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5E Sorceria - S1 Cult of The Hydra

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Black Skull

Story and Setting by Chris Boyce DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon amper-
Written by JVC Parry sand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product
Edited by Lou Fryer names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards
Cover Artwork by Lie Setiawan of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
Interior Artwork by Dean Spencer, Lee
Setiawan, and Nicholas Kay This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
Cartography by Sean Macdonald permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Layout Design by Julia King Dungeon Masters Guild.

Playtesters include Doug Dietz, Chris All other original material in this work is copyright 2021
by Chris Boyce of Black Skull Games and published under
Rowan, Craig Branson, Charles Connell, the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
Alex Dinkel, Frank Saragusa, Jamie Guild.
Dietz, Steve Oleson, Jason Ensminger,
Bill Hector, Dan Hunt, Molly Meadows,
Sam Parry, Tom Wilkins

On the Cover
Azalon, the Master of Sorceria,
uses the Black Skull Artifact and
his magical prowess to destroy
the Elder Eight in what became
known as the Master’s Square.
The Green Hydra illusion which
they summoned lingers to this
day as an insult to Azalon’s rule.

Table of Contents
Introduction 6 First Floor 69
Plot 7 Control Room 71
Adventure Overview 8 Crow Marks 72
Chapter 0—Blood Debts 11 Generator 75
Placing Sorceria 11 Generator 76
Sorcerian Expectations 11 The Grid 76
Blood Debts 12 Golem Vault 78
Vaults 84
Chapter 1—Death Under the Hydra 15
Disposal Well 85
The Master’s Square 15 Resolution 85
The Cadaver 15
Crow House Thugs 16 Chapter 5—A God Unborn 87
The House of Ash  18 Temple of the Hydra 87
The Palace of Portals 20 Final Showdown 89
Blood Berry Brewery 23 Resolution 97
Arrival & Entry 23 Chapter 6 — Poisoned Chalices 99
Interior 24 An Invitation 99
The Barrow Brewery 26 Resolution 101
Chapter 2—Deathly Spirits 28 Appendix A: Sorcerian Gazetteer 103
The Barrow Brewery 28 Arrival 103
Resolution 32 History 103
Chapter 3—Wererat Nation Infiltration 34 People of Sorceria 105
Where to Look 35 Master of Sorceria 105
Clues 35 The Arcanum 105
Undercity Travel 36 The Elder Eight 106
Encounter Setup 39 The Watchers 107
Miasma 41 Black Wizards 107
Diseases 41 Cult of the Hydra 107
Wererat Pursuit 43 Lords & Ladies of Sorceria 107
Random Encounters 45 Abracadabra Boys 108
Terrain Encounters 45 The Architects 108
Creature Encounters 48 The Law 108
Undercity Locations 52 Covenant & Censure 108
Barrow Brewery 52 Getting Around  110
Crow House Dungeons 52 Flying Carpets  111
Inkcap Coven 52 Mundane Travel  111
Lith Karstlyn 54 Sorcerian Runes 111
N'ver'nezt 55 Teleportation 111
Rusted Heaps 58 Sorceria’s Wards 112
The Spuming Loch 59 Master’s Tower  112
Temple of the Hydra 60 Snatchers Ward 114
The Wretched Gap 60 Banker’s Ward 115
Resolution 60 Hydra Ward 116
Powder Ward 120
Chapter 4—From the Ashes 62
Holy Ward 121
The Crow House Dungeons 62 The Hearth 121
Through the Undercity 63 Green Ward  122
Through Sorceria 63 Palace Ward  123
Crow House & Dungeons 64 Outside the City 125
Crowdrones & Vents 64 Undercity 125
Ground Floor 67 Keep Your Eyes Open 126

Arcane Obliviation 126 Dire Rat 142
Black Skull Aspects 126 Dire Rat Skeleton 143
Cult of Holofax  126 Dread Warrior 144
Eve of Entropy 127 Eldritch Trolls 144
Flying Fortresses 127 Eye Ghouls 146
Glowstones 127 Hydra−God 148
Naturalists 127 Hydra Hatchling 149
Nokturn Lights 127 Increased−Threat Rug of Smothering 149
Seven Moons of Magic 127 Larva 150
Verlin the Game Master 127 Melzor’s Simulacrum 150
The Whispering Wizard 129 Rat Golem 151
Side-Quest Hooks 129 Ratling 151
The Bloodsoaked Tower 129 Shardcrows 152
Finding the Elder Eight 129 Sporrid 153
Gilrot House 129 Sporrid Inkcap 154
The Gnome Guild 130 Verminar Gesh 154
No Name Inn 130 Wererat Giant 156
The Silver Slipper 130 Wererat Plague Spreader 157
The Tower Timeless 130 Wererat Shaman 158
The Witch’s Cauldron 130 Wererat Spy 159
Appendix B: Citizens of Sorceria 132 Xoltan 160
Amon Kane 132 Appendix D: New Magic Items & Poisons 162
Arabesque Mortis 132 Appendix E: Undercity Vehicles 164
Aspect Ghaeral, Conclave Vizier 132 Stat Blocks 164
Azalon, Master of Sorceria 133 Creature and Cargo Capacity 164
Cester Crow 133 Armor Class 164
Crigcheq 133 Ability Scores 164
Drendel Zautlar 134 Hit Points 164
Eclavdra Mlezzass 134 Actions Stations and Crew 164
Emara Chastapur 134 Rules 166
Fetid Faelyn 134 Magical Elements 166
Ghourgos 134 Opportunity Attacks 166
Granny Rustgums 135 Action Stations 166
Jada Qorack 135 Undercity Fuel 166
Jaracular Finch 135 Arachnoid 167
K’dril Mlezzass 136 Deathring 167
Lucern Mortis 136 Eldritch Throne 168
Marza 136 Sewersphere 169
Melzor Gax 136 Tunnel Buggy 170
Midnight Jack 137 Mishaps 171
Mortimer Klune 137 Vehicular Exhaustion 172
Ralagant Dux 137 Repairs 172
Rowan Adder 137 Crashing 172
Tiana Blue 137 Falling 172
Verminar Gesh, the Mother Rat 138 Upgrades 173
Wormguts 138 Alternative Weapon Stations 173
Xoltan 138 Armor Upgrades 174
Appendix C: New Monsters 139 Magical Gadgets 174
Animated Iron Statue 139 Chases in the Undercity 175
Blade Devil 139 Appendix F: Player Options 176
Brain in a Jar 140 Grimlor 176
Crowdrones 141 Shadowlock 177
Daughter of the Hydra 141


orceria is a city like no other. Magic is
everywhere; it literally walks the streets.
The city itself, and the forest that surrounds
it, is part of a roaming demi-plane. The city
travels through other worlds and planes of
existence, stopping where the Master, Azalon, desires.
This immense magic is sustained by a terrifyingly
powerful arcane artifact called the Black Skull. The
magical potential of this legendary item is almost
boundless, and it is a source of envy for many a mage
in Sorceria.

“It is a place of black stone walls, cobblestone

streets, stylized townhouses, flying dragons,
and magic carpets. At the center of the city
is the colossal Master’s Tower, imbued with
neon-purple energies. The streets are full of
wizards, witches, sorcerers, eclectic shops,
glaring conspirators, servant monsters, and the
prolific use of cantripTs and magical objects.
The noises, smells, and enchanted ambiance is
utterly overwhelming.”

– Melryk the Magician

In S1 Cult of the Hydra, the player characters receive

‘the dream’ from Azalon, calling upon their blood
debts (see Chapter 0), and demanding that they join
the Watchers, a society that serves as a secret police in
Sorceria. They wield the power of the oculus amulets,
and keep enemies of the Master in check.
The reason the characters are called to serve as
members of the Watchers is no petty affair—the body
of an apprentice wizard has been found in Master’s
Square beneath a hydra illusion summoned to insult
Azalon's ability to control the city. To be free of their
blood debts, the characters must solve the murder, and
capture the culprits.
During the adventure, the characters uncover a sinis-
ter plot operating under the Cult of Hydra. Although it
initially appears that this new cult is responsible for the
murders, as the body count grows it becomes apparent
that the plot runs deeper. The Elder Eight, an ancient
foe of Azalon’s, are embroiled within the murder. They,
inspired by their newest member, Cester Crow, have
concocted a truly evil scheme that the characters must
unravel, if they have any hope of repaying their debts.

This adventure is a complex murder mystery. The basic
outline of what occured, and what the characters will
hopefully come to discover, is as follows:

⚫ Cester Crow publically joins the Elder Eight upon

his father’s death, and devises the apprentice
abduction scheme to overthrow Azalon, the
Master of Sorceria.
⚫ One of the Elder Eight, Melzor Gax, provides
inside information from the Watchers to facili-
tate the abduction, and offers his own son as one
of the eight victims to ensure his involvement is
ruled out.
⚫ Cester Crow manipulates the Wererat Nation, a
seedy society of lycanthropes from the Under-
city, to assist in the abduction.
⚫ The Wererat Nation hires the notorious Jada
Qorack to pose as a Conclave vizier during the
⚫ On the anniversary of the Elder Eight’s destruc-
tion, the apprentice abduction takes place:
◆ Cester Crow kills the Conclave vizier, Ralagant,
who was due to escort the apprentices to the
Master’s Tower, via the Palace of Portals, for
a graduation celebration from the Conclave.
◆ Disguised as Ralagant, Qorack collects the
apprentices and leads them to the Barrow
Brewery, instead of the Palace of Portals.
◆ The apprentices are temporarily imprisoned
at the Barrow Brewery before the Wererat
Nation arrives to take the apprentices to the
Crow House dungeons, via the Undercity.
◆ Cester Crow brings the first apprentice to the
Temple of the Hydra for sacrifice.
◆ The first apprentice’s body is deposited in the
Master’s Square.
⚫ The characters are called to join the Watchers
and solve the murder.

Content Warning:
Human, especially child, sacrifice is a major
theme of this campaign.

House, they find Cester waiting for them. His spies
Adventure Overview have kept him in the loop, and now Crow is determined
The murders taking place in Sorceria are not the act to kill the characters, with the assistance of his kenku
of one organization or individual alone. Rather, they minions and deathtrap house. If the characters over-
involve a web of individuals and societies working in come the challenges set,
tandem, whether knowingly or not, to bring about the they pursue a fleeing
aims of the Elder Eight. The basic outline of the adven- Cester to the Temple
ture runs as follows. of the Hydra.
In Chapter 0, the players make their characters with Chapter 5 sees the
blood debts to Azalon. During this session 0 they characters arrive at
receive ‘the dream’, in which the Master of Sorceria the Temple of the
calls upon them to repay their blood debt by solving a Hydra, where the
murder. The DM should use this session to encourage apprentices are
the characters to make bonds with each other and work being held captive,
on party cohesion. They should also ensure that they and where the Cult
bring up the content warnings presented on the previ- of the Hydra meet
ous page to ensure that all of the players are happy with for rituals. The char-
the content of the adventure. acters must stop the
In Chapter 1, the characters arrive in Sorceria and are birth of a god through
inducted into the Watchers. By this point, the first body a foul ritual, which
has been removed, but another has taken its place. the sacrifice of the
The characters must examine the crime scene for clues Conclave apprentices
before consulting with the Conclave and the House of has been leading up
Ash, a wizarding school and mortuary respectively, to, and disentangle
about the murders. During this time, the characters are the Cult of the Hydra
spotted by Cester Crow, who sends a mob of Crow House from the true villains
thugs to take care of them. The final scene of Chapter 1 – the Elder Eight. If the
sees the characters travel to the Palace of Portals, where characters fail, Sorceria
they discover Jada Qorack disguised as the Conclave is plunged into chaos as the
vizier, Ralagant. god runs rampant. The Arcanum
Should the characters succeed in fending off the Crow – the elite society of powerful wizards
House thugs, gathering sufficient clues from the crime who serve as the Sorcerian government
scene, and extracting information from Jada Qorack in – lose trust in Azalon and, manipulated by the
the first chapter, Chapter 2 sees them visit the Barrow Elder Eight, overthrow his rule.
Brewery. It was here that the disguised Jada Qorack led In the adventure’s denouement, Chapter 6, the char-
the Conclave apprentices, so they could be kidnapped acters return to Melzor Manor to be recognised for their
by the Wererat Nation. Characters can search this loca- work as members of the Watchers, and to be debriefed.
tion for further clues, fighting off the undead servitors Potentially unaware that Melzor Gax is secretly a
of the brewery’s owner, Lucern Mortis, and Wererat member of the Elder Eight, as well as a high-ranking
Nation spies, who have been stationed in the brewery member of the Arcanum, the characters have to fend
to keep an eye on the nefarious Lucern. off one final attempt on their lives, as Melzor and his
During Chapter 3, the characters are forced to enter servants try to poison the characters.
the sewer network of Sorceria in search of the kidnapped The adventure should run from at least 1st to 10th
Conclave apprentices. They are too late, as the appren- level (see the sidebar overleaf), but could take the
tices have been moved on to the Crow House dungeons, characters to higher levels depending on how much
but the clues they uncover in the sewers point them in additional content they engage with in and around
the right direction. During this chapter, stealth is of Sorceria. Extra content is provided in Appendix A.
the utmost importance, as the Wererat Nation are a
powerful force of evil who are best left unaware of the
presence of the Watchers in their business.
After collecting clues leading to the involvement of
Cester Crow in the sewers of the Wererat Nation, the
characters must head back to the streets of Sorceria to
confront him in Chapter 4. Upon their arrival at Crow

Milestone Levelling
This adventure assumes that the player char-
acters will be gaining levels via the milestone
system. Characters start at 1st level, and should
reach a minimum of 10th level by the end of
the campaign. The campaign provides scope
to reach 14th level, and further levels could be
gained by using adventure hooks from Appen-
dix A. The rough outline of when characters are
likely to level up is outlined below.

⚫ Characters start Chapter 1 at 1st level.

◆ Characters reach 2nd level after
encountering the Crow House thugs.
◆ Characters reach 3rd level after discov-
ering the Barrow Brewery.
⚫ Characters start Chapter 2 at 3rd level.
◆ Characters reach 4th level after discov-
ering the involvement of the Wererat
Nation in the apprentice abduction.
⚫ Characters start Chapter 3 at 4th level.
◆ Characters advance a level after they
discover their third, six, and ninth
◆ Characters advance a level when they
reach the Crow House dungeons, to a
minimum of 6th level.
⚫ Characters start Chapter 4 at 6th level, or
◆ Characters advance a level for every
two floors of the Crow House dungeons
they explore, and for exploring Crow
House itself.
◆ Characters should be at least 7th level
before confronting Cester Crow.
◆ Characters gain a level after defeat-
ing Cester Crow, to a minimum of 8th
⚫ Characters start Chapter 5 at 8th level, or
◆ Characters advance a level, to a mini-
mum of 9th level, after stopping the
⚫ Characters start Chapter 6 at 9th level, or
◆ Characters advance a level, to at least
10th level, after surviving the betrayal
of Melzor Gax.
Melzor Gax

Chapter 0—Blood Debts

his chapter details session 0 of your drain it from the city. As well as all these societies and
new campaign—S1 Cult of the Hydra. factions, at odds with each other, there are also familial
Because of the unique setting of Sorceria, houses that are renowned for certain deeds, trades, or
it would be helpful to have a session 0 politics. Their intermingling creates complex intrigue
with your players to establish a feel for the and mystery that the characters must unravel. For a full
campaign to come, what they can expect in Sorceria, rundown of the societies and houses in the city, consult
and to create characters that are tied to the setting. Appendix A: Sorcerian Gazetteer. For detailed infor-
mation about non-playable characters (NPCs) in this
Placing Sorceria adventure, consult Appendix B: Citizens of Sorceria.
Sorceria is part of a roaming demi-plane that travels The following societies are those most closely connect-
throughout planes and worlds, at the whim of the ed to the main plot of S1 Cult of the Hydra:
Master, Azalon. Typically, Sorceria might appear in
a world because there is something there which the ⚫ The Arcanum—an order of archwizards, led by
Arcanum, an order of archwizards, is interested in the Master of Sorceria, Azalon. These individu-
investigating or acquiring. Because of this, Sorceria als aim to maintain control over the city, and to
unlock new magical powers. Although Azalon is
can be placed in any setting, including the Forgotten
their current leader he is, by no means, indispen-
Realms, Eberron, Ravenloft, Theros, Ravnica, or any other. sable.
If you’re struggling to find a setting for Sorceria in
⚫ The Elder Eight—a semi-secret society of
your game, consider where sources of arcane magic are
wizards, loyal to the previous Master of Sorceria.
located, or where powerful eldritch artifacts are kept. It They defy Azalon, who they view as an inferior
is these sorts of things that the Arcanum is interested pretender to Sorcerian rulership, and work in
in, and thus where Sorceria is likely to appear. the shadows to bring about his fall. They have
staged the apprentice abduction to humiliate
Sorcerian Expectations Azalon and gain support from the Arcanum to
The Sorcerian demi-plane is one typified by bountiful overthrow him.
magic. Where most cities might be unlit, or perhaps ⚫ The Watchers—a group of secret police creat-
use torches and braziers, the light of Sorceria is main- ed by Azalon and managed by Amon Kane,
tained by purple continual flames. Troops of nokturn the Steward of Sorceria. Their aim is to remove
threats to Azalon’s rule.
skeletons, obsidian undead that burn with the light of
the Black Skull, patrol the streets, upkeeping the exist- ⚫ The Cult of the Hydra—cultists devoted to the
ing buildings as well as erecting new structures. Magic creation of a hydra god creature, led by High
Priest Xoltan. The cult was created by the Elder
items can be bought and sold at markets in Sorceria as
Eight as a front for their malicious machinations,
easily as groceries in more mundane fantasy worlds. and is based on false mythology.
All of this is maintained by the Black Skull—a legend-
⚫ The Conclave—a school of apprentice wizards,
arily powerful item, in the possession of Azalon, which
located on the opposite global pole of Sorceria,
fuels the city with seemingly limitless magical power. run by the Grand Vizier, Neondolyn the Blue.
Games that take place in the Sorcerian demi-plane Many of the Conclave students have gone on to
will be filled with magic. Even if the characters choose become members of the Arcanum.
not to create spellcasters, the vast majority of their ⚫ The Wererat Nation—a subterranean society
foes within the city will have the capability to sling of lycanthropes who maintain their population
spells their way, and the locations and events they are through abduction and passing on their curse.
likely to come into contact with are all infused with Although not directly opposed to Sorceria, the
the magic of the Black Skull. wererats are considered Undercity criminals by
The other defining feature of the city of Sorceria is Sorcerians. The nation's leader, Verminar Gesh,
intrigue. There are dozens of factions at work in the has been influenced by the cranium rat familiar
city, all of which have their own agendas and methods. of Cester Crow, to work on their behalf.
Some are looking to seize control of the city, others to ⚫ The Black Wizards—a group of talented wizards,
maintain the status quo. Some are interested in unlock- essentially civil servants, working for Azalon and
ing further magic power, whilst others are looking to the Arcanum. The Black Wizards do important
jobs such as manning the Palace of Portals.

Blood Debts Blood Debt Situation—Willing
A major part of your session 0 should be working with d6 Situation
the characters to create blood debts to Azalon and the The individual took the blood debt in
Arcanum. These blood debts can be leveraged by the 1
return for great wealth.
Master to create a blood pact, in which the characters
are forced to serve the will of the Azalon until the task The individual took the blood debt to gain
he sets is complete. In this adventure, Azalon seals a spellcasting abilities.
blood pact with the characters, demanding that they The individual took the blood debt to gain
solve the murder of the Conclave apprentices and the favor of one they admired.
bring the perpetrators to justice. The individual took the blood debt in
Blood Debts are not a physical thing, but act more like 4
return for immense skill at a craft or art.
a curse. They could be passed down through families
The individual took the blood debt in
for generations, transferred from one person to another 5
return for the services of a familiar.
through means of sanguine rituals, accepted while in a
place of desperation, or willingly undertaken by indi- The individual took the blood debt for the
viduals seeking greater power. Each blood debt does power, gained once the debt is paid.
not always come directly from Azalon or the Arcanum, Blood Debt Situation—Fooled
but might be sealed by their agents.
The following tables provide some inspiration for d6 Situation
possible sources of the blood debts, how they came to
The individual received the blood debt as
occur, and what was gained from them. Roll randomly 1
a result of gambling.
on these tables for each character, to determine their
blood debt, or work with the players to come up with The individual gained the blood debt
blood debts that are unique to their characters. after losing a bet.
The individual received the blood debt
Blood Debt Source after breaking another pact.
d6 Source The individual gained the blood debt after
signing a contract they misunderstood.
Your character willingly took the blood
The individual received the blood debt in
1 debt. (Roll on Blood Debt Situation—
5 return for a boon (see previous table) but
Willing table)
wasn't aware of the full repercussions.
Your character was fooled into incurring The individual gained the blood debt after
2 the blood debt. (Roll on Blood Debt Situ- 6
failing a gauntlet of challenges.
ation—Fooled table)
Blood Debt Situation—Desperation
Your character accepted the blood debt in
3 a time of great need. (Roll on Blood Debt d6 Situation
Situation—Desperation table)
The individual took the blood debt to
Your character was forced into the blood 1
avoid death out in the wilderness.
4 debt by an agent of Azalon. (Roll on Blood
Debt Situation—Forced table) The individual took the blood debt to save
the life of a family member or loved one.
Your character inherited the blood debt at
birth from a parent. Roll a d4 and consult The individual took the blood debt when
5 the first four results of the table, replacing 3 battling a monster they could not other-
your character with one of your character’s wise defeat.
parents. The individual took the blood debt in a
Your character was cursed with the blood 4 time of great illness, or after receiving a
6 grievous injury.
debt by an enemy.
The individual took the blood debt in
order to escape from their previous life.
The individual took the blood debt when
in desperate need of wealth.
Blood Debt Situation—Forced Upon receiving this dream, the characters are
compelled, as per the geas spell, to honor their blood
d6 Situation pact. This means seeking out Sorceria and joining the
Watchers. Have each player describe their character’s
The individual owed a debt to Azalon, and
1 journey to Sorceria, and one particular challenge they
had to take the blood debt as payment.
overcame on their way.
The individual did something to anger Once each character has described their journey,
2 Azalon, and was given the blood debt as they arrive at Sorceria. Their fated arrivals all occur at
retribution. the same time, with the characters reaching the gates
The individual committed a minor crime of the city concurrently. Once they are within the city
3 in Sorceria, and was given a blood debt as walls, they must find their way to the Master’s Tower,
punishment. where they are met by Amon Kane and inducted into
the Watchers. Read or paraphrase the following:
The individual became entangled in an
4 occult society, and was given the blood
debt in a ritual. Your arrival at the Master’s Tower, a looming,
obsidian spire encircled by dragons, is quick-
The individual got on the wrong side of
ly proceeded by the emergence of a bald,
5 the Arcanum, and was given the blood
androgynous figure wreathed in an ashen
debt in return.
robe and wearing an eldritch amulet around
The individual made a mistake that was their neck; an eight-pointed star. They intro-
6 detrimental to Sorceria, and was given the duce themselves as Amon Kane, Steward of
blood debt in return. Sorceria, and state they have been expect-
To Sorceria… ing your arrival. They beckon you to follow.
After some time ascending the tower, you
Once characters have determined their blood debts
find yourselves in a vast chamber along-
to Azalon and the Arcanum, they might go on living
side Amon Kane and the man you recog-
their lives for years and years, or might be called upon
nise from your dream; Azalon, the Master
the next day. When the call does arrive, it comes in the
of Sorceria. He greets you wordlessly with a
form of a dream. Read or paraphrase the following:
cold nod of acknowledgement, before Kane
ushers you to a plinth. They gesture for you
The moment you close your eyes, you fall into a to stand upon the raised platform and, when
deep and heavy sleep. You see visions of twist- you do, they raise their hands into the air.
ing, purple smoke, in which images of your You begin levitating, at Kane’s command. Your
past appear cloud-like in formation. Before bodies are suddenly wracked by immense pain,
long, the smoke fades and you’re present- like your bones are radiating lightning within
ed with a scene you’ve never seen before. your bodies, causing your muscles to spasm.
A tall, bald man in black and red robes holds a Amon opens their mouth and utters, “Bestoras
staff high into the air, and begins casting a spell, ocularum, sumarahn degarum,” in the tongue
using an obsidian skull held in his other hand. of magic. As you float back to the ground, dizzy
As the words of magic take effect, an immense from your induction, you feel the weight of an
bolt of purple lightning strikes his staff, and is amulet around your necks.
hurled towards a pack of fleeing cultists, dressed
in matching green robes and hoods. The eight
Once the characters are inducted into the Watchers,
figures try to counterspell the lightning, but are
they each receive their oculus amulets. These amulets,
struck regardless. As the life is shaken from their
shaped like a glossy eyeball with a purple iris and
bodies, the illusion of the hydra they have creat-
jet-black pupil, on a thin, silver chain, are cursed
ed dissipates. The victorious mage turns toward
magic items.
you, his eyes lit with purple flame, and speaks
in a deep, melodic voice. “Ana'nathran'ewlat'be-
thran… your oath is due. I summon thee to Sorce-
ria, to bear the oculus, and SERVE MY WILL.”
You awaken suddenly in a cold sweat.

Oculus Amulet
Wondrous item (rare)
You have advantage on saving throws against spells Dead Characters
while you wear this amulet. There’s a good chance that the player’s charac-
Curse: The amulet is cursed, and wearing it extends ters might die during the course of this adven-
the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you ture. Talk with your players about whether
cannot take off the amulet, or take actions to remove they’re interested in exploring character death
its curse. At any time, Amon Kane can use an action to during the campaign, or whether they’d prefer
‘see’ through a specific oculus amulet, provided it is on to have a less lethal game. If the latter is the case,
the same plane of existence, though this can be blocked you might need to pull the occasional punch. If
by spells that prevent divination magic. Furthermore, the players don’t mind character death, remind
Amon Kane can use an action to cast a version of the them that their new characters should have a
teleport spell, transporting up to eight creatures wear- blood debt like their initial characters, and thus
ing oculus amulets, who are assumed to be willing, to can be pulled into the adventure alongside the
their location. They count as an ‘associated object’ for existing characters without difficulty. Any new
the purposes of this version of the teleport spell. characters should enter at the same level as
existing characters.
After the ceremony is complete, and the characters
have become fully-fledged members of the Watchers,
you can end session 0. The players should each now
have a character tied to Azalon by their blood
pacts and, ergo, to the Watchers—the society
dedicated to his protection. The first session of
the campaign starts with the characters at the
scene of the second body, with Amon Kane Amon Kane
relating to them what information they
already know about the murders of the
Conclave apprentices.

Chapter 1—Death Under the Hydra

his chapter begins with the charac- The Cadaver
ters arriving at the crime scene—the
Master’s Square. Here, for the second
night in a row, the body of a Conclave The bright, blue-and-purple robes lie in stark
apprentice has been dumped beneath the contrast against the pale skin of this young
illusion of the hydra (only visible at night). During this adult, perhaps only around sixteen years of age.
chapter, characters should amass enough clues in the His throat has been slit, though there is not a
Master’s Square, the Palace of Portals, and the House trace of blood on his person.
of Ash, to point them to the Barrow Brewery. They
may expose Jada Qorack, who is masquerading as the The characters can gather the following clues through
Conclave vizier, Ralagant, and fight off the Crow House simple observation, or by succeeding on certain abili-
thugs sent to deal with the characters by Cester Crow. ty checks detailed beside the object in question:

The Master’s Square Robes. The robes are those of a Conclave apprentice.
The first part of the adventure details the crime, as well They show no traces of blood.
as the scene of the corpse at the Master’s Square, and ⚫ DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check: The bottom of
provides characters the opportunity to investigate, ask the robes bear faint mud stains, as might be
questions, and collect clues. To begin the adventure, expected, but there is a fresher, amber stain.
read or paraphrase the following: ◆ DC 10 Intelligence check: The stain can be iden-
tified as ale.
Azalon, Master of Sorceria explains that you’ve ⚫ DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check: The
been summoned to help solve a crime. Eight way the robes have fallen suggests that
apprentices from the Conclave have been the body was dropped from a horizon-
tal position, rather than falling naturally.
abducted and, as of yesterday, have started
turning up dead in the Master’s Square. This
Corpse. The corpse is of a young man. The obvious
very morning a second body has been discov-
cause of death is a slit throat, though the wound has
ered in the same place. The Master explains that
been cleaned of blood.
only outsiders can be trusted with the quest, as
he fears there are still some within the Arcanum ⚫ DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check: The boy died
who would seek to overthrow him. within the last 24 hours.
⚫ DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check: There
are no defensive wounds, but there are
Once the characters have had the chance to ask ques- marks around his wrists and ankles which
tions, they can visit the Master’s Square with Amon suggest manual restraints were used.
Kane. Read or paraphrase the following:
Scene. The Master’s Square—a cobbled courtyard.
It is early morning. The rising sun splashes Eight body-shaped scorch marks show where the orig-
orange light across the obsidian cobbles of inal Elder Eight were destroyed by Azalon.
the square. Lying, crumpled and humiliated, ⚫ DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check: Scuffed cobbles
in the center of the expansive courtyard, is marked with ash indicate two persons moving
the body of a young man in Conclave robes. something heavy across the stones.
“This is he,” remarks Amon Kane. “Second ◆ DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check: The
Conclave apprentice left here, deceased. The bodies must have been brought here by two
first appeared the night before last on Arising, individuals under the cover of invisibility.
the anniversary of the overthrowing of the Elder ◆ DC 16 Wisdom (Survival) check: The ashy foot-
Eight.” Amon shoots a pointed glance in your steps lead off towards the west. Eventually,
direction. “I’m here, if you need anything. The they become lost in the general bustle of city
first body is at the House of Ash. You can head traffic.
there, when you’re done here.”

Amon Kane. Amon can shed light on the following: When the characters have examined the corpse as
much as they feel necessary, and have spoken enough
⚫ Who is he? The Conclave apprentice is Yorrin to Amon Kane, they may wish to leave to investigate
Jormand. He was one of the newest cohort of other locations, such as the Palace of Portals, the House
apprentices, and was scheduled to meet with of Ash, the Barrow Brewery, or Blood Berry Brewery.
Azalon yesterday. His family are not notable— When they do, read or paraphrase the following:
cobblers working on Stone Street in the Snatch-
er’s Ward. Their classmaster was the vizier Amon Kane retrieves a small, silver whistle from
Aspect Ghaeral, who you can find at the Palace their pocket, and gives it a blast. No audible sound
of Portals.
can be heard but, within a moment, a young lad
in a tatty waistcoat, sporting a battered top hat
⚫ How did he get here? Each night, the hydra illu- at least a size too big for him, is by Amon’s side.
sion appears in the Master’s Square and, during
“This is Midnight Jack,” says Kane, gesturing
its magical coalescence, the bodies appear on
the scorch marks. How this happens is not yet toward the lad. “He’s one of the Abracadabra Boys.
clear, but magic must be involved. They know their way around Sorceria better than
anyone. Take this whistle,” they say, proffering a
silver tube. “One will arrive, when you blow it.”
⚫ Who was the first cadaver? Tahlia Smeart. A
classmate of Yorrin, also supposed to meet “That we will!” chirps Midnight Jack, an impish
with Azalon. Both her parents are viziers of the twinkle in his eye. “Where to then, guv’s?”
Conclave, though our investigations have failed
to turn up any rivals or enemies that might have Midnight Jack is a cheeky character, with a peculiar
been involved. Given that a classmate has now history and heritage, but he’s honest enough, while
turned up, we don’t think it’s a familial affair. working for the Watchers. He can take the characters
to anywhere they fancy in Sorceria but, if they’re stuck
⚫ Who are the other missing apprentices? As well for ideas, Jack suggests they visit the Witch’s Caul-
as Tahlia Smeart (female) and Yorrin Jormand dron, his favorite tavern. Locations pertinent to this
(male), the missing apprentices are Eradin Pard- adventure that the characters may wish to visit are
uun (male), Jax Fealson (non-binary), Seralin detailed below.
Fiwen (female), Cirrif Java (female), Relorn Durn
(non-binary), and Gygor Gax (male).
The Original Elder Eight
⚫ What’s the significance of Arising and the hydra Even though the Elder Eight were vanquished
illusion? Thirteen years ago, on this date, Azalon, by Azalon thirteen years past, the characters
the current Master of Sorceria, overthrew the might still want to know more about them
Elder Eight. These eight powerful mages tried given the number of factors that link them to
to remove Azalon from power, as Azalon was not
the current events. The original Elder Eight
born in Sorceria. They viewed him as an inferior
Master, but their attempt to depose him was always remained anonymous, even in death,
thwarted. However, before they were destroyed, and thus this line of investigation cannot lead
they managed to create the hydra illusion in far.
the Master’s Square. It cannot be dispelled and,
supposedly, will only dematerialize when Azalon
dies. It’s only visible at night, but it’s a great slight
Crow House Thugs
against the Master. Whether these murders are The characters have not entered the city unnoticed.
linked in some way to the Elder Eight, or to the The mastermind of the apprentice abduction plot,
hydra illusion, we’re not yet sure. Cester Crow, has been keeping close tabs on who
is working the case through his plant, Melzor Gax.
⚫ There is an ale stain on Yorrin’s robes. Are there Having acquired the characters’ general descrip-
any breweries or taverns in Sorcercia? Yes, dozens. tions, he tracks them down, while they’re journeying
Ale is drunk all over the city, so the stain could between locations in Sorceria, and dispatches some
be from almost anywhere. You’ll need to narrow thugs loyal to his house to remove the characters from
down your search before canvasing breweries. the investigation. This encounter should occur before
the characters investigate either of the breweries and,
once complete, allows them to reach 2nd level.

Cester locates the characters using his cranium rat
familiar, Nicodemus. At any time during their journey
through Sorceria, though preferably when Midnight Adjusting Difficulty
Jack is not around, the characters can be distracted by This encounter is written assuming a hard
the rat. Read or paraphrase the following: encounter for four characters of 1st level. If
your group consists of five characters, consider
As you stroll through the cobbled streets, you using two thugs and one bandit. If your group
spot an albino rat scurrying up a drainpipe. You consists of six characters or more, add two addi-
catch its eye, and it nods towards you. When it’s tional bandits to the encounter.
sure it has your attention, it beckons with its
little hand, descends the drainpipe, and scurries
into a nearby alleyway.

If the characters follow, they find them-

selves being led down into the backstreets
of Sorceria. These winding alleys are
unlit by the magical flame that keeps
most of Sorceria illuminated. Before
long, the rat disappears into the
sewers, down a grate. As the charac-
ters try to work out how to open the
grate, they are jumped by a thug
and two bandits. Characters with
a passive Wisdom (Perception)
score of 13 or higher spot the
gang sneaking up on them.
The gang are loyal to House
Crow, but aren’t being paid
for the job. They’re no
strangers to a scrap, but if
one of them is killed, the
others flee. They try to
knock one of the charac-
ters unconscious, and then
threaten the characters to
drop the case rather than
trying to kill them.
The thugs try to avoid
capture at all costs but, if they are caught,
they refuse to give up who they’re working
for. Rather, they claim that they were just
looking to mug someone, and know nothing
about the rat. Characters that succeed on a
DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check realise they are
lying, and can press the issue with a DC 15
Charisma (Intimidation) check. On a success,
one of the gang throws a silver crow emblem
at the characters’ feet before slipping out
from the characters’ grasp.

The House of Ash
This mortuary is currently in possession of the cadav-
er of Tahlia Smeart, the first Conclave apprentice to
be murdered and dumped in the Master’s Square. It
is run by Mortimer Klune, a mortician trusted by the
Watchers. The characters can gain further clues from
Mortimer Klune. When the characters arrive, read or
paraphrase the following:

The building before you is lofty and leaning,

barely keeping itself upright as the third storey
keels forward over the street, creating a deep
shadow. A sign hanging from the front signi-
fies you’re in the right place: The House of Ash.
No sooner have you rapped upon the door
does a pallid man, strangely similar in appear-
ance to his house, creak open the oak portal.
“Ah, you’ve arrived. May I introduce myself?
Mortimer Klune, trusted mortician and expert
anatomist. Please, do come in. Tahlia is awaiting
your arrival.”

Klune, a peculiar, soft-spoken man, shows the char-

acters into his back rooms, where the cadavers are
kept. He guides them to the chamber in which Tahlia
Smeart is being kept, and ushers them inside.
Within, lying on a blood-stained wooden table, is the
apprentice. She is covered with a sheet but her robes
are available for the characters to examine. Charac-
ters can gather the following clues from her body and
Mortimer’s consultation:

Corpse. Like Yorrin, the cause of death is a slit throat.

The wound had been cleaned before being deposited
in the Master’s Square, and the body was drained of
blood. She was killed no more than 24 hours before
her body was found.
⚫ DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check: There is an easily
discernible scent of yeast infused into Tahlia’s
hair. Mortimer noticed this, but dismissed it.
⚫ DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check: The combi-
nation of an ale stain on Yorrin Jormand’s robes,
and the smell of yeast in Tahlia’s hair, suggests
the shared location of a brewery.
⚫ DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check: There are no
defensive wounds, but there are marks around her
wrists and ankles which suggest manual restraints
were used, which Mortimer failed to notice.
Mortimer Klune

Robes. The robes are those of a Conclave apprentice.

They show no traces of blood.

Mortimer’s Wife
During their investigation of the body, characters with
a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 12 or higher Brewery?
hear sounds from the upper storey of the House of By this point, the characters are very likely
Ash, accompanied by nervous coughs from Mortimer. to have some inclination that a brewery is
Before the characters leave, or if they ask about the involved in the recent disappearance of the
noises, Mortimer asks a favor of them. Read or para- Conclave apprentices. Unfortunately for the
phrase the following: characters, there are dozens of breweries scat-
tered throughout Sorceria, ranging from dingy
“Just before you leave, might I ask a question of back-alley brewhouses to high class distilleries
you? My wife, dearest Alice—she’s fallen unwell. and vintners producing the most expensive
I think she might have cut herself on one of vintages available.
my dissection tools or something, but she got
a nasty fever and she’s been in bed ever since. In order to narrow down their search for a
It’s been a week now. She’s still got an appetite, brewery, the characters should continue their
mind you, but refuses anything other than steak research into the case by visiting the Palace of
pies… If you could just take a look at her for me, Portals. Here they can consult Rowan Adder’s
I’d appreciate it.” sign-in scroll to determine that the Conclave
apprentices were taken from the Palace to
Sorceria’s Palace Ward. Thankfully, there are
Alice Klune’s room is a sorry affair. The furniture has only a two breweries in this part of the city; the
been battered and broken. The windows are boarded Blood Berry Brewery, which is a red herring, and
up, and there are scratch marks covering the door. the Barrow Brewery, where Lucern Mortis—a
Lurking within a four-poster bed is what remains of member of the Elder Eight—kept the Conclave
Alice, a zombie with the following changes: apprentices for a short time.
⚫ She has 45 (6d8 + 18) hit points.
⚫ She can make two slam attacks each turn, or one
bite attack:
◆ Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) piercing damage,
and the target’s hit point maximum is
reduced by an amount equal to the damage
taken. This reduction lasts until the target
finishes a short or long rest.
⚫ She has a challenge rating of 1.

If Mortimer hears the sounds of combat breaking

out in the room, he barges in and demands to know
what’s going on. He can’t see that his wife has died and
become undead, and takes her side in the combat,
using a chair to try and force the characters back from
her. Unfortunately, by doing so, he inadvertently puts
himself in harm's way.
Characters might try to rescue Mortimer by grappling
him and pulling him out of the way of his zombified
wife. Alternatively, they can convince Mortimer that
she’s lost with a successful DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation
or Persuasion) check. The check is made with advantage if
at least one of the characters has been knocked uncon-
scious by the zombie.

The Palace of Portals
The Palace of Portals is a building filled with float-
ing planar gateways, which allow travel throughout
the Sorcerian Demiplane; to include visitation to the
Black Forest, the Master’s Tower, various locations
within the city, and also the Conclave of Wizardry on
the opposite planer pole. The gateways also allow for
travel to a multitude of external planes of existence It
is managed by Zephyr (LG non-binary djinni), who has
been an ally of the Arcanum for centuries. When the
characters arrive, read or paraphrase the following:

Soaring up into the gloomy skies above you is

a looming edifice of twisted glass and metal.
Jutting out from the tower are dozens of
entrances and exits, facilitated by balconies.
From these platforms, you see the coming and
going of magical creatures preoccupied with
their current travel plans, eager to get on with
their daily duties.

Characters might visit the Palace of Portals after

discovering that the murdered Conclave apprentices
were due to travel via the portals to meet Azalon, as
part of their graduation from the Conclave. They never
made this journey, as Ralagant—the vizier due to
escort them—was assassinated and imitated by Jada
Qorack. The apprentices were taken through a portal
to the Barrow Brewery, rather than the Master’s Tower.
When characters enter, they are greeted by Rowan
Adder, a buffoonish Black Wizard who, despite in-depth
knowledge of the Palace of Portals, has forgotten much
about the outside world. Thankfully, Rowan is accom-
panied at all times by a quickling companion, Tiana
Blue, who keeps him on track. Her incredible speed
serves as a boon to Rowan, who is meandering, to say
the least. When characters enter, read or paraphrase
the following:

Inside the palace is a series of floating portals,

most of which are bounded by stone circles,
and rest atop floating platforms, silhouetted
against the swirling light passing through the
twisted glass and metal from outside. Wizards,
and their associates, come and go through
these portals faster than the eye can keep track.
Before long, an elderly man hobbles in your
direction. Before he has the chance to open his
mouth, a tiny blue creature appears on his shoul-
der and says, “We don’t have time for this today.
State your intentions briskly, if you please,” in a
rather curt tone.

Characters can converse with Rowan and Tiana, after
displaying their oculus amulets, and gather the follow-
ing information from them. This may involve Rowan
laboriously checking a sign-in scroll that he keeps
chained to a thick, iron belt, and which he wears at
all times. This scroll is magically enchanted to record
who passes through which portal at any time within
the palace.
⚫ A group of eight apprentice wizards arrived from
the Conclave on Arising, under the supervision of
Conclave Vizier Aspect Ghaeral.
⚫ Ghaeral escorted the apprentices to Ralagant,
the Conclave’s liaison vizier in Sorceria, who took
them to his office for a short period of time—
presumably, to brief them on their visit to the
Master’s Tower.
⚫ After leaving his office, Ralagant guided the
apprentices to an incorrect portal—one which
led to the Palace Ward of Sorceria, rather than
the Master’s Tower.
⚫ Ralagant returned, after several minutes with-
out the apprentices, and went to his office. Since
then, he has been coming and going as usual.
Characters should easily realize that not all is as it
seems, and demand to see the vizier, Ralagant. Rowan
and Tiana can show the characters, via a carpet of
flying, to the portal which leads to Ralagant’s office—a
pocket dimension within the Palace of Portals.

Ralagant’s Office. Once the characters reach Ralagant’s

office, they have the chance to ask what occurred on
the night the apprentices disappeared. When the
characters enter the office, read or paraphrase the

You emerge into a spherical chamber with a flat-

tened floor. Atop this is a glass desk, strewn with
a mess of papers and candles, many of which
have spilled their wax over the scrolls. Leaning
back in a chair, with a surprisingly youthful air,
is an elderly wizard toking on a pipe, which
spews copious fumes into the air. As you enter,
the wizard nods and blows an impressive smoke
ring in your direction. Several other doors lead
off from this chamber.

The figure behind the table, who appears to be the

Conclave vizier, Ralagant, is in fact Jada Qorack (LE
female mel’kor, see Appendix B)—a trained assassin
and illusionist, who has assumed Ralagant’s identity.
Ralagant’s body is stored in one of the side chambers
of his office. Characters who succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom
(Insight) check realize immediately that this ‘Ralagant’
is hiding something.
Sleeping Draught
Sleeping Draught (Ingested). A creature subject-
ed to this nonmagical poison must succeed on
a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, or become
poisoned for 1 hour. The poisoned creature is
unconscious. The creature wakes up if it takes
damage, or if another creature uses an action to
shake it awake.

Eventually, the characters might become suspicious

of the false Ralagant, perhaps because they’ve seen
through Jada’s disguise, spotted her shady behavior,
or because she refuses to answer their questions. If the
characters become openly hostile, Jada fights as best
as she can whilst looking for an opportunity to escape.
As an assassin, she’s used to dealing with targets
one-on-one and not a whole party of adventurers.
Jada Qorack

A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check

reveals that the Ralagant disguise is an illusion. A
casting of detect magic reveals an aura of illusion
magic, which can be directly identified as alter self
with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Ralagant Dux
Jada is not too keen to chat with the characters, lest
she accidentally give away her true identity. Thus, she
tries to blow them off at any opportunity. If the charac-
ters begin asking pointed questions, she asks them to sit
and take a drink of wine. As they sit, she moves over to a
nearby cabinet to get a bottle. As she does so, she slips
a nonmagical sleeping draught (see sidebar) into their
drinks. Characters with a passive Wisdom (Perception)
score of 16 or higher notice her whip a small, pink bottle
from her robes and empty it into the wine carafe, after
she pours herself a glass.

If the characters can capture Jada, or expose her true ◆ Jada claims not to be able to remember the
identity (such as by casting dispel magic or breaking name of the place, but a successful DC 16
Jada’s concentration on alter self), she reveals some of Charisma (Intimidation) check forces her to
the truth in exchange for her life: name it—the Barrow Brewery.
⚫ She was hired by the Wererat Nation, a group of ⚫ Jada legitimately doesn’t know why she was
lycanthropes from the Undercity, to kidnap the hired, she just took the contract.
apprentices from the Palace of Portals.
⚫ She did so by getting the jump on Ralagant, kill- The Palace Ward
ing him, stuffing his body in his office, and then
assuming his identity using alter self. Once the characters have consulted with Rowan
Adder and his sign-in scroll, they should come to
⚫ After Jada took responsibility for the apprentic-
the conclusion that something has occurred in
es from Vizier Ghaeral, she brought them back
to Ralagant’s office to receive a communication the Palace Ward of Sorceria. The next step is for
through a hacked crystal globe from the Wererat the characters to discover where Jada, disguised
Nation, regarding where the apprentices should as Ralagant, went from the Palace Ward portal.
be dropped off. They might have an inclination already that a
◆ Characters who succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence brewery is involved and they can discover from
(Arcana) check, while examining the crystal contacts, such as the Abracadabra Boys or Amon
globe, can conjure up a picture of the brewery, Kane, that there are only two breweries in the
though not a name or location. Palace Ward: the Barrow Brewery and the Blood
⚫ The communication told her to take the appren- Berry Brewery. If characters have not ascertained
tices from the palace to the Palace Ward, and the brewery link yet, they can do so by chatting
drop the apprentices off at a brewery there. with locals, who will have seen Ralagant in the
area on Arising.

Rowan Adder Blood Berry Brewery

After discovering that the apprentices were taken to a
Palace Ward brewery, the characters have two choic-
es of where to investigate: the Blood Berry Brewery,
detailed here, or the Barrow Brewery, which is covered
in Chapter 2. The Blood Berry Brewery is a red herring.
There are some shady goings-on occurring here, but
they have nothing to do with the kidnapping of the
Conclave apprentices.
The Blood Berry Brewery is owned by Jaracular Finch
(LE female human, see Appendix B), a reprehensible,
young woman who acquired the brewery through deadly
means, but has elevated its status thanks to an infernal
contract signed with Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine. Jarac-
ular and her minions lure unwitting humanoids to the
brewery, where they are ritually sacrificed to Asmode-
us. Their souls join his infernal army (and, sometimes,
end up working back at the brewery), and their blood
becomes a succulent, fruity liquor with a most singular
‘berry’ taste that elevates the Blood Berry Brewery ales
from an unpalatable swill, to fine, collectable vintages.
For obvious reasons, the Blood Berry Brewery is a
secretive and shady place. The windows and doors are
kept locked and boarded, and the humanoid staff, all
relatives of ‘Lady’ t, arrive and leave via underground
passages that keep their identities secret. The place is
guarded all day and night by infernal security.

Failure with Stealth. The characters cannot gain access,
Arrival & Entry but are not noticed by the four blade devil guards.
When the characters arrive, read or paraphrase the They must try another method of gaining access to
following: the brewery, or each character can choose to gain a
level of exhaustion to turn this result into a ‘Success
The warehouse ahead of you seems boarded up, with Stealth’ as they overexert themselves. The room
despite the fact that smoke and steam stream descriptions below are accurate.
from copper pipes jutting out from the building
at random intervals. In fact, the sounds of work- Interior
ing can be heard from outside the place, even The interior of the Blood Berry Brewery is similar to
though it would appear empty from a quick many of Sorcercia’s breweries.
glance. The building is tall and narrow, with a
dozen or so high, leaded windows, two regular, 1. Vat Room
though chained shut, doors, and one pair of
large warehouse doors that are similarly sealed.
Three tall chimneys rise from its roof, like the This towering warehouse has a vaulted ceiling
prongs of a pitchfork, though only two of them and contains several enormous vats that let off
pump black smoke into the atmosphere. a yeasty, alcoholic reek. The two twin coppers
on the northern wall loom high above. While
It is likely that the characters will want to find some the squat pair on the southern walls are stock-
entrance to the brewery. They might attempt to scale ier, they give off immense heat. Barrels line the
the walls and smash through a leaded window, jump walls, where there is space, and a metal gallery
from a nearby rooftop and descend a chimney, discov- hangs over it all.
er the subterranean entrances and sneak inside, pick
the locks of the doors, or any number of other schemes.
Staff. There are four commoners and six lemures
Whatever route they decide to take to enter, the
working in the vat room. They engage in activities
characters should undertake a skill challenge. They
such as rolling around barrels, adjusting dials on the
must succeed on three DC 15 ability checks, before failing
vats, and moving wheelbarrows of hops around the
three, in order to gain entry to the building. If they wish
place. Sometimes, they might ascend the gallery.
to do so covertly, at least one of these checks must be
a Dexterity (Stealth) check. The result, or presence, of Creatures. Two blade devil guards stand by the large
this check alters what occurs when the skill challenge double doors, but stroll around the room every few
is finished. minutes to ensure everything is working correctly.
Success. The characters gain access to the brewery, but Vats. The southern vats are extremely hot. A creature
not before they are noticed by the four blade devil takes 11 (2d10) fire damage when it touches the vat for
guards. The humanoid staff are evacuated, and the the first time on a turn, or starts its turn touching one.
characters are beset by the guards. The room descrip- The northern vats are 40 feet tall, and the southern
tions below should be altered to reflect the lack of
are 10 feet tall.
Success with Stealth.The characters gain access to the
brewery without being noticed by the four blade devil
guards. The room descriptions below are accurate.
Failure. The characters cannot gain access, and are
noticed by the four blade devil guards, who try to
capture them and drag them inside to area 5. The
room descriptions below are accurate.

2. Gallery 4. Finch Entrance

A metal gallery hangs from the ceiling on Portraits of a handsome woman line the walls
numerous chains. The walkway provides access of this room. The place is panelled with oak,
to the top of the vats, where dials and levers though the polished wood does little to disguise
allow for control of the brewing processes occur- the scent of brimstone. A small desk, covered
ring within. with neatly stacked papers, serves as a basic
reception area beside a set of stairs, leading up.

Walkway. The gallery steps rise to a height of 10 feet

over the southern barrels, then to a height of 40 feet Rexus. Behind the small desk is an imp, named Rexus.
over the northern barrels. There is a low handrail on The devil is Jaracular’s familiar, and has a great talent
either side of the walkway, but it is not sturdy enough for accountancy. Jaracular can sense what Rexus
to prevent a creature falling, if pushed. The walkway senses, as long as they are within 1 mile of each other.
is held up by chains, spaced every 10 feet along in While Rexus is within 10 feet of Jaracular, Jaracular
pairs—22 chains total. The chains have AC 19; 5 hit shares Rexus’ Magic Resistance trait.Even when Rexus
points; immunity to poison and psychic damage. If 12 isn’t expecting visitors, the imp is cordial and obliging.
or more chains are destroyed, the walkway falls. Each The last thing they want is to be sent back to the Nine
creature standing on the walkway takes 1d6 bludg- Hells. If threatened, Rexus turns invisible and heads
eoning damage for each 10 feet they fall. up to Jaracular’s office (area 5).
Creatures. One blade devil guard stands on the walk- Desk. The papers on the desk are of a mundane vari-
way platform, overseeing the workers below. ety—mostly statements of incoming and outgoing
payments, invoices, pension scheme contracts, and
3. Worker’s Entrance & Break the like.

This chamber has a few wooden tables and

chairs strewn around the place, and a small
kitchen area on the back wall. A doorway, next
to this area, opens into a large cupboard-like
space with a manhole cover on the floor.

