changed form. Select or roll a d4:
I like the sound of it, but I can’t find the damn thing. That’s 1–2 Batibat the imp (raven form) or 3–4 Frizzle the
where you lot come in.” quasit (bat form).
Bartholomew has been looking for the standing A small black creature swoops down and lands upon the
stone ever since he read the diary of a long-dead Ikolf rigging. Before you have time to react, it has changed form and
who used to operate the lighthouse. He offers the party
dropped down to the deck to kneel in front of you. “Help me,
a share in the magic, granted they’re able to locate
and secure the stone. Bart also offers them a box of please!” it squeaks out in a thin, quavering voice.
gemstones from his desk on the second floor. The creature explains that it’s from an island called
His only lead is from one of the Hook Brothers, who Redfield and that it hopes you’ll visit there and help it.
says they saw someone else on the island riding a giant With those few cryptic words, it flies off again, headed
monster like it was a horse. If the Hook Brothers are back to Redfield.
still alive, they’re able to lead the party through the
jungle to Drake. If they’ve been killed, the party can As you leave the Primal Archipelago and sail the calm, still
use one of their crude maps to decipher a path with a waters of Lifebearer Lagoon, you spy a strange sight: a froth of
successful DC 18 Intelligence check or a successful DC bubbles upon the surface of the water. As you watch, more and
12 Intelligence check using cartographer’s tools. This
more float to the surface. Someone or something is down below.
should eventually lead characters into the jungle.
When the party encounters Drake, he’s tending to If the characters have visited the Bloody Twins, add:
a small group of aquilops (see chapter 9). He’s deeply
surprised to see others on the island, offering to share his If you aren’t mistaken, the last time you were here was to
resources with them and hear their story. As he takes them retrieve Captain Keelhaul’s body.
back to Drake’s Roost, he warns them to be careful around
Lady. Specifically: don’t move more than 10 feet at a time,
don’t speak louder than a whisper, don’t move when she’s
facing you, and avoid coming within 30 feet of her.
Tyrannavis Deus
Doni Steinn
An Ikolf commoner in late middle age, Doni’s hair used
to be red, but has faded to a sand color. He’s thinning
on top, but has a full, long beard that he braids to keep
it out of the way when working. He’s never without his
tooled leather apron of many pockets, and he rattles
when he walks due to all the tools he carries. He doesn’t
carry a weapon, but is quite adept at turning his largest
hammer into one when need requires (+2 light hammer).
An established and respected Ikolf builder, Doni
has trained three generations of Ikolf in the fine art
of building. Lately, he’s been unable to run one of his
favorite field trips (to the Ruins) because of the large
number of undead. With builders who came from all over
the island for the festival, he had hoped to make a grand
showing of the Ikolf ruins and still has hopes of doing so
as of Week 8, but needs help dealing with all the undead.
By week 14, Doni and his apprentices had the bad
luck to be exploring the ruins when Skati’s troops
arrived, and are being held prisoner as possible life-
force sources for Skati.
Gundar Stein
This is Doni’s ancestor many times removed, but he still
bears a strong resemblance to his living descendent,
even down to the many-pocketed apron (it being a family
design passed on). He never makes himself known to
his grandson, as he’s ashamed of his role in creating the
forge. He was killed by Skati to protect the knowledge
of how the forge was built, as Skati didn’t want anyone
else to be able to make one. He haunts the Smithy, can’t
speak, but will do his best to communicate what he can
about the forge.
Upprisa Dimma
Worker s Tents (Week 14)
In reality a prison camp, but Skati and his cultists refer
to the people they’ve forced into service as “workers.”
Ten hastily constructed tents provide crude shelter for
the lucky ones, but many are forced to sleep in the open.
There’s a larger tent where a simple meal of bread and Doni Steinn
broth is served twice a day.
The people kept here all have special skills that would
be dulled or altered in some way if they were turned
undead, or they’re being kept alive for future use in the
life-force ritual. It has a heavily Ikolf population, as Skati
finds he gains more life force from people who are more
closely related to him. People here are desperate to prove
Afsana, go to the ruins. See how they might best be used for
our new base. We must move swiftly if we’re to attack Chitoni
during the molting period in four weeks.
Life Scales
Sacrifice Chamber
Turntail Swamp has been a cluster of toxic dangers,
thick overgrowths, and twisted magic ever since its
creation. Made by the Star Breather using a portion
of its own bile, the festering murky water developed
its own magic properties, becoming a fascination for Important Characters
the magically inclined to ferret out. Over the years,
the island became a destination for powerful arcane
creatures that could endure the harsh environment. The The Bloody Twins (Week 14 Only)
hags were drawn by magics not unlike their own, and If the party didn’t free the Bloody Twins at the Living
one could suspect the wizard Speki was drawn here in a Wall in week 8, they break free of the ship at some point,
similar sense. Each of them made their home there, with thanks to a stray bit of Kada’s magic finding them. If
varying results. Speki sought to overcome the swamp the party killed Keelhaul and stole his boat, the sirens
with sheer Ikolf ingenuity, and the swamp continues wrench themselves free upon reaching Turntail Island,
to refuse his tower. The hags and Speki reached a and are hostile to the party during encounters. If the
mutual understanding that they’d steer clear of each party has freed the sirens, the sirens are on good terms
other’s domains, and let everyone pursue their magical with the party.
research in peace unless it interfered with the others. In Free of the ship that held them prisoner for so long,
recent years, the hags have become more intolerant of the twins now roam the Isles searching for a way to
each other, arguing and slinging spells any time they’re regain their true forms, and possibly avenge themselves
within sight of each other. Speki died ages ago, but upon Keelhaul. They’re completely silent, modifying
remains as lich in his tower, untouched by time. the air and water around them to muffle sounds of their
approach. When they need to communicate they do so
with gestures, or writing if they have the means to do so.
