Wordlist BBB

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level 2 WORD LIST

Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
approximately adverb /əˈprɑksɪmətli/ used for showing that an There are approximately
amount, number, time, etc. is 30,000 students at my college.
not exact
area noun [count] /ˈeriə/ a place on the surface of The ice age saw huge areas
something, such as a part of of the planet covered in snow
your body and ice.
average adjective /ˈæv(ə)rɪdʒ/ around a usual or ordinary level What are the average weather
or standard conditions in your country?
barbecue noun [count] /ˈbɑrbəˌkju/ a meal at which meat and It’s sunny today, so let’s have a
other food is cooked and barbecue.
eaten outside, a meal that you
often invite friends to
beach noun [count] /bitʃ/ an area of sand or small stones If it’s sunny tomorrow, I might
beside the ocean or a lake go to the beach.
cancel out phrasal verb /ˈkæns(ə)l ˌaʊt/ to stop something from having When all temperatures are
any effect taken together, we would
expect any ups and downs in
the year to cancel each other
cheap adjective /tʃip/ not expensive Developers are building cheap
houses in my town.
climate noun [noncount] /ˈklaɪmət/ the type of weather that a There have been times when
country or region has the Earth’s climate became
climate change noun [noncount] /ˈklaɪmət ˌtʃeɪndʒ/ the changes that are thought Global warming is a major part
to be affecting the world’s of climate change.
weather so that it is becoming
cloudy adjective /ˈklaʊdi/ full of clouds The weather is gray and cloudy
cold adjective /koʊld/ with a low temperature, or a It’s very cold today. You’ll need
temperature that is lower than a jacket.
company noun [count] /ˈkʌmpəni/ an organization that provides I want to be a manager of a
services, or that makes or sells design company.
goods for money
conditions noun [noncount] /kənˈdɪʃ(ə)nz/ the weather, especially when it The average weather
is bad conditions in my country have
changed in the last few years.
construction noun [noncount] /kənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n/ the work or business of The city council is planning
building things, especially the construction of houses,
houses and other buildings schools, and stores.
council noun [count] /ˈkaʊns(ə)l/ the elected officials who The city council is considering
govern a local area such as a what to do with the green
city or county: can be followed area.
by a singular or plural verb
create verb /kriˈeɪt/ to make something new or The council needs to create
original that did not exist more roads for the extra cars.

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Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence

depressing adjective /dɪˈpresɪŋ/ something that makes you The weather is really
feel very unhappy and depressing today.
developer noun [count] /dɪˈveləpər/ someone who buys land or The city council is planning to
buildings in order to build new sell the green area to private
or better buildings on the land developers.
and make money from them
development noun [noncount] /dɪˈveləpmənt/ the process of putting new The city council is considering
buildings on land three development plans.
drastic adjective /ˈdræstɪk/ when an action or change has These might sound like drastic
a very big effect changes in the Earth’s climate.
Earth noun [noncount] /ɜrθ/ the planet on which we live At other times, the Earth has
been very cold.
east (the) noun [noncount] /ˌði ˈist/ the part of a country, region, or In the east, it will be warmer
place that is in the east tomorrow than today.
enjoy verb /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ to get pleasure from It is important that there are
something places to enjoy nature.
exclusively adverb /ɪkˈsklusɪvli/ used for emphasizing that The park will be exclusively for
something is available to or residents.
limited to one specific person,
thing, or group
expect verb /ɪkˈspekt/ to think that something will Sometimes the weather
happen changes in ways we really don’t
expensive adjective /ɪkˈspensɪv/ something that is expensive They have built some large,
costs a lot of money expensive houses.
extreme adjective /ɪkˈstrim/ very great in degree Extreme changes in climate are
nothing new.
facility noun [count] /fəˈsɪləti/ something such as a room or It is important to have new
piece of equipment that is houses as well as other
provided at a place for people facilities.
to use
factor noun [count] /ˈfæktər/ one of the things that Which factors are important?
influences whether an event
happens or the way that it
fall noun [count/ /fɔl/ the season of the year that It’s often very windy in the fall.
noncount] comes between the summer
and the winter
farm noun [count] /fɑrm/ an area of land used for That farm has a lot of cattle.
growing crops or keeping
field noun [count] /fild/ an area of land used for A field is an area of land on a
keeping animals or growing farm.
fly verb /flaɪ/ to be blown around in the wind If it’s windy tomorrow, we can
fly a kite.
foggy adjective /ˈfɔɡi/ full of fog or covered with fog I can’t see more than ten
meters ahead because it’s so
forecast noun [count] /ˈfɔrˌkæst/ a statement about what is The forecast says that
likely to happen, based on the weather will be good
available information and tomorrow.
usually relating to the weather,
business, or the economy