Staff. Four commoners are taking a break in this room Jaracular Finch &
whilst playing a game of cards. One of them, an older
woman named Rhelda, is wiping the floor with the
others, and has amassed a pot of 18 sp.
Creatures. One blade devil guard keeps watch over
this area to ensure that no unwanted visitors from the
Undercity arrive.
Concealed Entrance. The cupboard-like space to the
north of this chamber contains a manhole cover which,
when opened, leads to the Undercity. The tunnels here
are used by the workers to get to and from the brewery

Desk. The papers on Jaracular’s desk detail the
5. Office contracts she has with Asmodeus and the devils that
serve her, as well as personal records and lists of the
This lavishly decorated office sports a wide, individuals sacrificed to create the delightful Blood
mahogany desk with a plush, leather armchair, Berry Ales.
and a window that boasts views over the entire One of her desk draws is locked. Jaracular has the key,
warehouse. Beautiful works of art hang on the but it can be picked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity
walls, which are themselves covered with a check using thieves’ tools. Inside the locked drawer is
particularly fine wallpaper and oak paneling. a pair of sending stones sculpted to resemble sneered,
The place has a rich, cherry aroma. horned devils, a bolt case filled with 10 silvered cross-
bow bolts, and a small pouch of eight malachite
Jaracular. If the characters have entered the brew- gemstones (worth 10 gp each).
ery peacefully, Jaracular is sitting behind her desk, If Jaracular discovers that her drawer has been
awaiting their arrival. If the characters have arrived tampered with, or the treasure taken, she immediately
by stealth, she is working on paperwork. If the char- begins searchign the brewery for intruders.
acters have broken in by force, and are continuing in
a similar manner, Jaracular is hiding behind the stairs, The Barrow Brewery
hoping to surprise the characters. She can be spotted If the characters correctly deduce that the Barrow
by characters with a passive Wisdom (Perception) of Brewery is somehow linked to the corpses of the
11 or higher. Conclave apprentices, they should proceed to that
Jaracular comports herself as a noble, despite having location. Once the characters arrive, they reach 2nd
no familial connections. She acquired the Blood Berry level and progress to Chapter 2 of this adventure.
Brewery through nefarious means, and now runs the
place with the assistance the Lord of the Nine Hells,
Milestone Levelling
Asmodeus, who she has entered into an infernal
contract with. Characters start this chapter at 1st level.
If the characters talk to Jaracular, she can reveal a They should advance to 2nd level after being
wealth of information to them in exchange for their attacked by the Crow House thugs, and to 3rd
leaving her business be. Jaracular knows the following: level upon discovery of the Barrow Brewery,
ready for Chapter 2.
⚫ The Blood Berry Brewery has infernal connec-
tions, but it has nothing to do with the apprentice
abduction. If the characters succeed on a DC 15
Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check, Jarac-
ular admits they do kidnap and sacrifice people,
but shows the characters paperwork concerning
their most recent ‘acquisitions’—none of the
names ring a bell, and none are associated with
the Conclave in any way.
⚫ The only other brewery in the Palace Ward is the
Barrow Brewery, who she describes as, “hardly
competition”. Their production isn’t on the same
scale as the Blood Berry Brewery, and their prod-
uct is far inferior.
⚫ Jaracular recalls seeing Ralagant around the
Palace Ward on Arising, which she thought was
peculiar as Conclave viziers normally have little
to do with this ward of Sorceria.
⚫ Word in the Undercity is that the Cult of the
Hydra is undergoing some kind of ‘rebirth’. What-
ever that means, and whether it’s connected to
what the characters are looking into, she can only

Chapter 2—Deathly Spirits

he characters start Chapter 2 of this
adventure once they reach the Barrow The rickety, old building before you seems to
Brewery. They should be at least 2nd level be barely holding together. Dozens of roof
by the time they arrive. By this point, the tiles are missing, giving the clay roof the
characters should suspect that the Barrow appearance of decaying dragon hide. The
Brewery is, in some way, involved in the apprentice walls, once whitewashed, have been black-
abduction, thanks to the clues they have gathered ened by smoke and mold. The whole place
from the crime scene, Palace of Portals, House of Ash, appears to be slowly folding in on itself.
and, potentially, the Blood Berry Brewery. As you watch, a pallid, gaunt man with short,
The Barrow Brewery is run by the disgraced necroman- greasy hair emerges from the building, slam-
cer, and member of the Elder Eight, Lucern Mortis. It is ming the door behind him. He gets no more than
managed by his undead sister, Arabesque, and is staffed a few steps from the place before he is accosted
by a literal skeleton crew. The Barrow Brewery produc- by a pair of rough-looking locals. You can’t make
es very little ale, all of which is of terrible quality. The out exactly what they’re saying, but they are
Mortis family instead make their money by helping out clearly demanding something. The gaunt man
criminals in a variety of processes. Their most common takes a moment to glance around him, before
source of work is smuggling; empty Barrow Brewery reaching out his hands and casting a spell that
barrels are packed with stolen goods and shipped along withers and blackens the acosters’ flesh. They
with legitimate barrels to locations throughout Sorceria drop to the floor, but only for a moment, before
and the planes it visits. The brewery is also connected to they rise from the cobbles as lumbering undead.
the Undercity, via a hidden entrance beneath an empty The pale man sneers, and strides off toward the
vat. Lucern has this entrance guarded, day and night, by city, undead servitors in tow.
undead servitors, and charges a high fee for those who
wish to enter and exit through this relatively safe and Characters with a passive Wisdom (Perception) or 16
concealed egress. or higher, or who succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom (Insight)
The Barrow Brewery is linked to the apprentice check, might get some inclination as to the argument
abduction through both Lucern Mortis, a member of that took place. Characters who succeed on a DC 16
the Elder Eight, and the Wererat Nation - one of the Intelligence (Arcana) check realize that the spell cast by
most powerful societies in the Undercity. Lucern offered Lucern, the gaunt man, was at least a 4th level spell
up the Barrow Brewery to use as a safehouse for the and, thus, he must be a powerful wizard. This should
apprentice,s after they were abducted by Jada Qorack suggest to the characters that any snooping they wish
(disguised as Ralagant), and before the Wererat Nation to undertake in the Barrow Brewery should be done
could dispatch representatives to take them into the before Lucern gets back.
Undercity (and, later, the Crow House dungeons). The Barrow Brewery doesn’t bother to lock its doors;
The Wererat Nation don’t entirely trust Lucern. its reputation as an unsavory establishment is enough
The necromancer has a reputation for mercantile to keep most of the riffraff out. There are three entranc-
morals and doublecrossing. Thus, they’ve stationed es into the brewery:
two wererat spies in the brewery (who remain, as yet,
undiscovered), to ensure Lucern doesn’t sell them out to ⚫ Staff Door: This door appears to be relatively
cover the backs of the Elder Eight. unused. Mold has grown over it, the wood is soft
and rotting, and it hangs slightly ajar. This door
The Barrow Brewery leads to area 1.
When the characters arrive, they stumble upon Lucern
Mortis (NE male human necromancer) leaving the ⚫ Manager Door: This door has been kept in good
condition, and is the one through which Lucern
brewery in a rage. He is confronted by two locals who
left. Although it’s not locked, it’s properly closed
saw the Conclave apprentices being led to the brewery, and the brass handle shines, as if recently
and are demanding money for their silence. Lucern polished. Etched into the orb handle is a skull.
quickly dispatches them and makes for the city. Read This door leads to area 2.
or paraphrase the following:

⚫ Barrel Door: Towering 30 feet high, this pair
of double doors allows barrels to be moved
into, and out of, the brewery
in great numbers. They show
signs of frequent use;
namely, a broad arc of Lucern Mortis
cleared ground around
them allows for their
easy opening, and the
hinges are well-oiled.
This door leads to area 1.

Lucern’s Return
If, at any time during Chap-
ter 2, you feel the need
to inject some additional
action or difficulty, consider
having Lucern Mortis return
from his trip into the city with
his two zombie underlings.
Characters should have realised
that Lucern is not to be messed
with, and thus the pressure is
on for them to find out what’s
occurred in the Barrow Brewery,
and how it is linked to the appren-
tice abduction.
Rather than having Lucern
discover them immedi-
ately, drop clues as to his
slow discovery of the
rooms they’ve already
disturbed. The charac-
ters might hear shouting
from area 3, where Lucern
discovers his deceased sister; cries of baffle-
1. Vat Room
ment from area 1, where the skeleton staff have
been destroyed; or roars of rage from area 4, Cold encroaches on this chamber. The great vats
where Lucern’s desk has been disturbed. are covered with mildew and condensation, the
walls sag with damp, and the wooden beams
The characters should only end up facing off
holding the place up are soft. It reeks of yeast,
against Lucern after they’ve got the clues they
alcohol, and mold. Five barrels line the western
need to link the Barrow Brewery to the appren-
tice abduction, and to pursue the Wererat
Nation - the next link in the chain. They should
be given ample opportunity to flee, if they so
Creatures. The brewery is staffed by ten skeletons,
desire. Lucern might try to absolve himself (and
who roam the place undertaking mundane chores
the Elder Eight) from the affair, by claiming he
such as rolling barrels, attending the vats, and sweep-
was paid by the Wererat Nation to store the
ing up. The skeletons ignore intruders, unless they are
apprentices, at which point the wererat spies
attacked, in which case they swarm on the attacker.
attack from the shadows, giving the characters
the chance to escape. The skeletons can also use the contents of the barrels
(see below) to hamper, or injure, intruders.

Barrels. Although the Barrow Brewery does make ale, Crane. A crane hangs down into the warehouse from
most of its barrels are filled with other items. There area 5 above. A character can climb up the chains of
are five barrels against the western wall. A barrel can the crane with a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics)
be spilled, or thrown, as an action. Throwing a barrel check.
requires a successful DC 15 Strength check. On a fail-
ure, the barrel spills, atop the throwing creature; on a 2. Reception
success, the target takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage,
and the barrel spills atop them. The barrels contain
the following, in order: This large room is clearly a reception. The walls
are lined with dark oil paintings of various
⚫ Stolen, silver cutlery and crockery, packaged in
pale, gaunt individuals wearing fancy, black
hessian sacks, worth a total of 100 gp.
garments bearing the same familial crest. Half
◆ Spilled: The cutlery covers a 5-foot-radius
way down the long room is a wooden desk, the
circle. Any creature that enters the area must
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, wax on its surface flaking and encrusted with
or stop moving this turn and take 1 piercing mold. Beyond this is a door with a grimy, leaded
damage. Taking this damage reduces the window, and a staircase leading up.
creature's walking speed by 10 feet, until the
creature regains at least 1 hit point. A crea-
ture moving through the area at half speed Creatures. The desk is manned by a dread warrior
doesn't need to make the save. (Appendix C). The dread warrior is capable of talking
⚫ Stale ale, covered with a filmy scum, that smells Common, and fielding general inquiries about the
utterly horrendous. brewery, though it supplies stock answers that are far
◆ Spilled: Each creature within a 5-foot-radius from satisfying or true. If the dread warrior becomes
sphere must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution overwhelmed with questions, it escorts the characters
saving throw, or become incapacitated until to area 3, to talk with Arabesque.
the end of their next turn, while gagging.
⚫ Alchemist’s fire, stolen from a local potion seller. 3. Arabesque’s Office
It can be identified with a successful DC 10 Intelli-
gence check, and is worth a total of 500 gp.
This chamber has no decoration of any kind. The
◆ Spilled: This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites
when exposed to air. Each creature in a whitewashed walls are rotting and have fallen
5-foot-radius sphere, centered on the barrel, away, revealing the dusty brickwork beneath.
takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each The only furniture in the chamber is a battered
of its turns. A creature can end this damage desk that has numerous nasty stains on it, and
by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity an uncomfortable-looking, wooden chair. The
check to extinguish the flames. place harbors a charnel stench.
⚫ Empty.
◆ Spilled: No effect.
Creatures. Sat behind the desk is a brain in a jar
⚫ Powdered chalk, stolen from a local spell compo-
nent seller, worth a total of 10 gp. (Appendix C) that has been carefully grafted into the
body of a zombie. Each has its own hit points and AC,
◆ Spilled: The chalk fills the air in a 5-foot-ra-
and can be attacked independently, but only the brain
dius sphere. Each creature in the area must
succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, in the jar can take actions - it may use the zombie to
or become blinded until the end of their next take actions (such as a slam attack, or a grapple).
turn. The area becomes heavily obscured for The brain is that of Lucern’s sister, Arabesque.
1d4 + 1 turns. Arabesque nearly died in an accident at the brewery,
and so Lucern saved her (sort of) by preserving her brain
Undercity Entrance. The small vat on the southern wall and stitching it onto a more useful body.
of the brewery is empty. Beneath it is an entrance to Although Arabesque is intelligent, and has a keen
the Undercity. Characters with a Wisdom (Perception) eye for making money, she, perhaps understandably,
of 15 or higher notice a cool breeze blowing up, if they doesn’t have quite the wits she possessed in life. If the
come within 5 feet of the vat. The vat can be moved characters break into the place, she threatens to mind
with a successful DC 25 Strength check, or by using the blast them unless they calm down. She demands that
crane (see area 5). the characters recompense the Barrow Brewery for

any damages dealt to the property or staff (10 gp for a
broken door or window, equivalent value for damaged
4. Lucern’s Office
barrels, 100 gp for damaged vats, 50 gp for damaged
undead, and 500 gp for a damaged crane), upon pain A grimy, leaded window allows you to see down
of death. into the reception below. This room is in a similar
If the characters question Arabesque about the state to the others: poor. The wallpaper on the
apprentice abduction, she claims she has no idea what walls bears a pattern that has long since faded,
they are talking about. Characters who succeed on a and is peeling away from the dusty brickwork,
DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check can tell she’s lying. If the though one wall does sport a wooden mount,
characters succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) holding a fancy rapier. The room reeks of yeast.
check, or offer a payment of at least 200 gp, Arabesque
reveals to the characters that she and Lucern sheltered
the apprentices before they were taken by the Wererat Rapier. Hanging from the wall, on a mount, is a silvered
Nation through the secret entrance in area 1. Upon rapier with a gilded basket hilt (worth 150 gp). The
revealing this information, the wererat spies attack (see rapier is a family heirloom, though neither Lucern nor
sidebar). Arabesque are trained in its use.
Desk. Atop Lucern’s desk are numerous papers that
refer to the legitimate side of the Barrow Brewery
business. There is also a locked drawer in the desk.
Lucern has the key hidden on his person. Characters
who meet Lucern can spot the key with a successful DC
15 Wisdom (Insight) check, and steal it from him with-
out being discovered with a successful DC 11 Dexterity
(Sleight of Hand) check. The lock can be picked with a
successful DC 15 Dexterity check, using thieves’ tools.
Inside this locked drawer is a list of payments made
by various individuals using the Undercity entrance.
The documents detail where the entrance is (in area 1)
and how to operate the crane to reveal it. Furthermore,
there are letters between Lucern and Jada Qorack
concerning the apprentice abduction, which detail
both individuals’ involvement, as well as the Wererat
Nation. Namely, Jada will deliver the apprentices under
the guise of Ralagant. The apprentices will then be
stored in the Barrow Brewery until the Wererat Nation
agents come to collect them, a few hours later.

5. Walkway & Crane

This sturdy walkway is built into the walls of the

brewery and commands a view over the brewery
proper. Built onto a central platform is a slender
crane, with a control panel attached to its base.
The system of pulleys and cranks is dusty and
greasy, but appears to be in working order.

Height. The gallery is 40 feet above the brewery floor.

It goes over the top of the two southern vats, and
follows the walls of the building. There is a low hand-
rail on either side of the walkway, but it is not sturdy
enough to prevent a creature falling, if pushed.
Arabesque Mortis
Crane. The crane can be used to lift immense weight,
and reaches out 30 feet from its base, in the centre Resolution
of the platform. A character can move the crane, and After infiltrating and searching through the Barrow
use it to lift or drop an item, using an action, but must Brewery, the characters should realize that Lucern and
first succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence check to work out Arabesque harbored the kidnapped Conclave appren-
the machinery. The primary use of the crane is to lift tices for a short time after they were brought to the
the empty vat which covers the Undercity entrance brewery by Jada, disguised as Ralagant. They should
in area 1 below. A character who succeeds on a DC 20 also uncover clues that lead them to the Undercity, as
Intelligence (Investigation) check can deduce this from they know that the Wererat Nation are the next link in
the wear and tear on the controls. the abduction chain.
The characters might choose to return to Amon
Kane with this information, and search for their own
Wererat Spies
entrance in the Undercity, or might press on immedi-
Lurking in the shadows of the Barrow Brewery ately by using the hidden entrance to the Undercity in
are two wererat spies (Appendix C). The spies area 1.
have been staying out of sight, monitoring
the actions of Lucern to ensure that he doesn’t
reveal the Wererat Nation’s connection to the Milestone Levelling
apprentice abduction. When the characters The characters start this chapter at 3rd level.
discover that the Wererat Nation was involved, Once they have discovered the involvement
they advance to 4th level, and the wererat spies of the Wererat Nation, through interrogating
attempt to ambush them. The wererats have Lucern or Arabesque, or through discovery of
no loyalty to Lucern or Arabesque, and attempt the documents in Lucern’s desk, they should
to kill them, alongside the characters, if either advance to 4th level.
of the Mortis siblings reveal information about
the Wererat Nation.
The wererat spies don’t hang around long, if
the tide of battle turns against them. If one
dies, or both are reduced to half of their hit
points or less, they flee, hoping to return to
the Undercity by some other entrance. If
at least one of the wererats escapes the
characters, increase their pursuit level
in Chapter 3 by 2.
Characters might try to capture a
wererat spy to gain more informa-
tion, but each has a false tooth filled
with quicksilver (Appendix D),
a substance lethal to lycan-
thropes, which they crack, if

Chapter 3—Wererat Nation Infiltration

he characters start Chapter 3 once Delver’s License
they’ve made their way into the Undercity Those wishing to risk their skin searching for
after discovering that the Wererat Nation treasure in the Undercity can acquire a Delver’s
is, in some way, involved in the appren- License from the city’s Black Wizards, in order
tice abduction. With that fairly limited to plunder the hidden riches below the city
information, the characters are forced to explore the legally. Such a license can be acquired for 25
Undercity and try to uncover clues connected to the gp, though if the characters can prove they’re
apprentice abduction—no mean feat, given the terrain members of the Watchers this cost is reduced
and occupants. The Undercity is a sprawling complex to 10 gp.
of sewers, transportation tunnels, abandoned streets
of destroyed cities, private dungeon complexes, and If any or all characters do not purchase a license,
a variety of other subterranean structures that are they will not be permitted to return to Sorceria
mostly forgotten, occupied by monsters, or claimed by with any items of value from the Undercity,
Undercity factions, such as the Wererat Nation. including food. Amon Kane tells the characters
The kinds of clues the characters are able to find vary, this as soon as they mention entering Under-
from evidence left behind by the Conclave apprentices city. If they do so, they will be considered a
during their transportation through the Undercity, renegade, and may be subject to harsh punish-
to conversations with NPCs who interacted with the ments on their return to the surface, including
apprentices or their captors. Characters may also imprisonment and confiscation of plunder. The
discover circumstantial evidence that they may or may Watchers have authority to conduct investiga-
not associate with the abduction. For each clue they tions in the Undercity, when need arises, but,
find, the characters draw the attention of a specific pack traditionally, Sorcerian law does not apply to
of wererats who are loyal to the disgraced Crigcheq, a activities beneath the city, so denizens thereof
wererat shaman who was previously of high standing in are less likely to recognize them as authority
the wererat city of N'ver'nezt. figures.
Crigcheq views the characters as an opportunity to
regain their lost reputation with Verminar Gesh, the
Mother Rat, which could result in their restoration to “In its own way, the Undercity of Sorceria is
N'ver'nezt society. Crigcheq was once high shaman to even more remarkable than the city above it.
Verminar, bestowed of plague-spreading powers by It is home to secret societies, cults, monster
the old god of pestilence, E’Ra’Ta (known colloquially as lairs, and many ancient civilizations thought
Illrotter), but lost their position after accidentally using lost or destroyed. It is also home to the Wererat
the Mother Rat’s favorite pet frog in a potion recipe. Nation, an unsettling society of plotting vermin,
Crigcheq was stripped of their priesthood and exiled who are best avoided, lest you unintentionally
from N'ver'nezt. Crigcheq hopes that, by capturing the join their number. However, if one can look
meddling characters and delivering them to Verminar past the dangers and horrors of the Undercity,
Gesh, they might make up for their past mistakes. exploration can reveal all sorts of interesting
and unique creations, particularly in the realm
of travel. During my excursions, I have seen the
denizens of the Undercity traverse the subter-
ranean world using tunnel buggies, golem
rats, sewerspheres, and deathrings. Although
the Undercity has proven the undoing of many
an unwary delver, I can assure you that none of
them died of boredom.”

-Melryk the Magician

Where to Look Clues
Given the limited information the characters have While searching through the Undercity, characters
about the Wererat Nation and their involvement with might discover several clues that lead them to the
the apprentice abduction, the characters might feel truthful conclusion that Wererat Nation operatives
a little lost. Luckily, both Sorceria and the Undercity traveled from N'ver'nezt to Rusted Heaps, collected a
are crawling with mercantile folk who’d be willing vehicular cage, paid for by Verminar Gesh, then made
to cough up some information for a little coin. Some their way to the Barrow Brewery past Lith Karstlyn,
examples of folk with information are provided below: where they were spotted by drow scouts. Upon arrival
⚫ Amon Kane has limited knowledge of the Under- at the brewery, the wererats imprisoned the appren-
city. They can tell the characters of an entrance tices in the cage, and travelled to the Crow House
not far from the No Name Inn, but little more. dungeons, and were seen doing so by the Inkcap
⚫ The Abracadabra boys aren’t fans of the Under- Coven through a hag eye-wearing minion. After depos-
city, but they are on Amon Kane’s pay. Charac- iting the apprentices in the Crow House dungeons, the
ters can convince a member of the street gang wererats returned to N'ver'nezt.
(commoner, Survival +2) to act as a guide for The sequence of events described above can be
this part of the adventure with a successful DC 15 successfully uncovered by collecting any of the follow-
Charisma (Persuasion) check, or force them with a ing clues. After uncovering a clue, the characters can
successful DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) check. attempt a group Intelligence (Investigation) check to put
⚫ Travaran Whistlewind is a retired halfling scout them all together (if the players haven't worked it out).
(Survival +5) who spent many years plundering The DC for this check is equal to 26 minus the number
the Undercity. For 50 gp, he can provide a rough of clues collected.
map of the regions of the place (see page 35). For The clues provided below allow characters to piece
5 gp a day, plus an upfront 10 day payment of 50
together the mystery of the Wererat Nation’s involve-
gp, Whistlewind can also be hired as a guide.
ment in the apprentice abduction. Some of the clues
⚫ Snittak is a renegade wererat agent who has
can be given out by random creatures, others only
decided that life in Sorceria, particularly the
wine, far surpasses that of the Undercity. Buying by wererats, and some only by specific creatures, or
Snittak a drink gets her to reveal the location of by visiting specific locations. Any prerequisites are
N'ver'nezt, as well as a commonly used route to detailed in the clue’s description.
and from the place. This gives characters advan- ⚫ Ghourgos—expert mechanic and owner of the
tage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to find scrapyard and vehicle workshop Rusted Heaps—
the city. accepted a commission for, and created, a vehic-
⚫ Blair Blackvein, of the Witch’s Cauldron, can ‘cast ular cage for an anonymous source. It was collect-
the bones’ for the characters, giving them a hint ed 5 days prior to the apprentice abduction by
to one of the clues, though she may ask for a wererats. Only Ghourgos can provide this clue.
sinister favor in return (see Appendix A). ⚫ Verminar Gesh paid for a cage to be made by
⚫ Drendel Zautlar, the drow elite warrior (Survival Ghourgos, but doesn’t know why. Only a wererat
+4), works for Cester Crow, but hangs out at the can provide this clue.
Witch’s Cauldron. His half-eaten face is testa- ⚫ Verminar Gesh has been paying heed to a white,
ment to time spent in the Undercity (or so he talking rat for some months. No-one knows who
claims). For 5 gp a day, Drendel will act as a guide the rat is, or why the Mother Rat listens to it. Only
for the characters. When/if he realizes they are a wererat can provide this clue.
investigating the apprentice abduction, he finds ⚫ A creature saw tracks in the tunnels that suggest-
a way to betray them. ed something spherical, made of wood and bone,
⚫ Marza, of the No Name Inn, can provide char- travelled from Rusted Heaps to the north, west
acters with insight into one of the clues if they of the Spuming Loch.
sign a contract which, she claims, entitles her ⚫ A strange, vehicular cage was spotted being
to ten percent of any treasure they pull up from pulled northwards by a sewersphere, past Lith
the Undercity. Characters who succeed on a DC Karstlyn. It was empty at the time. Only a drow
17 Intelligence (Investigation) check, while reading can provide this clue.
the contract, realize that they’ll be signing over ⚫ A Conclave wand was found to the east of the
the ten percent of profits to Marza, on their Wretched Gap and picked up by a cultist of
return, plus their souls to the Nine Hells, upon Baphomet, who has since risen through the
death. ranks.

⚫ The Inkcap Coven saw a sewersphere towing a
cage south from the Barrow Brewery, through a Undercity Travel Times
hag eye worn by one of their minions. The minion Travel through the Undercity is inconsistent and
followed, and stole the cage, when it was empty, dangerous. Where a journey of equivalent distance
to bring back to its mistresses. Only the Inkcap in an open field might take one hour, in the Undercity
Coven can provide this clue. it could take ten times as long. Thus, there’s no good
⚫ One of the apprentices crudely carved a crow into way of measuring a speed in miles per hour charac-
the cage. Only the cage can provide this clue. ters can travel. Instead, the following table provides
⚫ The tracks of a spherical vehicle, dragging some- guidelines on how long it would take the characters to
thing heavy, lead south toward the Spuming go from one location to another, assuming a normal
Loch, then seem to disappear. pace for 8 hours of travelling per day, leaving 8 hours
⚫ The Crow House dungeons connect to the north in which encounters (and activities, such as foraging)
of the Spuming Loch. occur, and 8 hours for a long rest each day.
⚫ Wererat operatives took the Conclave apprentic- If characters choose to move at a fast or slow pace, half
es from the Barrow Brewery to the Crow House or double the travel times, respectively. A fast pace
dungeons, before ditching the vehicular cage makes it harder to spot ambushes or items of interest,
and returning to N'ver'nezt. Only Verminar Gesh, such as clues, and prevents the characters from forag-
or a high-ranking wererat, can provide this clue.
ing, while a slow pace allows the characters to travel
stealthily enough to surprise, or sneak past, creatures
Once the characters have collected enough clues to put
they encounter, and gives advantage on checks made
together the mystery, they can progress to Chapter 4.
to forage for food and water.
If the characters gain all ten clues, they automatically
put together the mystery, pointing them to the Crow
House dungeons. Undercity Unusual Travel Pace
As this chapter progresses, the characters might
manage to get their hands on vehicles (Appendix E),
Milestone Levelling
or mounts. These methods of travel are better suited
The characters start this chapter at 4th level. to the Undercity. The impact these vehicles have on
After characters discover their third, sixth, and travel time is displayed in the table below, as is the
ninth clue, they should gain another level. number of Medium creatures they can carry, and any
other effect they have on travel.
Undercity Travel
The Undercity is a vast network of sewage systems, Bodies Piling Up
transportation tunnels, private dungeons, and Remember that, on each new day, an appren-
destroyed and buried city streets that span the tice’s corpse is deposited in the Master’s Square
breadth of Sorceria, under the earth. The topography in Sorceria. This means that the characters are
and terrain vary wildly from region to region, depend- on a timer to discover the next piece of the
ing on the use, or past use, of the location. This means puzzle. Eight apprentices were abducted, and
the adventurers could be dealing with sewage-filled at least two, Yorrin and Tahlia, have already
pipes at one moment, and haunted streets the next. been left in the courtyard. The characters can
Travelling through the undercity is by no means speed up their journey through the Undercity
an easy affair, and many of the places endemic deni- by using magic, a mount, or getting their hands
zens are either naturally adapted to move through on a vehicle.
the complex environment, or use vehicles (covered in
Appendix E) to ease their travel.
Much of the party’s travel through the Undercity
should be handled abstractly, using the rules and advice
in Chapter 8, ‘Adventuring’, of the Player’s Handbook. For
more in depth coverage of running travel through the
Undercity, use the following specific guidelines which
apply to travel in the Undercity during this adventure.

Undercity Travel Times

Barrow Inkcap Lith Karstly Crow House Rusted Temple of

Location N'ver'nezt Brewery Coven Dungeons Heaps the Hydra

N'ver'nezt – 1.5 days 2 days 1.5 days 1 day 2 days 1 day

1.5 days – 2 days 2 days 1.5 days 2.5 days 1.5 days

2 days 1.5 days – 0.5 days 1 day 1.5 days 1 days

Lith Karstlyn 1.5 days 2 days 0.5 days – 0.5 days 0.5 days 0.5 days

Crow House
1 day 1.5 days 1 day 0.5 days – 1 day 0.25 days

2 days 2.5 days 1 day 0.5 days 1 day – 1 day

Temple of
1 day 1.5 days 1 day 0.5 days 0.25 days 1 day –
the Hydra

Undercity Unusual Travel Pace

Mount/Vehicle Travel Time Impact Typical Capacity Effect

unable to use Stealth or

Arachnoid (vehicle) None 2 forage

unable to use Stealth or

Cart with pony (vehicle) Doubled 1 forage

unable to use Stealth or

Deathring (vehicle) Quartered 1 forage

Elzarian Sphere (vehicle) Halved 1 unable to forage

Giant rat (mount) None 1 unable to forage

Pony (mount) Doubled 1 unable to forage

Rat Golem (mount) None 1 unable to forage

unable to use Stealth or

Sewersphere (vehicle) None 5 forage

unable to use Stealth or

Tunnel buggy (vehicle) Halved 2 forage

Encounter Setup Navigating
When an encounter occurs during the adventurers’ Becoming lost is a serious risk in the twisting tunnels
journey, a number of factors will play into its setup of the Undercity, and travelers can wander in circles
and potential difficulty. without knowing it. Creatures unfamiliar with a
given region of the Undercity are automatically lost,
Space and Marching Order wandering in a random direction for every 4 hours of
travel until they encounter an area they are familiar
Ask the players to establish two marching orders with (which could be a very long time).Even creatures
for the characters—one for moving single file, and that know the routes of the Undercity aren’t immune.
one for moving up to three abreast. Then, when an For each day of travel, and any time the characters set
encounter occurs, roll a d6. On a roll of 1–2, the party out again after finishing a short or long rest, the party’s
is traveling through a narrow pipe or tunnel, so posi- navigator makes a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check. If the
tion the adventurers in the single-file marching order. party is moving at a slow pace, the navigator gains a
On a roll of 3–4, the characters are traveling through +5 bonus to the check, while a fast pace imposes a −5
a transportation tunnel, or buried street, and can use penalty. A failed check result means characters become
the three-abreast marching order. On a roll of 5–6, the lost, wandering in a random direction for 1d6 hours
encounter occurs in a large, open area, so allow the until the navigator can make a new check.
players to position their characters wherever they like.

Illumination Mapping
A character not focused on any other task—including
Roll a d6 to determine how an encounter area is illumi- watching for danger while traveling—can record the
nated. On a roll of 1–3, the area is dimly lit by spaced, group’s progress through the Undercity and create a
magical torches that use a purple continual flame, or map of the route. Such a map can be a useful resource
by glowstones—rocks that naturally glow a neon pink if the characters have to retrace their steps to find
or purple. On a roll of 4–6, the area is dark, except for missed clues. Having a map allows the party to navi-
whatever light sources the characters might have. gate that area without any chance of becoming lost.
Noticing Threats and Clues Foraging
The passive Wisdom (Perception) scores of the char-
acters count toward noticing hidden threats and clues Unless they obtain a supply of food and water, the
only if both the following conditions are met: adventurers must forage to survive on their journey.
Finding sustenance in the Undercity is difficult, but
⚫ The characters are able to see the threat or clue
not impossible. Characters can gather food and water
(due to illumination or darkvision) or perceive it.
if the party travels at a normal or slow pace. A foraging
⚫ The characters aren’t engaged in other activities, character makes a Wisdom (Survival) check. The DC is
such as navigating or foraging.
typically 15, but might be as high as 20 in parts. Food
A fast pace imposes a -5 penalty to passive Wisdom
and water requirements for characters are described
(Perception) scores. You might also decide that only
in Chapter 8, ‘Adventuring’, of the Player’s Handbook.
characters in a particular rank of the marching order
In addition to foraging, spells such as create food and
are able to notice specific threats.
water and goodberry can help provision the party, and
there’s always a chance for the characters to encounter
Surprise others from whom they can buy, or steal, provisions.
When an encounter occurs, determine if the adven- Additionally, many creatures the adventurers might
turers or their foes are surprised, as normal. The meet and kill can be butchered, but the meat they
adventurers can achieve surprise only if all the follow- yield spoils after a single day. Determining whether a
ing conditions are met: creature is edible might require an Intelligence (Nature)
⚫ The encounter occurs while the party is moving check. Eating spoiled meat might require a Constitution
(not stopped or camped). saving throw to keep the meal down, a Wisdom saving
⚫ The party elected the stealth option, while throw to avoid acquiring a level of madness from the
moving at a slow pace. awful experience, or both.
⚫ At least one party member is capable of noticing
the threat and communicating it to the group.

8, ‘Diseases’, of the Dungeon Master’s Guide, or one of
Creature Food Yield the following:

Creature Size Food Gained d10 Disease

Tiny 1 lb. 1 Breakbone Fever
Small 4 lb. 2 Devil’s Dance
Medium 16 lb. 3 Draining Sickness
Large 32 lb. 4 Ear Melt
5 Gripe
6 Janus Plague
With no sunlight, visible sky, seasons, or weather in the
Undercity, most characters can only track the passage 7 Mage’s Malady
of time based on their periods of rest. Most Undercity 8 Mindblind
creatures do the same (if they care about timekeeping
at all), unless there is a local means of keeping time. 9 Mortification
10 Shrinking Sickness
Breakbone Fever
Much of the Undercity is suffused with a foul miasma
Symptoms manifest 1d4 hours after infection and
that spreads a virulent plague, designed by the
include aching limbs and joints. The creature gains
Wererat Nation to keep intruders out of their territo-
one level of exhaustion that can’t be removed until
ry. The spreading of the miasma is done by depositing
the disease is cured. Furthermore, the bones of the
a viral lode (Appendix D) in a region, from which the
creature’s limbs become brittle. If the creature takes
effluvia spews. Areas pervaded by the miasma can
bludgeoning, force, or thunder damage, they must
range in size from a few dozen feet across to several
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a
miles in diameter, and feature the following effects:
failed save, roll a d4. On a 1–2, the target’s movement
⚫ Areas suffused with miasma are lightly obscured. speed is reduced by 10 feet. On a 3–4, the creature
⚫ Creatures travelling through an area suffused loses the ability to use one of their hands. The penalty
with miasma cannot travel at a fast pace, unless lasts until the limb can be restored by magic such as
they are able to see through the fog. regenerate.
⚫ A creature that finishes a long rest in an area
suffused with miasma must succeed on a Consti- Devil’s Dance
tution saving throw, or contract a random disease Symptoms manifest 1d4 hours after infection and
(see below). The DC for the saving throw equals include a feeling of anxiety and nervous energy. The
10 + the number of consecutive long rests the creature gains one level of exhaustion that can’t be
character has taken in a miasma-suffused area.
removed until the disease is cured.
Creatures that don’t need to breathe automati-
cally succeed on this saving throw. Any event that causes the infected creature great
Introduce the miasma to a random or planned encoun- stress—including entering combat, taking damage,
ter any time you want to up the ante. experiencing fear, or having a nightmare—forces the
creature to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, the creature takes 11 (2d10) psychic damage
Diseases and must use all its movement to dance, without leav-
As well as the miasma that pervades many regions ing its space, and has disadvantage on Dexterity saving
of the Undercity, numerous creatures spread foul throws and attack rolls. While dancing, other creatures
diseases that can afflict the characters while they’re have advantage on attack rolls against it. As an action, a
searching the area for clues. Monsters that spread dancing creature can repeat the saving throw to regain
diseases with their attacks, or regional effects control of itself. On a successful save, the attack ends.
that spread disease, have their particular plagues Any humanoid creature that starts its turn within 10 feet
described in their statblocks or sections. However, if of an infected creature, in the throes of manic dance,
you’re looking for a unique disease to challenge the must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, or
characters, consider using those presented in Chapter also become infected with the disease. Once a creature

succeeds on this save, it is immune to the manic danc- Any event that causes the infected creature great
ing of that particular infected creature for 24 hours. stress—including entering combat, taking damage,
At the end of each long rest, an infected creature can experiencing fear, or having a nightmare—forces
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a successful the creature to make a DC 12 Charisma saving throw.
save, the DC for this save, and for the save to avoid an On a failed save, the creature takes 22 (4d10) psychic
attack of manic dancing, drops by 1d6. When the saving damage, and the secondary personality takes over.
throw DC drops to 0, the creature recovers from the You can use the confusion spell to replicate this, or
disease. place the character under the DM’s control. The crea-
ture can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
Draining Sickness its turns, recovering control on a success.
Symptoms manifest 1d4 days after infection and At the end of each long rest, an infected creature can
include a general lethargy and weariness. The creature make a DC 12 Charisma saving throw. On a successful
gains one level of exhaustion that can’t be removed save, the DC for this save, and for the save to avoid losing
until the disease is cured. control, drops by 1d6. When the saving throw DC drops
The creature’s Constitution score is reduced by 1d4. If to 0, the creature recovers from the disease. A creature
this reduces their Constitution modifier, their hit points that fails three of these saving throws gains a randomly
should be adjusted accordingly. At the end of each long determined form of indefinite madness.
rest, after the symptoms appear, the infected creature’s
Constitution score is reduced by an additional 1d4. If Mage’s Malady
this reduces their Constitution score to 0, the creature This disease only affects spellcasters with spell slots.
dies. The reduction lasts until restored by magic such as Symptoms manifest 1d4 minutes after infection and
by a greater restoration spell. include a feeling of nausea and fatigue. The creature
has disadvantage on concentration saving throws,
Ear Melt and each time the creature casts a spell using a spell
Symptoms manifest 1d4 minutes after infection and slot, they must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
include bleeding from the ears and a painful ringing throw. On a failed save, the spell fails but the spell slot
noise. The creature takes a −1 penalty to ability checks is expended as usual. If the saving throw fails by 5 or
that rely on hearing. At the end of each long rest, after more, the creature loses an additional spell slot of the
the symptoms appear, the penalty worsens by 1. When same level or lower. If the creature runs out of spell
it reaches −5, the victim is deafened until its hearing is slots, it takes 44 (8d10) psychic damage.
restored by magic such as with a lesser restoration or If this damage reduces the creature to 0 hit points,
heal spell. they explode in a burst of antimagic energy. Each crea-
ture within 60 feet of the creature must make a DC 15
Gripe Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) force damage on
Symptoms manifest 1d4 minutes after infection and a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Any
include fever, headache, and coughing. The creature spellcaster with spell slots that fails the saving throw
gains one level of exhaustion that can’t be removed loses their highest level spell slot.
until the disease is cured. At the end of each short
or long rest, after the symptoms appear, the target Mindblind
must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. Symptoms manifest 1d4 minutes after infection and
On a failed save, the creature takes 10 (3d6) necrotic include thumping headaches and fever. The creature
damage, and the creature’s hit point maximum is gains one level of exhaustion that can’t be removed
reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage until the disease is cured. Furthermore, the crea-
taken. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point ture has disadvantage on Intelligence checks, and
maximum to 0. The reduction lasts until the disease is any failed Intelligence check deals 5 (1d10) psychic
cured. damage to the creature.
Janus Plague Mortification
Symptoms manifest 1d4 days after infection and Symptoms manifest 1d4 hours after infection and
include acute paranoia and anxiety. The creature include a numb feeling in the infected area. Deter-
develops a secondary personality that appears during mine the infected area randomly, if it isn’t narratively
times of stress. This personality might amplify the best clear. For each hour that passes, the creature takes
parts of the character until they become detrimental, a −1 penalty to attack rolls, ability checks, or saving
or exaggerate the character’s flaws in some way. throws that rely on the infected area. When the penal-

ty reaches −5, the infected area rots away to nothing,
making its use impossible, and the infection spreads Wererat Pursuit
to an adjacent area. Unless the characters are careful, a pack of wererats
from N'ver'nezt picks up on, and pursues, them
Shrinking Sickness through the Undercity. The disgraced wererat
Symptoms manifest 1d4 days after infection and shaman, Crigcheq, becomes increasingly obsessed
include muscular tension and short temper. Each with the adventurers, believing they are the key to his
time the infected creature finishes a long rest, they reintroduction to wererat society. Once Crigcheq gets
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a a whiff of the characters, he becomes determined to
failed save, the creature shrinks by 1d4 feet, and loses capture and deliver them to Verminar Gesh, in order
20 lbs. per foot lost. If the creature’s size is reduced to curry favour.
by this effect (see below), their hit point maximum is The wererat pack consists of Crigcheq (LE male
reduced by an amount equal to the number of hit dice wererat shaman, Appendix C), the wererat plague
they have, their hit die reduces one step (from a d10 to spreader (Appendix C) Snaskik, and the wererat spies,
a d8, for example), and their Strength score is reduced Krezat and Krolk. The pack also includes four wererats
by 2. If a creature’s height or weight is reduced to 0 by who serve as forward scouts.
the disease, they die and their body turns to dust. The
shrinking effect lasts until restored by magic such as a Tracking the Party
greater restoration spell.
Sizes: Gargantuan: 21+ feet, Huge: 11–20 feet, Large: The wererats must track the party through the Under-
8–10 feet, Medium: 4–7 feet, Small: 1–3 feet, Tiny: city on foot, as they cannot afford to buy a vehicle,
less than 1 foot. and there are no vehicles available to wererats who’ve
disgraced themselves in the eyes of N'ver'nezt society.
This limits how quickly the lycanthropes can move to
catch up, since they must seek out signs of their quar-
ry’s passage, occasionally doubling back to pick up
their trail again.
Pursuit Level
The closeness of the wererat pursuit is measured by
a pursuit level. It begins at 0, with the wererats total-
ly unaware of the characters, unless a wererat spy
escaped from the Barrow Brewery in Chapter 2; in
which case, it begins at 2. If the pursuit level reaches 5,
the wererat forward scouts catch up to the characters,
and Crigcheq and his cronies arrive not long thereafter
(see Catching Up). If the pursuit level drops to 0, the
party has eluded the wererats, until circumstances
bring both factions into contact again (see Eluding
Pursuit).Characters can increase or decrease the
pursuit level in the following ways:
⚫ Decrease the pursuit level by 1 for
each day the party travels at a fast pace.
⚫ Decrease the pursuit level by 1 if a
character spends time actively covering
up the party’s trail that day, requiring
a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Survival)
⚫ Decrease the pursuit level by 1 each
time the characters cross, or traverse,
some feature that obscures their trail,
such as a sewage outflow.

⚫ Decrease the pursuit level by 1 if the party splits
into two or more groups. Each group becomes Eluding Pursuit
a separate party for the purposes of determin- If the adventuring party lowers the pursuit level to 0,
ing random encounters and whether or not the the wererats lose the trail, unless circumstances allow
group becomes lost. them to locate the characters again. The primary way
⚫ Increase the pursuit level by 2 each time the in which this happens i,s by the characters discovering
characters discover a new clue about the appren- another clue linked to the apprentice abduction. If
tice abduction. the characters pass through an area watched over by
⚫ Increase the pursuit level by 1 each time the wererats, Crigcheq inevitably hears word of the char-
party has a random encounter with one or more acters’ location. When this occurs, increase the pursuit
creatures, unless the encounter is bypassed or level to 1 and begin tracking it again as the wererats
avoided entirely. pick up the trail once more.
⚫ Increase the pursuit level by 1 for each day the
adventurers travel at a slow pace.
⚫ Increase the pursuit level by 1 each time the char-
acters stop to forage, harvest fuel, or take other The wererats try to capture the characters, if at all
time-consuming actions. possible, since Crigcheq wants to use them as a
⚫ Certain terrain encounters increase or decrease bargaining chip to get back into N'ver'nezt society. If
the pursuit level. See the individual descriptions the lycanthropes reduce any characters to 0 hit points,
in the Random Encounters section. those characters are knocked out, rather than dying
(see ‘Knocking a Creature Out in Chapter 9 of the Play-
The players might come up with additional ways of er’s Handbook). Even if one or more of the characters
evading pursuit. Adjudicate these as you see fit. For are accidentally killed, Crigcheq is obsessed enough
example, if the characters were to convince a random- to cast raise dead to restore them to life (assuming the
ly encountered creature to let them pass by telling character’s soul is willing to return).
them about the wealthy wererats following them, you Captured characters are disarmed, their hands bound
might reduce the pursuit level by 1, as the wererats with rope, and gagged. The wererats march them to
are forced to deal with the encounter before they N'ver'nezt. The characters will need to come up with
can resume tracking the party. Similarly, the adven- a new plan of escape, ideally before Crigcheq has the
turers could lay traps to slow down their pursuers, or opportunity to transport them to Verminar Gesh in
they might convince a friendly creature to lie to the N'ver'nezt. If they escape his clutches, the wererat
wererats about which way the party went. shaman continues his pursuit until he is dead, or the
party leaves the Undercity.
Catching Up
When the pursuit level reaches 5, the wererat forward
scouts spot the party. At this point, the pursuit might
become an encounter, if the characters spot the
wererats and engage them. The characters might try
to run, at which point a chase ensues (see ‘Chases’
in Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide and the
Undercity Chase Complications table in Appendix E),
or they might stand and fight. They might even try to
set up some sort of ambush, since the front ranks of
the party are likely to be out of sight of the wererats
when they first catch up.
If the adventurers flee, and successfully escape,
they lower the pursuit level to 4 and begin avoiding
their pursuers again. If they fight the wererats, run the
encounter. The wererat scouts focus on maintaining
close pursuit and peppering the characters with hand
crossbow bolts. After 1d6 + 4 rounds, the remainder of
the wererat pack (Crigcheq, Snaskik, Krezat and Krolk)
catches up and joins the encounter.

Random Encounters Blockage
The characters come across a blockage in one of the
Each day of travel through the Undercity, check twice
tunnels or pipes they’re travelling through. Roll a d6
to see if the characters encounter anything unusual:
to determine whether the blockage is mundane or
once while they are traveling, and again while they are
magical. Characters can either clear the blockage (see
camped or resting. Roll a d20 and consult the Random
below), or navigate around it, which slows their travel
Encounters table to determine what, if anything,
pace for the day by half.
they encounter. Characters might encounter special
On a 1–4, the blockage is mundane, such as a crashed
terrain, one or more creatures, or a combination of the
vehicle, fatberg, or simply a roof collapse. Removing
the mundane blockage requires a Strength (Athletics)
Any random encounter that occurs while the party is
check. On a result of less than 10, the blockage takes 1d4
camped is automatically a creature encounter; in which
+ 4 hours to remove. On a 10 or higher, it takes 1d4 hours
case, determine the encounter by rolling a d20 and
to remove. Other inventive methods, such as clearing a
consulting the Creature Encounter table.
cart pile-up with a fireball, should be permitted.
On a 5–6, the blockage is magical, such as a wall of force,
Creature Encounter Table
solidified potion reagents, or a magical mold, slime,
or fungus that has grown out of control. Removing the
d20 Encounter
magical blockage requires an Intelligence (Arcana)
1–13 No encounter check. On a result of less than 10, the blockage takes
Terrain (roll once on the Terrain 1d4 + 4 hours to remove. On a 10 or higher, it takes
14–15 1d4 hours to remove. During the removal, a random
Encounters table)
magical effect occurs. Roll on the ‘Wild Magic Table’ in
One or more creatures (roll Chapter 3 of the Player’s Handbook.
16–17 once on the Creature Encoun- There is a 25% chance that 1d4 charges of fuel can be
ters table) harvested from the blockage with a successful DC 12
Terrain encounter featuring one Intelligence check, using alchemist’s supplies and after 1
or more creatures (roll once on hour of labor.
18–20 the Terrain Encounters table, Boneyard
then roll once on the Creature
Encounters table) The characters come upon an old passageway littered
with countless bones of various creatures. Whether
Terrain Encounters the site is a natural graveyard for some Undercity
species or the former lair of a fearsome predator isn’t
The Undercity contains dangerous hazards and obvious. When the party enters a boneyard, roll a d20
wondrous terrain. Special terrain rules are explained and consult the table to determine what creatures, if
after the table. any, are present. The undead rise up out of the bones
and attack when the first character(s) are halfway
d20 Encounter across the cavern.
1 Blockage Boneyard Encounter
2 Boneyard
d20 Encounter
3 Burst pipe
1–14 No encounter
4 Busy tunnel
15–18 3d4 skeletons
5 Fungus cavern
19–20 1d3 dire rat skeletons
6 Gas leak
7 Rat’s nest There is a chance that characters searching the bone-
8 Refuse mound yard find something of interest or value. Roll a d20
and consult the table below to see what, if anything,
9 Slime or mold they find.
10 Unstable passage

Boneyard Discovery Busy Tunnel
The characters find themselves in a transportation
d20 Discovery tunnel, cleared subterranean street, or other thor-
1–10 None oughfare that is being used by the citizens of Sorceria
to transport goods. Roll a d6 and consult the following
A humanoid skeleton, clutching a salvage-
11–12 table to determine what the characters encounter.
able, nonmagical weapon (DM’s choice)
A humanoid skeleton wearing a salvage- d6 Encounter
13–14 able suit of nonmagical armor (DM’s The characters encounter 2d4 + 2
choice) 1–2 commoners rolling barrels of ale, wine,
An abandoned vehicle (determine water, or oil.
15–17 randomly from The characters encounter 1d4 + 1
Appendix E) commoners with a pony and cart filled
A humanoid skeleton carrying a random with crates of rations, clothing, spices, or
magic item (roll once on ‘Magic Item Table potion reagents.
B’ in Chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s The characters encounter 2 veterans on a
Guide) 5 tunnel buggy loaded with a trunk filled
A treasure hoard containing 2d6 gems (50 with 50 gp of treasure.
gp each) and one or more random magic The characters encounter 1d4 + 1
20 items (roll 1d4 times on ‘Magic Item Table 6 commoners being held up by a gang of 5
C’ in Chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s bandits and a bandit captain.
There is a 25% chance that one of the individuals in the Busy Tunnel has information regarding a clue of the DM’s
choice regarding the apprentice abduction (see Clues, earlier in this chapter). If the characters reveal their true
identities to creatures in the tunnel, increase the wererat pursuit level by 1.
Burst Pipe
A pipe bursts next to a party member, who must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or be covered with fluid
erupting out of the pipe. Roll a d6 and consult the following table to determine what happens:
d6 Burst Pipe
The creature takes 7 (2d6) fire damage from boiling hot water. Each creature within 10 feet of the
1 affected party member must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking the same damage on
a failed save.
The creature takes 7 (2d6) acid damage from acid, and takes an additional 3 (1d6) acid damage at
the start of each of their turns until a creature takes an action to scrape the acid off. If they are wear-
ing metal armor, the AC bonus it provides is reduced by 1. If this reduces the AC bonus it provides to
0, it is destroyed.
The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 24 hours, as
they are covered in foul sewage.
The creature falls prone as it is covered with oil, which spreads out into a 10-foot-square area. If the
4 creature takes any fire damage before the oil dries (after 1 minute), the target takes an additional 5
fire damage from the burning oil.
The creature becomes paralyzed for 1 minute, due to the effect of magical reagents. The target can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
6 The target contracts a random disease (see Diseases earlier in this chapter).
There is a 25% chance that 1d4 charges of fuel can be harvested from the burst pipe with a successful DC 12 Intel-
ligence check, using alchemist’s supplies and after 1 hour of labor. Failure on the check results in the harvesting
creature becoming subject to the burst pipe effect.

Fungus Cavern
The adventurers stumble upon a section of dungeon filled wtith fungi and mushrooms of all sizes and types. Roll a
d20 and consult the following table to determine what the characters find.

d20 Encounter
1–10 The characters discover 1d6 + 2 lbs. of edible fungi that can be harvested with 1 hour of labor.
The characters discover 1d4 + 1 lbs. of edible fungi that can be harvested with 1 hour of labor, with
11–14 1d4 + 2 violet fungi dispersed throughout, identifiable with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Nature)
The characters discover 1d4 + 1 lbs. of edible fungi that can be harvested with 1 hour of labor, with
15–8 1d2 shriekers nearby, identifiable with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) check. The cavern is
the garden of an ettin, who guards it jealously.
A gas spore floats above a corpse of a beholder. When destroyed, the gas spore reveals a memory
that might include a clue to the abductions (see Clues, earlier in this chapter).

Gas Leak Refuse Mound

The characters come upon a cavern with a danger- The characters’ path is blocked by a mountain of
ous, putrefying gas leak. Any member of the party refuse—trash and sewage from Sorceria that sprawls
with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or on for 1d4 miles. The refuse is difficult terrain, and a
higher detects signs of the gas. The characters’ travel creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
pace for the day is slowed by half as they circumvent throw at the end of each hour spent travelling through
the area, but there are no ill effects. If the gas goes the refuse, or contract a disease (see Diseases, earli-
undetected, each creature in the area must make a er in this chapter). If the characters cross the refuse
DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 5 (1d10) poison mound, decrease the wererat pursuit level by 1. If the
damage and becoming poisoned on a fail, or taking characters circumvent the refuse mount, their travel
half the damage on a success. Any open flames pace for the day is slowed by half.
brought into the area cause the gas to explode. Each There is a 25% chance that 1d4 charges of fuel can be
creature in the explosion must make a DC 15 Dexterity harvested from the refuse mound with a successful DC
saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed 12 Intelligence check, using alchemist’s supplies and with
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. 1 hour of labor.
To make the encounter deadlier, a creature that fails
the saving throw could contract a random disease (see Slime or Mold
Diseases, earlier in this chapter). As the adventurers pass through a narrow tunnel,
There is a 25% chance that 1d4 charges of fuel can they encounter a patch of slime or mold. Roll a d6 and
be harvested from the gas leak with a successful DC 12 consult the following table to determine what type
Intelligence check, using alchemist’s supplies and with 1 is present (see ‘Dungeon Hazards’ in Chapter 5 of the
hour of labor. Dungeon Master’s Guide for details on these threats).
Rat’s Nest d6 Encounter
The characters discover a colossal rat’s nest made of
1–3 Patch of green slime
dried vegetation, packed together with mud. The
characters can circumvent the nest, which slows their 4–5 Patch of yellow mold
travel pace for the day by half, or sneak through it with
6 Patch of brown mold
a successful DC 15 group Dexterity (Stealth) check. Fail-
ure on this check alerts 2d4 + 2 swarms of rats, 1d4 +
1 giant rats, and a dire rat (Appendix C), which attack
intruders in a frenzy.
If the characters successfully sneak through the nest
but then stir it up, such as by throwing something into
it, decrease the wererat pursuit level by 1.