Years ago, they were captured by Keelhaul, who
was smarting from a love affair with Fela Yala gone
awry. Using a heart-shaped gem Fela Yala had given
Flip-Tail is one of the many swamp otters (see chapter
9) that inhabit Turntail Swamp. A young (teenage
equivalent) otter, he has sleek brown fur with black
stripes, and a particularly agile tail. He’s intrigued by
outside visitors to the swamp, and is interested in talking
to them, although he won’t be very trusting unless they
prove themselves not to be a threat. Should they help
him in some manner, Flip-Tail proves a loyal ally while
in the swamp. He’s brave and bold, but is concerned
about the fate of his people, and all the swamp, with
fresh water becoming scarce and the swampland
becoming more and more watery.
The Hags
Chapter 6: The Isles of Manaki 237
the water becomes thicker, with dim shapes swimming
slowly around and beneath the boat. There’s nearly no
How Did We Get Here? birdsong, instead it’s replaced by the incessant sound of
(Week 10) overwhelmingly loud insects.
From SpringBog
How Did We Get Here?
As you sail north of Keyport, you pass a small Manaki fishing
boat. When you hail them, they wave frantically to you until (Week 14)
you pass close enough for conversation. When leaving either Entropy Abyss or Skyreach Temple,
The captain of the boat explains that they’re returning the party come across a group of Skati’s lesser draugr
empty again, but this time with puzzling news. They frequent- (see chapter 9). They overhear:
ly fish a freshwater spring off an island northeast of Keyport.
It’s always been full of fish, even though the island near it “The great lord wants us to head to the Swamps. His old enemy
is foreboding, they and other fishing parties often go there. still lives there, and he knows secrets that the lord would rather
But recently the fishing has been poor, and the water murky, keep hidden. Word is his tower is already sinking, let’s bring
almost as if the island’s swamp is beginning to reach out into him back to our lord and sink that tower once and for all.
the seas. The captain wanted to go ashore and see what was “The lord also wants to find out if the hags and their huts
going on, but his crew refused. are friends to his old enemy. If they are, they could put up quite
“Too much magic,” one crewmember says, shaking his a defense of that tower. Maybe we could even use the huts, if
head. “My grandfather went ashore there once. Came out with we kill the hags!”
tales of a beautiful witch who lived there, and he spent his
People also are reporting that the murk that infested
days trying to get back there to her, but no one would take him the freshwater spring is spreading, and the island might
to the island. Eventually he jumped off his fishing boat one day be starting to sink, as SpringBog did. It’s a race against
and the last anyone saw him he was swimming toward the time to get the huts, with or without the hags, off the
island, engulfed by the mist.” island before they sink and become unusable as weapons
“Superstitious nonsense,” the captain snorts, but the rest by either side.
of the crew looks uneasy. “I’ve heard of you all, I know you’re
very brave. We aren’t warriors, we’re fishers, but without fish
. . . Could you please see if something on the island is driving
the fish away?” Impossible Natural Density. Nearly the entire island
is covered with treacherous swamp. Other than a few
From the Glowing Caves trails of stepping stones and logs, there are no safe
On your way out of the Glowing Caves, you pass by a group paths through the murk. Strange creatures roam the
of merfolk examining a portion of the mosaic. You hear a swamps and carnivorous plants are always ready and
merfolk child ask “Why are the houses on legs?” This grabs hungry for trespassers. Characters have disadvantage
your attention and you look at the mosaic. It shows a swamp on checks made to navigate and, unless inside a
with four buildings: one a sinking, leaning tower, the other building, the entire island is considered difficult
three, buildings on legs. The mosaic is crumbling, so you terrain. The presence of one of the hags increases the
can’t quite tell what the legs are, but all of them are animal chance of sinking at any given time, as they instantly
call upon magic to camouflage treacherous areas
legs of various types.
(they’re particularly adept at making crocodiles look
“Those are the huts of the three sisters,” says one of the mer-
like harmless logs).
folk, who seems to be the art expert. “They hold much magic,
Variant: Disease and Other Icky Things. One major
but no one’s seen them in many years; no one’s dared brave
reason most intelligent creatures avoid Turntail Swamp
the mist that shrouds the island. Only the surface dwellers go is the high probability of contracting a disease. From
near there, even then only as far as the freshwater spring.” parasites in the water to berries that can change from
“Much good it’ll do them,” says another merfolk. “The harmless to poisonous within a few days in their ripen-
water there grows cloudy with algae and no one knows why. ing cycle, there are many things that can inconvenience
Perhaps the three sisters know. But from what I’ve heard from or even kill a visitor. In week 10, for every 1d6 hours
the Manaki sailors, they’ve lost a major food source. Perhaps spent in the swamp, the characters must succeed on a
someone brave will investigate the island.” DC 14 Constitution saving throw made with disadvan-
tage or contract a disease from the Turntail Swamp
Sailing through the ocean, a thick cloud of mist rolls in Ailments table. By week 14, the water is becoming
from a distant source. It first appears to be a low storm more polluted and various things on the island are
cloud, but as you near it, the dim form of an island becoming more dangerous, so the saving throw must be
takes shape. It’s very gloomy and murky, in contrast made every 1d4 hours spent in the swamp, and the DC
to the other, colorful islands. As you near the island, increases to DC 18.
Swamp Encounters
d6 Week 10 Week 14
1 A hydra 3d6 crocodiles disguised as a
log path
2 2d6 giant constrictor snakes An undead wurm (see chapter 9)
3 Quicksand pit (DC 14, see the 2d6 sunken sailors
Dungeon Master’s Guide) (see chapter 9)
4 2d6 shambling mounds Quicksand pit (DC 18, sink 1d6 feet.