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Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence

forest noun [count/ /ˈfɔrəst/ a large area of land covered by There are a lot of oak trees in
noncount] trees and other plants growing that forest.
close together
global adjective /ˈɡloʊb(ə)l/ including or affecting the Is the average global
whole world temperature changing?
global warming noun [noncount] /ˈɡloʊb(ə)l the slow increase in the Global warming is a major part
ˌwɔrmɪŋ/ temperature of the Earth, of climate change.
caused partly by the
greenhouse effect increasing
the amount of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere
gradually adverb /ˈɡrædʒuəli/ slowly and in small stages or Changes in the Earth’s climate
amounts happened very gradually over
thousands of years.
gray adjective /ɡreɪ/ used for describing the It’s a really gray day today.
weather or the light when it is
not very bright because there
are a lot of clouds
happen verb /ˈhæpən/ to take place, usually without I am studying changes in the
being planned Earth’s weather patterns that
have happened over the last
100 years.
hill noun [count] /hɪl/ an area of land that is higher I like walking in the hills.
than the land surrounding it,
but smaller and lower than a
hot adjective /hɑt/ very high in temperature It’s too hot today. I’m going to
go inside for a cold drink.
huge adjective /hjudʒ/ extremely large in size Huge areas of the planet are
covered in water.
ice age noun [count] /ˈaɪs ˌeɪdʒ/ a period of time thousands of The ice age saw huge areas
years ago when large areas of of the planet covered in snow
the Earth were covered in ice and ice.
island noun [count] /ˈaɪlənd/ a piece of land that is Cuba is an island in the
completely surrounded by Caribbean.
kite noun [count] /kaɪt/ a toy that flies in the air while When it is windy, we fly a kite.
you hold it by a long string
lake noun [count] /leɪk/ a large area of water that is Lake Michigan is a beautiful
surrounded by land lake in the northern part of the
major adjective /ˈmeɪdʒər/ important, serious, large, or What were some of the major
great events in your life?
melt verb /melt/ to be changed from a solid When the Arctic ice melts, sea
substance into a liquid levels rise.
mountain noun [count] /ˈmaʊnt(ə)n/ a natural structure much bigger Let’s go walking in the
than a hill that is much higher mountains.
than the land around it
natural adjective /ˈnætʃ(ə)rəl/ existing in nature and not I am interested in the natural
produced or caused by people world.
nature noun [noncount] /ˈneɪtʃər/ the physical world, including It is important to have places
all living things, as well as the where you can enjoy nature.
land and the oceans
north (the) noun [noncount] /ˌðə ˈnɔ(r)θ/ the part of a country, region, or Temperatures in the north of
place that is in the north the U.S.A. are usually colder.

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Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence

ocean noun [noncount] /ˈoʊʃ(ə)n the large area of salt water that I love swimming in the ocean.
covers most of the surface of
the Earth
pattern noun [count] /ˈpætərn/ a series of actions or events There have been changes in
that together, show how things the Earth’s weather patterns.
normally happen or are done
planet noun [count] /ˈplænɪt/ a very large, round object Our planet is getting warmer
that moves around the Sun or each year.
another star
playground noun [count] /ˈpleɪˌɡraʊnd/ an area of land where children Children like to play in the
can play, especially at a school local playground.
or in a park
rain verb /reɪn/ when water falls in drops from Take an umbrella with you
clouds in the sky when you go out. It’s raining.
rainfall noun [count/ /ˈreɪnˌfɔl/ the amount of rain that falls There was an average amount
noncount] in a particular area during a of rainfall last winter.
particular period of time
rainy adjective /ˈreɪni/ with a lot of rain It’s a rainy day.
record verb /rɪˈkɔrd/ to make a record of something Recording the temperatures
that has happened, usually by every day helps us find the
documenting it somewhere average temperature for the
whole year.
relax verb /rɪˈlæks/ to rest and allow yourself to There needs to be a place in
become calm town for local people to relax.
repeated adjective /rɪˈpitəd/ done many times There have been repeated
weather patterns over the last
resident noun [count] /ˈrezɪdənt/ someone who lives in a The facilities are for the local
particular place residents.
rise verb /raɪz/ if a sea, lake, or other area Sea levels are rising.
of water rises, or if the tide
rises, the amount of water in it
increases and its level goes up
river noun [count] /ˈrɪvər/ a large area of water that flows My favorite river is the
toward the ocean Mississippi river in the U.S.A.
roughly adverb /ˈrʌfli/ used for showing that an We would expect the average
amount, number, time, etc. is temperature to stay roughly
not exact the same from one year to the
scary adjective /ˈskeri/ making you feel frightened The lightning was really scary.
scientist noun [count] /ˈsaɪəntɪst/ someone who is trained in Scientists have found that the
science, especially someone temperature is not staying the
whose job is to do scientific same.
service noun [count] /ˈsɜrvɪs/ a system provided by a There is a good bus service in
government or official this area.
organization for the needs of
the public
shopping mall noun [count] /ˈʃɒpɪŋ mɔl/ an area where a group of There is a new shopping mall
different stores and businesses on the edge of the town.
are all in one large building
under one roof
skiing noun [noncount] /ˈskiɪŋ/ the sport or activity of moving In the winter, we go skiing in
over snow on skis Colorado.
snow verb /snoʊ/ when snow falls from the sky It snows a lot in the winter.