Unstable Passage Ambushers
The passageway ahead of the characters is clearly One or more creatures attempt to ambush the party
dangerous to cross. Perhaps the roof or ceiling is on as they make their way through the Undercity. Roll a
the verge of collapse, shedding occasional showers d6 and consult the table to determine what the char-
of dust and debris. Maybe a sewage tunnel has make- acters encounter.
shift wooden planks spanning areas where the walk-
ways have crumbled away, or a buried street’s ruined d6 Encounter
buildings are leaning dangerously inward. Characters 1d2 basilisks lurk in the shadows of a
can traverse the unstable environment (see below), or 1
circumnavigate it, slowing their travel pace for the day
by half. 1d4 gricks hide in cracked stonework
Characters can pick out a safe route through the unsta- or crushed buildings.
ble passage with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Survival) 1d4 + 2 piercers masquerade as stalac-
check. On a failed check, they mistake a dangerous 4–5
pathway for a safe one. Characters that use a dangerous
pathway must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw 1 umber hulk bursts out of a nearby
as the passage collapses around them, taking 22 (4d10) wall.
bludgeoning damage on failed save, or half as much on If the ambush occurs in the monster’s lair, there is a
a successful one. chance that characters searching the area find some-
If the characters cause a collapse in the unstable thing of interest or value. Roll a d20 and consult the
passage either during or after their traversal, decrease table below to see what, if anything, they find.
the wererat pursuit level by 1.
d20 Discovery
Creature Encounters 1–10 None
Keep the party’s level in mind when fleshing out these A humanoid skeleton or corpse clutch-
encounters, and allow the characters to retreat from, 11–12 ing a salvageable, nonmagical weapon
or avoid, any encounter that is too great a challenge. (DM’s choice)
Escape should come at a cost, however. Characters A humanoid skeleton or corpse wear-
fleeing their camp to avoid a creature encounter 1–14 ing a salvageable suit of nonmagical
might be forced to abandon food and water supplies, armor (DM’s choice)
for example.
15–17 1d6 50 gp gems
d20 Encounter A humanoid skeleton or corpse carry-
Ambushers; reroll this encounter if ing a random magic item (roll once on
1–2 18–19
the characters are resting ‘Magic Item Table B’ in Chapter 7 of the
Dungeon Master’s Guide)
3 Carrion crawler
A monster hoard containing 2d6 50 gp
4–5 Cultists
gems and one or more random magic
6–7 Driver 20 items (roll 1d4 times on ‘Magic Item
Table C’ in Chapter 7 of the Dungeon
8–9 Drow Magocracy
Master’s Guide)
10 Explorers
Carrion Crawler
11–13 Magical monstrosity
The characters encounter 1d3 carrion crawlers scour-
14–15 Oozes ing tunnels and caves for food. There is a 25% chance
16 Otyugh that the crawlers are domesticated, and outfitted with
a leather saddle and harness, though there’s no sign
17 Sporrids of the riders. A character can approach and mount a
18–20 Wererat Nation carrion crawler, without being attacked, by succeed-
ing on a DC 13 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. While
in the saddle and harness, a rider can remain mount-
ed on the carrion crawler as it crawls across walls and
Cultists Driver
The characters come face to face with members of The driver of a vehicle speeds past the characters
one of the cults that use the Undercity as their base through a tunnel or passageway. The driver might
of operations. Roll a d6 and consult the table to deter- ignore the characters entirely, or stop for conversation
mine which cult the characters encounter. or combat. The characters might use the opportuni-
ty to steal the vehicle for themselves. Roll a d6 and
d6 Cult Encounter consult the table to determine which driver and vehi-
1–2 Cult of the Hydra cle the characters encounter:

3–5 Demonic Cult d6 Driver Encounter

6 Minions of Min'Ramahn 1 2 drow elite warriors in an arachnoid

Cult of the Hydra. 1d4 + 1 cultists (Appendix C) led 1 veteran explorer in a tunnel buggy or
by a daughter of the hydra (Appendix C). There is a stolen deathring
25% chance the group has a chained hydra hatchling 1 cult fanatic and 1 cultist in a tunnel
(Appendix C) with them. The cultists are always in buggy
search of potential sacrifices, so aim to capture, rather
4–5 1 wererat spy in a deathring
than kill, any humanoids they come across. Captured
individuals are taken to area 27 in the Temple of the 1 wererat driver and 3 wererats in a
Hydra. The Cult of the Hydra is a front created by the sewersphere
Elder Eight disguised as the Hidden Masters, patrons of
the cult. The faction consists of delusional individuals
who believe they are summoning a hydra-god into the
Drow Magocracy
world, who will destroy their foes and bestow regener- The Drow Magocracy is a rival of the Wererat Nation
ative powers upon them. Their leader, Xoltan, has no in the Undercity. The drow have been living in the
love for the Hidden Masters, and wishes to elevate the Undercity for generations, namely in Lith Karstlyn
cult beyond their control. where their race originated. The drow mix freely with
the citizens of Sorceria, but have always kept them-
Demonic Cult. 2d4 cultists led by a cult fanatic with selves distinct from the ‘surface crawlers’, as they don’t
a CR 6–8 demon (e.g. a hezrou) in tow. Various cults want to swear fealty to any Master of Sorceria. Rather,
dedicated to one demon lord or another lair within the drow have their own society, a mirror magocracy
the Undercity, spreading chaos wherever they can. of sorts, that is ruled by powerful spellcasting matri-
Demonic Cultists attack humanoids on sight, hoping archs who have forged a deep connection with Lolth,
to kill them there and then as a gift to their patron. the Spider Queen.
If a demon or cult fanatic is killed, the other cultists Although the drow of Lith Karstlyn serve no one but
flee. These are the remains of the Demon Legions that Lolth, their greatest Matriarch, Eclavdra Mlezzass, was
served The First Demon Holofax during the Demon once the lover of the former Master of Sorceria, Wolf
Wars, before his defeat. The most notable cult is the Dulag, before he was killed in the 3rd demon war, while
Beasts of Baphomet (also known as the Temple of the helping to destroy the First Demon, Holofax. When
Black Goat, in Sorceria), who have a labyrinthine lair to Wolf lived, the city and the drow worked well together;
the west of the Crow House dungeons. These cultists since Wolf's death, that has changed completely.
believe all other humanoids to be little better than The most common encounter characters should have
animals ready for the slaughter. is with groups of 2d4 + 2 drow foragers, accompanied
by 2 drow elite warriors, in case of wererat or monster
Minions of Min'Ramahn. 1d4 apprentice wizards led by attack. The characters might also encounter drow
a mage. The Minions of Min'Ramahn are not openly mages conducting magical research, or drow priest-
hostile. They respect arcane spellcasters, whom they esses of Lolth, accompanied by 1d4 giant spider pets,
try to recruit to join their cult, which they refer to as exploring uncharted tunnels. Drow tend to be mistrust-
a society. The Minions of Min'Ramahn are dedicated ful of explorers from Sorceria, but could become allies
to bringing back a dead god of magic, Min'Ramahn, of the characters if they discover they’re working
through arcane rituals. If a particular arcane spell- against the Wererat Nation (see Lith Karstlyn, for more
caster catches their eye, they’ll tail them, stopping at information).
nothing to convert them, with promises of ultimate
The party runs into another band of explorers, consisting of a mage, a priest, a scout, and a veteran. Roll a d6 to
determine the group’s situation:

d6 Explorer Situation
1–2 The explorers are lost and hungry.
The explorers are in good shape, but are being actively hunted by wererats, a drow, or an ambusher
(see the appropriate entry in this chapter).
5 The explorers are healthy and headed toward a specific location, intent on exploring it.
The explorers are healthy and heading back to Sorceria, with backpacks filled with 50 gp of treasure

Magical Monstrosity
The characters come across one or more magical monstrosities while making their way through the Undercity.
These are normally the result of errant experimentation by Sorcerian spellcasters, who ditch their creations in the
Undercity. Roll a d6 and consult the table to determine what the characters encounter.

d6 Encounter
The characters encounter 1d3 grells floating aimlessly through a buried street, hoping to drift into
The characters encounter 1 mutated troll lurking in a sewage pipe. It can cast a random 1st-level
wizard spell (DC 15, +5 to hit with spell attacks).
The characters encounter 1 living demiplane, living burning hands, living Bigby’s hand, or living
lightning bolt, unleashed by an experimenting mage.
6 The characters encounter 1 spellcaster, transformed into a nothic, searching for magic items.

One or more oozes block the characters’ path through the Undercity. Roll a d6 and consult the table to determine
what the characters encounter.

d6 Encounter
The characters encounter 1 psychic gray ooze, clinging to a wall, which surprises characters when it
peels off and attacks.
The characters encounter 1 gelatinous cube, created by the Black Wizards to clean up the passages.
Roll a d6.
1: The cube has nothing in it, and can only be spotted by characters with passive Wisdom (Percep-
3–5 tion) of 15 or higher.
2–5: The cube is filled with junk.
6: The cube contains a random magic item (roll once on ‘Magic Item Table B’ in Chapter 7 of the
Dungeon Master’s Guide).
The characters encounter 1 black pudding, slipping through cracks in the walls in order to ambush
the characters.

Otyugh Foragers. 1d4 + 1 wererats, wearing backpacks stuffed
with 20 lbs. of edible mushrooms and insects. If
Before the Black Wizards settled on gelatinous
attacked, the wererats scatter in an attempt to
cubes to clean up the passages of the Undercity, they
escape combat. These wererats know the location of
released around two dozen otyugh into the sewers to
N'ver'nezt, and basic information about Verminar
try and keep them clean and flowing freely. Unfortu-
Gesh, though they know nothing of the apprentice
nately, the otyughs became dangerous hunters in the
sewers, and did little to actually maintain the pipes.
Otyughs are typically encountered on their own in
sewage tunnels, where they can use their tentacles to
Kidnappers. 3 wererat spies sneak up on one of the
grapple and drown their victims in the foul water, or
characters at the back of the marching order, and grab
slam them into the ceiling. Although they can’t swim,
them. Characters with a passive Wisdom (Perception)
they’re rarely in the water deep enough to make wading
score of 16 or higher spot the kidnappers before they
can act, and intervene. Otherwise, the creature is
Sporrid surprised, and must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving
Sporrids are sentient, fungal creatures created by the throw, or be caught in a net and dragged away from
Inkcap Coven. They serve as the minions of the hags, the rest of the party. The party notices their absence in
collecting items of interest from the Undercity for the a number of minutes equal to the difference between
hags to examine, appraise, and sell on (typically not 16 and the highest passive Wisdom (Perception) score
for gold pieces). Sporrids attack creatures with magic among the characters.
items above all others. Otherwise, they might avoid The kidnappers take any victims back to N'ver'nezt.
the characters entirely, unless they’re hungry; sporrids They might even have a tunnel buggy nearby to speed
kill humanoids and stash them away until they start up the affair. Once back in N'ver'nezt, the character is
rotting, before they digest them using a mycelial web. thrown into a pen, and ransomed back to their relatives
The characters encounter 1d4 + 2 sporrids. There is a or associates in Sorceria.
50% chance they’re accompanied by a inkcap sporrid, There is a 10% chance that the wererats were involved
bearing a hag eye, and a 10% chance they are carrying a in some way with the apprentice abduction, and can
magic item (roll once on ‘Magic Item Table B’ in Chapter reveal a clue of the DM’s choice about the affair (see
7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). Clues, earlier in this chapter).

Wererat Nation Rearers. 2 wererats with a dire rat, finding a place for
The Wererat Nation are one of the major societies the latter to nest. The prized dire rats of N'ver'nezt
in the Undercity, composed primarily of wererats, are devoted guardians and companions, but refuse
ratlings, and their genuine rat companions, mounts, to breed within the city. Rather, rearers take the rats
and pets. Ratlings are the result of arcane rituals that out into the Undercity, where they can make a nest
cause dire rats to give birth to humanoid creatures. and spawn their young. If attacked, the wererats try to
They are possessed of little intelligence, but have keen defend the dire rat from harm.
senses and an ability to cooperate, as if part of a hive-
mind. The sheer number of individuals in the Wererat Shamans. 1 wererat shaman, scouring the tunnels for
Nation means the faction is relatively powerful, and fungi and insects that have use as reagents in potions
many wizards have attempted to gain their allegiance, and rituals. The shaman avoids conflict, casting stink-
as they control much of the Undercity. Wererats can ing cloud, or a similar spell, and scurrying away, if spot-
be encountered in a variety of different groups. ted. If captured, the shaman might bargain for their
lives with a hallucinogenic brew that allows divination
into the past, revealing a clue of the DM’s choice about
the apprentice abduction (see Clues, earlier in this
chapter), or giving insight into any event that occurred
in the Undercity in the past month.

Volo’s Guide to Monsters, if you have it). Fetid Faelyn is the
Undercity Locations default ‘leader’ of the coven, as she birthed Wormguts,
In order to collect clues, the characters can visit differ- and recruited Granny Rustgums. Faelyn is cunning and
ent locations throughout the Undercity. They might devious, and never without her cockatrice quill, which
have knowledge of these locations from a map, guide, she uses to scratch out bargain contracts, learned from
or Undercity inhabitant, or might simply stumble her time in the Nine Hells. Granny Rustgums is quite
across them after heading in a general direction. the opposite—she has no great wit, but is a physical
Some of the locations have specific clues tied to them powerhouse and has unlocked the secret of making
(see Clues, earlier in this chapter). Others can serve as sporrids—something she has shared with her sisters,
a place for the characters to meet other creatures who in return for greater spellcasting ability. Wormguts
might have more generic clues about the apprentice is their abused daughter. She is forced to maintain
abduction. their suspended lair, fight off demons that fly up from
the Wretched Gap, and make items for their sporrid
Barrow Brewery minions to use. Fetid Faelyn and Granny Rustgums pay
her little attention, beyond demanding she fulfil their
The Barrow Brewery has an exit from the Undercity desires.
that is fiercely protected and monetized by Lucern The hags aren’t immediately hostile to visitors to their
Mortis, the brewery’s owner, who the characters may lair. The Inkcap Coven are well-known in the Undercity
have met in Chapter 2. Lucern is a member of the as creators of the sporrids, but also as useful allies. Fetid
Elder Eight, and has no desire to help the characters in Faelyn has a heartstone that can cure diseases, Granny
any way. He is also a powerful necromancer, and best Rustgums can create iron tokens to enable long-distance
avoided until the characters are a high enough level to communication, and Wormguts is proficient in the
deal with him. creation of weird items that augment Undercity vehi-
cles. Unless the characters arrive with weapons drawn,
Entrance/Exit. Characters can move freely between the hags assume they’re here to trade (see Strange
Sorceria and the Undercity at this location. Wares).

Crow House Dungeons Clues

Through the course of this chapter, characters come The hags might be of interest to the characters because
to learn that the abducted Conclave apprentices were one of their sporrid minions, carrying a hag eye, saw a
brought here by the wererats after they were taken sewersphere headed south from the Barrow Brewery.
from the Barrow Brewery. Once characters reach the The sporrid followed the sphere, and stole a cage that
entrance to the Crow House dungeons, and are ready it was dragging behind it to give to its mistresses. All
to delve into them, they can advance to Chapter 4. three hags know this information, but none of them
are willing to share it, without something in return.
Entrance/Exit. Characters can move between Sorceria
and the Undercity at this location, but it is guarded Fetid Faelyn. Faelyn knows that seeing the sewer-
(see Chapter 4). sphere filled with Conclave apprentices is an impor-
tant piece of information, and the cage a vital clue.
Inkcap Coven She’ll accept nothing in return, save for the capture of
Eclavdra Mlezzass’s phase spider. Eclavdra is a drow
Hanging from the southern cliff face of the Wretched matron mother who lives in Lith Karstlyn, and who
Gap is a ramshackle collection of woven huts, fungal Fetid Faelyn despises. The hag knows that the phase
shelves, and bird nest-like structures that make up spider is walked once a day in the tunnels around Lith
the home of the Inkcap Coven. This trio of hags runs Karstlyn by Eclavdra’s second son, K’dril, the drow
a black market of magic items scavenged from the house captain. She can provide the characters with
Undercity, and its inhabitants, by their minions, the an altered set of dimensional shackles, that has eight
sporrids. These fungal creatures are produced by the fetters, to assist them in their kidnap attempt.
hags through a ritual conducted in the heart of the
hags’ suspended lair. Granny Rustgums. Granny Rustgums doesn’t truly
The hags making up the coven are Fetid Faelyn understand the importance of seeing a bunch of
the night hag, Granny Rustgums the annis hag, and wererats towing around some prisoners in a cage.
Wormguts the green hag. The coven has a focus on She’ll happily reveal the information to the characters,
nature (see ‘Alternative Coven Spells’ in Chapter 1 of

and even let them take a snoop around the cage, if the Strange Wares
characters agree to slay a vrock demon that stole her
The Inkcap Coven trade in a variety of goods, ranging
prized toadstool-cutting sickle, and lairs in one of the
from healing to minion hire to vehicular augmenta-
caves that pock-mark the Wretched Gap. However,
finding the right vrock in the right cave is no mean
Healing. Although she despises doing it, Fetid Faelyn
offers services as a healer. She has cultivated a breed
Wormguts. Wormguts knows that the cage of appren-
of leeches that she sells for 50 gp, in flasks, and which
tices is important, but doesn’t fully grasp the immen-
operate as a potion of healing when applied to a crea-
sity of it. She wants nothing more than to be rid of her
ture’s wounds as an action. For 250 gp, she will use her
‘mothers’ and, thus, offers the characters the informa-
heartstone to cure any disease the characters might
tion and cage if they’ll take her with them when they
have contracted.
leave. This, obviously, doesn't go down well with Fetid
Faelyn and Granny Rustgums.
Iron Tokens. Characters who desire long-range
The Cage communication can talk to Granny Rustgums. For 100
Characters can find the cage within one of the gp, she’ll pull out one of her iron teeth and file it down
ramshackle structures that the Inkcap Coven calls into the shape of an ear. Any creature that holds this
home. Characters who get a good look at the lair iron token can have a whispered conversation with
from the outside can spot the cage in a bird nest-like the hag, provided the creature and the hag are on the
hut with a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. same plane of existence and within 10 miles of each
Characters within the lair can find it successfully by other. The holder of the token can hear only the hag’s
searching the area with a successful DC 16 Intelligence voice, not those of any other creatures or any ambient
(Investigation) check. When characters find the cage, noise around the hag. Similarly, the hag can only hear
read or paraphrase the following: the holder of the token, and not the noise around it.
Granny Rustgums can have up to three iron tokens
In a structure that resembles a giant bird’s nest active at one time. As an action, she can discern the
crossed with a mud hut, is a peculiar, vehicular direction, and approximate distance, to all of her
cage. It appears to be some kind of cross between active tokens. She can instantaneously deactivate any
a ribcage and a wooden cart. Although it seems of her tokens, at any distance (no action required),
somewhat ramshackle, it is clearly magical; a whereupon the token retains its current form, but
black aura emanates from within. The cage’s loses its magical properties.
bone door is sealed tight shut with an iron lock.
Quicksilver. The coven knows the secret of producing
quicksilver (Appendix D), a substance lethal to lycan-
Opening the Cage. The characters can open the cage thropes. This poison is extremely valuable to the hags,
with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check, using thieves’ who often have to deal with errant wererats, and they
tools, or with a successful DC 15 Strength check. don’t part with it lightly. Rather than accepting mate-
Attempts to open the door using magic fail due to the rial goods in return, they might ask for something far
antimagic field (see below). more sinister. Consider ways the characters could be
corrupted by the deal, using Volo’s Guide to Monsters as
Antimagic Field. Embedded into the floor of the cage is inspiration if you have it.
a jar of reinforced glass, inside of which is a grey larva
with a vaguely humanoid face. The larva emanates an Vehicles. Characters who wish to upgrade their vehi-
antimagic field, visible as a black aura. cles can do so here (see Appendix E). The hags them-
selves maintain a giant owl’s nest as a vehicle. It uses
Clues. Characters that search the inside of the cage the statistics of an eldritch throne (see Appendix E),
find a scrap of torn conclave robe, caught on one of but has a crew of up to four Medium creatures.
the bone spurs. If they succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
(Perception) check, they discover a shape crudely carved
into the bone. A successful DC 10 Intelligence check is
enough to identify it as a crow.

Lith Karstlyn Entrance/Exit. Characters can move between Sorceria
Constructed from spiderwebs coated with liquid and the Undercity at this location, though it is guard-
silver around enormous stalagmites, Lith Karstlyn is a ed at all times by four drow elite warriors and can only
sight to behold. The grand drow city crawls with giant be reached by sneaking through the city. Its use can be
spiders and drow alike, each getting on with day-to- secured by getting on good terms with House Mlez-
day life in the Undercity. Although Lith Karstlyn is only zass, or another drow house.
a fraction of the size of Sorceria itself, the height of the
settlement means it still supports a population of tens Clues
of thousands. Drow society is made up of houses, each The characters might wish to visit the city of Lith
led by a powerful, spellcasting matriarch, who sits on Karstlyn due to its location between Rusted Heaps
a ruling council with the others. The Drow Magocra- and the Barrow Brewery, on the path taken by the
cy is a cut-throat world to live in, as the matriarchs sewersphere. Indeed, a lookout can attest that they
constantly defend their titles in magical duels against spotted a strange, vehicular cage being pulled by the
other powerful women, who would seek their station sewersphere, travelling north past Lith Karstlyn. It was
for themselves; often, these are the matriarch’s own empty at the time. Any drow can provide this informa-
daughters. The influence of Lolth, the Spider Queen, tion to the characters, though not without a successful
can be felt throughout Lith Karstlyn, in its architecture DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. This check is made
and culture, as well as from the scattered presence of with advantage, if the characters are disguised as
demons, who obey their matriarchs with chaotic glee. drow.
The city of Lith Karstlyn welcomes outsiders other
House Mlezzass
than wererats, who are forbidden. Other lycanthropes
might also choose to give the place a miss, as the silver The most powerful of the drow houses is House Mlez-
that coats the place causes discomfort at best, and zass, whose matriarch, Eclavdra, is feared both within
nerve-wracking pain at worst. Although the gates are the city and without. The drow matron mother has a
open to citizens of Sorceria, few even know of the city, long-standing grudge against Fetid Faelyn (see Inkcap
and fewer still have visited. The drow are sceptical of Coven), who wants to get her hands on Eclavdra’s
‘surface crawlers’, trusting them only as far as they can phase spider. If the characters start asking questions
oversee. This means characters can enter the city with in Lith Karstlyn, it’s only a matter of time before
ease, but might have a hard time getting the informa- agents of House Mlezzass notice, and pass the news
tion they require. onto Eclavdra.

Before long, the characters might notice that they’re
being followed by four drow elite warriors. They wish
to escort the characters to talk with K’dril, drow house Shrouded by a veil of miasma, N'ver'nezt is the
captain and son of Eclavdra, who interrogates them. begrimed home of the Wererat Nation, led by the
If the characters reveal they’re searching for the lost Mother Rat, Verminar Gesh. N'ver'nezt is truly a repul-
conclave apprentices, and not trying to infiltrate or sive den of villainy. It is built upon a layer of well-used
undermine drow society, K’dril apologises and lets sewers that serves Sorceria above, and is contaminat-
them free. ed with such a host of diseases that visiting the city
If the characters are struggling to find clues, K’dril for more than an hour is sure to result in a malady of
can provide an additional clue of the DM’s choice, and some kind. Rather than stone streets dividing up rows
might agree to help the characters further, provided of houses, N'ver'nezt’s routes are salvaged sewage
that they undertake an excursion with him. In the past pipes, typically dark and dank, that have burrows and
few weeks, the drow have been having trouble with a dens excavated from the rock and earth around them
community of eldritch trolls that have been raiding that serve as dwellings. In the centre of the city is the
their outposts. The trolls come from the Crystal Layer, Mother Rat’s home; an enormous nest of felled trees
a level of caverns beneath the Undercity, filled with and fungi, on an island surrounded by foul water,
magic-infused crystals. The trolls come up in search of in an enormous pipe. Projecting from this is a stone
humanoids to devour, and there is a new entrance to platform, decorated with luminescent green crystals.
the layer near Lith Karstlyn. If the characters agree to Within the largest crystal can be seen the bones of
accompany a drow hunting party down into the Crystal the Wererat Nation’s primogenitor, or ‘creator’. His
Layer, in search of the giants, he will reward them with remains have been kept and preserved to pay tribute
a clue upon their return. to his creation of the colony. As time has passed, his
The drow hunting party is made up of five drow elite remains have inspired a cult to his memory, to include
warriors, led by the swordsman Kluthrann (another wererat shamans.
drow elite warrior). The community they are hunting The Wererat Nation consists of wererats, ratlings, and
consists of five eldritch trolls (Appendix C) who lair in giant (or ‘dire’) rats, who are treated as companions,
a cavern lit by neon-purple, magic-infused crystals. The or prized pets. The wererats don’t welcome outsiders
drow try to ambush the trolls upon entry. into their filth-encrusted city, and swarm on intruders
like flies on dung. What society exists essentially splits
the inhabitants into three castes: rats, ratlings, and
wererats on top. Verminar Gesh is the sovereign of the
Friends of the Drow
nation, and is attended to by a council of shamans that,
For the characters, making connections with until recently, included Crigcheq (see Wererat Pursuit).
powerful drow houses might be an alluring In recent months, Verminar has been influenced by
prospect. The dark elves have access to a wealth Nicodemus, Cester Crow’s cranium rat familiar, who
of magic items, vehicles, and connections she believes is a physical manifestation of a plague
throughout the Undercity. If you, the DM, worry spirit—the spirits worshipped by the Wererat Nation.
that the characters are spending too long court- This manipulation means she is acting on behalf of the
ing the drow and not enough time searching Elder Eight, without truly understanding what she is
for the apprentices, feel free to remind them doing, or why.
that each day that passes, another apprentice The characters might find themselves visiting
will die. Furthermore, remind them that it’s N'ver'nezt after discovering clues that reveal that the
much harder to tell when 24 hours passes in wererats collected the conclave apprentices from the
the Undercity than overground, where the sun’s Barrow Brewery and took them somewhere else in the
travel across the sky can be easily seen. Undercity.
Of course, if the characters are keen to make
friendly with the drow, you should allow them Entrance/Exit. Characters can move between Sorceria
to do so. This could give the characters access to and the Undercity at this location. The entrance is
vehicles such as sewer buggies, or to guides (LN guarded at all times by four wererat spies (Appendix
male drow scouts) who might be accompanied C) and can only be reached by sneaking through the
by pet giant spiders. city.

Infiltrating the city is difficult. To keep track of the
attention characters have drawn to themselves within
the city, place a d6 on the table. Have the characters
make a group Dexterity (Stealth) check, and compare
the result to the table below—this tells you which
number to place up on the d6.

Dexterity (Stealth) d6 Starting Number

Check Result
20 or higher 6
15–19 5
10–14 4
9 or less 3

Each time the characters do something to draw atten-

tion to themselves within the city, such as making
camp, causing a commotion or combat, using highly
visible or noticeable spells, or interrogating a wererat,
decrease the number on the d6 by 1 (from 5 to 4, for
example). Once the d6 reaches a 1, remove it from the
table. The characters have been spotted, and the rats
Rodents Abound
Once the characters have been noticed by the wererats,
there’s nothing they can do to escape. Even successful
Dexterity (Stealth) checks can only help momentarily
when there are eyes all around. The characters are
beset by waves of rats, ratlings, and wererats, who try
to capture the characters and take them to the Mother
Wave 1. 1 dire rat (Appendix C) and 10 giant rats.
Wave 2. 6 giant rats and 4 ratlings (Appendix C).
Wave 3. 4 wererats and 4 ratlings (Appendix C).
Wave 4. 4 wererat spies (Appendix C) and 6 wererats.
Wave 5. 2 wererat shamans (Appendix C) and 6
wererat spies.
Wave 6. An uncountable swarm of giant rats and
ratlings, led by wererat spies and shamans.
Eventually, the characters have to flee the city, causing
a chase (see Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide).
If caught, they are captured and taken before Vermin-
ar Gesh, the Mother Rat.

Rat Trap
If the characters are captured by the wererats, their
weapons and armor are taken from them, and they are
bundled off to the island on which Verminar Gesh has
her nest. Characters can smuggle a small item, such as
a dagger or arcane focus, on their person during the
shakedown, with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of
Hand) check. Once characters arrive at the island, read
or paraphrase the following:

Stretching out ahead of you is an island dotted

with green, glowing crystals. Behind these lumi-
nous monoliths is an enormous nest or den,
formed of fallen trees and fungi. Emerging from
the structure comes a bloated, swollen wererat,
decorated with grisly, bone jewelry, with a white
rat on her shoulder, accompanied by a hulking
rodentine creature that rivals giants in size. As
she gets close, the corpulent wererat begins
shrieking with laughter. You are escorted to
a mass of the crystals and tied to them with
thick rope, alongside a semi-conscious woman.
Under the watchful eye of the giant wererat, the
bloated creature introduces herself as Verminar
Gesh, the Mother Rat, and proclaims that your
death is nigh.

While the characters remain bound, two wererat

shamans (Appendix C) and Verminar Gesh (Appen-
dix C) work on a ritual, under the watchful eye of
Nicodemus (Cester Crow’s cranium rat familiar) and a
wererat giant (Appendix C). The ritual concludes with
the execution of the characters after five rounds. Char-
acters can break free of their bonds with a successful
DC 18 Strength check, wriggle loose with a successful
DC 18 Dexterity check, or use tools or spells if they
managed to smuggle the necessary items with them.
The characters then have the chance to sneak away, or
openly flee. This might result in combat, a chase, or a
simple narrative scene.
The woman tied alongside the characters is Emara
Chastapur (LG female human war priest with 4 levels
of exhaustion, only 1st-level spell slots remaining, and
only 54 hit points remaining), a paladin of the Temple of
Benoval from Sorceria, who has been missing for sever-
al months. She led a failed crusade against the Wererat
Nation, but was captured. Since then, the wererats
have been trying to infect her with lycanthropy, but her
paladin abilities protect her. Furthermore, the Wererat
Nation wishes for Emara to forsake her god and serve as
a spy for the wererats in the Temple of Benoval.

If the characters can return her to her temple in Sorce-
ria, they are rewarded with a magic item (roll once
Rusted Heaps
on ‘Magic Item Table F’ in Chapter 7 of the Dungeon South of the Spuming Loch is a cleared patch of the
Master’s Guide). Emara knows a clue of the DM’s choice, old city that has been occupied by Ghourgos, the
which she tells the characters when she returns to yagnoloth, a powerful fiend and expert mechanic
consciousness (after a long rest, or magical healing). who has converted the land into a massive scrapheap
and garage. The place is dotted with dozens of rusting
Verminar Gesh. The Mother Rat knows the ins and scrap heaps dotted with jagged iron, rotting wood,
outs of the apprentice abduction plot. The plan was and moldering skeletons. It is from these materials
communicated to her by Cester Crow by way of Nico- that Ghourgos creates their vehicular inventions,
demus the cranium rat, who travels between the two which are unrivaled in the Undercity. In the center of
with messages. Characters who succeed on a DC 12 the numerous scrap heaps is a fortress-cum-workshop
Intelligence (History) check recognize Nicodemus from built primarily from battered shields, layered over
Chapter 1. Verminar gives up all the information she giant ribs.
knows, if her life is at risk: namely, that the wererats Characters who arrive at Rusted Heaps are quickly
took the conclave apprentices from a man named detected by Ghourgos’s guard ‘dog’, Spot. Spot is a
Lucern Mortis at the Barrow Brewery to the Crow canoloth, who patrols the edges of Rusted Heaps.
House dungeons, where Cester Crow and his thugs Characters who succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity (Stealth)
took them. check can get past them, but Spot has truesight, out
to a range of 120 ft., so can see invisible creatures and
through illusions. If Spot detects intruders, they ‘bark’
repeatedly, a hybrid of a hound baying and a humanoid
retching. This summons two mezzoloths, who serve
as bodyguards for Ghourgos. These two yugoloths ask
who the intruders are, and what they’re looking for. If
the characters are here to buy vehicles or upgrades, the
mezzoloths escort them to Ghourgos.
Even if the characters slip past Spot while they are
patrolling elsewhere, the scrap heaps are crawling with
constructs built by Ghourgos to help them in the ware-
house. These constructs vary in size and shape, from
vaguely humanoid to many-wheeled insects, though
each uses the statistics of animated armor.

Ghourgos. Ghorugos is an ogre-sized yugoloth, with

one brutish arm and another undersized arm. They
wear a chainmail cape at all times that they throw
over one arm or the other, depending on what task
they’re undertaking. When tuning up a tunnel buggy
engine, the smaller, dextrous arm is used; when
they’re hammering plates of armor onto a deathring,
the muscular arm comes out to play. Ghourgos is civil
to clients, and a cunning perfectionist. They can be of
service to the characters as a mechanic, but also as the
bearer of a clue.

Verminar Gesh

Clues A magical engine costs 2,500 gp, and a mechanical
one costs 1,000 gp. Typically, Ghourgos creates his
Ghourgos could be of service to the characters
magical vehicle enhancements from larvae with
because they accepted a commission for, and creat-
humanoid faces, stolen from the Nine Hells, which he
ed, a vehicular cage from an anonymous source. The
imbues with bizarre, magical effects.
yagnoloth still has the signed contract and blueprints
for the cage. The cage was collected, 5 days prior to
the apprentice abduction, by a group of wererats in a
The Spuming Loch
sewersphere. Ghourgos is happy to provide this infor- At some point in the last century, the demiplane of
mation to characters if they can recover an eldritch Sorceria appeared in a world with unsteady geography,
throne for him. Ghourgos is obsessed with perfecting whose roiling earth constantly challenges the city’s
a magic engine, and wants to examine one of these ability to stay stable. During its time on this plane, a
ancient relics. They’ve heard rumor that such a throne large portion of the Undercity became flooded when a
can be found on the eastern shores of the Spuming powerful geyser erupted in the earth beneath it, forc-
Loch, submerged in the mud, but hasn’t had the time ing boiling water into the catacomb-like tunnels. The
to search for it. immense power of the geyser was such that it sealed
If the characters get a look at the blueprints, and have itself up after erupting, leaving the water to cool and
already seen the cage the Inkcap Coven have, they can stagnate, trapped within the Undercity. Seeing the
immediately tell that they are one and the same. Char- potential for a mass spread of disease, the Wererat
acters trying to identify the signature on the contract Nation rowed out on boats into the lake and dropped
are unlikely to be able to do so without magical assis- dozens of viral lodes (Appendix D) into the loch. Since
tance, such as a legend lore spell, or by consulting with a then, the Spuming Loch has been a foam-covered
creature that has seen Verminar Gesh’s signature. This pool of stagnation—a breeding place for diseases
should be dealt with at the DM’s discretion. and mosquitos alike. The entire area is covered with
miasma (see Miasma).
Vehicle Upgrades The shore of the Spuming Lock is peppered with
Characters who wish to upgrade their vehicles can do docks and battered wooden rowboats, created by the
so here (see Appendix E). Ghourgos can also create Wererat Nation and other Undercity dwellers. None
bespoke vehicles, though it takes time. A bespoke of the factions involved care enough about crossing,
vehicle could cost between 500 and 5 , 0 0 0 or hanging around the loch, to bother defending the
gp, depending on the blueprint. As boats.
a general rule, it costs 100 gp per
Medium creature the vehicle can Eldritch Throne
carry, plus 250 gp for each action Half-submerged in the muck of the eastern shore of
station other than the helm. the Spuming Loch is an eldritch throne, a floating,
magical dais carved from enchanted, purple stone.
Although mostly covered by foam, the throne still
functions perfectly well. Characters might spot the
throne while travelling across the loch, or be sent
to search for it by Ghourgos (see Rusted
Heaps). Characters with a passive
Wisdom (Perception) score of 16 or
higher also notice strange ridges
through the mud surrounding the
throne. A successful DC 16 Intelligence
(Nature) check reveals that these are
trails left by a young purple worm
that is magically attracted to the
throne. The worm is never more
than a few miles from the
throne, and is so well-attuned
to its muddy home that it can
tell if the throne is being
tampered with.

Wrenching the throne from the mud is not an easy task. Although terrifyingly dangerous, using the zip lines
It weighs 600 lbs., and is surrounded on all sides by 60 allows travellers to shave days of hiking through the
ft. of quicksand (see Chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s reeking sewers around the region off their journey.
Guide). A creature can pull a weight, in pounds, up to Winged demons emerge from the Wretched Gap on a
30 times its Strength score—any weight in excess of daily basis. These chaotic beings seem to have no great
this requires a successful DC 15 Strength check. Because aim or plan; they simply attack what they think they can
of the terrain, the easiest way to remove the throne is kill or capture, and harry what they can’t. Encountered
to lasso it and pull it out as a team, or using a mount. alone, these demons are no great threat, but the fiends
Remember that moving the throne, in any way, draws sporadically form flocks that are terrifying to behold,
the attention of the young purple worm, which arrives and worse still to hear.
on the scene 1d4 + 1 rounds later. It’s arrival should Suspended from the southern wall of the Wretched
be foreshadowed by a ridge appearing through the Gap is a selection of bird nest-like structures, mud huts,
miasma, the sound of sloshing mud, and the ground and woven baskets covered in fungi. These strange
shaking. structures are home to the Inkcap Coven (see Inkcap
Temple of the Hydra
During Chapter 4 of the adventure, the characters
discover that the abducted Conclave apprentices were By the end of this chapter, the characters should
transferred here from the Crow House dungeons. Until have discovered that the abducted apprentices were
characters reach Chapter 4, the apprentices are still taken from the Barrow Brewery to the Crow House
in the Crow House dungeons. They are moved over- dungeons, through the Undercity, by agents of the
ground through Sorceria during that chapter; thus, Wererat Nation. They should also have discovered an
the characters miss their transportation while they entrance to the Crow House dungeons through the
are entering the dungeons. Once the characters have Undercity.
determined the location of the Temple of Hydra, and The characters might choose to infiltrate Crow House
its involvement in the apprentice abduction scheme, through this entrance, or they might return to Sorceria
they can advance to Chapter 5. to take on Cester at surface-level, with the backing of a
Characters might be brought to the Temple of the warrant from Amon Kane. Either way, by this point in
Hydra if they are captured during this chapter by cult- the campaign, time is running out for the characters.
ists. In such an instance, they are taken to the hydra Many of the apprentices may have already been killed,
statue head cells (area 27). Here, they are stripped of and the ritual in which the final apprentice will be sacri-
weapons, armor, and arcane focuses, and sealed into ficed is looming. Characters must act fast from here, to
individual cells. Use the information presented in save as many apprentices as possible.
Chapter 5, if the characters attempt to escape.
Milestone Levelling
The Wretched Gap The characters start this chapter at 4th level.
Yawning open like the maw of a vicious behemoth When they arrive at the Crow House dungeons,
from the Lower Planes, the Wretched Gap is a huge in preparation for Chapter 4, they should gain a
fissure that cleaves through the Undercity. On either level. By the time they finish the chapter, they
side of the chasm are crumbling ruins, their neighbors should be at least 6th level.
long-since fallen down into the bottomless gullet. The
sides of the Wretched Gap are pock-marked with caves
and hollows in which flying creatures, most notably
vrocks and chasmes, make temporary homes. Spec-
ulation is that the Wretched Gap leads right the way
down into the Abyss, though no one has yet offered
to abseil down and check. Crossing the chasm from
south to north is impossible without flight or incred-
ible climbing skills, as the northern side is dozens
of feet higher than the southern. Fortunately, those
travelling southwards can avoid circumnavigating the
fissure by using one of the many zip lines that cross it.

Chapter 4—From the Ashes

haracters progress on to Chapter
4 once they have determined that the
The Crow House Dungeons
Conclave apprentices were taken from The characters can enter the Crow House dungeons
the Barrow Brewery to the Crow House through one of two ways; from the Undercity, or from
dungeons by the Wererat Nation. The Sorceria. Entering through the Undercity requires
characters can make their way from the Undercity a dangerous climb up a dry well, linked to the lower
to the Crow House dungeons through a connection levels of the dungeon. Entering through Sorceria
between the two. Once in the dungeons, they can requires the characters to either take on or sneak
search for the apprentices. Unfortunately for the past Crow House Guards, who remain vigilant in the
characters, Cester Crow is expecting their arrival. He mansion itself.
has burnt out the old contents of his dungeon and
magically remodelled it in record time as a deathtrap Deathtrap Dungeon
dungeon designed to destroy the characters or, at the
Cester Crow has outfitted the dungeons of his
very least, weaken them to a point where he might be
ancestral mansion as a deathtrap dungeon.
able to sway them to side with the Elder Eight.
It is designed to kill, maim, or trap the char-
Cester is an arrogant man, and cannot help but jibe
acters or, at the very least, test them severely,
and poke at the characters throughout their progress
and weaken their resolve. Because of this, the
through the dungeon. He constantly tries to bend their
following chapter is deadly for 5th to 10th level
will to his own, offering them riches and power beyond
characters. The players must think carefully
measure if they serve the Elder Eight instead of Azalon,
about the actions their characters are going to
who they see as inferior due to his non-Sorcerian herit-
take, or pay a serious price.
age. Cester hopes the dungeon he has created will test
the characters, proving to him that they’re worthy of If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of char-
hiring, and wearing them down to a point where they acter death, it might be pertinent to adjust the
struggle to stay motivated to keep fighting. difficulty of some of the traps and puzzles found
It should go without saying that, this whole time, the in the dungeon. You can do this by employing
apprentices are at risk. Only if the characters can over- any or all of the following:
come the traps and trials of the Crow House dungeons ⚫ Ignore text that reads, ‘if this damage
can they confront Cester. They can either capture the reduces a character to 0 hit points, they
man, or chase him as he flees to the Temple of the die’.
Hydra, where the apprentices are currently being kept.
⚫ Reduce the hit points of the iron golem in
Pursuing or interrogating him allows the characters to
area 34 to 120, and swap out its damage
progress to Chapter 5 of the adventure.
immunities for damage resistances.
⚫ Allow characters to rest without the
Milestone Levelling chance of triggering encounters.
The characters start this chapter at at least ⚫ Reduce all damage dealt by traps in the
6th level. They should gain a level for every dungeon by half.
two levels of the Crow House dungeons they
If you’re comfortable with character death, but
explore, and for exploring Crow House itself.
are nervous about ending the campaign with a
They should be at least 7th level before they
‘total party kill’, consider having the players roll
confront Cester in the control room (area 19).
back-up characters, or even designing a new
vanguard party of characters who serve as the
‘special operations’ branch of the Watchers,
who are more disposable and have less narra-
tive weight than the players’ main characters.

sensor if they have truesight, see invisibility, detect
Through the Undercity magic, or similar magical senses. It can be dispelled
Characters can only enter the Crow House dungeons with a casting of dispel magic, preventing it from being
through the Undercity once they’ve discovered the triggered. The slit and blade can be spotted with a
entrance location (see Chapter 3). When they’ve successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check. Wedging
discovered this location, and travelled there, read or an object, such as a piton, into the slit with a success-
paraphrase the following: ful DC 14 Strength or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check
prevents the trap from being triggered. If this check
You come to a section of sewer that has been fails, the blade slices through the wedged object on
drained and barricaded off, save for several its next activation, destroying it, though dealing only
pipes that run up to the city above. A breeze half damage.
can be felt keenly, bringing with it a waft of
powdery, gray ash. The barricades are easy to Through Sorceria
overcome and, eventually, you find yourselves At any time, characters can attempt to enter Crow
in an open section of cleaned sewer. The floor is House through the city of Sorceria itself, though they
stained with partially washed-away ash, which have little reason to until they reach this chapter of the
forms sludgy clumps in the corners, but does adventure. Until recently, Crow House was ruined—
not obscure an obsidian crow inlaid into the left that way by Azalon after Cester Crow’s humiliat-
flagstones. Directly above the corvid symbol is, ing defeat. The new mansion erected in its place has
what appears to be, a well shaft. nothing of the original’s splendor, but is nonetheless
a large building. Despite the new structure, Azalon’s
Characters that climb up the well shaft find them- power has cursed the building so that it seems to
selves in area 49—right at the bottom of the Crow smolder eternally, and ash gathers incessantly in sad
House dungeons. To do so, they must overcome the corners and on forgotten shelves. If the characters
trapped well shaft. travel to Crow House overland, read or paraphrase the
Shaft. The well shaft terminates in the ceiling of this
chamber, at a height of 8 feet, and starts 20 feet up from Up ahead is a relatively new house, constructed
this chamber’s floor in area 49 (making the shaft itself in a similar manner to the black townhouses
12 feet tall). Characters that can’t grasp hold of the sides around it, but lacking some of the architectural
of the shaft must make use of a grappling hook and grandeur that they display. The three-storey
rope (or similar) to gain initial purchase. mansion and its grounds seem to be smold-
The sides of the shaft can be climbed with a success- ering, though there is no obvious source of
ful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check. The check can be flame. Ashes blow across its facade, catching in
made with advantage if characters use a grappling sad corners and forming piles throughout the
hook, pitons, or a climber’s kit. Characters that fail the grounds. The gate to the mansion’s garden is
check manage to climb a number of feet equal to their ornamented with a wrought iron crow, marking
Strength modifier before they fall back down into the the place as Crow House. Standing on either side
chamber below, taking bludgeoning damage from the of the door are two suits of armor, plumed and
fall as usual. polished, save for the ashes gathering around
their feet.
Trap. Halfway up the shaft (6 feet into the shaft, or 14
feet from the floor of the chamber) is a magical sensor. Characters can make their way up to the house with-
If anything, including objects such as rope, moves past out being accosted but, if they step foot on the portico,
this point in the shaft, a lacerating blade slices across the two suits of armor (shield guardians with evard’s
the shaft from a small slit in its sides. black tentacles stored within) move to stop them. A
A creature that triggers the trap must make a DC magic mouth spell appears on one of the suits, and asks
20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) slashing the characters who they are and what their business
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful is. Any unexpected answer causes the suits to escort
one. If this damage reduces a character to 0 hit points, the characters off the premises. Lack of compliance on
they die from being sliced in two. Objects automatically the characters’ part results in combat.
fail, taking the full amount of damage.
Countermeasures. Characters can spot the magical

Sneaking Around. Characters might want to sneak The crowdrones move throughout the dungeons via
into the house, rather than confront the suits at the vents that connect each level and chamber. These
entrance. Characters that attempt stealth before first twisting tunnels are Tiny, forcing the crowdrones to
casting a spell such as detect magic or see invisibility are squeeze through them. While squeezing through a
doomed to fail. There are arcane eyes one every corner, space, a creature must spend 1 extra foot of movement
which will catch the characters and send the suits of for every foot it moves there, and it has disadvantage
armor after them. If the characters spot the arcane on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws. Attack
eyes, they must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity (Stealth) rolls against the creature have advantage while it is in
check to slip from blindspot to blindspot and get up the smaller space. They can use these vents to travel to
against the walls of the mansion. and from areas 20 to 49, excluding areas 29 to 32, 34,
From here, characters could break in through a 47, and 48.
window into any outward facing room of the ground The crowdrones have internal, magical batteries
floor of the house or, with a successful DC 15 Strength that must be recharged every 8 hours. Preventing a
(Athletics) check or climb speed, the first floor. crowdrone from returning to area 22 after an 8 hour
period causes it to fall unconscious until it is returned
Deception. Characters might try to lie to the magic to area 22 for a period of 1 hour, after which it regains
mouth in order to gain access. They could pose as consciousness.
tradespeople or tell some other inventive lie that
might permit them entrance to the mansion. Convinc-
ing the suits of armor requires a successful DC 20
General House Features
Charisma (Deception) check. The check is made with The following features are common to all cham-
advantage if the characters have some means of ‘prov- bers of Crow House, unless otherwise stated in
ing’ or ‘validating’ their reason. a specific room’s description.
Ceilings, Walls, and Floors. The chambers in the
Disguise. Physical or illusory disguises could help the house are 8 feet tall, save the great hall (area 5)
characters gain entry to Crow House. The Crow House which is 16 foot tall, with a balcony at 8 feet. The
thugs and guards all wear obsidian crow pins and dress walls, floor, and ceilings are made from steel, in
in dark clothing, often wearing a breastplate, studded many cases polished to a mirror-finish.
leather armor, or linen robes, depending on their pref-
erence for armor. Characters wearing such attire, when Day versus Night. The descriptions of house
they enter the portico, are not accosted by the suits of chambers assume that the characters enter
armor, and can walk freely into the house. during the day or evening. If the characters
choose to sneak in during the dead of night, any
Warrant. The characters could acquire a warrant to non-combatant staff should be removed, and
search the house for the apprentices from Amon Kane, the descriptions adjusted accordingly.
but must keep in mind that the generation of such a Light. Most chambers in the house are well-lit
document may take time, which is quickly running out by natural light or oil lamps in brackets on the
for the apprentices. walls, at a height of 5 feet.

Crow House & Dungeons Resting & Ruckus. Resting in the house is risky.
It’s only a matter of time before Crow House
The following descriptions provide information about guards discover them. For each hour the char-
Crow House and its dungeons. acters rest, roll a d6. If any of the dice show 4
or higher, four assassins spot the characters
Crowdrones & Vents resting and attack. Each time the characters
cause a ‘ruckus’, such as by casting loud spells,
The Crow House dungeons are maintained by magi- engaging in combat, or breaking down doors,
cal constructs called crowdrones. These mechanical make a roll as described above.
marvels were created by Cester Crow and travel around
the dungeon fixing things, resetting traps, and keep-
ing an eye on intruders, if need be. The crowdrones
look like crows made of iridescent, black metal, with
hands on the ends of their wings. Their statistics can
be found in Appendix C.

Ground Floor 4. Dining Room
1. Foyer Light streams in through the rows of floor-to-
ceiling windows on the eastern wall. It is reflect-
A grand, though somewhat dark, foyer opens ed and split into a prismatic rainbow a thousand
up before you. Straight ahead is a grand pair of times by the decadent, crystal chandelier that
mahogany doors, carved with a murder of crows hangs from the ceiling above the dining table in
in flight. Wood panelling covers the lower half of the chamber’s center. The table is set for a feast,
the walls, and a deep-purple, paisley wallpaper with a pristine, black, velvet tablecloth and
the upper half. The floor is hardwood boards, silver place settings.
polished to a shine, though ash seems to have
collected in the corners. Hanging on the walls Creatures. Four of Cester’s business partners (non-com-
are numerous portraits of the Crow family and batant nobles) await the head of the house and feast,
its ancestors. which is being prepared in the kitchen (area 2). Cester
only joins once the food is prepared and served, and
Treasure. There are four portraits (worth 750 gp each), makes short work of his meal and conversation so that
though each is extremely distinctive and recogniza- he might sooner return to the control room (area 19).
ble, so would warrant being sold on the black market. Treasure. The chamber contains a crystal chandelier
(worth 300 gp, though not easily transportable), plus a
2. Kitchen set of silver crockey (200 gp), five sets of silver cutlery
(10 gp each), and five silver candlesticks (25 gp each).

You enter a well-stocked kitchen with a central 5. Great Hall

workstation and a grand fireplace filled with
bubbling pots and a roasting boar. Several cooks
are at work preparing a superb feast, filling the Although not currently in use, this great hall
air with the sounds and smells of their craft. reflects some of the majesty you might expect
from a mansion such as this. It is finely furnished
with an enormous, dark-varnished table and
Creatures. Three non-combatant commoners are
decorated with tapestries and garlands of
preparing a feast in this chamber. They respond
greenery, all of which is overlooked by a balcony
to intruders by freezing and raising their hands in
surrender. They’ll give up any information they can
about the house and Cester Crow, though they know
nothing of the control room (area 19), the dungeons, Treasure. Four medium tapestries (150 gp each) hang
or the apprentice abduction. from the walls.
Treasure. The chamber contains three sets of utensils
(worth 1 gp each), plus ten jars of spice (worth 10 gp 5a. Balcony
each). The balcony overlooks the great hall at a height of 8
feet. Two Crow House guards (assassins) are stationed
3. Guard Room here.

This chamber holds a commanding view over 6. Lounge

the front gate, through the windows on the
southern wall, but is sparsely furnished with Decked out with several plush sofas and an
just a couple of cushioned, wooden chairs. exquisite chaise longue, this lounge is truly envi-
able. A small fireplace, with an ornately forged
Creatures. Two Crow House guards (assassins) guard iron grate depicting a cawing crow, keeps the
the entrance to the elevator (area 9). If they hear a chamber warm.
commotion out on the portico (see Entering through
Sorceria) they leave their station here to investigate. Creatures. The business partners retire here after their
meal (see area 4).

area into it. All Large or smaller creatures and objects,
7. Library that aren't somehow anchored to the ground in the
area, are sucked into the elevator. A creature can make
Floor to ceiling bookcases sport a wide variety of a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to grab onto a fixed object
literature, from fictional novellas, to tomes on it can reach, thus avoiding the suction. Creatures and
the history of magic, back around to a Sorceri- objects pulled into the elevator take 11 (2d10) bludg-
an gazetteer, and onward to encyclopedias and eoning damage.
almanacks on a wide variety of subjects. Most of
the volumes are covered with a thin layer of ash. A pair of metal doors, polished to a mirror finish,
slide apart before you, revealing a similarly
Books. Characters can search for books of value with reflective metal box. On the far side of the box is
a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check. On a success, another array of buttons.
they find books worth a total of 500 gp. On a failure,
they are caught in the act by two Crow House guards Interior Buttons. There is one singular button, as
(assassins). well as two sets of buttons on the interior. The single
Characters with a passive Wisdom (Perception) of 22 button has a line with two arrows pointing inward.
or higher spot that one region of the shelf is devoid of This button closes the doors immediately.
ash. A successful DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check, The first set of buttons appears in a line and is detailed
made while searching this spot, reveals that a certain as shown in the table below. These are called the floor
book, An Exploration of Arcane Understanding by Harno buttons.
Velesin, has been frequently removed and replaced.
Within the book is a slip of parchment that details the Number Location Area (not
button functions of the elevator (see bullet list of area (visible to (visible to visible to
9), and a list of words, mostly crossed out, save the word characters) characters) characters)
‘levitate’ (the password for area 19).
2 Control Room 18*
8. Storage Cupboard 1 First Floor 16
0 Ground Floor 3
This small cupboard is used to store mundane -1 Generator 20
items such as mops, brushes, and the like.
-2 The Grid 23
This chamber is empty, save for a few cleaning items. -3 Golem Vault 33*
-4 Mirror Level 35
9. Elevator -5 Disposal Well 49

A pair of doors ahead has two buttons beside it. *accessing these areas requires a code (see overleaf)

Exterior Buttons. There are two buttons on the outside Pressing a floor button causes it to light up green
of the elevator, beside the doors. The first button (unless it requires a code: see below). The doors of the
depicts a line with two arrows pointing outward from elevator shut at the end of the turn, and the elevator
it. This button calls the elevator and opens the doors. begins its travel to the area noted. It takes a number
The elevator takes a number of turns to arrive equal to of turns to arrive equal to the distance, in floors, of
the distance, in floors, from the elevator’s last point of the destination. The button stops glowing on arrival.
call to the location of the pressed button. For example, If several buttons are pressed, the elevator travels to
a character pressing the button in area 23, when the the highest first, then descends in order. If the highest
elevator was last used to access area 35, would cause floor button requires a code, it must be entered before
the elevator to arrive at the start of the second turn the elevator will move.
after that character’s turn. The second array of buttons is a three-by-three grid
The second button has a swirl on it. Pressing this of symbols that serves as a keypad. If characters try to
button calls the elevator, causes the doors to open, and access floor 2 (control Room) or -3 (golem vault), the
then the elevator to suck everything from the adjoining floor button and grid lights up red. Only by pressing the

symbols in the correct order can the characters cause On a success, they take half damage, and can choose
the light to turn green, the elevator doors to close, and which side of the door to end up on. The doors can be
the journey to begin. Pressing a red floor button again held open with a successful DC 14 Strength check, which
causes all lights to turn off, and the elevator does not prevents the elevator from changing floors.
move. Entering the wrong code triggers the alarm.
The code for floor 2 (control room) is ☀⭐🗻💍. The
First Floor
code for -3 (golem vault) is 🌠🗻⚙🌠. Both of these
codes can be discovered by the characters from vari-
10. Landing
ous clues in the dungeons. Some of the buttons have
other effects when pressed twice in rapid succession: A black, velvet runner flows across this landing,
down the mahogany stairs to the foyer below.
⚫ Top Left ‘House’ Symbol—Clear—Clears all
pressed floor buttons.
⚫ Top Right ‘Comet’ Symbol—Alarm—Sets off an This chamber is empty.
alarm that can be heard throughout the house
and dungeons. All guards move to their nearest 11. Bathroom
elevator entrance.
⚫ Middle Right ‘Key’ Symbol—Lock/Unlock—All This privy is just as you’d expect it to be—clean
doors in the house and dungeons lock, except
and functional.
elevator doors. They require a DC 15 Strength,
or Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, to open.
Pressing this symbol an additional three times This chamber is empty.
causes them to unlock again.
⚫ Bottom Left ‘Gear’ Symbol—Generator On/Off— 12. Guest Bedroom
The magical generator in area 22 shuts down.
The elevator can no longer operate. The crow-
drones cannot recharge. All objects powered by A rather modest affair, this bedroom has small
magic in the house and dungeons, such as magi- piles of ash in its corners, and the bed itself
cal traps and lights, cease to function. seems to be smoking, though there is no heat
emitting from it. A few forgettable paintings
hang from the walls, and there is a small sculp-
🏠 ☀ 🌠 ture on the side table.