5 2d6 will-o’-wisps 2d8 lesser draugr (see chapter 9)
6 2d4 crocodiles disguised as a 2d6 dusted ancients
log path (see chapter 9)
Bibbledraze Therafuze
Bibbledraze is a djinni with deep-blue skin and dark- Therafuze is a muscular djinni with almost-turquoise
black hair. He wears trousers of the finest silk and a blue skin. His arms and torso are tattooed with glowing,
dazzlingly white silk shirt topped with a deep-purple stylized words in Primordial (the names of his children
velvet waistcoat. A red silk scarf is tied around his with mortal partners: Nibikon the Better, Lalladah
neck, as well as dozens of gold chain necklaces. He the Swift, and Dhaasseel the Trustworthy). He wears
has a pointed goatee and long moustaches waxed into relatively simple silken clothing compared to the others
curlicues that point to the heavens. There’s nothing and is dressed more for ease of movement than to
Bibbledraze appreciates more than good entertainment, display wealth. His face is clean-shaven and his hair is
something he doesn’t feel he’s experienced in a good worn in a topknot. When he speaks, he looks whoever
many years. He ends almost every sentence with a he’s talking with directly in the eye. The most direct of
“Yes?” as if seeking agreement. the genies and the most in touch with his mortal soul,
Therafuze respects the strong.
Sparring Quarters
The sparring quarters are accessible only via a
teleportation circle and are used by Therafuze as a
gladiatorial arena to fight those who seek a wish from
him. The round room has a 40-foot diameter and is
located directly below the foyer. The outer edge of
the room contains a 5-foot-wide, fenced-off viewing
platform 20 feet above the rest of the arena. The upper
walls are padded and surrounded in thick, velvet drapes
that muffle sound. The lower pit has tiled marble walls
and a stone floor inset with drains around the edge.
The center of the floor includes a 10-foot-diameter
teleportation circle.
Riddle Rewards
Genie Reward
Bibbledraze Decanter of endless water
Godmeat Dust of dryness
Skegolom Cloak of protection
Therafuze Elemental gem (blue sapphire)
The four genies raise their glasses in a toast, waiting until you
join in to drink. They drain their glasses in one quick gulp, and
toss their glasses into the air, where the goblets disappear in a
flash. They grin broadly as you drink.
After the toast, the four genies offer the entire collection
of decanters to the party, as well as a deck of illusions. On
a failure, the genies begin to argue among themselves,
ignoring the characters and becoming so engrossed that Cloak of
they don’t even notice when the party leave. Protection
Preparing for the War fight, determined either by the GM or the characters
that enlisted them. The fights should go in an order
similar to: the Undead Lords, Kada, the Ecliptic
To prepare for this part of the adventure, the GM needs Articulata. Each of fight can take place on the enemy’s
to run through the list of allies and enemies that follows. vessels or on the party’s current ship, and can be
The forces opposing the party depend the party’s played out normally or described narratively, if the
previous actions, and whether or not the character is still session feels too drawn out.
alive in this part of the adventure. Due to the branching Once the party has defeated their enemies, they
style of the adventure, events in this section must be
reach the Black Atoll. Optionally, any ecliptic forces
created by the GM, but the general outline and sequence
the characters would fight during this chapter can be
of events is as follows: the party must fight through
relocated to the Black Atoll.
waves of differently themed enemies, reaching the Black
Did We Do Too Well? If the party has defeated
Atoll after the battle.
most or all of the Undead Lords, and dealt with Kada,
the forces of the ecliptic should replace their presence.
The Stages of Battle: When facing the Star Breather, the text mentions how
Unfinished Business destructive the party has been.
Oops. If the party failed to save any cultures in
When calculating allies, remember each character with the Isles, including the decapodians in Chitoni, the
a rival will be present to help fight that rival. Crew mirescales on SpringBog, and the islanders on Kadaur,
members the party has amassed can each help in one they find only the undead fighting the ecliptic forces.
Potential Allies in the Fight for the Sunken Isles
The choices the party makes during the campaign have consequences, especially in which allies are available to them
in the final weeks. Whenever the party make a decision about which location to visit, they are, perhaps unwittingly,
choosing who will fight alongside them at the end.
The Atoll
Magic Tattoos their supplies. Some examples for materials that amplify
tattoos are listed below.
Tattoo Materials
d6 Ingredient Encountered Part Needed Effect
1 Tiny orange reptile Tail dropped by reptile when The tattoo’s bearer regains an extra 1d6 hit points when a spell restores its hit
it feels threatened points
2 A cluster of fungus that resembles a brain Spores The creature summoned by the jungle companion tattoo can speak Common
3 Bush with clusters of hard white berries Berries The dive deep tattoo lets you breathe water for an extra 3 hours a day
4 Egg from a cave-nesting bird Egg yolk The tattoo’s bearer can speak its command word and cause it to shed dim light in
and shells a 30-foot radius. If spoken again, the tattoo ceases to glow.
5 Stala Being ink Ink secreted from Stala Inverts the effect of the tattoo, if possible
Beings during an alarm
6 Strange beetle with too many horns Shell and horns The SwiftScale tattoo gains an extra charge (for a total of 3 charges)
Mark of the Mant-i Striker Tattoo 2d6 + 2 thunder damage. You can also activate this
ability as an action. This property can’t be used again
Wondrous Item (Tattoo), Uncommon until you finish a long rest.
As a bonus action, you can attack with a projection of
the tattoo. It is a melee weapon attack and uses your
reach. You are proficient with it, and you add your ’
Kia i Tattoos
Strength modifier to its attack roll. It deals 1d12 + your The kia’i rarely share their tattoos’ magic with surface
Strength modifier piercing damage plus 1d4 fire dam- dwellers. Iolana is the person most likely to help the party
age. You can’t use this property again until you finish a gain their benefits, but if the party allies with the rest of
short or long rest. the kia’i, they can receive any of these tattoos in Kauhale.
In addition, if a decapodian would be hostile toward
you at the start of an encounter and this tattoo is visible,
the decapodian is instead indifferent. Aquatic Arcanist Tattoo
Wondrous Item (Tattoo), Rare
Ikolf Tattoos You learn the prestidigitation cantrip. Intelligence is
your spellcasting ability for this spell.