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Word / Phrase Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence

snowman noun [count] /ˈsnoʊˌmæn/ a model of a person that It’s snowing; let’s make a
children make using snow snowman!
snowy adjective /ˈsnoʊi/ with a lot of snow It’s a snowy day.
south (the) noun [noncount] /ˌðə ˈsaʊθ/ the part of a country or place The weather in the south is
that is in the south hot.
spring noun [count/ /sprɪŋ/ the season of the year Now that the spring is here, it’s
noncount] between winter and summer getting warm.
stand up phrasal verb /ˌstænd ˈʌp/ to put your body into an It was so windy that I couldn’t
upright position from a sitting even stand up!
or lying position
stormy adjective /ˈstɔrmi/ with a lot of rain and strong I couldn’t sleep last night
winds because it was so stormy.
summer noun [count/ /ˈsʌmər/ the season between spring and The summer is usually hot and
noncount] fall, when the weather is the sunny.
sunny adjective /ˈsʌni/ bright with light from the sun It’s sunny today, so let’s go
swimming in the ocean.
temperature noun [count/ /ˈtemp(ə)rəˌtʃʊr/ a measurement of how hot or What was the average
noncount] how cold a place or object is temperature yesterday?
tomorrow noun [count] /təˈmɔroʊ/ the day after today I think it will be hot tomorrow.
umbrella noun [count] /ʌmˈbrelə/ an object that you hold over Take an umbrella with you
your head when it is raining when you go out. It’s raining.
unimportant adjective /ˌʌnɪmˈpɔrtənt/ not important or relevant Some people think
environmental issues are
ups and downs phrase [informal] /ˌʌps ən ˈdaʊnz/ a variety of situations We would expect any ups and
and experiences that are downs in the year to cancel
sometimes good, and each other out.
sometimes bad
urban adjective /ˈɜrbən/ relating to towns and cities or The city council is planning
happening there to use this area for urban
warm adjective /wɔrm/ fairly hot in a way that is Now that the spring is here, it’s
comfortable and pleasant getting warm.
weather noun [noncount] /ˈweðər/ the conditions that exist in The weather is beautiful today.
the atmosphere relating to
temperature, precipitation,
(=rain, snow, hail) and other
weekend noun [count] /ˈwikˌend/ Saturday and Sunday What are your plans for the
west (the) noun [noncount] /ˌðə ˈwest/ the part of a country, region, or There is a lot of rain in the
place that is in the west west.
wind noun [count/ /wɪnd/ a natural current of air that Did you hear the wind last
noncount] moves fast enough for you to night?
feel it
windy adjective /ˈwɪndi/ with a lot of wind It’s often really windy in
the fall.
winter noun [count/ /ˈwɪntər/ the season after the fall and It snows a lot in the winter.
noncount] before the spring, when it is
usually cold

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Useful Expressions
Useful Expressions Topic / Category Sample Sentence
… looks like an interesting place, Talking about ideal destinations South Africa looks like an interesting
and … place, and India looks amazing.
I’d love to go to … Talking about ideal destinations I’d love to go to Australia.
One place I’ve always wanted to visit Talking about ideal destinations One place I’ve always wanted to visit is
is … Thailand.
It rains here … Weather verbs It rains here all the time.
It snows a lot in … Weather verbs It snows a lot in the winter.
It’s a … day. It’s … Weather verbs It’s a rainy day. It’s raining.
It’s a snowy day. It’s snowing.
In the spring, it’s usually … and … Describing the weather In the spring, it’s usually rainy and
Sometimes … warm. Sometimes it’s hot.
In the winter, the weather gets very … Describing the weather In the winter, the weather gets very
cold and it snows.
It’s often really … in the fall. Describing the weather It’s often really windy in the fall.
Summer is … and … Describing the weather Summer is hot and sunny.
I think it will be … tomorrow. Making predictions I think it will be rainy tomorrow.
It’s the fall, so next week it will probably Making predictions It’s the fall, so next week it will probably
be … be windy.
This weekend, it’s probably going Making predictions This weekend, it’s probably going to be
to be … warm and sunny.
Plan A will have a (very) bad/good Talking about effects and consequences Plan A will have a good effect, so let’s
effect, so let’s give it minus one/plus give it plus one.
What effect will Plan A have on …? Talking about effects and consequences What effect will Plan A have on public
With Plan A, there will be a lot of …/ Talking about effects and consequences With Plan A, they will create more jobs
they will create … in the area.

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