🗻 ⚱ 🗝 Treasure. The figurine on the side table is a crow sculpt-

ed from onyx that serves as a figurine of wondrous
⚙ 💍 ⭐ power (silver raven).

Mechanism and Buttons. The elevator is magical, and 13. Study

powered by the generator in area 22. If a character
succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check, The door to the study is locked. Cester has one key, one
while looking at the buttons, they gain an understand- of the guards in area 5a has another. The door can be
ing of how they work, though cannot intuit the results forced with a successful DC 12 Strength check, or the
(i.e., they understand the general elevator mecha- lock picked with a successful DC 16 Dexterity check,
nism, and that pressing three times on the symbols using thieves’ tools. When characters enter, read or
has an additional effect, but don’t know that pressing paraphrase the following:
the ‘key’ three times causes doors to lock or unlock). If
the check succeeds by 5 or more, they know the exact You find yourself in a functional, though some-
workings of the elevator, save for the specific codes to what messy, study. A desk, pushed against the
access floor 2 (Control Room) and -3 (Golem Vault). northern wall of the chamber, is strewn with
papers, including diagrams and scrawled notes
Doors. Creatures in the doorway, when they close, must in a strange cypher. The shelves on either side
make a DC 14 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are stacked with further papers and notebooks.
take 5 (1d10) bludgeoning damage and are shunted to
a random side of the doors.

Investigation. Characters can rapidly search the Hidden Storage. The southern wall of the bathroom is
chamber with an Intelligence (Investigation) check. false, and can slide up into the ceiling. Characters with
Compare the result on their check to the results below. a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 20 or higher
If the characters would prefer to search slowly, they notice that the ash on the floor around the wall is
automatically gain a result of 20, but four Crow House disturbed. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation)
guards (assassins) hear and interrupt their investiga- check allows a character to discover a button beneath
tion. the bathtub which, when pressed, reveals area 15a.
25 or more. As 10–14 and 15–24, but the characters also
decipher some of Cester’s notes about the apprentice 15a. Hidden Storage
abduction, and learn that the apprentices have been
moved to the Temple of the Hydra. They also discover This area is hidden, and can only be opened as
architectural plans for the control room (area 19). described in area 15. When it is revealed, read or para-
15–24. As 10–14, but the characters also discover a phrase the following:
rough sketch of the dungeons, and notes about the
crow marks (see Crow Marks). The wall slides up, revealing a storage rack
10–14. The characters find and understand diagrams fastened onto the wall. Hanging from the rack
of the crowdrones (see Crowdrones & Vents and the is a bright-blue breastplate painted with a light-
crowdrone statistics in Appendix C). ning bolt, a lantern in the shape of a crow's head,
9 or less. The characters make too much noise, draw- and a crossbow bolt in a glass box, engraved
ing the attention of four Crow House guards (assassins) with the name ‘Azalon’.
who attempt to ambush the characters from area 5a
when they leave. Treasure. Hanging from the rack is an armor of lightning
resistance (breastplate), a lantern of revealing, and a bolt
14. Master Bedroom of slaying focussed on Azalon, Master of Sorceria.

This room is clearly the master bedroom, and 16. Gallery

is arrogance manifest. An enormous portrait
of Cester Crow hangs on the wall opposite a This hallway has a row of leaded windows which
sizable bed, the four posts of which are carved overlook the front gate to the grounds. Several
to resemble chains of crows in flight. A huge scorched pieces of antique, mahogany furniture
mirror hangs next to the portrait above a side give the place a somewhat outdated feel.
table covered with makeup and hair brushes. A
vast wardrobe contains a dragon’s hoard of fine
Creatures. Two Crow House guards (assassins) are
regalia and garments.
guarding this gallery. Specifically, they try to prevent
anyone unauthorized using the elevator (area 9).
Treasure. The portrait is worth 2,500 gp. The clothes
in the wardrobe are worth a total of 1,500 gp, but are 17. Guard Barracks
hard to carry. In the side table is a pouch of ten onyx
stones (worth 50 gp each).
Fitted with four sets of bunk beds, this chamber
15. Master Bathroom is clearly a barracks. Trunks around the room
contain armor, the dark clothing that befits a
Crow House guard, and sheathed weapons.
This privy is a vision of black marble and white
quartz. Running water from the taps is magically
Creatures. There are four Crow House guards (assas-
supplied, as is the floral scent that pervades the
sins) sleeping in the beds. They have no armor on (AC
room. Pride of place in the chamber is a marble
13), but sleep with daggers under their pillows (Melee
bathtub on silver-plated legs.
or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage).
Treasure. Characters that cast detect magic, or disman- They awake at the sound of combat in adjacent areas,
tle the taps, discover a decanter of endless water provid- or if the characters enter the room without first
ing the running water. succeeding on a DC 16 Dexterity (Stealth) check.

Treasure. The trunks contain four suits of studded Creatures. Unless something has drawn him out,
leather armor (worth 45 gp each), four sets of dark Cester Crow is in this chamber. He uses it to observe
clothing (10 gp each), four poisoned shortswords (One and communicate with the characters. If Cester knows
use. A target hit by the shortsword must make a DC the characters are coming, he casts mage armor, stone-
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison skin, and mind blank on himself before they arrive.
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on During the fight, Cester makes use of defensive spells
a successful one. 10 gp each), and four light crossbows such as mirror image and misty step as often as possible.
(25 gp each) each with a case of 20 bolts (2 gp each). If he loses concentration on stoneskin, or drops below
half his hit points, he casts globe of invulnerability. He
Control Room might use wall of force to stop characters chasing him,
or even time stop, if they reduce him to less than 30 hit
18. Upper Hallway points. Cester keeps at least one spell slot in reserve for
counterspell, to allow him to cast time stop without being
counterspelled himself. Cester also has five potions of
This hallway is entirely devoid of furniture or
greater healing stashed in his desk, if necessary. If he
decoration. The wattle and daub is still visible
manages to escape Crow House and the characters
on the uncovered walls, as if this part of the
pursue, use the chase rules in Chapter 8 of the Dungeon
house is a recent addition.
Master’s Guide to play out the pursuit.
Characters are likely to want to knock Cester uncon-
Creatures. Two Crow House guards (assassins) are scious and interrogate him, rather than killing him. He’s
guarding this hallway. They try to prevent anyone one of the only people in the city, and the only person
unauthorized entering the control room (area 19). the characters know of, who knows where the appren-
tices have been taken—to the Temple of the Hydra. If
19. Control Room reduced to 0 hit points, Cester gives up this information
The door to this room is locked and warded in several freely in return for his life. He might try to guarantee
ways. Firstly, it is protected by an arcane lock spell. The that his life is spared by offering to take the characters
password changes daily, but is currently ‘levitation’. to the location, rather than revealing it to them through
The same password also suppresses a symbol—stun- directions or descriptions.
ning spell, and a glyph of warding—explosive runes spell.
Both of these can be detected with a DC 17 Intelligence Mirrors & Microphone. Each mirror corresponds to an
(Investigation) check. A casting of detect magic reveals arcane eye spell in the dungeons below.
three layers of abjuration magic on the door. Opening The flared brass tube can be spoken into, and the
the door using force requires a DC 25 Strength check words broadcast out of a magic mouth within any
(15 + 10 for the arcane lock). Picking the door’s lock dungeon chamber below.
requires a DC 30 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools (20 If the magical generator in area 22 is turned off, or
+ 10 for the arcane lock). When characters enter, read or destroyed, both the mirrors and microphone cease to
paraphrase the following: function.

Treasure. Stashed in the drawers of the desk are sever-

You enter a spacious chamber that is mostly
al magic items; a rod of true resurrection (Appendix D),
filled with an ornate, mahogany desk and a
five potions of greater healing (unless drunk by Cester),
plump, studded leather chair. On the fair wall
an alchemy jug, a pair of eyes of minute seeing, and a tele-
are dozens of mirrors, polished to a shine, that
portation scroll. The teleportation scroll can be used
display ethereal images of dungeon chambers.
to teleport to the Temple of the Hydra. Cester Crow also
Standing in the center of the desk is a flared
carries a key to the secret door in area 36.
brass tube, connected to some softly whirring
Atop the desk is a strange box that glows with arcane
device. A soft, purple glow covers the room,
energy. This box can be deciphered with an identify
emitted by magically glowing coals in brass
spell, or a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check. A spellcaster
braziers that occupy the room’s corners.
that spends a short rest meditating with the box regains
all their expended spell slots, but can only benefit from
the effect once every 30 days.

General Dungeon Features Each time a creature gains a crow mark, the creature’s
hit point maximum is reduced by 10. The reduction
The following features are common to all cham-
lasts until the crow mark is removed. The creature
bers in the Crow House dungeons, unless other-
dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to
wise stated in a specific room’s description.
0. Furthermore, the creature must roll on the table
Arcane Eyes & Magic Mouths. The dungeons are below to determine an additional effect they are
populated with arcane eyes and magic mouths afflicted with. Reroll repeat results if a character gains
powered by the magical generator in area 22. more than one crow mark. A character doesn’t know
They allow Cester to spy on and communicate the additional effect until it becomes relevant, or until
with the characters from his control room (area they succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
19). If the magical generator is shut down, the Crow marks have no impact on a character outside of
arcane eyes and magic mouths are dispelled until the Crow House dungeons, though they do not disap-
it is turned back on. The spells can manifest pear i.e. a creature with the ‘berserk’ crow mark no
wherever Cester Crow desires, provided he is in longer must make Wisdom saving throws when they
the control room (area 19). take damage. All crow marks can be removed with a
Ceilings, Walls, and Floors. The chambers in the remove curse spell. A single crow mark on a character can
dungeon are 8 feet tall. The walls, floor, and be removed with a greater restoration spell.
ceilings are made from steel, in many cases
polished to a mirror-finish.
Layout. The uppermost floor of the dungeon is Cester Crow
30 feet beneath Crow House. Each subsequent
floor is 15 feet below the last.
Light. Most chambers in the dungeon are well-
lit by continual flames set into alcoves in the
walls at a height of 6 feet. The flames burn with
a purple hue. If the magical generator in area 22
is shut down, the continual flames are dispelled
until it is turned back on.
Resting. Resting in the dungeons is risky. It’s
only a matter of time before Cester discovers
their location, if he doesn’t already know it. For
each hour the characters rest, roll a d6. If any of
the dice show 3 or higher, Cester discovers them
and sends six assassins to take them out.

Crow Marks
The Crow House dungeons have been made
specifically to kill, trap, or break the char-
acters. Rather than merely diminishing
their hit points and resources, the
dungeon has been constructed
to bestow characters with ‘crow
marks’. These marks appear on
the skin of an afflicted charac-
ter and appear like a blotch
of ink in the rough shape of a
crow. Creatures typically gain
crow marks by triggering traps,
or touching certain items.

d20 Crow Mark Effect
Berserk. Whenever a hostile creature damages you, while you have this crow mark, you must succeed
on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, or go berserk. While berserk, you must use your action each round to
make a melee attack against the creature nearest to you, even if this is an ally. If you can make extra
1 attacks as part of your Attack action, you use those extra attacks, moving to attack the next nearest
creature after you reduce your current target to 0 hit points. If you have multiple possible targets, you
attack one at random. You are berserk until you start your turn with no creatures within 60 feet of you
that you can see or hear.
Trapped. Each time you try to cross a threshold (a door, window, hole in a wall etc.) while you have this
2 crow mark, you must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, you become frightened of
the threshold. You can choose to end the frightened condition by taking 10 (3d6) psychic damage.
Unhealable. While you have this crow mark, any time you would regain hit points you instead regain
no hit points, and take necrotic damage equal to the hit points you would have regained.
Immobile. Whenever you take damage, while you have this crow mark, your speed is reduced to 0 until
the end of your next turn.
Limb Swapped. While you have this crow mark, your arms and legs switch places, preventing you from
moving, unless you crawl.
Gravity Reversed. While you have this crow mark, gravity is reversed for you. Unless you are anchored
to the ground, you ‘fall’ upward and reach the top of whichever area you are in when you receive the
crow mark. You can make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to grab onto a fixed object you can reach, thus
6 avoiding the fall.
If a solid object (such as a ceiling) is encountered in this fall, you strike it just as you would during a
normal downward fall. You treat the ceiling as the floor until the crow mark is removed, or you leave
the Crow House dungeons.
Twinned. When you receive this crow mark, a doppelganger of you is created in area 35 of the Crow
House dungeons. The doppelganger tries to replace you, but is destroyed if your crow mark is removed.
Diminishing. Each time you are reduced to 0 hit points, while you have this crow mark, your size is
halved in all dimensions, and your weight is reduced to one-eighth of normal. This reduction decreas-
es your size by one category—from Medium to Small, for example. You also have disadvantage on
Strength checks and Strength saving throws. Your weapons shrink to match your new size. While
these weapons are reduced, your attacks with them deal 1d4 less damage (this can't reduce the
damage below 1). If you drop a size category when you are Tiny, you die.
Swollen Handed. When you receive this crow mark, your hands swell into rock-hard clubs. You can no
longer hold anything with your hands. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage, and you
are proficient with your unarmed strikes. The clubs are magic and you have a +1 bonus to attack and
damage rolls you make while using them.
Ethereal. Whenever you take damage, while you have this crow mark, you must succeed on a DC 15
Charisma saving throw, or become ethereal. While ethereal, you can move in any direction. Every foot
travelled up or down costs an extra foot of movement. You can see and hear the plane you originated
from, but everything there looks gray, and you can't see anything more than 60 feet away.
You can only affect, and be affected by, other ethereal creatures. Creatures that aren't ethereal can't
perceive or interact with you, unless a special ability or magic has given them the ability to do so.
You ignore all objects and effects that aren't ethereal, allowing you to move through objects you
perceive on the plane you originated from.
After 1d4 rounds, you immediately cease to be ethereal in the spot you currently occupy. If you occupy
the same spot as a solid object or creature when this happens, you are immediately shunted to the
nearest unoccupied space that you can occupy, and take force damage equal to twice the number of
feet you are moved.

d20 Crow Mark Effect

Aged. Whenever you fail a saving throw, while you have this crow mark, you age 1d10 + 10 years. If this
would age you past the maximum age for your race, you die.
Polymorphed. When you receive this crow mark, you are transformed into a new form. The new form is
a beast of your choice whose challenge rating is equal to, or less than, your level. Your game statistics,
including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. You retain your
alignment and personality.
You assume the hit points of your new form. When you revert to your normal form, you return to the
number of hit points you had before you transformed unless you revert as a result of dropping to 0
hit points; in which case, any excess damage carries over to your normal form. As long as the excess
damage doesn't reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren’t knocked unconscious.
You are limited in the actions you can perform by the nature of your new form, and you can't speak,
cast spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech.
Your gear melds into the new form. You can't activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of
your equipment.
Echoing. When you receive this crow mark, every sound you make is amplified and echoes out from
13 you. Creatures have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to find you that rely on hearing,
and you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Fragility. When you receive this crow mark, your skin transforms into a fragile, porcelain-like material
14 that cracks slightly whenever you move. You have vulnerability to bludgeoning, piercing, and slash-
ing damage.
Marked. When you receive this crow mark, the crow mark on your skin glows with red light, filling a
5-foot-radius sphere with dim light. The iron golem in area 34 is activated, if it wasn’t already, and it
can use a bonus action to learn the current distance and direction to you, if it is on the same plane of
existence as you, for as long as you have this crow mark.
Entombed. Whenever you try to leave Crow House or its dungeons, while you have this crow mark, you
instead teleport back to the center of the last area within the house or dungeons that you occupied.
Blinded. When you make an ability check that relies on sight, while you have this crow mark, your
17 vision deteriorates. You take a -1 penalty to attack rolls and ability checks that rely on sight. When this
penalty reaches -5, you are blinded until this crow mark is removed.
Hydrophobic. When you receive this crow mark, you develop an irrational fear of water. You are fright-
18 ened of water until this crow mark is removed. Furthermore, you cannot drink water, and if you start
your turn in contact with water, you take 10 (3d6) psychic damage.
Magedrain. When you receive this crow mark, any magic items you are wearing or carrying become
mundane. They regain their magic when given to another creature, or when this crow mark is removed.
Foul blood. Each time you take damage, while you have this crow mark, your blood sprays out from you
20 in a 5-foot radius. Each creature in that area takes an amount of necrotic damage equivalent to your

more, a metal weapon or metal armor the character is
Generator carrying or wearing is subjected to the rust monster’s
antenna effect.
20. Rust Monster Room
21. Corridor of Cables
The walls, ceiling, and floor of this room are The stone doors to this chamber are locked, and can
coated in a thick plaster, save for ten patches of only be unlocked by solving the puzzle in area 20 (see
dull steel on the walls. Rising from the center of Floor in area 20).
the chamber is a stone lectern. Leather-covered
cables plug into the lectern from the floor. On The corridor ahead of you is filled with twist-
the far side of the room is a pair of stone doors, ing cables that spark sporadically with magical
with the numbers 2, 5, 4, and 7 engraved into energy. The serpentine coils of the wires make
them. The floor is divided into six squares. your eyes swim. At the far end of the tunnel is
a circular opening, from which a tremendous
Trap. Behind each of the ten steel sections of wall is rumbling echoes. You can just make out an enor-
a tunnel. These tunnels each lead to a natural cavern mous piston pumping up and down through the
stocked with rust monsters that are kept fighting fit hanging cables.
by Crow House thugs. If characters enter, the tunnels
are blocked by stone gates at the cavern end. Trap. The cables in the corridor are dangerously over-
If the characters use any button or lever on the control charged with magical energy that is drawn to move-
panel built into the stone lectern, the gates rise, allow- ment. The faster something moves through the area,
ing a rust monster into each of the ten tunnels. These the more powerful the discharge the cables emit. If any
rust monsters then use their antennae to rust away the additional weight is placed on the floor of the tunnel,
metal sections of the wall, allowing them into area 20, a circular, adamantine door begins to slide across the
where they attack the characters. opening at the far end of the tunnel at a rate of 2 feet
per round. After 5 rounds, the door closes entirely and
Lectern. The lectern has a control panel of six red locks in place. The door cannot be unlocked from this
buttons and two metal levers built into it. The buttons side.
are numbered from 1 to 6. Using any of the controls For each 5 feet a creature moves through the corridor,
frees the rust monsters (see above). A successful DC they take 1d10 lightning damage, plus an additional
16 Intelligence (Investigation) reveals that the control 1d10 lightning damage for every 5 feet they have moved
panel is fake. through the corridor that turn. For example, a character
that walks 5 feet into the corridor takes 1d10 lightning
Floor. A successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check damage. If they then move another 5 feet into the
reveals that the floor is divided into eight plaster corridor (up to the 10 ft. mark) they take an additional
squares, each of which is pressure sensitive. If at least 2d10 lightning damage (3d10 lightning damage total).
50 lbs. of weight is applied to squares 2, 5, 4, and 7, in If they then move another 5 feet into the corridor (up to
that order, with no other weight applied to any other the 15 ft. mark), they take an additional 3d10 lightning
squares in between, the doors to area 33 unlock. damage (6d10 lightning damage in total). If a character
Putting pressure on the central square causes the were to clear the entire 50 ft. corridor in one turn, they
sequence to reset. would take 55d10 lightning damage.
The wires in a 5-foot-cube of the corridor can be
Creatures. If the characters use the control panel in the removed or destroyed. They can be pulled down with a
lectern, ten rust monsters are released into the cham- successful DC 10 Strength check, which deals 1d10 light-
ber. The rust monsters try to destroy any metal weap- ning damage to the removing character. They have AC
ons or armor the characters are wielding or wearing. 10; 10 hit points; immunity to lightning, poison, and
Characters can harvest an antennae from an inca- psychic damage; vulnerability to slashing damage.
pacitated or dead rust monster. Harvesting requires
1d6 minutes, followed by a DC 16 Intelligence (Nature)
check. On a successful check, the character harvests a
rust monster antenna (Appendix D). On a failed check,
the character is unable to harvest an antennae without
destroying it. If the character fails the check by 5 or

22. Magical Generator Distance DC Force Damage
15 ft. or closer 30 24d10
Beyond the sparking corridor is an enormous 16–30 ft. 25 18d10
mechanical creation. Broad arcs of magical
energy crackle between two pylons of copper 31–60 ft. 20 10d10
disks, between which is a whirring apparatus 61–120 ft. 15 4d10
of cogs and twisted wires. Spaced around the
pieces of machinery are a dozen pads, atop Any nonmagical objects, that aren’t being worn or
which crowdrones are recharging, their bodies carried, in the area of the explosion are destroyed.
flickering with current. A small control panel by Walls, doors, ceilings, floors, windows, and other
the door presumably allows one to control the architectural features within 60 ft. of the generator are
enormous mechanism. destroyed, creating an enormous hole in the dungeon,
and destroying a large portion of Crow House, which
Creatures. There are nine crowdrones recharging here. might cause the entire mansion to collapse, at the DM’s
Touching the control panel causes them to attack. If a discretion.
crowdrone hits with an attack on the same turn it left
its charging pad, the attack deals an extra 16 (3d10) The Grid
lightning damage.
23. Hall of Shards
Control Panel. The control panel is complex, and can
only be understood with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check. After this, a character can deter- This chamber is filled with twisting strands
mine how to safely shut the magical generator down, or of light which illuminate the reflective, metal
turn it back on. Either process takes 1 minute. walls. Cut into the walls are polished doors to
If a character fails the check, they might try to use the the east, south, and west. When the strands of
panel anyway. Roll a d6. On a 6, they accomplish what light touch the walls or doors they recoil, and
they were trying to achieve. On a 2–5, nothing happens; move back into the room.
on a 1, the generator explodes (see below).
Illumination. This chamber is well lit by the magical
Magical Generator. The magical generator powers all lights. Characters that study the lights before enter-
the spells in Crow House and its dungeons. If it is shut ing the chamber realize that, every few minutes,
down or destroyed, the spells are suppressed until the the strands coalesce into a vaguely humanoid form,
generator can be repaired. before dissipating again. A successful DC 16 Intelligence
The generator can be turned off and on using the (Arcana) check reveals that guardians will form from
control panel (see above). It can be destroyed acci- the strands, if an intruder enters the chamber. Charac-
dentally by using the control panel (see above), or by ters can prevent this from happening by dispelling the
sabotage. A creature can work out how to destroy the magical lights using spells such as darkness and dispel
generator with a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check— magic.
crossing certain wires will cause it to short out and
explode. Characters might also decide to destroy it by Creatures. If intruders enter the chamber before
reducing it to 0 hit points (AC 19; 200 hit points; immu- dispelling the magical lights, two shardcrows (Appen-
nity to poison, psychic, and necrotic damage). dix C) form from the strands and attack.
If the generator is destroyed, it explodes. Each crea-
ture within a 120 ft. sphere of the machine must make 24. Corridors
a Dexterity saving throw, taking full force damage on a
These metal corridors are empty and untrapped.
failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Consult
the table below for DCs and damage, based on distance
from the generator:

area 25 has been destroyed does the water cease to
25. Replenishing Fountain replenish, allowing the characters to light the wicks
by magical or mundane means.
Droplets of water fly through the air, glittering Once all four cylinders are lit, fire travels along the
like pearls as they reflect the mirrored walls gutters from the northwest cylinder to the southeast,
that surround them. Their source is a beautiful then northeast, then southwest. Here it stops, and then
fountain of black marble, sculpted like a cawing the cycle repeats. This, coupled with the parchment on
crow. Water spurts from its mouth in a wide arc the wall, provides characters with a clue that the cursed
that slowly sweeps around the chamber. parchments (see areas 29–32) should be ordered the
same way (NW, SE, NE, SE) when used as an elevator
Fountain. The fountain is magical. It creates the water code.
within it, and imbues it with healing (evocation) and
destructive (necromancy) powers. Characters that 27. Invisible Stalker
drink from the fountain gain the effects of a great-
er restoration spell, or can regain 25 hit points. Each This chamber is seemingly empty. The walls are
character can benefit from this effect only once. If the burnished, rather than polished.
fountain is dispelled or destroyed, any character that
has drunk from the fountain gains a level of exhaus-
Creatures. There is a single invisible stalker in this
chamber. The elemental has been placed here to stop
The fountain is connected to the cylinders in the Path
those who destroy or dispel the replenishing fountain
of Light (area 26). It supplies the cylinders with eternal-
(area 27). The creature responsible for the fountain’s
ly refilling water. Solving the puzzle in that chamber
destruction or dispelling becomes the stalker’s quarry.
requires the fountain to be dispelled or destroyed. The
It otherwise ignores the characters, unless they attack.
fountain can be dispelled with a successful casting of
dispel magic (DC 17). The fountain can be destroyed by
dealing damage to it (AC 17; 50 hitpoints; immunity 28. Rusted Plinth
to necrotic, poison, psychic, and radiant damage).
Destroying or dispelling the fountain attracts the invis- At a point where four corridors—from the cardi-
ible stalker from area 27. nal directions—meet, is an open space with a
stone dais at the center.
26. Path of Light
This room is empty, unless the characters have solved
Sunk into the floor of this chamber are four the puzzles in areas 23, 25, 26, and 27. In that case,
metal cylinders, filled with water, from which read or paraphrase the following:
thick wicks poke out. Each is connected to the
others by shallow, dry gutters. There are scorch As you enter, you hear a tremendous grinding
marks around the holes and along the gutters. sound as the stone dais splits into sections.
Nailed to the walls are dozens of pieces of parch- Rising from the hole created is a rusted metal
ment, each of which has a crow icon inked upon plinth, around 5 feet tall. The dais comes togeth-
it. er once again, forming a platform beneath the
Puzzle. Embedded in a square in the floor are four
metal cylinders with wicks in, each of which is connect- Plinth. The rusty metal plinth is weak, thanks to oxida-
ed to the others by a shallow gutter. Characters should tion. A character that takes time to examine it closely
deduce from the wicks and scorch marks surrounding realizes it is hollow—the inside is visible thanks to
the cylinders and gutters that something happens holes caused by rust. Any light cast into the plinth
when the cylinders are ignited. However, beneath the reveals a small box inside it. Breaking the plinth to
level of the gutters in each cylinder is a pool of water, retrieve the box is easy, provided the characters have a
preventing the wick from igniting. Trying to remove bludgeoning weapon, otherwise it requires a success-
the water from the gutter by mundane means fails, ful DC 15 Strength check. Attempting the check deals
as the water magically replenishes, as do spells such 11 (2d10) slashing damage to a character, as the rusty
as create or destroy water. Only after the fountain in metal cuts into them.

Box. The box inside the plinth is unlocked. It contains ness. They are provided with enough food and drink to
a ring of x-ray vision, the use of which allows a character survive, and they have bedrolls on which to sleep, but
to see areas 29 through 32. Accessing these rooms is their existence is pitiful and saddening.
no mean feat, but teleportation of any kind works, as The gnomes are desperate to leave the dungeon, but
does rusting the metal walls using the rust monster each has the ‘entombed’ crow mark (see Crow Marks
antennae from area 20. sidebar) which prevents them from doing so.

Crow Mark. A creature that attunes to the ring of x-ray Treasure. Each gnome has a set of tinker’s tools (worth
vision gains a crow mark (see Crow Marks sidebar). 50 gp).

29–32. Cursed Parchment 34. Golem Vault

The following chambers are almost identical. They This room is sealed from within. It can only be opened
are cuboid chambers of polished metal embedded in from the inside, but the wall between this chamber
the dungeon, separated by thin metal sheets from the and area 33 could be destroyed, or teleported through.
corridors surrounding them. The rooms are inacces-
sible, except via teleportation, or by rusting or other- This dark chamber is empty.
wise destroying the metal walls. Read or paraphrase
the following the first time a character enters one of Creatures. When characters first enter the dungeon,
the chambers: this chamber contains an iron golem that is inactive.
It has a hulking body, but its face is a silver mask of
Sealed from the rest of the dungeon, this cham- Cester Crow’s face. The golem could be activated by
ber is grimy with ash. There is nothing in here one of several traps in the dungeon, or by a specif-
save a small, lead box atop a narrow, featureless ic crow mark effect. Its activation is accompanied
plinth. by massive reverberations that echo through the
dungeon as it unseals the door. Once activated, the
Plinth, Box, & Parchment. Both the plinth and box are iron golem seeks out the characters, aiming to capture
mundane. The box is made of lead to prevent divina- them in the extradimensional space it has inside its
tion. Within the box is a piece of parchment, which is chest. It has the following attack options:
cursed (see below). On each piece of parchment is a
symbol which, when combined in the correct order Grab. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
with the symbols on the other pieces of parchment target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage, and the
(see area 26), provides the code to access the control target is grappled.
room (area 19) via the elevator (area 9). Northwest: 🜛
Southeast: ✴ Northeast: 🝓 Southwest: ⛣ Capture. The iron golem makes one slam attack against
a Medium or smaller target it is grappling. If the attack
Crow Mark. A creature that touches a cursed parch- hits, the target is captured, and the grapple ends. The
ment gains a crow mark (see Crow Marks sidebar). captured target is blinded and restrained, and it has
total cover against attacks and other effects outside the
Golem Vault golem. The golem can capture up to five creatures at a
33. Crowdrone Workshop If the iron golem takes 20 damage or more on a single
turn from a creature inside it, the golem must succeed
on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw at the end of that
The doors open to reveal ten gnomes work- turn, or expel all captured creatures, which fall prone in
ing feverishly on the crow-like drones that a space within 10 feet of the golem. If the golem dies, a
flit around the dungeon. They appear under- captured creature is no longer restrained by it and can
nourished and exhausted, and are working in escape from the corpse by using 30 feet of movement,
the pitch black. Each individual turns a pair of exiting prone.
wearied eyes towards you.

Gnomes. Cester has captured ten gnomes and is forc-

ing them to make crowdrones down here in the dark-

Treasure. Inside the wall of force and molten sphere is
Mirror Level a diamond (worth 1,000 gp) which radiates an aura of
heat metal. Any metal within 10 feet of it is subject to
35. Molten Sphere the heat metal spell (save DC 20). Casting dispel magic
on the diamond removes this effect, as does matching
the mirrored chambers (areas 37 and 38).
This room is lit by a sphere of bubbling, molten
metal that hangs in front of a large door on the
southern wall. Although clearly boiling, it emits
36. Hall of Mirrors
no heat, and doesn’t appear to be dripping. The
glowing globe illuminates a nondescript door in Dozens of peculiar reflections are scattered
the eastern wall of the chamber, as well as two around this chamber. The mirrors creating them
doors, polished to a mirror-finish, on either side are as thin as ice, making it difficult to tell how
of the globe itself. to get through.

Molten Sphere. A 10-foot-radius spherical wall of force Mirrors. Characters that succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom
holds up the molten metal, which is kept boiling (Perception or Survival) check can make their way
by a permanent heat metal effect cast on a diamond through the mirrored hall without difficulty. Alterna-
encased within the wall of force (see Treasure below). tively, characters can take their time to make their way
Nothing can physically pass through the sphere. It is through the hallway, which results in a level of exhaus-
immune to all damage and can't be dispelled by dispel tion, or they can smash the mirrors. If the mirrors are
magic. A disintegrate spell destroys the sphere instant- smashed, the room is filled with a blade barrier.
ly, however. The wall also extends into the Ethereal
Plane, blocking ethereal travel through the wall. 37. Mirror Chamber A
Trap. A creature that tries to open the southern door
The metal walls of this chamber have been
beneath the sphere, leading to area 36, triggers the
polished to a mirror-finish. It takes you a
trap. The wall of force is dispelled, causing the molten
moment to realize the room is actually rather
metal to fall over any creatures in the area beneath it.
small and cramped. It is furnished with a black
All creatures in the area must make a DC 20 Dexter-
marble shrine, bearing six white candles, a black
ity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 99
marble plinth topped with a crystal crow, and a
(18d10) fire damage, and is encased in the metal, which
circular table covered with a white tablecloth,
rapidly cools to seal them inside. An encased creature is
atop which stands a stack of gold coins.
petrified until the metal can be removed. On a success-
ful save, a creature takes half as much damage, and isn’t
encased. Mirror Image. This chamber is perfectly laid out as
A creature can be broken out of its case with a DC 30 a mirror image of area 38. It is linked to the trap to
Strength check, at which point it is no longer petrified. area 35. If the characters wish to disable the trap, they
Any spell or magical effect that removes metal also must make it so area 38 exactly mirrors this room as
removes the case. the characters found it. Removing all items from both
When the trap is triggered, the southern door rooms does not work.
becomes splattered with molten metal. Opening it,
once it has been coated in metal, requires a DC 30 Treasure. The crystal crow is worth 150 gp. There are
Strength check. Any spell or magical effect that removes exactly 283 gold pieces on the table.
metal removes the sealing metal.
Matching the mirrored chambers (areas 37 and 38) 38. Mirror Chamber B
dispels the heat metal effect on the diamond, causing
the sphere of molten metal to solidify. If the trap is
The metal walls of this chamber have been
triggered after the metal has cooled, the damage dealt
polished to a mirror-finish. It takes you a
by it is reduced to 44 (8d10), and its type is changed
moment to realize the room is actually rather
to bludgeoning. Furthermore, creatures cannot be
small and cramped. It is furnished with a black
encased, and the southern door cannot be sealed.
marble shrine, a black marble plinth, and a
circular table of wood.

Mirror Image. This chamber is laid out as a mirror Failure. If a character places an incorrect totem on
image of area 37, but is incomplete. The six candles a plinth, a beam of twisting red energy leaps from
are missing from the shrine, the crystal crow is miss- that character to another random character. That
ing from the plinth, and the tablecloth and gold are character takes 22 (4d10) necrotic damage, and
missing from the table. both characters become tethered. Whenever one of
It is linked to the trap in area 35. If the characters the characters would take damage, the character to
wish to disable the trap, they must make it so this which they are tethered takes the damage instead.
room exactly mirrors area 37 as the characters found it. A character can be tethered to only one other char-
Removing all items from both rooms does not work. acter; if a new tether is formed, the old one breaks.

Missing Items. The missing candles can be provided by 40. Crushing Corridor
the characters, or found in area 44. The missing crystal
crow can be found in area 42. The missing tablecloth
can be found in area 45. The missing gold can be This metal corridor appears empty.
provided by the characters, or taken from area 46.
Compacting Walls
39. Ties that Bind
(Simple trap, level 5–10, deadly threat)
The walls of the corridor are designed to press in,
Stone totems fill this chamber. Each is sculpted crushing anyone within the corridor.
into a vaguely humanoid form with an over- Trigger. A creature that touches a door from inside
sized, cylindrical head. The faces of the totems the corridor triggers the trap.
display a range of emotions, from a lurid sneer Effect. Each creature in the corridor must succeed on a
to overjoyed laughter. Against the far wall are DC 20 Strength saving throw. If all creatures within the
five pedestals. corridor fail, each creature takes 55 (10d10) bludg-
eoning damage and is trapped. A trapped creature
Totems. There are twelve totems in the chamber. Each is restrained and suffocating, and takes 55 (10d10)
is around 5 feet tall, and weighs 600 lbs., so are impos- bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns.
sible to move unless a character has a Strength score A trapped creature can free itself, and all other crea-
of 20 or higher. The twelve totems have the following tures in the corridor, with a successful DC 20 Strength
expressions: crying, eyes rolling, frowning, grimacing, check. If at least one creature succeeds, each creature
howling, kissing, laughing, smiling, snarling, sneer- in the corridor takes half the bludgeoning damage,
ing, squinting, thinking. and isn’t trapped.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Percep-
Pedestals. Against the southern wall are five identical tion) check reveals the presence of faint scratch and
stone pedestals, a few feet tall, onto which a totem scuff marks on the walls and floor of this corridor.
would fit perfectly. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check
allows a creature to spot an arcane rune carved into
Puzzle. Characters who succeed on a DC 16 Intelli- the door. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check
gence (Arcana) check, or cast detect magic, realize that enables a creature to destroy the trap by defacing the
the pedestals are imbued with abjuration magic. A rune; failing this check causes the trap to activate. A
successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals successful dispel magic spell (DC 15), cast on the rune,
that placing the correct totem on the correct pedestal destroys the trap. Placing a wide item, such as a sturdy
will trigger some effect. The order of totems can be pole, between the walls, prevents them compacting
discerned from the doors to areas 42–46. entirely.
Success. If characters place the laughing, smiling,
crying, frowning, and sneering totems from left to 41. Construct Custodians
right on the five pedestals, they successfully solve
the puzzle. A bright light flashes in the room, and
Stood stationary in the center of this chamber
a voyager staff (Appendix D) appears, levitating, in
are four stone humanoids with great slabs of
the center of the chamber. All of the totems rotate
granite on their arms, and a cobra constructed
to face the staff.
from iron rings.

Creatures. There are four stone defenders and an iron know the result, but not the exact DC or damage, of
cobra guarding this chamber. They don’t animate each effect.
until attacked, or until a creature sets foot in the area.
They try to force intruders back through area 40. The Treasure. Fixed to the ceiling of the box is another,
defenders try to protect the cobra from attacks using smaller, locked box with a moon symbol on it. The
their Intercept Attack reaction. small box cannot be found while there is darkness in
the chamber, unless a character spends 10 minutes
Treasure. When a stone defender is destroyed, it falls sweeping every surface of the large box’s interior. If
to pieces revealing a cavity inside its body. Stored in the large box is lit, the small box can be clearly seen.
each defender’s cavity is a potion of hill giant strength. The smaller box can only be unlocked in an entirely
unlit area. Once in such an area, it can be unlocked with
42. The Box a successful DC 15 Dexterity check, using thieves’ tools, or
broken open with a successful DC 10 Strength check. The
The door to this chamber is engraved with a laughing
box can be smashed open, at any time, using a magic
face (a clue for area 39). When the characters enter,
weapon that deals bludgeoning damage.
read or paraphrase the following:
This smaller box contains a crystal crow, worth 150 gp,
that exactly matches the one in area 37. If the box was
Inside this chamber is another, smaller cube broken open with a Strength check, or smashed open
room of polished metal with a door. Beside the with a weapon, roll a d20. On a 10 or higher, the crys-
door is an array of buttons. tal crow is smashed to pieces. It can be repaired with
a mending spell, or after a character with proficiency
The Box. The inner room is a 6-foot cube. It has an in jeweler’s tools or glassblower’s tools spends 1 hour
unlocked door, but no windows, and is entirely unlit working on it.
inside. Furthermore, the inside of the box is masked
with a permanent darkness spell. Crow Mark. A creature that touches the crystal crow
with their bare skin gains a crow mark (see Crow
The Buttons. There are four buttons next to the door. Marks sidebar).
They cannot be pushed while the door is open, or while
the magical generator (area 22) is off. Once closed, each 43. Dust of the Elements
of the four buttons can be used. The buttons are:
The door to this chamber is engraved with a smiling
Sun: A burst of sunlight lights the box. Each creature face (a clue for area 39). When the characters enter,
inside the box, that can see the light, must succeed read or paraphrase the following:
on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, or take 42 (12d6)
radiant damage and become blinded. After the In each corner of this chamber is a towering
burst fades, any darkness inside the box is dispelled elemental: earth, fire, air, and water. They
and replaced with a light spell. appear to be bound in place by some invisible
Moon: A magical darkness appears in the box. Any force, though they smash themselves against
light inside the box is dispelled and replaced with a the barriers in an attempt to get to you. Embed-
darkness spell. ded into the far wall are four obsidian squares,
Crow: Each creature in the box regains 10 hit points and in the center of the chamber is a plinth of
and has a crow mark removed. The button cannot wound chains.
be pressed again for another hour.
Open Hand: Each creature inside the box must Creatures. The chamber has an elemental in each
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take corner. From northwest to southwest, going clock-
56 (3d10 + 40) force damage. A creature reduced to wise, they are an air elemental, earth elemental, fire
0 hit points by this damage turns to a pile of dust, elemental, and water elemental. When characters
leaving behind whatever gear it was holding or enters, each is trapped behind a wall of force.
wearing. The creature can only be restored to life by
means of a true resurrection or a wish spell. Squares. Each of the squares is identical, and made
from obsidian. They are roughly 2 feet long and wide,
Characters who examine the buttons and succeed and have an aura of illusion magic when seen through
on a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana or Investigation) check can detect magic.
determine roughly what each of the buttons does. They

Plinth. The plinth is made of chains, held in place by Crow Mark. A creature that touches a candle with their
abjuration magic, which can be revealed with a DC 16 bare skin gains a crow mark (see Crow Marks sidebar).
Intelligence (Arcana) check, or a casting of detect magic.
If detect magic is used, it also reveals that the plinth is 45. Cloaked Statue
linked to the invisible barriers that keep the elementals
The door to this chamber is engraved with a frowning
face (a clue for area 39). When the characters enter,
Characters with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score
read or paraphrase the following:
of 16 or higher notice there are four iron vessels weaved
into the chains of the plinth. Each vessel is etched with
a symbol of one of the elements (air, earth, fire, and Something, perhaps a statue, stands in the
water). center of this dull, metal room. The form is
Casting dispel magic on the plinth causes the wall of covered by a large, white cloth.
force spells trapping the elementals to disappear, allow-
ing the elementals to attack. It also causes the iron Creatures. Both the cloth and statue beneath are magi-
vessels to drop to the floor. cally enchanted constructs. If the cloth is touched, it
animates as an increased-threat rug of smothering
Iron Vessels & Puzzle. Each iron vessel is attuned to a (Appendix C). If the statue is revealed, it animates
particular element. A character can use an action to as an animated iron statue (Appendix C). The statue
unstopper a vessel, forcing an associated elemental is an iron humanoid, with a crystal head that glows
within 30 feet to make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On green when exposed.
a failed save, the elemental is pulled into the vessel The cloth can be moved without animating it in an
and trapped, provided the vessel is stoppered. Once antimagic field, or if it is targeted by dispel magic and
unstoppered, the elemental is released again, and fails on a Constitution saving throw against the caster’s
attacks. spell save DC. It ceases to be animated if reduced to 0
When an elemental is pulled into its associated flask, hit points, but is damaged, and must be repaired with
one of the squares on the far wall magically lights up, a mending spell, or after a character with proficiency in
revealing a symbol. The symbols correspond to those weaver’s tools or leatherworker’s tools spends 1 hour
in the elevator (area 9), and represent the sequence of working on it.
buttons one needs to press to access the golem vault: 🜸🝓⚙🜸. The statue can be rendered inanimate by covering
it, which causes the green glow it emits to be dimmed
44. Candlelight Chamber also. An item such as a bedroll or backpack is enough to
cover the statue’s head.
The door to this chamber is engraved with a crying
face (a clue for area 39). When the characters enter, Treasure. The cloth covering the statue is a tablecloth
read or paraphrase the following: that exactly matches the one in area 37.
Six candles are arranged on the floor of this Crow Mark. A creature that touches the tablecloth
otherwise darkened chamber. Their light flick- with their bare skin gains a crow mark (see Crow
ers and reflects off the metal walls in geometric Marks sidebar).
46. Bank
Candles. There are six candles in this chamber that
The door to this chamber is engraved with a sneering
exactly match those in area 37.
face (a clue for area 39). When the characters enter,
read or paraphrase the following:
Shadows. If this room is cast into darkness (i.e. if the
candles are removed), it begins to spawn shadows. On
initiative count 20, it creates one shadow. On initiative The floor of this chamber is piled high with
count 15, it creates two shadows. On initiative count 10, stacks of gold coins, treasures, gemstones, and
it creates four shadows. On initiative count 5, it creates the like. The entire place twinkles with glittery
eight shadows. It continues to create eight shadows on light that reflects off the amassed hoard. The
subsequent initiative counts 20, 15, 10, and 5 until the far wall is made of stone, and sports an ornate
room is at least dimly lit again. bas-relief of a crow with a golden beak.

Fool’s Gold. Most of the treasure in this chamber is fake,
save for a pile of 283 gold pieces that exactly matches
47. Humming Hallway
those in area 37. Characters can correctly identify the This corridor is hidden behind a secret door (see area
true coins with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investi- 46). When characters open the door, read or para-
gation) or Wisdom (Perception) check. The true pile is in phrase the following:
the southwest corner of the chamber.
A tooth-cracking humming fills the hallway
Difficult Terrain. The amount of treasure on the floor ahead. The metal corridor gives off an almost
makes it difficult terrain. When a creature moves onto static aura, and makes your hackles rise. The
the treasure-covered floor for the first time on a turn, droning hum it creates is incessant. The ceiling
it must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, of the first section of the hallway is covered
or fall prone as the treasure duplicates (see below). with wires and cables that emerge from holes
in the metal. The corridor doesn’t appear to go
Wealth Begets Wealth. A creature that touches any of anywhere. It ends with a metal panel.
the false treasure causes it to duplicate. If a creature
grabs an armful, falls onto, or otherwise touches a Humming. The humming is generated by the magical
large amount of treasure in one go, they take 11 (2d10) generator (area 22). If a character moves more than
bludgeoning damage, as the new copies burst into 5 feet into the hallway, while the humming persists,
existence and pummel them. they feel the magic items on their person begin to
If this occurs more than five times, the room starts vibrate and discharge static. They must succeed on a
to fill. Medium creatures must squeeze to get inside Dexterity saving throw, the DC of which equals 5 plus
and move within the chamber. If any creatures are still the number of feet into the corridor they have walked.
in contact with the treasure, or come into contact with On a successful save, they leap back to the first 5 feet
it after this point, the duplication becomes uncontrol- of the corridor; on a failure, every magic item on their
lable. Any creature wholly within the chamber begins person, that they are not attuned to, is destroyed.
suffocating. Unless the door is closed within 1 round, The corridor has an aura of abjuration magic, which
the treasure starts spilling out into area 41 and beyond. can be revealed with the detect magic spell or a success-
ful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check. The humming
Secret Door. At the rear of the room is a bas-relief of cannot be dispelled, but can be silenced with a silence
a crow. Characters with a passive Wisdom (Percep- spell or stopped by destroying, or shutting down, the
tion) score of 20 or higher notice that the beak can magical generator. Alternatively, the humming can be
be opened. Inside the beak is a keyhole. Cester Crow stopped by disconnecting the corridor from the magical
has one key, another is hidden in area 26. Unlocking generator.
the beak reveals a complex locking mechanism. It The corridor is connected to the magical generator by
can be deciphered with a successful DC 20 Intelligence wires on the ceiling that emerge from holes in the metal.
(Investigation) check, and then unlocked with a subse- This first 5 feet is not subjected to the magic-item-de-
quent successful DC 20 Dexterity check, using thieves’ stroying effect described above. Characters can try to
tools. Both checks require at least one of the creature’s disconnect the corridor from the generator by messing
hands (or equivalent) to be placed inside the beak. If with these wires. First, a character must succeed on
both checks are successful, the stone wall rises into a DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check to determine
the ceiling, allowing area 47 to be accessed. which wire to cut. On a failure, the character believes
Failure on either of these two checks causes the beak they have the correct wire, but are mistaken. After the
to snap shut. The creature that failed the check must correct wire is determined, a character must succeed on
succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, or have their a DC 17 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, using a dagger
hand severed at the wrist. The creature can no longer or other blade to cut it and not any of the other wires.
hold anything with two hands, and can hold only a This check automatically fails if the previous Intelli-
single object at a time. Magic, such as the regenerate gence (Investigation) check failed.
spell, can restore the lost appendage. If a character fails the Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
check, they cut the wrong wire, causing a magical
explosion. Each creature within 30 feet of the wires
must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 44
(8d10) force damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.

Secret Door. The far end of the corridor is a feature- A creature can take more than one item. The more
less, metal panel. Characters with a passive Wisdom items a character takes, the worse the penalty dice
(Perception) score of 17 or higher notice that the panel get, but the better the item they obtain, as per the
is not quite flush with the walls. A successful DC 17 table below.
Intelligence (Investigation) check allows a character to
deduce that the door must be pushed with a certain
Item Penalty
pressure for it to open. A successful DC 17 Strength Treasure Item
Taken Dice
check allows the panel to be opened.
A character that fails the final Strength check is Roll on the ‘250 gp Art
pushed back from the panel with immense force. They Objects’ table in Chapter
are thrown back to the far end of the corridor, taking First 1d4
7 of the Dungeon Master’s
14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage if they hit the floor. If Guide.
a character would hit a creature before the end of the
corridor, that creature must make a DC 17 Dexterity Roll on the ‘750 gp Art
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is hit, and Objects’ table in Chapter
Second 1d6
both the hit and the thrown creature take 1d6 bludg- 7 of the Dungeon Master’s
eoning damage for every 10 feet the thrown creature Guide.
has been pushed back. On a success, the character Roll on the ‘2,500 gp Art
dodges, and the thrown creature continues. If this puts Objects’ table in Chapter
another creature in the thrown creature’s path, they Third 1d8
7 of the Dungeon Master’s
must make the saving throw too. Guide.
Roll on ‘Magic Item Table
48. Crow House Vaults Fourth 1d10 A’ in Chapter 7 of the
This vault can only be accessed by opening the secret Dungeon Master’s Guide.
door in area 47. When characters enter, read or para-
Roll on ‘Magic Item Table
phrase the following:
Fifth 1d12 B’ in Chapter 7 of the
Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Rather than being plated with polished steel,
like the rest of the dungeon, this chamber is Roll on ‘Magic Item Table
coated with dull lead, banded with iron. It is Sixth 2d12 C’ in Chapter 7 of the
featureless, save for a circular, pitch-black hole Dungeon Master’s Guide.
in the floor that has several rods around its edge. Roll on ‘Magic Item Table
Seventh 3d12 D’ in Chapter 7 of the
Hole & Rods. The hole in the floor is a portable hole, Dungeon Master’s Guide.
stuck in place with four immovable rods. The rods have Roll on ‘Magic Item Table
been activated so that they cannot be moved, and pin Eighth 4d12 E’ in Chapter 7 of the
the portable hole where it is. The button that activates Dungeon Master’s Guide.
them has a crow symbol on it. It cannot be pressed by
anyone other than Cester Crow, unless it is first moved Roll on ‘Magic Item Table
by force, which requires a successful DC 30 Strength Ninth 5d12 F’ in Chapter 7 of the
check, and resets the button. Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Roll on ‘Magic Item Table
Trapped Treasure. The portable hole has been trapped Tenth 6d12 G’ in Chapter 7 of the
so that it curses creatures, other than Cester Crow, that Dungeon Master’s Guide.
remove items from it. A creature that takes an item
from the portable hole gains a penalty dice. Whenev-
er the creature makes an attack roll, ability check,
or saving throw, they must also roll the penalty dice,
deducting the result from the total. The penalty dice
lasts until the creature finishes a long rest, or until
they benefit from a greater restoration spell.

Disposal Well
49. Disposal Well

In the center of this dark cellar is a well. The

entire chamber is made from carved stone
blocks, and the well’s walls are of a similar
construction. The entire place seems to have
been recently cleaned; gray ash-sludge lines the
cracks between flagstones.

Creatures. Characters who can see in the dark spot an

unconscious crowdrone slumped in the southeastern
corner, with a small dustpan and brush. The crowdrone
became stuck while cleaning the chamber below, and
could not return to area 22 to recharge.

Well. See Entering through the Undercity at the start

of this chapter for a description of the well, and the trap
hidden within it.

By the end of this chapter, the characters should have
found and defeated Cester Crow, and gathered from
him (or his notes) that the abducted apprentices
are now in their final destination: the Temple of the
Hydra. Here, the apprentices are sacrificed before
their corpses are moved through the Crow House
dungeons to Sorceria and the Master’s Square.
In Chapter 5, the characters can rush to the Temple
of the Hydra, probably by using the teleportation scroll
in the control room (area 19). Once here, they must
prevent the final ritual, conducted by the Cult of the
Hydra, in order to save the remaining apprentices, and
stop the summoning of a devastating evil.

Milestone Leveling
After the characters have confronted Cester
Crow, they should gain a level, taking them to
a minimum of 8th level. Characters may also
have gained levels for clearing out the dungeon
and house, and can gain additional levels, as
the DM sees fit, for solving particularly difficult

Chapter 5—A God Unborn

his chapter of the campaign sees the
characters travel to the Temple of the
Temple of the Hydra
Hydra—a place of worship for the Cult The Temple of the Hydra is an enormous, inverted
of the Hydra in the Undercity of Sorceria. ziggurat that balances on its narrow base (which
Characters find themselves at the temple would typically be the tip). The temple is made from
after forcing the information out of Cester Crow, and green-veined white marble, with a colossal, green-
then travelling through any of various means includ- stone statue of a hydra rising up behind it. This statue
ing teleportation, vehicles, or pursuing Cester himself. is connected to the rear of the temple through the
In any case, the characters are most likely to arrive at statue’s body.
the entrance to the temple, which is situated in an The cultists who worship at the temple typically
enormous cavern beneath Sorceria. When characters enter through the ziggurat’s base. The characters might
arrive, read or paraphrase the following: decide to charge the ziggurat’s base and make their way
up through the structure, enter through the mouths of
Fang-like stalactites hang from the roof of this the hydra statue (which contain prison cells), or try to
cavern, dripping cloudy water like venom. make their way through the arrowslit windows of the
Despite the enormity of the cavern, it is almost top level if they have spells or abilities to make that
entirely filled by an inverted ziggurat of white possible. Allow the characters to undertake any reason-
marble, shadowed by an enormous, greenstone able plan, but ensure they know that if they’re noticed,
statue of a hydra. The statue’s heads have their the entire cult will fall upon them.
mouths wide open, revealing jail cells inside. In the highest chamber of the temple, the Cult of the
The looming, reptilian presence casts a writh- Hydra have amassed to undertake a ritual sacrifice of
ing shadow, thanks to the flickering, purple the next abducted Conclave apprentice. This is a nightly
flames behind it. Hooded figures in emer- occurance at present. Depending on how long it has
ald robes scurry around the temple, ant-like taken the characters to get here, this ceremony could
in comparison to the enormous hydra idol. potentially be the last one, where the final Conclave
The highest and broadest level of the ziggurat apprentice is due to be sacrifiec. No matter how many
is peppered with thin arrowslits that serve as apprentices have previously been sacrificed, the next
windows. Pouring forth from these is a ghostly, one in line is Gygor Gax, son of Melzor Gax—one of
green light and the echoing ring of a gong being the Elder Eight. The ritual has drawn almost all of the
struck in a commanding rhythm. There is clearly cultists up to the top chamber of the ziggurat (area 25),
something occurring in the chamber. leaving the lower levels of the temple relatively empty.
Remember that if the characters draw attention to
themselves, the cultists are likely to descend from the
Provided the characters don’t draw immediate atten- Grand Temple and attack, trying to repel the intruders
tion to themselves through the use of ostentatious as best they can. This might be an advantageous tactic
spells or abilities, they can take some time here on the for the characters if they have a reasonable means of
edge of the cavern to decide upon a plan. escaping, as the disturbance interrupts to sacrifical
The Cult of the Hydra is a front created by the Elder ceremony taking place.
Eight disguised as the Hidden Masters—the patrons of
the cult. The faction consists of delusional individuals
who believe they are summoning a hydra-god into the Milestone Levelling
world who will destroy their foes, and bestow regen- The characters start this chapter at at least 8th
erative powers upon them. Their leader, Xoltan, has level. They should gain a level once they’ve
no love for the Hidden Masters, and wishes to elevate stopped the ritual.
the cult beyond their control. Xoltan is a true devotee
of the hydra-god, and has actually discovered a way to
summon the being, without letting the Hidden Masters
know. Although he understands that the Hidden
Masters were essential in organizing the victims for his
sacrificial ceremony, he doesn’t intend to spare them
when the hydra-god is born. He falsely assumes he’ll be
able to control such an ancient, powerful being.
General Temple of the Hydra
The following features are common through-
out the Temple of the Hydra, unless otherwise
noted in an area’s description.
Daughter of the
Ceilings, Floors, and Walls. Both the ziggurat and Hydra
statue are made of stone, white marble, and
greenstone respectively. All surfaces are around
2 feet thick. Ceilings reach a height of 10 feet,
save for area 25, which is 50 feet tall.
Cultists. There are roughly fifty cultists present
in and around the ziggurat. Unless the char-
acters take measures to avoid being spotted,
or to blend in, they are likely to be noticed.
If noticed, the cultists sound a gong in
area 18, warning the entire temple. Any
remaining cultists converge on the char-
acters in waves of ten at a time. Even if the
alarm is sounded, High Priest Xoltan and the
Hidden Masters remain in area 25, to conduct
the ritual.
Gorgon’s Blood. The entire temple is coated
with an alchemical substance called gorgon’s
blood, which imitates a thin sheet of lead,
preventing spells such as detect evil and
good, as well as preventing divination
spells such as scrying.
Light. The temple is well-lit by torches in sconc-
es on the walls, and burning braziers in the
corners of chambers.