With the exception of the dive deep tattoo, these tattoos
are much more difficult for the characters to acquire. Friend of the Kia’i Tattoo
If the party is on good terms with any of the Undead
Wondrous Item (Tattoo), Rare
Lords, or if the GM deems an NPC from the Ruins a
reasonable artist, the party may receive a small number You gain a 10-foot bonus to your swim speed, if you have
of these tattoos. one, and you can cast the water breathing spell from this
tattoo. Once you do, this property can’t be used again
for 7 days.
Dive Deep Tattoo In addition, if a kia’i would be hostile toward you at
Wondrous Item (Tattoo), Uncommon the start of an encounter and this tattoo is visible, the
You can breathe water for up to 8 hours a day. The kia’i is instead indifferent.
duration resets daily at dawn. If the tattoo was
applied by an amateur artist, roll on the table below True Passage Tattoo
to determine its potency. At the GM’s discretion, an
Wondrous Item (Tattoo), Very Rare
experienced artist may be able to rework an amateur
dive deep tattoo into a standard one. By pressing the tattoo against a door or a wall as an
action, you can teleport 5 feet through the touched
Amateur Dive Deep Tattoos surface. If you would arrive in a space already occupied
by an object or a creature, you instead take 3d6 force
d6 Water Breathing Duration damage, and the effect fails. This property can’t be used
1 10 minutes again until you finish a short rest.
2 30 minutes
3 1 hour
4 3 hours
5 8 hours
6 24 hours
Fehu Tattoo
Wondrous Item (Tattoo), Rare
You have advantage on Charisma (Deception
or Persuasion) checks made to barter.
Thurisaz Tattoo
Wondrous Item (Tattoo), Rare
The thurisaz tattoo (sometimes called a thruma tattoo) is
given to Ikolf warriors that are expected to fall in battle.
It resembles two lightning bolts that extend from the
wearer’s hands to their heart.
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, the thurisaz
tattoo sends an electrical jolt through your muscles
and claps your hands together. You take 2d6 lightning
damage and every creature within 60 feet of you takes
Kia’i tattoo
Old Shell’s Mantle holding it, you can use an action and expend 1 charge
to release a wave of terror. Each creature within a 30-
Armor (Medium or Heavy, but Not Hide), Very Rare foot radius of you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom
(Requires Attunement) saving throw or be frightened of you for 1 minute.
You have advantage on death saving throws while you While frightened this way, a creature must spend its
wear this armor. Additionally, you have resistance to a turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and
random damage type, chosen daily at dawn by rolling it can’t willingly move towards you to a space within 30
on the following table: feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, the
affected creature can only take the Dash action or try to
d10 Damage Type d10 Damage Type escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If it
1 Acid 6 Necrotic has nowhere it can move, the creature can take the Dodge
2 Cold 7 Poison action. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat
3 Fire 8 Psychic the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
4 Force 9 Radiant
5 Lightning 10 Thunder Wavesplitter
Weapon (Dagger), Artifact (Requires Attunement)
Stone Flask of Duplication You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this weapon. While attuned to this dagger, you can
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
breathe underwater and can stand on and move across
This small stone flask does not open, instead bearing any liquid surface as though it were solid ground. As an
small slits on its stopper. If the flask is dipped into a action you can part sections of a nearby body of water
liquid for 1 minute, it will slowly begin to produce more for 1 minute, either in a 60-foot radius around you or in
of the liquid over time. Every 1d6 days it will glow a stationary, 40-foot-diameter tunnel that is 120 feet long
faintly, and the stopper can be removed to produce 8 or tall and originates from a point within 5 feet of you.
ounces of the liquid. If the flask was dipped in a potion This property can’t be used again until the next dawn.
of rare or higher rarity, it instead produces clean water.
Wurm Bracelet
Vomm’s Bonekeeper Staff Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
Staff, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
This bracelet has 3 charages and regains all expended
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made charges daily at dawn. You can activate this bracelet
with this weapon, which is two-handed and deals 1d12 as an action by expending 1 charge and petting the
bludgeoning damage. This magic weapon has 3 charges bracelet’s carved wurm’s head. For 10 minutes, you can
and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While give simple commands to any wurms within 60 feet.
Elements of Allay
Element Owner and/or Location Effect
Marrow Kada or Fylkir’s Fall This spear forms the base for Allay. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this weapon (cumulative with other elements of Allay). When you hit a creature that has less
than half its maximum hit points with Allay, you can force the target to make a DC 20 Constitu-
tion saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes paralyzed, immovable, and invulnerable
for 7 days. If Allay is removed from the affected creature, the effect ends early. Once this property
has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.
Makana’s Blessing Isle of the Watching Wom- Once per day, when you hit a creature with Allay, it takes an extra 100 force damage.
an or the Black Atoll
Quarala’s Blessing King’s Tomb Whenever you roll a 1 on an attack roll or a damage roll with Allay, you can reroll the die.
Convergence Soil The Glowing Caves When harvested during the full moon, on the longest day of the year, mud made from Glowing
Caves soil has the power to mend bones not attached to the living. A weapon coated with this
mud mends itself, is immune to rusting, and if destroyed, reforms from the debris after 1 round.
Dipped in Ichor The Pool of Paint at Sky- This boon allows any weapon to damage the Star Breather. In addition, any weapon with this
reach Temple boon has its damage type altered to a random new type (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing).
The Flux RoundBelly in SpringBog or When the Flux imbues a weapon, the Flux is immediately destroyed. Whenever you make an
Captain Jackdaw at the attack roll with Allay, you can change its damage type (e.g. acid, necrotic, or slashing). In addi-
Entropy Abyss tion, Allay can be activated as an action. For 1 minute, Allay acts like a paintbrush that creates
a constant stream of magical darkness. During each of your turns, you can fill spaces you move
through with this darkness (no action required). The amount of spaces (5-foot cubes) you can
paint per turn is equal to 1 + your Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). The darkness vanishes after 1
minute, or you dismiss it as a bonus action.
Jarn Axehead Isle of the Watching Forged by the Watching Woman herself, this axehead can be attached to a staff or spear to
Woman turn it into a greataxe. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon
(cumulative with other elements of Allay). The jarn axehead can cut through nonliving material
with ease. If used to attack a door or similar object, it deals double damage.
Thrust into the twin Redfield As an action, you can use the weapon as a paintbrush to paint a wide circle, and create a portal
rings of Redfield to Sedeh or to Sera and summon a Fiend randomly selected by the GM. You can use this property
twice and regain expended uses daily at midnight.
Wavesplitter Unu at Kauhale This dagger can be added to Allay, opposite the axehead given by the Watching Woman. At-
tacks made using the wavesplitter modification are glaive attacks. You have a +1 bonus to attack
and damage rolls made with this weapon (cumulative with other elements of Allay). While at-
tuned to Allay, you can breathe underwater and can stand on and move across any liquid surface
as though it were solid ground. As an action you can part sections of a nearby body of water for
1 minute, either in a 60-foot radius around you or in a stationary, 40-foot-diameter tunnel that is
120 feet long or tall and originates from a point within 5 feet of you. This property can’t be used
again until the next dawn.
Armor Class 16 (natural armor); 13 when molting Armor Class 17 (natural armor); 14 when molting
Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24) Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45)
Speed 20 ft., swim 40 ft. Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
14 (+2) 8 (−1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 8 (−1) 11 (+0) 7 (−2)
Limited Amphibiousness. The ‘ula’ula can breathe air and Limited Amphibiousness. The mant-i can breathe air and
water, but must be submerged in saltwater for 1 hour a day water, but must be submerged in saltwater for 1 hour a day
or it dries out and gains 1 level of exhaustion. This level of or it dries out and gains 1 level of exhaustion. This level of
exhaustion can’t be removed until the ‘ula’ula spends 1 hour exhaustion can’t be removed until the mant-i spends 1 hour
in saltwater. in saltwater.
Actions Actions
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Multiattack. The mant-i makes two Superheated Bash attacks.
target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage. Superheated Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage
Reactions and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving
Backward Dash. While the ‘ula’ula is underwater, if it takes throw or take 5 (2d4) fire damage. If this attack is performed
damage from a melee attack, it can use its reaction to swim underwater, the mant-i can force a creature within 5 feet of
up to 30 feet away from the attacker. This movement doesn’t the target to make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a
provoke opportunity attacks. failed save, the creature takes 5 (2d4) fire damage.
Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment Graceful swimmers with long, flowing fins and webbed
feet and hands, the kia’i are formidable fighters in the
Armor Class: 17 (natural armor); 14 when molting water, but also strong upon land. Their innate spellcast-
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36) ing gives them many advantages when doing battle in
the water, but their strong sense of justice and leader-
Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft. ship serves them well anywhere. Their coloration, which
ranges primarily between blue-green and deep purple,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA serves as excellent camouflage under water.
16 (+3) 21 (+5) 16 (+3) 8 (−1) 13 (+1) 7 (−2)
Mant-i basher
14 (+2) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
Hold Breath. The mirescale can hold its breath for 1 hour.
Pack Tactics. The mirescale has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the mirescale’s allies is
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage.
Cutlass. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) slashing damage.
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 8 (−1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 8 (−1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1)
Skills Medicine +4, Stealth +5, Survival +4 Skills Medicine +4, Stealth +5, Survival +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Primordial Languages Common, Primordial
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Hold Breath. The mirescale can hold its breath for 15 minutes. Hold Breath. The mirescale can hold its breath for 15 minutes.
Pack Tactics. The mirescale has advantage on an attack roll Pack Tactics. The mirescale has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the mirescale’s allies is against a creature if at least one of the mirescale’s allies is
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Spellcasting. The mirescale shaman is a 4th-level spellcaster.
Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12). The Actions
mirescale shaman has the following spells prepared: Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Cantrips (at will): druidcraft Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
1st level (3 slots): floating disk, purify food and drink Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
2nd level (2 slots): blindness/deafness, flaming sphere target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage. Hit or Miss: The
mirescale can take the Disengage action as a bonus action
Actions this turn.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage. Hit or Miss: The
mirescale can take the Disengage action as a bonus action
this turn.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
damage, or 7 (1d8 + 3) if used with two hands to make a
melee attack.
Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30/120 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
People and Individuals
Multiattack. The bloody twin can use Siren’s Call, if its twin
hasn’t used the same ability this round. It then makes two
Slam attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Siren’s Call. Each non-Undead creature within 60 feet of the
bloody twin that can hear it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. If the save fails by
5 or more, the target is also petrified until freed by the greater
restoration spell or other magic. A frightened target can repeat
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
frightened condition on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving
throw is successful or the effect ends for it, it is immune to this
bloody twin’s Siren’s Call for the next 24 hours.
20 (+5) 2 (−4) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 8 (−1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Dex +1 Skills Intimidation +3, Medicine +3, Stealth +5, Survival +3
Damage Resistances force Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and Languages Common, Primordial
slashing from nonmagical attacks Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses tremorsense 120 ft., passive Perception 9 Gut by Grak. GoodEye has advantage on saving throws
Languages Common, Primordial against being poisoned.
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 Hold Breath. GoodEye can hold her breath for 15 minutes.
Pack Tactics. GoodEye has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of her allies is within 5 feet
Actions of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Clamp. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one Slippery. GoodEye has advantage on rolls against
target. Hit: 32 (6d8 + 5) piercing damage. If the target is a being grappled.
Huge or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity Special Equipment. GoodEye carries a HeartRipper.
saving throw or be swallowed by Gigas. A swallowed creature
is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and Actions
other effects outside Gigas, and it takes 21 (6d6) acid damage
at the start of each of Gigas’s turns. Multiattack. GoodEye makes two Claws attacks. She can
If Gigas takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from replace one Claws attack with a HeartRipper attack.
a creature inside him, Gigas must succeed on a DC 21 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
feet of Gigas. If Gigas dies, a swallowed creature can escape target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage. Hit or Miss:
from his corpse with a successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) GoodEye can take the Disengage action as a bonus action
check, exiting prone in space within 5 feet. this turn.