Final Showdown
This is the opportunity for the characters to get their
final battle with the antagonists of the campaign.
Not only is High Priest Xoltan here, the leader
of the Cult of the Hydra, but the remaining
members of the Elder Eight are also present
in the temple to oversee the ceremony.
While the Elder Eight are disguised as
hydra cultists, you might want to
use this chapter as an opportunity
for the characters to expose them
to the cultists. While Xoltan is unlike-
ly to be swayed by the cult’s false
patrons, the lower ranking
cultists are likely to abandon
their allegiances once they
see it’s founded on nonsense.

Ritual Timeline 1. Hall of Doors
If you want to put more pressure on the char-
acters to get to the ritual quickly, and stop it
occurring, you could count rounds from when This empty chamber features an ornately sculpt-
the characters first arrive in the temple. At ed, central spiral staircase that coils its way up
certain round counts, different events occur in into the ziggurat. The foundation of the spiral
the ritual that progress the narrative. If you’re staircase is a great, coiled serpent. Four pairs of
not keen on counting rounds, you could just double doors allow access to this room from all
have the events occur at narratively appropriate angles.
or interesting times. The stages of the ritual are
as follows. Treasure. Characters with a passive Wisdom (Percep-
tion) score of 14 or higher notice that the serpent
Round 5. Gygor Gax, the apprentice due to be
at the stair’s base has a jaw that can be opened and
sacrificed, is collected from his cell (area 27f)
closed. Within the serpent’s mouth are four vials of
by Gardon the jailor (in area 20) using a rope of
serpent venom, shaped like fangs (see Chapter 8 of
climbing (area 21).
the Dungeon Master’s Guide).
Round 7. Gygor and Gardon enter the ziggurat
(area 20) through the statue (area 21) and head 2. Spiral Stair
through the Hall of the Hydra (area 16) to the
stairs (area 14).
A coiling set of spiral stairs, rendered in white
Round 10. Gygor and Gardon reach the Grand marble, snakes its way into the temple.
Temple (area 25).
Round 11. Gygor is taken by Xoltan and placed Trap. Creatures not wearing Hydra Cult robes, that use
upon the central shrine. Gardon returns to the these stairs, set off a magical alarm. A loud hissing
statue entrance (area 20). emanates from the stairs, alerting any creature within
Round 12. Xoltan and the Daughters of the 120 ft. of the stairs of the intruders’ presence. Charac-
Hydra undertake the ritual, which culminates ters can detect the trap by casting spells such as detect
in sacrificing Gygor. This involves chanting, magic or find traps. It can be dispelled with dispel magic,
offerings, and dance. or rendered useless with a silence spell.

Round 15. Xoltan slices Gygor’s throat, and The spiral stair terminates on a small landing
collects his blood in a brass bowl. Gygor begins area with tiled walls and a white marble floor.
dying. There is a large doorway to the north, smaller
Round 16. Gygor dies. Xoltan burns his blood in a doorways to the east and west, and two keyholes
brazier, and utters the final words of the ritual. in the southern wall.
Round 18. Gygor’s body is taken from the shrine.
From here, it is taken out of the ziggurat to the Keyholes. The keys for these keyholes can be retrieved
Crow House dungeons, then transported to the from areas 4 and 5. Once they’ve both been turned in
Master’s Square. the holes, the entire wall opens up to reveal area 6.

Round 20. If Gygor was the final apprentice to

be sacrificed, the hydra-god manifests in the
3. Libations
temple. Many of the cultists flee, including the
Hidden Masters. See Birth of a God sidebar for The floor of this chamber is splattered with
more details. fluids: blood, honey, wine, venom—a whole
variety of libations. A mural on the far wall
depicts a terrifying hydra-god, enormous and
ethereal, that seems to demand offerings. Two
of its heads stare directly at a pair of brass bowls
atop a shrine. One of these hydra heads drips
blood from its eyes, the other drops venom from
its fangs.

Offerings. An offering of venom (any kind of poison
will suffice) made in this chamber triggers changes in
5. Path of Blood
the Path of Venom (see area 4). Vials of serpent venom
can be found in the Hall of Doors (area 1). The walls of this chamber drip with blood
An offering of blood requires a character to cut them- that runs into gutters around the floor’s edge.
selves with an edged weapon, losing 11 (2d10) hit points The entire chamber is stained with its ferrous
in the process, which triggers changes in the Path of stench. Spaced around the hall are seven golden
Blood (see area 5). plinths; six in a ring, and one in the centre. Atop
the ring of plinths rest orbs, five of which are
4. Path of Venom red, the sixth is green. On the central plinth is a
brass bowl.
The walls of this chamber drip with green liquid
that runs into gutters around the floor’s edge. Puzzle. Characters can retrieve a key for area 6 from
The place reeks of vinegar. Spaced around the this chamber. To do so, they must swap the green orb
hall are seven golden plinths: six in a ring, and here with the red orb in area 5, and then trigger this
one in the centre. Atop the ring of plinths rest chamber by making an offering of blood in area 3.
orbs, five of which are green, the sixth is red. On Once this has been done, a key magically appears in
the central plinth is a brass bowl. the brass bowl.

Trap. Placing anything in the brass bowl causes the bowl

Puzzle. Characters can retrieve a key for area 6 from
to magically leech blood from the creature that placed
this chamber. To do so, they must swap the red orb
the item. That creature must make a DC 16 Constitution
here with the green orb in area 5, and then trigger this
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature’s hit point
chamber by making an offering of venom in area 3.
maximum is reduced by 22 (4d10). On a successful save,
Once this has been done, a key magically appears in
the creature’s hit point maximum is reduced by half that
the brass bowl.
amount. The reduction lasts until the creature finishes
a long rest. The creature dies if this effect reduces its hit
Poison. The liquid flowing down the walls is oil of
point maximum to 0.
taggit (see Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide),
which can be determined with a successful DC 20 Intel-
ligence (Nature) check. A character can harvest oil of
6. Hidden Stair
taggit by spending 1d6 minutes carefully collecting it This chamber is behind a secret door, marked by two
in a vial, followed by a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) keyholes. Once the characters have solved the puzzles
check, using a poisoner’s kit. On a successful check, the in the Path of Venom and Path of Blood (areas 4 and
character harvests enough poison for a single dose. On 5), they can use the keys gained to open the door.
a failed check, the character is unable to gather any Alternatively, characters can force open the wall with
poison. If the character fails the check by 5 or more, a DC 30 Strength check, or smash it down (AC 30, 30 hit
the character is subjected to the creature’s poison. points, immunity to poison and psychic damage).

Trap. Placing anything in the brass bowl causes a foun- With a low, hissing grind, the wall separates and
tain of acidic venom to shoot forth from it toward the slides apart, revealing a staircase leading up
creature that placed the item. That creature must make into the ziggurat beyond.
a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) acid
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful This area is empty.
7. Hallway

You emerge into a hallway painted with serpen-

tine murals and lit by torches in sconces.

This area is empty.

Secret Door. Characters with a passive Wisdom (Percep-
8. Library tion) score of 20 or higher notice a seam outlining a
rectangle in the northwest corner of the chamber. A
This chamber is lined with wooden racks successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check allows a
designed to store parchments and scrolls. character to discover that pulling a nearby hook causes
Within these are perhaps thousands of rolled the rectangle, actually a secret door, to swing outward
scrolls, ranging in age from new and pristine toward them, revealing area 12.
white, to yellowing and crumbling into dust. The
racks are labelled to allow for easy searching, 12. Hidden Treasure
though most of the topics are sinister, including
This area can only be accessed by discovering and
‘Sacrificial Ceremonies’, 'Lies of the False Gods',
opening the secret door in area 11.
and ‘The Serpentine Sacrament’.
You discover a cramped, stone closet; inside is a
Scrolls. The scrolls in this chamber represent the scrip- gilded treasure chest.
ture of the hydra-god and the Cult of the Hydra. There
is much information on their rituals and beliefs. Char-
Trap. The treasure chest is locked, and trapped with a
acters that spend 10 minutes reading through some of
poison needle.
the scrolls gain advantage on ability checks made to
understand anything to do with the Cult of the Hydra.
Poison Needle
9. Shrine Stairs Simple trap (level 1–4, deadly threat)
Trigger. Anyone attempting to pick or open the
Heat wafts down these spiral stairs from the chest’s lock by force triggers the trap.
chambers above. Effect. The triggering creature must make a DC 20
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the crea-
ture takes 14 (4d6) poison damage, and is poisoned
This chamber is empty. for 10 minutes. While poisoned in this way, the crea-
ture is paralyzed. On a successful save, the creature
10. Armory takes half as much damage and isn’t poisoned.
Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Percep-
Hanging from weapon racks are scimitars, tion) check reveals the needle, but only if a character
daggers, and clubs, all sharing a reptilian theme. inspects the lock. A successful DC 20 Dexterity check,
using thieves’ tools, disables the needle, but a check
with a total of 10 or lower triggers the trap.
Treasure. Characters can take five scimitars (worth 25 Treasure. Once the trap has been dealt with, the
gp each), seven daggers (2 gp each), and eight clubs (1 chest can be opened with a successful DC 20 Dexter-
sp each) from the armory. ity check, using thieves’ tools, or a successful DC 25
Strength check. The key to the chest is in the desk
11. Robing Chamber drawer in area 17.
Inside the chest are several magic items. Roll once
Emerald robes line the walls of this chamber, per character on ‘Magic Item Table F’ in Chapter 7
hanging from hooks on the marble walls. of the Dungeon Master’s Guide, or get the character’s
Beneath these are benches and lockers, in which player to pick an item their character desires.
regular, civilian clothing has been stored. An
open archway leads to an armory beyond. 13. Temple Stairs
Disguises. There are several hydra cultist robes hang- A coiling set of spiral stairs, rendered in white
ing from hooks. These can be used as flawless disguis- marble, snakes its way into the temple.
es by the characters. The clothes stashed in the lockers
display a range of Sorcerian styles from all walks of This area is empty.

Clues. Characters that take the time to read through
14. Temple Foyer the items on the desk discover that an essential part of
the final ritual is the unholy brazier, and that destroy-
The spiral stairs lead into a marble chamber ing this item is perhaps the easiest way to stop the
decorated with bas-reliefs of serpentine hydra summoning of the hydra-god, which is due to take
heads that snake across the walls. Their eyes place.
glitter with polished greenstones that seem to
track you across the room. Treasure. There are numerous valuable trinkets and
tomes in this chamber, worth a total of 2,500 gp. The
Creatures. Three Hydra key to the chest in area 12 is tucked into a desk drawer.
cultists watch these
stairs, ensuring no High Priest Xoltan
non-cult members use
them to access the temple.
If they find intruders, they call
out to alert the other guards in
area 14.

15. Temple Guards

Sparse furniture is scattered around

this marble chamber; a few worn out
chairs surround a circular table, and a
dresser bears a handful of drinks.

Creatures. Three Hydra cultists are in this

chamber, taking a break from guard duty in
the temple foyer (area 14). They respond to
sounds of combat, or alarm, in that chamber.

16. Hall of the Hydra

Coiling marble columns, rendered with scales,

line the walls of these twisting corridors.

This area is empty.

17. Xoltan’s Quarters

Books and papers are scattered across a wide,

marble desk, bordered by bookcases. It is clear
that frantic preparations have been made here,
as there are half-finished pages of scrawled
notes sticking out from the tomes, quills left
with drops of ink drying on their nibs, and
random items out of place. Hanging behind
the desk is a beautiful tapestry, portraying
a livid hydra woven with venomous, green

several points along its length, and there are
18. Barracks seven holes in the ceiling that lead up into the
necks of the statue. Toward the rear of the cham-
A handful of battered, wooden tables, cloth ber is a pen, of sorts, which contains half a dozen
fighting-dummies, and scuffed bookcases juvenile reptiles. Although mostly empty, a few
furnish this chamber. Everything looks vaguely crates and barrels line the walls.
secondhand, and is marked with graffiti.
Creatures. Two Hydra cultists and a Hydra cult fanatic
Creatures. Three Hydra cultists practice their fighting watch over the juvenile hydras in the hatchling pen
skills, or read books about the cult, in this chamber. (area 22). The cult fanatic is the head breeder, Theri-
They are supposed to be guarding this level, but don’t dex. She wears studded leather (AC 14), has 108 hit
take their work particularly seriously. points, wields a +2 whip (+6 to hit, 6 (1d4 + 4) slashing
damage), and has Animal Handling +5. The hatchlings
19. Sleeping Quarters obey her commands, and defend her, if released.

Crates & Barrels. There are a few stacks of crates and

Ramshackle bunks line this narrow chamber. barrels along the eastern wall of the chamber. If the
A few trunks of personal possessions stick out characters spend a few minutes searching them, they
from beneath them. The walls are painted with discover a barrel filled with seven ropes of climbing,
a mural of a green hydra devouring humanoids which the cultists use to access the Hydra Head Cells
running through city streets. (area 27).

Disguises. There are several hydra cultist robes stashed Ceiling & Walls. The height of the ceiling here is 30 feet,
in the trunks. These can be used as flawless disguises and the polished walls cannot be climbed by creatures
by the characters. without a climb speed.

20. Statue Entrance 22. Hatchling Pen

Sat around a grand, mahogany table are a Behind a low wall of iron bars is a pen filled with
handful of cultists, dressed in their ceremoni- half a dozen young hydras. Part of the chamber
al, hooded, emerald robes. They’re engaged in has been sunk to create a pool, in which the
a game of cards, flicking coins across the table reptiles lurk. A pile of rotting meat has been left
and laughing at each other's misfortune. Behind out for the creatures to devour.
them is a pair of enormous, greenstone doors,
sculpted to resemble a writhing pile of snakes. Creatures. There are six tame hydra hatchlings in the
pen. They are well cared for, and show no desire to
Creatures. Five Hydra cultists and a Hydra cult fanatic escape, though they follow the commands of Theridex
sit around the table. While engaged in their game, (in area 21) and attack intruders, if told to do so.
their passive Wisdom (Perception) scores are reduced
by 5. The cult fanatic is the jailor, Gardon. He wears 23. Birthing Hall
studded leather (AC 14), has 108 hit points, has a
Strength score of 18 (+4), and wields a mace of terror (+6
to hit, 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage). He holds the This hall is painted with murals of hatching eggs
keys to the Hydra Head Cells (area 27). and hydra hatchlings. The columns that line the
walls are coated with cracked porcelain, remi-
Treasure. There is a kitty of 120 gp on the table. niscent of fractured eggs.

21. Hydra Statue Creatures. The daughters of the hydra (Appendix C) in

the Shrine of Incubation (area 24) can see creatures in
this area.
You emerge into a cavernous chamber of
polished greenstone, which must be the inside
of the hydra statue. It broadens and narrows at

Creatures. If the ceremony is taking place, there are
24. Shrine of Incubation thirty Hydra cultists watching the ritual sacrifice
take place. The ceremony is led by Xoltan (Appendix
A shrine of cracked ceramic gives off waves of C), who is guarded by eight daughters of the hydra
heat from the plinth it is set upon. Resting in (Appendix C). Watching the ceremony from a balcony
hollows, atop the shrine, are three huge eggs. above are seven of the Elder Eight (disguised as the
They are cushioned by a green cloth that covers Hidden Masters of the cult). The eighth, Cester Crow,
the top of the shrine. is likely missing. The cages might be filled with other
captives—the abducted apprentices, or allies of the
Creatures. Two daughters of the hydra (Appendix C) characters. The bound wizard apprentice due to be
protect the three eggs being incubated by the shrine. sacrificed is Gygor Gax.

Shrine. The shrine emits low levels of heat, to incubate Ceremony. Xoltan and the daughters of the hydra
the three hydra eggs atop it. However, if a creature undertake the ritual, which culminates in the sacrifice
touches the shrine directly, it channels immense heat of Gygor Gax. This involves chanting, offerings, and
into them. The creature must make a DC 15 Dexterity dance for three rounds. The following round, Xoltan
saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed slices Gygor’s throat and collects his blood in a brass
save, or half as much on a successful one. bowl. Gygor begins dying. Gygor dies at the start of
his next turn, and Xoltan burns his blood in a brazier,
Treasure. To the right individual, hydra eggs are while uttering the final words of the ritual. If Gygor
extremely valuable. The green cloth atop the shrine can was the final apprentice to be sacrificed, the hydra-
be worn as a cloak of fire resistance (Appendix D). god (Appendix C) manifests in the temple two rounds
later, as the blood burns away. Many of the cultists
flee, including the Hidden Masters. See Birth of a God
25. Grand Temple sidebar for more details.

Rising from the marble floor of this chamber is a Stopping the Ceremony. There are several ways in
gilded, blood-stained, pyramidal shrine. Flames which the ceremony can be stopped: by killing Xoltan,
in braziers in the corners of the shrine illumi- rescuing Gygor, and/or destroying the unholy brazier.
nate seven golden hydra heads, each inlaid with Xoltan’s statistics can be found in Appendix C. He
an emerald in the centre of its head, and send does anything he can to kill the characters, including
wafting waves of amber light along the tiled setting the thirty cultists on them, and using the hydra
walls. Between these is a brazier of twisted gold illusion above him as a permanent spirit guardians
that burns with a green flame. High above, iron spell (can be dispelled by dispel magic).
cages, large enough to hold an ogre, hang from Rescuing Gygor can be achieved, provided the char-
thick chains in front of an inset balcony. acters succeed on a group DC 18 Dexterity (Stealth) check
first—otherwise, they draw the attention of the cult.
If the ritual is currently occurring, add the following They must then silently take out, blind, or otherwise
description: manipulate two daughters of the hydra, to get to Gygor.
Following this, they must free Gygor from the chains
that bind him by breaking them with a successful DC 20
The place is packed with cultists in their emerald
Strength check, or by picking them with a successful DC
robes. Their tall hoods bristle together, like the
15 Dexterity check, using thieves’ tools. As soon as Gygor
canopy of a sinister forest. Their shadows black
is freed, Xoltan and the cultists notice, unless the char-
out the glow of the shrine’s flames. Atop the
acters use illusion magic, or other tactics, to deceive
golden pyramid is a man in ceremonial robes,
his eyes glittering with madness. Around the
The unholy brazier is in the centre of the gilded hydra
shrine are armed guards and, atop it, at the high
heads. It is a magic item in which a green continual flame
priest’s feet, is a bound child. The priest raises a
burns. Burning Gygor’s blood in the brazier is the final
snake-skull-capped staff high above his head,
step to summon the hydra-god. The brazier can be
uttering ancient words in a serpentine tongue,
destroyed with weapons (AC 20; 50 hit points; immuni-
and a hydra of green flame flares to life above
ty to damage from nonmagical attacks), with a casting
his head, its necks twisting and coiling with
of dispel magic (DC 20), or with a purifying spell of at
malevolent excitement.
least 5th level, such as hallow.
The Hidden Masters. The Hidden Masters are actually that remain, save Gygor Gax, are also here, locked up
the Elder Eight in disguise, using hydra cult robes and in cells E through G, until their time to be sacrificed
masks to protect their identities. Although they are arrives. One or more of the characters may also be
all powerful wizards, none of them are keen on being here—see Captured Characters sidebar.
unmasked, and flee the temple rather than staying to
fight the characters. They are already worried, given Cells. Each hydra head contains a cell of iron bars, with
that they cannot get into contact with Cester Crow, a locked, iron door. Beyond each door is a hole in the
who is currently missing from their lineup. floor, roughly 5-feet across. Under the hole is a sheer
60-foot-drop down one of the statue’s necks.
Treasure. Each of the seven emeralds inlaid into Breaking or bending the bars requires a successful
the gilded hydra heads is worth 750 gp, and can be DC 20 Strength check. Their locks can be broken with
removed, using an action, with an edged tool such as a a successful DC 20 Strength check, or picked with a
dagger or thieves’ tools. successful DC 18 Dexterity check, using thieves’ tools.
The jailor (in area 20) has the keys to the cells.
Birth of a God
If the characters fail to stop the ritual from Captured Characters
occurring, and Gygor is the last of the appren- If, during the adventure, the Cult of the Hydra
tices to be sacrificed, the ritual culminates in captures any of the characters, they end up
the summoning of the hydra-god (Appendix here. They are brought to the ziggurat and
C). Xoltan worships the being, and is spared robbed of their belongings, save their clothes,
for the time being, though he clearly cannot and locked in separate cells. Savvy characters
control it. Most of the cultists, including the might be able to smuggle one tiny item, such as
Hidden Masters, flee in fear. a lockpick, knife, or arcane focus, into the cells
with them, with a successful DC 20 Dexterity
From this point, the campaign veers in an
(Sleight of Hand) check.
entirely new, and extremely perilous, direction.
The hydra-god is the largest threat ever to face
Sorceria. It would take the combined effort of Resolution
the characters, Azalon, and the Arcanum to Hopefully, the characters manage to successfully
banish the god back to the plane from which it infiltrate the Temple of the Hydra and prevent the
came, before it entirely destroys the city. summoning of the hydra-god. If all went well, they
may have freed Gygor Gax from potential sacrifice,
26. Hydra Statue Necks and perhaps even saved other Conclave apprentices
from a grisly fate at the hands of the Cult of the Hydra.
The characters might have managed to learn the iden-
Tubes of polished greenstone form the necks of tity of one or more of the Elder Eight during their infil-
the hydra statue. tration, if they interacted with the Hidden Masters of
the Cult of the Hydra.
Ascension. The inside of the hydra necks are polished, Following the rescuing of the apprentices, the charac-
making them impossible to climb by creatures with- ters are free to return to Sorceria and meet with Amon
out a climb speed. Cultists use flight or ropes of climb- Kane and the Watchers. Their blood debt to Azalon, the
ing (see area 21) to ascend to the cells (area 27). Master of Sorceria, is paid. If you want to add a typical
Sorcerian denouement to the end of your campaign,
27. Hydra Statue Head Cells run Chapter 6, Poisoned Chalices, in which Melzor Gax
tries to kill the characters to stop them meddling in
Elder Eight business.
Rising high above the ziggurat are the green-
stone heads of the hydra statue. Instead of stone
fangs, their open maws have iron bars. Milestone Levelling
The characters should gain a level once they’ve
Prisoners. If, during the course of your campaign, any stopped the ritual, finishing the chapter at a
contact of the characters has informed on the Cult of minimum of 9th level.
the Hydra, or the Elder Eight, the characters may find
them in cells A, B, or C. Any living apprentice wizards
Chapter 6 — Poisoned Chalices

fter defeating the Cult of the Hydra, Once the characters have had their Blood Debts
and preventing the birth of a hydra—god revoked, the campaign is, essentially, over. The char-
through the sacrifice of the Conclave acters might want to tie up some loose ends, if they
apprentices, the characters have some haven’t come to a satisfying conclusion yet. At least
debriefing to do. Their first stop should six of the Elder Eight are likely to be at large, and the
be to check in with Amon Kane and the Watchers at characters might still need to deal with Cester Crow
the Master’s Tower. Amon Kane is suitably impressed and Lucern Mortis.
with the work of the characters in solving the mystery, Sorceria still holds a thousand mysteries for the char-
dealing with Cester Crow and any other members of acters to uncover, if the characters have a mind to do so.
the Elder Eight, and saving as many apprentices as Many of these are detailed in Appendix A, and might
they could. The reward the characters are bestowed already have come up during play. If the players want to
with for their service is the removal of their Blood continue playing in the setting of Sorceria, you can use
Debts. This can only be done by Azalon himself so, this final chapter as a starting point for their adventures
after the debrief with Amon Kane, the characters are to come.
taken to meet with the Master of Sorceria. Read or
paraphrase the following:
Milestone Levelling
You are escorted by Amon Kane through the Characters begin this chapter of the adventure
winding corridors of the Master’s Tower. After at a minimum of 9th level. They should gain
a few minutes, you arrive in a chamber with a a level if they overcome Melzor, and expose
vaulted ceiling that seems far too large to actu- his identity as a member of the Elder Eight to
ally be within the tower. Amon Kane gestures Amon Kane and the Watchers.
for you to take a seat upon a selection of thrones
on one side of the chamber. As you choose your
seats, they morph and change to match your Saving the Son
attire. Moments later, Azalon comes striding This chapter is written under the assumption
into the room, his dark robes rippling like that the characters saved the life of Gygor Gax,
waves of silk along the stone floor. His harsh before he was sacrificed, in Chapter 5. If Gygor
demeanor softens somewhat when he sees you. did not survive, edit the text as appropriate.
“You have each repaid your debts. Let
us be rid of the blood that binds us.”
He reaches into his robes and retrieves
An Invitation
an onyx dagger that pulses with amethyst A few days after the characters have had their Blood
energy, and uses it to slice a thin wound into Debts removed, and have recovered from their
his palm. Blood boils from the cut, turning adventures, they (and Amon Kane) receive a formal
to red smoke and dissipating. The process is invitation to a celebratory feast at Melzor Manor. The
repeated on each of you in turn, leaving you feast is hosted by Melzor Gax, father of the kidnapped
with a feeling of elation and weightlessness. apprentice, Gygor Gax, and member of the Arcanum.
“I owe you a great deal of thanks for your work Unbeknownst to the characters, Melzor is a member of
in saving Sorceria. The Watchers are at your the Elder Eight, and wishes them dead. The invitation
service any time you should require them. gives no hint of this ulterior motive, however. Should
Take pride in your achievements, for songs of they accept the invitation, the characters will need to
them will be sung long after you are gone.” find themselves suitably fine garments to wear for the
With a deep bow, the Master of Sorceria disap- meal, and arrive at Melzor Manor. Once the characters
pears in a twisting ball of smoke. arrive, read or paraphrase the following:

Intelligence (Investigation) check, while looking at the
scroll, or a DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check, while watching
You arrive, along with Amon Kane, outside a Melzor and Gilgesh, realize that something is afoot. The
grand townhouse in the Green Ward of Sorce- scroll bears a mimicry of Azalon’s handwriting, not the
ria. A flowering wisteria drapes lilac flowers real thing, and Melzor and Gilgesh exchange a nervous
across its facade like a frilled petticoat. The glance while Amon Kane is reading it.
gaps between the flowers are filled with white
marble masonry or verdant foliage, making the
place look much older than it actually is. The
The Meal
modern architectural details of the manor give When the characters sit down for their meal,
away the fact that it is of recent construction everything seems in order. The food is delicious, and
— with no expense spared. As you approach the wine is of fine quality. Melzor chats comfortably
the front doors, they swing open, pulled by with the characters, and even invites his son, Gygor,
a pair of faceless figures in flowing red and to join them for a while. Once Gygor has left again,
black robes. Although uncanny, it is clear the and between courses, Melzor makes an assassination
figures mean no threat, and are subservient. attempt on the characters. Gilgesh empties a vial of
Striding toward you, from within the manor, concentrated Midnight Tears into a carafe of wine,
is an elderly man in bright, pink and red which he uses to top up the characters’ glasses.
robes. He wears a tall crown of silver upon
his head, cushioned by a neat cut of gray Midnight Tears (Ingested). A creature that ingests this
hair. As he reaches the doors, he calls out, poison suffers no effect until the stroke of midnight. If
“Greetings! I am Melzor Gax, retired war wizard the poison has not been neutralized before then, the
of the Steel Legion Mercenary Company, and creature must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving
vastly in your debt for saving my son, Gygor.” throw, taking 99 (18d10) poison damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The characters may or may not have realized that Characters with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score
Melzor is the father of Gygor, the Conclave apprentice of 20 or higher spot Gilgesh retrieving the vial from his
they saved from sacrifice in Chapter 5. What they pocket and emptying it into the carafe. If they make any
almost certainly don’t know is that Melzor chose his move to stop Gilgesh, accuse him, or otherwise let on,
own son as one of the abductees in order to provide Melzor seizes the chance to launch a surprise attack. He
a smokescreen about his involvement in the appren- leaps up, surprising the characters, and summons his
tice abduction. Melzor is a member of the Elder Eight, two simulacra (Melzor’s simulacrum, Appendix C) to
and is willing to lay down his life, and the lives of his attack the characters, alongside himself and Mantooth
family, in order to overthrow Azalon. (use giant ape statistics, but change size to Medium).
Once the characters arrive, and have been welcomed,
they are invited on a short tour of Melzor Manor. It’s During the fight, Mantooth tries to grapple and pin
clear the place cost a fortune to build and furnish, and characters down while Melzor, and his simulacra, shoot
Melzor doesn’t mind showing it off. He regales the spells at the characters. The simulacra position them-
characters with stories from his mercenary days: killing selves between Melzor and the characters in an attempt
trolls with fireballs, summoning magical blades from to protect him. Melzor can’t help but curse the charac-
elemental planes, turning hoards of skeletons to dust ters for, once again, foiling his plans. He admits to being
with arcane storms, and so on. He also introduces the a member of the Elder Eight, and putting his own son’s
characters to his dire ape, Mantooth — a gorilla-like life on the line to overthrow Azalon, while masquer-
creature of rippling muscle and sharp fangs. If the char- ading as a Hidden Master of the Cult of the Hydra. He
acters ask about the faceless figures, he explains that curses Azalon and the characters for being cowards,
they are simulacra, created using the simulacrum spell. unwilling to force the inhabitants of the Material Plane
Just before the party sits down to their meal, Melzor’s to bow to the power of the Arcanum. If he is reduced to
servant, Gilgesh, runs into the room in a state of mild 30 hit points or less, he tries to flee using misty step.
panic. He hands over a scroll to Melzor who, in turn,
hands it to Amon Kane. The scroll is from Azalon,
asking for Amon Kane’s immediate presence. Making
their apologies, Amon Kane excuses themself from
the proceedings. Characters who succeed on a DC 20

Mortis, to set about uncovering the identities of the
Resolution rest of the Elder Eight. Adventure hooks and clues can
The information that Melzor reveals during his villain- be found in Appendix A to continue the story along
ous monologue should give characters some insight those lines.
into the truth of the apprentice abduction — the Elder
Eight, powerful members of the Arcanum, disguised
Milestone Levelling
themselves as the Hidden Masters of the Cult of the
Hydra and came up with the apprentice abduction If the characters defeat Melzor and his allies,
scheme to humiliate Azalon, uniting the Arcanum they should advance one level.
against him. Once they had the Arcanum on their side,
they were going to overthrow the Master of Sorceria,
and take his place as a council of eight.
The characters can use this information,
and any other clues gained from Melzor
Gax, Cester Crow, and Lucern


Appendix A: Sorcerian Gazetteer

orceria is a city unlike any other. It bral gate, a creature can see nothing, even if they have
is its own axial demiplane that travels the most acute or magical senses. Their only sensory
between planes and worlds at the whim of stimulation is the ominous slithering of an obsidian
its leader, the Master of Sorceria. The city dragon above, as the draconid judges whether the
is built atop others long lost to history, all creature is a danger to the city or not.
of which draw power from the Nexus, an enormous Once on the city streets, it’s always easy to orient
purple shaft of pure magical energy. While the Nexus yourself, as the Master’s Tower, in the centre of the city,
allows the Sorcerian demiplane to move throughout is visible from practically any outdoor location within
worlds, it is the Black Skull; a relic of immense power in Sorceria’s walls. The city is split into eight distinct wards,
the possession of Azalon, Master of the City, that gives and each of those into an inner and outer district. Locals
Sorceria its flavor and magic. often refer to locations by these districts, and some-
times by the street or alleyway that the building is on,
“Buckle up. Sorceria is quite unlike your usual if they can remember it. Of course, there are so many
city. The entire place is fueled by arcane energy back alleys and avenues in Sorceria that it is difficult to
from the Black Skull. Nokturn flames and glow- keep them all in mind. Some of the wards are safer than
stones might illuminate its streets, but it’ll take others, but each is patrolled by the city guard, called
more than a magical flare to uncover its secrets.” the Pact, on a somewhat frequent basis. The Pact are
easily identified by their bald heads and black robes —
Before you even enter the city, its magical nature is a commonality to all of the city's municipal employees,
apparent. Obsidian dragons circle up above the city, called simply the Black Wizards.
guarding it from harm, their jet-black backs illuminat- It’s easy to get overwhelmed in Sorceria. The diversity
ed by the light of seven magical moons. Rising high of people and locations is outstanding, and the magical
from Sorceria’s centre is the Master’s Tower, a basalt effects concentrated here outdo entire worlds in their
spear which glistens with nokturn light; neon-purple magnificence. For those not used to such a proliferation
illumination that is common throughout the city. of arcane power, it can be terrifying. The best advice a
Once you pass through one of the eight penumbral visitor to the city can be given is to take it one step at a
gates, you’ll find yourself in an utterly overwhelming time.
melee of diversity and arcane insanity. Most of Sorceria’s
denizens are magically-inclined, in one way or another, History
and the city draws visitors from across the planes of The history of Sorceria runs back an awfully long way.
existence. Cobbled streets lead through rows of black Because the demiplane is not governed by time in a
townhouses that are bigger on the inside than the mortal sense, like the worlds of the Material Plane,
outside, taverns run by enigmatic fey, wizard’s towers it has managed to exist for eons. The founder and
containing arcane secrets entirely unknown to most first Master of Sorceria was Sorcerious, whom the
worlds, and temples to magical deities whose influence city was named after. After his death, he ascended to
is concentrated on the overflowing city. become the God of Magic for the city and, since then,
it has been ruled by a number of different individuals.
Arrival Sorceria was not the first city to be built on the Nexus
Eight cobblestone roads lead through the depths of in this demiplane, though much of the history of the
the Black Forest which surrounds Sorceria. This wood- others has been lost to time.
land is thick with briar and bramble. Many of its ancient
oaks have charcoal leaves and cast enough shade for The recent history of Sorceria is the most important
a family of ogres to comfortably rest in. These roads to this adventure. A summarized timeline of ‘modern’
lead up to the high walls of Sorceria, and terminate at Sorceria, under the rule of Azalon, is presented below:
a grand, penumbral gate. These stone archways are
carved to resemble flowing elements; water turning to
fire turning to stone turning to air and back again, and
they are filled with an inky blackness that mirrors the
firmament above. When walking through a penum-

Azalon becomes the new Master of Sorceria after
the death of his predecessor, Wolf Dulag. The
Elder Eight, apprentices of Sorceria, are enraged
by the ascension of an outsider to the rank of
Master over their own members.
Azalon uses the Black Skull, attained before his
time as Master of Sorceria, to reshape the city to
his will.
Enraged by Azalon’s command of the city, the
Elder Eight create the Cult of the Hydra, a false
religion, and summon a permanent illusion of a
hydra in the Master’s Square.
Azalon is forced to deal with the Elder Eight
directly, destroying them in the Master’s Square.
A new sect of wizards take the place of the
destroyed Elder Eight against Azalon. They
remain a secret society, but work against the
Master of Sorceria in subtle ways, trying to sway
the Arcanum against him.
The new Elder Eight pose as the Hidden Masters
of the Cult of the Hydra, and promote Xoltan to
High Priest. The cult experiences a resurgence,
and Azalon creates the Watchers to try and
combat their encroachment.
The city of Sorceria is consumed by a cold war
between Azalon and the new Elder Eight, who
remain anonymous.
Cester Crow joins the Elder Eight in place of his
father, who is exposed and killed by Azalon. He
publically challenges Azalon himself, and only
narrowly avoids destruction. His estate and
property are destroyed, and he goes into hiding.
The Elder Eight conceive of the apprentice
abduction scheme, and begin planting agents in
the Conclave to enact it.
The first Conclave apprentice is found dead in the
Master’s Square, and the characters are called to
join the Watchers.
The dates listed above are in MM.YYYY format.
People of Sorceria
Sorceria’s population are an unusual sort. Many Sorce-
rians are drawn from other planes of existence, includ-
ing different material planes such as the Forgotten
Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, Ravnica, and Theros. Those
who visit Sorceria, and choose to stay, most commonly
do so because of the access to powerful magic, granted
primarily by the presence of the Black Skull, or to join
the Conclave — a famous wizard school. Despite the
largely magically-aligned population, there are also
non-magical individuals in Sorceria too. Although the
city’s needs are seen to by magical means, there are
still those who pursue mundane trades such as black-
smithing and tavern-keeping as a pastime, or to save
money for other affairs.
There is no official class system within Sorceria. Those
with money tend to do better than those without but,
if anything distinguishes one citizen from another, it is
their mastery over magic. There is no hereditary nobil-
ity, but achieving rank and respect from the authorities
of Sorceria happens extremely rarely without demon-
strating some arcane ability. Influential members of
society can be made lords or ladies by the Master of
Sorceria, though these titles are mainly honorific. There
are many factions operating within the city that influ-
ence its destiny in one way or another.

Master of Sorceria
The current Master of the City is Azalon, a male human
of indeterminate age, whose power is drawn from the
Black Skull. Azalon is a utilitarian individual, prioritiz-
ing the good of the many above that of the few. This
outlook is great for the city at large, but often means
individuals are overlooked. Because of this, Azalon
has many enemies within the city. He is first and fore-
most a wizard, rather than a politician, and his draco-
nian methods of enforcing his leadership over the city
border on tyranny. Luckily, the Arcanum is in place to
restrict his worst urges, and ensure that the city is run
in a fair and just manner.

The Arcanum
Sorceria is ruled by the Master of the City (currently, a
man named Azalon). However, no Master of Sorceria
should work alone. The Arcanum is a faction of arch-
wizards who serve to counsel the Master of the City
and prevent any one individual becoming a despot.
Unfortunately, not all wizards make excellent gover-
nors, so the potential for tyranny is still a lingering
danger. As well as their counsel, the Arcanum are
incredibly useful for their arcane talent, which can be
called upon by the Master of the City at any time.
The Arcanum is composed of roughly one hundred Cester Crow. Neutral Evil male human archmage.
archwizards (individuals capable of casting 9th level
spells who have resided in the city for at least a year, Duras Vordo. Lawful Evil male human abjurer. Duras
and are in good legal standing). Characters might Vordo is a secret member of the Elder Eight, and a
eventually be able to achieve a position in this faction, talented warder. He is responsible for the creation of
but not before they have met the minimum require- many of the protections used in the Elder Eight’s lairs.
ments for joining. Furthermore, an archwizard must
also win a magical duel against an existing member Lord Elron Radigan. Neutral non-binary half-elf illu-
in order to replace them. If one wizard kills another, sionist. Lord Elron, of House Radigan, is a well-known
during such a duel, they are prohibited from ever join- illusionist in Sorceria, famed for his theatrical perfor-
ing the faction. mances at the Spire, and other venues. His identity as
With the rise of the secret Elder Eight, the Arcanum a member of the Elder Eight has never been exposed.
has been infiltrated with their hidden agents and
clandestine allies, making the Arcanum a complicat- Eva Scorn. Chaotic Evil female drow diviner. Eva’s
ed organization full of plotting and intrigue. Azalon membership in the Elder Eight has been whispered
and the secret Elder Eight are perpetually working to about for many years, though has never been proven,
swing more Arcanum archwizards to their particular perhaps because her most vocal enemies often disap-
side, and wrest full control of the city. The wizards of pear without trace. She is responsible for providing the
the Arcanum, however, are typically more concerned Elder Eight with information about the movements
with their own research and magical experimentation of the Watchers, and was instrumental in instating
than they are with the governance of Sorceria. As such, Melzor Gax within the organisation.
they are open to being swayed, or even bought out, by
others trying to wrest power from the current Master of Lezva Karlo. Lawful Neutral female halfling conjurer.
Sorceria. Responsible for the use of eye ghouls, Lezva is an open
member of the Elder Eight, who has been in hiding
The Elder Eight for many years. Although the Arcanum knows she is
working against Azalon, she still has some sway there,
The original Elder Eight were apprentices of the first
despite never attaining a place in the faction herself.
Master of Sorceria. As such, they each controlled
a school of magic in the city. As different wizards
Lucern Mortis. Neutral Evil male human necromancer.
assumed the mantle of Master of Sorceria, the Elder
Lucern is a creepy individual who runs the Barrow
Eight started to plot for individual power and domi-
Brewery in the Palace Ward along with his undead
nance. This conflict came to a head when the current
sister. If the Elder Eight ever need to get their hands
Master of Sorceria, Azalon, destroyed the Elder Eight
dirty, it is Lucern who steps up. His membership of the
in the Master’s Square, after they attempted a coup to
Elder Eight has been suspected for many years, but
overthrow him and take the city for their own.
never proved.
A new group of powerful wizards has since assumed
the positions of the Elder Eight, under great secrecy.
Melzor Gax. Lawful Evil male human evoker. Melzor is
Many of these wizards knew, or were related to, the
one of the Elder Eight’s secret weapons. He has been
original Elder Eight, and seek to continue their goal of
a plant within the government of Sorceria for many
overthrowing the Master of Sorceria and controlling
years, working through different departments while
the city themselves. This secret Elder
informing on their actions, allowing the Elder Eight to
Eight seeks to undo Azalon at
avoid detection.
every turn, hoping to under-
mine the Arcanum’s faith in
Telashor Davos. Neutral female orc transmuter. Telashor
him, ultimately allowing
owns and runs the Alteratrium in Sorceria’s Banker’s
the Elder Eight’s public
Ward — a shop where one can get their appearance
return as the new
magically altered for a high price. Telashor is a belov-
rulers of Sorceria,
ed member of the Sorcerian community, and none
after Azalon’s
suspect her involvement with the Elder Eight.

Cester Crow

The Watchers Cult of the Hydra
The Master of Sorceria maintains a special investiga- The Cult of the Hydra is a front created by the Elder
tive organization, known as the Watchers, overseen Eight disguised as the Hidden Masters — patrons of
by the Steward of Sorceria. The Watchers are utilized the cult. The faction consists of delusional individuals
to seek out and destroy special threats to the city that who believe they are summoning a hydra-god into the
require the intervention of individuals with unique world to destroy their foes, and bestow regenerative
skills. The Watchers are traditionally recruited from powers upon them. Their leader, Xoltan, has no love
outside the city of Sorceria, to ensure they have not for the Hidden Masters, and wishes to elevate the cult
been compromised by the enemies of the Master of beyond their control. While the cult is a falsehood
Sorceria, such as the Elder Eight. The Watchers do not created by the Elder Eight, if the followers are fervent
wear a uniform, but do wear a special necklace, known enough, and Xoltan uncovers the right rituals, there is
as an oculus amulet, which allows the Sorcerian Stew- a possibility that the hydra-god they worship could be
ard to communicate with them and summon them born into the world.
magically, in dire circumstances. The Watchers are
typically selected from adventures that have proven Lords & Ladies of Sorceria
themselves to be intelligent, powerful, and discrete
Significant or powerful individuals who reside in
when required. Residents of Sorceria will often give
Sorceria can be granted the title of lord or lady by the
Watchers a wide berth, as they have previously proven
Master of Sorceria. The title grants the individual addi-
to be dangerous characters, when conducting an
tional legal protection under the Covenant & Censure
important investigation. Collateral damage is expect-
(see below) and also a fair amount of social prestige at
ed when the Watchers are deployed.
gatherings and negotiations. All members of the Arca-
num are also lords and ladies of the city, though most
Black Wizards don’t care for their titles. Similarly, the high priest of
Sorceria is managed by a municipal organization every recognized temple in the city is considered a
called the Black Wizards, headed up and lead by the lord or lady. Individuals who control large businesses,
Steward of Sorceria who, in turn, serves the Master. like Melzor, who controls the City Mint, are also typi-
The Black Wizards are easily recognized by their cally lords or ladies. In short, the Master of Sorceria
bald heads, black robes and famous cloaks, which bestows the title on influential individuals in the hope
distinguish them from spellcasters not involved in they will look kindly upon the current Master, and
the Sorcerian government, and those of high enough support their actions within the city.
rank to attain fellowship within the Arcanum, and can
also be turned into a carpet of flying to travel with ease
throughout the city. Individual Black Wizards can be
given oversight of numerous tasks within the city, such
as management of the sewers, standardizing weights
and measures, and maintaining banks.
A subsection of the Black Wizards, known as The Pact,
serves as the police force of Sorceria. Each ward has a
magister, an individual who is in charge of security for a
particular city ward. These magisters appoint their own
chosen wizards to keep the peace within their ward. As
different wards are troubled by different issues, each of
the eight Pacts operates slightly differently.

High Priest Xoltan

Abracadabra Boys The Law
Sorceria has an infamous band of young rogues that In Sorceria, the law is upheld by The Pact, a subfaction
wanders its streets, called the Abracadabra Boys. of the Black Wizards, that aims to keep the peace in
These mischievous ne'er-do-wells tend to be in their each district. Although each Pact is in contact with the
early teens and are led by a charismatic character others, they act distinctly in their own associated city
named Midnight Jack, known for his black top hat and ward. The list of laws upheld by The Pact on behalf of
black and white striped clothes. The Boys — though, the Master of Sorceria and the Arcanum are known as
in truth, they encompass a range of genders — are the Covenant & Censure. Visitors to the city must sign
mostly known for their acts of thievery, especially a contract acknowledging the rules of Sorceria, upon
pickpocketing, which has earned them a rather sour entry to the city.
reputation among the wealthier denizens of the city.
They’re a quick-footed bunch, never hanging around Covenant & Censure
long enough for a pinch to become a punch. Although
detested by law-abiding citizens and The Pact, the The laws of Sorceria are draconian. It is not a given
Abracadabra Boys often find work as city guides for that a criminal will stand trial, and those that have
newcomers, and tend to treat kindhearted individuals been convicted, but choose to flee, are likely to be
with respect. They don’t fleece poor people of their taken down with extreme prejudice by the city itself
money, and won’t steal from the naive or unfortunate. (see Black Skull Aspects). Worse still, the severity
However, they do delight in sabotaging those who of punishment for a crime depends on the victim's
take advantage of the weak or poor. arcane prowess and standing within the city. By this
A friendly and generous party of adventurers could method, inhabitants and visitors of Sorceria are cate-
befriend Midnight Jack, who they encounter in Chap- gorized thus.
ter 1 of the campaign, resulting in a supply of valuable Category 1. This class includes archwizards of the
information yielded up by the Abracadabra Boys. A Arcanum, high priests of sanctioned temples, Black
secret unknown to many is that Midnight Jack is not a Wizards, Watchers, and official representatives of
young, human boy at all, but actually a dark fey, albeit the aforementioned who have been invited to the
one with a good heart. Midnight Jack fell out with his city.
patron, the Queen of Wind and Darkness, some time
Category 2. This class covers any intelligent creature
ago and the Master of Sorceria gave him sanctuary in
that has legally resided in the city for at least one
his city to avoid her wrath, under the condition that he
year, and appears on a magister-issued census.
help the Watchers periodically. Midnight Jack will give
friends what he calls a ‘sesame whistle’, an instrument Category 3. This class covers intelligent creatures
that only the Abracadabra Boys can hear, to summon who are visiting the city, or have resided there for
them when needed. The Abracadabra Boys maintain a less than one year.
secret hideout in the basement of Callindra’s Candles, a
The following table displays the various laws and
shop run by a benevolent witch, that looks after them.
punishments of Sorceria — any punishment can be
overruled or commuted by the Master of the City.
The Architects
There are whispered rumors of a powerful group of Breaking the Law
archwizards and heroes from throughout the multi-
verse, who meet secretly in Sorceria to ensure that If, during the course of your adventure, the
the delicate balance of the multiverse is maintained. characters break the law, you might consider
This alleged group is referred to as The Architects. The whether or not it’s wise to punish them there
exact membership of this group, or even its genuine and then. As the campaign is a time-sensitive
existence, has not been verified, but Sorcerians often one, perhaps the characters are given a free
debate about who it might contain. Names such as pass to do what they must, or perhaps they’re
Azalon, Elminster, Mordenkainen, Tasha, and the only held accountable for their crimes once the
Dark Prince often make an appearance. Elder Eight have been thwarted.

Crime Trial Punishment

Abduction (any category) Arcanum Trail Death

One month in the Rings of Ramahn, plus a fine

Arson Magister’s Trial
of twice the value of property damaged
One month in the Rings of Ramahn, plus equiv-
Assault Magister’s Trial
alent injury
One year in the Stones, plus a fine of twice the
Bribery and/or Accepting Bribes Magister’s Trial
bribe offered or received
One year in the Stones, plus a fine of twice the
Burglary Magister’s Trial
value of property stolen

Brandishing a Weapon with Intent Magister’s Trial Public apology, plus a 100 gp fine

A fine of twice the value of currency counter-

Counterfeiting Currency Magister’s Trial

Fencing Magister’s Trial A fine of twice the value of property sold

One year in the Stones, or a fine of twice the

Fraud Magister’s Trial
value of assets defrauded
Impersonation of a Category
Arcanum Trial One month in the Rings of Ramahn
1 Individual
Impersonation of a Category
Magister’s Trial One year in the Stones
2 or 3 Individual

Murder (any category) Arcanum Trail Death

Public Mischief
(out of control animals or vehicles, drunken Magister’s Trial Public apology, plus a 100 gp fine
behaviour, etc.)

Slavery Arcanum Trial One year in the Rings of Ramahn

Spying Magister’s Trial One year in the Stones

Theft Magister’s Trial A fine of twice the value of property stolen

Torture Arcanum Trial One month in the Rings of Ramahn

Treason Arcanum Trial One month in the Rings of Ramahn

Vandalism Magister’s Trial Public apology, plus a 100 gp fine

N.B. Crimes of a sexual nature have been omitted. They have no place at a gaming table.

Trials The Rings of Ramahn plunder an individual’s brain of
intelligent thoughts, rendering the individual trapped
There are two kinds of trial that an individual might
within effectively comatose, yet still able to feel the
have to face if they commit a crime in Sorceria. They
constant, sickening spin of the rings.
The Stones. Perhaps the most famous punishment in
Arcanum Trial. Individuals facing an Arcanum trial are
Sorceria is being cast into the Stones. This involves a
interrogated by magical means. Typically, this comes
Black Wizard of The Pact summoning a cobblestone
in the form of a suggestion spell, cast while the accused
elemental to detain a criminal and pull them into the
is within a zone of truth. There are very few ways an
streets of Sorceria itself. They serve a penal sentence
individual can worm their way out of the truth in such
below the street, in a form of petrified suspended
a trail. These trials are typically reserved for the worst
animation, while still being conscious of what is
crimes, but might also be carried out if a member of
happening around them.
the Black Wizards or ahe Arcanum has committed a
crime themselves, and wants to prove their innocence. Duels
When both parties give clear, mutual consent, a battle
Magister’s Trial. A more typical trial, before a jury, where between two individuals is not illegal in Sorceria. The
evidence is presented by The Pact both for and against most common iteration is between irked spellcast-
the accused. If no judgement can be agreed by the jury, ers, when it is dubbed a wizard’s duel. Duels involve
the case is passed up to an Arcanum trial. a battle until submission, or unconsciousness, rather
Punishment than death. Death as the result of a duel, in fact, is
considered a murder. Although duels themselves are
There are several main kinds of punishment that
legal, the individuals involved may find themselves
might be dealt by The Pact or the Arcanum. They
held legally responsible for any collateral damage
caused to life, or property, during the execution of the
Death. Swift and painless. An archwizard of the Arca-
num kills the criminal with a more potent version of
power word kill. Resurrection of an individual killed
Getting Around
in this manner, within the city walls, is punishable in Sorceria is a roughly octagonal city, whose diameter
kind. from corner to corner is approximately one mile.
There are numerous thoroughfares that split the
Fine. Fines issued to criminals must be paid within 30 eight wards up, and three ring roads: one around the
days of issuing, or after other punishments have been city’s outer wall, one which splits the inner and outer
served. The majority of the fine goes to the victim, but a districts, and one around the Master’s Tower, at the
small cut is taken by The Pact. city’s centre. Travelling through the city using these
roads is the quickest mundane way to get around, but
Public Apology. Each month, a ceremony of public apol- they are often crowded with other citizens, visitors,
ogy is held in the Master’s Square. Here, minor crimi- and magical accidents that ensure a journey is never
nals, and individuals who have become embroiled in straightforward. It should only take about twenty
scandal, are given the opportunity to repent for their minutes to walk from one end of Sorceria to the other
transgressions, or clear their name. Failure to do so, but, what with all the traffic, it’s likely to take at least
when ordered, is punished by one week in the Stones. an hour — and that’s if you’re lucky enough not to get
embroiled in a wizard’s duel, pursued by an errant
The Rings of Ramahn. In a pocket dimension, within the cobblestone elemental, or knocked down by a flying
Master’s Tower, is a plane called the Rings of Ramahn. carpet racer.
Floating within the empty space of this plane are For those who’ve earned some respect from the city’s
hundreds of adamantine rings, large enough for a leaders, or who have access to magic of their own, there
human to fit inside. Dangerous criminals are strapped are other, faster, and (mostly) safer ways to get around
into these rings, their limbs tied around their circum- the city.
ference, for no longer than a month; any further time
would fracture their psyche irreparably.