HeartRipper. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1)
piercing damage, or 5 (1d8 + 1) if used with two hands to
make a melee attack.
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 14 (+2)
Skills Arcana +5, Medicine +9, Perception +9 Skills Arcana +9, Intimidation + 6, Perception +7
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Common, Primordial Languages Common, Primordial
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Amphibious. Onaona can breathe air and water. Amphibious. Vomm can breathe air and water.
Spellcasting. Onaona is an 18th-level spellcaster. Onaona’s Special Equipment. Vomm carries and is attuned to Vomm’s
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with bonekeeper staff.
spell attacks). Onaona has the following cleric spells prepared: Spellcasting. Vomm can cast the following spells, requiring
Cantrips (at will): guidance, mending, spare the dying, no material or verbal components and using Intelligence as
thaumaturgy the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with
1st level (4 slots): create or destroy water, cure wounds, spell attacks):
detect magic, sanctuary At will: darkness, thaumaturgy
2nd level (3 slots): aid, lesser restoration, zone of truth 3/day each: banishment, create or destroy water,
3rd level (3 slots): beacon of hope, dispel magic, mass ray of enfeeblement
healing word 1/day each: dispel magic, hallucinatory terrain
4th level (3 slots): control water, death ward, freedom of
movement, polymorph Actions
5th level (3 slots): dispel evil and good, greater restoration, hallow
6th level (1 slot): forbiddance, heal, true seeing Multiattack. Vomm makes four Bonekeeper Staff attacks.
7th level (1 slot): regenerate Bonekeeper Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
8th level (1 slot): holy aura 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
9th level (1 slot): mass heal
Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) slashing damage.
Week Scavengers Haulers Shockers Anglers Lesser Hunter Hunter Greater Hunter Articulata
1 X X
2 X X X
3 X X X X
4 X X X X
5 X X X X X
6 X X X X X
7 X X X X X
8 X X X X X
9 X X X X X
10 X X X X X
11 X X X X X X
12 X X X X X X
13 X X X X X X
14 X X X X X X
15 X X X X X X
16 X X X X X X X
17 X X X X X X X
18 X X X X X X X
19 X X X X X X X X
20 X X X X X X X X
Multiattack. The swarm make one Bites attack and one
Pincers attack.
Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
creature in the swarm’s space. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage,
or 3 (1d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half its hit
points or fewer.
Pincers. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
creature in the swarm’s space. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage.
Ecliptic Scavengers
Ecliptic scavengers are the ultimate experts in the
efficient cleaning and stripping of organic matter from Scavengers that have eaten their fill become swollen. In this
any surface, alive or dead. The creatures are primarily a state, it is a Large swarm of Small Celestials, its Armor Class
combination of snails, slugs, shrimps, and nudibranchs. is reduced to 10, and its speeds are reduced to 5 feet.
They are fist-sized and armored with an iridescent spiked If the swarm is reduced to 0 hit points, it explodes
shell. They have both a simple lung and gills, making and each creature within 10 feet of it must make a DC 10
them comfortable in any environment. Depending on the Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
materials the Star Breather had to work with, they might takes 3 (1d6) poison damage and is poisoned until the end
also have tentacles, pincers, or claws. They operate in of its next turn. On a success, the creature takes half as
swarms. Scavengers won’t attack unless attacked first or much damage and no additional effects.
actively directed to do so by a greater ecliptic.
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0)
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +7, Survival +6 Skills Perception +8, Stealth +8, Survival +8
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Celestial, Primordial, and up to two languages its Languages Celestial, Primordial, and up to two languages its
body knew in life body knew in life
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Amphibious. The ecliptic can breathe air and water. Amphibious. The ecliptic can breathe air and water.
Stealthy Swimmer. While underwater, the ecliptic hunter Stealthy Swimmer. While underwater, the ecliptic hunter
has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and it can take has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and it can take
the Hide action as a bonus action. the Hide action as a bonus action.
Actions Actions
Multiattack. The ecliptic hunter makes three Bite or Multiattack. The ecliptic hunter makes two Bite or Tail attacks.
Claws attacks. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 28 (6d6 + 7) piercing damage.
one creature. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 26 (3d12 + 7) slashing damage.
one creature. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Multiattack. The articulata can use its Frightful Presence. It
then makes two Limbs attacks and one Slam attack.
Limbs. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
creature. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage plus 6 (1d12)
radiant damage.
ECLIPTIC ARTICULATA Frightful Presence. Each creature of the articulata’s choice
Gargantuan Celestial, Typically Lawful Evil that is within 120 feet of the articulata and aware of it must
succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened
for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
Armor Class 21 (natural armor) end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
Hit Points 363 (22d20 + 132) success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect
Speed 60 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 60 ft., swim 80 ft. ends for it, the creature is immune to this articulata’s Frightful
Presence for the next 24 hours.
Large Undead, Chaotic Evil
Multiattack. Keelhaul makes two attacks using Cutlass,
Flintlock Pistol, or a combination of them. He can replace
one of the attacks with his Barrel Chug, if available, or a Bite
prone in a space within 10 feet of him. If Keelhaul dies, a
attack, if he doesn’t have a creature swallowed.
swallowed creature can escape from his corpse using 5 feet
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., of movement, exiting prone.
one target. Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) piercing damage, and the
Cutlass. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
target is swallowed if it is a Medium or smaller creature.
one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) slashing damage.