Flying Carpets Sorcerian Runes
Many of the city’s residents are in possession of at On the corner of every block of Sorceria, upon the
least one carpet of flying, and there are numerous cobblestones, is a glowing circle of symbols known
establishments where one can purchase or hire such as Sorcerian runes. Select individuals can use these
a magic item. The Black Wizards of Sorceria are famed teleportation runes to travel magically to any other
for their long, obsidian cloaks that can turn into such a set of runes within the city, allowing for rapid transit
carpet with a mere swish. Hiring or purchasing a carpet throughout. Typically, this privilege is reserved for
of flying is standardized across the city by order of the Black Wizards, members of the Arcanum, lords and
Black Wizards, who enforce a market value upon them ladies of the city, and the Watchers. Common resi-
to avoid exploitation of visitors, and to ensure that the dents of the city cannot use the runes unless they have
air around Sorceria doesn’t become so crowded with been given special compensation by the Master of the
amatuer pilots that the Black Wizards can’t get their City or the Sorcerian Steward.
work done. The table below provides standard prices
for the purchase or hire of a carpet of flying. Teleportation
Teleportation is another means of traveling through-
Mundane Travel out the city. There’s nothing preventing anyone within
There are several coach operators within the bounds the city moving between streets, though many of the
of Sorceria’s walls. Most operate comfortable, covered buildings are warded against teleportation. The most
coaches, pulled by horses, which can be hired for a day commonly used spells are teleport and word of recall,
for a mere 2 gp, or for a specific journey for 2 sp. Differ- but others such as arcane gate and far step see use in
ent coach drivers might only take certain clientele, specific circumstances. It’s a not-uncommon sound in
such as wizards or lords and ladies exclusively, but the city to hear what is commonly known as a ‘catch
the price rarely fluctuates more than a few coins. The call’ — a wizard about to teleport catching the atten-
most common coaches in the city are those belonging tion of anyone nearby who wants to come along. The
to the Rolling Wheel Company, signified by a yellow shout most commonly used is, “Catch!” followed by the
wheel painted on the side of a black coach. These location, such as “Catch! Outer Palace Ward!”. Other
coaches take up to six passengers, and can be found variations include, “CC!” and, “Catching!”. Most Sorce-
throughout Sorceria’s wards. Some coaches are pulled rian residents are relatively generous to their neigh-
by pegasi, rather than horses. These tend to be driven bours and visitors, and are willing to share their magic
by individuals who have tamed the beasts themselves without strings attached. This method of hitch-hiking
and charge a much higher fee, around 50 gp for a day is engaged in by even the lords and ladies of the city.
or 5 gp for a journey.

Purchase or Hire of Carpet of Flying

Size Capacity Flying Speed Hourly Hire Daily Hire Purchase

3 ft. x 5 ft. 200 lb. 80 feet 2 gp 100 gp 10,000 gp

4 ft. x 6 ft. 400 lb. 60 feet 3 gp 70 gp 20,000 gp

5 ft. x 7 ft. 600 lb. 40 feet 4 gp 40 gp 30,000 gp

6 ft. x 9 ft. 800 lb. 30 feet 5 gp 40 gp 50,000 gp

towers. Each of these was created by the first Master
Sorceria’s Wards of Sorceria, and designed to act as a research centre for
The city of Sorceria is split into eight wards, not includ- one of the Schools of Magic (abjuration, conjuration,
ing the Master’s Tower at the centre of the city. Each is divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necro-
named after an aspect of its history, or an important mancy, and transmutation). Originally, each tower
structure within it. The wards are split into an inner was governed by a member of the Elder Eight, the
and outer section, and thus locations are typically first master’s apprentices, but since the Eight rebelled
referred to as being in, for example, the Outer Palace against Azalon, stewardship over the towers has been
Ward. Each ward is managed by a Black Wizard of the handed over to the Arcanum.
Pact, called a magister, who executes their business at
a Magister’s Tower in the outer part of each ward. Chamber of the Arcanum
Although the wards have some differences, they The Chamber of the Arcanum is a meeting hall for
share a lot in common. One of these commonalities members of that illustrious arcane order. The chamber
is the presence of Sorcerian spheres. These eight- is a great dome, with pearlescent walls, that carries
een-inch, black orbs can be found within many of the sound with perfect clarity, despite its enormous size.
city's structures. They crackle with magical energy, Typically, members sit on purple, crystal chairs, which
which is channeled into the building itself. The most float around the chamber at their occupier’s will. Each
obvious effect of this is that they allow buildings in chair is chiselled from glowstone, a mineral found in
Sorceria to be bigger on the inside than the outside. the Undercity, and is made uniquely for each member
Most townhouses in Sorceria appear externally to be of the Arcanum. If an archwizard is replaced, dies,
modest abodes, but actually have as many rooms as a or leaves the Arcanum for any reason, their chair is
typical mansion. Sorcerian spheres obtain their power destroyed in a leaving ceremony.
from the Black Skull, and are distributed by the good Within the Chamber of the Arcanum is a giant crys-
will of the local magister. Many landlords who possess a tal ball, which allows the archwizards, and Master of
Sorcerian sphere conceal its whereabouts, as a sphere’s Sorceria, to view anything that occurs in the streets of
theft, damage, or destruction can result in catastrophe. Sorceria. Although the interior of buildings and the
Undercity are protected from this scrying magic, resi-
Master’s Tower dents of the city are still wary about where they conduct
their business. This crystal ball is most commonly used
Rising a thousand feet into the sky, the Master’s Tower when there are several archwizards present, to ensure it
sits at the center of the city of Sorceria. Although not is used only for city matters, and not for personal gain.
technically a ward, it would be remiss not to mention
this most-recognizable of Sorceria’s buildings. Forged The Nexus
of smooth, black basalt, and crowned with a great At the center of Sorceria, beneath the Master’s Tower,
neon-purple light, the tower can be seen from a great sits the Nexus — a great, purple shaft that descends to
distance, even beyond the edges of the Black Forest. the center of whichever world Sorceria travels to. The
The Master’s Tower levitates above the great purple Nexus is the point where all the leylines of the magical
Nexus that descends into the very heart of the world. It weave meet, pass through the world, and exit again,
is from the tower that Azalon, Master of Sorceria, rules many miles away on the other side of the planet. The
the city and where the Arcanum’s archwizards meet to Nexus has many unusual properties, and can cause
manipulate the events of the multiverse. The Master’s magic to behave differently within its proximity.
Tower is the ultimate symbol of power and mastery
over the mystical energies of the world. Although Temple of Sorcerious
Sorceria is known for many unique structures, none The Temple of Sorcerious exists in its own demi-plane
compare to the majesty of the Master’s Tower. within Sorceria, effectively a demi-plane within a
Of course, access to the Master’s Tower is restricted demi-plane. It is an enormous purple, crystal tower
to the archwizards of the Arcanum and the Master of that is identical to the Master’s Tower in scale and
Sorceria. Those who wish to enter must be invited, lest design, differing only in color and material. The
they be consumed by nokturn flame and destroyed Temple’s demi-plane occupies the same space occu-
for all time. The Watchers, the organisation of secret pied by the Master’s Tower, albeit in an alternate
investigators that the characters become a part of, also dimension. The Temple of Sorcerious is accessible
have access to the tower, though it can be revoked at a via eight purple crystal stairwells that surround the
moment’s notice by the Master of Sorceria. Master’s Tower. Travel in the temple’s demi-plane is
Surrounding the Master’s Tower are eight smaller governed by thought, identical to the Astral Plane.

past guildrunners and towering conifers in massive,
Snatchers Ward terracotta pots. Anyone is free to take respite in the
The unfortunately named Snatchers Ward has a bad courtyard, and relax to the sound of the sculptural
reputation for exactly that. The ward is unofficially run fountain at its center. The Silver Slipper has amassed
by a thieves’ guild called the Silver Slipper, who have an enormous quantity of wealth, since its founding a
the magister of the ward in their pocket. Newcomers few decades ago, and continues to be one of the biggest
to the city are often advised to avoid the Snatchers power players in the city, outside of the conventional
Ward at all costs, if they want to keep their coin and hierarchy. Each wizard of the Pact in the Snatchers
stay out of trouble, but the attractions of the ward Ward is on their payroll, and the magister, Jacinda
often get the better of visitors. The Silver Slipper runs Grifford (lawful neutral female half-elf illusionist), is
most of these establishments, including the taverns, a fully fledged member of the thieves’ guild.
gambling houses, and theatres, as legitimate busi- The current guildrunner is Parinascovyx — Parin, for
nesses through which to fence their stolen goods. short (lawful neutral female adult silver dragon) —
Despite their ill intent, the guild members, called who typically takes the form of a high elf with flowing,
Slippers or Snatchers, keep other crime within the silver hair and silver eyes. Parin is one of the wealthiest
ward tightly locked down. Rates of theft and burglary individuals in Sorceria, and has a vault of magic items
are high, but instances of murder and other acts of that most adventurers couldn’t even dream of. The
violence are relatively rare. As the years pass, the guild Silver Slipper are always looking for new recruits with
is becoming more and more ‘legitimate’, keeping unique skill sets, especially those who can provide
the petty thieves largely contained within the outer an inside eye on the Arcanum, and Parin ensures she
district, and trying to foster independent business in meets all potential new members in person, for an
the inner district, provided they keep up with their interview of sorts.
silver tax.
Spiral Theatre
The Prancing Pegasus Perhaps the biggest draw to the Snatchers Ward is the
The best-loved of inns in the Snatchers Ward is the Spiral Theatre. Although run by the Silver Slipper, it is
Prancing Pegasus — a rough-and-tumble tavern, a great, cultural hub of Sorceria, where famous actors,
owned by Meremor (neutral non-binary cloud giant), playwrights, minstrels, and entertainers can get
and managed by the Silver Slipper. Meremor has lived together to share innovative, new ideas and collab-
in Sorceria for just over one hundred years, and has orate on plays, operas, concerts, and performances.
seen a great portion of the multiverse during their The range of shows that take place in the Spiral is
time. Although they’re kind-hearted and a bit of a immense, and often involves a hearty helping of magi-
softie, they don’t tolerate discrimination of any sort cal accompaniment. The most popular performances
within their establishment. Scuffles break out in the include those by the Spectral Chorus, a choir of ghosts
tavern on a frequent basis, but Meremor doesn’t mind, who sing once every fortnight; ‘The Making of Mercy’,
so long as blood isn’t drawn. If a scuffle becomes seri- a historical drama penned by one of the finest authors
ously violent, they’ll step in themselves, or summon in the city and performed by flying actors; and the
rain clouds in the rafters to cool off the brawlers. somewhat-overplayed ‘Cloaked by Scales’, the story of
Food and board at The Prancing Pegasus is cheap, and the original Elder Eight and their defeat at the hands
the quality is pretty poor. Meremor has a habit of cover- of the current Master of Sorceria, Azalon.
ing things over with superficial fixes until they become As well as its marvellous performances, the Spiral
dangerous enough to warrant addressing. Gaudy, baby- Theatre is also a wonder of architecture. The building
blue wallpaper covers moldy holes in the plasterwork, is in the shape of an enormous, spiralling cone, akin to
brightly patterned vases cover burn marks on dressers, a unicorn’s horn, that glitters with tiny crystals of pink
and plush, silver trunks at the foot of the beds stop the glowstone. It is surrounded by cafes and restaurants
teacup mimics escaping. The kitchen is run by an inept that serve the finest food and drink, where most of the
halfling, called Fingle ‘the Fillet’ Underbrook, who has city’s celebrities can be found mooching and mingling.
no qualifications as a cook, but is there to ensure the The Spiral is but a stone’s throw from the Master’s
Silver Slipper gets their cut of the profits each month. Tower, so the Silver Slipper keeps their lower-ranking,
rougher thieves out of this part of the ward.
Silver Slipper Guildhouse
The Snatchers are based in the Silver Slipper Guild-
house, a multi-storey townhouse that surrounds a
well-kept courtyard decorated with marble statues of

Gilrot House near-flawless transmutation, thanks to Telashor’s
immense skill in that school of magic. A change of hair
Gilrot House is the former townhouse of Lord Gindrel
color might cost around 100 gp, but entire transforma-
Gilrot, a wealthy merchant of expensive furs and hides
tions of form can also be acquired for prices nearer to
in Sorceria. The house is now abandoned, locked, and
100,000 gp. What no one knows is that Telashor is a
in disrepair. When it was discovered that Lord Gilrot’s
member of the Elder Eight, and many of the individ-
family were ritualistic cannibals (particularly of other
uals transmuted are criminals looking to escape retri-
reputable members of the city), Azalon publicly
bution for crimes committed on Sorceria’s streets.
exposed Gilrot, stripped him of his title, trapped him
in the Rings of Ramahn, and destroyed his family. Due Gnome Guild Square
to Sorceria’s unpredictable magic, and the family’s The Gnome Guild is a loose collective of businesses that
unusual appetites, the family unknowingly returned all have their headquarters in Sorceria. These busi-
to unlife as ghasts. They created a den in a dungeon nesses all maintain a secure headquarters at a market
complex below Gilrot House and eventually came to square called Gnome Guild Square, or the Banker’s
rule over a small following of ghouls. These ghouls Square, in the Inner Bankers Ward. Despite the Guild’s
have been seen emerging from the local sewers to name, the businesses are run by a variety of human-
hunt, leading residents to colloquially change the oids, though most trace their history back to a gnome
local road’s name to Ghoul Street. entrepreneur. Each business specializes in some sort
of activity that is tied to currency and finance. The
Banker’s Ward Gnome Guild are known for their outlandish, albeit
With its name inspired by the Gnome Guild that stylish, clothing and hairstyles, and are heralded as
dominates there, the Banker’s Ward is a commercial forward-thinking members of Sorcerian society. The
hub. Most of the established businesses in Sorceria guild members cherish their wealth, and seek only to
have their headquarters in the Banker’s Ward, and increase it. The most influential businesses within the
all serious trade, especially the famous magic item Gnome Guild are listed below.
auctions, takes place here under the auspices of the
Gnome Guild. Most of the townhouses in the Bank- Mriggin’s Mint (Mint). A gnome, by the name of Mrig-
er’s Ward have been converted from residential to gin, has a charter from the Master of Sorceria to print
commercial properties, so now only a handful of the the city’s coins, known as ‘skulls’, which come in the
wealthiest merchant families actually live in the ward. standard denominations of platinum, gold, silver, and
This ward also has a reputation for being rather busy copper.
and unwelcoming. The merchants here don’t have the
time to stop and chat with visitors to the city, and the Shykel’s Stones (Gem Cutters). Shykel Gilderoll runs a
Pact tries to ensure that those who do wish to take a gem-cutting and dealing business. Almost all rough
look around the ward stick to the ground, so as not to gems found in the Undercity find their way here to be
get in the way of important merchants on their carpets cut, polished, and sold. The business strongly adheres
of flying. to its gnomish heritage, and most of the employees,
As well as the Gnome Guild, the Banker’s Ward is including Shykel himself, are gnomes.
home to the Gilded Hall, the headquarters of a secret
society known as the Most Illustrious Order of Sorcerian Labradeux’s Loans (Moneylender). Labradeux la Faire
Goldwrights. Little is known of the order, though they runs a money lending guild. She demands a ten percent
are clear rivals with the Gnome Guild. The two insti- monthly interest rate and, very often, some form of
tutions vie for control over trade in the ward, and in collateral up front.
Sorceria at large. Both have an overwhelming amount
of wealth to their names, though little mastery over the Savashime’s Savings (Bank). Savashime is the grumpy
arcane — a serious handicap in the game of Sorcerian brother of Labradeux. Savashime’s bankers secure your
politics. coins in their vault and provide a five percent annual
interest rate for certain important customers.
The Alteratrium
Run by the orc transmuter, Telashor Davos, the Alter- Aljakar’s Accounting (Accountants). Aljakar, a master
atrium is a shop where one can have their appearance mathematician and statistician, provides gnome
magically and permanently altered, for a high price. It accountants to many of the businesses in Sorceria.
is the only such establishment in the city, and provides

The Gilded Hall Hydra Ward
The Most Illustrious Order of Sorcerian Goldwrights
Of all the wards in Sorceria, the Hydra Ward is perhaps
is another one of Sorceria’s most powerful factions.
the most fractious. The ward used to be called the Old
In possession of an enormous quantity of wealth,
Ward, as it contains some of the oldest buildings in
amassed from mercantile activities across the planes,
the city but, after the hydra illusion was summoned
the Order of Goldwrights used to be dedicated to
by the Elder Eight in the Master’s Square, the old title
craftspeople working with gold — gilders, goldsmiths,
stood no chance. Similarly, those individuals who
and the like. Nowadays, much of the actual craft has
lived in the ward used to be some of the staunchest
been lost, in favor of wealth gained through trade.
supporters of the hierarchy of Sorceria. Many lords
What actually goes on behind the doors of the Gold-
and ladies owned the residential buildings, and busi-
wright’s headquarters is at a cult-like level of secret
nesses tended to be respectable institutions fully in
society operation, despite the public face. In order to
support of the government. With the advent of the
be considered for entrance, one must apparently have
illusion though, those individuals shirked the ward
a bust of themselves forged from pure gold to offer up
and relocated to others, such as the Banker’s Ward.
to the order, and must then go through a series of initi-
As these supporters of the Arcanum and Master of
ation trials that, allegedly, involve bribery and forgery.
Sorceria left, those attracted to the illusion, and what
Whatever the truth of the secret society, their head-
it stood for, arrived to take their place. One can only
quarters is a private hall more glorious than even
assume that most of the Cult of the Hydra is drawn
the most decorated temples in the Holy Ward. It is
from the citizens of the Hydra Ward, and even those
constructed out of polished columns of black marble,
who aren’t so actively anti-establishment still give the
veined with gold strands, that rise far higher than the
Black Wizards a hard time whenever the robed hand
surrounding buildings. The columns are capped with
of government comes knocking. The outer district,
a temple-like roof of amber glass, which shrouds the
especially, has had its fair share of riots and rebellions.
interior in a rich, golden light. Admittance is restricted
The conflict between old residents and new is a large
to those of the Order, which numbers in the tens. Those
contributor to the atmosphere of the district. Town-
trying to gain access without permission are accosted
houses are graffitied with anti-establishment messag-
by iron golems, gilded with golden plates, who guard
es and symbols while, at the same time, businesses
the entrances. Their glimmering forms can be seen
owners try to maintain their shopfronts and report
from streets away as they reflect the red light of the
suspicious individuals on the streets. The mood in the
setting sun, or of the rising moons.
ward is always tense, as if the fires of revolution could
The Wyrm Arcade be sparked at any time.
Owned by the eminent Lord Ostoroth van der Lister Master’s Square
III (lawful good male giff), the Wyrm Arcade is the
This large courtyard in the outer district is lined by
premier auction house of magical items within the
black townhouses. The square was refurbished after
city’s walls. Lord Ostoroth, being of the spacefaring
Azalon became the Master of Sorceria, and the citi-
giff, has a vast knowledge of the planes from his
zens chose to change its name in his honor. For a few
previous military campaigns, and came to settle in
years, the square was a hub of activity; it played host
Sorceria only after his platoon was destroyed in a
to festivals, ceremonies, magical markets, and a whole
githyanki attack. Lord Ostoroth himself was saved by
variety of other exciting activities. Unfortunately, this
a githzerai zerth, though not before losing his legs in
could never last.
battle, so now uses an arcane-powered, flying throne
A few years after the square was refurbished, the
to get around. He sources most of his magic items
original Elder Eight summoned an immense illusion of
from contacts out across the planes, who come back to
a neon-green hydra, in an effort to undermine Azalon as
him with strange acquisitions from all over the multi-
the Master of Sorceria. Now, the illusion emerges every
verse. The prices these items fetch at auction are often
night at sundown, and is a terrifying sight to behold.
eye-wateringly high, as the wizards of Sorceria are
Soon the square ceased to be such a desirable meeting
keen to get their hands on new and exciting magical
place, and fell into the hands of criminal organisations.
items to study.
Alongside the illusion, the Elder Eight created a cult
surrounding the illusion called, fittingly, the Cult of the
Hydra. The prayers and rituals uttered by the cult are
siphoned into the illusion, giving it a pseudo-divine

permanency that even the Arcanum cannot deal with. The House of Ash
The illusion still stands as an icon of subordination, a
This mortuary is favored by the Watchers, and is
testament to the fallible rule of Azalon and the Arca-
run by the mortician, Mortimer Klune. It makes an
appearance in the adventure as the location of Tahlia
When the Elder Eight felt they had fomented enough
Smeart’s corpse, and provides the characters with an
mistrust in Azalon, they staged an appearance in the
opportunity to help Mortimer deal with his wife, who
Master’s Square and preached of Azalon’s inability to
has, regrettably, fallen to the curse of undeath.
stop the Cult of the Hydra. Azalon was forced to visit
the square himself to scatter the riotous populace, Ruins of Crow House
and face off against the Elder Eight. Despite the odds Until recently, Crow House was ruined—left that way
being stacked against him, Azalon had the power of the after Cester Crow’s humiliating defeat by Azalon’s
Black Skull to ensure his victory. The Elder Eight were hand. Much of the grounds are still in disrepair, and
consumed by nokturn flames, their silhouettes burned the new mansion erected in its place has nothing of
into the cobblestones of the Master’s Square. This victo- the original’s splendor, but is nonetheless a large
ry solidified Azalon’s power in the city, though through building. Despite the new structure, Azalon’s power
fear rather than respect. has cursed the building so that it seems to smoulder
In this adventure, the bodies of Conclave apprentices eternally, and ash gathers incessantly in sad corners
are found beneath the hydra illusion in the Master’s and on forgotten shelves. It is constructed in a similar
Square. They have been murdered by the Cult of manner to the black townhouses around it, but lacks
the Hydra, with the hope that a hydra-god will be the architectural grandeur they display.
summoned when the final apprentice is sacrificed. The Crow House makes an appearance in the adven-
entire incident is a result of the plotting of the new Elder ture, as Cester Crow is one of the main antagonists
Eight, who replaced the original wizards and disguised and a member of the Elder Eight. The dungeons of
themselves as the Hidden Masters of the cult. his mansion have been converted into a deathtrap
The Tower Timeless designed to kill or weaken the characters while they
search for the Conclave apprentices.
Rising up from the Hydra Ward is an eighty-foot-tall
tower of rough, black, stone blocks. This is the Tower The Vitriolic Vial
Timeless, once known as the Twisting Tower. It is made This ramshackle establishment looks like a bright-
of four twenty-foot-tall square sections that periodi- ly painted canvas wagon that has been enlarged to
cally turn and twist in different directions. The Tower the size of a house and dropped onto a city street —
Timeless sits at the center of a city block, so it does because that’s exactly what it is. The wagon belongs
not get a lot of foot traffic, and is shrouded in a bright- to Unfax, the oni apothecary, who once travelled
blue mist that freezes time around it. The time effect throughout the planes peddling their concoctions,
is caused by an artifact called the God Glass — a giant, but eventually settled in Sorceria — perhaps the
floating hourglass that hovers over the tower. The God perfect ‘crossroads’ between planes. Despite their
Glass is cracked; it is from this that the magical, blue clumsy-looking appearance, Unfax is a remarkable
mist leaks to surround the tower. If a bird or person alchemist and herbalist, capable of creating tinctures
enters the blue mist, they become instantly frozen in and ointments to suit any issue. Poisons and poultic-
time. The wizards of the city all wish to explore the es, draughts and drugs, salves and solutions: Unfax
tower, but none have been able to penetrate the blue creates them all. For a reasonable price, the ogre
field. mage can whip up a batch of potions of healing, or a few
The hidden truth of the tower is that it is inhabited by flasks of alchemist’s fire. The most potent poisons,
an army of deathlocks, led by the most powerful of their and powerful potions, are harder to acquire though —
kind, Etherion the Eternal. Etherion uses the tower’s most require a quest for reagents to be undertaken.
unusual ‘out of time’ condition to hide from the powers If you’re lucky, the ingredients might be found in the
of the multiverse, and plot an ambitious scheme that Black Forest. If not, you had better be ready to under-
could change the status quo of the planes forever. take an expedition across the planes.

Powder Ward The Bloodsoaked Tower
Living up to its name, this structure of bloodstone
The air of the Powder Ward is almost constantly twin-
constantly drips blood, which spreads a ferrous stench
kling with the sparkle of magical mayhem. It is from
into the streets around it. This is caused by a grisly
this glittery effect that the ward takes its name; the
enchantment placed upon it, which causes the conical
powder that floats through the air and covers the
tower to look like the tip of a bloody crossbow bolt.
buildings is the result of constant alchemical exper-
The tower has had numerous owners and occupants
imentation, magical research, and arcane investi-
throughout Sorceria’s history, but its current owner
gation. This ward is popular with members of the
is the archwizard, and Arcanum member, Scarlet du
Arcanum, and their house-come-laboratories can be
Sang. Scarlet is a blood mage, capable of twisting
found throughout both the inner and outer districts.
the veins of the living and controlling their actions
The results of their experimentations are rarely so
through manipulation of their lifeblood. A dangerous
mundane as glittering powder, and the catastrophic
woman indeed, Scarlet takes a great interest in Sorce-
fallout of some famous research failures still linger in
ria’s politics. She finds Azalon a frustrating, and some-
the ward today.
what arrogant, man. Scarlet believes Sorceria’s innate
Visitors to the ward, after they’ve stopped spluttering
magic should be relied upon rather than that of the
from the powder, are likely to find themselves keen to
Black Skull but, unlike the Elder Eight, doesn't think
leave rather quickly, unless they’re capable of casting
violence is the way to get control of the city. Instead,
spells such as dispel magic and counterspell to defend
Scarlet works with the Arcanum to put policies in place
themselves from the wild magic onslaught of the ward.
to help guide Sorceria down a more self-reliant path in
Random arcane effects constantly manifest throughout
the future. The mage takes great interest in powerful
the ward’s streets, with powerful wizards trailing them
visitors to the city, who might be able to help her with
in order to make notes. Wizards are notoriously bad at
these peaceful reforms.
cleaning up after themselves, and this section of the
city is testament to that. Dalatalim’s Vortex
The Arch of Twins This magical manifestation can be heard, long before
it is seen; the rapid fluttering of flutes gives it away
On a rarely travelled street in the Hydra Ward is a
well in advance. This whirling vortex of tuneful air is
beautiful archway of dark-red stone. It is sculpted to
directly connected to the elemental plane of air, or so
resemble two identical individuals locked in a fight-
Dalatalim said before she disappeared into it, never to
ing stance over the thoroughfare below. The Arch
return. Since its formation, several years ago, the Arca-
of Twins, as it is known, is magically enchanted. Any
num has entirely failed to dispel it. In fact, attempts to
creature that walks beneath it is duplicated; an iden-
seal up the vortex have only made things worse, with
tical copy of the creature is immediately created and
the addition of the flute-playing just over a year ago.
exits the archway walking in the opposite direction,
Since then, no further attempts have been made to
as if reflected in a mirror. It’s entirely possible that
close the whirling hurricane of air. Luckily, the vortex
the new and pre-existing creatures never notice each
doesn’t linger in any one place for too long, and seems
other, and continue on with their lives. However, if the
to respect the system of roads, rather than tearing
two do come into contact, both are overcome with an
through the nearby houses.
overwhelming urge to destroy the other. This curse
can only be removed by using the wish spell, or by Gravity Street
destroying the other ‘twin’. This street contains the former residence of the famous
The locals of the Hydra Ward know of, and avoid, the archwizard and Arcanum member, Urth Crackjaw, one
Arch of Twins, but denizens of other wards, and visitors, of the most accomplished orc wizards the city has
often do not. One of the tell-tale signs that something is known. Urth was a master of physical manipulation of
afoot is the preponderance of identical cats that linger the Sorcerian demiplane, and assisted with the archi-
in the ward, and the resulting cat fights that frequently tecture and construction of many of the city’s most
break out in the streets. The cats, of course, know about impressive structures, including the Flying Fortresses.
the enchanted archway, but will often deliberately Unfortunately, his street paid the price for his exper-
‘twin’ themselves and relish in the bloodshed. imentation. Gravity, in Gravity Street, is relative to
orientation — gravity always pulls down toward your
feet. This means walking up walls and onto ceilings is
perfectly easy, but woe to those who trip.

spellcasters which, in a city whose population consists
Holy Ward primarily of wizards, is a rather awkward occurrence.
This ward contains the majority of Soceria’s temples. These slayers often butt heads with the Black Wizards,
Faith in Sorceria is extremely diverse, featuring a and the temple has a somewhat unsavory reputation
pantheon of deities from across the multiverse. Should because of this.
a high priest wish to introduce a new faith to the city,
all they need do is petition the Arcanum. If it can be Sorcerious Shrines
argued that the inclusion of the new deity will grant These small shrines, often little larger than an alcove
obvious benefits to the city, the priest is permitted on a street corner, are spread throughout the Holy
to construct a shrine in their honor in the Holy Ward, Ward. They offer a place for citizens to give offerings to
for a trial run of one year. If, by the end of this period, Sorcerious, reminding themselves that he is the only
the deity has made themselves known in the city, and true Sorcerian deity, and that all other gods present in
bettered it in some fashion, the shrine is permitted the demiplane are his guests. The priesthood of Sorce-
to stay. If not, it has to go. The constant construction rious emerges from the Master’s Tower each morning
and demolition in the district can make it hard to to collect these offerings, which are used in rituals in
nail down some of the newer shrines, and remember the main temple that are open for public attendance.
whether a particular temple is still standing.
Temple of Benoval
Some of the shrines in the Holy Ward have grown,
over time, into great temples dedicated to particular The original Prime Material world Sorceria came from,
deities, pantheons, or ideologies. There are numerous before its untimely demise, had a pantheon of Old
shrines to Sorcerious throughout the ward, paying Gods that are no more, except for the lesser aspects
special homage to the Sorcerian god of magic, to ensure or avatars they left behind in Sorceria. One of those
that the presence of the other gods does not offend is Benoval, the God of benevolence, protection, and
him. understanding. The temple's paladins, clad in white
garb and silver armor, now make it their mission to
Lights of Lextra protect the weak, and battle evil in its many forms
One of the larger temples in the Holy Ward is called within the city. Benoval's symbol is a white sword.
the Lights of Lextra, and has been forged from the Although the temple is often perceived as cliché and
upright skull of a dragon, hollowed out, and plas- naïve, many have changed thoughts on this when the
tered inside with layers of molten rock. This temple is White Templars have arrived to save them from an
dedicated to Lextra, a death tyrant who works as an unsavory end. A priestess of Benoval was the person
agent of Death in Sorceria. Given that the plane is so to discover the first dead apprentice in the Master's
detached from the normal order of life and death, and Square.
the natural cycles of the multiverse, Death appointed
Lextra to watch over Sorceria on their behalf. Thus, the The Hearth
death tyrant and their acolytes patrol the streets at The most popular ward for travellers and visitors to the
dawn and dusk each day, to collect the bodies of the city, The Hearth is home to many taverns, inns, bunk-
dead for interment. Many of the dead are taken and houses, and supply stores. If newcomers are looking for
buried in the necropolis, outside Sorceria’s walls, but a place to stay, they are typically shown to The Hearth,
others are cremated within the temple, or undergo where they can engage with an inn of their choosing.
different, culturally variable death ceremonies. There are also numerous important businesses for
Slayer Temples visiting adventurers in this ward, namely gear suppli-
ers and sellers. Perhaps the only issue with The Hearth
Within the Holy Ward are several adjacent, pyramidal
is that locals of Sorceria treat it as somewhat of a spec-
shrines called the Slayer Temples. These buildings
tacle — they come to gawk at newcomers and laugh at
serve as monasteries, of sorts, for warriors dedicat-
poorly prepared adventurers, rather than spend any of
ed to the hunting and killing of a particular foe. The
their own money. They might drop a few coppers for
slayers, as they are commonly known, train constantly
a pint of ale in a brewpub, but they’re unlikely to fork
to hone their martial skills, and perfect tactics that
out any major cash. This means that those who live in
enable them to tackle their chosen quarry. Each time
the ward struggle for money, and many turn to crime
Sorceria moves to a new plane or world, bands of slay-
when their businesses fail them. Tired adventurers,
ers leave the city for weeks at a time in search of new
returning from a quest with bags of gems and gold,
foes to test their mettle against.
are prime targets for these opportunistic thieves.
One of the slayer temples is dedicated to fighting

Callindra’s Candles witches both hideous and beautiful come and go on
their flying brooms. If an adventuring party strikes
Callindra’s Candles is, on the surface at least, a repu-
her interest, Blair Blackvein, an elegant woman with
table chandler. Callindra often swings the broad,
jet-black hair, will approach them like a cat (which she
wooden doors of her workshop wide open so she can
sometimes disguises herself as). If the adventurers are
look out over Wax Alley as she works, and keep an eye
polite, Blair will ‘cast the bones’ for them and tell them
on her competition. Callindra’s candles are far finer
their futures, giving them hints as to what is upcoming
than those of her rivals, though — they are made only
for them.
with the finest beeswax, from a secret apiary out in
the Black Forest, and scented with cinnamon, clove, No Name Inn
and other rarer herbs and spices. Furthermore, Call- This small bunkhouse is in poor shape, and has very
indra has the ability to weave magical effects into her few customers. It is run by an elderly woman, named
work. Some of her candles illuminate invisible crea- Marza, who can often be seen in the street-facing
tures in their light, others blind those who look upon kitchen cooking breakfast for her visitors, while
them; she wields a variety of magic, both beneficial complaining about how her bones hurt and how she
and malignant. The source of Callindra’s magic is her can’t see as well as she used to. As with many places in
heritage — she is a witch related to Baba Yaga, which Sorceria, things are not what they seem. Marza is actu-
she keeps a secret. Her four sisters run The Witch’s ally a disguised pit fiend, named Marzavernus, bound
Cauldron, though Callindra steers clear of the place, by none other than the Master of Sorceria to protect
due to a feud with her siblings. the building’s inhabitants, while remaining disguised.
As well as being a superb place to purchase a scented Azalon uses the No Name Inn to house some of his
candle, Callindra’s Candles serves as a base, of sorts, Watchers, so it therefore serves as a low-key head-
for the Abracadabra Boys. Her basement has been quarters for them, as they conduct their investigations
kitted out with bunk beds and trunks, which the Boys in the city. The building is chock-full of hidden cham-
can make use of whenever they like. Callindra and bers and pocket dimensions where Watchers can store
Midnight Jack know each other's secret identities, and evidence, hide magic items, and hold prisoners they
collaborate together to keep the streets of Sorceria are interrogating.
clear of malevolent fey.
The Witch’s Cauldron Green Ward
The most famous tavern in Sorceria is the Witch’s Caul- There are very few green spaces within Sorceria’s
dron. The establishment is run by an expanded coven walls. The Green Ward is so called because it contains
of four powerful witches, rumored to be the daughters a handful of parks, lawns, and greens for public recre-
of Baba Yaga herself. The infamous proprietors are ation. Of course, these places are not at all natural.
known as the Night Witch (Blair Blackvein), the Winter Although they might look mundane from a distance,
Witch (Freya), the Harvest Witch (Margaret), and the you only need to get within a few feet of a tree to real-
ghostly Silent Sister (Sister Abigail). In design, the ise that the specimens present are drawn from all over
tavern is a great, domed building consisting primar- the multiverse, and often show unique, magical qual-
ily of a cramped, dark entry chamber, followed by an ities. One tree might leak sweet-tasting, alcoholic sap
enormous common room, dimly lit by a huge fireplace that draws the attention of travelling satyrs; another
in the shape of a demon’s maw, said to be a gate to might routinely birth swarms of spiders from galls on
the lower planes, and bone and iron chandeliers. The its trunk. Many of these curious plants are the focus of
antechamber, through which customers enter, has a arcane research by the Arcanum. Once they’ve been
bubbling cauldron at its center, with a narrow balcony properly analyzed, they are removed and a new one
above it, where the green hags, Sister Greta and Sister planted to take their place, for as long as it holds an
Veta, observe the comings and goings of customers archwizard’s interest. Similarly, the panoply of insect
with a crude and unsettling commentary. Small, and bird species that frequent these places is studied,
orange creatures with large heads, known as ‘cauldron changed out, and mutated on a regular basis. One
goblins’, act as servers, bringing meat pies and drink to week a park might be filled with parrots, the next it
the tavern’s guests, without much interaction. Spread could play host to dog-sized wasps, and the next to
amongst the floor are basement grates that emanate hummingbirds who sing with the voices of tenors.
eerie orange lights and, occasionally, faint screams.
A spectacularly carved staircase rises up from the
common room to a large balcony window, where

The Aviary Arcanum, a magical tome of unlimited pages. Due to
its magical wards, the Archive Arcanum can only be
One of the ward’s parks has been converted into a giant
opened and read when the Arcanum is assembled and
aviary, sealed in with a wall of force that keeps the birds
in session.
bathed in sunshine and allows a fresh breeze to flow
through, without the risk of the rare creatures escap-
ing. The Aviary is open to the public, who can enter
Palace Ward
through special portals in the wall of force, and even Taking its name from the Palace of Portals, this ward is
buy bags of seed to feed to the birds. The Aviary is run popular with the Black Wizards, who find its vicinity to
by the Black Wizards, but was founded by a popular the aforementioned edifice quite suitable. Most of the
member of the Arcanum, Wattsigan the Flamboyant, residences in the district are reserved for Black Wizard
who died a few years ago. The place is maintained in occupation, and are somewhat lacking in character.
memoriam of the wizard and his achievements, and
remains a popular place for eccentric individuals to Palace of Portals
get together. The Palace of Portals is a building which allows
members of the Conclave to travel throughout the
The Gray Library of Lorcrypt Sorcerian demi-plane, and external planes of exist-
The Gray Library is the largest collection of history, ence, with ease and expedition. The palace is a tower-
planar knowledge, and occult lore in Sorceria. It is one ing edifice of twisted glass and metal, with dozens of
of the great structures of the city, built of thick, gray entrances and exits on different levels, via balconies.
stone and filled with thousands of books from across It is managed by Zephyr, a djinni who works closely
the multiverse. It was founded by Lorcrypt the Gray, a with the Arcanum, who has been one of their staunch-
childhood friend of Sorcerious, who established the est allies for centuries. Zephyr believes in a spiritual
library two thousand years ago. Lorcrypt was a sage, philosophy in which each plane is connected to the
scholar, historian, alchemist, and warrior adventurer. next and the next, in an unbreakable, unfathomable
He was responsible for the creation of the gray sands ring. The wind which blows through one plane can
that protect the necropolis of Sorceria — just one of be felt on the next, just in an altered state. Because
his many contributions to the city’s history. Although of this, Zephyr is strict about who he allows to use the
Lorcrypt shed his mortal body long ago, his ghost now portals, as even a small action on one plane can have
inhabits the halls of the Gray Library, acting as a teach- enormous consequences on another.
er, mentor, and storyteller to the Gray Librarians.
The Gray Librarians care for the Gray Library, guiding Blood Berry Brewery
its visitors, cataloging its arcana, and defending its The Blood Berry Brewery is owned by Jaracular Finch, a
wellbeing, when required. They are a faction of schol- reprehensible young woman who acquired the brew-
ar-warriors, who are as likely to author a unique treatise ery through deadly means, but has elevated its status
on forgotten creatures, as they are to venture into the thanks to an infernal contract signed with Asmodeus,
Undercity in search of some lost tome or forgotten Lord of the Nine. Jaracular and her minions lure unwit-
culture. The Gray Librarians are well-known for their ting humanoids to the brewery, where they are ritual-
telltale charcoal, hooded cloaks and gray grimoires— ly sacrificed to Asmodeus. Their souls join his infernal
large, armored books they chain to their hip, so that army (and, sometimes, end up working back at the
they might safely record all they discover. brewery), and their blood becomes a succulent, fruity
Visitors are welcome within the Gray Library, provid- liquor with a most singular ‘berry’ taste that elevates
ed they remain cordial to its occupants and respectful the Blood Berry Brewery ales from unpalatable swill,
to its contents, but they may not take anything from the to fine, collectable vintages.
library. The copying of texts is permitted, during visiting For obvious reasons, the Blood Berry Brewery is a
hours. If a visitor violates the rules of the Gray Library, secretive and shady place. The windows and doors
they are expelled, and forbidden to return. Some tomes are kept locked and boarded, and the humanoid staff,
within the library are considered to be ‘protected’, and all relatives of ‘Lady’ Finch, arrive and leave via under-
are only accessible by the permission of the Governor, ground passages that keep their identities secret.
the most senior Gray Librarian on the grounds of the Furthermore, the place is guarded all day and night by
Gray Library, at the time of the request. When the infernal security.
Arcanum of archwizards meets in the Master’s Tower, a The Blood Berry Brewery might become involved in
single Gray Librarian, known as the Archivist, is allowed the adventure, as the characters uncover the corpse of a
to attend. He records what is spoken into the Archive Conclave apprentice was once held in a brewery.

The Barrow Brewery Necropolis
The Barrow Brewery is run by the disgraced necroman- Just southeast of the city, within the Black Forest, rests
cer, and member of the Elder Eight, Lucern Mortis. It the necropolis, the city’s beautifully crafted cemetery.
is managed by his undead sister, Arabesque, and is The necropolis is surrounded by a wrought-iron fence,
staffed by a literal skeleton crew. The Barrow Brewery with a grand gate permitting entrance. It houses
produces very little ale, all of which is of terrible qual- hundreds of mausoleums of all shapes and sizes, with
ity. The Mortis family instead make their money by shrines to a variety of deities from across the multi-
helping out criminals in a variety of processes. Their verse. Like Sorceria itself, it is a vista of great diversity.
most common source of work is smuggling; empty The ground of the necropolis is covered with gray
Barrow Brewery barrels are packed with stolen goods sand. This sand is imbued with powerful magic that
and shipped along with legitimate barrels to locations prevents undead from existing within the necropolis,
throughout Sorceria and the planes it visits. The brew- thus protecting the corpses of Sorcerian citizens from
ery is also connected to the Undercity, via a hidden reanimation. Any undead that enter the necropolis
entrance beneath an empty vat. Lucern has this from outside are reduced to sand, and become incorpo-
entrance guarded, day and night, by undead servitors, rated into the earth. If any gray sand is removed from
and charges a high fee for those who wish to enter and the necropolis, it loses its potency and has no effect on
exit through this relatively safe and concealed egress. the undead.
The brewery makes an appearance in the adventure
through its link to the apprentice abduction. Conclave & Convergence
On the other side of the plane, the great, purple shaft
Outside the City that started as the Nexus in Sorceria returns to the
surface at a point known as the Convergence. Depend-
There’s plenty going on within the bounds of Sorce- ing on the world Sorceria visits, the Convergence
ria—enchanted taverns, floating citadels, illusory might be at an opposite pole. No matter where it ends
monstrosities and spell-slinging scoundrels! However, up, it is always equidistant between Sorceria and the
when Sorceria travels between planes, it takes a small edge of the world, should such a thing exist.
portion of the surrounding landscape along with it. Floating above the Convergence is the Conclave, or
The Black Forest College of Wizardry: possibly the greatest school of
magic in the multiverse. It is here that viziers train the
The city of Sorceria travels between planes with intent,
talented, young wizards of Sorceria, before they start
placed wherever is necessary at that time by the
their lives as potential future-archwizards. Although
Master of Sorceria. However, it does not always want
most wizards don’t go on to work directly for the
to make its presence obvious. Because of this, the
Conclave, each is shaped by their time at the institution,
city of Sorceria is surrounded by a few miles of cursed
making the school of onion-topped towers a sentimen-
landscape called the Black Forest. Like the Shadowfell,
tal place for wizards both foul and benevolent.
the Black Forest drains the life from those who enter,
causing states of depression and melancholy in those
who linger too long between its boughs. This obsta-
cle must be overcome by those who visit Sorceria by Sorceria is not the first city to have been built upon the
mundane means, but can be avoided through magical Nexus. Before it was constructed, numerous others
teleportation. grew to magnificence before falling to ruin. Because
The Black Forest is home to the cannibalistic night of this, Sorceria stands upon a vast, intricate founda-
goblin tribes and their ferocious, man-eating worgs. tion of other cities, transportation tunnels, natural
Although they don’t present much of a threat to the caverns, and sewage systems. This area is collectively
seasoned adventurer, the night goblins are a serious known as the Undercity, and is covered in detail in
deterrent for regular folks who spy the spires of Sorce- Chapter 3 of this adventure.
ria and think of paying the newly appeared city a visit.
The most dangerous act the night goblins can take is to
awaken the trees around them as dark treants, who rip
their roots from the soil like sprawling legs and stomp
down on the intruders—and the goblins themselves,

can be summoned if the city is ever besieged. These
Keep Your Eyes Open spectral commanders use the statistics of sword wraith
The city of Sorceria has such an arcanely-inclined commanders, with the changes listed below.
population that there are many magical moments
occurring every day. Some of these are wonderful to Cobblestone Elementals. Cobblestone elementals are
behold, and others frankly terrifying. While charac- vaguely humanoid, golem-like creatures formed from
ters make their way around Sorceria, they are almost the cobbles of the streets of Sorceria. They are used
certain to come across some of the following phenom- to enforce the laws of the city by capturing criminals
ena. who have been convicted, but evade trial. Cobblestone
elementals use the statistics of earth elementals, with
Arcane Obliviation the changes listed below.
There are hundreds of wizards experimenting with Flaming Skulls. Used to observe the intersections of
new spells in Sorceria every day. For that reason, it is the city for the magisters, flaming skulls are vigilant
not unusual to find a spellcaster that has overreached protectors of Sorceria, and act as surveillance units
themselves, causing a catastrophic effect that results across all eight wards. Flaming skulls use the statistics
in their utter annihilation. This act of self-destruction, of flameskulls, with the changes listed below.
without any discoverable remains what-so-ever, is
known as arcane obliviation. The term is often used Obsidian Dragons. When powerful enemies of the
in the telling of a joke, but that does not diminish city make themselves known, the Master of Sorceria
the fact that it occurs commonly in the city. Signs of summons obsidian dragons to disperse the threat. It
such destruction include multi-colored smears on the takes great force of will to control the obsidian drag-
cobbled streets, lingering clouds of glittering mist, ons, who rarely appear for longer than a few days at a
illusory flames burning with the smell of sulphur or time. Obsidian dragons use the statistics of young red
candyfloss, and perpetual screams or laughs that shadow dragons, with the changes listed below.
continue for days on end.
Aspect Changes. Aspects of the Black Skull are constructs
Black Skull Aspects that have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
The Black Skull is able to create creatures, known as slashing damage from nonmagical attacks, as well as
aspects, within the confines of the city of Sorceria. the following special traits:
These creatures are animated by the Black Skull’s
magic, and are used to protect and maintain the city. Immutable Form. The aspect is immune to any spell
They share the aesthetic of the Black Skull, namely or effect that would alter its form.
being vaguely crystalline in form and obsidian in
color, and emanate the nokturn light. It is whispered Magic Resistance. The aspect has advantage on
that, should they choose, the Master of Sorceria can saving throws against spells and other magical
see through the eyes of any aspect created by the Black effects.
Skull. Aspects come in a variety of forms, but the city
primarily uses the following five types: Magic Weapons. The aspect’s weapon attacks are
Nokturn Skeletons. Used to robotically execute
maintenance within the city, including the repair of Cult of Holofax
damaged buildings, streets, and sewers, these aspects Holofax, known as the First Demon, and the Primeval
use the statistics of a skeleton with a 10-foot radius of Chaos, launched a series of horrific demon wars
aura of dim, purple light, as well as the changes listed against Sorceria and its surrounding lands many years
below. ago. At the end of the third demon War, Holofax was
narrowly defeated and his essence utterly annihi-
Spectral Knights. Appearing as black-clad knights lated by the Architects, using powerful magic never
with vicious blades and purple skulls emblazoned on seen before or since. The gargantuan skull of Holofax
their shields, spectral knights guard the gates to the now lies in the northeast corner of the Black Forest,
city, and man its wall fortifications. Spectral knights slowly sinking into the wet earth. When Holofax
use the statistics of sword wraith warriors, with the was cast down, his demonic legions fled back to the
changes listed below. More powerful spectral knights Abyss through a giant planar gate at the bottom of the

Wretched Gap in the Undercity. Hundreds of human torches, where desired. Glowstones create a dream-
cultists dedicated to the demons, known as the like ambiance, when used, and cast dim light in a
Burned Ones, were left stranded in Sorceria, where 30-foot radius. Black glowstones are called nullstones.
they were slaughtered en masse, without mercy, by Although they provide no light, a nullstone produces
the forces that opposed Holofax. It was the Burned an anti-magic effect in the area a normal glowstone
Ones (who burned their flesh as a sign of their loyalty would shed dim light.
to the First Demon), and their high priest, the Demon-
ologist Arcanus, who had unleashed Holofax to begin Naturalists
with, so they were hunted like animals. Holofax’s
A small portion of the residents of Sorceria believe that
effect on Sorceria and its people was so terrible that
magical resurrection and reincarnation is a perversion
anyone found to be associated with him, even after his
of the laws of the multiverse, and thus should never be
destruction, was put to death immediately as the new
used. These individuals are called naturalists, and can
law of the land. As years passed, a handful of surviving
often be found petitioning on street corners, trying to
Burned Ones united in the Undercity of Sorceria and
convince others to stay away from such magic. Most
reconvened the Cult of Holofax. They have not yet
naturalists only apply their philosophy to themselves,
heard the voice of their dead master, but they persist
but some extreme members have been known to take
in their ceremonial sacrifices and torments, in hope he
actions aimed at preventing all acts of resurrection.
will speak to them again.

Eve of Entropy Nokturn Lights

The Master of Sorceria uses the Black Skull to shape,
The most famous holiday in Sorceria is known as the
repair, and fuel the city. This manipulation causes the
Eve of Entropy, also known as Ramahn’s Rain and the
city to take on the Black Skull’s ‘black light’ appearance,
Night of Purple Fire. Originally triggered by the death
with townhouses and cobblestone streets tending to
of the Old God of Magic, Min’Ramahn, the holiday
be black or darkly colored in appearance, and magical
brings with it a night of magical chaos and nightmare
lamps and windows glowing with a neon-purple light.
on the 8th day of late summer every year. Arcane
This unsettling aesthetic is known as the nokturn
spells go haywire, creatures mutate and run amok,
lights to the residents of Sorceria.
and the laws of the multiverse twist themselves in
dramatic and destructive ways. Criminals and assas-
sins use the event as cover while the Pact struggles to Seven Moons of Magic
maintain any semblance of control during the night. It The city of Sorceria has seven magical moons that stir
is common for residents of Sorceria to feel blessed for in the sky above it. Each is a different color—white,
simply surviving the fallout each year. blue, green, orange, red, black and purple—and is
named thusly. Each of the magical moons endows the
Flying Fortresses city, and the surrounding lands, with potent energies
that allow the intense arcane energy of Sorceria to be
Five flying fortresses hover above Sorceria, command-
maintained. Many of the temples of Sorceria celebrate
ing an impressive view over the city. They serve as
their sabbath when one of the specific moons is full, or
castle-lairs that every archwizard of the Arcanum
at the height of its power. There are also strange super-
would trade a dragon’s hoard to possess. Whenever
stitions that surround the moons and their move-
the owner of a flying fortress dies, the new owner is
ments. For example, if the white moon is eclipsed by
publically named by the Master of Sorceria. These
the green, many Sorcerians sprinkle ash in the corners
fortresses are kept afloat by the power of the Black
of their houses to prevent the encroachment of fairies.
Skull, and glow with nokturn light.