A swallowed creature is blinded and restrained, has total
cover against attacks and other effects outside Keelhaul, Flintlock Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
and takes 10 (3d6) necrotic damage at the start of each 20/40 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (4d8) piercing damage.
of Keelhaul’s turns. Keelhaul can only have one creature Barrel Chug (Recharge 5–6). Keelhaul drinks greedily from
swallowed at a time. If Keelhaul takes 20 damage or more his whiskey barrel, dulling his senses and sparking his rage.
on a single turn from a creature inside him, he must Keelhaul has advantage on his next attack roll this turn and
succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw at the gains resistance to damage from the next attack that hits him
end of that turn or regurgitate the creature, which falls before the start of his next turn.
13 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Saving Throws Con +6, Cha +5 Skills Arcana +6, History +6, Perception +4, Persuasion +6
Skills Animal Handling +9, Arcana +8, History +8 Damage Resistances fire
Damage Resistances bludgeoning from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities lightning, necrotic, poison
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Languages Common, Old Ikolf, Primordial
Languages Common, Druidic, Old Ikolf, Primordial Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Spellcasting. Skati can cast the following spells, requiring no
Spellcasting. Kumuhea is a 16th-level spellcaster. Her material components and using Intelligence as the spellcasting
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with ability (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks):
spell attacks). Kumuhea has the following druid spells prepared: At will: chill touch (2d8 necrotic), shocking grasp
Cantrips (at will): guidance, mending, sacred flame (2d8 lightning)
1st level (4 slots): animal friendship, detect magic 4/day each: charm person, comprehend languages, magic missile
2nd level (3 slots): animal messenger, moonbeam, spike growth 2/day each: bestow curse, blindness/deafness, counterspell,
3rd level (3 slots): conjure animals, meld into stone, speak flaming sphere, lightning bolt
with plants Rejuvenation. Unless his head is cut off, his body burned,
4th level (3 slots): conjure woodland beings, dominate beast, and his ashes cast into the sea, Skati gains a new body in
stone shape 1d6 + 1 days, regaining all his hit points and becoming active
5th level (2 slots): commune with nature, insect plague, again. The new body either appears in the same space he
wall of stone died or in the nearest available space.
6th level (1 slot): move earth, wind walk
7th level (1 slot): regenerate, reverse gravity Actions
8th level (1 slot): earthquake
Draining Grasp. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
Stony Stride. Kumuhea is unaffected by difficult terrain. 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (3d6 + 2) necrotic damage. Skati
then regains 4 (1d8) hit points. In addition, the target has
Actions disadvantage on the next Constitution saving throw it makes
before the end of its next turn.
Multiattack. Kumuhea makes four Quarterstaff attacks.
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., Bonus Actions
one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage, or 5 (1d8 +
1) bludgeoning damage if wielded with two hands. Lord of Corpses. Skati creates an Undead servant from the
remains of a dead creature within 15 feet of himself. This
Earthshatter (Recharge 5–6). Kumuhea unleashes a pulse
Undead is under Skati’s control and is either a skeleton or a
of energy to warp the ground in a 15-foot radius around
zombie, determined by the remains available.
herself, causing it to become difficult terrain or normal
terrain, provided it is made of stone or earth.
Koa Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +1 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d6 − 1)
piercing damage, or 3 (1d8 − 1) piercing damage if used with
two hands to make a melee attack.
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 5 (−3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (−2)
14 (+2) 9 (−1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 5 (−3) 13 (+1) 8 (−1) 13 (+1) 2 (−4) 11 (+0) 9 (−1)
Legendary Actions
20 (+5) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) The Star Breather can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
from the options below. Only one legendary action option
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, piercing, and creature’s turn. The Star Breather regains spent legendary
slashing from Allay actions at the start of his turn.
Damage Resistances psychic Reclaim the Gift. The Face stares at one creature within 60
Damage Immunities acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, feet of it. That creature must succeed on a DC 24 Charisma
necrotic, poison, radiant, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, saving throw or its Intelligence score is reduced by 2. If this
and slashing from weapons that aren’t dipped in ichor reduces a creature’s Intelligence score to 0, it dies.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, Speak Truth. The Face speaks a True Word, overwhelming
exhaustion, frightened, grappled, incapacitated, paralyzed, the consciousness of mortal beings. Creatures within 60
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained feet of the Face that aren’t deafened and can understand
Senses truesight 5 miles, passive Perception 20 a language must succeed on a DC 22 Intelligence saving
Languages all, telepathy 5 miles throw or its Wisdom score is reduced by 2. If this reduces
a creature’s Wisdom score to 0, it ceases to experience
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +9 time, falling into an incomprehensible dream state forever.
Inhale (Costs 2 Actions). The Face opens its mouth and
Godly Presence. The Star Breather regains all its hit points at inhales, sucking the life energy from nearby creatures.
the end of each creature’s turn. If reduced to 0 hit points, its Each creature within 60 feet of the Face must succeed on
connection to this reality breaks and it vanishes. In addition, a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or its Strength score is
if the Star Breather is vanquished this way, it is unable to reduced by 4. If this reduces a creature’s Strength score to
return to this reality by any means. If Allay reduces the deity 0, it is crushed by the atmosphere and reduced to ash.
to 0 hit points, it dies instead.
Alternatively, the GM can design their own native spirit and accompanying
abilities based on the item being enchanted and the character who carries it.
16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +4 Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +4
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning from magical attacks Damage Vulnerabilities fire
(in glass form) Damage Resistances bludgeoning and slashing from
Damage Resistances fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and nonmagical attacks
slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities piercing, poison
Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities exhaustion, petrified, poisoned
Condition Immunities exhaustion, petrified, poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages understands Common and Primordial but can’t
Languages understands Common and Primordial but can’t speak, telepathy 60 ft.
speak, telepathy 60 ft. Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Multiattack. Kadeus uses Speak. It then makes one Slam attack.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Speak. The steward speaks ancient magical words, whose
effect varies based on which face is speaking. Kadeus can’t
use the same face twice in a row:
Timius. Each creature within 30 feet of Kadeus that can hear
it must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or
age 1d4 years and take 16 (3d8 + 3) psychic damage.