Glowstones Verlin the Game Master

A mysterious little person is rumored to wander the
The Undercity of Sorceria is littered with rocks that
streets of Sorceria, on occasion. Though it’s unknown
naturally glow in neon-pinks and purples, due to the
to most, the man’s name is Verlin the Game Master.
residual magic within them. Although these rocks are
Verlin stands 3’11”, wears a flamboyant, purple suit, and
primarily purple, they do come in every color. Miners
has stark, white hair that rises into the air like a pencil
and merchants collect these rocks, polish them, and
tip. He always has a smile on his face, and a glint in his
then sell them, allowing the population of the city
eye, and is infamous for his notorious phrase, “Are you
to light their buildings with glowstones, instead of

a fan of games?”. Verlin is actually an omnigod, who her own agents to help her displace Azalon as Master
controls the portfolio of games across the multiverse. of Sorceria so she can claim the title for herself. She
He has a habit of ‘recruiting’ adventurers he takes uses non-violent, political means to try to wrest
a shine to, into participating in an ‘exciting turn of control from him.
chance’. Verlin only takes adventurers who agree, but The characters might choose to:
often manipulates their answers by asking the ques- ⚫ Help Scarlet du Sang identify Azalon’s main
tion when they might need to escape a precarious supporters in the Arcanum
situation. He is playful, sometimes aggravating, but ⚫ Discover what it is that appeals to those archwiz-
never evil or hateful. If adventurers indulge Verlin, and ards
play one of his games in good faith, he might prove ⚫ Work with Scarlet du Sang to come up with poli-
a valuable friend for years afterward (essentially, cies for the city that would forward those agen-
becoming their patron). Verlin rarely directly involves das, provided it doesn’t come at too great a cost
himself in the game but, when he does, his favorite ⚫ Approach the archwizards and try to swing them
tactic is to toss a handful of six-sided dice at enemies, in Scarlet du Sang’s favor over Azalon
which grow into giant dice before crashing into them
with the concussive force of fireballs. This trick always Finding the Elder Eight
makes Verlin laugh hysterically, to the point where he
struggles to breathe or see straight. Even if the characters finish the campaign, it’s likely
that they’ll only have outed three members of the
The Whispering Wizard Elder Eight, at most. The remaining members might
scramble to mount a counterattack, but would place
On rare occasions, agents working against the city their true identities at risk by doing so.
of Sorceria find themselves frozen in time. While The characters might choose to:
they try to comprehend what’s happened to them, ⚫ Investigate, or interrogate, known members of
and overcome the magic paralyzing them and the the Elder Eight about the identity of their anony-
city around them, they are approached by a myste- mous counterparts
rious entity known as the Whispering Wizard. This ⚫ Track down the remaining Elder Eight before
intervening spirit is the ghost of a previous Master they can mount a counterattack
of Sorceria, who still haunts the city’s streets, though If the characters go down this path, but fail to act
uses their supernatural presence to uphold the law, quickly, the remaining members begin opening portals
rather than sow the seeds of chaos. Although they are to random planes around Sorceria, letting in power-
sometimes merciful, the Whispering Wizard is said ful beings such as demons, devils, and primordials.
to be responsible for several gory deaths on the city In addition, as each member is uncovered and dealt
streets that have occured, seemingly at random, with with, the others step back from the limelight to protect
no clear explanation. The Whispering Wizard has long themselves, making them ever-harder to discover.
been used as a sort of boogieman by parents to teach
their children to show the city respect, and to act in Gilrot House
accordance with the Covenant & Censure.
Gilrot House has had problems with undead for a
Side-Quest Hooks while now, and the Pact don’t have the sturdy, brawny
types on their staff who would be best at dealing with
There is, of course, much more adventure to be had in them, let alone any faithful priests or clerics. If charac-
Sorceria than that which is presented in the chapters ters are willing to assist, they could gain some political
of this adventure. If the characters take the opportu- sway and treasure as a reward.
nity to explore Sorceria in full during this campaign, The characters might choose to:
they could uncover any of the following adventure
⚫ Investigate the dungeons beneath the house,
hooks that take them down new paths of discovery,
which are filled with ghouls
and allow them to gain levels and treasures they
might otherwise have missed out on. ⚫ Track down the members of the Gilrot family,
who have turned into ghasts
The Bloodsoaked Tower ⚫ Take out the Gilrot ghasts, and collapse the hier-
archy of the ghoulish society they have created
Scarlet du Sang might approach the adventurers if beneath the house
she sees them working for the Watchers or generally
trying to clean up Sorceria’s streets. She is looking for

and then undertake low-level work before getting
The Gnome Guild access to the best jobs.
Powerful capitalists, the Gnome Guild takes great The characters might choose to sign up, and will
offense at the growing power and wealth of their therefore potentially be asked to:
secretive rivals, the Most Illustrious Order of Sorcerian ⚫ Pass individual interviews with Parinascovyx
Goldwrights. They’re paying a large sum to anyone ⚫ Collect protection money from businesses in the
who can infiltrate the order and provide useful infor- Snatchers Ward
mation on their members, and how to take them ⚫ Steal an interesting magic item from genie
down without resorting to violence. nobles visiting from the elemental planes
The characters might choose to: ⚫ Perform a heist of treasures stored in Savashime’s
⚫ Earn, or borrow, enough money to pay for a Savings
golden bust, the first step towards initiation into ⚫ Take ownership of one of the Slipper’s legitimate
the order businesses and manage it
⚫ Pass the initiation tests, which are mostly crim-
inal in nature and require serious cash to cover
up: bribery, fraud, etc.
The Tower Timeless
⚫ Go through the ritual of initiation and gain The powerful deathlocks that lair within the Tower
information on the other members of the secret Timeless are a serious threat to Sorceria. Their ability
society to manipulate time, at will, with the God Glass makes
The order is actually run by corrupted androsphinx, them an extreme worry, though few actually know of
who favors wealth above all else. They will quickly real- their existence.
ize that the characters are working to ruin their machi- The characters might:
nations, and try to take them out. ⚫ Be recruited to deal with the Tower Timeless by
the Arcanum, who can provide boons to lessen
No Name Inn the effects of the frozen time sphere around the
Marza, of the No Name Inn, is actually a pit devil. She
⚫ Enter through the trap-filled tower and discover
has been bound into service by Azalon, but is, by no the society in a demiplane ‘beneath’ the tower,
means, obeying him to the letter. Her power is impos- formed of undead warlocks all serving some dark
sible to deny, and she uses it to scam the hopeless patron
into taking deals that result in them falling to evil. If ⚫ Uncover their plot to send Sorceria back in time,
the characters catch wind of this, they might want to and instate themselves as the new Arcanum at
intervene. its founding
⚫ If they directly confront Marza, she reveals her ⚫ Thwart the ploy by destroying the God Glass
true identity, and scares them off.
⚫ The characters can side with any of the temples The Witch’s Cauldron
in the Holy Ward who want creatures of the
lower planes removed from their city, or with the The Witch’s Cauldron is a fine place to find adventure.
witches from the Witch’s Cauldron, who would The owners are always on the lookout for new adven-
rather be the only bargain brokers in Sorceria. turers who are willing to take on mundane tasks they
⚫ Marza can easily find ways to manipulate the can’t be bothered to follow up on themselves. Most of
characters, such as putting their families or all, the witches want Callindra, their ostracized sister,
fortunes at risk. to be destroyed.
⚫ If the characters side with Marza, she wants the The characters might choose to help the witches by:
witches of the Witch’s Cauldron exiled from the ⚫ Delivering cursed gold to someone who
city—and needs the characters to set up the inn bargained for wealth with the witches
to fail somehow. ⚫ Capturing a lord or lady of the city who reneged
on their bargain with the witches
The Silver Slipper ⚫ Poisoning the ale of another inn, whose owner
Concerned only with amassing more wealth, and has offended the witches
legitimizing their businesses, the thieves’ guild need ⚫ Spying on their sister, Callindra, who they despise
people to vouch for them. New recruits have to pass ⚫ Bringing about Callindra’s demise, through
an interview with Parin, the silver dragon guildrunner, subterfuge

Appendix B: Citizens of Sorceria

his appendix contains information In truth, the brewery is little more than a front for
about many of the citizens of Sorceria smuggling. Although Arabesque is intelligent, and
(and the Undercity) that characters has a keen eye for making money, she, perhaps under-
may encounter during the course of standably, doesn’t have quite the wits she possessed
the campaign. Each is presented with a in life.
tagline including their statistics, a short paragraph of
description, and their aim, strength, and weakness, Aim. To improve the financial situation of her family.
which should help DMs to roleplay the diverse cast of Strength. Business nouse. She has a knack for making
characters. money, and is a canny bargainer.

Amon Kane Weakness. Undeath. Arabesque is dead. Her brain is

kept alive thanks to alchemical solvents in her jar.
Lawful good non-binary shadowlock archmage
Amon Kane is the Steward of Sorceria, and therefore Aspect Ghaeral, Conclave
the leader of the Watchers and the Black Wizards.
They are a bald, androgynous figure, wreathed in an
ashen robe, and wearing an eldritch amulet around Lawful good male human mage
their neck: an eight-pointed star. Amon Kane is the
Aspect Ghaeral is the class tutor (or vizier) of the
main point of contact for characters undertaking the
apprentices kidnapped as part of the Elder Eight’s
adventure. As the head of the Watchers, Amon can
plan to overthrow Azalon. He is one of many viziers in
point characters in the right direction, if they are in
the Conclave, who work as professors; both teachers
need of assistance.
and researchers, and spends the majority of his time
Aim. To serve Azalon, and the people of Sorceria, as within the Conclave itself, at the other end of the
best they can. Nexus.

Strength. Connections. Amon is one of the best-con- Aim. To properly tutor the next generation of archwiz-
nected individuals in the city. ards in the schools of magic, and its proper uses.

Weakness. Trusting. They don’t always see when Strength. Engaging. Aspect is a great teacher because
they’re being deceived. he is a superb orator. His lessons always capture the
attention of his students.
Arabesque Mortis Weakness. Arcane ability. Aspect never became an
Neutral female brain in a jar atop a zombie archwizard, despite his efforts. His theoretical knowl-
edge is superb but, in practice, he underachieves.
Arabesque is the undead manager of the Barrow
Brewery, and is deeply involved in Elder Eight busi-
ness, thanks to a familial connection; her living broth-
er, Lucern, is a member of that sect.

Amon Kane Arabesque Mortis Aspect Ghaeral

Azalon, Master of Sorceria
Neutral male human archmage with the Black Skull Aim. Overthrow Azalon and sway the Arcanum to the
Elder Eight’s bidding.
Azalon is the current Master of Sorceria. He is a myste-
rious, purple-eyed archwizard who hails from another Strength. Dedication. Cester won’t let anything come
material realm. The Master of Sorceria, although between him and his goal, and is willing to do horren-
powerful in his own right, relies on the powerful Black dous things to achieve it.
Skull to maintain control of the city. He is a relatively Weakness. Arrogance. Cester believes himself superior
hands-off ruler, preferring to use his government, and to all others, meaning he underestimates threats.
the Arcanum, to enact any policies he might devise.
His grip on the city is rather tyrannical, and the draco-
nian laws he has imposed are not loved by the popu-
lace. Lawful evil male wererat shaman

Aim. To maintain control of Sorceria, and continue to Disgraced from wererat society, Crigcheq has a chip on
unlock the powers of the Black Skull. his shoulder, and wishes to prove himself to Verminar
Gesh, the Mother Rat, and be inducted back into the
Strength. Arcane ability. Azalon is a powerful archwiz- fold. He is cunning and sly, with unrivaled knowledge
ard in his own right, but his wielding of the Black Skull of the Undercity. Crigcheq was once high shaman to
gives him power unsurpassed by any other mortal in Verminar, bestowed with plague-spreading powers by
the city. the old god of pestilence, Illrotter, but lost his position
after accidentally using the Mother Rat’s favorite pet
Weakness. Uncaring. He is a detached individual,
frog in a potion recipe.
perhaps because of the Black Skull’s influence, making
him a cold-hearted ruler. Aim. To restore themselves in wererat society, and
regain the rank of high shaman.
Cester Crow
Strength. Cunning. He’s a smart creature, capable of
Neutral evil male human archmage with a wand of the outwitting most other folk.
war mage +2
Weakness. Obsessive. Once Crigcheq gets an idea in
Cester Crow is the leader of the Elder Eight, and the his head, he can’t let it go, even if the situation chang-
perpetrator and orchestrator of the apprentice abduc- es to make it detrimental.
tion scheme. He has a vendetta against Azalon for
the death of his father, and because he was publically
defeated by the Master of the City. Cester is detesta-
ble, a bitter narcissist who is disliked even by the other
members of the Elder Eight. He uses his wealth and
power, as well as his cranium rat familiar, Nicodemus,
to gain information he can use to manipulate and
extort others.

Cester Crow Crigcheq

She is a devout worshipper of Benoval, but her zeal
Drendel Zautlar sometimes clouds her perspective, making her believe
Lawful neutral male drow elite warrior with Survival +4 she is more powerful than she genuinely is.
Drendel works for Cester Crow, but spends most of his Aim. To purge evil from the world, on behalf of Beno-
time hanging out at the Witch’s Cauldron. His face is val.
partially destroyed—the lasting scars of a fight with
a Watcher, which he has never forgotten. Drendel Strength. Divinity. Emara is imbued with celestial
works as an Undercity guide for nefarious charac- powers that set her apart from others in her temple.
ters connected to the Elder Eight, and other criminal Weakness. Overzealous. Her faith in Benoval leads her
organizations. to believe she is more powerful than she really is.
Aim. Work against the Watchers, and ruin as many of
their operations as possible. Fetid Faelyn
Neutral evil female night hag
Strength. Adventuring. Drendel knows how to stay
alive, and has made many expeditions to and from the Fetid Faelyn is the default ‘leader’ of the Inkcap
Undercity. Coven—a trio of hags in the Undercity. She birthed
Wormguts, and recruited Granny Rustgums, in order
Weakness. Mercenary. Despite his goals, Drendel can
to form the coven and increase her own arcane power.
be bought-out easily. He’s a sucker for a bag of gems.
Faelyn is cunning and devious, and never without her
cockatrice quill which she uses to scratch out bargain
Eclavdra Mlezzass contracts, learned from her time in the Nine Hells. She
Lawful evil female drow matron mother despises Eclavdra Mlezzass, and plots her downfall
whenever she’s not manipulating hapless mortals or
Eclavdra is, perhaps, the greatest matriarch of Lith trading with Undercity denizens.
Karstlyn, and a chosen of Lolth. She was once the
lover of a former Master of Sorceria, Wolf Dulag, but Aim. To corrupt mortal souls with the taint of evil, and
became a matron mother after his death at the hands collect them in her soul bag.
of a demon. She is feared, both within and without
the city, for her cruel temperament and clinical acts of Strength. Bargaining. She has a supernatural ability
violence. It is no secret that she carries out assassina- to trick mortals into signing away their souls, using
tions, on behalf of her house, personally. Eclavdra has fiendish contracts.
a long-standing feud with the hag, Fetid Faelyn, and Weakness. Argumentative. Fetid Faelyn cannot help
has a pet phase spider, which she utterly adores. but pick arguments with almost everyone; she has few
Aim. To control Lith Karstlyn, and continue to bring allies because of this. Even her fellow coven members
honor to Lolth. hold little love for her.

Strength. Notoriety. The rumors of the matron mother Ghourgos

are perhaps scarier than the reality, though she is a
Neutral evil non-binary yagnoloth
truly formidable woman.
Ghourgos is an expert mechanic who runs a scrapyard
Weakness. Nepotist. Eclavdra is a proud woman, and
and vehicle workshop in the Undercity, called Rusted
won’t cede control of her assets or house to anyone,
Heaps. Their vehicular inventions are unrivaled in the
other than close family.
Undercity. Ghorugos is an ogre-sized yugoloth with
one brutish arm and another undersized. They wear
Emara Chastapur a chainmail cape that they throw over one arm or the
Lawful good female human war priest other, depending on what task they’re undertaking.
Ghourgos is civil to clients, and a cunning perfection-
Emara is a paladin of the Temple of Benoval, who ist. They are obsessed with perfecting a magic engine,
has been missing for several months. She led a failed but regrets not having time to pursue this goal.
crusade against the Wererat Nation, but was captured.
Since then, the wererats have been trying to infect her Aim. To create the perfect magic engine.
with lycanthropy, but her paladin abilities protect her.
Strength. Craft. They’re an artisanal mechanic, capable

of creating vehicles that others can’t even dream of. Aim. To accumulate enough wealth, in one form or
another, to be able to leave Sorceria for good.
Weakness. Overly practical. They use every waking
hour to work, never making time for their own desires. Strength. Stealth. She’s a trained killer, silent as a
shadow, and deadlier than nightshade.
Granny Rustgums Weakness. History. Jada can’t reveal her true self for
Chaotic evil female annis hag long—she’s wanted by the Black Hand Assassins.
Granny Rustgums is a member of the Inkcap Coven. Spellcasting. Jada is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Her spell-
Although she has no great wit, she is a physical casting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 12, +4 to
powerhouse and has unlocked the secret of making hit with spell attacks). She has the following wizard
sporrids—sentient, fungal humanoids. She shared spells prepared:
this secret with Fetid Faelyn and Wormguts in order to Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, minor illusion, prestidigitation
join the Inkcap Coven and gain access to greater spell- 1st level (4 slots): color spray, disguise self, shield
casting abilities. Since then, she has contented herself 2nd level (2 slots): alter self, shadow blade
with making as many sporrids as she can, to gain more
sway in the Undercity for her and the rest of the coven. Jaracular Finch
Aim. To gain greater influence in the Undercity through Lawful evil female human noble with Demands of
the use of sporrids, who scavenge magic items. Nessus
Strength. Might. Granny Rustgums is built like a brick Jaracular is the owner of the Blood Berry Brewery.
outhouse. She is a deplorable woman who murdered the previ-
ous owner and stole it from them, though has since
Weakness. Wit. She doesn’t always realize what infor- elevated its status thanks to an infernal contract
mation could be used as a bargaining chip, and what is signed with Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine. Jaracular and
just mundane goings-on of the Undercity. her minions lure unwitting humanoids to the brewery
to be ritually sacrificed to Asmodeus. She comports
Jada Qorack herself as a noble, insisting on the title of Lady, despite
Neutral evil female Mel'kor bandit captain with a silvered lacking the credentials.
dagger +1 and Spellcasting
Aim. To truly become a lady of Sorceria.
Jada is a trained assassin and illusionist who murdered
Strength. Shrewd. Jaracular has made deals with
Ralagant, assumed his identity, and delivered the
devils and come out better off for it.
apprentices to the Barrow Brewery for the Elder Eight.
Jada was originally a member of the Black Hand Assas- Weakness. Cowardice. If she can’t put a devil between
sins, who worshiped the Old God Mortick, though left herself and a threat, she’ll flee.
the organisation when the god was killed. She now
works as an independent agent, and is less inclined to Demands of Nessus. At the start of each of Jaracular’s
die on the job than when she was a fanatic. The great- turns, she can choose one ally she can see within 30 feet
est threat to Jada is to threaten to tell the Black Hand of her. The chosen ally loses 10 hit points, and Jaracu-
Assassins where she is, as they do not like quitters. lar regains the same number of hit points. If Jaracular
is incapacitated, she makes no choice; instead, the
closest ally within 30 feet is the chosen ally.

Jada Qorack Jaracular Finch

Owner of the No Name Inn, and ally of Azalon, Marza
K’dril Mlezzass (or Marzavernus, her infernal name) was bound by
Neutral evil male drow house captain the Master of Sorceria into protecting the inhabitants
of the inn, while remaining disguised as a human.
K’dril is the second son of Eclavdra Mlezzass, the Marza, in human form, is a bickering, moaning old
most-feared and powerful matron mother of the drow woman, who takes great delight in making life diffi-
of Lith Karstlyn. He is relatively respectable, as far as cult and unpleasant for others. In pit fiend form, she is
drow society is concerned, and is certainly dedicated extremely devious and powerful, though she prefers
to the protection of his mother and house. He main- to use her human form for the entertainment of it.
tains a public face for the house, in matters that aren’t
important enough to concern his mother. Aim. To corrupt those under her care, and subtly
undermine Azalon.
Aim. To manage the small matters that keep House
Mlezzass afloat. Strength. Devious. Her contracts are so well-written
that only the smartest can unpick them.
Strength. Loyalty. K’dril would do anything for his
mother. Weakness. Denial. She’s unwilling to take her true
form, even if it would serve her well, because it’s not
Weakness. Gambler. K’dril has a gambling habit that as fun.
he keeps secret, as far as possible. He’s racked up some
debts, but can’t resist a wager.
Melzor Gax
Lucern Mortis Lawful neutral male human evoker
Neutral evil male human necromancer Melzor is a retired war wizard of the Steel Legion
Mercenary Company, and current member of the
Owner of the Barrow Brewery, and member of the Elder Eight. Melzor has been placed within the Watch-
Elder Eight, Lucern Mortis is a pivotal player in the ers to inform the other members of the Elder Eight
apprentice abduction scheme, though is looked down of their movements. Melzor is a cold-hearted man,
on by the other members of the Elder Eight. He’s a and offered his own child as one of the apprentices to
creepy sort of fellow, and the first to volunteer to get be sacrificed by the Cult of the Hydra, to undermine
his hands dirty for the cause, which only serves to ruin Azalon. He is far more concerned with his own access
his reputation further. to arcane power than he is about members of his
Aim. Serve the Elder Eight to bring power to his family. family, or his friends.

Strength. Unflinching. He has done terrible things, Aim. To access arcane power and become ruler of
and not thought of them since. Sorceria.

Weakness. Unlikable. Lucern has no friends to speak Strength. Callous. Melzor will do anything to achieve
of, and continues to act in a reprehensible manner. his goals.
Weakness. Frail. He is an old man and, despite his
Marza magical prowess, he’s showing signs of his age.
Lawful evil pit fiend (posing as a lawful neutral female

Lucern Mortis Melzor Gax

Midnight Jack Ralagant Dux
Chaotic neutral male fey (posing as a chaotic good male Lawful good male human mage
human bandit captain)
Ralagant was a vizier of the Conclave, responsible for
Midnight Jack is a member of the Abracadabra Boys sorting out graduation ceremonies, but was murdered
street gang, and is a trusted guide to the city. Most folk by Jada Qorack. He kept offices in both the Conclave
don’t know that Midnight Jack is not a young, human and the Palace of Portals.
boy at all, but actually a dark fey, albeit one with a
good heart. Midnight Jack fell out with his patron, the Rowan Adder
Queen of Wind and Darkness, some time ago and the
Neutral good male human mage
Master of Sorceria gave him sanctuary in Sorceria to
avoid her wrath, under the condition that he help the Rowan Adder is one of the hosts of the Palace of Portals,
Watchers periodically. helping to escort its users to the correct portals for
transportation. Although he has an in-depth knowl-
Aim. To remain undercover in the city of Sorceria, until
edge of the Palace of Portals, Rowan seems to have
his patron calms down.
forgotten much about the outside world. He works
Strength. Tricksy. Jack has a variety of arcane powers alongside Tiana Blue, who keeps him on track.
that aid him in deception and travel.
Aim. To continue to learn about the portals.
Weakness. Selfish. He’s become responsible for a host
Strength. Knowledge. Rowan knows all there is to
of children, but often forgets that his actions have
know about the matrix of connected portals.
consequences for them.
Weakness. Connectedness. Rowan barely leaves the
Mortimer Klune Palace of Portals, and it shows.
Lawful good male human commoner
Tiana Blue
Klune is a peculiar, soft-spoken man who works as a
Lawful good female quickling with Spellcasting and
mortician for the Watchers. He’s a talented anatomist,
Intelligence 17 (+3) (CR 6)
but has a habit of coming to expected conclusions,
rather than examining the evidence in great detail. Co-host of the Palace of Portals, Tiana accompanies
Rowan Adder, keeping him organized and on track.
Aim. To make enough gold for a comfortable retire-
Her incredible speed serves as a boon to Rowan, who
is meandering, to say the least. Tiana serves as a rapid
Strength. Efficient. He works smart for the Watchers, messenger in the palace and she’s more discerning
to stay in their good books. than throwing message spells around the place.

Weakness. Creature of habit. Mortimer sometimes Aim. To assist those using the Palace of Portals.
jumps to conclusions, based on his expectations.
Strength. Speed. Tiana is rapid, and can shoot messag-
es around the place at an immense pace.
Weakness. Impatient. Tiana gets frustrated when
things slow down.

Rowan Adder
Mortimer Klune

Tiana Blue
Spellcasting. Tiana is a 9th-level spellcaster. Her spell- gums and Fetid Faelyn, and a member of the Inkcap
casting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to Coven. She is forced to maintain their suspended lair,
hit with spell attacks). Tiana has the following wizard fight off demons that fly up from the Wretched Gap,
spells prepared: and make items for their sporrid minions to use. Fetid
Cantrips (at will): control flames, mage hand, mending, Faelyn and Granny Rustgums pay her little attention,
message beyond demanding she fulfil their desires, and Worm-
1st level (4 slots): alarm, comprehend languages, identify, guts longs to be rid of her ‘mothers’.
2nd level (3 slots): misty step, suggestion Aim. To destroy her coven sisters and find new
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, glyph of warding, sending members.
4th level (3 slots): mordenkainen’s faithful hound, greater
invisibility Strength. Resilience. Wormguts bides her time, and
5th level (1 slot): steel wind strike puts up with a lot.
Weakness. Arcane power. She’s not as talented a spell-
Verminar Gesh, the Mother caster as her coven sisters.
Lawful evil female wererat (Verminar Gesh) Xoltan
Neutral evil male human high priest (Xoltan)
Verimar is the leader of the Wererat Nation—a terri-
fying, bloated creature who is responsible for the Xoltan, the High Priest of the Cult of the Hydra, is a
governance of the dispersed Wererat Nation, oper- man to be reckoned with. Not content with the way
ating from N’ver’nezt. She was once human, and can he and his followers were being manipulated by the
still take human form, but rarely chooses to do so. She Hidden Masters, Xoltan reached out to an extrapla-
views such shape-changing as offensive and deroga- nar entity, in search of enlightenment and power. In
tory to the wererat race. Despite her preference for the return, he received the touch of the hydra-god, a dark
revolting, Verminar is as diplomatic as any emissary. and malignant entity that manifests as an enormous
She has wit to spare, and has forged many favorable spectral hydra of green flame. The hydra-god gives
political deals for the Wererat Nation. She is being Xoltan insight and arcane mastery, allowing him to
manipulated by Nicodemus, Cester Crow’s cranium guide the cult to glory. Xoltan aims to summon the
rat familiar, to work with the Elder Eight. hydra-god to the Material Plane, not understanding
that he is merely a pawn of the entity from beyond the
Aim. To expand the Wererat Nation, and establish
them as a power player in Sorceria and the Undercity.
Aim. To summon the hydra-god, and capitalize on the
Strength. Cunning. Verminar is skilled in the art of the
Strength. Charismatic. His force of will manifests both
Weakness. Combat. Although she’s no pushover,
as arcane power and the ability to command followers
Verminar would rather have others fight for her than
of the Cult of the Hydra.
face the music herself.
Weakness. Overzealous. He doesn't think his actions
Wormguts through, because of his devotion.
Neutral evil female green hag
Wormguts is the abused ‘daughter’ of Granny Rust-

Verminar Gesh

Ralagant Dux
Appendix C: New Monsters
The following appendix provides statistics for new Blade Devil
monsters included in this adventure.
Part of the rank and file of infernal legions, blade
Animated Iron Statue devils are little more than demon fodder. Although
they’re capable of following orders to the letter, they
Created by mages throughout Sorceria, animated iron have a limited understanding of tactics, and a serious-
statues are used to guard locations against intrud- ly underwhelming wit. Despite this, they are worthy
ers, transport heavy items, and serve as bodyguards. warriors, and ferocious to the last.
Although they are unintelligent, they can follow basic
orders such as ‘let no one through this door’ or ‘carry
these books to the table’ with ease, and can avoid Blade Devil
predictable harm, such as ditches and open flames. Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Animated Iron Statue Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8)
Speed 30 ft.
Medium construct, unaligned
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 102 (12d8 + 48) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 7 (−2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0)
Speed 20 ft.
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, pierc-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) aren’t silvered
Damage Immunities fire, poison
Damage Vulnerabilities acid Condition Immunities poisoned
Damage Immunities lightning, poison, psychic Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Damage Resistances fire Languages Infernal, telepathy 120 ft.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Challenge 1 (100 XP)
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Blood Frenzy. The blade devil has advantage
Languages understands the languages of its on melee attack rolls against any creature that
creator, but can’t speak doesn’t have all of its hit points.
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Death Burst. When the blade devil dies, it
explodes in a burst of fractured blades. Each
False Appearance. While the statue remains creature within 10 feet of it must make a DC 12
motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) slashing
iron statue. damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
Immutable Form. The statue is immune to any on a successful one.
spell or effect that would alter its form. Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede
Actions the blade devil’s darkvision.

Multiattack. The statue makes two fist attacks. Magic Resistance. The blade devil has advantage
on saving throws against spells and other magical
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one effects.
target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and
the target is knocked prone. Actions
Whirl (Recharge 5-6). The statue can use its action Multiattack. The blade devil makes three melee
to spin at the waist, targeting creatures of its attacks.
choice within 10 feet of it. Each target must make
a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 19 (3d10 + 3) Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.
much damage on a successful one.

Brain in a Jar Brain in a Jar
Small Undead
Through an eldritch ritual combining alchemy, necro-
mancy, and grim surgical precision, the brain of a Armor Class 11 (natural armor)
mortal being (willing or unwilling) is encased in a Hit Points 55 (10d6 + 20)
glass jar filled with preserving fluids and the liquefied Speed 0 ft., fly 10 ft. (hover)
goop of their body’s flesh. The transformation renders
the brain immortal and imbues it with psionic power,
so that it can spend eternity plotting and executing its 1 (−5) 3 (−4) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 15 (+2)
A brain in a jar can speak without vocal cords, psioni- Saving Throws Int +6, Cha +4
cally projecting its disembodied voice outward for all to Damage Immunities poison
hear. It enjoys conversation so much that it is prone to Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed,
talking for hours on end - sometimes to itself, if there poisoned, prone
Senses blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this
are no others with whom it can speak. It also likes to
radius), passive Perception 10; see also Detect
think out loud, and reflect on the events and decisions Sentience below
that led to its great transformation. Languages the languages it knew in life
Being divorced from one’s body can tax the mind, and Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
the longer a brain in a jar exists, the more likely some
form of insanity will take hold of it. A brain in a jar is Detect Sentience. The brain can sense the pres-
particularly susceptible to dementia, schizophrenia, ence and location of any creature within 300 feet
and paranoia. of it that has an Intelligence of 3 or higher, regard-
less of interposing barriers, unless the creature is
Immortal Vessels. The brain floats in a jar of solu- protected by a mind blank spell.
tion, pulsating as it reacts to its surroundings. Some Magic Resistance. The brain has advantage on
brains have been known to thump against the walls of saving throws against spells and other magical
their containers when excited or vexed. A jar’s metal effects.
casing might be rusty but serviceable, or an elegant-
ly wrought masterwork, depending on its creator. A Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The brain casts one
brain in a jar weighs roughly 125 pounds. of the following spells, requiring no components
and using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability
(spell save DC 14):
Unusual Nature. The brain doesn’t require air, food,
drink, or sleep. At will: detect thoughts, mage hand, zone of truth
3/day each: charm person, hold person
1/day each: compulsion, hold monster, sleep
(3rd-level version), Tasha’s hideous laughter
Chill Touch (Cantrip). Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit,
range 120 ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (3d8) necrotic
damage, and the target can’t regain hit points
until the start of the brain’s next turn. If the target
is undead, it also has disadvantage on attack rolls
against the brain until the end of the brain’s next

Mind Blast (Recharge 5–6). The brain magically

emits psychic energy in a 60−foot cone. Each crea-
ture in that area must succeed on a DC 14 Intelli-
gence saving throw, or take 17 (3d8 + 4) psychic
damage and be stunned for 1 minute. A stunned
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
a success.

Crowdrones Daughter of the Hydra
These magical constructs were created by Cester The chosen cultists of the hydra−god that serve directly
Crow to serve primarily as maintenance workers in his under the High Priest Xoltan and the Hidden Masters
dungeons, though they sometimes make appearances are given the title of daughters of the hydra. Always
at his house parties as servants and performers. The female, these daughters manifest hydra−like abilities;
crowdrones look like crows, made of iridescent, black they can extend their necks and jaws to swallow other
metal, but have small hands at the ends of their wings. creatures whole, and they develop fangs that are filled
They are powered by magical batteries that must be with an acidic poison, capable of dissolving bone.
recharged for at least 1 hour every 8 hours. These women appear normal most of the time, save
for perhaps a stray scale or snake−like eye, but when
Constructed Nature. A crowdrone doesn’t require air, they attack with the zeal of the hydra−god behind
food, drink, or sleep, though it must be recharged by them, they become truly venomous in appearance.
a magical generator for 1 hour every 8 hours of activity.
Failure to do so causes it to fall unconscious until it is

Small construct, unaligned
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit Points 9 (2d6 + 2)
Speed 10 ft., fly 30 ft.
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 4 (−3) 10 (+0) 5 (−3)

Damage Immunities lightning, poison, psychic

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands Common, but can’t speak
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Axiomatic Mind. The crowdrone can’t be

compelled to act in a manner contrary to its
nature or its instructions.
Death Burst. When the drowdrone dies, it
explodes in a burst of magical energy. Each crea-
ture within 10 feet of it must make a DC 11 Dexter-
ity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) force damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a success-
ful one.
Pack Tactics. The crowdrone has advantage on
attack rolls against a creature if at least one of
their allies is within 5 feet of the creature, and
isn't incapacitated.
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

Daughter of the Hydra Cantrips (at will): sacred flame, thaumaturgy, toll
the dead
Medium humanoid (any race), neutral evil 1st level (4 slots): bane, command, shield of faith
Armor Class 16 (scale mail) 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon
Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Actions
Multiattack. The cultist makes three scimitar
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA attacks, or makes one bite attack and one swallow
18 (+4) 15 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+0) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) attack, if it can.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Skills Deception +6, Intimidation +6, Perception one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.
+5, Persuasion +6, Religion +5
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Languages any one language (usually Common) one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage, plus
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) 16 (3d10) acid damage, and the target is grappled
(escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the target is
Dark Devotion. The cultist has advantage on saving restrained, and the cultist can’t bite another target.
throws against being charmed or frightened.
Swallow. The cultist makes one bite attack against
Hold Breath. The cultist can hold her breath for 1 a Medium or smaller target it is grappling. If
hour. the attack hits, the target is swallowed, and the
grapple ends. The swallowed target is blinded
Gift of the Hydra. The cultist has advantage on and restrained, it has total cover against attacks
saving throws against being blinded, charmed, and other effects outside the cultist, and it takes
deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked 33 (6d10) acid damage at the start of each of the
unconscious. cultist’s turns. The cultist can have only one target
Magic Resistance. The cultist has advantage on swallowed at a time. If the cultist dies, a swallowed
saving throws against spells and other magical creature is no longer restrained by it, and can
effects. escape from the corpse using 5 feet of movement,
exiting prone.
Spellcasting. The cultist is a 4th-level spellcaster.
Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The cultist has the
following cleric spells prepared:

Dire Rat
The Wererat Nation of the Undercity breed a race of
giant rats called dire rats. These creatures are the size
of ponies, have bone spurs that protrude from their
ribs through their skin, like tusks, and are capable of
biting off humanoid arms with ease. The first dire rats
were created by Ratigan Serly, the primogenitor of the
Wererat Nation, after he infused giant rats with foul
magic. Dire rats serve three primary functions within
the Wererat Nation. The first is as companions and
pets, the second as mounts, and the third as creators
of ratlings. These humanoid rats are created through
arcane rituals that impregnate dire rats with up to a
dozen ratlings, who are then birthed outside the city
of N’ver’nezt.

Variant: Diseased Dire Rats
Some dire rats carry vile diseases that they spread with their bites. These plagues are often bestowed upon
them by their wererat breeders, or by wererat plague spreaders who use them as vector for truly lethal mala-
dies. A diseased dire rat has a challenge rating of 4 (1,100 XP) and the following action instead of its normal
bite attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage. If the target is
a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or their hit point maximum decreases by
11 (2d10) and they contract a disease. Until the disease is cured, the target can't regain hit points except by
magical means, and the target's hit point maximum decreases by 11 (2d10) every 24 hours. If the target's hit
point maximum drops to 0 as a result of this disease, the target dies.

Dire Rat Dire Rat Skeleton

Large beast, unaligned
Animated through necromantic magic by wererat
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) shamans, the skeleton of a dire rat is a dangerous
Hit Points 42 (5d10 + 15) undead under the right circumstances.
Speed 40 ft., swim 30 ft.
Large undead, lawful evil
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 2 (−4) 13 (+1) 7 (−2)
Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor)
Skills Perception +3 Hit Points 47 (5d10 + 20)
Damage Immunities Poison Speed 40 ft.
Condition Immunities Poisoned
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages − 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 2 (−4) 8 (−1) 5 (−3)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
Immunity. The dire rat is immune to all diseases. Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Poisoned
Keen Smell. The dire rat has advantage on Wisdom Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 9
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. Languages −
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Pack Tactics. The dire rat has advantage on attack
rolls against a creature if at least one of their Actions
allies is within 5 feet of the creature, and isn't Multiattack. The rat makes three attacks: one
incapacitated. with its bite and two with its claws.
Actions Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Multiattack. The rat makes three attacks: one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.
with its bite and two with its claws. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.

Dread Warrior Eldritch Trolls
The Red Wizards (Dead in Thay) make use of several Humanoids travelling throughout the Undercity might
kinds of undead minions, including the special serv- come across entrances to a subterranean region called
ants known as dread warriors. After being created by the Crystal Layer. This expanse of caverns contains
a secret ritual, a dread warrior is further enchanted scattered neon purple and black crystals that light up
so that a Red Wizard can employ the creature in the the caves. These magic−infused crystals are said to be
fashion of a spellcaster’s familiar. By creating a psychic tiny shards of the Dead God of Magic, Min’Ramahn.
link with a dread warrior, a Red Wizard can experience Some foolish folk pay heed to the rumour that ingest-
the world through the creature’s senses and direct the ing ground crystals unlocks arcane power in those who
warrior. Many Red Wizards have visited Sorceria over sample it. Although there are those who claim they’ve
the years, and have passed their knowledge of necro- undertaken the ritual successfully, most who try are
mancy on to those with an interest in such evil arcana. transformed into eldritch trolls. These hideous giant-
kin are fourteen feet tall, have transparent purple
Undead Nature. A dread warrior doesn’t require air, crystalline skin, and ravenously consume all living
food, drink, or sleep. things they encounter. Eldritch trolls have a strong
immunity to magic and can unleash unpredictable
magical effects when destroyed.
Dread Warrior
Medium undead, neutral evil Insatiable Hunger. Because eldritch trolls are sustained
Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield) by burning magical force that is provided by the magi-
Hit Points 37 (5d8 + 15) cal crystals they have consumed, they are driven by
Speed 30 ft. insatiable hunger. In order to keep their enormous
bodies working, they must feed the magical furnaces
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA within them with as much living flesh as possible. If an
15 (+2) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) eldritch troll fails to each at least a few pounds of flesh
a day, it will turn into crystalline dust.
Saving Throws Wis +3
Skills Athletics +4, Perception +3 Dangerous in Death. While a dead eldritch troll is
Damage Immunities poison certainly preferable to a living one, their final act is
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned always devastating. When an eldritch troll dies through
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 aggressive, violent means, it explodes in a surge of
Languages Common uncontrolled arcane energy that blasts everything
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
within a radius around it. The force of this explosion is
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the dread enough to deter most from entering into melee combat
warrior to 0 hit points, it must make a Consti- with the giant-kin. To make matters worse though, the
tution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage explosion is accompanied by an unpredictable, chaotic
taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a crit- magical effect that could range from a harmless chim-
ical hit. On a success, the dread warrior drops to 1 ing of invisible bells to a full-blown fireball.
hit point instead.
Restoring the Transformed. A humanoid that is trans-
Actions formed into an eldritch troll can be reverted back into
Multiattack. The dread warrior makes two melee their true form, but with nothing short of a wish spell.
attacks. Unfortunately, the essence of the dead god they have
ingested remains incredibly powerful.
Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage, or
7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage if wielded with two
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5
(1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Eldritch Troll
Huge giant, chaotic evil
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 92 (8d12 + 40)
Speed 30 ft.
20 (+5) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (−2)

Damage Resistances All damage from magical

Skills Arcana +3, Perception +3
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12
Languages Giant
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Death Burst. When the troll dies, it explodes in a

surge of arcane energy. Each creature within 20
feet of the troll must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 22 (4d10) force damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
In addition, roll a d20 immediately after the
troll dies. If you roll a 1, roll on the Wild Magic
Surge table in chapter 3 of the Player’s Hand-
book to create a magical effect.
Keen Smell. The troll has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Magic Resistance. The troll has advan-
tage on saving throws against spells and
other magical effects.
Regeneration. The troll regains 10 hit points
at the start of its turn. If the troll takes acid or
force damage, this trait doesn't function at the
start of the troll's next turn. The troll dies only if it
starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regen-
Multiattack. The troll makes three attacks: one
with its bite and two with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing

Eye Ghouls
The former Elder Eight sought to undermine and Eye Ghouls
replace Azalon, the Master of the Sorceria. Their Medium aberration , neutral evil
scheme was to create the public impression that
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Azalon could not protect the archwizards of the city. Hit Points 85 (10d8 + 40)
They first did this by creating creatures known as eye Speed 30 ft.
ghouls, or night terrors, within the Dream Realm.
When wizards within Sorceria would sleep, the eye STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
ghouls would randomly attack them, leaving them
unable to defend themselves in the Dream Realm. 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (−1)
If a wizard was killed and consumed in the Dream
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +4
Realm by an eye ghoul, the ghoul could escape into
Skills Arcana +4, Perception +4, Stealth +6
the Waking Realm of Sorceria by eating their way out Senses Truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 12
of the body of the victim. Languages all, telepathy 120 ft.
Once free in Sorceria, the eye ghouls had a powerful Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
anti−magic eye that made it difficult for wizards to
overcome them. Not long after their appearance, the Antimagic Cone. The eye ghoul’s eye creates an
archwizards of Sorceria began to panic and believe eye area of antimagic, as in the antimagic field spell,
ghouls were everywhere, demanding Azalon do some- in a 60−foot−cone. At the start of each of its turns,
thing to protect them. The eye ghouls were the first the eye ghoul decides which way the cone faces
significant success the Elder Eight had in undermining and whether the cone is active.
Azalon. This success emboldened the Elder Eight to Caster Killer. When a creature within 5 feet of the
become more aggressive with their efforts, leading eye ghoul casts a spell, it can use its reaction to
to their creation of the hydra illusion at the Master’s make a melee weapon attack against that crea-
Square. Although many of the eye ghouls were eventu- ture. Additionally, when the eye ghoul damages
ally destroyed, some still remain in the Dream Realm. a creature that is concentrating on a spell, that
creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it
Unusual Nature. The eye ghoul doesn’t require air, makes to maintain its concentration.
food, drink, or sleep Keen Sight. The eye ghoul has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Magic Resistance. The eye ghoul has advantage
Ghoulish Assailants on saving throws against spells and other magical
The Elder Eight still know the secret to creat-
ing the eye ghouls in the Dream Realm. If the Magic Weapons. The eye ghoul's weapon attacks
Elder Eight realise that the characters are are magical.
pursuing them, and interfering in their appren-
tice abduction scheme, the Elder Eight might
fall back to old tricks and create eye ghouls to Multiattack. The eye ghoul makes three attacks:
haunt the characters. Such an encounter could one with its bite, and two with its claws.
take place during any long rest that the char- Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
acters take during the course of the adventure, creature. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.
especially once they have revealed themselves
by attacking a member of the Elder Eight, such Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
as Cester Crow. one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. If
the target is a spellcaster, it must succeed on a DC
14 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
itself on a success.

If the hydra-god is summoned, which occurs if all eight
The hydra−god is not really a hydra at all. It is a being
of the apprentices are sacrificed in the Temple of the
from the Far Realm that merely manifests as an ethe-
Hydra, the characters are likely to struggle to defeat
real hydra of green flame. Its desires and needs are
it. Only with the help of Azalon and the Arcanum can
unknown, but it is worshipped by Xoltan, High Priest
such a monstrous foe be bested.
of the Cult of the Hydra.

Hydra−God Incorporeal Movement. The hydra−god can

Huge aberration, neutral evil move through other creatures and objects as if
they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force
Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Hit Points 300 (24d12 + 144)
Speed 50 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover), swim 50 ft. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the hydra−god
fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed
26 (+8) 15 (+2) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 22 (+6)
Magic Resistance. The hydra−god has advantage
on saving throws against spells and other magical
Saving Throws Str +14, Con +12, Wis +9, Cha +12
Skills Arcana +11, Insight +9, Perception +9
Damage Resistances Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Magic Weapons. The hydra−god’s weapon
Thunder attacks are magical.
Damage Immunities Poison; Bludgeoning, Pierc-
ing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks Reactive Heads. The hydra−god has six extra
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, reactions that can be used only for opportunity
Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, attacks.
Poisoned, Prone, Restrained
Senses Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 19 Actions
Languages All, Telepathy 120 ft. Multiattack. The hydra−god makes seven flam-
Challenge 27 (105,000 XP) ing maw attacks.

Aberrant Nature. The hydra−god doesn’t require Flaming Maw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit,
air, food, drink, or sleep. reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (1d12 + 8) piercing
damage plus 9 (2d8) fire damage, and the hydra−
Death Throes. When the hydra−god dies, it god can cause green fire to leap from the target
explodes, and each creature within 30 feet of it to a different creature of the hydra−god’s choice
must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking that it can see within 5 feet of it. The second crea-
70 (20d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as ture takes the same amount of fire damage.
much damage on a successful one. The explosion
ignites flammable objects in that area that aren’t Legendary Actions
being worn or carried. The hydra−god can take 2 legendary actions,
Fire Aura. At the start of each of the hydra−god’s choosing from the options below. Only one
turns, each creature within 5 feet of it takes 10 legendary action option can be used at a time and
(3d6) fire damage, and flammable objects in only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
the aura that aren’t being worn or carried ignite. hydra−god regains spent legendary actions at the
A creature that touches the hydra−god or hits it start of its turn.
with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes Incorporeal Movement. The hydra−god magical-
10 (3d6) fire damage. ly teleports, along with any equipment it is wear-
Multiple Heads. The hydra−god has seven heads. ing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied
While it has more than one head, the hydra has space it can see.
advantage on saving throws against being blind- Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
ed, deafened, stunned, and knocked unconscious. one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage
plus 11 (2d10) fire damage.

Hydra Hatchling Increased−Threat Rug of
The Cult of the Hydra has numerous chambers within Smothering
their lair that are dedicated to incubating hydra eggs. Skilled artisans and mages are capable of taking
When the eggs have gestated for long enough, they constructs and enhancing them with additional magic
are cracked open by the baby hydras within. These that makes them more formidable foes.
creatures grow rapidly, until they become hatchlings.
Training a hydra is no mean feat, so hydra cultists keep
them chained until they have learned to respect their
owners. Although not as terrifying as they will be in Increased−Threat Rug of Smother-
time, hydra hatchlings are still no laughing matter. ing
Large construct, unaligned
Hydra Hatchling Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
Large monstrosity, unaligned Hit Points 78 (12d10 + 12)
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft.
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 1 (−5) 12 (+1) 1 (−5)
Skills Stealth +5
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 2 (−4) 10 (+0) 7 (−2) Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deaf-
Skills Perception +4 ened, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Senses Blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this
Languages − radius), Passive Perception 11
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Languages −
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Hold Breath. The hydra can hold its breath for 1
hour. Antimagic Susceptibility. The rug is incapacitated
while in the area of an antimagic field. If target-
Multiple Heads. The hydra has three heads. While ed by dispel magic, the rug must succeed on a
it has more than one head, the hydra has advan- Constitution saving throw against the caster's
tage on saving throws against being blinded, spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute.
charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and
knocked unconscious. Damage Transfer. While it is grappling a creature,
Whenever the hydra takes 25 or more damage in the rug takes only half the damage dealt to it
a single turn, one of its heads dies. If all its heads (rounded down), and the creature grappled by
die, the hydra dies. the rug takes the other half.
At the end of its turn, it grows two heads for each
of its heads that died since its last turn, unless False Appearance. While the rug remains motion-
it has taken fire damage since its last turn. The less, it is indistinguishable from a normal rug.
hydra regains 10 hit points for each head regrown
in this way. Actions
Reactive Heads. For each head the hydra has Smother. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
beyond one, it gets an extra reaction that can be ft., one Medium or smaller creature. Hit: The crea-
used only for opportunity attacks. ture is grappled (escape DC 18). Until this grapple
ends, the target is restrained, blinded, and at risk
Wakeful. While the hydra sleeps, at least one of of suffocating, and the rug can't smother anoth-
its heads is awake. er target. In addition, at the start of each of the
target's turns, the target takes 27 (4d6 + 5) bludg-
Actions eoning damage.
Flurry of Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: The target takes 4
piercing damage, plus 1d6 additional piercing
damage for each head the hydra has.

Melzor’s Simulacrum
A larva is a miserable fiend that retains the facial Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil
features of its previous form but has the body of a
fat worm. A larva has only a few faint memories of its Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
previous life and the statistics in the larva stat block. Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Hades is crawling with larvae. Night hags, liches, and Speed 30 ft.
rakshasas harvest them for use in vile rituals. Other
fiends like to feed on them.
9 (−1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
Melzor’s Simulacrum
Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +5
Melzor Gax, double agent for the Elder Eight placed Skills Arcana +7, History +7
within the Watchers and the Hidden Masters, has Senses Passive Perception 11
created two simulacra using the simulacrum spell that Languages any four languages
serve as servants within his house, Melzor Manor. The Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
simulacra were created several years ago, and thus
don’t have quite the same spellcasting capabilities Spellcasting. The simulacrum is a 10th-level
as Melzor, but are skilled evokers nonetheless. These spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence
simulacra are indistinguishable from Melzor himself (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The
evoker has the following wizard spells prepared:
except to the closest members of his family and
friends. Because of this, Melzor can use the simulacra Cantrips (at will): fire bolt,* light,* mage hand, ray
to give him a chance to flee, distract characters, or of frost*
otherwise throw them off. 1st level (4 slots): burning hands*, mage armor,
magic missile*
2nd level (3 slots): mirror image, misty step, shat-
Larva ter*
Medium fiend, neutral evil 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball,* lightning
Armor Class 9 4th level (3 slots): ice storm*, stoneskin
Hit Points 9 (2d8) 5th level (2 slots): Bigby’s hand,* cone of cold*,
Speed 20 ft. wall of force*
*Evocation spell
9 (−1) 9 (−1) 10 (+0) 6 (−2) 10 (+0) 2 (−4) Sculpt Spells. When the simulacrum casts an
evocation spell that forces other creatures it
can see to make a saving throw, it can choose
Senses passive Perception 10
a number of them equal to 1 + the spell’s level.
Languages understands the languages it knew in
These creatures automatically succeed on their
life but can’t speak
saving throws against the spell. If a successful save
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
means a chosen creature would take half damage
Actions from the spell, it instead takes no damage from it.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., Actions
one target. Hit: 1 (1d4 − 1 piercing damage).
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d6 – 1) bludgeoning
damage, or 3 (1d8 – 1) bludgeoning damage if
used with two hands.

Rat Golem Ratling
The Wererat Nation has always been fond of its giant Ratlings are the result of arcane rituals that cause
rats, keeping them as companions, and using them as dire rats to give birth to humanoid creatures. They are
mounts Unfortunately giant rats have drawbacks; they possessed of little intelligence, but have keen senses
dislike brightly lit areas, are cowardly when confront- and an ability to cooperate as if part of a hivemind.
ed,are distracted by food, and don’t always follow
commands. For this reason, the Wererat Nation nego-
tiated with the disreputable golem crafter and hunch- Ratling
back Scaris Evil−Eye to create a more perfect mount. Small beast, unaligned
Thus the first rat golems were made. Rat golems have
glowing green eyes, brains replaced with crystal orbs Armor Class 12
filled with magical green lightning, and hides littered Hit Points 18 (4d6 + 4)
with emerald crystal growths. Speed 30 ft.
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (−1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Rat Golem
Large construct, neutral Skills Stealth +4
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Armor Class 10 Languages Common, can communicate with rats
Hit Points 68 (8d8 + 32) and other ratlings within 60 ft. telepathically
Speed 40 ft. Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Immunity. The ratling is immune to all disease.
17 (+3) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 6 (−2) 10 (+0) 5 (−3)
Keen Smell. The ratling has advantage on Wisdom
Damage Immunities Lightning, Poison, Necrotic; (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
from nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine Pack Tactics. The ratling has advantage on attack
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, rolls against a creature if at least one of their
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned allies is within 5 feet of the creature, and isn't
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 incapacitated.
Languages − Actions
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Multiattack. The ratling makes two melee attacks.
Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
spell or effect that would alter its form.
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Lightning Absorption. Whenever the golem
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
is subjected to lightning damage, it takes no
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4
damage and instead regains a number of hit
+ 2) piercing damage.
points equal to the lightning damage dealt.
Magic Resistance. Has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons. The golem's weapon attacks are
Multiattack. The golem makes two bite attacks.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.

a skeletal face and a hooked beak. The second is a
Shardcrows dispersed cloud of strands of magical light that can be
A unique creation of Cester Crow, shardcrows are held within a reflective container. It is otherwise ethe-
elemental beings who can take two forms. The first real. This form is used to travel around the dungeons,
is a vaguely crow−like humanoid, composed of sharp moving between threats or intruders. Shardcrows are
shards of reflective metal compacted together. They not particularly intelligent, but can follow the orders
are slender, standing around 6−feet tall, with long of their creators to a reasonable level, without putting
legs, vicious talons, wings of razor−sharp feathers, themselves in obvious danger.

Shardcrow Illumination. The shardcrow sheds bright light in

Medium elemental, neutral a 10−foot radius, and dim light for an additional 10
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hitpoints 52 (8d8 + 16) Actions
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft.
Multiattack. The shardcrow uses Dazzling Feathers,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA if it can. It then makes three attacks: one with its
bite, and two with its talons.
11 (+0) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 6 (−2) 10 (+0) 5 (−3)
Bite (Shardcrow Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6 +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) pierc-
Damage Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning from magi- ing damage.
cal attacks
Damage Resistances Piercing and slashing from Talons (Shardcrow Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
nonmagical attacks +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slash-
Damage Immunities Necrotic, poison, psychic ing damage.
Senses Truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 13 Dazzling Feathers (Shardcrow Form Only). The
Languages understands the languages of its crea- shardcrow splays its wings out wide and spins
tor, but cannot speak rapidly, causing reflections to scatter across the
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) immediate area, and slashing those nearby. Each
creature within 15 feet of the shardcrow, that can
Shapechanger. The shardcrow can use its action to see the shardcrow, must succeed on a DC 16 Consti-
polymorph into a Medium cloud of light, or back tution saving throw, or be blinded until the end of
into its true form. While in cloud form, the shard- their next turn. Each creature within 5 feet of the
crow can’t take any actions or manipulate objects. shardcrow also takes 10 (3d6) slashing damage.
It is weightless, has a flying speed of 20 feet, can
hover, and can move through other creatures and Reactions
objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5
(1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an Spell Reflection. If the shardcrow makes a successful
object. It has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and saving throw against a spell, or a spell attack misses
Constitution saving throws, and it is immune to all it, it can choose another creature (including the
nonmagical damage. While in cloud form, it is inca- spellcaster) it can see within 30 feet of it. The spell
pacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targets the chosen creature instead of the shard-
targeted by dispel magic, or enters the area of a dark- crow. If the spell forces a saving throw, the chosen
ness spell while in cloud form, the shardcrow must creature makes its own save. If the spell was an
succeed on a Constitution saving throw against attack, the attack roll is rerolled against the chosen
the caster's spell save DC, or fall unconscious for 1 creature.
Displacement. The shardcrow projects a magical
illusion that makes it appear to be standing near
its actual location, causing attack rolls against it to
have disadvantage. If it is hit by an attack, this trait
is disrupted until the end of its next turn. This trait
is also disrupted while the shardcrow is incapacitat-
ed, or has a speed of 0.

Sporrids are sentient, fungal creatures created by the
Inkcap Coven. They serve as the minions of the hags, Medium plant, neutral
collecting items of interest from the Undercity for the Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
hags to examine, appraise, and sell on (typically not Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
for gold pieces). Sporrids attack creatures with magic Speed 20 ft.
items above all others. Otherwise, they might avoid
passersby entirely, unless they’re hungry; sporrids STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
kill humanoids and stash them away until they start 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 9 (−1) 13 (+1) 7 (−2)
rotting, before they digest them using a mycelial web.
Skills Perception +3
Hunger for Magic. Sporrids can detect the presence of Senses Blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 13
magic in a radius around themselves. They are drawn Languages understands the languages of its
to these sources of magic like moths to a flame. This creator, but can’t speak
is a deliberate feature of their creation − the hags of Challenge 2 (450 XP)
the Inkcap Coven use the magic items themselves, or
trade them on. If necessary, sporrids can temporarily Magic Awareness. The sporrid can sense the pres-
subdue magic item effects to make them safer to carry. ence of magic within 1 mile of it. This sense can
penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by 10
Digestive Juices. The main assault a sporrid can mount foot of stone, 10 inches of common metal, a thin
sheet of lead, or 30 feet of wood or dirt.
is to fire mycelial threads toward a creature, which
secrete acidic juices capable of digesting flesh in Death Burst. When the sporrid dies, it explodes
moments. Sporrids also have mineralizing spores that in a burst of digestive juices. Each creature within
they can release in toxic clouds, but they have a limit- 10 feet of it must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
ed store of these spores, and only use them as a last throw, taking 10 (3d6) acid damage on a failed
resort. save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Multiattack. The sporrid makes two mycelial
thread attacks.
Mycelial Threads. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeon-
ing damage, and the target is splattered with
digestive juices. If the target is made of organic
material (such as flesh), the target takes 10 (3d6)
acid damage at the start of each of its turns, until
it takes an action to scrape off the juices.
Mineralizing Spores (1/Day). The sporrid expels
petrifying spores in a 15−foot sphere, originating
on itself, that linger until the end of the sporrid’s
next turn. Each non−sporrid creature in that area
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw. Each target that fails the save begins to
turn to stone and is restrained. Restrained targets
must repeat the saving throw at the end of their
next turn. On a success, the effect ends on the
target. On a failure, the target is petrified until
freed by the greater restoration spell, or other

Sporrid Inkcap Verminar Gesh
Not all sporrids are born equal. Some, called sporrid The Mother Rat and ruler of N’ver’nezt, Verminar Gesh
inkcaps, are vastly more dangerous. The hags make is a bloated wererat with supernatural powers befit-
these sporrids by introducing humanoid blood to ting her lycanthropic nature. She was once human,
the growing medium, along with ink harvested from and can still take human form, but rarely chooses to
subterranean giant octopi. These sporrids have the do so. She views such shape changing as offensive, and
ability to spray sticky ink from pits in their bodies, derogatory to the wererat race. Despite her preference
which adheres to nearby creatures, slowing them for the revolting, Verminar is as diplomatic as any
down and slowly sapping their strength until they emissary. She has wit to spare, and has forged many
are unable to go on. Inkcaps are rare, compared to the favorable political deals for the Wererat Nation.
other sporrids, and are normally tasked with special
assignments by the coven.