Dramius. Each creature within 30 feet of Kadeus that can
hear it must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw
or take 17 (2d10 + 6) force damage plus 16 (3d8 + 3)
psychic damage.
Disteus. Each creature within 30 feet of Kadeus that can
hear it must succeed on a DC 19 Charisma saving throw
or take 16 (3d8 + 3) psychic damage and be teleported 30
feet in the air.
Decius. Each creature within 30 feet of Kadeus that can hear it
must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or take 13
(2d12) necrotic damage plus 16 (3d8 + 3) psychic damage.
Fabius. Each creature within 30 feet of Kadeus that can hear
it must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or
take 16 (3d8 + 3) psychic damage and be deafened and
blinded until the end of its next turn.
Fateus. Each creature within 30 feet of Kadeus that can hear
it must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving throw or take
16 (3d8 + 3) psychic damage and have disadvantage on
attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
Proteus. Each creature within 30 feet of Kadeus that can
hear it must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or
take 16 (3d8 + 3) psychic damage. In addition, up to 1d4
weapons not being held become flying swords. This
effect ends after 1d6 rounds, if the weapon is reduced to
0 hit points, or if Kadeus is reduced to 0 hit points.
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +11, Wis +13, Cha +11
Skills History +11, Perception +13
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeon-
ing, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 23
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 19 (22,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6
Large Beast, Unaligned
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
False Appearance. While the roothound remains motionless,
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. it is indistinguishable from a mess of gnarled roots.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Retreat. The guardian retreats inside the doghouse bush and Actions
gains total cover against attacks and other effects outside the Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
bush. While in the bush, the guardian’s speed is 0, it can’t Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
take reactions, and the only action it can take is a bonus
action to emerge.
24 (+7) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 4 (−3) 14 (+2) 6 (−2) 26 (+8) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 6 (−2) 18 (+4) 8 (−1)
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +10 Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +9
Skills Perception +7 Skills Perception +9
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17 Damage Resistances lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and
Languages understands Primordial but can’t speak slashing from nonmagical attacks
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 Condition Immunities frightened
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 19
Bioluminescent. The leviathan sheds dim light in a Languages understands Primordial but can’t speak
45-foot radius. Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
Actions Actions
Multiattack. The leviathan makes one Bite attack and two Multiattack. Itsk makes one Jutting Bite attack and one Tail
Tail attacks. Slam attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one Jutting Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 20 ft.,
target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage and 9 (1d4 + 7) one target. Hit: 24 (3d10 + 8) piercing damage.
bludgeoning damage. Tail Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft., up to two targets within 5 feet of each other. Hit: 21 (3d8 +
one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage. 8) bludgeoning damage and the targets must succeed on a
DC 19 Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away.
Swamp Otter
The swamp otters of Turntail Swamp are wolf-sized,
with thick pelts that easily repel water. Though
primarily peaceful, they defend themselves when
attacked with their strong teeth.
Skills Perception +6, Survival +6
Medium Beast, Typically Chaotic Neutral Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Druidic
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. The swamp otter makes two Bite attacks.
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 16 (2d12 + 3) piercing damage.
Medium Beast, Unaligned
Skills Perception +2
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages —
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Bioluminescent. The vipera piscis sheds dim light in a 30-
foot radius.
Keen Smell. The vipera piscis has advantage on Wisdom YOUNG WURM
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Large Beast, Unaligned
Multiattack. The vipera piscis makes two Bite attacks. Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit Points 68 (8d10 + 24)
Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) piercing damage. Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft.
Skills Perception +2
Condition Immunities prone
Senses tremorsense 120 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages —
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) piercing damage.
This setting wouldn’t have been possible without help from the Hawaiian community.
Honua Consulting was kind enough to lend a hand and teach the team about their
unique practices, beliefs, and language. They also got us in touch with Solomon Enos,
a renowned Hawaiian artist who offered incredible support and talent to Sunken
Isles. And of course, a big thanks to Purple Mai’a, whose shared efforts of bringing
inspiration to young creators is above and beyond!
We’d like to give enormous thanks to our backers and supporters. Every adventure,
story line, character, stretch goal, pledge tier, and product is created with you in mind,
and we really wouldn’t be here with the Sunken Isles if it weren’t for the support from
you all. Whether you are a subscriber to the Runesmith Youtube channel, a long-term
backer of past Eldermancy projects, or picking up an Eldermancy book for the very
first time, we thank you and couldn’t do this without you.
The Isles of Manaki
1 Skyreach Temple
(on the peak of Mount Kadaur)
2 Makolf
3 Fylkir’s Fall
4 The Ruins
5 Keyport
6 Alaula Cove
7 SpringBog
11 8 Chitoni
9 Eastguard
10 Westguard
11 The Primal Archipelago
2 12 Turntail Swamp
13 The Glowing Caves
14 Redfield
15 Kauhale
16 The Living Wall
17 King’s Tomb
18 Wishmaster’s Conclave
19 The Watching Woman
20 Entropy Abyss
13 21 The Black AtolL
The Isles of Manaki
Once a tropical paradise, kept pure and hidden from the world.
Over time, evil kings and pirates from outside lands came to conquer and mark
the Isles as their own. New settlers in the Isles and their need for external goods
led the Isles to open themselves to the greater world.
But with expansion comes destruction. The ancient and powerful spirits that
inhabit this magical paradise have noticed the industry, seeing the waters
littered with raided ships and its people poisoned by external motives.
Now, the spirits of the Isles take their first move toward cleansing the isles and
returning them to their previous state.
The characters quickly find themselves embroiled in the struggle for the Isles of
Manaki, up against numerous foes, all of which are battling for control of the
Isles and the unique magic it contains.
Whether they’re natives, settlers, or newcomers, it’s up to a handful of
unexpected heroes to revolt against the rampant danger and save the Isles from
complete reconstruction.
This adventure takes place over the course of twenty in-game weeks,
with the characters gaining a level after each week’s adventure.