Sporrid Inkcap
Medium plant, neutral Mycelial Threads. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
damage, and the target is splattered with digestive
Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
juices. If the target is made of organic material (such
Speed 20 ft.
as flesh), the target takes 17 (5d6) acid damage at
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the start of each of its turns, until it takes an action
to scrape off the juices.
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 7 (−2)
Sticky Ink (Recharge 5−6). The inkcap sprays sticky
Skills Perception +3 ink in a 30−foot cone. Each creature in the area
Senses Blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 13 must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw,
Languages understands the languages of its crea- taking 17 (5d6) acid damage on a failed save, or half
tor, but can’t speak as much on a successful one. A creature that fails
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) the saving throw is also covered with the ink. While
covered with ink, a creature’s speed is reduced by
Magic Awareness. The inkcap can sense the pres- 10 feet and their Strength score is reduced by 1d4
ence of magic within 1 mile of it. This sense can at the start of each of their turns, until it takes an
penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by 10 foot action to scrape off the ink. The creature dies if this
of stone, 10 inches of common metal, a thin sheet of reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction
lead, or 30 feet of wood or dirt. to speed and Strength score lasts until the target
finishes a short or long rest.
Death Burst. When the inkcap dies, it explodes in a
burst of sticky ink. Each creature within 10 feet of it Mineralizing Spores (1/Day). The inkcap expels
must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 petrifying spores in a 15−foot sphere, originating on
(5d6) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much itself, that linger until the end of the inkcap’s next
damage on a successful one. A creature that fails turn. Each non−sporrid creature in that area must
the saving throw is also restrained until the end of succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. Each
its next turn. target that fails the save begins to turn to stone
and is restrained. Restrained targets must repeat
Actions the saving throw at the end of their next turn. On
a success, the effect ends on the target. On a fail-
Multiattack. The sporrid makes three mycelial
ure, the target is petrified until freed by the greater
thread attacks.
restoration spell, or other magic.

Verminar Gesh Actions
Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), lawful Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only).
evil Verminar makes two attacks, only one of which
can be a bite.
Armor Class 16 (breastplate of fire resistance)
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24) Bite (Rat or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon
Speed 30 ft. Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6
(1d6 + 3) piercing damage, plus 10 (3d6) necrot-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ic damage. The target’s hit point maximum is
16 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic
damage taken, and Verminer regains hit points
equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until
Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +3, Cha +5
the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if
Skills Deception +5, Perception +3, Stealth +5
this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. If
Damage Resistances fire, poison
the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and
15 Constitution saving throw, or be cursed with
slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't
wererat lycanthropy.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Unarmed Strike (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only).
Languages Common (can't speak in rat form) Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, and the
target is grappled (escape DC 13).
Special Equipment. Verminar wears a breastplate
of fire resistance and a ring of animal influence, and +2 Hand Crossbow (Humanoid or Hybrid Form
wields a hand crossbow, +2. Only). Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing
Shapechanger. Verminar can use her action to damage.
polymorph into a rat−humanoid hybrid, or into
a giant rat, or back into her true form, which is Mother of Rats (1/Day). Verminar magically calls
humanoid. Her statistics, other than her size, 2d4 swarms of rats, provided she is underground.
are the same in each form. Any equipment she is The called creatures arrive in 1d4 rounds, acting
wearing or carrying isn't transformed. She reverts as allies of Verminar and obeying her spoken
to her true form if she dies. commands. The beasts remain for 1 hour, until
Verminar dies, or until she dismisses them as a
Immunity. Verminar is immune to all diseases. bonus action.
Keen Smell. Verminar has advantage on Wisdom Legendary Actions
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Verminar can take 3 legendary actions, choos-
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Verminar fails a ing from the options below. Only one legendary
saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead. action option can be used at a time, and only at
Pack Tactics. Verminar has advantage on attack the end of another creature’s turn. Verminar
rolls against a creature if at least one of her allies regains spent legendary actions at the start of her
is within 5 feet of the creature, and isn't incapac- turn.
Move. Verminar moves up to her speed, without
Spider Climb. Verminar can climb difficult surfac- provoking opportunity attacks.
es, including upside down on ceilings, without
needing to make an ability check. Unarmed Strike. Verminar makes one unarmed
Bite (Costs 2 Actions). Verminar makes one bite

Wererat Giant
Several years past, Verminar Gesh infected a hill giant Wererat Giant
from the overworld with wererat lycanthropy, using a Huge giant, chaotic evil
potent poison delivered by his agents. Never before Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
had a giant been afflicted with the curse of lycanthro- Hit Points 105 (10d12 + 40)
py, and only through careful tinkering with the exact Speed 40 ft.
dose and nature of the vector disease was the transfor-
mation made possible. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Verminar made this transformed giant into her 21 (+5) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 5 (−3) 9 (−1) 6 (−2)
enforcer, allowing her to take control of the Wererat
Nation after her predecessor was killed by powerful Skills Perception +2
adventurers. There is but one wererat giant in exist- Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing,
ence, though Verminar knows how to produce more of and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't
the poison, should she need to create another. silvered
Senses Darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Shapechanger. The wererat giant can use its

action to polymorph into a rat−giant hybrid, or
into a huge rat, or back into its true giant form.
Its statistics, other than size, are the same in each
form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't
transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
Keen Smell. The wererat giant has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Immunity. The wererat giant is immune to all
Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The
wererat giant makes two melee attacks, only one
of which can be a bite.
Bite (Rat or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon
Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d7
+ 5) piercing damage. If the target is a human-
oid, it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving
throw, or be cursed with wererat lycanthropy.
Greatclub (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Melee
Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Rock (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Ranged
Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one
target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Wererat Plague Spreader
With specialist knowledge of disease, plague spread-
ers are wererats of N’ver’nezt who have communed
with the spirits of pestilence and received, in return,
insight into plague-spreading technology. They equip
themselves with a mixture of magical and mundane
gear that allows them to spread diseases of their
choice to other creatures. The majority of inhabitants
of N’ver’nezt are immune to disease, a gift from the
plague spirits, and thus plague spreaders can protect
their city and outposts with clouds of infectious
miasma. The best known invention of the plague
spreaders are viral lodes, which spread foul miasma
throughout the Undercity.

Wererat Plague Spreader

Keen Smell. The plague spreader has advantage on
Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), lawful evil Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) Immunity. The plague spreader is immune to all
Speed 30 ft. diseases.


10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The
plague spreader makes three attacks, only one of
Skills Medicine +4, Perception +3, Stealth +5, which can be a bite or plague bomb.
Survival +2 Bite (Rat or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) pierc-
and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't ing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must
silvered succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, or be
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 cursed with wererat lycanthropy.
Languages Common (can't speak in rat form)
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Infectious Sickle (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only).
Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Spellcasting. The plague spreader is a 6th-level Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage, plus 7 (2d6) poison
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell damage.
save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It regains its
expended spell slots when it finishes a short or long Plague Bomb (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only, 3/
rest. It knows the following sorcerer spells: Day). The plague spreader flings a tiny grenade−
like object to a creature, or area, within 60 feet of
Cantrips (at will): infestation, mage hand, poison it. If the bomb is thrown at a creature, the plague
spray spreader makes a ranged weapon attack against
1st–3rd level (2 1st–3rd level slots): cause fear, that creature (+5 to hit, deals 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeon-
darkness, flock of familiars, gaseous form, hex, invisi- ing damage on a hit). Once it has been thrown, the
bility, ray of enfeeblement bomb disperses a 15−foot sphere of virulent gas.
Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 15
Shapechanger. The plague spreader can use its Constitution saving throw, or contract a disease.
action to polymorph into a rat−humanoid hybrid, Until the disease is cured, the creature can’t regain
or into a giant rat, or back into its true form, which is hit points, except by magical means, and the crea-
humanoid. Its statistics, other than its size, are the ture’s hit point maximum decreases by 5 (1d10)
same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or at the start of each of its turns. If the creature’s
carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form hit point maximum drops to 0 as a result of this
if it dies. disease, the target dies.

Wererat Shaman
Wererat shamans are the conduits of the spirits of
pestilence that are worshipped by the Wererat Nation
in N’ver’nezt. They can speak to these spirits through
ritual, and can use a sacred bundle of rat tails, toad warts,
fungi, and other infectious specimens to cast spells, using
their power. The wererat shamans are highly regarded
in Wererat Nation society, even more so than plague
spreaders, and are often called upon to lead outposts on
behalf of the Mother Rat.
While wererat shamans are capable of doling out the
foulest of plagues, they themselves are immune to such
sickening maladies. The blessings conferred to them by
the pestilential spirits prevent them from falling sick in any
form, including from poisons. This makes them the perfect
distributors of viral lodes throughout the Undercity, helping
to spread the Wererat Nation's influence.

Wererat Shaman
Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), lawful evil
Armor Class 14 (studded leather)
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft.
Immunity. The shaman is immune to all diseases.
Keen Smell. The shaman has advantage on Wisdom
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 8 (−1) (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +4 Actions

Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, pierc- Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The
ing, and slashing from nonmagical ttacks that shaman makes two attacks, only one of which can
aren't silvered be a bite.
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Bite (Rat or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
Languages Common (can't speak in rat form) +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) pierc-
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) ing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must
succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, or be
Innate Spellcasting. The shaman can innately cast cursed with wererat lycanthropy.
the following spells (spell save DC 12; +4 to hit with
spell attacks) with a sacred bundle: Quarterstaff (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Melee
At will: infestation, message, poison spray, thauma- Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
turgy Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage, or 6 (1d8 + 2)
1/day each: acid arrow, bestow curse, cause fear, bludgeoning damage, if used with two hands.
misty step, nondetection, ray of enfeeblement, ray of Pestilential Hand Crossbow (Humanoid or Hybrid
sickness, stinking cloud Form Only). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
Shapechanger. The shaman can use its action to 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing
polymorph into a rat−humanoid hybrid, or into a damage, plus 9 (2d8) poison damage, and the
giant rat, or back into its true form, which is human- target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
oid. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in throw, or contract a random disease. A creature
each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying cannot contract more than one disease in this way.
isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Wererat Spy
The Wererat Nation deploys all manner of agents and
assassins to carry out their devious affairs in Sorceria.
Their most common agents are wererat spies—oper-
atives trained in subterfuge and extermination, who
could be lurking around any corner. These spies are, of
course, masters of stealth and sleight of hand, capable
of avoiding detection, unlocking doors and windows,
and planting poisons without breaking a sweat.
Furthermore, they can switch between their forms;
humanoid, hybrid, and giant rat, with such fluidity
that it makes them almost impossible to pin down.
The preferred weapon of the wererat spy is that
of the shortsword, which they sometimes duel
wield. Particularly dangerous wererat spies
ensure they coat the blades of their weapons
with deadly poisons, to make them even more
formidable in a fight.

Wererat Spy
Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), lawful Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The spy deals an extra 7
evil (2d6) damage, when it hits a target with a weapon
Armor Class 12 attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6) when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the
Speed 30 ft. spy that isn't incapacitated and the spy doesn't
have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Keen Smell. The spy has advantage on Wisdom
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation +6, Immunity. The spy is immune to all diseases.
Perception +6, Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand Actions
+4, Stealth +6
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The
slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't spy makes two attacks, only one of which can be
silvered a bite.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common (can't speak in rat form) Bite (Rat or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4
+ 2) piercing damage. If the target is a human-
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the spy can oid, it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving
use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, throw, or be cursed with wererat lycanthropy.
or Hide action. Shortsword (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only).
Shapechanger. The spy can use its action to poly- Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
morph into a rat−humanoid hybrid, or into a giant target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
rat, or back into its true form, which is humanoid. Hand Crossbow (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only).
Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft.,
each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carry- one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
ing isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if
it dies.

Xoltan, the High Priest of the Cult of the Hydra, is a that he is merely a pawn of the entity from beyond
man to be reckoned with. Not content with the way the stars.
he and his followers were being manipulated by the
Hidden Masters, Xoltan reached out to an extrapla- Aim. To summon the hydra-god, and capitalize on the
nar entity, in search of enlightenment and power. In chaos.
return, he received the touch of the hydra−god, a dark Strength. Charismatic. His force of will manifests both
and malignant entity that manifests as an enormous, as arcane power and the ability to command followers
spectral hydra of green flame. The hydra−god gives of the Cult of the Hydra.
Xoltan insight and arcane mastery, allowing him to
guide the cult to glory. Xoltan aims to summon the Weakness. Overzealous. He doesn't think his actions
hydra−god to the Material Plane, not understanding through, because of his devotion.

Gift of the Hydra. Xoltan has advantage on saving
Medium human, neutral evil throws against being blinded, charmed, deaf-
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) ened, frightened, stunned, and knocked uncon-
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28) scious.
Speed 30 ft. Mantle of Spell Resistance. Xoltan has advantage
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA on saving throws against spells, while he wears
this cloak.
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 20 (+5)
Staff of the Adder. Xoltan can use a bonus action
Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +6, Cha +8 to speak the staff's command word and make
Skills Arcana +4, History +4, Insight +6, Intimida- the head of the staff become that of an animate,
tion +8, Perception +6, Persuasion +8 poisonous snake for 1 minute. By using another
Damage Immunities poison bonus action to speak the command word again,
Damage Resistances psychic Xoltan can return the staff to its normal, inani-
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 mate form.
Languages telepathy 30 ft., Common, Primordial The snake head can be attacked while it is
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) animate. It has an Armor Class of 15, and 20 hit
points. If the head drops to 0 hit points, the staff
Special Equipment. Xoltan wears a mantle of spell is destroyed. As long as it's not destroyed, the
resistance, and wields a staff of the adder. staff regains all lost hit points when it reverts to
its inanimate form.
Innate Spellcasting. Xoltan’s innate spellcast-
ing ability is Charisma. He can innately cast the Actions
following spells (spell save DC 16), requiring no Staff of the Adder. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
material components: reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeon-
At will: detect magic, jump, levitate, mage armor ing damage, or 3 (1d6) piercing damage, and the
(self only), speak with dead target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
1/day each: arcane gate, true seeing throw or take (10) 3d6 poison damage, if the staff’s
command word has been spoken.
Spellcasting. Xoltan is a 14th-level spellcaster.
His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). He regains his reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4
expended spell slots when he finishes a short or + 2) piercing damage.
long rest. He knows the following warlock spells: Legendary Actions
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, eldritch blast, mage Xoltan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
hand, mind sliver, minor illusion, poison spray, pres- from the options below. Only one legendary
tidigitation action option can be used at a time, and only at
1st–5th level (3 5th-level slots): arms of Hadar, the end of another creature’s turn. Xoltan regains
banishment, crown of madness, contact other spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
plane, counterspell, detect thoughts, dimension
door, dissonant whispers, enervation, fly, shadow Staff of the Adder. Xoltan makes one attack with
of Moil his staff of the adder.
Hissing Aura. At the start of each of Xoltan’s turns, Feed (Costs 2 Actions). The heads of the hydra-god
each creature of his choice within 5 feet of him appear around Xoltan, lashing out toward his
must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, foes. Each creature of Xoltan’s choosing, within
or take 10 (3d6) psychic damage, provided that 15 feet of him, must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving
Xoltan isn’t incapacitated. throw, taking 7 (2d6) piercing damage on a failed
save, or half as much on a successful one. Xoltain
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Xoltan fails a regains an amount of hit points equal to half the
saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. damage taken.
Dark Devotion. Xoltan has advantage on saving
throws against being charmed or frightened. Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions). Xoltan casts a spell
from his list of prepared spells, using a spell slot
Hold Breath. Xoltan can hold his breath for 1 hour. as normal.

Appendix D: New Magic Items & Poisons
This appendix contains the new magic items and Rust Monster Antenna
poisons found throughout the adventure. These antennae can be used to oxidise metals.
Touch a nonmagical, ferrous metal object you can
Cloak of Fire Resistance see within 5 feet of you. If the object is being worn
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) or carried by a creature, the creature can make a DC
You have resistance to fire damage while you wear 11 Dexterity saving throw to avoid the touch. If the
this cloak. save fails, or the object is not being worn or carried,
destroy a 5-foot cube of it.
Oculus Amulet If the object touched is metal armor or a metal
Wondrous item (rare) shield, it takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penal-
You have advantage on saving throws against spells ty to the AC it offers. Armor reduced to an AC of 10, or
while you wear this amulet. a shield that drops to a +0 bonus, is destroyed. If the
Curse: The amulet is cursed, and wearing it extends object touched is a metal weapon, it takes a perma-
the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you nent and cumulative −1 penalty to damage rolls.
cannot take off the amulet, or take actions to remove If its penalty drops to −5, the weapon is destroyed.
its curse. At any time, Amon Kane can use an action Nonmagical ammunition is immediately destroyed
to ‘see’ through a specific oculus amulet, provided it if touched.
is on the same plane of existence, though this can
be blocked by spells that prevent divination magic. Viral Lode
Furthermore, Amon Kane can use an action to cast a Wondrous item, rare
version of the teleport spell, transporting up to eight Viral lodes produce miasma, a cloud of pestilential
creatures wearing oculus amulets, who are assumed fog that spreads disease and obscures terrain. Areas
to be willing, to their location. They count as an ‘asso- pervaded by miasma can range in size and feature
ciated object’ for the purposes of this version of the the following effects:
teleport spell. ⚫ Areas suffused with miasma are lightly obscured.
Quicksilver ⚫ Creatures travelling through an area suffused
with miasma cannot travel at fast pace, unless
Quicksilver is a poison made specifically to target they are able to see through the fog.
lycanthropes. It appears, as the name suggests, as a
⚫ A creature that finishes a long rest in an area
thin, silver fluid that is typically stored in vials. It is suffused with miasma must succeed on a Consti-
most potent when ingested, but is still deadly when tution saving throw, or contract a random
applied to weapons. disease. The DC for the saving throw equals 10
Ingested. A lycanthrope subjected to this poison + the number of consecutive long rests the char-
must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a acter has taken in a miasma-suffused area. Crea-
failed save, the lycanthrope dies. On a successful save, tures that don’t need to breathe automatically
the lycanthrope becomes poisoned for 24 hours. succeed on this saving throw.
Injury. A lycanthrope subjected to this poison must
make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed Voyager Staff
save, it takes 36 (4d12 + 10) poison damage, and is Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
poisoned for 24 hours. On a successful save, the lycan- You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
thrope takes half damage, and isn’t poisoned. with this magic quarterstaff. While you hold it, you
gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls, even if you are
Rod of True Resurrection not using the staff to attack.
Rod, legendary This staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can
This rod has 1 charge. While you hold it, you can use use an action to expend 1 or more of the staff’s charg-
an action to cast true resurrection. If the rod is reduced es to cast one of the following spells from it, using
to 0 charges, roll 1d10. On a 1, the rod disappears in your spell save DC: banishment (4 charges), blink (3
a burst of radiance. If the rod doesn’t disappear, roll charges), misty step (2 charges), passwall (5 charges),
a d100 the following dawn. On a roll of 00, the rod or teleport (7 charges).
regains its charge. The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at
dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1,
the staff vanishes forever.
Appendix E: Undercity Vehicles

he inhabitants of the Undercity often Hit Points
travel using vehicles, the most common of
which is a cart-like construction of wood A vehicle’s hit points can be restored by making repairs
and metal called a tunnel or sewer buggy. to the vehicle (see Repairs). When a vehicle drops to 0
These vehicles make travel through the hit points, it ceases to function and is damaged beyond
Undercity far easier and faster, though perhaps not repair. Any fuel in its tank bleeds out or dissipates.
safer, as they’re not without their own risks.
Damage Threshold
Some larger vehicles such as sewerspheres are used
by raiding parties to get around the sewers and tunnels Undercity vehicles have bulk or armor that allows
at speed. Typically, these vehicles are powered by magic them to shrug off minor hits. A vehicle with a damage
or biofuel, neither of which are particularly stable. Their threshold has immunity to all damage unless it takes
shoddy construction doesn’t help matters either. an amount of damage equal to, or greater than,
This appendix includes stat blocks for Undercity vehi- its damage threshold value, in which case it takes
cles, rules for running and repairing them, notes on the damage as normal. Any damage that fails to meet or
mishaps that can occur while driving such vehicles, and exceed the vehicle’s damage threshold is considered
guidelines for handling chases in the Undercity. superficial, and doesn’t reduce the vehicle’s hit points.

Mishap Threshold
Stat Blocks If a vehicle takes damage from a single source equal
The stat blocks for Undercity vehicles are presented in to or greater than its mishap threshold, it must roll on
this appendix. A vehicle’s statistics function like those the Mishaps table (see Mishaps).
for creatures, with additional considerations:
Actions Stations and Crew
Creature and Cargo Capacity
A vehicle doesn’t have actions of its own. It relies on
Creature capacity describes how many creatures can crew to occupy stations and use their actions to oper-
ride the vehicle comfortably. More creatures can fit by ate the vehicle’s various functions. Any option that
squeezing or clinging to the outside. Cargo capacity appears in the ‘Action Stations’ section of a vehicle’s
specifies how much cargo the vehicle can carry. stat block requires an action to perform.

Armor Class
Vehicles in the Campaign
Undercity vehicles are typically made of bone or wood
While it’s not assumed that the characters
(AC equals 15 + its Dexterity modifier), or of iron (AC
will acquire an Undercity vehicle during the
equals 19 + its Dexterity modifier). While vehicles
campaign, it will make it much easier for them
are not moving, attack rolls made against them have
to save more of the captured apprentices if they
end up with one.
Ability Scores The characters might acquire a vehicle as a
result of undertaking a quest for one of the
A vehicle has the usual six ability scores and corre-
numerous Undercity denizens, capture one
sponding modifiers. Its size and weight determines
during a random encounter, or could even
its Strength. Dexterity represents its handling and
happen upon an abandoned vehicle that needs
maneuverability. A vehicle’s Constitution reflects its
minor repairs to get up and running.
durability and quality of construction. Undercity vehi-
cles usually have a score of 0 in Intelligence, Wisdom, If you feel like your characters would enjoy
and Charisma. speeding through the sewers on their very own
If a vehicle has a 0 in a score, it automatically fails any tunnel buggy, try to introduce one into the
ability check or saving throw that uses that score. campaign.

Rules for Undercity vehicles are summarized below. Bonus Actions. As a bonus action, the driver can do one
of the following:
Magical Elements ⚫ Start the vehicle’s engine, or shut it off.
A vehicle’s engine, furnace, and weapons may be ⚫ Cause the vehicle to take the Dash or Disengage
magical, and thus become inoperable within an anti- action, while the vehicle’s engine is running.
magic field. When the engine of a magical vehicle ⚫ Insert fuel into the engine’s tank (see Undercity
comes into contact with such an effect, the vehicle Fuel below).
shuts down and can’t be restarted until the engine is
Weapon Stations
free of the field.
Each of a vehicle’s weapons takes up at least one
Opportunity Attacks station on the vehicle.
One weapon can be replaced with another (see Alter-
Undercity vehicles provoke opportunity attacks as native Weapon Stations), provided the crew require-
normal. When a vehicle provokes an opportunity ment needed to operate the replacement weapon is
attack, the attacker can target the vehicle or any crea- the same.
ture riding on or inside it that doesn’t have total cover
and is within reach. Undercity Fuel
The engine at the heart of every vehicle is connected to
Action Stations a tank, which requires fuel. Among the vehicle’s helm
A creature can use an action of the station it’s occupy- controls is a funnel, or other receptacle, that allows
ing. Once a creature uses a station’s action, that action fuel to be fed into the tank. The tank of a vehicle is two
can’t be used again until the start of that creature’s size categories smaller than the vehicle containing it.
next turn. Only one creature can occupy each station. A vehicle’s engine slowly uses up the fuel inside its
A creature not occupying an action station is either in tank, though as soon as the fuel is inside the tank it is
a passenger seat or clinging to the outside of the vehi- irretrievable. The power afforded by the fuel deter-
cle. It can take actions as normal. mines the duration for which the vehicle can be used:
⚫ 1 charge, 24 hours
⚫ 2 charges, 48 hours
The helm of a vehicle is typically a chair with a wheel, ⚫ 3 charges, 72 hours.
levers, pedals, and other controls, though they might
take other forms, depending on the vehicle. The helm For nonmagical fuel, such as biofuel, 1 charge is equiv-
requires a driver to operate. A vehicle with no driver alent to 4 pints (one waterskin), which scales linearly
automatically fails Dexterity saving throws. (2 charges is 8 pints etc.). Magical engines typically
A driver proficient with land vehicles can add their require magical energy, in the form of spell slots,
proficiency bonus to ability checks and saving throws to function; in such cases, 1 charge is equivalent to a
made using the vehicle’s ability scores. 3rd-level spell slot, which scales linearly, or can be
combined (2 charges is equivalent to two 3rd-level
Drive. While the vehicle’s engine is on, the driver can spell slots, or one 6th-level spell slot, for example).
use an action to propel the vehicle up to its speed, or
bring the vehicle to a dead stop. While the vehicle is
moving, the driver can steer it along any course. Non-Spellcaster Drivers
If the driver is incapacitated, leaves the helm, or does Some vehicles in the adventure which require
nothing to alter the vehicle’s course and speed, the magical fuel are driven by non-spellcasters. In
vehicle moves in the same direction, and at the same these instances, assume that the vehicles has
speed, as it did during the driver’s last turn, until it hits been ‘pre-fueled’ by a spellcasting creature,
an obstacle big enough to stop it. or that the driver has fuel that has been made
magical by infusing it with magic (in the form
of spell slots).

Arachnoid Deathring
An arachnoid is an eight-legged, spider-like machine, A deathring is a terrifying construction of wood and
wrought of iron and held together by ligaments of bone resembling a waterwheel, with a small, wooden
enchanted webs, that is favored by the drow. It has a seat and secondary wheel attached to its front, via the
magical engine, which requires arcane energy to func- axel. Deathrings are creations of the Wererat Nation,
tion, but allows the eight legs to move at surprising who outfit these hazardous vehicles with spikes,
pace through the uneven terrain of the Undercity. scythes, flails, and a variety of other weaponry.

Arachnoid Deathring
Large vehicle (500 lb.) Large vehicle (600 lb.)
Creature Capacity 2 Medium creatures Creature Capacity 1 Medium creature
Cargo Capacity 250 lb. Cargo Capacity 100 lb.
Armor Class 23 (19 while motionless) Armor Class 18 (15 while motionless)
Hit Points 45 (damage threshold 10, mishap Hit Points 30 (damage threshold 5, mishap
threshold 15) threshold 10)
Speed 60 ft. Speed 120 ft.
16 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 0 0 0 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 0 0 0

Damage Immunities poison, psychic Damage Immunities poison, psychic

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, Condition Immunities blinded, charmed,
deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified,
poisoned, stunned, unconscious poisoned, stunned, unconscious

Prone Deficiency. If the arachnoid falls prone, it Crushing Wheel. The deathring can move through
can’t right itself and is incapacitated until pulled the space of any Medium or smaller creature. The
upright. creature must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw, or take 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage and
Spider Climb. The arachnoid can move across diffi- be knocked prone. If the creature is already prone,
cult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, it takes an extra 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage.
without needing to make an ability check. This trait can’t be used against the same creature
Web Walker. The arachnoid ignores movement more than once each turn.
restrictions caused by webbing.
Flailing Spurs. When the deathring moves within 5
Action Stations feet of a creature that isn’t prone, or another vehi-
cle, for the first time on a turn, it can slash at the
Helm—(Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover). creature or vehicle with spinning spurs, attached
Drive and steer the arachnoid. Requires magical to the wheel, for 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. A
fuel. creature can avoid it, and take no damage, if it
Web Slinger (Requires 1 Crew). Ammunition: 10 succeeds on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. A vehi-
webs. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60 cle can move out of the way, and take no damage,
ft., one target. Hit: The target is restrained by if its driver succeeds on the saving throw.
webbing. As an action, the restrained target can Prone Deficiency. If the deathring falls prone, it is
make a DC 12 Strength check, bursting the webbing incapacitated until pulled upright.
on a success. The webbing can also be attacked
and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire Action Stations
damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and
psychic damage). Helm (Requires 1 Crew). Drive and steer the death-
ring. Requires biofuel.
Juke. If the arachnoid is able to move, the driver
can use its reaction to grant the arachnoid advan- Juke. If the deathring is able to move, the driver
tage on a Dexterity saving throw. can use their reaction to grant the deathring
advantage on a Dexterity saving throw.

Eldritch Throne
When Sorcerious raised the city of Sorceria, he came Eldritch Throne
to be served by his original apprentices, known as the Large vehicle (600 lb.)
Eight Lords of Magic, whose legacy would eventually
Creature Capacity 1 Medium creature
lead to the creation of the Elder Eight. Sorcerious was Cargo Capacity 100 lb.
so satisfied with the accomplishments of the Eight Armor Class 19 (17 while motionless)
Lords of Magic that he gifted each of them a float- Hit Points 30 (damage threshold 10, mishap
ing, magical dais, crafted from the same enchanted, threshold 20)
purple stone from which the city was created. The Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft.
daises were endowed with a collection of magical
powers to help the lords execute their duties, while STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
simultaneously demonstrating the authority of their 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 0 0 0
station, and were known as the eldritch thrones.
When Sorcerious was destroyed at the end of the first Damage Immunities poison, psychic
demon war, the eldritch thrones were believed to be Condition Immunities blinded, charmed,
lost. Since that time, some of the eldritch thrones have deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified,
been discovered by powerful wizards and collected as poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious
prized possessions.
Prone Deficiency. If the eldritch throne falls prone,
it can’t right itself, and is incapacitated until
pulled upright.
Action Stations
Helm (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover).
Drive and steer the eldritch throne. Requires
magical fuel.

A rolling calamity of bone and iron, a sewersphere is a
wererat-created vehicle consisting of a sphere with a
central helm within it, that stays relatively motionless
while the sphere is rolling. Because of its design, there
are no external weapons, but wererats within drop
miasma-filled flasks onto the ground behind them, as
the sphere rolls, as a method of clearing an area.

Flask Dropper (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half
Huge vehicle (1500 lb.) Cover). Ammunition: 20 flasks. Effect: The crew
Creature Capacity 4 Medium creatures member can drop a flask, which hits the floor 5 feet
Cargo Capacity 200 lb. behind the sewersphere and smashes. Whatever is
Armor Class 20 (15 while motionless) in the flask takes effect.
Hit Points 60 (damage threshold 5, mishap thresh- Miasma. The miasma creates a 20-foot radius
old 20) sphere, centred on the point where it shatters.
Speed 60 ft. The sphere spreads around corners, and its area
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA is lightly obscured. It lasts for 1 hour, or until
dispersed by a wind of moderate or greater speed
14 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 0 0 0 (at least 10 miles an hour).
Each creature that is completely within the
Damage Immunities poison, psychic cloud, at the start of its turn, must succeed on a DC
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deaf- 15 Constitution saving throw, or contract a random
ened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, disease. Creatures that don’t need to breathe
prone, stunned, unconscious automatically succeed on this saving throw.

Crushing Sphere. The sewersphere can move Alchemist’s Fire. The alchemist’s fire ignites the
through the space of any Large or smaller creature. floor in a 10-foot radius where it shatters. Each
When it does, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 creature that is completely within the area at the
Dexterity saving throw, or take 16 (3d10) bludgeon- start of its turn must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving
ing damage and be knocked prone. If the creature throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d4 fire
is already prone, it takes an extra 16 (3d10) bludg- damage at the start of each of its turns (including
eoning damage. This trait can’t be used against the the turn in which it failed the saving throw). A
same creature more than once each turn. creature can end this damage by using its action
to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the
Rolling Cover. Any creature within the sewersphere flames.
is granted half cover.
Grease. Slick grease covers the ground in a
Action Stations
10-foot radius where it shatters. When the grease
Helm (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover). Drive appears, each creature standing in its area must
and steer the sewersphere. Requires biofuel. succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, or fall
prone. A creature that enters the area, or ends its
turn there, must also succeed on a Dexterity saving
throw, or fall prone. The grease lasts for 1 minute.

Tunnel Buggy Tunnel Buggy
Large vehicle (300 lb.)
Tunnel buggies are the most common Undercity vehi-
cle. They resemble small carts with four iron-banded, Creature Capacity 2 Medium creatures
spoked wheels and a large, rumbling engine at the Cargo Capacity 100 lb.
front that spews fumes as it runs. The bodies of the Armor Class 18 (15 while motionless)
buggies are normally constructed of wood, but are Hit Points 20 (damage threshold 5, mishap
sometimes reinforced with sturdy iron bands, bone threshold 15)
spurs, and the like. Speed 100 ft.
A tunnel buggy, sometimes referred to as sewer STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
buggies (particularly by the drow), is probably the most
versatile of all Undercity vehicles, as it allows a pair 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 0 0 0
of riders to sit atop the buggy, and has space for one
weapon and numerous attachments if required, such Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
as additional armour, alternate tyres, or other magical
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed,
gadgets (see ‘Upgrades’ later in this appendix for more deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified,
examples). poisoned, stunned, unconscious
A typical buggy is controlled by a pair of handlebars at
the front of the vehicle, though it could also have some- Jump. If the tunnel buggy moves at least 60 feet
thing more akin to a ship’s wheel to allow for smoother in a straight line, it can clear a distance of up to 30
turning. Although a typical buggy is build without a feet when jumping over a chasm, ravine, or other
weapon attached, there is certainly room for one to be gap. Each foot it clears on the jump costs a foot of
fitting, as well as space for additional armour or items movement.
to be attached. Prone Deficiency. If the tunnel buggy falls prone, it
can’t right itself, and is incapacitated until pulled
Stunt. On its turn, the driver of the tunnel buggy
can expend 10 feet of movement to perform one
free vehicle stunt, such as a wheelie or a burnout.
Before the stunt can be performed, the buggy
must move at least 10 feet in a straight line. If
the driver succeeds on a DC 10 Dexterity check,
using the buggy’s Dexterity, the stunt is success-
ful. Otherwise, the driver is unable to perform
the stunt, and can’t attempt another stunt until
the start of its next turn. If the check fails by 5 or
more, the tunnel buggy, and all creatures riding
it, immediately fall prone as the buggy wipes out
and comes to a dead stop.
Action Stations
Helm (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover).
Drive and steer the tunnel buggy. Requires biofu-
Empty Weapon Station. Most tunnel buggies are
not fitted with a weapon, though there is space
for one at the back.
Juke. If the tunnel buggy is able to move, the
driver can use its reaction to grant the tunnel
buggy advantage on a Dexterity saving throw.

Roll on the Mishaps table when one of the following If a mishap has a repair DC, the mishap can be ended
occurs to an Undercity vehicle, while it’s in motion: by making repairs to the vehicle (see Repairs below).
⚫ The vehicle takes damage from a single source Until the repairs are made to the vehicle, the mishap
equal to, or greater than, its mishap threshold. persists, as do their effects. Making repairs to a vehicle
⚫ The vehicle fails an ability check (or its driver that is still undergoing a mishap can be a dangerous
fails an ability check, using the vehicle’s ability) job.
by more than 5.
⚫ The vehicle does something extraordinary, such
as clear an immense jump.

Mishaps Table

d20 Mishap Repair DC

1 Engine Flare. Fire erupts from the engine and engulfs 15 (Dex)
the vehicle. Any creature that starts its turn on or inside
the vehicle takes 10 (3d6) fire damage until this mishap
2–4 Locked Steering. The vehicle can move in a straight line 15 (Str)
only. It automatically fails Dexterity checks and Dexter-
ity saving throws until this mishap ends.
5–7 Tank Rupture. The vehicle’s speed decreases by 30 feet 15 (Str)
until this mishap ends.
8–10 Weapon Malfunction. One of the vehicle’s weapons 20 (Str)
(DM’s choice) can’t be used until this mishap ends. If the
vehicle has no functioning weapons, no mishap occurs.
11–13 Blinding Smoke. The helm station fills with smoke, and 15 (Dex)
is heavily obscured, until this mishap ends. Any crea-
ture in the helm station is blinded by the smoke.
14–16 Shedding Armor. The vehicle’s damage threshold is 15 (Str)
reduced by 10 until this mishap ends.
17–19 Damaged Axle. The vehicle grinds and shakes uncon- 20 (Dex)
trollably. Until the mishap ends, the vehicle has disad-
vantage on all Dexterity checks, and all ability checks
and attack rolls made by creatures on or inside the
vehicle have disadvantage.
20 Flip. The vehicle flips over, falls prone, and comes to None
a dead stop in an unoccupied space. Any unsecured
creature holding on to the outside of the vehicle must
succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw, or be thrown
off, landing prone in a random, unoccupied space within
20 feet of the overturned vehicle. Creatures inside the
vehicle fall prone, and must succeed on a DC 15 Strength
saving throw, or take 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage.

patch the hull and replace damaged parts. The vehicle
Vehicular Exhaustion must be stationary, and the creature must have the
The harsh conditions of the Undercity can cause a vehi- spare parts to make the necessary repairs. After 1 hour
cle to stop functioning properly, and then eventually of repair work, the creature makes a DC 15 Dexterity
break down. Such wear and tear can be represented check, adding its proficiency bonus to the check if it’s
using exhaustion, as described in Appendix A of the proficient with the tools used to make repairs. If the
Player’s Handbook, with these modifications: check succeeds, the vehicle regains 2d4 + 2 hit points.
⚫ When a vehicle reaches exhaustion level 6, its hit If the check fails, the vehicle regains no hit points, but
points drop to 0, and the vehicle breaks down. the repair can be attempted again, using the same
⚫ The only way to remove the effects of exhaustion replacement parts.
on a vehicle is to repair it.
Repairs When a vehicle crashes into something that could
When a vehicle is damaged, suffers a mishap, or reasonably damage it, such as an iron wall or anoth-
gains one or more levels of exhaustion, a creature can er vehicle of its size or larger, the vehicle comes to a
attempt to make repairs to it. The creature making the sudden stop and takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for
repairs must meet the following criteria: every 10 feet moved since its last turn (maximum
⚫ The creature can’t operate the vehicle’s helm or 20d6). Whatever the vehicle strikes takes the same
one of its weapon stations while making repairs. amount of damage. If this damage is less than the
⚫ The creature must be within reach of the vehicle’s damage threshold, it takes no damage from
damaged area in need of repair. the crash.
⚫ The creature must have the right tools for the job Regardless of whether or not the vehicle takes
(smith’s tools or tinker’s tools, for example). damage, each creature on or inside the vehicle when it
Before beginning repairs, a creature must decide crashes must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw, taking
whether the repairs are aimed at ending a mishap, 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet the vehicle
removing a level of exhaustion, or restoring the vehi- moved since its last turn (maximum 20d6), or half as
cle’s hit points. Each option is discussed below. much damage on a successful save.

End a Mishap Crashing into Creatures

A creature can use its action to make an ability check A vehicle can crash into a creature by entering its
based on the nature of the mishap (see the Mishaps space. The creature can use its reaction to attempt to
table), with disadvantage if the vehicle is moving. The get out of the vehicle’s way, doing so and taking no
creature adds its proficiency bonus to the check if it’s damage with a successful DC 10 Dexterity saving throw.
proficient with the tools used to make the repairs. A If the saving throw fails, the vehicle slams into the
successful check ends the mishap. A mishap with no creature and deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage to the
repair DC can’t be repaired. creature for every 10 feet the vehicle moved since its
last turn (maximum 20d6).
Remove Exhaustion A vehicle that is at least two size categories larger
If the vehicle has one or more levels of exhaustion, a than the creature it crashed into can continue moving
creature can spend 1 hour or more trying to reduce its through that creature’s space, if the vehicle has any
exhaustion level. The vehicle must be stationary, and movement left. Otherwise, the vehicle comes to a
the creature must have spare parts to make the neces- sudden stop, and each creature on or inside it when it
sary repairs. After 1 hour of repair work, the creature crashes must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw, taking
makes a DC 15 Intelligence check, adding its tool profi- 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet the vehicle
ciency bonus to the check if applicable. If the check moved since its last turn (maximum 20d6), or half as
succeeds, the vehicle’s exhaustion level decreas- much damage on a successful save.
es by 1. If the check fails, the vehicle’s exhaustion
level remains unchanged, though the repair can be Falling
attempted again, using the same replacement parts. When a vehicle goes over a drop, or otherwise falls, the
Restore Hit Points vehicle and all creatures on or inside it take damage
from the fall, as normal (1d6 bludgeoning damage per
If the vehicle has taken damage, but has at least 1 hit
10 feet fallen, maximum 20d6), and land prone.
point, a creature can spend 1 hour or more trying to

Pixie Duster (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover).
Upgrades Melee Weapon Attack: 5 + Str to hit, reach 10 ft., one
The inhabitants of the Undercity rely on vehicles for target. Hit: 4d8 + Str bludgeoning damage. On a hit,
their continued way of life, and are always looking you may expend a charge to cause pixie dust to spray
for new ways to improve them. They can be fitted from the duster in a 10-foot radius. Each creature in
with magical gadgets, or equipped with more unusu- the area must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw,
al weapons and armor. Some upgrades can only be or fall unconscious for 1 minute, until it takes damage,
obtained from specific locations—these are noted or until someone uses an action to shake or slap it
beneath the upgrade’s title. awake. The duster has 3 charges. It regains all expend-
ed charges nightly, at midnight.
Alternative Weapon Stations Railgun of Riches
One weapon station can be switched for another, (Rusted Heaps Only)
but a vehicle can’t have more weapon stations than The barrel of this long firearm has a copper strip on
it normally has. A handful of alternative weapon each side which, when conducting energy, causes
stations are described in this section. projectiles loaded into it to fire at an incredible speed.
Flamethrower Unfortunately, it only accepts gold pieces as ammuni-
This weapon is great against flammable creatures and
objects, though runs the risk of igniting gas leaks. Railgun of Riches (Requires 1 Crew and Grants
Three-Quarters Cover). Ranged Weapon Attack: 5 + Dex
Flamethrower (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover). to hit, range 100/300 ft., one target. Hit: 3d8 + Dex
Fire shoots out of the weapon’s nozzle in a 60-foot line piercing damage. You can make five attacks with the
that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make railgun, as an action. The railgun uses gold pieces as
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) fire ammunition, which must be loaded into a hopper, as
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a a bonus action, before firing. The hopper can contain
successful one. The fire ignites any flammable objects up to 500 gold pieces.
in the area that aren’t being carried or worn.
Lightning Arc
This long, adjustable, iron spike is affixed to the front
(Rusted Heaps Only) of vehicles like a jousting lance.
This weapon consists of an iron fork plated with
copper. Energy can be channeled through it to create Skewer (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover). Melee
an arc of lightning that jumps between targets. Weapon Attack: 5 + Dex to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 2d8 + Dex piercing damage, and the target is
Lightning Arc (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover). skewered by the lance. While skewered, the target is
An arc of lightning jolts towards a target of your grappled (escape DC = 10 + Dex) and loses (2d6) hit
choice, that you can see, within 150 ft. Three bolts points at the start of each of its turns, due to blood
then leap from that target to as many as three other loss.
targets, each of which must be within 30 feet of the
first target. A target can be a creature or an object, and Water Cannon
can be targeted by only one of the bolts. This weapon shoots a surge of water in a straight line
A target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. that can knock down foes in the vehicle’s path.
The target takes 45 (10d8) lightning damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Water Cannon (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover).
Water surges from the weapon’s barrel in a 60-foot
Pixie Duster line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must
(Inkcap Coven Only) make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save,
This weapon is akin to a large flail or wrecking ball the creature takes 16 (3d10) bludgeoning damage, and
that has been hollowed out into a large thurible. It is knocked prone. On a successful save the creature
contains pixie dust, harvested from the Feywild, that takes half damage, and isn’t knocked prone.
causes magical slumber.

Armor Upgrades Astral Obscurer
(Inkcap Coven Only)
A vehicle can receive one armor upgrade. Sample
The vehicle’s driver can activate this magical device
upgrades are described below.
as a bonus action, causing a human-skin satchel,
Canian Armor attached to the vehicle, to open and release matter
(Rusted Heaps Only) from the Astral Plane, creating a sphere of darkness
The infernal iron used to armor the vehicle was mined large enough to cover the vehicle. The darkness lasts
on Cania, the coldest layer of the Nine Hells. A vehi- for 10 minutes, or until the spell’s area overlaps with
cle with Canian armor has an Armor Class of 22 + its an area of light created by a spell of 3rd level or higher.
Dexterity modifier. The vehicle also has immunity to Hallucination Spores
cold damage, in addition to its other damage immu-
(Inkcap Coven Only)
nities, and is immune to the effects of extreme cold.
The vehicle’s driver can activate this magical device as
Iron of Acheron a bonus action, causing the vehicle to expel a 30-foot
(Rusted Heaps Only) cube of spores directly in front of it, or behind it. The
The rusted iron used to armor the vehicle was scraped cloud of spores is stationary and lasts for 1 minute. The
from the cubes of Acheron. A vehicle with Iron of area within it is lightly obscured. Any creature that
Acheron armor has an Armor Class of 20 + its Dexter- enters the cloud for the first time on a turn, or starts its
ity modifier. If a creature riding the vehicle reduces a turn there, must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
creature to 0 hit points, that creature gains temporary throw, or be poisoned for 1 minute. Poisoned creatures
hit points equal to half its hit point maximum. If the are incapacitated while they hallucinate. Creatures
rider uses the vehicle’s weapon to reduce the creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their
to 0 hit points, the vehicle gains the temporary hit turns, ending the effect on themselves on a success.
points instead. Necrotic Smoke Screen
Mycelium Plates The vehicle’s driver can activate this magical device as
(Inkcap Coven Only) a bonus action, causing the vehicle to expel a 30-foot
The hard sheets of fungal material made to armor cube of opaque smoke directly in front of it, or behind
the vehicle were grown on the walls of the Wretched it. The cloud is stationary and lasts for 1 minute. The
Gap. A vehicle with mycelium plates armor has an area within it is heavily obscured. Any creature that
Armor Class of 16 + its Dexterity modifier. If the vehicle enters the cloud for the first time on a turn, or starts
takes an amount of damage equal to, or greater than, its turn there, takes 21 (6d6) necrotic damage. A strong
double its damage threshold value, spores eject from wind disperses the cloud. This device needs 24 hours
the armor in a 5-foot radius around the vehicle. Each to recharge before it can be used again.
creature in the area must succeed on a DC 12 Constitu- Teleporter
tion saving throw, or be stunned for 1 minute. Affected
The vehicle’s driver can activate this magical device
creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of
as a bonus action, causing the vehicle to teleport to
each of their turns, ending the condition on them-
an unoccupied space that the driver can see, up to
selves on a success.
300 feet away from the vehicle’s current position. All
creatures and objects in contact with the vehicle are
Magical Gadgets teleported along with it. This device needs 24 hours to
Wererats especially love to tinker with, and create, recharge before it can be used again.
magical gadgets that can improve their vehicles in
a variety of ways. Such gadgets are usually activated Tiring Tyres
from the helm station. (Rusted Heaps Only)
The vehicle’s driver can activate this magical device as
a bonus action, causing larvae in the tyres (or what-
ever it has akin to tyres) of the vehicle to expel dust
from Gehenna that exhausts those who inhale it. Each
creature within 10 feet of the vehicle, and not within
it, must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, or
gain one level of exhaustion.

Chases in the Undercity
Using the guidelines in Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide, and the Undercity Chase Complications table, you
can build a chase that incorporates hazards unique to the Undercity. Use a vehicle’s Constitution modifier to deter-
mine how many times it can Dash during a chase.
When a chase complication forces the vehicle to make an ability check, or the driver to make an ability check using
the vehicle’s ability, a mishap occurs if the check fails by 5 or more (see Mishaps).

Undercity Chase Complications

d20 Complication
1–2 You drive past a creature native to the Undercity, and it chases after you. The DM chooses the
creature, or rolls on the Creature Encounters table.
3 An enormous tide of sewage comes surging across your path. The vehicle avoids the tidal wave
with a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. Otherwise, the wave envelops the vehicle, and
each creature on or inside it, that doesn’t have total cover, must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 77 (14d10) bludgeoning damage and 22 (4d10) poison damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.
4 The vehicle veers into a pool of foul sewage water, which is sprayed over it. Any creature on or
inside the vehicle, that doesn’t have total cover, is blinded by the sewage until the start of its next
turn, unless it’s wearing some kind of protective eyewear.
5 Stone pillars can grant cover as the vehicle swerves between them. The driver of the vehicle
can make a DC 15 Dexterity check, using the vehicle’s Dexterity. On a success, the pillars provide
three-quarters cover against attacks from other vehicles, until the start of the driver’s next turn.
6 Your vehicle drives into a swarm of rats. The vehicle must make a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity
check (driver’s choice) to plow through the swarm unimpeded. On a failed check, the swarm
counts as 30 feet of difficult terrain.
7 The vehicle drives off a 10-foot-high ledge and comes crashing down. Any unsecured creature
on the outside of the vehicle must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or tumble off, taking
normal damage from the fall and landing prone in an unoccupied space on the ground.
8 Uneven ground threatens to slow your vehicle’s progress. The vehicle must make a DC 10 Dexter-
ity check to navigate the area. On a failed check, the ground counts as 60 feet of difficult terrain.
9 A viral lode (Appendix D) explodes nearby, spreading miasma around the vehicle. Each creature
on or inside the vehicle, that doesn’t have total cover, must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw, or contract a disease.
10 Part of the ground gives way underneath the vehicle, causing it to roll over. The vehicle must
succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a success, the vehicle rolls into an upright position
and can continue moving. On a failure, the vehicle lands prone, either upside down or on its side,
after coming to a dead stop. When the vehicle rolls, any unsecured creature holding on to the
outside of it must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or tumble off, landing prone in an
unoccupied space within 20 feet of the overturned vehicle.
11–20 No complication.

Appendix F: Player Options
This appendix contains two new race options for char- Age. Grimlor age at the same rate as humans.
acters of Sorcerian descent: the Grimlor and Shadow-
lock races. Alignment. Grimlor culture is brutal and harsh,
emphasizing personal freedom and the ability to
Grimlor defend oneself, or take from others by force. Grimlors
raised in this culture are typically chaotic evil.
The most feared race in the Undercity of Sorceria are
the grimlor. These masochistic humanoids were creat- Size. Grimlors tend to have stockier builds, slight-
ed by the Sorcerian god of pain, torture, and sacrifice. ly shorter and broader than humans. Your size is
Their culture is a gruesome one that views kindness Medium.
and laughter as a weakness, and has a hierarchy
defined by murder and intimidation, feared by all Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
others in the Undercity. Grimlors have the demeanor Superior Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark
of a malevolent shark that is slowly consuming its and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within
living prey, piece by piece, with dark-grey skin, no hair, 120 feet of you, as if it were bright light, and in dark-
and eyes that are entirely black. ness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in
darkness, only shades of gray.
The grimlor
tend to wear Cutthroat Heritage. You gain profi-
polished, ciency in the Intimidation and
black leather Stealth skills.
armor, covered
Grimlor Combat Training. You
in razors and
gain proficiency with the
spikes, carry
shortsword and whip, and
light armor.
whips, designed
to tear the flesh of Languages. You can
their victims, and speak, read, and
favor a vicious, curved write Common
knife of black iron. Little and Undercom-
is known of their history, as mon.
attempts by the Gray Librarians
to meet and converse with the grim-
lor have been cut short, but it is said
that the grimlor and the shadowlock
maintain an ancient feud that will even-
tually result in one side destroying the
Grimlor player characters are those who
have rebelled against the sadistic grimlor
culture of the Undercity and made their
way to the surface world. They might
struggle to fit in with Sorcerians at first,
given their reputation, but the city is a
metropolitan place where anyone who
works hard and smart can earn social
standing and prowess.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.

Shadowlock Common Shadowlock
In the Undercity of Sorceria dwells a mysterious race As a common shadowlock, you have the following
known as shadowlocks. These pallid humanoids were additional traits:
created from the shadows themselves, granting them
the ability to see in darkness, magical or otherwise. Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception
Shadowlocks have bone-white skin and jet-black skill.
hair. They are lean and muscular, and typically have a Shadow Step. When you are in dim light or darkness,
serious disposition. A small offshoot of the shadow- as a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30
lock race are the white shadowlocks, named for their feet to an unoccupied space, that you can see, that is
ghost-white hair, who are cursed. The white shadow- also in dim light or darkness. Once you use this trait,
locks have an affinity with the dead, making them you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long
talented necromancers, undertakers, and the like. rest.
Shadowlocks have a tenuous relationship with the
drow, and maintain a blood feud with the grimlors that White Shadowlock
demands they be destroyed on sight. Although they
prefer the darkness of the Undercity, some shadowlocks As a white shadowlock, you have the following addi-
do travel to the surface and create a life there. Amon tional traits:
Kane, the Sorcerian Steward to Azalon, is a well-known
Necrotic Affinity. You know the chill touch cantrip.
shadowlock, and they are reflective of the shadowlock’s
When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the inflict
serious nature.
wounds spell once, with this trait, and regain the abili-
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases ty to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach
by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1. 5th level, you can cast the animate dead spell once,
with this trait, and regain the ability to do so when
Age. Shadowlock age at the same rate as humans, you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting
though live slightly longer, to just over a century. ability for these spells.
Alignment. Shadowlock culture encourages nefarious Undead Understanding. Whenever you make an Intel-
behavior, though only within a strict system and hier- ligence (Nature) check, related to the nature of an
archy. Because of this, most shadowlock are lawful undead, you are considered proficient in the Nature
neutral. skill, and add double your proficiency bonus
to the check, instead of your normal
Size. Shadowlock range from just under 6 feet to
proficiency bonus.
around 6 and a half feet tall, and have slender
builds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Shadowsight. You have superior vision
in dark and dim conditions. You can see
in dim light within 120 feet of you, as if it
were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray. Magical darkness doesn’t impede your
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Undercommon.
Subrace. The shadowlock race is composed of common
and white shadowlock. White shadowlock are rarer,
but integrate into shadowlock society seamlessly.
Choose one of these subraces.


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